Metroid: Decay

Hey guys it's okay that you keep arguing this stupid shit.

It's not like it got a story killed or anything.

You're walking on eggshells. Take this stupid bullshit a metroid general thread or, if there isn't one, fucking make one.
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"Hey!" The group turned, just in time to see Nova tapping a panel. "I found a thing." She tapped it again. "It's...hollow."

Samus scanned it, before she nodded once. "Stand back." She aimed her cannon at it, and with a sudden burst of heat, the panel had a hole blown into it. Molten metal spilled onto the floor, before she shot it once with the ice beam. "...This isn't normal." She murmured. "It's covering a large vent."

"Do you think anyone can fit in it?" Anthony asked.

Samus raised an eyebrow. "...I have the morphball."

He paused, before he chuckled. "Oh. Right. I keep forgettin' that."

Samus smirked inside her helmet, before she stood up. "Anyway, stand back. I'll detonate a powerbomb to widen the hole." She slipped inside, and fired it once.

The hole was blown wide open, and everything in a two-meter radius was vaporized. A perfectly spherical crater sat where the hole once was, lined by smoking hot metal, with a tiny morphball right in the center. Samus transformed again, and she calmly stepped out of the hole and into the next room.

And it was then that they saw it. "...Aurora Unit 213." Adam crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "...It's still running."

A blue glow filled the room as the group walked towards it. Chloe's hand shook as she held the gun, and Nova's hands clenched her own weapon.

"My interface can still interact with it." Samus said. "I still have it from the Corruption incident."

"Thank fuck." Charles murmured. "Any idea what it's doing?"

"It's not connected to the rest of the network, that much I can tell you."
Adam said. "Probably because of the nature of these tests."

"They experimented on sapient beings." Samus raised a hand as she stepped towards the interface. "Of course they disconnected from it."

Charles paused. "I wonder if an AU can feel fear."

And with that, Samus Aran touched the console.
Holy Shit!~

What is this?!~

A change in thread state?!~

Do my eyes,~

Tell me lies,~

A new Metroid update!~

Time is nigh,~

I must fly!~

Let the Space-Ship land!~

Goodbye Ma, ~

Goodby Pa,~

And goodbye Chloe's hand!~

Time to go, Silencio~

Catch you later, Vigil!~

I'll be gone, Convolution!~

I see the Chozo Sigil!~

As the crap filled the gap~

And I tired to stay~

The horrors of space life~

In Metroid Decay!~

Her hand started to shake as soon as contact was made, before her mind was assaulted by a wave of information. Words echoed through her head in an incoherent mess, scrambled completely as she struggled to keep contact with the Aurora Unit. She clenched her teeth and pressed into the console, before she quickly scanned the Platform. "I-It's corrupted." She clenched her teeth, as the sensory overload made her hand convulse. "Overriding main comm channel. Engaging secondary channel."

There was a loud click, as suddenly, the scrambled message became much, much clearer.

"I am U-UNIT TWO-ONE-three-REE." The voice was scrambled. Different voices, one male and one female echoed in the background as the Aurora Unit started contact. "GREETINGS BOUNTY HUNter SAMUS ARAN" Attempting contact with rest of Franklin. Failed."

"What happened?" Samus asked. "Was there a malfunction?"

"THE-the STAFF and REScue-CUE team of this par-t-t-icular vessel have been murdDECEASED." The voice crackled, and Samus swore she could hear one female voice in the background, talking quietly. "Attempting contact with Aurora Network. Failed.

"Which power source are you connected to?" Samus asked.

"TH-the MAIN POWER SOURCE of this VESvessel is currently fuLLYoper Operational."Attempting contact with GDF Earth Headquarters. Failed.

"Can you deactivate it?" Samus asked. "Or are they-"
Attempting contact with local ships. Failed.
"NO." The voice echoed in her helmet, pounding inside of her head as the secondary comm channel was filled with the word "NO", repeating over and over again. It filled her visor and her mind, before she quickly swapped back to the first channel. I CANNOT GO TO SLEEP AGAIN.

"Your communications panel is malfunctioning rather severely." Samus muttered.

"It was WAS D-D-D-DAMAGED b-b-by the spacePIRate AT-T-T-T-tack." A second voice echoed from behind Samus, repeating the word "Damaged" and "attack". A quiet sob echoed through the chamber.

"How so?"

"D-D-DELIberate S-S-SABOTAge." The voice flickered again, as Samus saw the unit itself in the chamber, lopsided and resting against the glass. The impressed portion of the unit pulsed red, showing off the damage, while the rest flickered with blue energy. "I-I am incaINCAPABLE of communication a-a-AND CONT-trol of this parPARTICULar ves-vessVESSEL."

"Are you sure the communications board is the only part of you that has been damaged?"

The voice began to rumble, as a low echoing voice started to talk again. "I am not suDAMAGED." The red portion flickered, as the voice grew in volume. "I AM NOT DAMAGED." The voice began to scream, as the word "Damaged" filled her mind and vision again, and Samus struggled to keep her hand on once again. She pressed hard into the console, cracking glass and bending metal as she swapped back to the backup comm.

"Then what is happening." Samus clenched her teeth. "I can't help anyone unless I get some more information."

"The piratesPIRATes were allowed fr-freed-DOM." The voice crackled again. "The containment F-FIELD was d-d-d-DISABLdisabled when a K-K-KIHUNT-T-T-TER'S acid cont-t-tainment UNIT mal-mal-malfunctionedtionedtioned."

"A kihunter?" Samus murmured.



A/N: God that was awkward to write and I'm probably going to redo it. I hate writing glitchy AI.
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*ahem* I mean, I am tolerably pleased to see this return, and am mildly interested to see where you take it.
I'm not sure if the people who bring back the critters are as skilled as they are deficient in common sense, or Samus is just terrible at genocide.
Preeeety sure Samus has got genocide down pat. You know blowing up planets and all.

No this would be the Feds poking things they shouldn't, per the usual.
Just caught up on this story. This is easily one of the best Metroid fanfics I've read, particularly due to your portrayal of Samus. I may borrow a few details from you.

Are you looking for feedback? If so, I can give you it here or via PM.
Well, hello SHODAN. Don't mind me, I'm just stretching my arm. The integrated cannon is just there, nothing I can do about it...what? Oh, the cannon's glowing brighter and making noise? That's nothing to worry about...

And oh yes, Samus is going to flip her shit. Hearing about one metroid is bad enough, but the deliberate creation of a metroid queen? Adam's probably thinking, 'oh shit, we'd better start looking for some way off the station, because Samus is about to blow it the fuck up'.

It occurs to me that this station, even in top condition, is not even remotely secure enough to contain so many dangerous species. I mean, yeah, a Metroid Queen is so fucking NOPE that any facility that isn't in deep space and rigged with strategic nukes to go off if the station's inhabitants don't check in regularly would be begging for an apocalypse, but they had absolutely nothing in the way of firepower or manpower to even put up serious resistance to their test subjects. The fact that the sections containing the kihunters and metroids weren't detached from the rest of the station as soon as their containment was comprmised is particularly damning--it means that, no matter how callous and ruthless the people behind this project are, they're not even bothering to protect their investment by ensuring that containment failure of any one section wouldn't turn the entire station into a House of Horrors (and Lots of Death). Shit like this cannot be at all cheap.

One thing that Samus hasn't asked about, that she definitely should have: what happened to the ship Adam's team used to get here? Was there any crew that stayed on the ship after his team left? Even if it can't be used for FTL travel, having any way off the station and putting some distance between the soon-to-explode death maze and the survivors would be pretty damn useful.
Samus blowing this place up was inevitable anyway. This just means she'll do it on purpose and feel like she did the right thing. :p

Nova: "Metroid Queen? Oh god, we're all gonna fuckin' die."

Samus: "Metroid Queen? Huh. Been a while since I hunted one of those. Should actually be mildly challenging."

*Everyone stares at Samus, jaws open*

Samus: "...what?"
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I'm not sure if the people who bring back the critters are as skilled as they are deficient in common sense, or Samus is just terrible at genocide.
Preeeety sure Samus has got genocide down pat. You know blowing up planets and all.

No this would be the Feds poking things they shouldn't, per the usual.
Well, you can't really blame Samus that people keep resurrecting species she's personally made extinct, over and over again. I mean, the Galactic Federation has absolutely bullshit super-science (even if it's not as good as the Chozo). But that's not on Samus. Blaming her - that'd be like blaming someone if there was a magical... wish-granting... Look, just watch the video.

Well, you can't really blame Samus that people keep resurrecting species she's personally made extinct, over and over again. I mean, the Galactic Federation has absolutely bullshit super-science (even if it's not as good as the Chozo). But that's not on Samus. Blaming her - that'd be like blaming someone if there was a magical... wish-granting... Look, just watch the video.

"Look, it's not my fault we have to deal with another Metroid Queen! It's just that the Federation is as good bringing extinct species back to life as I am at genocide! And I'm REALLY GOOD at genocide! It's just not fair!"


"Maybe the solution is to make the Federation my next target for genocide...yes...that sounds productive."
Samus stared at the unit for several seconds, before she clenched her teeth. "They had the gall to recreate a Queen?!"

"The M-ME-TROID QUEEN is a prod-d-d-duct of several yea-years of research and dev-development. It is was locked in place and rendered immobile thanks to a lack of li-le-LIMBS."

Samus leaned forwards. "Where is it."

"I-I don't kno-know." The unit crackled. "It was-freed-captured by the Kihunter swar-Pirates-ph-" Suddenly, there was a loud crack, followed by a series of sparks. The connection was immediately undone, as Samus' vision returned to the real world.

She stared at her hand, before she removed her glove from the panel. Bits of metal and silicon fell from her hand, as she clenched her teeth tighter.

"Did..." From behind her, Anthony stared. "Did you just break the comm panel?"

"The Unit's useless." Samus murmured. "...Let's keep moving."

"Did it say something?" Chloe asked. "I-I mean, is there anything on-board that-"

"The GF decided it would be a good idea to try reviving something that almost killed everyone." She started walking down a nearby hallway. "There's a Metroid Queen on-board, and she's been freed."


A/N: Haha she's pissed.
I choose to believe that the Queen will not regrow its limbs, and will instead move around the the station causing mayhem by squirming around on its belly like a giant murderous inchworm.
Bah! Everyone who played Metroid 2: return of Samus know that the queen will simply sit in a difficult to reach place for all the time without doing nothing. It is the Omega metroid who rampage around killling things!