My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

I do hope that some more annoying Shard Requests are answered with Code 451

Maybe some minor thinker from Watchdog getting most clear answer from their power for once... (And this answer is "Data unavailable for legal reasons")
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I do hope that some more annoying Shard Requests are answered with Core 451

Maybe some minor thinker from Watchdog getting most clear answer from their power for once... (And this answer is "Data unavailable for legal reasons")

Broadcast: [QUERY]

Queen Punch Administrator: [MIDDLE FINGER]

Broadcast: [CONFUSION] [QUERY]

QPA: *hits him with enough junk data it's the equivalent of a shard nut shot* [MIDDLE FINGER]^2
"Our money is clean, Sir," the captain added without being prompted. "The counterfeits we've found are very good, possibly from an offshoot of Lazare Cagliostro's ring operating in the US. We've turned them in anonymously to the Treasury Department. The debit cards for the rewards were mailed to an anonymous mail drop per SOP. They were distributed to the various squads, per your orders."
Love the nod here to Castle Cagliostro, makes me wonder if there's an Arsene Lupin III somewhere on Earth Bet - a Stranger/Tinker with disguises and little spycraft Tinker gadgetry.
Coil as a sort-of Amanda Waller within the PRT, or maybe sort of the control of a Mission: Impossible team? (Hopefully the 60s version with a crew that rotates depending on the mission and not the Tom Cruise-centric version.)
Broadcast: [QUERY]

Queen Punch Administrator: [MIDDLE FINGER]

Broadcast: [CONFUSION] [QUERY]

QPA: *hits him with enough junk data it's the equivalent of a shard nut shot* [MIDDLE FINGER]^2
The fun QA could have with Broadcast when he arrives is hilarious, run him on a crack goose chase around the city, make him trap himself by planning for what she is planning etc. funny stuff could happen. though Cyttorak would want her to deal with it in a flashy way, so hmm.

I do hope this Taylor doesn't mind killing jack, because she could totally go "I'm going to rip you in half now" to jack after baiting him in
The fun QA could have with Broadcast when he arrives is hilarious, run him on a crack goose chase around the city, make him trap himself by planning for what she is planning etc. funny stuff could happen. though Cyttorak would want her to deal with it in a flashy way, so hmm.

I do hope this Taylor doesn't mind killing jack, because she could totally go "I'm going to rip you in half now" to jack after baiting him in
Since QA is an equal to Broadcast, she should be able to [NOPE] any of his requests for [DATA] on handling Taylor. Or, she can troll him oh so very badly by feeding false info, and leading Jack down a rabbit hole so deep he can't find the way back out. Then Taylor can walk up to him and take his head off, or maybe grab hold of him and see if she can Yeet him into orbit - yeah, I like that 2nd one better (especially if she aims for Ziz - 2birds, one stone, ya know?)
Since QA is an equal to Broadcast, she should be able to [NOPE] any of his requests for [DATA] on handling Taylor. Or, she can troll him oh so very badly by feeding false info, and leading Jack down a rabbit hole so deep he can't find the way back out. Then Taylor can walk up to him and take his head off, or maybe grab hold of him and see if she can Yeet him into orbit - yeah, I like that 2nd one better (especially if she aims for Ziz - 2birds, one stone, ya know?)
Seems to be a Theme for this thread: First Mama Mathers and now Jacky Boy. Who's next on the 'we want a yeet to Ziz' train?
Fake data is SOOOO much worse than no data.

No data is Data, it tells you you cant read them, Fake data when he has never come up against fake data before would work amazingly against him.

And i totally agree with Yeeting them into Ziz, since if he dies, Broadcast cant set up golden morning, if it is even possible in this AU.
I thought Aegis didn't technically have super strength, he could just exert hysterical strength more easily.
Cracking plastic (or glass) mayo jars like that doesn't require superstrength, or even hysterical strength.
Granted, most who do have that level of strength usually don't accidentally break jars while opening them due to learning to control that strength while building it up, but it's completely possible.
Since QA is an equal to Broadcast, she should be able to [NOPE] any of his requests for [DATA] on handling Taylor.
Especially since she's backed by a being who is much more powerful than both Scion and Eden combined.
Seems to be a Theme for this thread: First Mama Mathers and now Jacky Boy. Who's next on the 'we want a yeet to Ziz' train?

Butcher 1: You killed my host; you are now the next Butcher.
Juggernaut: No. *yeets the ghost to Ziz, who directs it into the moon*
Cracking plastic (or glass) mayo jars like that doesn't require superstrength, or even hysterical strength.
Granted, most who do have that level of strength usually don't accidentally break jars while opening them due to learning to control that strength while building it up, but it's completely possible.

Especially since she's backed by a being who is much more powerful than both Scion and Eden combined.


Butcher 1: You killed my host; you are now the next Butcher.
Juggernaut: No. *yeets the ghost to Ziz, who directs it into the moon*
uhhhh, just a slight question about yeeting the butcher into Ziz, what if he could take her over? i doubt it, but do you want to take the risk? better to just have QA smack a bitch down while JugTay smacks a bitch down.
uhhhh, just a slight question about yeeting the butcher into Ziz, what if he could take her over? i doubt it, but do you want to take the risk? better to just have QA smack a bitch down while JugTay smacks a bitch down.
All Endbringers are immune to the Butcher's powers. That said, we only know that from a Doyalist pov. The inhabitants of Bet are justifiably wary of that happening, so they wouldn't take that risk.
Still fun to joke about.
Since QA is an equal to Broadcast
Best as I know, everything we've learned about QA, she's the top, top, Warrior shard, just below the Warrior (he's also got his personal shards, but they don't really count). The top, top, Thinker shard is Eidolon's one ('High Priest') - but that's not deployed, so (a fit, healthy) QA is arguably better than that. Contessa's shard, PtV, and the shards that make-up the Endbringers, are effectively outside that hierarchy.

Throw in Cyttorak? As long as you can claim it's a 'contest of strength', in some way...


BTW, different Calvert is different/interesting. Pitter pate. (cooking definition)
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I do hope that some more annoying Shard Requests are answered with Code 451

Maybe some minor thinker from Watchdog getting most clear answer from their power for once... (And this answer is "Data unavailable for legal reasons")

Broadcast: [QUERY]

Queen Punch Administrator: [MIDDLE FINGER]

Broadcast: [CONFUSION] [QUERY]

QPA: *hits him with enough junk data it's the equivalent of a shard nut shot* [MIDDLE FINGER]^2
Okay, Code 451 is clearly the coder "polite but firm" way of saying [DIE IN A FIRE]!!
Okay, Code 451 is clearly the coder "polite but firm" way of saying [DIE IN A FIRE]!!
More... things have gone badly enough wrong that we're burning all the books, because 'literacy is bad for society'...
(Possibly a step up from the Enron, 'Shred everything!!!' ?)

Maybe Taylor could 'Come out for Literacy', saying 'Everyone should read!'?
Rather oppose the 'Brutes only brute' bit...

(Yeah, I know. Above comment is literal rather than literary. :) )


How bad do things have to get for it to become 'Burn All The Computers!', rather than 'Burn All The Books'???
(Yes, I've got a friend who refers to 'Satan's Web'...)
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Okay, Code 451 is clearly the coder "polite but firm" way of saying [DIE IN A FIRE]!!
451 is "Unavailable for legal reasons", as a nod to Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.

Of course, one of the single largest uses of it is American websites who don't want to rearchitect their advertising-based funding model to respect European data privacy laws.