Metroid: Decay

The group slept by the Aurora unit. Samus was turned away, eyes shut as she curled into a ball. Anthony yawned on his own cot, Nova's arm hung over the edge and Chloe...Chloe couldn't sleep.

She stared up at the ceiling, wondering to herself...she swallowed hard, before she heard rustling beside her.


She turned her head. "...Nova?"

"Yeah." Nova turned her head aside. "...Couldn't sleep, could ya?"

Chloe slowly shook her head.

"Well, you're in a hellhole. I can't blame ya." She pulled her arm back onto the cot. "...So don't seem alright."

"I just..." Chloe sat upright. "...I'm okay."

"Well, you're gonna need to get a robotic arm. I can't be okay."

"Losing it is the least of my problems right now." She murmured. "...I didn't expect this."

"Well, yeah." Nova pops a flask off of her belt. "...Drink?"

Chloe's eyes darted between them. "I already had water."

"As in liquor."

Chloe blinked. "Oh." She sighed. "...Why not at this point?"

"My thoughts exactly." Nova shrugged. "Seriously, fuck it. We got a queen, we got a busted AU, and we got a nest of kihunters. We just need tombstones and then we're set."

Chloe took a swig. "...we still have Samus...I guess."

"She's not a fuckin' god." Nova murmured. "She might survive. I don't think we will."


Ah, I see she's familiar with how this setting works. :D
Hey! Remember saving the animals from an exploding planet? Samus has a better track record than that, you know. Hell, she even managed to save Anthony (at the very least) in Other M "canon", and that was when Samus was at her least competent.

As for the robotic arm thing...if they can make gigantic, organic, sentient brain supercomputers, clone metroids and a whole slew of other creatures from scratch, and more, then I'd have a hard time believing that the Federation wasn't readily capable of growing/cloning a replacement arm for Chloe, given enough time. So the question is, why is everyone talking about it like Chloe having to get a mechanical prosthetic limb is a certainty (and permanent status)?
Hey! Remember saving the animals from an exploding planet? Samus has a better track record than that, you know. Hell, she even managed to save Anthony (at the very least) in Other M "canon", and that was when Samus was at her least competent.

As for the robotic arm thing...if they can make gigantic, organic, sentient brain supercomputers, clone metroids and a whole slew of other creatures from scratch, and more, then I'd have a hard time believing that the Federation wasn't readily capable of growing/cloning a replacement arm for Chloe, given enough time. So the question is, why is everyone talking about it like Chloe having to get a mechanical prosthetic limb is a certainty (and permanent status)?
Chloe isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. If you aren't a admiral, fuck you.

And even then, some admirals opt for cybernetic limbs anyway just on principle.
Doesn't Samus have a ridiculous amount of money from her work as a bounty hunter that she rarely spends on anything?

And as for insurance...technically, it was a Space Pirate. No idea if that would matter, though.

Ah! Now I get it. Chloe is going to opt for an arm cannon, ala Samus, as her replacement, and join the Hunter as the snarky, bumbling, comic-relief sidekick. *Thinks about events of Metroid Fusion* Ooooor she should stay the hell away from overrun space stations filled with horrifying monsters and galactic threats.
If she did get an arm cannon-style prosthetic, she'd better get one that has a hand on it, or something similar, because an arm cannon on its own isn't good for much besides shooting, and maybe hitting stuff.
Doesn't Samus have a ridiculous amount of money from her work as a bounty hunter that she rarely spends on anything?
Neither Chloe nor Nova think she's in a position to bargain that.
Chloe's Imagination said:
"Hey, I'm an insignificant body guard. Can you please give me money for a new arm?"

"Bitch I have better things to do. Fuck off and get a prosthetic."

This is second-guessing on her part but uh...yeah.
That and/or they don't know her all that well. The number of people in the galaxy who could say they do could probably be counted on two hands, and that is likely being generous.
According to Metroid Prime 2 a lot of people think she's the equivalent of Santa Claus. And that she's male. So yeah, she's more a myth than a person to the galaxy. In the promotional manga as well when she saves people they sometimes think she's a soulless bounty hunter, only interested in cash and it's only by luck that she saved everyone rather than her just being that good.

Hence why people keep expecting pesky things like "Entire living planets" and "fortified bases that mulched through entire GF fleets" to slow her for more than ten seconds. :V
In other words, she's a badass bounty hunter and that gives her a terrible Public Image.
Or at least an unbelievable one. It's honestly kind of hard to exaggerate what she does. Because where do you go after exterminating at least two xenocidal alien species and almost becoming the replacement for whatever Space Pirates thought Death looked like? From Prime Hunters one guy became a general and is respected for having his brain and spinal column survive a fight with her. Not winning, not even surviving. Having enough left to fix. And some people have trouble thinking that only one person did all that.
Or at least an unbelievable one. It's honestly kind of hard to exaggerate what she does. Because where do you go after exterminating at least two xenocidal alien species and almost becoming the replacement for whatever Space Pirates thought Death looked like? From Prime Hunters one guy became a general and is respected for having his brain and spinal column survive a fight with her. Not winning, not even surviving. Having enough left to fix. And some people have trouble thinking that only one person did all that.
Let's be honest: even if she saves countless lives through her actions, the vast majority of what people see and hear about her doing is mass destruction, xenocide, blowing up planets, and making the nightmarish Space Pirates cry in their beds at night...singlehandedly. Without getting the rest of the picture, she comes across as Death Incarnate that (thank god) happens to be on your side. Great to have, but still terrifying.

The real reason behind Samus' loneliness is because no one can keep up with her. And given her rather unique and non-repeatable origins, it's easy to understand why she feels like/assumes this will always be the case. And while, yes, she wouldn't be as lonely if she weren't always taking on what are, relatively speaking, extreme suicide missions, taking on the most dangerous jobs whenever there are such jobs that need doing is part of her lifestyle.
The real reason behind Samus' loneliness is because no one can keep up with her. And given her rather unique and non-repeatable origins, it's easy to understand why she feels like/assumes this will always be the case. And while, yes, she wouldn't be as lonely if she weren't always taking on what are, relatively speaking, extreme suicide missions, taking on the most dangerous jobs whenever there are such jobs that need doing is part of her lifestyle.

Not only can no one keep up with her, no one can keep up with her. I mean really? 100% completion in less than an hour? That isn't human.
Not only can no one keep up with her, no one can keep up with her. I mean really? 100% completion in less than an hour? That isn't human.

Oh, that's it! Clearly, Samus' sidekick should be Sonic.

Either that, or John-117. I'm getting the image of Samus working with Blue Team and both being happily surprised that they're so alike. When you get down to it, Samus is kind of like a Spartan-II with sufficiently advanced tech/power armor and a small ship of her own. Even when it comes to personality traits and lifestyle.

Oh, that's it! Clearly, Samus' sidekick should be Sonic.

Either that, or John-117. I'm getting the image of Samus working with Blue Team and both being happily surprised that they're so alike. When you get down to it, Samus is kind of like a Spartan-II with sufficiently advanced tech/power armor and a small ship of her own. Even when it comes to personality traits and lifestyle.
I always felt that Megaman would serve as the perfect plucky relief for her!