Metroid: Decay

I'm pretty sure 'lie' and 'lay' are mostly interchangeable for positioning (even though 'lay' sounds much better due to the other connotations of 'lie').

"I think you need to lie/lay down (on the floor) and rest."
"He was lying/laying down on the floor."
"The person was laid down on the floor,"
or "On the floor lied a person."
That last sentence has my inner grammar alarms shrieking - "On the floor lay a person" sounds much better.
Unfortunately, my grammar sense is intuitive, and I can't really explain the specifics of why that's wrong - maybe because past tense? I dunno.
I'm pretty sure 'lie' and 'lay' are mostly interchangeable for positioning (even though 'lay' sounds much better due to the other connotations of 'lie').

"I think you need to lie/lay down (on the floor) and rest."
"He was lying/laying down on the floor."
"The person was laid down on the floor,"
or "On the floor lied a person."

Lay and lie are in no way interchangeable, even if may they look similar in the case of positioning: Lay is a transitive verb, which means it acts on a direct object, and Lie is an intransitive verb, which means it acts on the subject, so swapping them without rearranging the sentence would change the meaning of the sentence at the very least, assuming the sentence is actually still valid after the swap.
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Lay and lie are in no way interchangeable, even if they look similar in the case of positioning: Lay is a transitive verb, which means it acts on a direct object, and Lie is an intransitive verb, which means it acts on the subject, so swapping them without rearranging the sentence would change the meaning of the sentence at the very least.
Sorry, seems like I phrased it wrong. I wasn't trying say to 'Lay and Lie were interchangeable' but that 'Lay and Lie could be used to described the same action'.

The point was whether "Chloe laid down" or "Chloe lied down" was correct.
Sorry, seems like I phrased it wrong. I wasn't trying say to 'Lay and Lie were interchangeable' but that 'Lay and Lie could be used to described the same action'.

The point was whether "Chloe laid down" or "Chloe lied down" was correct.
And we are still telling you, laid != lied, even in this specific case.
Grammar Girl: Lay versus Lie
Look at the tense chart, and see why we aren't convinced.
Sorry, seems like I phrased it wrong. I wasn't trying say to 'Lay and Lie were interchangeable' but that 'Lay and Lie could be used to described the same action'.

The point was whether "Chloe laid down" or "Chloe lied down" was correct.
'Chloe laid down.' makes no sense as a sentence since it's missing an object: To actually use lay here, the sentence would have to be either 'X laid Chloe down,' 'Chloe laid X down,' or something ridulously convoluted like 'Chloe managed to lay herself on the ground.' All of which mean vastly different things than 'Chloe lied down.'
Uh, guys? You're hijacking the thread with your stupid grammatical arguments. It's fine to fix stuff. It's fine to point out errors.

Starting a stupid argument over this shit is obnoxious.
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samus walk down da hall laturh. she shooted her gun at the bad guys and they blowed up. "oh no" sed klowey, before she got her udder arm torn off

samus sed noooooo and then run to klowey

i always love you sed klowey and then she was kill

This is one of the best Metroid fanfics I have read so far....which amounts to about four now.

There was a one-shot I read that was written from Samus' POV on, it was actually a Metroid/EoE crossover.

With Samus/Shinji as the's a bit hard to read though because it was written in 'diary' format.
Have a look. Not all of them are to my tastes, and I'm not going to recommend the ones I enjoy specifically because you will probably have different opinions, but there's some good stuff there.
That morning, the group woke up to see Samus already scanning their surroundings. Higgs, Nova and Chloe slowly got up, with Chloe being the slowest, before they all turned to Samus.

"...What's happening?"

"Just checking the area. Do not mind me." Samus narrowed her eyes. "...Though the perimeter appears safe, it never hurts to be completely sure."

"What-the-fuck-ever." Nova yawned. "...Anyone got breakfast rations?"

"I do."

"Shut up, Charles."

Chloe laughed a little at Nova's expense, before they all started to head up through the ruins. They walked past corpses, blasted bodies and ruined creatures, climbing up makeshift staircases and platforms. Eventually, they reached the top, where Samus scanned the area again. "...Levitating platform." She said. "...Mildly hazardous. Potential for collapse? Low." She motioned for them to go onto the platform.

" said hazardous." Chloe muttered.

"About as hazardous as any elevator on Zebes or Aether. This one is fully functional and can work just fine for our purposes."

Chloe whined a little in protest, before Higgs slapped her back. "It's fine." He said. "We'll just keep sticking together, alright? At least dying like this is a bit faster than being mauled."

"That's not helping."

Samus sighed a little, before she stood in the center of the platform.


"...So she was your subordinate...?"

"Yes. She was." Adam said. "...Was. One of the best. The brightest. Passed everything with little effort, all in a goofy-looking powersuit. She wiped the floor with everyone in's why I put her on my best team. My best squad."

"...And then what?"

"...I said I wasn't comfortable discussing it, Charles."

"O-Oh. Sorry, sir."

"It's alright. Just don't ask again." Adam smiled. "...Otherwise, I'm willing to talk. It isn't as though we have pressing matters to attend to."


A/N: Chillin' out, maxin'...
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... I can't tell if you're about to have a random encounter, or if you're just including the chatter as a way to build the characters, and potentially set the stage for Deleter paranoia.
Cliffhangers! Even when they're only hanging from an imaginary cliff, they're still hanging!
Have a look. Not all of them are to my tastes, and I'm not going to recommend the ones I enjoy specifically because you will probably have different opinions, but there's some good stuff there.
Maybe is in the Harry Potter page(Fake Edit, it is), but i remember a very nice crossover in which the exlosion of the BSL station cause something to happen and a portal to the past is created. Unfortunately the portal sucks, and Samus and her Ship are thrown in the past. It was very well written and surpisingly good. She ate food with the rest of them last snip
This is what he was talking about: Moid's response to the grammar derail that I participated in.
samus walk down da hall laturh. she shooted her gun at the bad guys and they blowed up. "oh no" sed klowey, before she got her udder arm torn off

samus sed noooooo and then run to klowey

i always love you sed klowey and then she was kill

The elevator glided upwards, perfectly balancing the people on-board as the many jet thrusters kept it moving constantly in a single direction. It reached the top, shifting itself only slightly as the group was moved closer to the upper ledge. "Here we are." Samus said, as a harsh, hot, dry wind blew over the group. They all stepped off of the platform, before Samus quickly scanned it. She nodded once. "It's good for another month." She said.

"...No fuel or anything." Higgs smirked. "Impressive stuff."

"And none of us get it." Nova sighed. "Of course. Saving stuff for the more important members of the GF, right?"

Samus shrugged, as they all stepped into the dunes of the ruined desert sector. With the interaction of the two lands, there was a raincloud in front of them, formed by a malfunctioning climate control system. The humidity of the area fluctuated wildly, as Reptilicans shrieked and screamed in response to several invaders, only to be chewed to pieces by a sudden onslaught of Grenchlers.

"...The desert sector." Samus muttered. "...This is...odd."


"Weirder than the fucking sand in the rainforest." Nova muttered.

Chloe held her gun closer, as Higgs just nodded and switched his cannon to plasma ammo.

"Let's move." Samus said, and the team immediately stuck to her as they started moving through the strange, shifting desert landscape.


A/N: Don't want to be BOGGED DOWN by this DESERTED PLACE.


Eagerly awaiting the next installment Moid, I wonder what horrorswonders await our protagonists.