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Common everyone, don't you want to read an interlude where an incredibly drunk Palpatine struggles to comprehend not just how he lost to a Gungan...

...but how he lost to this Gungan!!

We could leave Palpatine to be digested by a Sarlacc and he would suffer less.
Cmon guys the other who vote for idealistic outsider change to jarjar ot else we fet a technocrat lets try to save the republic !
[x] Plan The One True Chancellor

Sorry Magoose, I know you probably wanted to write a more serious quest and it already got hijacked in the first round.
But, it is just too funny. So, screw it. Gungan For Chancellor it is.
[x] Plan The One True Chancellor

Sorry Magoose, I know you probably wanted to write a more serious quest and it already got hijacked in the first round.
But, it is just too funny. So, screw it. Gungan For Chancellor it is.
Oh it will be serious as a quest goes that i have no doubt jarjar is not stupid only clumsy and we see his politcal savyness in ridire of @theirishdreamer
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Hard as it is to believe Magoose has adapted previous quests to crazier things than Chancellor Jar Jar Binks. Just read rebirth of the world and it's sequel. Or the riot quest where I played a Mercenary version of Eugene Crabs.
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Ah but consider the technocrat who slowly becoming idealistic a man who just wanted to do his job became someone who falls in love with ideas of democracy
sounds kinda boring and i dont think it makes for quite the compelling gameplay but each their own and as it was stated he is choosing the most logical approach that means slavery yea fam that stays as it is more effiecent to let it stay instead of routing it out and get a war with the hutts the repbulic can ill afford. So yea im on the fence on this
slavery yea fam that stays as it is more effiecent to let it stay instead of routing it out and get a war with the hutts the repbulic can ill afford.
Slavery is neither efficient nor logical, and war against huts/pirates could easily be used to bribe some outer-rim worlds and to strengthen the military (and lower unemployment, because military requires a lot of people even in support rolls).
Slavery is neither efficient nor logical, and war against huts/pirates could easily be used to bribe some outer-rim worlds and to strengthen the military (and lower unemployment, because military requires a lot of people even in support rolls).
Not when you have a split government. Even if you try to make an outside enemy, can it slipp real quick as the republic is not war-ready without the emergency powers? Or do you think you could hammer 2 legislatur through a senate that goes itself at the throat? Not to mention if you do this, the core will not be cooperative for the most part as the status quo suits them just fine, so to even get a foot on the ground, you would need a populist movement where you are the head off, not the logical side. You are all forgetting the drawbacks of a technocrat so no charisma is a death sentence for anybody,political limited vision,do i have to explain more ? unseen enemies is also hindering, to say the least at least with idiealistic outsider, you know which one are your friends and which one are your enemies or on the fence

  • Lack of Charisma: Your cold, data-driven approach can alienate people. While effective, you may struggle to connect emotionally with both the public and your peers in the Senate. (All political power actions that recruit allies suffer a -20, but if you somehow succeed, their loyalty is a rank higher than normal. )
  • Limited Vision: Your initial goal was simply to balance the budget and manage systems. This narrow focus might hinder your ability to inspire or lead on larger, more existential galactic issues like war, peace, or social reform. You have no real agenda at the start and the legislative turns are increased until you release a manifesto. Suffer a -30 to all legislative rolls until you have an agenda.)
  • Unseen Enemies: By quietly rising through the ranks, you might have made enemies who resent your behind-the-scenes influence, particularly among Senators who feel they've been outmaneuvered. (You have a random Faction in the Galaxy that absolutely wants you dead more than usual and will always stall your objective, but you can never know who they are until you complete several actions investigating them.)

  • Inexperience with the Core: You're from the Outer Rim, meaning you may lack the deep connections or understanding of how the Core World politics and high-level Senate dealings work. This could leave you vulnerable to manipulation. (Auto-fail all core world senator allies rolls until you pass 5 pieces of legislation.). After that, suffer a -10 to rolls when recruiting those same Core world senators. All Legislative rolls will have a permanent roll malus of -5)
  • Populist Support: While your populist platform is effective in the Outer Rim, the Core Worlds and corporate interests may view you as a dangerous radical, creating significant opposition from powerful sectors. (You are beholden to the will of your constituents even more than usual and if you do something they don't like, you suffer a massive roll malus on political power and Legislative rolls for two turns.)
  • Naïveté: Your idealism, while admirable, might not be suited to the cold realities of galactic politics. Without compromising, you could find yourself isolated and unable to enact the changes you want. The QM will give you the friendship of someone you really shouldn't be friends with, who is considered your strongest political ally. And if you do not help them with their dedication every turn... you will be automatically removed from power, and the game will automatically end.)

These are not nearly as crippling as technocrats are just saying.


The Idealistic Outsider
  • Strong Moral Compass: Your anti-corruption stance and populist platform resonate deeply with the common citizens, especially in the Outer Rim. You are seen as a champion of the people, which can lead to widespread support. (When campaigning on issues that help the common people, Gain a +30 to all political power rolls, and legislative rolls.)
  • Resilient: You have survived multiple assassination attempts and political sabotage, proving that you can handle adversity. This makes you appear tough and unshakable. (All assassination Attempts against you, will have to succeed Twice before it can do any lasting damage)
  • Fresh Perspective: Coming from outside the typical political elite, you bring new ideas and approaches that could disrupt the stagnant bureaucracy of the Senate. (When making allies with younger to fifth-term senators during political power turns, they will gain a bonus to becoming part of your allies or towards your government faction.)
just to stand them side by side

The Calculating Technocrat
  • Master of Systems: Your understanding of logistics, trade agreements, and the inner workings of the Senate makes you an efficient and detail-oriented leader. You know how to navigate bureaucratic red tape with ease.(Political Power and legislative rolls for galactic trade deal, Systems logistics, and resources gain +30 and DC of the those projects are halved.)
  • Pragmatism: You focus on data, numbers, and long-term goals, making you highly rational and objective in your decision-making. This could lead to stable and effective governance. (gaining Political Power rolls are halved, and your gain are increased by x2)
  • Low-Key Leadership: You didn't rely on charisma or popularity to rise to power, which means you may be less vulnerable to public opinion or populist revolts. (You are not likely to be blamed when things go wrong with the Public, and you can have a higher chance of directing it to your enemies with a bonus +20 to the attempt.)
What screams reform more and what is the same way as always in the core i dont see us really reforming as the technocrat.
And tbh we need the second chance of The Idealistic Outsider because palpatine is not happy with this outcome.
Btw is plaguies still around if i remember he was killed right after palpatine won the chancellorship so it would fit that he sruvived as palpatine still saw use in him to further his own goal and the sith plan.
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Here is some of the things that you need to keep an eye on besides legitimacy, which is something I will always have on the turn.

So, here is some of the things we will affect.and a brief explanation of what they are.

Senate Cohesion: A cohesive Senate ensures that decisions can be made efficiently and that the Republic remains stable and effective. High cohesion leads to faster decision-making and unified response to crises, while low cohesion results in gridlock, infighting, and political instability, often allowing external threats like the Separatists or criminal organizations to gain more influence. This will be represented by bonuses for each level above the neutral level, as well as gaining more political power during your political power turn.

Mates, looks like this'll be a Vicky 3 Quest.

It's time to nearly begin the waltz of the Republic:

First time joining a just-being-born Quest of the Legendary Magoose.

"I shall watch your career with great interest"

[x] I Definatly didn't Ask for this!
- [x] A'dama Jensen
- [x]
- [x] The Calculating Technocrat

Totally biased thanks to playing Human Revolution: Director's Cut, and finding it one of my favorite games.

[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

Yousa people gonna die?!
Have you wondered how your Liang Shu would do in this Galaxy Far, Far Away?
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