Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

(Wished results: Degrade non-european influence over Europe even further. Offer economic/military/social development to allies. Offer of mutual defense-pacts all across europe)

This is a lot broader. IMO you need to be more concrete on the benefits and what we offer too. I like all the symbolism, but we need to get across what we want instead of having a social action that's just art.

Edit: This is also why we should coordinate what we're going to do before we write up our own actions. :V
No, no. In for a penny, in for a pound. Go for Spain, Italy and Greece. If you want I can help you draft it out so we get (secret?) mutual defense treaties against the Draka at minimum, and preferably military and economic alliances. Italy now wants to ally. Spain wants a mutual defense pact minimum. Greece is concerned about Draka aggression. Offer them German technical expertise, export models, etc. to pressure them into wanting a more formal alliance.
Can you write it down for me? I'm not sure how to word it. Thanks! :)
[x] Covert: Sustain Operation Wespe, such as by contributing supplies and information. Meanwhile, the loss of a submarine is deeply concerning. Find out what happened to it. If it was captured, find out where it is and destroy it. No one is allowed to peek at our technology. What's worse, what if it has Enigma-related material on board...
My new covert action.
Can you write it down for me? I'm not sure how to word it. Thanks! :)

Maybe split yours or have UbeOne do the military aspect while @whydoyoubother focus on the economics?

Military: Export (I.E: Conventional models) military equipment, from military surplus to what we're currently outfitting. Training on the Werwolf doctrine, fireteams, our officer academies, etc. Basically making them "German Military-spec".
Economic: Offers to build infrastructure, introducing them to new economic ideas, favorable loans now that Germany is in the black, etc.

The more they want to tie themselves to us, the more they get.
On a side note, I'm not sure we even need to do this intentionally limiting our forces anymore.

Think about how much info we got on Soviet or US forces. We donlt even know uf they use biplanes or spaceships. Now that we're not limited by Versailles, we can use VK for quite a lot of things.​
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[x] Military: Continue defending Italy against Drakan aircraft.

[x] Covert: The loss of a submarine is deeply concerning. Find out what happened to it. Chances are, it was either destroyed, or captured. If it was captured, find out where it is and destroy it. No one is allowed to peek at our technology. What's worse, what if it has Enigma-related material on board...
Changed my military and covert actions.
Let's us next turn to spy on their military and see how much they are using VK, then we can decide whether or not we're going to come into the open.

Remember, the longer we hold off the Draka knowing about VK, the better off we are when the time comes, or they bring their own forms of VK to the battlefield.

EDIT: Means we're going to need someone else helping in Bulgaria however.
How about designing a Torpedo Bomber? It's going to be very useful if we need to fend off a Draka naval invasion, and we can probably find uses for it elsewhere later on, once SAMs and better torpedoes start appearing.
Doesn't the Spatz have hardpoints for carrying torpedoes?
I... don't think that's a good idea...

EDIT: Ebbor, here's why, as said in the conversation

'Probably want two covert actions on the expeditions if we're going to sabotage them, another one on defence, another helping with invading France, and another making sure the Soviets don't mess with my efforts in Scandinavia.'

It leaves us with one covert action, which has already been taken up by two actions, taking out Draka spies in Spain and dealing with the Sub.

We seriously need a second Covert Action...

But I really do want someone to help me with the invasion in France using a covert action. Just to stop anyone from fucking with us.
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Probably want two covert actions on the expeditions if we're going to sabotage them, another one on defence, another helping with invading France, and another making sure the Soviets don't mess with my efforts in Scandinavia

I think we need just one on the expeditions, and probably none on Scandinavia. I mean, is Scandinavia that important that you need to spend 3 different actions on it?

Also, Defense has been more contra-productive than usefull so far, so I'm not sure if we need to continue that either.
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The Soviets were trying to get it last turn. I'm wanting to nail it to the wall this turn.

Also, I'm offering to give Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland Biofuel, Artificial Rubber and Plastics, as well as possibly the mundane, non-exotic, non-military parts of my 'Arctic and Alpine Environments Gear'.

Just because the soviets might think them up on their own, or have developed them already, doesn't mean it's a good idea to relax.
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What do we gain from having Scandinavia though. ATM, you're throwing a lot of tech and resources at them just to deny it to the Soviets.
I want the resources in those mountains and Sweden's Industry, and I want the Barents Sea.

Also gives us easier access to North Sea Oil, if my Geological Exploration and Survey Corps finds it later on.
Sorry, that's Baltic Sea, not Barents.

But yeah, I'm pretty sure a lot of the tungsten or chromium and most of our iron comes from Scandinavia. Losing that would be rather concerning during a war.

Also, @Gideon020 Do we have fully conventional variants of the G32 and Plate-Vest or are our troops going into France using the VK versions? Because I'm fine with them wearing the VK Plate-Vest, and I'm probably fine with them using the G32VK, but I'd like to know before hand. Especially if they aren't using them because I said don't unless you have to and we've only got VK versions.
Also, @Gideon020 Do we have fully conventional variants of the G32 and Plate-Vest or are our troops going into France using the VK versions? Because I'm fine with them wearing the VK Plate-Vest, and I'm probably fine with them using the G32VK, but I'd like to know before hand. Especially if they aren't using them because I said don't unless you have to and we've only got VK versions.

Yes, they have conventional versions. Except the Plate-Vest, that would be too heavy and uncomfortable for a soldier to use in combat.
June 1932
Mood: Concerned

Social Action: Social Revolution. Posters show an Eagle (Germany) driving off a Snake and protecting a wolf-mother which stands over two babies (Italy). Germania stands with a shield before the other nations, protecting them from a dragons breath. A rooster lays struck on the ground, shadows encroaching and the national animals, spearheaded by the Eagle, rush to its aid. Posters warning of the expansionist influences. Wacht ouf, Brüder! (Awaken, Brothers!)
The European animals condemning and sending away a tyranical Bison (America) and a snake (Draka) with the words "Pas plus!" ("No more" in french).
The National European animals walking side by side "Together we are strong".
Europe is in flames. Not the flames of war, but the Flames of righteousness. Too long has Europe been idle and opposed each other constantly. The time is neigh to unite Europe in action and purpose. In the backdrop of the German spearhead to liberate France, Germany announces that it will "Defend in mutual pacts any european nation threathened and attacked by forces of non-european agressors as well as aid in brotherly gesture any which desire to improve the conditions of their state and economy for a stable and strong community of Europe". The "Bund of Europe" (Pact of Europe) will be a thing which shall be worked on and the other european states need to be aware of so they can join us.
Actual offers as incentive for alliance: Clean fuel, military structures for defense-purposes, socio-economical advantages which allowed germany to raise its infrastructure and Industry and mutual defense against aggressors.
(Wished results: Degrade non-european influence over Europe even further. Offer economic/military/social development to allies. Offer of mutual defense-pacts all across europe)
Resarch I: Alien Resarch. Attempts at communication are made. Do we feed the Alien? How do we feed it and what? So many tests to make genuine first contact with the species. Show it pictures. Let it listen to music and see how it reacts. Those kind of things.
Security is still at max when it comes to this, but lets try to be effective without the thumbscrews.
Resarch II: VK Physiological Enchancement of Humans. The natural step after the Animal-Experiments of last month, we should test out the capabilities we can do for human gene- and bioengineering.
Design I: Social Engineering. Staff of specialists in different cultures are expanded for the council. In addition to trained diplomats, polititical advisors and language-specialists Sudkreuz also seeks to expand the Staff to include political and social theorists for future endevours.
Design II:
Production I:
Radar for Spain. Germany would like to continue vexing the Draka by supplying its allies/to be allies with technological goodies to counter any immediate sneak-attack
Production II: Build 2 Biofuel-plants in Italy as a gift to our new ally as a pact and show of "Germany as the spearhead of a European Pact)
Military: Liberation of France
Covert: Hunt down Spies in Spain
someone is already doing the liberation of spain, but id recommend using your military action to insure war plan fall red works well.