Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

So guys, do we risk the leak of our VK Plate-Vests? Because I know I'd probably like them to be using the Plate-vest, and if we limit it to those, it's not that risky. Probably want to hold off on the G32VK though because, whilst the mundane G32 has the Victory to be pointed at, I'm pretty sure the performance of the VK Ammo and all that would be rather noticeable...

Cyban, that's what I assume their action is. Helping me ensure everything goes well once I send the word.
So guys, do we risk the leak of our VK Plate-Vests? Because I know I'd probably like them to be using the Plate-vest, and if we limit it to those, it's not that risky. Probably want to hold off on the G32VK though because, whilst the mundane G32 has the Victory to be pointed at, I'm pretty sure the performance of the VK Ammo and all that would be rather noticeable...

Cyban, that's what I assume their action is. Helping me ensure everything goes well once I send the word.
Try to minimize the leak of VK tech.

It's an advantage we need to keep.
By the way, steps could be taken to remove enemy agents (i.e. the Draka) from friendly countries like Spain and Italy.
[x] Military: Continue defending Italy against Drakan aircraft. In line with this, have the Italian officers be trained by Wehrmacht officers in our way of warfare, and be held to the same standards as the Germans. After all, teach a man to fish...
Modified my military action.
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So, can you guys discuss whether or not we risk the leak of the VK Infantry Plate-Vest Armour or not. Because otherwise our guys will be going in without any defences against bullets. Thankfully, that should be the only VK item used.

I'll either keep my action as is, or edit to say they can use the Plate-Vest, but that's all the VK items allowed, in the morning depending on the result of the discussion.
Social : Innovation and cooperation

VK tech is being spread through Germany. Already we see benefits of this, as the Luftwaffe has taken steps to upgrade their Bf-109 fighters, or Werner Von Braun aiding in rocket technology. At the same time, the consolidation of the German military under the OberKommando Deutschland offers opportunities.

By coordinating development and research under the OBK, we can avoid duplicate efforts and speed up modernization of our military forces. This consolidation will not be the stiffening overbearing control as would be expected from a Soviet system, nor the uncontrolled chaos of a capitalist system, but a gentle guiding hand as seen in other sections of the economy.

Research 1: Aircraft lasers

Two ways of thoughts exist on how to develop aircraft lasers. The first is to take the full scale Laser-Werfer, rearrange the components, and use it as the main gun for a powerful attack plane. The upside of this development is that the plane is equipped with a weapon that can easily destroy tanks, so one wonders what it does to smaller aircraft. The downside is that the size of the weapon requires a rather large plane.

The second method is to take the adapted naval cannons, downscale them, remove complex and expensive lens arrangement, and other features not 100% nessecairy. This results in a weapon more comparable to a normal machine gun in effectiveness and range. It retains a significant firepower, range and targeting advantage (no bullet drop), but the most important thing is that it's tiny and affordable.

Research 2: Optical electronics

The main technical issues behind optical electronics are largely solved, as attested by the fact that German engineers have already build cameras containing thousands of such sensors. However, despite that fact there's room for improvement.

Interaction between the Optical sensor system and computer systems is currently limited to storing and displaying these images. We shall endavour to improve these systems, mostly in a series of high specific specialized systems.

An optical system sending out a specific pattern can be used to measure the distance to that object, by measuring how long it takes for the signal to return. In a more specialized situation, such a pattern can be used to encode information, creating an optical telegraph that can not be easily intercepted.

Alternatively, sensors can be utilized to automatically guide laser weaponry. Since a laser moves at the speed of light, if it fires at an object it sees it will hit (as opposed to an artillery cannon, which will undershoot or overshoot). By combining 5 sensors in the form of a cross, we can make a simple system that automatically targets an object. The 4 outer sensors tell the system in which direction to move, the center one tells it when to fire.

Lastly, the usage of alternative frequencies should also be explored. Infrared for example, opens thousands of possibilities. Another priority is to reduce cost of current optical systems. They can not be used if they weight or cost more than the plane they would be used on, after all.

Design 1: Submarine Cruiser

The Type XII Cruiser submarine is almost certainly one of the largest and most complex submarine designs ever developed. On the official papers released to Britain, it's a coastal defense submarine, a floating artillery platform intended to raise up from the seas behind an enemy landing operation, and blast them to smithereens. In reality, it's designed with a completely different purpose in mind.

It's pressure hull is made, at considerable expense, from pure VK-titanium coated in sonar absorbing rubber with a layer of VK-carbon on top to resist lasers and other energy weaponry. Power is derived from a miniaturized VK-Rankine turbine which not only propels the sub at speeds in excess of 90 km/h, but also provides plenty of electrical power for weaponry and crew comforts. Endurance of the submarine is limited only by food supply, with a modicum of facilities prepared to ensure the crew does not suffer psychologically from the long time they'd be isolated from the rest of the world.

Armament consists of 8 forward and 2 aft torpedo tubes, rapidly reloaded due to an automated loading mechanism. A maximum of 60 torpedoes can be loaded, though this is not always the case. Both VK torpedoes and conventional HTP designs can be utilized, though the former is preferred. Furthermore, the submarine is armed with 4 Naval lasers in deployable turrets. The extensible lenses allow the laser to be fired from above the surface while the submarine is at torpedo depth (in decent weather), and to carry the entire system internally when travelling underwater, heavily reducing drag. If need be, the blue-green lasers can also be fired underwater.

Sensor systems are the best Germany has available, with 2 different radars (aeroplane and ships), sensitive hydrophones (including a deployable probe that allowed the submarine to listen what's behind it) and sonar navigation( invented in WW1, so should work here). Communication is done by a build in enigma machine.

Due to it's large size and enormous value, the cruiser submarine carries a small armory and complement of elite forces for protection. It is not to be allowed to be boarded, with special forces being trained on how to overload the reactor and scuttle should this come to transpire. Emergency exits ensure this action is only moderately suicidal.

Design 2 : Digi- Codebreaker

The Digi-Codebreaker is a generic system designed to break any simple cypher code, without any knowledge about what cypher was used. The massive speed of the system should allow any simple code to be cracked in rapid order, despite the complexity of this affair. The Digi-codebreaker works by scanning the frequency of the letters of a particular message, and assembling statistics. As certain letters in certain languages are used more often than others, this provides an opening to crack the code.

While this will only work on some cyphers (enigma is immune, for example), the cracking of these simple codes will allow us to acquire a lot of information already. In addition, sometimes a message in a simple code is later retransmitted over a more secure line, allowing us to compare scrip and cyphertext to crack the more complex code as well.

The Digi-codebreaker is designed to allow for adaptions to be made to it's programming, so that it can be optimized to crack more complex codes as well.

Production 1: Arsenal of Justice

The Draka are planning to make a move on Europe, and our forces are not yet prepared. Despite the threat, it's the decision of the council to keep VK-derived weaponry hidden for the moment. In the event of war however, we need to be able to equip our forces rapidly with their new equipment.

In order to allow that while maintaining our current forces, we will utilize Germanies economic weight to create a parralel supply chain for VK technologies, with it's own anonimized factories and storehouses. Massive complexes where weaponry can be held untill it is needed.

Access to the Armory is based on state of alert Germany finds itself in.
Code Weiss : Peace, the armory is sealed
Code Gelb : Minor conflicts, special units are allowed access, VK production started
Code Orange : Escalating Conflict,elite units allowed, commence switching of conventional industry
Code Red : War , all units allowed, switch all factories to VK derivatives
Code Black : Lost conflict, open access to partisans.

Production 2:

OberKommando Deutschland has been established, but as of yet it lacks it lacks a proper Headquarters, which diminishes it's possible effectiveness. As such, construction will commence in central Germany on Complex Adlerhost, a large scale command center.

Constructed in the vicinity of and underneath the Historic Kransberg Castle, the bunker complex is completely disguised. Annex buildings, even though fortified to resist aerial bombardement, are disguised as local town buildings. Power is supplied by an underground VK generator, and communications assured by telegraph lines.

The bunker complex is protected against biological, nuclear and chemical weaponry, and disguised anti-air installations are installed in nearby areas.

Covert : The Land of the Rising Sun

Japan is currently fighting against the Draka, and they're not doing particularly well. Nuclear warheads, which Japan is capable of producing, could change the tide but have not yet been deployed. We suspect this is caused by a lack of available nuclear material, given that Japan's primary production sites are known to be primitive in comparison to ours.

As such, a squadron of 6 Type VIII-o submarines are to make their way to Japan, carrying sufficient nuclear material to create 10 nuclear warheads, approximately 600 kg of nuclear material. They will also carry schematics and models of bio fuel factories. The largely empty submarines will carry a Werewolf unit to ensure they're not captured, by Japanese or others, and will be armed with VK torpedoes, to fire back at pursuers if they happen to come under attack. In trade for the one time delivery of material and technology, we expect to gain insight in nuclear weaponry, insight in Draka tactics and examples of their tech, insight in other forces(Soviets) operating in China and their tech, and insight in the Japanese artillery and rocket plane tech (in order of importance).

As nuclear weaponry is a state secret, it's probably best to vet this with the Fuhrer first.

Military :

Under the limitations of Versaille treaty, Germany hid it's military might. Though those limitations are now gone, these tendencies still remain. While the secrecy prevents an enemy from knowing about our most advanced designs, it has dangerous drawbacks.

1) In case of an enemy who's more open about his technology, our forces may find themselves facing technologically superior foes, a situation which will persist untill new supplies arrive.
2) When these supplies arrive, teething issues and doctrinal changes will need to be applied while in active combat. This is not an optimal situation.

In order to resolve these issues, we will endavour for the creation of an elite military force consisting of experienced soldiers. These soldiers will be trained and equipped with new technology, allowing them to work out the particulars and benefits of these weapons. If war comes to pass, they can also be used as a strong vanguard to hold the line until the new weaponry can actually be deployed, rather than by showcased in a single research institute:
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So, can you guys discuss whether or not we risk the leak of the VK Infantry Plate-Vest Armour or not. Because otherwise our guys will be going in without any defences against bullets. Thankfully, that should be the only VK item used.

I'll either keep my action as is, or edit to say they can use the Plate-Vest, but that's all the VK items allowed, in the morning depending on the result of the discussion.

What we decide doesn't matter. Remember, we're not the OberKommando Deutschland, we don't control the Heer, the Luftwaffe or the KriegsMarine. And they have decided that you're too stingy with VK, and are starting to use it. As an example, VK is being used in Bf-109's deployed in Italy.

Trying to take away the armor for our soldiers will result in us being overruled, and us losing the trust of the Heer.

Besides, I doubt it's unlikely to help. To think the other sides wouldn't even have unlocked basic technologies is silly.
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Social Action: Germany will publish Draka involvement in France and release them to a neutral nation (Switzerland, Poland or a Scandinavian country. Whichever seems most favorable to Germnay and yet "objective" to other countries.). German investigation into foreign involvement of France will conveniently find documents (made convincing with the help of our Draka totenmensch) about sowing discord in France and blaming it on Germany and vague references to other actions to spur fighting between the British, Americans and Germans.

Finally, Germany is pleased to announce that we will be sending humanitarian aid to private charities and the French government in order to help with reconstruction after the diastrous civil war.

Should the Americans ever release their "findings" and try to argue they are real, Germany will deny it, using rhetoric and evidence of Draka involvement:

We"ll point out that with how the Draka seems to be in the mood to expand her holdings (what with invading China, evidence of messing around in France and making threatening moves towards Mediterranean countries), the last thing Germany would want to do is give an opportunity for the Draka to move into France. The last thing Germany would risk is sharing a border with the Draka, let alone one where we have few natural defenses. Even the most Francophobic German realize that.

No, it's far more reasonable to assume this was a Draka plot to sow division (we even have the proof!) and maybe America is trying to get back for being embarassed by Germany.

If it was us, why didn't we already invade? Why in Gods name would we destabilize France? Why would we organize a council and get the Swiss, not even ourselves to administrate France until things stabilized?

And are you really going to take the words of these American "isolationists" who only stopped sending arms to French factions when they were caught? America pledged to stop sending arms to France, but still sent them to Great Britain while Britain admitted during negotiations that their weapons were still being used, and they"ll only hold off on sending their own forces across the channel. Not only that, but the German government had reason to believe the Americans would continue to get involved in France, likely through twisting Britains' elbow to act as a proxy.

Germany will deny the existence of a "Colonel Sebastian Darkwinter" and use this as proof of being a shoddy Draka fabrication. They must have chosen a random name from the German government records, since while the government finances a scientific think tank headed by a Dr Sebastian Darkwinter, he has no interaction in anyway with the main organs of government, never mind dictating actions in foreign nations. Instead of serving to make their case more believable, all the Draka have done is besmirch the good name of a private citizen.

Of course, all military and intelligence documents that reference or name Colonel Darkwinter will be redacted. Any reference to Sebastian Darkwinter having a rank will be removed, and he will no longer be a colonel. If the Americans don't reveal the documents now, then we have even more time to be thorough, including creating records in the Humboldt university of a Dr Sebastian Darkwinter.

Of course, all documents that reference or name Colonel Darkwinter will be redacted. If the Americans don't reveal the documents now, then we have even more time to be thorough."

Even if they do not announce their "findings" this month, Germany will prepare their response anyway. Germany will immediately announce their intentions to send foreign aid to pre-empt the Americans, just in case.

After all this, the idea of German involvement should sound extremely suspect and convoluted. At most, Germany would have their foreign payments somewhat lessened and nobody can criticize Germany for doing away with much of the military provisions with recent Draka aggression.

Research action 1: following the most recent major success in antarctica I shall begin a in depth study of the intact alien fighter we now have in our possession, following the most extreme secrecy this project will be kept away from prying eyes as best as possible. Research into the fighter could bring further insight into the countless alien technologies, or even how to communicate with live aliens, or even better we could find how to operate the fighter itself!

Research action 2: Cloneing, a ultimate achievement of superscience, and thanks to MY alien research it is WITHIN MY GRASP soon CELTIC SCIENCE shall be known throughout germany as the dominant form of super science combining this with my many other scientific achievements FOR SCIENCE!!!

Design 1:
we need a rocket, the V1 and V2 rockets are historic achievements otl in German science, but these where the result of early on German sciences finally bearing fruit, now with our various super science advances we as a council have made I shall make my best effort to make a combined pinnacle of our achievements through a new rocket.

overall however I will be focusing on using the following techs and advances to this project.

VK-Steel Alloys,
VK-Aluminum Alloys,
VK Power Core,
VK-High Explosive Shells,
VK-Explosive Bombs,
VK Liquid Rocket Engines,

overall the rocket shall focus on using and improving current VK liquid rocket engines to best suit the rocket, as well as power the rocket with a VK power core, various methods of VK explosive shall be explored in how they can be used in the rocket at well.

as for the various parts of the rocket be it the engine or otherwise we shall use our knowledge on VK steel alloys, and VK aluminum alloys for the various moving and unmoving parts.

as for targeting the rocket shall have a digital computing system installed to control the rocket with pre-programmed instructions similar to the analog computer used in the OTL V-2 only much more accurate, and able to finely control the rocket with the deadly accuracy of digital computing, and of course does not have to rely on radio guide as otl, or radar guide, instead allowing it to fully use its capacity.

the rocket of course will be designed not just like the V-2 rocket but to be better then the otl rocket with the various improvements in technology we will be using.

Design 2:
Digi-Enigma or a digital enigma, sure The enigma machine is secure, but it's operation is complex and requires carefull training. Inexperienced operators could, through small errors, break the security of the system among other issues with human error. The Digi-enigma resolves these issues by automatically doing several of the more complex calibration steps, and will be a easy tool to use to do complex codeing, and decoding.

a large card with multicolored barcode needs merely be inserted into the Digi-enigma system, or rather set up a multicolored barcode through use of the digi enigma, print/copy or whatever then that card is simply decodeing again by the digi enigma system.

The digi-enigma is also more resistant to cracking attemps, whereas a previous manual would have offered technical insight, a punchcard is useless without the machine. Provision of a hammer to smash the machine, and burnbag to destroy the cards, should ensure this doesn't happen.

In addition, taking advantage of the miniaturization allowed by this VK tech, complexity of the code is improved by both the complexity of the barcode system, and haveing a multicolored barcode system.

Production 1:
Another two biofuel plants,

Production 2: Second Uranium Processing Facility

Military Action: with the surrender of various french loyalists to us, so comes their american war material, I and two panzergrenadier battalions will ensure this material is successfully brought to germany for study, and overall knowledge on allied technology.

Covert action: With all the dead Draka, it's time to awaken them with the Totenmensch fluid. We will make sure to be very, very careful the incantations are said properly and bind them each individually, with Panzergrenadiers just in case. All Draka will be made to swear loyalty to Germany to the letter and in spirit, completely casting off any sympathies for their homeland. Everything they do from now on shall be for the benefit of the Fatherland and ideally at the expense of the Draka. Should it go smoothly, we will grill them for every ounce of intelligence we can get such as:

1. What does the Draka public think about what's going on within their newest territories, the war with Japan and abroad?
>1A. What do the various Draka factions think, and the Draka government as a whole?
2. Any long-term plans of the Draka.
3. Identification of any Draka spies within and outside of Germany, especially in France, America, Russia, Japan and the mediterranean countries.
4. Military capabilities of the Draka.
5. Military doctrine of the Draka and how they think an enemy would best counter them. If Veidt remembers right, it was a combination of human wave attacks for the Serfs and maneuver warfare for the Citizens.
6. What do the Draka know about VK technology?
7. What does the Draka know about the other countries?
8. Why did the Draka invade Japan so soon, and why do they plan to invade the Mediterranean?
9. Any war plans or even spy plans they have concerning Europe and the world.
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If it was captured, find out where it is and destroy it.

I'm not certain if this is the right course of action. I mean, say what if it's captured by the Draka. Are you going to invade a Draka military base to blow up their stuff?

Anyway, it really doesn't have anything valuable. It's an old design, never upgraded. If it even had an enigma, the crew should have been so diligent to destroy it utterly.

Production 2: Another Kohnstein Forge

Not sure this one is repeatable. There's only one Kohnstein, after all.

Certainly isn't going to give another design action, and we don't really need more IC...
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Social: It's time for Conrad Veidt to take his money and start up an international media empire that besides serving as a source of income for the Committee For German Restoration, will subtly act as Germany's PR manager (which is the true purpose). This will include radio broadcasts and newspapers. Overall, it will take a positive attitude towards Germany and her government, and will slowly work to build up anti-Draka sentiment. In Germany, Veidt will try to subtly push public sentiment away from the hardcore Nazis and Communists and try to push foreigners into having a neutral or pro-German attitude. All politically-charged articles/broadcasts will, rather than being overt propaganda have a veneer of objectivity and neutrality such as having token, more moderate opposition, scare quotes, giving more airtime and typespace to our own agenda, concern trolling to push people away from more extremist views that are counter to the Committee For German Restoration, etc. International branches will of course hire locals to help build up credibility and trust.

But no, it won't just be political. That won't sucker in readers and listeners. Using knowledge of modern journalism and marketing, Veidt will do everything he can to make his media empire as successful and fast-growing as possible. One avenue of advertising/marketing will be establishing target audiences and tweaking the local articles and broadcasts depending on the area. For example, in a left-wing German province, political broadcasts and articles will be oriented around the improving social conditions and welfare of the working, middle-class and downtrodden. Towns that are more working-class will be oriented towards the interests of those working-class people.

Broadcast segments and front page article titles will be as clickbait-y as can be in the medium of print and radio, trying to draw in humans curiosity as much as possible by being just tantalizing and vague enough, such as "School Replaces Detention With Shocking Activity". Columns that will include the Do's and Don'ts of Fashion (adjusted to local customs and income of the area), "Top Ten" articles and ones along the lines of "Seven Design Choices You Never Noticed" ala Cracked, popular culture, and a "Life Pro-Tips" articles with things ranging to DIY to tips by actual professionals and small ways to make your life easier.

Research 1: Counter-radar defenses.

Research 2: Nuclear Warhead Design (Implosion)

Design 1: It's time for the German military to finally have a new series of anti-armor rifle. Veidt Industries will work in concert with the desires of German officers, soldiers and Mauser Company to develop two new heavy rifles.

The first one will simply be a G32 rechambered in the new 13mm TuF, complete with the accessories of the other variants.

The second weapon will be an original design chambered primarily in the Drakan 13mm cartridge. These will be bolt-action anti-material rifles made simple enough you can make them at home if you have a workshop. The tubular receiver will be made of steel and milled with an ordinary mill/drill machine with hand finishing. The trigger mechanism and magazine well will be welded onto the underside onto the underside of the receiver, with magazines and muzzle brakes made out of sheet steel. The bolt and firing pin will be milled components finished with an angle grinder.

Emphasis of the second weapon will be based on simplicity and ease of manufacturing. Germany will send several complete weapons, with scores more barrels and telescopic sights to be used for any models produced in Bulgaria, along with several crates of ammunition.

Design 2: German soldiers and her allies are going to need something better than kubelwagens and similar open-top jeeps. To this end, Veidt will work with Volkswagen to develop a new armored fighting vehicle. To replace the kubelwagen in most roles, we"ll develop a wider, somewhat heavier car better able to withstand attacks and rough terrain by taking inspiration from the OTL!Dingo, Iveco, Enok and HMMVW.

The new [Please name gideon] will be a relatively light multirole vehicle and come in multiple variants. The base variant will have a crew of 1+4, with a stretched out variant carrying up to six passengers. It will employ modular armor add-on packs to make it resistant against small arms fire or a heavier kit to protect against heavy weapons, including mines. These modular add-on packs will be used depending on the mission and role the vehicle will play in. The height of the vehicle will be 1.95 meters with ground clearance of 493mm to provide additional protection against landmines.

It's hull will be V-shaped to deflect a landmine or IED blast upwards while presenting a sloped armor face. The angled armor will also increase the amount of material a bullet will have to pass through in order to penetrate, and increases chance of deflection. With the advanced made in composite materials and plastics, windows will be slanted and made out of a more modern kind of bulletproof glass using thermoplastics and bulletproof glass. Should that prove to be infeasible, Veidt will default to smaller slits with conventional WW2-era bulletproof glass.

Instead of a pintle mounted gun exposing an operator, it will use a remote weapon station that electronically rotates (like many tank turrets did in WW2). The weapon operator will be able to see through an optical periscope (like the MG34s of WW2 assault guns and tank destroyers), but ideally it will be use an electronic periscope/camera should advances be made in optical electronics this month. Weapons mounted will be the G32 'Schwer-Sieger' GPMG, MG113 HMG and Laser guns/launchers.

But it's a multirole vehicle as well, with the stretched out variant possibly being used to transport cargo/troops (with and without winches) or act as an ambulance, self-propelled mortar and a katyusha-style rocket system.

Of course, VK and conventional variants will be produced and all will come with a radio and NBC protection.

Production 1: Go above and beyond in creating new multispectral camouflage nets, etc. to make sure nothing in Antarctica is discovered. Seal any surface entrances and make them look natural if need be. Going above ground will be absolutely forbidden for the next month or two. All personnel will be notified of the planned expeditions and they will brainstorm and work overtime to make sure there is no way it will be discovered.

Production 2: Pioneer battalions will move in alongside Wehrmacht forces to help rebuild infrastructure damaged or destroyed during the French civil war, focusing on the most vital infrastructure first.

Military: The Draka have a population of over 530,000,000. The US almost has a population of about 180 million. The USSR has a population of [between 150 and 180, going off by wiki and depending on how bad the purge was] million. Germany? She only has a population of [66 - 90 million, depending on how much more populous we are from earlier industrialization].

It should be clear to everyone Germany's armies will never be the biggest. We can work on changes, but some will see more immediate results than others. As regrettable as it is, we need women in the military to serve auxiliary/rear line roles at minimum and aggressively recruit. Everything from working in munitions factories, to manning AA guns on German soil, to clerical work, nurses, and more. The worst thing about the Draka? They already use women in their militaries. Every woman taking the place of a man is another man free to be given a rifle.

Covert: Veidt will work out on rooting out and preventing any more spy rings, acts of espionage or theft from occurring, taking in any advice to make sure there aren't any more repeats of the last incidents. Hopefully those Draka totenmensch will provide help.

With the submarine being lost, all Enigma codes are to be immediately changed and a policy enacted for damaged ships to scuttle, and ideally break their Enigma machine and destroy any documents.
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Social : Defense Pact Spain (Ubeone)
Social: Scandinavia (Pyrohawk)
Social : Pan-Europism (Whydon'tyoubother)
Social: Inter-agency design cooperation (10ebbor10)
Social : Damage Control (Cybandeath)
Social : PR-Agency (Gunman)

Research : Rubber Reactive Armor (Ubeone)
Research : Teleportation (Ubeone)
Research : Uberconcrete (Pyrohawk)
Research : Underground life support (Pyrohawk)
Research : Alien (whydon'tyoubother)
Research : VK humans (whydon'tyoubother)
Research : Lasers (10ebbor10)
Research : Optical electronics (10ebbor10)
Research : Fighter (Cybandeath)
Research : Cloning (cybandeath)
Research : ??? (Gunman)
Research : ??? (Gunman)

Someone else can finish this.
The extensible lenses allow the laser to be utilized while the submarine is at torpedo depth (in decent weather), and to carry the entire system internally when diving.

Make sure they're shorter blue-green wavelength lasers instead of red or near-infrared lasers. This will let them to be fired underwater. Overall, they'd have twice the range but half the RoF and twice the power consumption. This actually isn't anything exotic like gamma ray lasers would be, since if we can make military 'normal' lasers we can make lasers like this too.

If @Gideon020 vetoes this I can spend a research action developing blue-green lasers for marine warfare. But really any high-energy laser that isn't a chemical laser can be designed this way.
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Social : Defense Pact Spain (Ubeone)
Social: Scandinavia (Pyrohawk)
Social : Pan-Europism (Whydon'tyoubother)
Social: Inter-agency design cooperation (10ebbor10)
Social : Damage Control (Cybandeath)
Social : PR-Agency (Gunman)

Research : Rubber Reactive Armor (Ubeone)
Research : Teleportation (Ubeone)
Research : Uberconcrete (Pyrohawk)
Research : Underground life support (Pyrohawk)
Research : Alien (whydon'tyoubother)
Research : VK humans (whydon'tyoubother)
Research : Lasers (10ebbor10)
Research : Optical electronics (10ebbor10)
Research : Fighter (Cybandeath)
Research : Cloning (cybandeath)
Research : ??? (Gunman)
Research : ??? (Gunman)

Someone else can finish this.

I"ll finish it.
Make sure they're shorter blue-green wavelength lasers instead of red or near-infrared lasers. This will let them to be fired underwater. Overall, they'd have twice the range but half the RoF and twice the power consumption. This actually isn't anything exotic like gamma ray lasers would be, since if we can make military 'normal' lasers we can make lasers like this too.

If @Gideon020 vetoes this I can spend a research action developing blue-green lasers for marine warfare. But really any high-energy laser that isn't a chemical laser can be designed this way.

Fixed it.

Anyway, if you're still wondering about designs, here's my idea list, in no particular order :
-V-1 analogue
- Actual bomber
- Laser drill
- FoF detector
- Rocket artillery
- New synthetic uniforms
- Small litoral sub
- New destroyer/Cruiser
- Panther stealth tank
- Sea Mines
- Underwater base
- Atomic torpedo
- Atomic bomb
- Breeder reactor
- Massive covered shipyard
- Tinfoil hats to protect against microwaves
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@UberOne we have a defense back against the draka with Spain so I would recommend going towards a full alliance.
[x] Social: Formally establish a Mutual Defense Pact with Spain. See if trade agreements could be reached with them too. Plus, lend-lease conventional military equipment to them. They could use the help against Drakan aggression.

Please change to:

[X] While one of our comrades works on Scandinavia and another tries a broad diplomatic campaign on Europe as a whole, you will focus on Italy, Spain and Greece. At minimum, trade deals and mututal defense pacts will be desired. Ideally, Germany will seek to rope them into EU-style (sans Schengen open borders) open markets with eachother and a NATO-style military alliance. The more they are willing to tie themselves to Germany, the more we will give them into return. This includes modernization of their economy, military and intelligence agencies (excluding our newest Enigma) up to German standards if we get most of what we want. Things we can offer include but are not limited to: surplus and current (conventional) military equipment (especially older ships that can serve as coastal defense), military training and doctrines, new business ideas and models, subsidizing infrastructure and industries, mundane non-military technologies and favorable loan rates.

All of them should be aware of Draka aggression in the Mediterranean, and our publishing of Draka collusion in France will help reinforce this. Italy is expected to enter a formal alliance after all we've shown to be capable of. Greece shares a Fascist government and would surely at least entertain the idea of having a stronger neighbor back them up.
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Not too sure how to write these up. So far I'm willing to do the Mirage Field (since stealth is being shown to be so important these past few turns), counter-radar defenses and what you just described. Or maybe stealth submarines, maybe even as a design action. I know WW2 Germany used rubber coating for their first stealth submarine to counter sonar.
We could use the research into any of the following, @Gunman:

1. Ballistic Rocketry
2. Autoloaders
3. Proximity Fuses
4. Any of the recently discovered Vril tech, though the Mirage Field would be nice.
5. Stealth Technology

Edit: How about ultraviolet lasers?
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Design II: Doctrine: Improved Officer Training. Already Napoleon found that his officers should be chosen on ability and Merit, not an accident of being born into the right class. As such, Germany will push to school its Officers in the increasing amount of new tactical thinking. Class and ability to direct itsself to a situation will be seen as important. Still, there is a limit how far any man (or woman) can be driven and many young officers join the Wehrmacht and the ranks of the Council in order to serve as military staff in both the field and at the tactical table.
Added this.