Vote closed.

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Brogatar on Jun 14, 2019 at 1:38 PM, finished with 67 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Acquire currency
    -[x] Keep and repair them -2500 credits
    --[x] Upgrade to full military standards -5000 credits
    -[x] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. . -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
    -[X] Building Medium: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build components for the medium range vessels. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -3500 credits.
    -[x] Volus Volus Volus?: You have to admit you haven't thought much of the Volus. You've the mind of a quarter master, which so far is all you've needed, but the galaxies economists are arriving in the cluster in force. Maybe offer them some help setting up, wouldn't be amiss. -10 credits (variable costs/benefits depending on what, if anything, they decide they need help with.)
    -[x] Helium 3 extraction: The essential star ship fuel, while you won't be able to export this stuff by any means you do have a gas giant or two. Extracting and refining enough that you don't need to purchase it from outside and can sell to traders doesn't seem too hard especially since Nal'vatanis is using Perkwunos as the centre for her suddenly massive number of mining zones. -500 credits
    -[x] Establish Police: Well you certainly made the right call with this one, but you are going to need to get it even beefier if you want to keep unwanted eyes away. -1200 credits
    [X] Plan Well This Changes Things
    -[x] Keep and repair them -2500 credits
    --[x] Upgrade to full military standards -5000 credits
    -[x] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. . -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
    -[X] Create Infrastructure: The lifeblood of any nation. While you are confident that barring a massive battle what you have won't decay, you need to invest to improve what is there (potential decrease due to sudden expansion). -1500 credits.
    -[x] Establish Police: Well you certainly made the right call with this one, but you are going to need to get it even beefier if you want to keep unwanted eyes away. -1200 credits
    -[X] System Defences: You have them now, but if anything, the recent attack proves you can never have enough of them. -1200 credits
    -[X] Building Medium: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build components for the medium range vessels. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -3500 credits.
    [X] Found new city: You've found a new massive cavern that is perfect for a large-scale settlement. Of course, it'll be a lot of effort to make, but it'll be far easier than Lightning was and will open up easy access to a new Eezo deposit. Right now you just have the population for this to work… just. -1750 credits
    [X] Repair Ships: Repair the ships that fought in the battle both Alliance and Asari. -2000 credits. (costs will be refunded next turn)
    [X] Plan Infrastructure and Defense
    -[x] Keep and repair them -2500 credits
    --[X] Upgrade to second line standards -3000 credits
    -[X] System Defences: You have them now, but if anything, the recent attack proves you can never have enough of them. -1200 credits
    -[x] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. . -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
    -[X] Military Expansion: You've lost a lot of soldiers over the years. To wildlife, pirates and other threats. You need to start recruiting new ones for defence. Happy is the city that in times of peace thinks of war. -1000 credits
    -[X] Planetary Exploration: Jungle This is quite clearly a whole other level of danger, and it requires a whole other level of investment. -700 credits
    -[X] Mining Minerals: Valuable, and easier to get (must take Planetary Exploration to be useful.)
    --[X] Beryllium deposit
    --[X] Gold
    --[X] Iron
    [X] Plan Space Debt
    -[x] Keep and repair them -2500 credits
    --[x] Upgrade to full military standards -5000 credits
    -[X] Investment: Nal'vatanis is currently one of your biggest employers, but also one of your colonies most lucrative contacts in general. Helping them helps you, so fund them and with luck reap the rewards. -1000 credits
    -[x] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. . -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
    -[X] Building Medium: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build components for the medium range vessels. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -3500 credits.
    -[x] Establish Police: Well you certainly made the right call with this one, but you are going to need to get it even beefier if you want to keep unwanted eyes away. -1200 credits
    -[X] Antanov Ring Establishment: Setting up facilities in the ring would be very beneficial, for water, minerals and setting up infrastructure for future development like ship yards. -800 credits.
    [x] Plan oh god oh god oh god
    [x]Keep and repair them -2500 credits
    -[x] Upgrade to full military standards -5000 credits
    -[X] System Defences: You have them now, but if anything, the recent attack proves you can never have enough of them. -1200 credits
    -[x] Eezo 3. Final Clean up: With the cavern finishing construction the final clean up and reinforcement of the cavern needs to go on. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. . -2000 credits Will reduce maintenance costs back down to a lower level.
    -[X] Military Expansion: You've lost a lot of soldiers over the years. To wildlife, pirates and other threats. You need to start recruiting new ones for defence. Happy is the city that in times of peace thinks of war. -1000 credits
    -[x] Establish Police: Well you certainly made the right call with this one, but you are going to need to get it even beefier if you want to keep unwanted eyes away. -1200 credits
    -[X] Building Medium: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build components for the medium range vessels. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -3500 credits.
Okay, we are definitely going to become one of the System Alliance's major shipyards. What with the fact that we have the Antonov Rings in orbit, and a resource rich planet down below that is exceptionally rich in Eezo to go with everything else.

Or in simpler terms, resource-wise we are basically independent of external resource mining, which should noticeably decrease the costs of building the ships once we get the industry to construct their components working. Especially when combined with the fact that we can basically provide all of the Eezo needed for everything at either cost, slightly over cost, or whatever is decided on to make a profit whilst still being cheaper than importing it, or having other shipyards import their Eezo.

The biggest issue is that we are very close to the Terminus. So that's going to be fun. On the other hand, I have a feeling that it's also going to drastically reduce the odds of small raids in the local area. And instead we're only going to have to worry about major raiding campaigns, which aren't particularly common without either an external backer, or something forcing them to do it.

Also? We just got the leverage needed, especially when combined with out shipyard build up, to seriously get something done to give the colonies more representation in the Systems Alliance Parliament. That's something we're going to want to work on very soon.
Okay, we are definitely going to become one of the System Alliance's major shipyards. What with the fact that we have the Antonov Rings in orbit, and a resource rich planet down below that is exceptionally rich in Eezo to go with everything else.

Or in simpler terms, resource-wise we are basically independent of external resource mining, which should noticeably decrease the costs of building the ships once we get the industry to construct their components working. Especially when combined with the fact that we can basically provide all of the Eezo needed for everything at either cost, slightly over cost, or whatever is decided on to make a profit whilst still being cheaper than importing it, or having other shipyards import their Eezo.

The biggest issue is that we are very close to the Terminus. So that's going to be fun. On the other hand, I have a feeling that it's also going to drastically reduce the odds of small raids in the local area. And instead we're only going to have to worry about major raiding campaigns, which aren't particularly common without either an external backer, or something forcing them to do it.

Also? We just got the leverage needed, especially when combined with out shipyard build up, to seriously get something done to give the colonies more representation in the Systems Alliance Parliament. That's something we're going to want to work on very soon.
It could go either way I think. We will always have some shipbuilding industry but whether or not we get turned into a major shipyard is going to depend on our choices and a lot of stuff outside of our control. On the plus side, as you point out, we have raw material extraction, helium extraction, eezo, and shipyards already here. All we would need is a lot of immigration and the supporting industry to manufacture components. On the other hand it could be decided that because we are so exposed to the Batarians and the Terminus that having the shipyards all the way out where we are is too much of a risk, both for their destruction or perhaps worse their capture. They might want to trade efficiency for safety and lower startup costs by having us focus primarily on eezo extraction. After all while an eezo supply line is also vulnerable a more secure shipyard can still be run in the event that we are cut off or lost, either from a reserve stockpile or by purchasing from more expensive sources. Either way we are going to have a lot of influence in Alliance politics, at least in the short term. This is still early in the timeline so access to a source of cheap and high quality eezo is very big for the Alliance, so while we have a lot of pull if we are too combative we could lose a lot more autonomy (though I don't think we will push that far).
I propose that for the next few turns we also go hard on encouraging immigration. With a find like this we will need every pair of hands we can get to really exploit it.
It could go either way I think. We will always have some shipbuilding industry but whether or not we get turned into a major shipyard is going to depend on our choices and a lot of stuff outside of our control. On the plus side, as you point out, we have raw material extraction, helium extraction, eezo, and shipyards already here. All we would need is a lot of immigration and the supporting industry to manufacture components.

Point of order: You are required to have a shipyard that can build Dreadnoughts
It could go either way I think. We will always have some shipbuilding industry but whether or not we get turned into a major shipyard is going to depend on our choices and a lot of stuff outside of our control. On the plus side, as you point out, we have raw material extraction, helium extraction, eezo, and shipyards already here. All we would need is a lot of immigration and the supporting industry to manufacture components. On the other hand it could be decided that because we are so exposed to the Batarians and the Terminus that having the shipyards all the way out where we are is too much of a risk, both for their destruction or perhaps worse their capture. They might want to trade efficiency for safety and lower startup costs by having us focus primarily on eezo extraction. After all while an eezo supply line is also vulnerable a more secure shipyard can still be run in the event that we are cut off or lost, either from a reserve stockpile or by purchasing from more expensive sources. Either way we are going to have a lot of influence in Alliance politics, at least in the short term. This is still early in the timeline so access to a source of cheap and high quality eezo is very big for the Alliance, so while we have a lot of pull if we are too combative we could lose a lot more autonomy (though I don't think we will push that far).
their's also the fact that in order to get SA intelligence to cover our ass when it came to helping batarian slaves escape they kinda strong armed us into building up our ship yards so they could have a port to repair their ships all the way out here in the boonies to save on time and cost on repairs so there is that.
Point of order: You are required to have a shipyard that can build Dreadnoughts
Ah, that was a bit ambiguous. Dreadnought sized is what you quoted before, which doesn't necessarily imply building actual dreadnoughts. I do imagine though that ,especially with dreadnoughts, having the appropriately sized yard capable of building (and thus servicing dreadnoughts) doesn't mean that you have all the supporting industry that goes into building a ship from scratch. That was more the distinction I was going for, whether we become a supplementary yard whose primary purpose is to export eezo or they invest in us to turn us into a major fleet yard/base with all the various industry that goes along with that.
No one ever specified whay type of dreadnought we must be capable of building, and it is unlikely we will be controlling that shipyard due to high tech components involved. Though it does raise the interesting question about how council feels about parking their fleet on foreign dreadnought shipyard down the line.

We probably want to invite more extraction companies to spread out the risk of owning Omega scale pure Eezo reserve.
In all reality you will be building Dreadnought sized berths individually or in ordered batches but it take up multiple actions for a batch.
Motherlode 2
Motherlode part 2

It was a quick decision. I had to call Christopher, again at least he should be in a better mood this time. Calling him up was slightly risky but with what was at stake he shouldn't be too annoyed this time with what I was dropping in his lap. After a couple of minutes he came on looking about the same as last time but there was a smug smile on his face from the capture of the Illusive man and the destruction of Cerberus.

"Raynor what are you dropping in my lap this time?"

"Something that this colony is for." I ignored the low "Thank the gods for that." he muttered. "I need to speak to Prime Minister Korolov immediately. We found a motherlode of eezo in the ruins. It's huge, Chris, and almost 100% pure. We're talking Galactic scale implications here."

"You better be right about this otherwise your ass is on the line."

A wait of several minutes goes by on hold when the screen switches out of it's holding pattern.

"Governor, you have some news regarding a new deposit of eezo?" There was a slight edge to his voice as he spoke. Probably not happy from being pulled out what looked to be a meeting with several admirals.

"Within the last day a massive deposit of eezo was found one which some several spread out samples was 99% pure. In addition the using extremely conservative estimates the deposit is the size of half a Mass Relay." There were several intakes of breath and the sound of a glass shattering as it was dropped." Using middle of the road estimates it is the size of a Relay. High end estimates put it at the size and half of a relay. And a couple of wild extreme estimates put it at the size of the Citadel or Omega in it's undiminished state. And from the looks all of it is 99% pure eezo." There are several people choking on air and the Prime Minister is looking somewhat frazzled and his jaw is down.

After a little bit he pulls himself back together. "Yes I can see why you called for an urgent talk with me about this news." He replies as he further pulls himself together and gains a shrewd look, "What do you want?"

AN: I do apologize about the delay over the weekend. Also like Wombats style with the one with the Turians you can ask for what you want though obviously a Full Alliance fleet is DC 0 and is happening anyway.
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A fleet and army at the very least. Some more funding to better exploit this find as well as build more defenses wouldn't be too bad. We could probably argue for a seat in the parliament to represent our planet if we really wanted too. Did that Asrai and Human issue get resolved I can't remember but if it isn't then maybe greasing that wheel would be a good idea since lord knows we're going to be working with the Asari Mining company more with this find. Finally we might be able to argue something for biotics since irrc a lot of our kids have them so having a hand in that research could be helpful.
A fleet and army at the very least. Some more funding to better exploit this find as well as build more defenses wouldn't be too bad. We could probably argue for a seat in the parliament to represent our planet if we really wanted too. Did that Asrai and Human issue get resolved I can't remember but if it isn't then maybe greasing that wheel would be a good idea since lord knows we're going to be working with the Asari Mining company more with this find. Finally we might be able to argue something for biotics since irrc a lot of our kids have them so having a hand in that research could be helpful.

A Fleet is automatic.
Funding can be asked for same with defenses.
Seat will probably be granted.
Asari human issue?
The mining company would be something for the Council (you might want to ask to inform the council.
Biotcs (aka Baat aka grissom academy) can be asked for since your colony has 1720 biotic children 10 and under.

I think he meant citizenship of Human and Asari families or children from Human and Asari Parents. Even I forgot this was an issue.

I think we could also ask for hiring more miners to get more manpower to help the Asari with mining or to clear out caves for expansion. Our main limiting factor is manpower so maybe getting mechs to help with defense or manual labour would help out too. Other than that, what else is there that humans have that the Citadel races doesn't?
We need a fleet, several fleets worth of defense platforms, and help in political area. We can become a power if we have time, but we now have everything except time.
In addition to the fleet.
Help building a upgrade to the ring and ship yards-we need it to service the fleet and handle the new traffic
Upgrade our space defense- for obvious reasons
Help build fueling refinery-need to fuel the fleet, might want to offer free or discount for fleet for a few years
All the heavy mining equipment and miners they can get-obvious
Make some kind of agreement with turians, joint exercise or something-so we can get another fleet here
Ground forces/immigrants-numbers and defense
If we get enough immigrants, some political power, if not, just some political favor to cash in later-and we reserve a certain amount of eezo to SA
I think that is main points we can ask before we get too greedy