Metroid: Decay

:jackiechan:I... Wat:jackiechan:

I stand corrected. The bad control scheme wasn't due to people dicking around with the Wii-mote, it was a result of Sakamoto being obsessed with remotes that have been obsolete for decades. I'm honestly impressed. I knew Sakamoto ruined the game, but I didn't think that he was responsible for literally everything wrong with it. Reading those links was like staring into some kind of horrible lovecraftian singularity of video game wrongness. I have no idea how a man so fractally wrong about video games managed to become so successful.
:jackiechan:I... Wat:jackiechan:

I stand corrected. The bad control scheme wasn't due to people dicking around with the Wii-mote, it was a result of Sakamoto being obsessed with remotes that have been obsolete for decades. I'm honestly impressed. I knew Sakamoto ruined the game, but I didn't think that he was responsible for literally everything wrong with it. Reading those links was like staring into some kind of horrible lovecraftian singularity of video game wrongness. I have no idea how a man so fractally wrong about video games managed to become so successful.
It really is a testament to how good Team Ninja is that Other M is playable at all.

Also, I'm not quite sure why people think Team Ninja would ever be comfortable with weak women. Sure, jiggle physics and volleyball are things, but almost without exception their female characters are strong-willed badasses. Them being made uncomfortable with Samus being turned into a simpering weakling is par for the course. You really wouldn't catch, say, Kasumi being reduced to Other M Samus's level, even if they're flashing pics of her ass every ten seconds.
It really is a testament to how good Team Ninja is that Other M is playable at all.

Also, I'm not quite sure why people think Team Ninja would ever be comfortable with weak women. Sure, jiggle physics and volleyball are things, but almost without exception their female characters are strong-willed badasses. Them being made uncomfortable with Samus being turned into a simpering weakling is par for the course. You really wouldn't catch, say, Kasumi being reduced to Other M Samus's level, even if they're flashing pics of her ass every ten seconds.
This, basically.

The characters of DOA are sexualized to hell, but the difference is that the characters still have agency.

Samus didn't even get that.
The pair kept moving through the forest, and as they did, Sullivan stared at the wildlife. Some were from Aether, some were barely alive, and others had been torn apart by the wildlife, with the occasional human remains.

One person had her head ripped off, before her chest was split open and hollowed out. The grenchlers surrounding the poor scientist shrieked, as they tore the body apart further and further.

Sullivan moved closer to Samus, while the bounty hunter kept moving. "...How the fuck do you stay calm here?"

"Experience." Samus said, simply. "This sector is not unlike some of the planets I have gone to...Phaaze and Zebes are actually worse than this facility so far."

"...Are you serious?"

"Yes." Samus said. "...In fact, SR388 was also rather hostile, and it only got worse as I exterminated the Metroids."

Sullivan shuddered a little. " were the one who killed them?"

Samus nodded slowly. "Yes. I was. The one exception was an odd little Metroid. A baby of sorts." Samus sighed. "I killed the queen, and it thought that I was its mother." Samus frowned. "...It sacrificed itself to save me. I didn't interact with it much thought highly enough to die for me." Samus frowned inside of her suit. "...I...honestly, I still don't know how to think about it."

"Oh." Sullivan murmured. "...uh...sorry for bringing it up."

"I am not traumatized by it, if that's what you are asking." Samus said. "...though, I can't help but feel sorry for it." Samus trailed off, and they spent the rest of the walk in relative silence.


Fun concept, at least. But who in the bleeding fuck thought that tying 3D movement to the d-pad was a good idea?
I didn't really have a problem with the d-pad for movement. I can't think of many instances where I thought it got in the way. Pointing the wiimote at the screen to switch to first person for missiles on the other hand was horrific. Yeah, let's make you take your hands off the controller and root you to the spot so you can't dodge anymore.
The thought of Sakomoto directing/producing the next Metroid game, supposedly set after Fusion, fills me with dread. And the fact that they're using the Other M design in the new Smash Bros isn't exactly encouraging.

The only explanation I can come up with for Sakamoto's behavior is that he's actually a lizardmanSpace Pirate in a human suit. Like, I can't believe no one stood up to him and told him his ideas were completely, utterly retarded.

Also, Moid, good story so far, eagerly awaiting more!
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If were lucky, Sakamoto meant what he said in April about not intending to return to his older series(es?). Maybe we'll get even more lucky and actually get the new Metroid games NIntendo is thinking about.

On story post, I love how alien the idea of something unconditionally sacrificing itself for her is to this Samus after all of her years as the Baddest Hunter in the Galaxy. You can really feel how much that turn of events confused her.
"" Sullivan gulped. "...My first name's Chloe."

"I already knew this." Samus said, as she adjusted her scan visor. She looked over the wildlife, before she paused, scanned one unfamiliar creature, and then kept moving after she realized she scanned a small rabbit. "I scanned your PC."

" could just call me by my name."

"There's no need." Samus said. "I will not know you that well after this particular mission is completed."

Chloe frowned. "Oh. Well, fuck you too."

Samus kept shifting her arm cannon around, all the while muttering to herself, before she saw a group of bipedal creatures, all huddled around something. They were eating messily, with the sound of cracking flesh echoing in the forest as the two women moved.

Suddenly, one of their heads shot up, before it quickly turned to see Samus. It froze for a second, before it clenched its teeth. "THE HUNTER."

Samus heard the sound through her suit's translator, while Chloe just took a bewildered step back. "W-What does it want?!"

"THE HUNTER IS HERE!" The standing one screeched, as it stood to its full height. It was eight feet tall, standing a fair amount above Samus's already impressive height, towering over the two women. It screeched, holding its two arms out as it ground its fists together.

"Space Pirate." Samus said. "...I don't think it's happy with what I did to Mother Brain."

The others turned their heads, revealing that their mouths were caked in red blood. They stood up, revealing that they had been feasting on a human body, as they slowly stood up. There were seven of them...and behind them, many, many more pirates appeared. Some were clad in armor, some had broken, ruined jet packs on their backs, and some were near death, while others were fully living.

And one-by-one, they murmured. "The hunter!" One said. "Why is she here?!" Another growled, as they all slowly lumbered forwards. Samus's scan visor flicked across all of them, as she made a slow count.

"Two-hundred and fifteen." Samus murmured. "...The GF has kept more than two hundred of them."

The seven in front of them stood ten feet away from Samus, before one of them charged. Without effort, Samus side-stepped out of its way, before she blew a hole in its chest, leaving the rest of it to crumble and collapse onto the ground.

The creatures' mouths clenched tightly, before one of them screamed in fury. It, too, charged, followed by the sounds of two-hundred footsteps. The pirates all rushed towards Samus, as she simply did a sweep with her missiles. Five of them rushed out of her cannon, nailing five pirates, before she obliterated another chunk of them with a supermissile. She grabbed one of their chestpieces with her grapplebeam, before she threw him around her head, as though he was a flail. She finished by slamming him against the ground, crushing his skull, before she shifted into a morphball and detonated a powerbomb among the swarm.

Chloe stood aside the swarm, staring in silent horror as Samus was swarmed, quietly cradling her gun as Samus tore through the group. A laser shotgun blasted itself across Samus's armor, the energy field barely keeping a hold of it as part of her suit was damaged. Samus quickly shifted her weapons again, turning to her ice beam before she blew apart more pirates with a shot of her ice spreader. The creatures froze beside her, with fifteen of them near death, before she blew them apart with a missile shot.

There wasn't so much a fight as there was a blur, as pirates and pieces of pirates were sent flying with every shot. Sullivan couldn't help but watch...before one pirate stood right in front of her.

It murmured something to her in a strange, eldritch language, as Chloe just shivered in fear. She turned her gun towards it as it moved to her, before it just let out a laugh. It aimed its gun at her, speaking once again in a bizarre language, before it slowly grasped her shoulder, and pointed her gun towards the ground.

It laughed lowly, stalking closer to her with each and every step, before it unhinged its jaw.


A/N: pirates r 2 sp00ky
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Is... It is attempting diplomacy? :confused:
Wait, did it point it's gun at the ground or did it force her's down?
Rule of thumb: never reveal you first name, unless you want a death mark right after.

This story keeps getting better and better. Samus the badass, 'nuff saying.
You know all those speedruns that people do of the games? That's what Samus really went through. Got all the pickups, beat all the enemies and made entire planets her playground.
Nah, Samus is a professional. Why go out of your way to get the power bomb halfway up the cliff when you're 5 minutes away from defeating mecha-ridley, and it won't possibly be of any use whatsoever? She'll pick up whatever's on the way, but the real out-of-the-way stuff just gets left behind.
Well, I'd imagine that she wouldn't want to leave any of the stuff the Chozo left her behind, so...

Also kinda surprised that there wasn't a Pirate going "WHY ARE YOU CHARGING HER WHY AREN'T WE RUNNING" :V

Samus is basically the Pirates Satan figure at this point, isn't she?