True, he was a POS and completely unable to even begin to measure up to his father's legacy. Suppose that's just how it goes, extraordinary father, mediocre son.
between him and Malekith its no wonder that the elves are totally off the idea of inherited kingships of their first 3 kings
2 had sons who tried to follow their footsteps.
and caused the two biggest disasters and wars the world has seen since the Great Incursion
Not gonna lie, when I think of mediocrity I think of working a boring 9-5, not ending the golden age of your people and turning your greatest ally into a fierce enemy out of pride.
im pretty sure the greatest ally thing was always massivly overstated.
if you can not notice a continent shattering civil war of your ally, are you actually allies rather then non-hostile acquaintances?
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im pretty sure the greatest ally thing was always massivly overstated.
if you can not notice a continent shattering civil war of your ally, are you actually allies rather then non-hostile acquaintances?
The greatest allies of the High Elves were and are undoubtedly the dragons of Caledor.

If we're not counting them (and also not counting, say, the Phoenixes or the Great Eagles and etc for the same reason) then it's definitely the Dwarfs.

But that's admittedly a bit of a low bar, because the Dwarfs were the Elves's only outside ally at all.
I'm not going to lie I do kind of headcanon Caledor I as being on the asexual spectrum because the hottest elf in existence keeps sending him messengers to tell him it's really, really important that he come to Avelorn and bang her but he just keeps telling them no, I have more important things to do. For 550 years.
It could also be that he wasn't in love with her and didn't want to sleep with someone he didn't love, but that interpretation works too.

And he took down a Giant with a simple bonk to the head via humble stone and a slingshot.
I don't think was described as a literal giant, and a sling stone can be ver destructive. Shepherds used them to defend their flock against savage beasts.
@Blackout are we ever told anything about who Caledor II's mother was and what was the nature of Caledor I's relationship with her? Is it possible he was a widower?
Caledor I had two sons, the dickhead who became Caledor II and Imladrik.

Imladrik was everything Caledor II needed to be, and an absolute badass cast in the mould of his father and his great-grandfather (the OG Caledor).

Caledor I to the Everqueen: "Sorry, I'm just not that into you."
What was the relationship between Imrik and Malekith before the Sundering?

I mean, as fellow veterans and warriors I can see them bonding over many things. Then somebody said, that the Dragon Prince might be a better option for leadership, which must have soured their relationship. How did that develop during the war and later, when it became obvious, that the rebellion failed and Malekith had to run for the frost hills. Did he see Caledor only as a usurper and insignificant speck or was there still any form of respect for his military might?
Imrik initially admired Malekith, but it was also tinged with jealousy: without him, he would have been the greatest general of his era. When Malekith returned to deal with Morathi Imrik found the timing suspicious (unfounded, Malekith was still genuinely working for the betterment of Ulthuan) and refused to fight under his banner when he retook Nagarythe. The two of them nearly came to blows when Malekith returned with Morathi, and Imrik was ready to execute her on the spot:
'I hold no position in higher regard than that of the Phoenix King,' Morathi said, her eyes fixed upon Bel Shanaar. 'I spoke my mind at the First Council and others chose to ignore my wisdom. My loyalty is to Ulthuan and the prosperity and strength of her people. I do not change my opinions on a whim and my reservations have not been allayed.'

'She is a viper,' snarled Imrik, revolted by her professed innocence. 'She cannot be allowed to live.'

Morathi laughed, a scornful sound that reverberated menacingly around the hall.

'Who wishes to be known as the elf who slew Aenarion's queen?' the seeress said. 'Which of the mighty princes gathered here would claim that accolade?'

'I will,' said Imrik, his hand straying to the silver hilt of Lathrain at his waist.

'I cannot condone this,' said Malekith, stepping protectively in front of his mother.

Imrik tensed, but stayed his hand. He watched Malekith intently, alert for any violence.
That was the last time they met before the Sundering began.

When Malekith seemingly returned from the dead Imrik admitted that he was afraid of him, but he was also the one who kept reminding everyone else that no matter his new, fearsome form, the Witch King was still just an elf, fallible and mortal.

For his part Malekith disliked Imrik from the beginning, but he was willing to admit that after him Imrik was the best that Ulthuan had to offer. After becoming the Witch King he repeatedly underestimated Imrik's capacity for ruthlessness and sacrifice, refusing to be brought to battle against Malekith's superior army and leveraging Lothern's fleet to run rings around him while leveraging the Asur's greater population and economy to gradually strengthen his position (the reason Nagarythe was able to fight the other nine kingdoms on equal footing was that they had retained a large military, while the others had drawn down their forces during the long peace of Bel-Shanaar's reign).

Eventually Malekith did come to respect and even admire Imrik to some degree, admitting that while he would eventually prove himself superior he and Imrik were so closely matched in generalship that they could match wits for an age until he triumphed over him, forcing him to resort to assassins and, when that failed, a risky gambit to force Imrik to battle. Luckily for Malekith Imrik was also attempting a risky gambit to take Tor Anlec at that exact time, leading to the decisive battle at Maledor Fields.

asexual or gay? or maybe he was just really in love with his mount and was deadly afraid of cheating on a dragon completely faithful to Maedrethnir.
Nontheless, not wanting to have sex with someone you barely know isn't the strangest thing in the world, regardless of how attractive they are.
It could also be that he wasn't in love with her and didn't want to sleep with someone he didn't love, but that interpretation works too.
That's why I called it headcanon, I'm not claiming that he definitely is.

I just think it's a neat idea. Not a lot of asexual representation in fiction.

Well him being considered to be Imrik's ancestor does suggest that Caledor I had a child at some point. Another explanation could be, from the way you've described him so far, that he was the type to consider it immoral for him to take any sort of break or enjoyment while his people were suffering during wartime. In that regard I'm reminded of the story in bible in which King David impregnates the wife of one of his soldiers during wartime. When David finds out about the pregnancy, he has the soldier called home, ostensibly in order to praise him for his heroism and efforts on the battlefield and tells the soldier to go back home and spend some time with his wife, David hoping that through that he could pass on his own child as being the soldier's, only for David's plot to fail when the soldier refuses, saying that it would be a disgrace for him to spend time enjoying himself with his wife at a time in which his comrades at arms are suffering on the battlefield.
Caledor canonically had two children, Caledor II (birthname either Tythanir or Menlaeth, because GW is inconsistent as fuck) and Imladrik. That's why I said somewhere on the asexual spectrum, and asexuals can still have children, it's just a fun personal theory I came up with when I read about him doing his best to avoid the Everqueen.

Being a sex-repulsed asexual who in spite of that might still want to one day have children myself, I just found it relatable.

@Blackout are we ever told anything about who Caledor II's mother was and what was the nature of Caledor I's relationship with her? Is it possible he was a widower?
Her name is Anatheria and she is alive during the Sundering, but she and Imrik are estranged, as she resents him for being an absent father and husband, while he resents her for coddling and spoiling Tythanir.
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I'm not going to lie I do kind of headcanon Caledor I as being on the asexual spectrum because the hottest elf in existence keeps sending him messengers to tell him it's really, really important that he come to Avelorn and bang her but he just keeps telling them no, I have more important things to do. For 550 years.
Objection: Second hottest. Morathi's got first place on lockdown. She might be evil beyond measure but that just adds the, "I can fix her..." aspect in for extra points.
I mean if we're not restricting the argument to just elves then I'm pretty sure Isabella wins simply by the virtue of having a loving mutually reciprocal relationship with her love, who for his part was willing to give up immortality and die for her. In contrast Morathi couldn't even get hers to live for her!
I mean if we're not restricting the argument to just elves then I'm pretty sure Isabella wins simply by the virtue of having a loving mutually reciprocal relationship with her love, who for his part was willing to give up immortality and die for her. In contrast Morathi couldn't even get hers to live for her!
That doesn't necessarily mean that she's the hottest (not that there's any objective measuring of that).

Vlad might just be demi-sexual.
I don't think was described as a literal giant, and a sling stone can be very destructive. Shepherds used them to defend their flock against savage beasts.
Fair enough and yeah, it's easy to pick up rocks and fire them with a slingshot. Unlimited ammunition to use in the battlefield with some rocks to find.

Malekith: *gets hit with a rock that bounced off from his helmet's visor* "Not the face..."

Some long nosed sniper dude with a slingshot: "Shit!"