Metroid: Decay

How did the Morph Ball come about?

Well one day some Chozo scientists were in light meditation[1] and one turned to the other and said, "Hey brother, what if, what if we could make the power armor, like, turn into a ball and then roll around in it and stuff?"

The other Chozo said, "That sounds retarded. Let's do it."

And so they did. Then they ran into a snag. "This will be easily defeated by small ledges. How're we gonna make it jump?"


"Logical. And radical."

And then after a while they came down from their meditation and saw what they had made. They deemed it "the dumbest thing ever", but decided to keep it in. And after a while they put in a method for jumping without needing to use bombs.

The end.

[1] The Chozo equivalent of cannabis.
It makes me sad that live in a world where BITF is ending and the likes of CAD and SYAC continue to live. Also, they cut out the source at the bottom of that particular image. That's a pretty shitty thing to do.
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Um, this would probably have more meaning to me if I knew what those meant....

Brawl in the Family, Control+Alt+Delete and So You're a Cartoonist. Brawl in the Family is a silly, gag-a-day comic that's actually funny more often than not, with a guy who, while he doesn't make the best art, is still a pretty cool guy. One's full of lazy art, bad attempts at drama and, after the reboot, is now utterly bland, and the also full of lazy art, bad attempts at advice and proof that TomPreston is a bad artist/terrible human being.
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Brawl in the Family, Control+Alt+Delete and So You're a Cartoonist. Brawl in the Family is a silly, gag-a-day comic that's actually funny more often than not, with a guy who, while he doesn't make the best art, is still a pretty cool guy. One's full of lazy art, bad attempts at drama and, after the reboot, is now utterly bland, and the also full of lazy art, bad attempts at advice and proof that TomPreston is a bad artist/terrible human being.
Well... since I just found this comic strip on google one night, and have absolutely no idea where it's from, I can't take any credit or blame for the choice of source material (which I assume this is all about - correct me if I'm wrong). It just seemed appropriate.
Well... since I just found this comic strip on google one night, and have absolutely no idea where it's from, I can't take any credit or blame for the choice of source material (which I assume this is all about - correct me if I'm wrong). It just seemed appropriate.

I believe he is sad because he liked the comic you linked and is sad it is ending, where as those comics he hates are still ongoing. I think.
Thats actually pretty cool. It would explain all the half pipes.

Chzos: A bumch of skaters who mix work with play.

Didn't one of the mangas explaining Samus' backstory actually have this as a part of the Chozo culture?

Something about how the mind works better if it's relaxed or finds it enjoyable.....even their meditation rituals included overviewing meadows and impressive landscapes....

Unless the artist was just showing off...
There were bodies everywhere. Some were slumped against consoles, the tops of their heads burnt away by plasma fire, while others had been melted by kihunter acid. Some had just been torn to pieces, while others still had holes in their chests. Samus scanned the room as she moved through the place, before she noticed the commander of the Franklin.

His chest was torn open, and his organs had been surgically removed. His heart was gone, and his skull was cut open. The brain was placed where the stomach should have been, and the heart was resting in his mouth.

Chloe almost vomited at the sight, while the others just stared in horror. "This was deliberate." Samus said as she scanned the corpse. "The pirates weren't happy about their treatment." She paused. "His skull was cut open with a surgical laser...this was done with precision and a perverse amount of care."

"Jesus Christ." Charles murmured.

Adam nodded slowly, his face stone cold. "Any signs of life?"

"No." Samus said. "Anyone else see anything?"

"N-no." Chloe held her gun even closer.

"Fuck no." Nova said.

"Nope." Anthony lugged his gun around. "...What about the AU? The AU's gotta be here somewhere."


A/N: Sp00ky.
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Graphic dismemberment and organ rearrangement, for that extra special touch to show you really hate a person.
Bah! If they really didn't like their treatment on board the ship, The Space Pirates should have lodged a formal complaint with their commanding officer like everyone else.

I swear give a Space Pirate an inch and they take a mile.
Says how horrible Samus has been portrayed when you can't find a single image of Samus out of her suit that isn't moe or porn of the big-boobed sex object Nintendo has been pushing for the last decade.

If only there was more art of Samus like that guy KYHU draws of Korra. Yeah, he sometimes draws stuff I personally don't approve of, but he really has the "strong, fit, athletic woman" image down.

People need to see more of THAT Samus. The one we know can perform physical feats that put Olympic athletes to shame. The woman that has single-handedly destroyed entire armies and hunted a species of genetically-engineered super weapons to extinction. The hired gun that never fails a mission, returned from a lethal shadow dimension, survived being poisoned by magic space rocks and infected by a shapeshifting super-virus, and has escaped exploding planets more than once.

For endeavoring to show us the REAL Samus, I salute you Moid.
Right, I forgot, the last Metroid Prime game didn't come out in 2007, she doesn't kick prodigious amounts of rear both in and out of the Zero suit in Smash Bros, hasn't continually modified said suit to become more powerful in that series (emergency pistol>actual gun+melee weapon, rocket boots), they removed regular Samus from those games entirely, and her boobs became the size of canteloupes outside of the widely reviled Other M, where she , even with the nonsensical narrative/gameplay restrictions, didn't still kick prodigious amounts of rear. There's absolutely no reason Nintendo might prefer to use Zero Suit Samus in promos other than fanservice, such as the idea that, oh, I dunno, we can see her face.

tl;dr: I disagree.
Right, I forgot, the last Metroid Prime game didn't come out in 2007, she doesn't kick prodigious amounts of rear both in and out of the Zero suit in Smash Bros, hasn't continually modified said suit to become more powerful in that series (emergency pistol>actual gun+melee weapon, rocket boots), they removed regular Samus from those games entirely, and her boobs became the size of canteloupes outside of the widely reviled Other M, where she , even with the nonsensical narrative/gameplay restrictions, didn't still kick prodigious amounts of rear. There's absolutely no reason Nintendo might prefer to use Zero Suit Samus in promos other than fanservice, such as the idea that, oh, I dunno, we can see her face.

tl;dr: I disagree.

Do you really want to continue down this train of thought?

Burn the Necromancer!:p

....Seriously though, because of all the fanservicey stuff, people forget that Samus supposedly weighs over 200 kilograms because she stores her battlesuit inside her own body.

If she were to get it on with anyone, they will be crushed by her superstrength thighs.

That's what you get for using matter-breakdown/restore/storage tech inside a person that has been enhanced by alien DNA.

There is one fanon theory that the reason why she walks around in the zero suit is because that is the only thing that doesn't get destroyed everytime she transforms.