, I wonder if she also had Other Races and nations with her when she inspectioned MadDog Pass.
A couple dwarfs but that's it. almost all of them were there to escort her around as bodyguards, most of what she was doing was making sure what she wanted to do was feasible in an area she had never been in.
Will more Dragons show up? For a Grudge Match?
A couple because there is always some bad eggs but they'll get a clue soon enough.
So, she has taken over most of the Border Princes?
Everything that was said to be part of the borderlands is now hers. the disputed areas like near Tilea and other nations are still disputed.
Are the walls going to be a mix of the Theodosian Wall and the Great Wall of China? Because if so then it would be almost impossible to breach
Exsept for these things called cannon. I would hope for her and the Dwarfs to introduce the slightly slanted uniform walls of later periods. Bonus points if key areas have starforts built into the big wall.
Eddit: Bonus ducks if they are controlled collapse walls.
They are going to be designed for cannons because why build a massive defense structure that can't withstand your own artillery? I'm not anywhere near informed about walls beside that they are walls and that some walls are better then others at taking cannon fire. So, I'm just going to say that her people and the dwarfs have it in hand.
So, a question about "Thunder Mountain" the Volcano.
How well can they work with Lava?
I mean, they work with steam.
Can the Dwarves mine in the volcanic area & use it as a forge?
according to this, it was in fact a hold for dwarfs before dragons and goblins got involved.
Remind me, what was the Iron Rock area on the map called?
Iron Rock was founded as an iron mine by the dwarfs before it was taken by the greenskins and then around 1706ish IC, it was cemented as a stronghold for greenskins by Gorbad Ironclaw which just so happens to be that Warboss Mordred oneshoted back in Chapter 1 of Arc 1.
Lastly, I just felt like pointing out how idiotic it was for the peasants of the Empire to flee to Mordred's realm knowing good and well what she is, yet still persist in wanting to "burn the witches!" Just... I know peasants aren't usually portrayed as being the brightest, but you'd think they'd have SOMETHING like survival instincts.
It's more that they mostly intellectually understand but they have been raised to fear magic and hate mages for over a thousand years now, closer to two thousand actually. They might have fled to Drachenreich because the empire was too dangerous, but that doesn't mean they feel that Drachenreich is all that safe. It takes longer then a couple of months for most people to get over a millennia of being taught magic means burn them all.
Of course the only reason you/Mordred will last long enough to become a god-queen is due to the Worm CYOA perks.
It's mentioned in 'Fate/Grand Order material III' that Mordred not only matured far faster than a human, her lifespan was far shorter due to her homunculus nature. While actual numbers are vague, the gist of it is that she was grown by 10 and would have keeled over by the time she was 30.
True, and technically her original lifespan could be used in an interesting way but I don't want to write a story where Mordred has done all of these things, has kids, everything is looking up and then she keels over because her time came up. She had 10ish years of OG life, then she spent another 10 on Earth Bet and then she has been on warhammer world about 5-6 years, that would mean by her OG lifespan, she would keel over when her kid turns 5 years old and that just sucks.
So, she gets a new chance at life as the god-queen of Drachenreich instead.