Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

I wasn't saying my quantity is inherently better. Just giving an example.

I mean, some of the other research results you guys have gotten have been extremely good. It's just currently there's a tendency for me to get several decent upgrades, and one good thing, whereas you guys usually get one single really good result.

It's pretty balanced so far. That said, once we're out of the early tech tree and thus lose most of the Axis tech advantage, my 'generalised' research approach is probably going to start to run into significant problems, because it's trying to get too much, and we won't have the near certainty of getting a good result. Which is one of the reasons I'm trying to fill in the fundamentals on the tech tree, so we get some boosts from knowing what we're doing better.
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One could breach the line, or just bypass it entirely.
[x] Social: How good is our social welfare system, our social safety net? With the economy growing virtually overnight, more investment could be made by the government in its basic services and social welfare benefits, like public education and healthcare, so that everyone can prosper with the economy. The government is there for the people, after all.

Result: Critical Success!

As the people serve the Fatherland, so must the Fatherland care for the people. Increased government funds into social welfare (backed by a program of paid work for the unemployed to prevent welfare abuse), public education, the overhaul and improvement of water, gas and electricity services, more funding for healthcare including psychiatric studies and treatment, are instituted in order to further help the country get back on it's feet and show the people that their government supports them.

(Social welfare and infrastructure programs instituted.)
(Greatly increased civilian morale.)

Research 1: Turbofan Engine: The earliest turbojet designs would be around at about this time. Air passes through a series of compressors, and is mixed with fuel and ignited in the combustion chamber. The exhaust gases then pass through the turbines, and exit through the nozzle, creating thrust. Adding a large fan in front, big enough to let some air bypass the turbojet itself, turns the system into a turbofan. This flow of bypassing air translates to a quieter and more efficient jet engine than a turbojet of equivalent thrust.

Result: Success!

The 'Eagle' Turbofan engine is slower than the Donar due to it's conventional design and teething problems with using VK-components, but this slowness, combined with high fuel efficiency is perfect for cargo aircraft and bombers, allowing for high payload capacities that would be necessary for supplying large forces at the end of long supply trains, delivering airborne troops and vehicles, and performing strategic bombing missions.

This means that proposed super-heavy aircraft could be used for the delivery of atomic weaponry, or be at the heart of massive strategic bombing or logistics efforts, even the airborne delivery of large infantry formations.

For fighters and other high-speed aircraft, the Donar provides the best performance to cost ratio.

(New Technology Unlocked: 'Eagle' Turbofan Engine)

Research 2: Night-Fighter Aircraft: The darkness should be our ally, not our enemy. We should be able to do sorties at night too, since battle waits for no one.

Result: Critical Success!

Using the 'Uhu' Mobile Radar system, it is possible to develop a heavily-armed aircraft capable of engaging bombers at night, since dogfighting in the dark is considered suicidal and impossible at this current time. Because of this, the night fighter does not need to be as agile as a fighter, but a measure of capability is considered necessary.

Due to the size of the 'Uhu', the resulting fighter is powered by a single 'Eagle' Turbofan that was newly-developed for slower aircraft, which in the lighter night fighter gives it good speed and agility for a large, heavy fighter that in terms of size is equal to a medium bomber. Armour comes in the form of a thicker than standard VK Aircraft armour over the standard aluminum and VK-Steel frame, to save on VK-Aluminum for more advanced fighter projects and aircraft using Donar Electrojet Engines.

Crew arrangements use a unique stepped cockpit where a radar office and pilot sit in a tandem seating arrangement with the radar officer in front of the pilot who controls the weapons while the pilot maneuvers the aircraft while seated higher for visibility purposes. This is because the radar officer only has a limited forward field of vision due to the radar system built into the nose, and so can only fire while the pilot moves the aircraft.

Armaments come in the form of six wing-mounted 13mm Heavy Machineguns, a pair of MK 108 30mm Cannons adapted for VK-Ammunition, and in a centerline mount underneath the radar is the largest weapon ever placed inside an aircraft.

Designed to engage Drakan bombers, the Bordkanone 5 is based on a 5cm light tank gun, rebuilt with VK-Steel, a delayed gas blow-back system and electrically-primed ammunition instead of percussion-primed, allowing the Bordkanone 5 to fire at a rate that technically can be considered automatic fire thanks to the large muzzle break to reduce recoil.

With the right ammunition, the BK 5 is also a perfectly serviceable ground-attack gun, which might be necessary to counter Drakan armour, and could be useful for a dedicated ground-attack aircraft.

The new night fighter is codenamed 'Krähe', or Crow, and is approved for production.

(New Unit available for Production: 'Krähe' Night Attack Fighter Squadron)

Design: J-1 Spatz: This monoplane single seater multirole fighter-bomber is inspired by the JAS-39 Gripen. The "J" in its name stands for "Jaeger", as in "Hunter" or "Fighter". It has a monocoque fuselage and a tail, and has a cropped delta wing, a foreplane and a tailplane, making it a three-surface aircraft like the Su-37. It has a low-bypass turbofan engine mounted within the fuselage, behind the enclosed cockpit, fed by an air intake at the bottom of the fuselage, and is armed with four 3cm autocannons on the nose, good for both air-to-air and air-to-ground. It carries hardpoints on the wings for bombs, rockets and drop tanks, among others, has enough armor in critical areas (like the cockpit and engine) to resist heavy machine guns, and can handle all kinds of missions, day or night, thanks in part to its radar and radio. It is easy to produce, fly, maintain and repair, has retractable landing gear in a tricycle configuration, has fire control systems, and uses an ejection seat for its pilot. The fuselage is designed in such a way that it can generate some lift of its own, aiding its wings. The engine has exhaust vanes and/or a tilting nozzle which act as thrust vectoring, and the shape of the plane is designed to follow the area-rule and to reduce its radar cross-section while maintaining its stability. It carries redundant systems and has well-protected self-sealing fuel tanks. It also has ways to cool its exhaust in order to reduce its heat signature, and would be painted in an appropriate camouflage pattern. Lastly, there would be two versions: a conventional one made primarily of wood (and/or metal if necessary), and a VK version, which would use an electrojet instead of a turbofan.

Result: Nat 100!

Well, you get your fighter. And during the testing of the VK-Material Variant, the test aircraft actually manages to do what is considered impossible by aircraft physics of the time.

It breaks the sound barrier. The aerodynamic design and the sheer power of the Donar Electrojet means that you are witness to not just the distinct sonic boom, but the halo of electrical energy that stays just behind an active Donar suddenly explode outwards in a dazzling display of electrical energy.

The action is officially named the 'Thunderbreak' due to the thunder, and then the lightning.

(New Unit Available For Production: J-1 Spatz ElectroJet Fighter Squadron)
(Conventional J-1 will be issued to the Luftwaffe and used for export sales when approved.)

Production: 2 Synthetics Manufacturing Complexes: Let's take another step to solving our logistical puzzle! Preferably discreetly fortified against attacks too.

Result: Success!

Partially buried underground and with surface features heavily disguised, the new Synthetics Manufacturing Complexes are capable of supplying Germany with plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic fuel, synthetic clothing fibers of superior quality than natural ones, and a wide variety of chemicals for various civilian, industrial and military purposes.

(Industrial Capacity and Supplies income increased!)

Military: Lend-lease conventional anti-aircraft equipment to the Italians. They could use the help against the Drakan Air Force. Have the Luftwaffe fly sorties against Drakan Air Force incursions too.

Result: Critical Success!

With the collapse of the French, the Luftwaffe can now come out into the open, and Hitler orders German aircraft and troops to Italy to aid Mussolini against Drakan raids.

The effect is immediate; while the J-1 is held back to avoid giving away important secrets and force the Draka to employ their near-legendary technological prowess to match it, the upgraded VK-Steel engines of the Bf-109's with 13mm Lowe machineguns tear through the Drakan Raptors and Elephants sent on raiding missions, while Flakvierlings crewed by Italian gunners overseen by German experts also reap a toll.

Luftwaffe morale skyrockets as the Draka are shown that their vaunted technological supremacy grants them only a fleeting advantage, but the raids continue; the Draka clearly are not going to give up and may have further plans in store.

(Luftwaffe morale is greatly boosted.)
(Italian southern regions are now able to defend themselves.)
(Drakan raids continue. Hold out until August to stop the raids.)

Covert: Investigate the Soviet embassy established in Berlin. Surely there is something behind the scenes...

Result: Success

There's absolutely nothing going on. The Soviet Embassy is still in the set-up phase and while operational is manned by a skeleton crew for the most part.
They opted to make a plane that uses the BK 5? And actually make it work properly due to VK?

And we actually preempted the Bell X-1 by breaking the sound barrier?

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Well, it had to accommodate the radar and that 5cm Bordkanone.

I've read about a 7.5cm BK-equipped aircraft. It didn't really work out for most pilots except for the ground attack aces.

Too bad we can't dogfight at night though.

Maybe we could come up with a ground-attack version of the Crow later on?
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Not cheap though. Lots of electronics on the night fighter.
we dont tend to use electronics though so its not that big a issue, and we could always make it more compact and resource efficient in later versions, for now its perfect for both us and the overall german war machine.
Well, it had to accommodate the radar and that 5cm Bordkannone.

Too bad we can't dogfight at night though.

Maybe we could come up with a ground-attack version of the Crow later on?
maybe keep night fighters secret till they are tried against us yes?

remember otl Britannia was fucked without night combat, and targeting civilians.

even more so since allies is primarily america, not the uk.
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Okay, we need to hold Italy for two or three months.

I'd say we have next month in the bag because we've got the J-1 just waiting for the improved Draka aircraft, and depending on how things go we might have the month after that as well, if the Draka can't cope in time. We're probably going to want to build a few J-1VKs though and send them to Italy as a just in case measure.

Hmmm... Anyone want to start up a Glider and Light Aircraft training Club in Germany? It should improve the Luftwaffe's ability to get new pilots...
Not sure we want to use jet fighters against the Draka. Their current things are still props, right?

Also not sure about sending supersonic aircraft.
Okay, we need to hold Italy for two or three months.

I'd say we have next month in the bag because we've got the J-1 just waiting for the improved Draka aircraft, and depending on how things go we might have the month after that as well, if the Draka can't cope in time. We're probably going to want to build a few J-1VKs though and send them to Italy as a just in case measure.

Hmmm... Anyone want to start up a Glider and Light Aircraft training Club in Germany? It should improve the Luftwaffe's ability to get new pilots...
nyes, free manpower......
Probably a good idea to get into the habit of.

Once wars start happening reverse-engineering's going to become rather necessary.
We need to think about what will increase our various resources.

Personally, I'm in favor of adopting that program to increase the German birthrates that the nazis had early, along with paid leave for mothers. Mostly the more positive/moderate aspects (whatever existed). This, and more women involved in auxiliary military positions will help boost our Manpower. We can rationalize it that Germany will have to face countries with far larger populations so every woman working a telephone or making munitions is another man free to be given a rifle.

VK effects on fertilizer and synthetic oil/synthetic oil production (as the Soviets hinted at) would also be worthwhile.

thats steampunk super science they have

We both have auto-steamers, actually. And didn't one of the earliest reports mention autosteamers are just starting to go out of fashion?