Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

I meant the mad nazi stereotype, not the murderous realistic thingy.
yes, we can be powerhungry, fuel our nation with pride, have a Führer and become an overlord of europe creating weapons of incredible ingenuinity.

To be fair, thats already what we are doing. But we are not slipping into full Nazi-mode. Extremly nationalistic bordering (or actual) fascist, but thats it.
Oh, it would probably also be a very good idea if someone researching Improved Espionage and Covert Operations Capabilities and Improved Counter-Espionage and Counter-Intelligence Capabilities, maybe the same person? Either way, if both are done, I'd like the people doing them to tell their research teams to work together. There'd be a lot of synergy in having the Offensive Guys tell the Defensive Guys all the tricks they come up with, so the Defensive Guys can try and block them, and the Defensive Guys telling the Offensive Guys all the tricks they've come up with to block the Offensive Guys' old and new tricks, so the Offensive Guys can try and get around those, or at least figure out how to know if they've been discovered.

And UbeOne, after I either succeed or fail at PROJECT TWERG, my main goal's going to be getting some orbital stuff happening.

Plan is
STAGE 1: Research Improved Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (New Catalysts, Standardised Fuels, New Rocket Fuels, New Medicines), Research Improved Communications Capability (If we want any satellites talking back, we'll need this, also so very useful elsewhere)
STAGE 2: Research Improved Understanding of Extreme Environmental Conditions (Earthquakes, Droughts, Floods, Cyclones/Hurricanes/Typhoons, Volcanoes, Artic Conditions, Desert Conditions, Jungle Conditions) and Research Improved Understanding of Orbital Mechanics and Exoatmospheric Conditions (Kinda needed for the best results of a space program, and to prevent embarrassing failures)
Design Extreme Environments Test Facility 1/2 (Get the bits that test all the extreme conditions on Earth designed)
STAGE 3: Research Orbital Rocketry and Research Artificial Satellites (Both self-explanatory)
Design Extreme Environments Test Facility 2/2 (Get the bits that test all the ridiculously extreme conditions on Earth (Volcanoes, Deep Sea Trenches, etc) and the Conditions in Space (Vacuum, Stellar Radiation, Cosmic Radiation, Solar Wind, Solar Flares, Lack of ability to vent heat) and those conditions endured to get into and out of space (Massive Gs to get into space, massive heat upon re-entry).
STAGE 4: Research Communications Satellites and Research Multi-Stage Rockets, Orbital and Not
Design Rocket to reach space and deliver an Artificial Satellite (Think Sputnik)
STAGE 5: Get an Communications Satellite Network (And a Spy Satellite Network) Set Up
STAGE 6: Develop and Set Up ASAT Capabilities and Satellite Defences (So enemy ASATs don't kill our satellites)
Here's something to think about: How good is our training of military officers? Do we have a military academy system? If yes, maybe it could be improved? We could benefit from having more people who are like Rommel.
The Armed Forces training can always be improved. Two good avenues are probably:
Design and Open Enlisted Training Camps (Better/More Boot Camp/s), Non-Commissioned Officer Training Facility and Courses (Better NCOs - extremely important) and Officer Training Academy and Training Courses (Officer School, and making sure the officers keep learning after graduating)
Research Improved Enlist Training, Improved Non-Commissioned Officer Training, and Improved Officer Training
That depends what we uncover again. we can prioritise then. But we are getting a lot done (despite a few people, myself included, still working on wunderwaffen-projects).

I get the shit over wunderwaffen, kind of. Kind of. I mean, we know the soviets had things we never heard of so it's possible they have just as many or even more wondrous technologies than we do.
Wunderwaffe projects can be very useful... it's just they can also be utter catastrophes and wastes of time, money and action slots.

The problem is limiting our Wunderwaffes to the former. Sure, making a rocket that can reach the other side of the planet and hit it with an nuclear warhead might not seem useful (IC at least), but when the Draka are at the gates and you can't destroy their industry to stop them because your bombers are getting swatted out of the air, guess how useful that ICBM's gonna be.

Or what's the point to building an entire city underground, it's much easier to do it above ground, and it avoids all sorts of problems and cost increases. But when bombs are raining from the sky, nukes are going off left and right, and chemical weapons have covered the surface, which city would you rather be in? :p

And before those hypothetical scenarios occur, if they ever do, those Wunderwaffes have still proven useful, after all, once modified properly, that ICBM makes a wonderful launch rocket to put things into orbit, and that underground city may have been incredibly expensive, but it also is very easy to secure, and rather hard for spies to get in AND out with information, so it's a very good place for all those top secret, classified and Black programs.
Yeah, I wonder how Gideon is going to deal with MAD.

Our enrichment center, in it's initial moments of operation, produced hundreds of kilograms of weapongrade material. That's enough for 1-5 bombs. Within a few months, we could easily have a decent sized arsenal.

And yeah, Wunderwaffen aren't wunderwaffe in this universe. A VK armed squad will go through the conventionally armed enemy like a hot knife through butter.
Really, the "wunderwaffen" of this setting are just fluffy actions that give us no actual mechanical benefit or are too long-term to fucking matter.

Everything we do should be focused on the now or in the next few turns.
Edit: Anyway, what are you going to design in the near future?

I'm planning a Submarine Cruiser.

Our laser weaponry is powerful, but it has the downside that it can not fire beyond the horizon, where as ballistic guns can. In order to resolve that issue, I plan on creating a submarine cruiser (which would base itself on a militarized version of our cargo sub), which gets decked out with all the fun stuff we have developed.

Strong enough to hold it's own in battle, nimble enough to engage in battle when it wants too.
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If everything goes well in France, i am going to arm France economically, politically and military. Radar in southern france, economic/industrial development, humanitarian aid, getting them to build an actual political system for the people and so on.
And then i would ask someone to use a social action to make france an offer of alliance.

EDIT: Thats probably going to be my social, production, military and covert actions that turn.
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I'm planning a Submarine Cruiser.

Our laser weaponry is powerful, but it has the downside that it can not fire beyond the horizon, where as ballistic guns can. In order to resolve that issue, I plan on creating a submarine cruiser (which would base itself on a militarized version of our cargo sub), which gets decked out with all the fun stuff we have developed.

Strong enough to hold it's own in battle, nimble enough to engage in battle when it wants too.

I think we need to invest in sonar and stealth submarine technology since they know we have cargo submarines
Still a good idea to invest in those so that our submarines won't be compromised.
So they either peaked, or made an extremely accurate guess.

And My research for two turns from now should give us Sonar. Probably going to also make the second research action for that turn 'Improved Understanding of Hydrodynamics, Ship Design and Shipbuilding' then. Would need someone else to research Counter-Sonar Capabilities, but it's probably best to see if we get Sonar before we try and figure out how to protect against it :p
Okay. These are good research options I'd like to see done sooner than later... but as mentioned earlier, I'm a bit busy currently :p

Improved Understanding of Hydrodynamics and Ship Design
Improved Understanding of Aerodynamics, and Aircraft Design
Improved Armour Design, Layout and Composition
Reactive Armor would be useful.

1. Explosive Reactive Armor
2. Non-Explosive Reactive Armor
3. Electric Reactive Armor

More stuff on my wish list:

1. CIWS (preferably laser-based)
2. Active Protection System (preferably laser-based)
3. Stealth Technology: Shape and Materials
4. Guided Munitions (missiles, bombs, shells, etc.)
5. Burst Missiles
Improved Armour Design, Layout and Composition could probably give you a good lead in towards Reactive Armour. Both ERA and NERA variants. ElectRA would probably take a bit more work :p
True, and that usually means any single result you get is better, whereas my results are more widespread.

I mean, I got 5 different rewards from my last research I believe, and the one before that gave 4 I think...
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If everything goes well in France, i am going to arm France economically, politically and military. Radar in southern france, economic/industrial development, humanitarian aid, getting them to build an actual political system for the people and so on.
And then i would ask someone to use a social action to make france an offer of alliance.

EDIT: Thats probably going to be my social, production, military and covert actions that turn.

You could try to go for an early version of the Coal and Steel community. Intertwining german and french industry would boost both our nations, get us extra industry, and show others that we don't want war.

True, and that usually means any single result you get is better, whereas my results are more widespread.

I mean, I got 5 different rewards from my last research I believe, and the one before that gave 4 I think...

Quantity isn't everything.

So they either peaked, or made an extremely accurate guess.

If they peaked, would they be so careless as to tip us off?
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