Will you atleast try to do the "Victory lap around my Father and her Alternates as I assert my dominance of actually having a decent rule, over them" Omake?
Will the grand finale end with Modred traveling to another universe or becoming the sole GOD of Warhammer? Like just a small footnote, a small what if scene.
Was kinda hoping she winds up in another world.
We got a Worm Prologue, Warhammer would be Chapter 1. Maybe Chapter 2 has her wind up in a Slice of Life world. Like Kobayashi's Dragon Maid or Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Chapter 3 puts her back in the Action by going to something like Bioshock or Star Wars.
How would that work? Does large minority mean the commoner worship her and small majority mean that nobles worship her?
I think it means that either a large minority of the population worships her or a small majority of the population worships her, rather than any specific group
Hopefully she now has time to pursue the mysteries of the lizardfolk and the old ones.
Be sad to see this done but with the way it's gone I can definitely say I greatly enjoyed what you did get down, any plans for something similar in the future? Maybe another SI cross with Mordred?
Will you atleast try to do the "Victory lap around my Father and her Alternates as I assert my dominance of actually having a decent rule, over them" Omake?
How about something I have Never seen before.Hmm, another SI!Mordred? maybe in the distant future, I'd like to give writing other characters a shot before I do another one with Mordred.
Was kinda hoping she winds up in another world.
We got a Worm Prologue, Warhammer would be Chapter 1. Maybe Chapter 2 has her wind up in a Slice of Life world. Like Kobayashi's Dragon Maid or Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Chapter 3 puts her back in the Action by going to something like Bioshock or Star Wars.
Bioshock would require her to heavily restrain herself so that should doesn't break Rapture.
Star Wars is because I kinda want to see her get into a Beam of Death Trade Off with the Death Star.
I did have plans for a sequel in DXD where Mordred is fleeing from Chaos across the void because she can't enter Warhammer World anymore and makes a deal with God to be a Sacred Gear for a while in exchange for getting to hide there but there are a couple reasons why I decided not to.
Hm.Bretonnia was still killing every would be worshiper of me that crossed into their borders to this day.
Hmm....a war I'm not sure if any of you will see coming or perhaps it is too obvious either way I'm not saying
That is something I've been daydreaming about as well. From what I understand, Mordred has kept a very "hands-off" approach to her cult, so that might be something she can address now that she's no longer Empress. Ya know, gather the leaders of her cult together and lay down some ground rules? Because other than the VERY brief talk she had back when she first established Drachenhole I don't think she's told her followers her expectations. And, well, I don't think she'd want to be responsible for her cult ending up like Sigmar's...Also, I'm hoping Mordred is trying to support the Cult of Morr a bit now and then. To me, they kind of looked like one of the very few things about the old Empire that was not broken, and if that church can make it through that kind of corruption for that long, it's definitely worth keeping.
Wasn't there something about The Lady actually being the elder goddess Lileath, who was holding back Bretonnia a lot, culturally speaking? The kind of goddess you wouldn't want to have in your pantheon at all? Lots of power, BUT... (All peasants are honorless! Keep them down! etc. The Lady is known to be very fickle even to her own followers.)Though considering the Lady's actions Mordred will probably punch her in the face... Eh, all pantheons have some internal friction.
The mad lad done what his father never could: stand down and left his kingdoms to his heir instead of stubbornly clinging to his rule and letting it progress into an open revolt
Does her descendants all have magical core and circuits?
Can they able use all the winds and high magic?
How about something I have Never seen before.
SI!Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite.
SI gets Worm V3, Crossovers as her with her powers and picks Charles Atlas, Comic book Pretty, Special Snowflake and Woman of Mystery.
First perk enhances her mind as well as her body, so she can rapidly get a handle on the Tear powers.
Comic Book Pretty is so Charles Atlas doesn't make her look roided out. Nothing wrong with bodybuilder women, but that isn't Elizabeth's appeal.
Special Snowflake is to prevent her powers from ever being Nerfed again by Daddy NotsoDearest.
And Women of Mystery is so that Daddy and his crew can never follow or find her again.
SI!Elizabeth wakes up in Worm and Nopes off to somewhere else. The story begins.
How's that sound?
I reckon a DXD trip would've done great, as she is a goddess and thus at least on par with most characters in the series. Making her a sacred gear? I'm not sure how that'd work, as I've never read a fic from that pov
Also, I'm hoping Mordred is trying to support the Cult of Morr a bit now and then. To me, they kind of looked like one of the very few things about the old Empire that was not broken, and if that church can make it through that kind of corruption for that long, it's definitely worth keeping.
So ... is she just letting Bretonnia kill her worshippers without doing anything about it?
Maybe codify that genocide against other races and religions is bad m'kay? Excepting the ones who follow the Ruinous Powers, of course.
On a side note, I kinda wonder what King Truefist thinks of Mordred's ramblings? Especially her thoughts on how stagnation is what rots Human nations? I'd think it would make for a good bit of Dwarven philosophy. The Dwarves make VERY slow and steady progress, while the Humans have bursts of inspiration followed by years of nothing really happening. After a bit Humanity hits a block, throws a revolutionary tantrum, then sprints toward its new goals. With their long history with Humanity, and their long memory, the Dwarves could be in the unique situation of being able to understand how Humans work better than Humans themselves.
*edit* And maybe point out that the Halflings grow most of their food and it's kind of a dick move to treat them as lesser beings? Also, that they are at the perfect height to either kneecap you or punch you in the crotch.
l have not been keeping up with the chat but do you roughly now what your righting next or are you taking suggestions @wowow2264 ? but im also guessing that will still be a few months off so you can get relaxed after a project
Oh yeah, Morr and Shallya are basically the only two not fucking up as far as I know. Mordred has definitely spread the Morr cult as far as she could and tried to get people to bury their dead in one of the gardens/graveyards. 1, because those in the graveyards can't get back up and eat their still living family and 2, the stronger Morr is, the safer everyone else's (including her descendants) souls are.
if your doing an alt power Taylor, do a progression of Artoria Saber Lilly to Artoria Saber to Artoria Lancer and maybe to the Ruler version as end dex, from innocent Saber to perfect Saber to mature Lancer to a content Ruler. In the end, it's your choice.
"Ah you see she is not a daughter of Sigmar or Ulric Its quite obvious really. SHE IS MORRdred not SIGMARDREDD"
I did have plans for a sequel in DXD where Mordred is fleeing from Chaos across the void because she can't enter Warhammer World anymore and makes a deal with God to be a Sacred Gear for a while in exchange for getting to hide there but there are a couple reasons why I decided not to.
You wouldn't have to rewrite everything if you really wanted to make the story better. You have most of the main story already here
At the beginning it was well paced and interesting, and really kept people eager for the next chapter; however, after a while your pace began to pick up, and you go from "just showed up in Warhammer Fantasy, fought my first war, got banished and founded my own kingdom" to "oh it's been 20+ years since I got here, and I got two kids, and a massive kingdom. Oh, and did I forget I'm now a god, with mega magic powers, and have butchered whole armies in a couple of weeks that couldn't be done in centuries? Yeah been there, did that, got the shirt" in what felt like a handful of chapters.
There was also a lot of potential cut by having the Dark Elves suicide on Mordred so early, and the Empire just subverting and willingly join the Drakenreich as quick as it did. Those plotlines could have been drawn out, but other than the Empire's coups they just didn't have much substance to them. There are some other aspects that felt like they could have had better pay off like having Beastmen, Scaven, daemon, undead incursion, to liven things up.
However, I think to a point, that Mordred just became too powerful too quickly for the narrative and the story setting. After a while there just wasn't enough of a challenge for her to really overcome, in the short term, there is the War of Apocalypse(?) but that's like a 1,000ish years away and Mordred hasn't been there a century and has already knocked out two factions, one being the Dark Elves, and the other being the Sigmar's Empire, and actually the prevented the formation of the Vampire Counts (since Sylvania is under her rule). Additionally, the Dawi have multiple Karaks back in their control that were lost for centuries, the Orks have been pushed out, Chaos and the Beastmen have been neutered with Mordred's Aegis. Who else besides the good guys is there left to fight that would bother showing up Nagash, the Ogres, the Scaven, the Dawi-Zharr, the Slann? I honestly feel like Mordred could solo the world, win and rule it in 10 years.
I think that, for whatever you do for your next project, come up with some form of scale to just how powerful the characters should be, OP characters are good for short stories, crack fics, power trip fics, or "I'm so powerful, but I so lazy" fics. I think looking at some D&D might help with that.
if you continue with fan fiction, just having a passing idea of the material will go a long way.
You also may want to try your hand at doing your own world building on an original story idea you come up with.
I should have expounded on that, I meant the D&D monsters. Their monsters as well as most RPGs and MMORPGs tend to have scaling enemies and equipment as the characters progress. D&D was the first thing that came to mind, but World of Warcraft, Diablo, Final Fantasy XIV, Legends of Zelda, and other similar games have enemies that get harder as they progress.
I will have to say as someone who doesnt really know warhammer that well (all my knowledge comes from fanfic or yogscast tom and ben) I personally really liked that the dark elves werent that much of a threat since from what i understnad they shouldnt be, unless they had had gotten a reason to be cautious and prepare some 'bulshit chaos ritual' that empowers them enough to be one. Sure enemies that decide to attack after that i would be more willing to believe that they could give a decent fight since they would be more cautious and having used there power up rituals before they get close to morderds land. Otherwise i think with how powerful they were when ariving and how they didnt stagnant on power most enemies should be more indirect (like raiding dark elves, have them raid multiple places at once and retreat fairly quickly after summoning deamons or something to cause trouble. Easy for mordred to deal with but not her people.) however most threats that rely on mordred not being there doesnt work at this stage of the story.There is no doubt in my mind that I made Mordred way too powerful. Just her base servant power level is too much for normal WHF, the CYOA boost stacked with her becoming a goddess was just overkill. I really should have left off Mordred becoming a goddess until near the very end for that classic shonen power up and played up the general power level of warhammer fantasy enough that she could have some decent fights against the high tier enemies.
And as you and others have said, there is just a bunch of wasted potential in general regarding Mordred's enemies.
In most cases, yes you would be correct, the Dark Elves are primarily a pirate/raider faction who mostly hit coastal and nearby settlements for loot and slaves. They are not a faction that is prone to engaging in big battles with other factions. Sure they are more than capable of going up against opposing armies, but unless they have a reason to amass troops for something they want, most of what you would encounter is small raiding fleets. In that regard the overall threat of the Dark Elves is rather minimal in most cases compared to the likes of Skaven, Chaos, Beastmen, Orcs, and the Vampire Counts.really liked that the dark elves werent that much of a threat since from what i understnad they shouldnt be