Metroid: Decay

Can't find a way to lead into this, so... Prime Effect over on What's everyone think of it, as its one of the few stories I've seen, at least as far as I got into it, that took Samus seriously and I've seen people harping that there isn't anything out there, so I was wondering what was wrong with this one and if I should just stop reading while I still kind of like it?
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Can't find a way to lead into this, so... Prime Effect over on What's everyone think of it, as its one of the few stories I've seen, at least as far as I got into it, that took Samus seriously and I've seen people harping that there isn't anything out there, so I was wondering what was wrong with this one and if I should just stop reading while I still kind of like it?
?...what does that have to do with this story?
" you're...uh..."

"A bounty hunter." Samus finished the woman's question. "If you are wondering, yes, I do kill and capture other sentient beings for monetary gain. No, I don't have a problem with it." Samus turned her head back to face the poor guard.

"I was gonna ask if you were 'independent', not if you had no problems with shooting and killing things."

"Well, yes to the first, no to the second." Samus said, quickly. "Now...let's ask about you." She said. "How long have you been a security guard on this vessel, Mrs. Sullivan?"

The woman stared. "How did you-"

"My visor scanned your personal computer." Samus said, and the woman immediately looked at the small device that was hooked to her belt. "Though the fact that you're a guard that isn't completely familiar with the GF here tells me you weren't supposed to be here for too long."

The woman took a breath. "...I started shift here three weeks ago. I was supposed to get off three months from now."

"Wrong time, wrong place." Samus said. "...You're lucky. Most of the time, when I run into ships like these, the crew is either dead, missing, or spread around the cabin."

The woman gulped. " many ships?"

"One in orbit around Zebes, one pirate station orbiting Tallon IV, one station on Aether, one surrounded by a cloud of Metroids, which have since been extinguished..." Samus sighed. "One close to the fringes of the Sol system, attacked by a particular ambitious pirate group. Also near-destroyed. I managed to destroy the pirates' ship, but had to land on Earth to recover. That's the most recent incident."

"Uh...oh." Sullivan nodded. "...Oh! Is that a suiting station?"

Samus turned her head. "Oh, so you can read." She said.

She looked offended. "No need to be snarky."

"I wasn't being snarky." Samus said.


"But that does seem to be a suiting station." Samus adjusted her visor, and the woman just looked offended. She scanned the opening lock, and without hesitation, the thing popped open. She slid the door,and as soon as it she did, the room inside lit up with a flicker.

"Five bodies." Samus said. "...There were a lot of humans on this ship."

"I don't even know what they were doing." Sullivan said. "...But...uh..."

"Here." Samus cut her off, and held up a chestpiece. "This is one of the more advanced suits. I hacked it so that it could be worn by you."


"I linked your Personal Computer to the suit here, so that when you place it on your chest, will fit your size perfectly, fitting you like a glove. It will transform seamlessly over your body, thanks to the digital link, and will be made for your specifications perfectly. It will take approximately 2.502 seconds for the transformation to be complete, and will also allow you access to a piece of weapon-"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Sullivan said, before she yanked the chestpiece out of Samus' left hand. "I don't need that bullshithogwash nonsense."

"It doesn't hurt to explain its function and process."

"Yes it does. It hurts my soul."

Samus looked confused. "The metaphysical human soul doesn't exist-"

"You get what I meant."

"No, I really don't."

The woman just glared back at Samus. "...You really don't understand how this 'proper human interaction' thing works, do you?"

"It involves words and talking."

"...That's about the extent of your knowledge, am I right?"

"It also involves frivolous social cues."

"...Yeah, that's really the extent of your knowledge."

"I have interacted with other people many times."

"Yeah okay whatever you say."


Several minutes later, the pair was back to the hallway. The guard had herself a plasma rifle, and Samus cradled her gun close by, always on the ready, with her plasma beam on. As a bonus, it lit the room up in front of them with a slight orange glow. "There should be a door close by." Samus said. "Fifteen meters."

The woman nodded, before she quietly took out a small key, before Samus interrupted the thought with a blast of her power beam. The field over the door faded away, and the door itself quickly slid open. Samus stepped through, followed closely by the woman, before they both heard an echoing tap.

"...did you hear that?" Sullivan asked. Her voice wavered a little, and her legs started to shake. She held her gun to her chest, while Samus silently nodded.

"I did." Samus said, before she switched her cannon's modes. First wave, then ice, then plasma. She adjusted her sights to X-Ray, before she paused. "...Get down."

"Wha-" She didn't have to to react as Samus shoved her down, before a large creature, much bigger than the both of them combined, slammed a claw into Samus. She took the hit without hesitation, but quickly noticed that a full energy tank had been used by the impact.

Whatever it was, it hit with the force of a truck, and sent her hurtling across the ground. Sullivan stood up, dazed, before she quickly pulled up her gun and started firing at the creature's back.

Samus was quickly pinned down by the monster, and she immediately caught a glimpse of it in the dim light. Its abdomen was thick, armored and heavy, with hairs lined up upon its back. Its front two legs had only one claw each on their ends, and its single back leg bent unnaturally, making sure that its movement was kept light and fast. Its front end was covered entirely with sharp, uneven teeth, all around a circular mouth, with its blink, yellow eyes lining the "neck" as though they were blisters. Samus raised her cannon, aiming right for its "Blind spot" in the center of the mouth, before it roared, revealing a larger, human-like eye. Samus's eyes widened, before she shoved her grapple beam right into its pupil.

The creature screamed in newfound agony, before Samus yanked its eye out of its mouth, The thing hung on a stalk, stretching horribly as Samus stomped on it. The creature quickly yanked its eye back, pulling the thing back into its mouth, before it quickly turned its head to look over at Samus. The eyes glared at her, glowing a blank yellow, before it turned its third leg, right in the center of its rear, towards her in an attempted swipe.

Samus dodged it, the claw scraping against her suit before she quickly fired a missile at its hide. It was deflected, exploding against a nearby doorway with a shower of debris. The creature turned towards Samus again, the hairs on its back standing on edge as it let out another scream.

She charged towards it, grapple beam ready again, before she fired at the teeth with a charged plasma shot. The creature howled in pain, absent-mindedly opening its mouth, before she grabbed it with her grapple and pulled. The central eye was pulled out again, but this time, Samus had already charged her plasma beam.

With bright flash of red light, the entire room grew several degrees hotter. The creature's eye was blown open, and the brain underneath was cooked to a fine crisp. The creature let out a dying cry, before its functions ceased, and it slumped onto the ground, dead.

Samus panted, her cannon still smoking from the shot. She checked her missile count, before she grimaced. "...Two-fifty left." She said. "If I keep making shots like that, I could run out of missiles very quickly."

"What the fuck." Sullivan stared at Samus, then at the creature lying dead on the ground. "...What the fuck-"

"I believe that this is the creature that killed your teammates." Samus said. "...Though it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep exploring the facility."

"It just kept killing people, and you just...!" The woman shook her head. "...Jesus."

"I did say that I have been doing my job for a good number of years." Samus said. "Let's keep exploring the facility. Again, we should be able to find some more people...and maybe more monsters."

"What, you're saying that there's more?!"

"I'd rather not take chances, ma'am."


In a distant part of the ship, an officer in a Galactic Federation uniform stared at his screen. He kept tapping it fruitlessly, trying to get something out of it, while another man was sorting through the nearby wires. "I can't get shit outta this. Lightspeed comms are dead for good, sir."

"That's the end of that." The man murmured. "...Do we have any access to outside of this room? Communications-wise, that is."

"As far as we're concerned? We're trapped in the middle of black nothingness." The other man said.

The officer frowned, as a woman beside him lit up a cigarette. " long 'til we die?"

"We aren't going to die, Nova." The man said.

"Kinda hard to say otherwise." Another man said, towering above the group at seven feet. "We have about a month's worth of rations. If nothing gets through that door-"

"Don't say 'if'." The officer said. "Nothing will get through that door."

"Dude, you got the team optimist to say we're all gonna die." The man stopped fiddling with the wires. "...At least we can have a fun last few weeks. Who wants to play Monopoly?"


A/N: Nobody wants to play Monopoly. Monopoly is shit. Everything is shit. Video games are shit. I fucking hate video games.
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I can't stop hearing Tigress from the Nickelodeon Kung Fu Panda cartoon every time I read Samus talking.
I see Samus is in top form here. Truly, she is a master at sociable interaction.

In all seriousness, I like the utter strangeness Samus presents. Sullivan is obviously kind of torn on how to read this strange woman. On one hand, Samus saved her and killed the thing that killed her friends. On the other hand, this woman also has all the social graces of a brick to the face. It's interesting to see Sullivan's reactions as Samus just methodically goes through all this weirdness. It's a nice way to inject some humor to help balance and offset the creepy, tense atmosphere this story has going for it.
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Nobody wants to play Monopoly. Monopoly is shit. Everything is shit. Video games are shit. I fucking hate video games.

I sense a disturbance in the cosmos...

It's interesting to see Sullivan's reactions as Samus just methodically goes through all this weirdness.

For a moment I thought Samus was being a little too oblivious. Samus is now on the uncanny valley tier for Sullivan. To be able to kill the same critter that killed her coworkers with a particular easy is... unsettling, to say the least.

Don't ever change Samus :p

I'm also liking wherer this is going to. To portrait the bounty hunter we all know and love, after the fiasco that was that-other-game... I take my hat Moid. Truly amazing. And with this, my following of this thread starts :)
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Samus and Sullivan searched through the station, guns ready and armed. Samus looked around quietly, before she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. "...Stop." She said. "I found something."

"Found something? Found wha-" She was cut off by an explosion, one that ripped apart a nearby door entrance. The gate was decimated, and right behind it was a familiar blue door. "What the fuck?!"

"Barrier to entrance." Samus' missile launcher closed itself. "Destroyed it, and we can now enter."

"...You're just so fucking casual about property damage." Sullivan murmured.

"The ship's abandoned. I doubt protocol is an issue."

"I don't think protocol was ever an issue for you."

Samus paused, before she shrugged a little and a rather odd sight. The door lead into a glass tube, and through it, there was a vast greenhouse on the other side. She and Sullivan moved through the tube, quietly walking through, when Samus quickly noticed that the second door was locked. She scanned it quickly, before the grey colored quickly turned to red.

"ENTRANCE IS AUTHORIZED". The door slid open, and both Sullivan and Samus entered.

And there, in the midst of the Franklin, was an enormous, artificial forest. Trees stretched far upwards to a glass ceiling, and a false sun beamed down onto the two. The sound of various creatures, both Earth-borne and Extraterrestrial echoed through the trees, as both Samus and Sullivan cradled their guns. "...What the hell is this?"

"A breeding ground, or perhaps an artifical ecosystem." Samus said. "...Though why earth creatures would be mixed in with them is a mystery."

"Earth creatures?" Sullivan murmured.

"Look at that." Samus said, motioning her left hand towards a nearby corpse. It was that of a tiger, having recently been killed, shifting slowly and steadily on the ground. A war-wasp emerged from inside of its mouth, and while Sullivan was too shocked to shoot, Samus killed it without a second thought.

"W-what the-!"

"A Tallon IV War Wasp." Samus murmured. "I have a feeling that we are going to see more and more interesting things in this particular greenhouse."

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I hope Sullivan pulls herself out of "what the fuck" mode sometime soon. I kinda want to see Samus's equivalent of casual banter.

Edit: fixed gender typo (I blame the masculine name)
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