Metroid: Decay

The winds blew past them, as a tornado suddenly appeared beside them, only to dissipate into a shower of sand. "Seriously?!" Nova screamed into her own comm, as Samus nodded.

"Yes, seriously." Samus turned. "Don't worry, though. The sand is harmless."

Chloe stumbled through her own dune, with her suit whirring as she did it. A bit of sand was spat out of the joints in her armor, before she raised her left arm. "I-I beg to differ!" She shouted, before she tumbled forwards down the hill. "SHIT!"

Higgs sighed, Nova looked annoyed, and Samus quickly ran down after her. "You need to be careful!"

"I can't fucking walk!"


An hour later, the group had gotten slightly farther through the burning sun, the twisting weather, and the destroyed architecture. Rapid climate change had worn down several of the man-made buildings, with their framework exposed. Samus raised her cannon, as the group behind her turned on their own lights.

"That's a poor idea." Samus said. "Light can agitate several desert creatures." She raised her gun. "Zebes' desert creatures lived under the surface, and often migrated to caves. If we run into them, we can not expose them to light."

"What happens if we d-" Just as Nova said that, her gaze turned to an enormous, insect-like monster. Two red eyes glowed on its sides, flickering as they did so, and the top of its head started to glow a bright yellow. It let out a loud, repetitive shriek, before it scurried across the wall and into the darkness.

"...that wasn't a native desert creature." Samus said. "That wasn't even a normal Zebesian specimen."

Chloe looked between her and Nova. "What the fuck was that thing?!"

"Kihunter." Samus said, quietly. "That...that was a Kihunter." She turned around. "...I get the feeling that we may run into more."


A/N: Don't worry. Unlike most pirates, Kihunters regularly eat humans.
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You'll be fine, if you shoot them once or twice, they'll lose their wings and simply be hopping insects of DOOM. Much more manageable than the flying swarm of DOOOOM that will soon ambush Samus' group.

Dibs on Chloe hitting the floor due to giant rabid insect first!

Edit: wait, no, them losing their wings is bad, the others don't have power suits capable of protecting them from volleys of acidic spit. Samus, charge beam any that the others blow the wings off of!
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Chloe is so adorable, look at her trying to survive Scientific Space Horrors! I can totally see Samus keeping Chloe after this.

Chloe: "W-where are you taking me?!"

Samus: "Need a quirky side-kick. Feel free to be as adorable as possible."

*Chloe pouts*

Samus: "Keep up the good work."
Completely non-canon bonus incoming.


Samus stared at Chloe in the hallway. Chloe looked at Samus, and immediately felt ten times smaller; partially because, though she was stocky, she wasn't quite as...buff as Samus. "...uh...Samus?"

Without warning, Chloe was pulled into a hug, both her normal and her mechanical arm pinned to her sides by several hundred pounds of superhuman hugging strength. "Cuddly."


"You're a perfect adorable sidekick."


"Nintendo said I needed a sidekick, preferably one that's a minority. You're gay, so you work."

"W-what?! And w-wait, minority? Aren't you asexual?!"

"Tumblr will complain unless you're made a main character."


"Doesn't matter. Cuddly Chloe."

Chloe struggled for a few seconds, before she gave up and let Samus hug her.
The group kept moving through the hall, with Samus's own thermal visor on while the others turned their lights down to a lower setting. "...Does the federation not offer alternaive visor modes?"

"Too expensive." Adam said over the comm. "That was their excuse."

"They can afford Olympus-class ships and enormous facilities like this, but not a few visors for their troops?"

"It's not the last time the higher-ups have made poor calls." Adam sighed.

"Kind of like you?"

Adam clenched his teeth. "That was unnecessary, Lady."

"Your past is a part of you. Even if it contains a heinous mistake, it's still there, isn't it? Lingering? Festering?"


"I'm done talking for now, Adam." Samus said, before she just kept moving forwards.

Meanwhile, both Chloe and Nova looked at each other, before turning to Higgs.

"Not my call to tell you two." He said with a shrug. "...It's Adam's-"

"Yeah, well, fuck off." Nova said, flatly.

"I'm super curious with this thing." Chloe said. "Why the hell are they so hostile to each other?"

Higgs took a deep breath and sighed. "...Samus is resentful."

On the other end, Adam paused, before he started talking into the comm. "Higgs-"

"Out of respect for the good captain, not going into more detail."

Nova just sighed and shrugged, before they all kept walking through the halls. It was then, though that they heard a loud, rapping sound against metal. Samus paused and raised her left arm, before she shot a piece of the wall several times with her plasma beam. After several shots, a small piece of the wall was reduced to white-hot molten rock, and Samus immediately swapped to her scan visor. In the distance, she immediately noticed an object...a small set of bars, with a door right behind it.

Samus ran over towards it, left arm raised, before she thrust it towards the bars. The grapple beam immediately latched itself to the doors, before she gave it a harsh yank, tearing them across the hallway and slamming it into the brick wall. She shot the door behind it with her power beam, and it immediately opened for her.

She took one step inside, her visor glowing green in the darkness, before suddenly, there was the sound of a loud, echoing gunshot. A beam of GF-standard issue power-rounds smashed into her helmet's protection field. A small chunk of her energy was immediately depleted, as the shot harmlessly bounced into the wall behind her. Samus's head was jerked about slightly, before she slowly turned her head to the people inside.

There, inside, were two people, both in white plastic labcoats. Both of them were wearing masks, gloves and boots, with one male and one female. The man's hand held a pistol, and he was trembling in mild terror before he realized who he just shot. "O-Oh no...o-oh no I j-just shot S-Samus Ara-!"

"You were panicking." Samus said, flatly. "It's not the first time I've been on the receiving end of friendly fire."

Chloe sighed. "...I feel like I'm the only person in the galaxy who didn't know who she was."

"Same." Nova muttered.

"Yup." Charles added.


A/N: Don't shoot Samus, or else Samus...will mildly reprimand you.
"Name, rank and intention?" Samus asked.

"W-what?!" The man stuttered, before he shook his head. "D-Dr. Sakamoto. Th-this is an i-intern."

"I have a name!" The woman said indignantly, immediately snapping out of her trance. "I'm L-Lucy." She said. "Lucy Barnes."

"No ranks?" Samus asked.

"We just work with the Federation. We're not a p-part of it." Sakamoto adjusted his glasses. "...I...uh...PhD in Biology."

"Biology intern..." Barnes said.

"So, mind telling me why you were banging on the door? We just saw a Kihunter a few steps earlier."

"What?!" Sakamoto shouted, before he clutched his gun tighter. "Th-that wasn't a person?!"

"...You're a doctor in biology, and you didn't realize what a Kihunter's bioluminescence looked like?" Samus asked.

"It looked just like ours! I thought...after it passed, I hit the door and...oh god, I didn't think. I wasn't thinking..." he shook his head.

"Okay, important question." Higgs moved forwards. "Do you know what happened?"

"N-No!" The doctor shouted. "I don't have a goddamn clue! One minute, I'm safe, the next, suddenly, hundreds of subjects come ripping through our personnel! I only survived b-because...because..."

"Because I pulled his ass out of the way of a charging Metroid." Barnes said.

And with that, Samus' eyes widened. "...Wait. Did you say..." She leaned forwards. "Metroid?"


A/N: No. She said "Fak yu"
Why is everyone's first reaction to being asked if they're with the Federation to loudly protest that they're only working for them?

It's almost like they have a bad rep or something. :D
Is there a reason everyone emphatically denies involvement with the Feds?
Generally, resentment. The majority of the Federation is actually full of upstanding, hardworking folks, much like those in Metroid Prime 3 as opposed to Other M.

The bad incidents are just more infamous throughout the galaxy. This includes the "Armstrong Disaster".
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"Name, rank and intention?" Samus asked.

"W-what?!" The man stuttered, before he shook his head. "D-Dr. Sakamoto. Th-this is an i-intern."

"I have a name!" The woman said indignantly, immediately snapping out of her trance. "I'm L-Lucy." She said. "Lucy Barnes."

"No ranks?" Samus asked.

"We just work with the Federation. We're not a p-part of it." Sakamoto adjusted his glasses. "...I...uh...PhD in Biology."

"Biology intern..." Barnes said.

"So, mind telling me why you were banging on the door? We just saw a Kihunter a few steps earlier."

"What?!" Sakamoto shouted, before he clutched his gun tighter. "Th-that wasn't a person?!"

"...You're a doctor in biology, and you didn't realize what a Kihunter's bioluminescence looked like?" Samus asked.

"It looked just like ours! I thought...after it passed, I hit the door and...oh god, I didn't think. I wasn't thinking..." he shook his head.

"Okay, important question." Higgs moved forwards. "Do you know what happened?"

"N-No!" The doctor shouted. "I don't have a goddamn clue! One minute, I'm safe, the next, suddenly, hundreds of subjects come ripping through our personnel! I only survived b-because...because..."

"Because I pulled his ass out of the way of a charging Metroid." Barnes said.

And with that, Samus' eyes widened. "...Wait. Did you say..." She leaned forwards. "Metroid?"


A/N: No. She said "Fak yu"
I heard Miami Heat. Fuck, I love Hellsing Abridged

Also, Samus's gonna choke a bitch.