Uhh, what???? So first off semi-independent and fully under are mutually exclusive terms, never mind the stupidity required for the Alliance to allow a colony of Perkwunos' importance to become or codify itself as semi-independent. Secondly the idea that Perkwunos would be able to build a navy that could theoretically support a single dreadnought, never mind multiple dreadnoughts, is laughable. Finally, and most importantly, there is no way in hell that we would be
allowed to build dreadnoughts for our own private fleet (which again we couldn't support). Dreadnoughts are regulated by the Treaty of Farixen and citadel members are restricted in how many they can construct. Having Perkwunos construct our own dreadnoughts would (rightly) be seen as humans attempting to go above the limit or would require the dumbest members of the Alliance Military to be promoted all the way up for them to decide that some of their limited dreadnoughts should not be controlled by them. For a sense of scale at the start of canon the Turians have 37 and the Alliance has 6 with a 7th under construction, we are simply too small by orders of magnitude to even consider dreadnought construction for our own use.
The Treaty of Farixen is a treaty signed by Council races limiting the number of dreadnoughts among the different Citadel races in their given fleets. At the Farixen Naval Conference, the Council races agreed to fix a ratio of dreadnought construction between themselves due to their destructive potential. At the top of the pyramid is the peacekeeping turian fleet which makes up most of the Citadel Fleet. Second, are the other Council races - the asari and the salarians. Council associate races, like the hanar and volus, are at the bottom of the list.
The ratio of turian to Council to associate dreadnoughts is 5:3:1, which essentially means for every five dreadnoughts the turians construct, the asari and salarians are allowed three, and all other Citadel races one. Signing the Treaty of Farixen is a requirement for any race wishing to open an embassy on the Citadel.
Carriers are megalithic ships that have a similar general design to that of Dreadnoughts. The only difference is that Carriers are designed to carry and transport mass amounts of vehicles, fighters, interceptors, and troops across the galaxy. Dreadnoughts are specifically designed to combat enemy ships in a space combat environment and/or bombard planetary targets. The construction of Carriers is not included in the Treaty of Farixen policy resulting in no legal limit upon building any number of Carriers for any race.
As of 2183, the turians had 37 dreadnoughts, the asari had 21, the salarians had 16, and the Alliance had 6 with another under construction. As of 2185, the dreadnought count was 39 turian, 20 asari, 16 salarian, and 8 human. By 2186, humans construct a ninth dreadnought, and the volus have built a single dreadnought of their own. The geth, unbound by the treaty, possess almost as many dreadnoughts as the turians.
I don't meant to keep harping on this but what I have seen since you have taken over has me seriously concerned about the future of this quest. You have been very vague on what is happening in universe and don't seem to have a solid grasp on canon or in what ways this quest operates differently from canon.