Metroid: Decay

The group moved through a nearby swamp, with their armor somewhat encumbered by it. Samus, right ahead of them, was instead dressed in a purple-tinted version of her suit, and moved with complete ease.

"...That's not fucking fair." Nova groaned. "Why do you get all that shit?!"

"Simple." Samus said. "I have kept this particular asset in my possession. The gravity suit is exceptionally useful in most situations, and can easily glide through most aquatic environments with utter ease. However, the downside, and why I don't use it more often, is that it is rather uncomfortable. And I prefer ora-"

"Bad fucking question." Nova interrupted. "Nevermind. Forget it. Forget I asked."

"Well, you did ask, though."

Chloe giggled a little, just to hear Nova groan.

Higgs himself chuckled, even as they moved through the swamp. Right ahead, Samus spotted a cavern, where she quickly scanned through it with multiple visors. "It's clear." She said. "No trace of animal life in the cave."

"Have to admit, though." Higgs said. "Chozo tech does mean you have a nice set of toys."

"They're hardly toys."

"It's a figure of speech, Aran."

Eventually, they reached a nearby structure, styled to match that of Reptilican architecture. It had obviously fallen from the environment above, but the sturdy structure had remained intact, despite the four-hundred-meter drop. Samus adjusted her visor, as she quickly scanned the entrance. "There's a line. We could either climb it, but it will take a while to reach the top of this particular structure."

"How long?" Chloe asked.

"Five hours."

Nova and Chloe groaned, while Anthony just grunted. "Well, we've been moving slowly through constant, boring, featureless jungle, shooting slightly threatening wildlife for the past few hours." Higgs muttered. "Perhaps we can take a break?"

Samus paused. "We've only been moving in this particular sector for the past six hours."

"Only six hours?" Charles muttered over the comm.

"Aran, something to remember is that while you may be incredible, you're still dealing with normal human beings. Please remember that."

"To Charles and Malkovich..." Samus raised an eyebrow. "I apologize. Perhaps this..." She motioned to the group. "...really isn't my area of expertise." She turned. "I still want to move ahead. At the same time, you are welcome to rest."

"Thank fuck." Nova said, as the entire group promptly went into the fake temple. She slumped against a nearby wall, as Samus dropped a single field down. It covered the others immediately, and Samus raised her cannon, almost as a kind of confirmation.

"If you want to sleep, you're welcome to." She said. "I will continue ahead. Perhaps I can shorten the route, though be forewarned." She motioned towards the shield. "It's good for protection during sleep and nothing else. If you try to move it, the shield will come down."

"...Chozo tech, I'm guessing?" Anthony asked.

"Correct." Samus said. "I will see you in several hours." And with that, she started moving on forwards.

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I'm pretty sure giggling usually occurs concurrently with smiling. Therefore, we probably saw Chloe smile.

You lied to us, Moid. I feel so betrayed.
Fixed some of Samus' explanation regarding the Grabbity Soot. Nothing like trying to make sense as to why she wasn't using it at the start of the story. She likes orange.
Meanwhile, Chloe just sighed and relaxed against the side of the barrier. It shimmered at the contact, as Anthony took a relaxed breath and clicked something on his armor. It unfolded, stretching itself out into a mat on the ground, before he just lay on top of it. " what? We gonna just sit and talk about our lives?"

"Fuck that." Nova said. "I just wanna sleep. 'sides, I don't want to hear your life story again."

"...What about mine?"

"Fuck off, Charles." She said, as she tapped a code into her own armor. It snapped apart into a mat, and she immediately lay down as a blanket materialized on top of her. "...Fucking virtual blankets."

"...I didn't even know these suits could do that." Chloe said.

"You're a lowly security grunt." Nova waved a hand dismissively, and Chloe just crossed her one arm across her chest and pouted.

"Yes. They can." Anthony said. "Just tap in 'bed' on the suit, and then you can sleep."

Chloe flipped open the touchpad, and she promptly typed in 'bed'. Suddenly, while she was still upright, the suit shook, before it flipped open. "...Wow. So fast, too..." She lay down. "Not very comfortable, though."

"Eh, you'll get used to it." Anthony said, while Nova just rolled her eyes.

"That's the nice way of saying 'fucking deal with it'."

"Bitchy Nova strikes again. Hopefully, we'll see Not-bitchy Nova."

"You call me 'bitchy', but you couldn't even think of a name for anything else?"

"That's because it doesn't exist."

Nova just rolled her eyes, before she just flipped over and lay down.

It was then that Anthony paused. "...I have a few you think we can start a little fire? Maybe tell a story or...?"

"I'd like that." Chloe said, while Nova just snorted.

"Good...maybe a story about..."


Samus kept her cannon up as she stalked through the halls. The smoking corpse of a warphound, head gone and body partially frozen, lay behind her. Her eyes scanned the hallway as her visor let out a light green glow.

She pried open a door with her grapple beam, before she took a step into another room. And with that, she sighed.

"...Oh, perhaps this is..." She looked around, then noticed a ledge that was far too loose to grip, a few boxes on a ledge too high for her to jump, and multiple destroyed piles of debris.

Samus paused. "...Well, this is going to take some time." She said. "...Starting timer for two minutes."


A/N: Shamush Ahrun.
"So, I was on post duty. 'Cause, you know, 'there's ol' Higgs again." He laughed. "Tall 's a tower and tough as one, too. So, yeah, guard duty over our camp. Heavy weapons, when, all of a sudden, a lone pirate came up to me."

Chloe immediately tensed up.

"Now, naturally, I wanted nothing more to switch to Plasma ammo and blow his head clean off, but protocol said that I don't shoot first."

"Fuck protocol." Nova said, flatly.

"Well, I'm not you." Higgs said, flatly. "And it's possible to talk anyone down. Even pirates can be dissuaded without force...intimidation?" He smiled. "Yes. However, this one in particular was interesting. Bastard was skinny...arm was broken thanks to a run-in with the local wildlife. He seemed a bit smaller than some of the other ones, even those of his same species. So I stared at him, and he just tilted his head."

Nova turned to look at Sullivan. "Hey, you alright?"

"Now, I was still kind of standing around with an itchy trigger finger. My assigned AU was watching, wondering out loud why this guy just happened to stumble around. It was then that, suddenly, it hit me. And him. He was drugged. He ate one of the animals and unfortunately, it happened to be a hallucinogenic puffer."

Nova frowned. "Seriously?"

"Just a guess." Higgs said. "So I walked over to him, and waved my arm in front of him. He apparently had been having a pretty bad trip, because he immediately flipped out. He started screaming bloody murder, before he tripped over his own feet, causing his pistol to slide off of his holster and accidentally discharge right through his chest and into his chin."

Chloe stared at him quietly.

"And that's the story of the saddest pirate I've ever witnessed."

"You know, I was honestly hoping for a story with more going for it than 'oh man this pirate killed himself 'cause he was fuckin' high'."

"Well, maybe you can tell a better story." Higgs said. "That kind of thing was from, six, maybe eight years ago."

"Well, I'll tell you about a different thing. Maybe a horror story."

Chloe frowned. "...We're already in a creepy place. Do we really need a-"

"Yes." Nova and Charles said harshly.

Chloe just whimpered a little.


Samus brushed her armor off as she stood at the top of the chamber. The boxes had been pulled down, and the debris had been stuffed into her cannon and shot straight at the wall, making a makeshift stairway to the top.

She smiled, before she looked at her timer. "Five seconds to spare." She said, before she started walking up.
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A minute and fifty-five seconds? Did you have a hair appointment half-way through? :p