Nui lover and Slaaneshi
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- New York, New York
Why do I have a feeling we are going to create something similar to the MSY from To the stars?
Your contact with Serena goes better than you could have hoped. She's ironically filled with negative emotions herself. Guilty about what she's done to her own friends, and bitter about how her wish was so twisted from what she wanted, and yet fulfilling the letter quite perfectly.
Saving a major city is quite the enticement in itself; it will give her something to do beyond merely surviving. The offer to let her settle someplace is certainly enough for her to come help you. The other magical girls in her area really don't like her much since she has passed through so much territory and negatively impacted so many of them.
She'd need money to travel across the Pacific, but she can easily collect enough extra cubes to make the journey if need be. She doesn't tend to keep many on hand since she doesn't have unpredictable spikes and she can collect more any time she needs them. She prefers to only take what she needs as she passes through areas. Any travel plans you make should probably include extra stopovers though to reduce the exposure of any one group. She usually takes care to be out in the middle of nowhere when she sleeps just in case even. While it probably wouldn't affect the average traveler, it would be unnecessary extra risk.
She can't really say how much support she'd need in clearing the city until she's encountered the situation; most demons she's faced have been nearly dead just from her getting close. So she really doesn't have much perspective on how difficult it is to kill them usually.
Ideally you'd clear out the magical girls from the path she takes, but given what you've told her that will probably just mean these demons will go to wherever you got the magical girls to gather and she'd have to go there anyways. So probably better to just keep moving. She's never heard of any problems from just a few minutes exposure so it's not a big deal anyways. If she could get a teleport directly to the demons it would probably be best though and save on the large swaths of exposure from travel on foot.
Her power is really hard to predict accurately though, especially to the Incubators because it's so dependent on the person being exposed. She suspects that the theoretical happiest person on Earth could spend a lifetime in her aura without any problems, while someone already terminally depressed could be pushed over the edge in no time at all.
She hasn't answered any of the requests from the Incubators in the past because of how twisted her wish was from what she desired. This was certainly nothing like what she wanted and has ruined her life. She talks to them for contact with someone unaffected by her power, but she certainly wasn't about to do them any favors.
She brings 4 girls with her, all of whom can perform well above elite level strength because of her aura effect, and she's no slouch herself. She'd prefer that all 5 of them get the full allotment of grief cubes you'd normally give a girl, but they could get by on less.
Not sure if it's necessary or not.@inverted_helix Did you ever decide how many charms one person could have on them for this sort of thing? I remember you were planning to have a limit.
The risk is greatly reduced, so inclined to give only half the original values.1: If we took on the cost of bribing a Legendary to come out and clean up Tokyo, would we get the bounty on the class 3 demons?
I need to go dig up that list of major cities and start stating out all of them, ugh.2: Ask for the contact information of all the large magical girl organizations in Japan (we already have Nagoya/Osaka).
They're largely too scattered for this sort of thing. Most of them have better things to do that check their email.3: Ask for the contact information for girls in the Tokyo area (so we could send useful tools to aid them), particularly any surviving Elites.
40 Class 3s, possible Class 4 activity data inconclusive. 32 Grade 3 Contracted, 1000 Contracted of all Grades.4: Ask for information on general demon strength levels in Tokyo city, the number of class 3 demons, and the number of surviving magical girls - so that we can more accurately estimate both the cost of cleaning up the class 3 demons, and the cost of stabilizing the area after cleanup.
Well I wouldn't call them "extreme" things. I mean at your current level it's hard to move based off the things you've got. But it's still not at a level where it takes extreme things to move.Follows with the talk about morale and incrementalism, our girls already have so much that it takes really extreme things to make them feel much happier than that, and even then, it's only a small, incremental increase for them.
Well I was thinking about a building of around 15,000 square feet. Doing a total electrical rewire for that would probably cost half the quoted price by itself. The basement was something that people wondered about getting quite a while ago, but it wasn't a serious request.Ouch... Much more expensive than I thought it would be.
As for a basement... do we really need one with a gym? I guess we could use a basement for the more flashy actions... something heavy with concrete - reinforced, like a bunker.
Hmm did not think that through. Too little sleep. I had looked up at the time that Akiya often rented out for only a couple hundred dollars when rented from local government. But also companies spend like 30-40k on repairing them to good condition. Not quite sure which way I should have that fall.I'm a little unsure what this option is. @inverted_helix Are we out right buying this house or are we renting it? If renting it would be odd for us to repair it. If purchasing then shouldn't this be a purchase price, with potentially money down and a mortgage payment, rather than a monthly fee?
If you just want one house and leave the rest falling apart then you're probably only looking at like $50,000.@inverted_helix Can we get a swag on the cost of renovating the village? Not a formal assessment from a contractor, rather a phone call to a contractor and a price range for a large house in a remote area (septic tanks, etc). Is it $100,000? $200,000? $300,000. Just want to get a rough price range.
I've seen about that price to, so probably what I'd use.Also, what is the cost of satellite internet? A quick google gives me $100 a month for top of the line connections.
They wouldn't have survived this long if they had to fight constantly. The "moat" is the only plan they could come up with.
You guys have been reducing them to "evil empire" status when they really aren't that simple.It's interesting getting some insight into the characters that make up Nagoya. Very interesting.
There's good reason they have a flee on sight for it. An anti-teleport field fundamentally damages their tactics. It prevents both reinforcements and emergency evac. And yes it is a Beholder, as identified earlier, I painted that picture but didn't think a teenage girl was too likely to identify that. Some of them might, but your diplomatic agent didn't.A Beholder... They got a Beholder. Sounds like a Gauth maybe?
And teleporting in doesn't work either... so hard to bring reinforcements to kill it. Five kilometers?
Because the whole point of the quest was to make a quest about trying to create the a large scale magical group from a small level.Why do I have a feeling we are going to create something similar to the MSY from To the stars?
As was correctly identified earlier, being able to train in a reduced cost environment + spam all your most costly abilities in combat makes a difference. That's part of the combat strength that Serena brings. Though it's notable that this is a special case because of how the Aura works. They wouldn't be elite outside the aura, and them going toe to toe with elites inside the aura would be somewhat unpredictable but not in their favor (dependent on how quickly the elites adapted to the environment).All four of her girls can perform above Elite level? That's... interesting. Didn't expect that.
Mixed signals is good, shows I'm doing a decent job.I'm getting a lot of mixed signals about how likely Serena will be able to handle the class 3 demons on her own.
I actually was meaning to imply island hopping essentially.Shortest flight time across the Pacific to Japan is from Seattle/Vancouver,
Serena hasn't ever encountered a grief spiral. Not in person at least. Caused them yes, but if she's close enough to someone to count as "in person" then they can't really grief spiral.It doesn't mention what happens to a girl who is usually pretty happy, but begins grief spiraling.
Which means by the time this is over we will be a secret government.Because the whole point of the quest was to make a quest about trying to create the a large scale magical group from a small level.
Eh, don't think we really need a basement. We should have reasonably private space in the rear of the church.As for a basement... do we really need one with a gym? I guess we could use a basement for the more flashy actions... something heavy with concrete - reinforced, like a bunker.
That actually could be problematic for them. If we have to retreat back through there, we could end up dragging stuff through their turf.Can we use their area as a staging location to attack the demons? Something to discuss...
I think we have a little more flexibility on that. Let's see...So without going below the 1 month stockpile... that's roughly $50,000 that we can get out of Nagoya... (including the trade with the other girls... but that costs money, so that's... $40,000 even net.
That's barely enough to buy Kyouko's church, without paying for rebuilding. And it leaves us no cash. I think we might need to delay the church purchase by several months. Focus on Tokyo instead, and then once we are firmly established there, then we can make the purchase... that means a delay of probably... 4 months at least, and probably more like 6 months?
Maybe not. This is assuming the traditional 20 percent down payment-type loan, right? Maybe there are loan options that require less up-front?Need to upgrade the loan to $700,000 to include costs of rebuilding, which means down payment is $140,000 (more than we have). Loan payment would be $2500 for a 30 year loan, or $4000 for a 15 year loan.
Agreed, I'm just thinking of alternative loan options for the future.Our money is tight enough that we should focus on Tokyo, and leave the church for later.
Narita is the Tokyo airport. And is on the exact opposite side of Tokyo from us. Not the best starting point.
Hmm I made an error in elite calculation. I double checked because you questioned it. Last check was T28, had thought it was was T26. Revised up to 32. Most of casualties from when their fortified base was overrun last turn. Standard population though really is in freefall.Ugh.
Stability level continues to drop. 27 elites left hurts, and 1000 total contracted is 58% of total sustainable territory size. 200 died in the last couple months.
We need to get to those elites before they're wiped out.
I think a population of about 700 is where Tokyo begins the final slide towards Hong Kong. At that point, there's not enough meguca-power to keep DS at 0, even if all of them were putting their best efforts in on just that. In practical terms, it's already heading that way because they're not going to be able to dedicate 100% of their time to active cube hunting.
Does that mean there's more or less than 27 elites left, then?Hmm I made an error in elite calculation. Last check was T28, had thought it was was T26.
Slightly more, revised up to 32. Considered leaving it as is but only minor "retcon" since you were the only one to comment on that line so far. And it's no more of one than my myriad mathematical fixes in balance sheet after updates.Does that mean there's more or less than 27 elites left, then?
Fixed@inverted_helix - Error in expenses. Currently listed at $26,870, but should be $29,370 due to the addition of the apartments.
Your mundane income sources proceed normally this month. The delivery service you started to set up this month, but struggle a little to get it running, besides Akeno your girls aren't quite used to managing this sort of thing. You might also need to do a little advertising. You forgot to put money towards that, and Taura wasn't around to catch the error. They still make a little this month, but it will hopefully keep picking up. +$3000 this month, will continue to grow
SIMP has grown by about 50% in the eight months since you started needing an aide, you're probably going to need a bit more help soon. Even if it does seem a bit odd that you went nearly two years without needing one and now you feel like you need a little more help after eight months, you've seen some rather explosive growth in that time. (+.5 vet to upkeep paperpushing needed soon)
Shioko did very well at the spelling bee this month. Too well, in fact; she had to turn down a trip to the nationals because it would mean a week-long trip to Tokyo. The poor girl nearly had a panic attack which took a cube to calm down. She's one of your original veterans she's had experience with demon problems, and she's not doing it again.
The "moat" around Tokyo means it's actually going to be pretty hard for anyone to notice us taking out the Class 3 demons and doing Elder Haman's Baravian Fire Drill plan. We should try to time our assault to happen right after Nagoya's monthly attack to maximise the amount of time we have to act before anyone else notices.
Any ideas for expansion a bit more aggressively? Seems to me like there's a lot of big groups around, and unless we have the numbers to make expanding into our territory inadvisable we might get into trouble later on.
Has Kyuubi contracted anyone in our territory recently? Like in the past year? I don't remember any mention of it one way or the other, but it would seem strange for him to have held off on it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't expanding into rural areas be the best thing to do if we want a place Serena can stay long term if we can get her to join us?
Not many Demons or Puella to deal with, but she'd still be close enough to get in contact with quickly.
Edit: Maybe check out Izu Oshima, the island to the south of Tokyo? It would be a great place to launch attacks on Tokyo from, and it has a population of about 8000, so it should be okay to support her as long as we supplement her every now and then.
I expect Serena+Retinue can handle Tokyo on their own. I can't imagine that Bejing isn't at least as screwed up as Tokyo is, and Kesi has no problems with it.
Well it's more that your group actually generates a lot more paperwork than typical from hunting activities. You guys measure demon strength to 0.1 and that's because you record everything pretty finely. That amount of recording though generates a lot of paperwork. I mean if you're measuring in bulk like just asking at the end of the month if the demons were easy to fight or hard, that's a lot less forms and math.Oh well, time to bite the bullet on the paperwork. We probably ought to spread it around, rather than a specific girl doing all the paperwork, it'll be an abstracted cost of all the paperwork being done by all the girls.
Yeah, I think its much more likely they are combining pride in their city with rationalizing not helping. I mean people have lots of /weird/ opinions in the real world.Also, I kinda doubt that the girls from Kyoto are old enough to remember it being the capital. That would mean they were alive before 1868, and I am extremely dubious of the ability of Puella to last that long. Unless they're Hortence it is vastly more likely they will spiral out or get unlucky in a hunt than survive that long.
The risk is greatly reduced, so inclined to give only half the original values.
I need to go dig up that list of major cities and start stating out all of them, ugh.
40 Class 3s, possible Class 4 activity data inconclusive. 32 Grade 3 Contracted, 1000 Contracted of all Grades.
Well I was thinking about a building of around 15,000 square feet. Doing a total electrical rewire for that would probably cost half the quoted price by itself. The basement was something that people wondered about getting quite a while ago, but it wasn't a serious request.
If you just want one house and leave the rest falling apart then you're probably only looking at like $50,000.
You guys have been reducing them to "evil empire" status when they really aren't that simple.
I think we have a little more flexibility on that. Let's see...
Start: 78 cubes
The deal with the Coalition cuts 8 cubes, which would have been another $28k (and could have gotten away with selling another block of 10 for $35k). Oh well.
Sell for: $70,000 (net $62,000)
Final cash on hand: $130,000 (plus another ~$5k from normal income, but also more special expenses)
Need to upgrade the loan to $700,000 to include costs of rebuilding, which means down payment is $140,000 (more than we have). Loan payment would be $2500 for a 30 year loan, or $4000 for a 15 year loan.
Stability level continues to drop. 27 elites left hurts, and 1000 total contracted is 58% of total sustainable territory size. 200 died in the last couple months.
We need to get to those elites before they're wiped out.
I think a population of about 700 is where Tokyo begins the final slide towards Hong Kong. At that point, there's not enough meguca-power to keep DS at 0, even if all of them were putting their best efforts in on just that. In practical terms, it's already heading that way because they're not going to be able to dedicate 100% of their time to active cube hunting.