Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Axis IC Thread

Result: Minor Success

British cannot stand by and let a valued ally in Europe descend into anarchy and while they have been convinced to calm down and not immediately launch their forces into France, they let slip that they are also entering into negotiations with the Americans since their weapons are being used in this civil war.

British industrialists and businessmen are too nervous about the possibility of possible British involvement in France to make any deals as they are busy meeting with their political allies.

(British remain somewhat neutral on the issue of France.)

Result: Success!

With the experience in high parts commonality and streamlined logistics put into place, the formation of distinct principles for creating Modular Designs for anything from rifles to buildings paves the way for faster upgrading and production of vehicles, weapons, and infrastructure, ensuring that Germany can maintain it's startling level of technical prowess, one that the Draka with their vaunted rate of advancement will be hard pressed to match, as many believe.

(Industrial Capacity Costs reduced by 50%)

Result: Nat 100!

What comes out of the experiments and designs is combination of both Flecktarn and Digital camouflage patterns, using newly-developed Digital Computing to help create fractal disruptions via the insertion of pixellated elements into the 5-colour temperate climate patterns. Because it blends both smooth and sharp fractal angling, there is a marked improvement in physical concealment at most ranges, which combines well with the face paint, developed by a cosmetics company, that helps disrupt the visibility of the face, with colourations for both night and day operations.

The improvements to the Infantry Plate-Vest are also welcome, and the new 'hands-less' water bladder fascinates the soldiers as much as is considered useful, though a canteen is still issued in case of damage to the bladder.

As for styling, you found a suitable designer in Hugo Boss, and with new synthetic fiber developments, the new German uniform can be made as breathable or insulated as required, without the need for soon to be scarce natural fiber materials.

The new camouflage also has an additional bonus application for vehicles, which should also be of aid to their survivability.

(New Technology Unlocked: Digi-Flecktarn Camouflage Temperate Pattern)
(Bonus Technology Unlocked: Digi-Flecktarn Vehicle Camouflage)

Result: Minor Success!

While the situation has drastically changed, the Werwolf and U-Boats are able to accomplish some of their objectives while in France.

Result: Success!

The Knickebein Radar Stations are unique from normal radar facilities in that they are not made to detect anything but to guide aircraft at night or in low visibility conditions to their targets by the process of triangulation; two stations aim radar beams over the same target, and aircraft follow one beam until it merges with the second, giving the bombers a location to drop their bombs.

These stations are more sparsely built than the standard radar stations, since their purpose is to guide planes to targets in Europe when the time comes.

Result: Success!

Despite the collapse of the French government and full-blown civil war breaking out, the operations to destroy US-supplied arms and munitions are successful as the U-Boat and Werwolf Companies cause havoc with supply lines for all major factions, greatly weakening them while also directing the blame towards the other factions.

The Werwolf forces also open the way for smuggling in humanitarian supplies to the French people, who tell of the various brutalities the factions will commit to anyone who is of the opposite faction or tries to remain 'Neutral' in this war, demanding that the French people stand up to support their various causes.

(US Supplies in French docks destroyed.)
(Faction supply lines disrupted.)
(Civil War factions weakened.)

No mention of the Cargo subs in France.
You're being confused.

There's the Type VIII, which is our attack submarine. We used that one to do operations in France.

Then there's the rather confusingly named Type VIII-O 'Oxen' Heavy Cargo Submarine, which we didn't use.
No, there are two different types of U-Boat, it's just one is not combat capable, so they are 'abstracted' away, same as the German merchant fleet. I mean, do you see anything saying 'Germany possesses 127 Small Cargo Ships, 89 Medium Cargo Ships, and 43 Large Cargo Ships' 'Cargo SHips are respectively 100 Industrial Capacity+400 Fuel/200IC+600F/300IC+800F?

That said, why is it whenever someone does something that makes me want to go 'Goddamnit ___' it's always been you Cyban?
All those subs are the Type VIII hopefully... I mean, you can fit troops and cargo on them, it's just nowhere near the same quantity
All those subs are the Type VIII hopefully... I mean, you can fit troops and cargo on them, it's just nowhere near the same quantity

Gideon may have defaulted to cargo submarines since we used them to transfer stuff. I really don't know. Maybe they heard about Antarctica earlier and developed sonar/radar?

I think it's funny that technically I used a U-Boat type we didn't even have last turn because of a typo. :p Though I think from the advanced tech progression, it would've been invented earlier. Just, we didn't have them as the council.

Snow. Ice. The Soldat in the white coat looked around around and then moved over to metal plate crunching under his boot. He opened the grate and was greeted by the Music of Wagner from a Gramophone. Heated air blasted into his covered face and he imagined he could feel the water all over his figure evaporating as he entered and hung up his coat, joining the three other Wehrmacht-Soldiers at the table to watch them play their card game.
"Wie sieht es draussen aus?" One of them joked, only one of the others giving a weak smile at the attempt of the joke.
The soldier who came back in grumbled merely and reached out, grasping a cooled beerflask and took a long sip.
Further down
A group of Soldiers were holding a sparring match, two of the shorthaired, barechested men heaving and exchanging blows while the crowd cheered. Bets for cigarettes were taken and an impromptu-inspection of a higher-ranking officer resulted in a firm reprimand, a short speech of shame and then the officer telling them to get on with it, preciding over the match as a judge.
Further down
Two Scientists were removing a panel and looked at the mixture of wiring and soup they had exposed. They hesitated and then one scooped up a bit of the gooish yellow-brown liquid for more testing. Blutkreuz was at work.
Further down
A Soldier diligently worked on his "Sieger" Gun, cleaning it, disassembling it and putting it together. He re-checked his combat-gear while explaining to the others what to be aware of when handeling this gear.
Further down
The enourmous submarine dubbed "Packesel" (pack mule) was offloaded with great laughter and excitement. Letters, fresh food. Fruit. Newspapers. A few of the crew had smuggled a few items of choice to their soldier-friends. An officer shouted out names, standing on a crate while he reached out the letters to the crowd surrounding him.
Waiting patiently, large parcels stood at the side, two armed guards and a scientist waiting while the Submarine was offloaded. Vril for the Vaterland.
The Warmachine and Führer demanded.
All the way up
Two young German soldiers were filming Emporer-Penguins waddeling through the ice and sliding on their bellies. The Germans in their white coats laughed as they watched the shenanigans of the beautiful animals.

Life was good at Antarctica.
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Just a question Gideon, but would researching Improved Life Support Systems, such as Air Filters, Air Cleaners, Water Filters, Water Purifiers, Water Treatment, Sewage Treatment, probably Air Conditioning/Heaters and all that sort of stuff needed to make an underground complex habitable help the Antarctican Colony? I mean, you'd think it would as whilst most of that stuff isn't as necessary as it is for an underground complex, some of it is very useful making other adverse climates habitable... And even if we've already got versions, better ones can't hurt.
Just a question Gideon, but would researching Improved Life Support Systems, such as Air Filters, Air Cleaners, Water Filters, Water Purifiers, Water Treatment, Sewage Treatment, probably Air Conditioning/Heaters and all that sort of stuff needed to make an underground complex habitable help the Antarctican Colony? I mean, you'd think it would as whilst most of that stuff isn't as necessary as it is for an underground complex, some of it is very useful making other adverse climates habitable... And even if we've already got versions, better ones can't hurt.

It could help the Antarctican colony. It could also help whatever underground cities/forts/fortifications/structures we make.
Damnit, and my research actions are booked next turn. One of you guys mind doing that? We're going to need all the VK we can get.

EDIT: UbeOne, That's exactly the reason I came up with that research idea, the Antarctican Colony was only thought of because of that like Omake...
That depends what we uncover again. we can prioritise then. But we are getting a lot done (despite a few people, myself included, still working on wunderwaffen-projects).
In general, we need more Ammo, more Manpower and more Supplies (in that order). In an ironic twist, i am going to cite "The Fuhrers Face" and yell for "More shells!"
Damnit, and my research actions are booked next turn. One of you guys mind doing that? We're going to need all the VK we can get.

EDIT: UbeOne, That's exactly the reason I came up with that research idea, the Antarctican Colony was only thought of because of that like Omake...

What are you planning to do?

And honestly, I can't promise anythign without seeing the result of this turn. Actions have a tendency to be paradigm changing, long term plans just don't work.
I'm planning on researching Improved Underground Excavation and Construction, which should boost our mines AND anything we build underground, such as bomb shelters, fortifications, secret research labs, underground cities... And to boost that effort, I'm also researching Improved Geology and Geological Formations, this is to boost our mines, ability to build underground for cheaper (Because we know where not to dig and where it's easiest to dig) and leads to the turn after that's locked in research. Design action will be dedicated to using our new understanding to design improved underground excavation and construction equipment, to make it easier to build underground and boost our mines.

The locked in research for the turn after that will be 'The Use of Sound, Vibrations and Shockwaves to explore, examine and detect in the ocean and underground'. Basically, that I'm hoping for Sonar and what I call 'Explosve-Caused Shockwave Geological Mapping'. Basically where you dig a bunch of holes, stuff them with explosives, detonate the explosives and listen to the shockwaves travelling through hthe earth and their echoes, then using a computer to filter the data to get a rudimentary 'map' of the underground layout. Which will feed my design effort that turn of developing what I'm calling the 'Geological Exploration and Survey Corps' whose purpose is to map everywhere Germany can get access to, to find new mineral deposits and Orebodies. Such as all that Oil under the North Sea for instance? Basically it's a group who automatically map the world, and find stuff for us to dig up and use, or trade the information to others who can use it themselves. Also probably makes underground excavation and construction easier again because we've got better geological maps.

After that I'm planning on PROJECT TWERG, which I've mentioned early. Which I'll need the Improved Life Support Systems for, so that'll probably be my other research the turn after next if nothing else comes up. PROJECT TWERG is basically allowing us to make Cities underground, similar to those from Dwarf Fortress, if more limited, which should help with security and makes it damn hard for an enemy to bomb our industry. It's also me throwing my hand into the Wunderwaffe ring, but we're Nazis, we all have to do that sometime and at least my idea's something that could be very useful if successful. Potentially even game-saving/changing.

Basically, I'm sticking with my current habit of doing actions that give small benefits, but many, and most of them have uncountable uses. Which means even if PROJECT TWERG fails, I've not wasted too much.

Oh, and as a side note, I'm probably benefit from someone researching robotics next turn as well. Would help with developing that underground excavation and construction/mining gear.
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If I were to invest in a Wunderwaffe, it would probably be space-based weaponry.