So, it says that there are custom write-in options available for corporations. Before I get into it, @Doomed Wombat Would it be acceptable for me to introduce the entirely fictional Apollo Shipyards, who were (hypothetically) one of humanity's major shipwright companies before their designs became woefully obsolete in the face of alien technology, and they subsequently went bankrupt?

I ask because their (theoretical) shipyards, whatever size they are and however outdated they are, should still be floating around the market, and refitting them might prove to be both faster and a more lucrative decision in the long run,
...Ok, I can see where you are going with this, but if I do consider adding it, it will come with a hefty price tag, several different actions and maybe a large chance for corruption and potentially other effects.

While automating these kind of things is a good idea in theory it runs into issue swiftly.
Automation and abstraction will occur by necessity due to an expansion of our exploits. It is best that this is predicted and planned for.
Lifespan isn't the problem, humans in ME can live to around 150 by the time Shep's on the block, and even if its not quite that long both of them will have a few more decades of life in them assuming they get to have a relaxing life. And that is the problem, how long you can live and keep doing the kind of life style Raynor and Tychas live is near impossible at their age, there's a limit the body can take even with medical advances piled on top of, both of them have decades of injuries and stress going back to their teenage years which is also adding up.

So yeah theoretically both of them can keep going, but they're going to run into increasing risks of just dying from stress etc.

Rest assured neither of them are being ejected from the story until they do flat out die and even then their influence will remain, but they're reaching the point where its medically unsafe for them to keep doing what they do (well technically they reached that point nearly a decade ago with their honourable discharges for reaching far over the recommended age limit.)

Well you already have a bureaucracy. What exactly are you hoping for?
can we stasis field Jimmy and Tychus? also do radical cyborg surgery shepard style?
can we stasis field Jimmy and Tychus? also do radical cyborg surgery shepard style?
The mass effect wiki puts the cost of bringing shepard back as 4 billion credits. To put that in perspective we are currently running the government of a colony of 100,000 on a budget of 20,000 credits. The other way to look at it is even if you assume 90% of the cost for shepard is because they were by all definitions dead we are 4 orders of magnitude away from having enough money. All this with tech 15 years more advanced. Although these characters are important to us they are never going to be important enough in story for that kind of expense.
>Help volus colony
>Aquire volus contacts
>Through volus contacts, aquire volus economics
>Through volus economics, establish galactic bank office for the system
>Gain hero tier volus accountant

I want it
I ask because their (theoretical) shipyards, whatever size they are and however outdated they are, should still be floating around the market, and refitting them might prove to be both faster and a more lucrative decision in the long run,

...What sort of loony makes free floating shipyards?

That's the sort of shit you either keep on the ground or lock onto a bigger station in case something goes wrong.

The caverns are remarkably consistent to an extent, but in general there are three "grades" of tunnel you are interested in.

Speaking of the caves. What exactly has the colony done for lighting? Like are they just living in the dark and making do with streetlights or did they install a overhead sky like we see in the various space stations.
...What sort of loony makes free floating shipyards?

That's the sort of shit you either keep on the ground or lock onto a bigger station in case something goes wrong.
Attaching shipyards onto a station reduces many of the benefits you get from working in Zero G. Namely, the nigh-total absence of any unwanted influence on what you're making. Slapping a shipyard onto a station on its own means you have to take that much more effort to isolate it from the literal trash and detritus that would come from a station that had some other purpose. Especially any sort of commercial station or trading post; no matter what protocols are in place, somebody is going to litter, and having trash float into your shipyard ruins the point of having a shipyard in space.

All a shipyard needs is a docking port, materials storage, life support, and construction area. A worker quarters, if the engineers working on the shipyard live on site. Anything and everything else gets in the way.
"You had a heart attack Jim."
Dammit. Not surprising, but dammit.
As the doctor emerged, walking over with your chart ready and waiting, you looked over at him with your biggest smile and asked: "So what's up doc?"
You've also gotten a gift from the Hanar, as thanks for the Enkindled. (D20 = 18 =) 4 Harmony Defence Platforms with resources to maintain them for three years. Increase orbital defences by four, for no extra cost.

Finally, Nal'Vatanis' refinery has opened in orbit and is rapidly increasing the amount of profit it's bringing in. +750 income per year, increasing by an additional +750 each year for the foreseeable future.
Nice. Heh, I remember the time when we were worried if our budget would hold until the refinery got started.

[X] Plan Health and build up
Before I get into it, @Doomed Wombat Would it be acceptable for me to introduce the entirely fictional Apollo Shipyards, who were (hypothetically) one of humanity's major shipwright companies before their designs became woefully obsolete in the face of alien technology, and they subsequently went bankrupt?

I ask because their (theoretical) shipyards, whatever size they are and however outdated they are, should still be floating around the market, and refitting them might prove to be both faster and a more lucrative decision in the long run,

Speaking of the caves. What exactly has the colony done for lighting? Like are they just living in the dark and making do with streetlights or did they install a overhead sky like we see in the various space stations.
Lightening at the moment has a giant sun globe, you've not been able to afford a full scale overhead sky (massive cavern and all).
Some thoughts:

[] System Defences: You have them now, but if anything, the recent attack proves you can never have enough of them. -1200 credits
We just got a significant boost. Can wait.

[] Planetary Exploration: You've plenty of data, but even so there's plenty of mysteries. -100 credits
[] Planetary Exploration: Jungle This is quite clearly a whole other level of danger, and it requires a whole other level of investment. -700 credits
We have important stuff to do with what we have already discovered.

[] Mining Minerals: Valuable, and easier to get (must take Planetary Exploration to be useful.)
10KM sites 300 credits per site taken (can take a maximum of three sites per action)
Beryllium deposit
Silicon and Graphite
15 KM sites 500 credits per site taken

Silicon and graphite are important, then perhaps iron, though I don't know how much its used in our tech at this point. The more we mine the less we have to import.

[] Eezo 2. Electric boogaloo: With the cavern beginning construction what next becomes apparent is that you need to get that Eezo exploited as soon as possible, or at least covered. The amount of devastation it managed in an unrefined state was immense, you don't want a repeat of that. Thankfully Nal'vatanis is more than happy to set up a second mine/refinery, although the start up cost will be greater than before due to structural instability. -2000 credit.
As soon as we can afford it, obviously. Eezo is the single most important and profitable substance in ME.

[] Create Infrastructure: The lifeblood of any nation. While you are confident that barring a massive battle what you have won't decay, you need to invest to improve what is there (potential decrease due to sudden expansion). -1500 credits.
Also needs doing.

[X] Found new city: You've found a new massive cavern that is perfect for a large-scale settlement. Of course, it'll be a lot of effort to make, but it'll be far easier than Lightning was and will open up easy access to a new Eezo deposit. Right now you just have the population for this to work… just. -1750 credits
We are really tight on population... we might want some programs to encourage pop growth, and a very good communal care for children, including orphans.

[] Build additional Hydroponics: While you will be setting these up as they become needed, building more than you need will probably boost morale and give people's diets more variations. -300 credits.
We have a great morale, but it might help with immigration if we want to rely on it?

[] Antanov Ring Establishment: Setting up facilities in the ring would be very beneficial, for water, minerals and setting up infrastructure for future development like ship yards. -800 credits.
We are on the road to repairing dreadnaughts, so this is probanly a profitable must.

[] Helium 3 extraction: The essential star ship fuel, while you won't be able to export this stuff by any means you do have a gas giant or two. Extracting and refining enough that you don't need to purchase it from outside and can sell to traders doesn't seem too hard especially since Nal'vatanis is using Perkwunuos as the centre for her suddenly massive number of mining zones. -500 credits.
Importing fuel when we have a source right here would be mighty silly. Do we have some of this already? If so, is it enough for our needs?

[] Military Expansion: You've lost a lot of soldiers over the years. To wildlife, pirates and other threats. You need to start recruiting new ones for defence. Happy is the city that in times of peace thinks of war. -1000 credits
We are on a deathworld. This needs doing.

[] Building Small: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build ships. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -1750 credits.
Nooot quite yet I don't think, not while we still have plenty of low hanging fruit available to expand our economy, and are not mining many kinds of stuff yet.

[] Wildlife Exploitation: The Flora and Fauna of this world is monstrous, but also potentially beneficial. And figuring out why you haven't been targeted yet is pretty important. -500 credits.
Regular operations on this world result in many wildlife corpses. Making sure that we can use those instead of tossing them in the trash seems wise. Not sure if we are at that point yet. Even beyond that though, good to have.

[] Research: You got egg heads, but you're pretty sure you're not in a position to get them doing stuff at this stage. With the researchers from Berkenstine you can finally do some research. Topics are minerology, geology and lithology. (hint sound in caves). [Sound in caves research locked]
We probably need to finish this research soon. Or is it locked as in ongoing?

[] Equipment for the Frontier:
While you may not have too many traditional science types what you do have are experts in fire arms, armour and other things of that nature. Let's see what your boys can wizard up. -200 credits (Can write in specific gear)
Flamethrowers? Power armour?

[] Licencing: The Harrier turned out better than your wildest dream. Maybe you can see about getting a weapon's company interested in the thing? -150 credits
Cheap and profitable. We should take this I think.

[] Reach out to [Insert colony] for [Insert Reason]: Your fellows maybe able to help you in ways you hadn't considered. Olmatsi is the power house of the region, maybe Roquiban will give your people a discount, maybe Kappa Su will let you purchase food, perhaps the wildlife experts on Hogranis can aid you with your own? You can also offer aid if you think you have anything to give.
No idea. Well, the help with wildlife might be useful.

[] Encourage Migration: While you've opened up migration and got a surprisingly large number of takers you need to get more coming through. Its not cheap or easy to advertise a death world as a good home, but you can manage it. -600 Credits
Yeah convincing people to go to a deathworld... we might need a different approach to expanding our pop.

[] Volus Volus Volus?: You have to admit you haven't thought much of the Volus. You've the mind of a quarter master, which so far is all you've needed, but the galaxies economists are arriving in the cluster in force. Maybe offer them some help setting up, wouldn't be amiss. -10 credits (variable costs/benefits depending on what, if anything, they decide they need help with.)
Its probably an option for a reason? And our planet has loads of things that could be turned into credits, so some support there would be nice. Shou.d be done now or soon if ever probably, for maximum impact.

[] Enthusiastic Greetings: Given the currently close relationship Nal'vatanis has with Kappa Su, maybe you can leverage this to get some good trade deals going? Everyone needs minerals after all. -10 credits.
Cheap and maybe profitable?

[] Reach out to Alliance: They might be able to help you, but they may also be too busy. -10 credits

[] Congressional: The Congress is humanities representative body. While you won't have a representative for a while, getting involved now may ensure that you are not forgotten as other colonies with faster growing populations get involved especially now with the current confusion and fluctuation in how the Alliance may govern itself. -100 credits (can write in a specific purpose)
I do not see how we could make any significant difference here.

[] Citadel: Similarly, you've made a surprisingly large number of contacts in Citadel space. Enough that you can confidently say you may be able to find something interesting if you give it a poke. (can write in specific purpose.) -100 credits
Lots and lots of opportunities on our planet. Might be the option to find someone to exploit some of them?

[] Reach out to Corporations: They may be willing to help you, they may also try to screw you over. -5 credits.

[] Investment: Nal'vatanis is currently one of your biggest employers, but also one of your colonies most lucrative contacts in general. Helping them helps you, so fund them and with luck reap the rewards. -1000 credits
I would expect them to grow rapidly, but then again so does our own colony. Which would be more profitable to invest in? Trick question. We invest in both.

[] Acquire licence: Now that you have the rights to produce Hahne-Kedar weapons you've actually created some factories, which can produce all kinds of things so long as you have the manufacturing licence. You've certainly got the resources to do it. Acquiring the licences for ship parts will probably reduce the cost of the ship yards, or at least increase their profits. Currently you've got some people who may be interested.
Heed Industries: Thruster manufacturer -1000 up front cost
Tuhi Storage: Creates storage crates -500 up front cost
Kassa Fabrications: High quality body armour -1100 up front cost

Unless we look into that PA idea, we really need good armor for our people. Thrusters for when e start building ships. Not sure what the storage crates thing is about...

[] Ensure Healthcare: Between the fauna, flora and eezo you need it and while it may be decent now, it will need expanding. -800 credits
We need this. We really do. Especially trauma and treating eezo exposure. Deathworlders are a precious, hard to grow resource.

[] Ensure Education: Welp the basics are down, but maybe ensuring as much is done in advance as possible before the kiddies grow up is a good idea. -800 credits Locked for now!
Important this. Glad we kept up. Note, we are on a deathworld. We do not much need higher education like universities and stuff (relatively), our peoples time will be better spent on things like combat and infra, but good education does not necessarily mean long one.

[] Reach out to Universities:
You've got quite a few researchable things out here, and maybe some universities will be willing to come set up research posts. -10 credits
When we can spare the action, there is a lot for them to research here.

[] Establish Police: Well you certainly made the right call with this one, but you are going to need to get it even beefier if you want to keep unwanted eyes away. -1200 credits.
Already a very good one.

[] Write in
Like the N program and the Deathwatch, Asari huntresses and commandos would probably be very interested in training here.
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[X] Plan Health and build up

[] Building Small: Now you can service pretty much any ship barring the largest monsters, but now you need to go bigger. You need to be able to actually build ships. Well, easier said than done considering the number of components that still need to be manufactured elsewhere, but it's doable. -1750 credits.
Nooot quite yet I don't think, not while we still have plenty of low hanging fruit available to expand our economy, and are not mining many kinds of stuff yet.

Read the results from the previous turn. Each year we must spend at least one action on building up our shipyards, and the Antanov Ring Exploitation does not count for that. And even if we didn't have that requirement, building this up to repair anything short of Dreadnoughts in a reasonable time is a good investment in both the short term and the long term, as the Rumors post shows we are currently the only local place that can do actual ship repairs, rather than mere maintenance. About the only problem is that it locks an action, but that is only an issue if other actions get locked in.
The mass effect wiki puts the cost of bringing shepard back as 4 billion credits. To put that in perspective we are currently running the government of a colony of 100,000 on a budget of 20,000 credits. The other way to look at it is even if you assume 90% of the cost for shepard is because they were by all definitions dead we are 4 orders of magnitude away from having enough money. All this with tech 15 years more advanced. Although these characters are important to us they are never going to be important enough in story for that kind of expense.
While you indeed can't exactly fund the Lazarus Problem, I'll point out you're not that poor. In this game each unit of money is multiple credits for readability's sake, otherwise everything would have like three more zeroes on it and it would get very inconvenient.
Read the results from the previous turn. Each year we must spend at least one action on building up our shipyards, and the Antanov Ring Exploitation does not count for that. And even if we didn't have that requirement, building this up to repair anything short of Dreadnoughts in a reasonable time is a good investment in both the short term and the long term, as the Rumors post shows we are currently the only local place that can do actual ship repairs, rather than mere maintenance. About the only problem is that it locks an action, but that is only an issue if other actions get locked in.
I thought that action is locked? As I understand it, this action is about ship building, not repair.

On a reread, you are probably right though. Thanks.
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Apollo Shipyards
synopsisApollo Shipyards, established in 2087, was at first a (relatively) small time refurbishing and repair company. Their largest contribution to the technical sphere was being one of the first to take advantage of the sudden price reduction in zero-G construction, building some of the first orbital shipyard facilities humanity had the pleasure of using and pioneering many of the methods still used today when building in space. With the Space Boom, they expanded as fast as they could spend money, being one of less than ten companies who could facilitate the space craze everyone was so hyped on.

Unfortunately, that's right about where their story ends. Fat and bloated off the profits from the initial space boom, Apollo Shipyards did the bare minimum to maintain their position as a competitive leader in the Space-worthy Vessel industry, being a cheap yet slow builder of civilian grade ships of every type. While they made an effort to step things up to match the more military demands of the first contact war, this retooling left them flatfooted when renovations were complete and the war was suddenly over. And not just over, but with a sudden trade partner who wielded advanced technology and methods vastly in excess of anything they could do.

Unlike most of their competitor companies, Apollo Shipyards had spent too much of their reserves on a single massive wave of upgrades that were made for a war they never got to profit from. They were left woefully vulnerable to the economic giants that were Asari Matriarchs and Volus Prospectors. It took only a few short months after peace began for Apollo Shipyards to be pounced upon and ruthlessly dismantled, being one of the first Human companies to be throttled by the larger economic power, lacking the funding and standing needed to survive the attentions of the wider galaxy.

Many of their shipyard structures were unique for being standalone stations that acted as dedicated shipyards, which meant that buyers willing to foot the costs of retrofitting them were somewhat common, as the facilities could be bought, moved, refitted, and put to immediate use without a lengthy integration process. As such, the only shipyards remaining are the ones that most folks would never actually use personally; those capable of fitting Destroyers and Carriers in their berths, deemed too cost-inefficient to be worth the hassle, especially when such ships were rarely, if ever, for personal or company use.

Of course, if such a group WERE looking for a somewhat expensive way to skip a few steps into building such large shipyards, there are still a few on the market, just waiting to be bought and upgraded. Not CHEAPLY, but skipping steps is always nice.
@Doomed Wombat
[X] Plan Health and build up

We definitely want to get started on mining the Graphite and Iron ASAP however. So we seriously need to lock those in for next turn I think, as they should greatly discount a lot of things due to no longer needing to import those industrial materials in bulk to the same degree.

Also @Doomed Wombat Is there any way we can get another action or automate some things? Do we just need more people?

Hell, I'd just be happy with setting up a couple of departments so that things like Healthcare, Police, and Infrastructure can automatically increase each turn to a small degree. Maybe not enough to deal with a crisis, or even natural growth, but something that reduces it so we only need to toss an action their way every four or five years to keep ahead of the game outside of crisis or major corruption issues would be beyond wonderful for actually being able to do some of the other actions that we really want to get done, but can never spare the actions without something else catching fire or causing problems.
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