[X] Plan Alien Help
-[X] Setting up health care and training facilities for the biotic population, along with the necessary medical and military personnel for these facilities.
-[X] Extensive infrastructure development assistance to council standards.
-[X] Council arranged education program to bring standard Council educators to Perkwunos regularly.
-[X] Purchasing an Arcturus-size orbital station from council, for both civilian and defensive use. Funded with 1% from council's eezo share, and rest are eezo backed loan.
-[X] Scientists and social development experts to study / develop Perkwunos' unique deadly environment.
-[X] Council arranged protection for large eezo shipments.
-[X] Assistance with vetting everyone and everything.
-[X] Council assistance with hostile situations, black operation or funded piracy as example.
-[X] Joint military training program on Perkwunos.
-[X] Defensive device technology (VI bots, turrets, or mecha) and cheap way to produce them.
Well now that I think about it Aria will be pissed, her main income was selling Ezo from Omega nad Terminus, she dictated prices of Ezo by being one of the biggest sourcess.

Now she will lose that position, not only Perkwunos have much bigger quantity and purity of Ezo, it will be also much cheaper to bay and safer to aquire, not to mention in control of a peacfull and honest people instead of a Warlord and Criminal that can haggle the price or simply refuse to cooperete.

And she can do nothing since the deal with both Allaince and the Council will make both of those polity very much interested and invested in safety of both the planet and the transports of Ezo.
-[X] Setting up health care and training facilities for the biotic population, along with the necessary medical and military personnel for these facilities.
-[X] Extensive infrastructure development assistance to council standards.
-[X] Council arranged education program to bring standard Council educators to Perkwunos regularly.
-[X] Purchasing an Arcturus-size orbital station from council, for both civilian and defensive use. Funded with 1% from council's eezo share, and rest are eezo backed loan.
-[X] Scientists and social development experts to study / develop Perkwunos' unique deadly environment.
-[X] Council arranged protection for large eezo shipments.
-[X] Assistance with vetting everyone and everything.
-[X] Council assistance with hostile situations, black operation or funded piracy as example.
-[X] Joint military training program on Perkwunos.
-[X] Defensive device technology (VI bots, turrets, or mecha) and cheap way to produce them.

Again, cashing in on our eezo find and making our colony too much effort with military action. The rest being health care, education, science, and city building. No quite sure how much luck this plan is pushing, i tend to push too much or too little in open-ended plans.

You should also ask to upgrade our star port, fuel production, and defenses

[X] Plan Alien Help
[] Plan Council Request One
-[] Asari biotic training advisors +10
-[]Multi-species Military Joint training program +5
-[]Citadel military esorts for large Eezo shipments +0
-[]Funding for Defense, Port, and shipyard updates to average Citadel council worlds. +20

yes a bit bare bones but DC is 35 so actual net is zero only fail on a nat 1

[] Plan Council request #2
-[] Due to the growing number of biotic children, request trainer for them from the Asari. +10
-[] Ask the council to help upgrade our medical center to better deal with injuries and side effects of all this eezo. +5
-[] Help us expand our orbitals including the port, defenses, and fuel production, so we can handle the increased traffic and service the fleets coming in. +20
-[] Convoy protection for eezo deliveries into citadel space +0
-[] Salarian aid in vetting immigrants, and civilian customers +5
-[] Multi-species Military Joint training program +5

Dc for this one is 45 so effective one of DC 10

[] Plan Alien Help
-[] Setting up health care and training facilities for the biotic population, along with the necessary medical and military personnel for these facilities.+10
-[] Extensive infrastructure development assistance to council standards. +20
-[] Council arranged education program to bring standard Council educators to Perkwunos regularly. +10

-[] Purchasing an Arcturus-size orbital station from council, for both civilian and defensive use. Funded with 1% from council's eezo share, and rest are eezo backed loan. +15
This would be better as Building since Arcturus is 5k in diameter (hub) and about 10 to 15 long blades

-[] Scientists and social development experts to study / develop Perkwunos' unique deadly environment. +5
-[] Council arranged protection for large eezo shipments. +0
-[] Assistance with vetting everyone and everything. +5
-[] Council assistance with hostile situations, black operation or funded piracy as example. +5
-[] Joint military training program on Perkwunos. +5
-[] Defensive device technology (VI bots, turrets, or mecha) and cheap way to produce them.+10

Dc is 85 with effective of 50 adding Silvers C-Sec and R&D lab would be +10 for 95 total and 60 effective.
Brogatar rolls 1d100 = 1 #Council 1
Brogatar rolls 1d100 = 5 #Council 2


I'm keeping Voids plan roll hidden.
... Is it okay to tell us what the Council planned OOC? I am very morbidly curious to know what the Council planned. We'll probably see the result of the roll on the news but I also want to know what would have gotten had they succeeded.
... Is it okay to tell us what the Council planned OOC? I am very morbidly curious to know what the Council planned. We'll probably see the result of the roll on the news but I also want to know what would have gotten had they succeeded.

Are you talking about what the Citadel council has planned? or are you talking about the two plans by Lordedric and bored student?
Oops we should have a plan going. Let us starting talking.

[X] Plan Council Request One
-[x] Asari biotic training advisors
-[x]Multi-species Military Joint training program
-[x]Citadel military esorts for large Eezo shipments
-[x]Funding for Defense, Port, and shipyard updates to average Citadel council worlds.

[X] Plan Council request #2
-[X] Due to the growing number of biotic children, request trainer for them from the Asari.
-[X] Ask the council to help upgrade our medical center to better deal with injuries and side effects of all this eezo.
-[X] Help us expand our orbitals including the port, defenses, and fuel production, so we can handle the increased traffic and service the fleets coming in.
-[X] Convoy protection for eezo deliveries into citadel space
-[X] Salarian aid in vetting immigrants, and civilian customers
-[X] Multi-species Military Joint training program

Here are those plans they did.