Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

Information: Official Staff Communication
official staff communication @Klaus, this argument can stop now. It's disrupted the thread enough, and the QM did explicitly ask you to hold off on it until the next update. The only reason I am not infracting you, as opposed to simply posting this warning, is that nobody else—including @Whiskey Golf himself—listened to that instruction either.
You Have a Bad Day
Your name is Ayako Tomioka, and you are having a bad day..

You curse at the workload you have been given, managing the required paperwork to maintain the permits needed to obtain and keep the huge stockpiles of military hardware. As much as you remember, the Imperial government has already moved to doing their administrative work on electronic systems, but whoever it was you were communicating with in Fleet Activities Comberth keeps insisting that the paperwork be done on actual paper and sent by courier as opposed to submitting electronic copies. Normally, this would have be a waste of everybody's time, but all of the papers have had tamper proof verification seals attached to them, typically only used to verify highly sensitive documents, usually of the top secret variety.

You don't know why, but at this point in time all you could care about is how much trouble this was.

You sigh at the thought of more paperwork, and think about the new clerks that VSS hired at about the same time as you. While in theory, they were intelligent and qualified, you can't help but feel that they just might not be putting in their best efforts.

Which leads to your other problem: the low whine of your assistant's grumbling. While Xian has really been a great help, he seems to find everything in existence to be a problem and refuses to keep quiet about anything. He even grumbles when you assign him tasks to complete. While the work gets done, sometimes you wish he would just keep quiet.

"Those bloody fuckers in the archives, I keep telling them that we need the goddamned permission hard copies on hand and easy to find, but they kao pei and tell me the soft copies should be enough for any audit by the Imperial authorities-"

You tune him out. The past hour has been nothing but an infinitely repeating broadcast about how the rest of your staff should die in a fire, their families beaten to death by rabid cows... And several other things in several languages that you barely understand. Perhaps maybe at this point you should probably report to Lee Bashkan about the… diligence of the administration department.

Speaking of the boss, he hasn't reported in for more than a day, which is odd, given the fact that he would usually call every 12 hours or so for a quick check in while he was on the planet.

Either way, you are interrupted in your thoughts as the alarm klaxon goes off. The normal lighting shuts off and the red emergency lights kick in. The office goes dead silent as the ventilation stops. You instinctively put on your helmet and engage the life support systems on your space suit. You make a quick glance to check on your assistant, Xian, who has already done the same and is now unfolding the stock on his rifle. Wait, rifle? Why does he have a rifle under his desk?

Nevermind. You have more pressing issues to deal with.

You stand up and walk out of the office, making your way to the depot CIC. On your way there, you notice far more activity than normal, as the normally sluggish mercenaries move with purpose, carrying boxes of infantry smart explosives and handing them out to everyone they could see, while others are taping the same explosives to the walls and bulkheads before activating the proximity fuses. You even see a few of them dragging heavy weapons into position and setting them up, creating killzones in the corridors.

Entering the CIC, you see that several of the tables have been kicked over to face the doors with some of the staff in powered armor taking cover behind them, pointing heavy weapons at the entrance.

Looking around the room, you try to figure out just what exactly has gotten everybody in such an atypical state of activity. The console for sensor readouts catches your eye, as it shows several contacts on the screen. While it has been a while since you had to interpret sensor data, you can make a educated guess that there are several big contacts making way towards the depot at combat speed, four of which are, at the very least, cruiser sized.

The CIC supervisor, one Jane Tsai, notices you walking in and greets you with a quick dip of her head, as she continues to watch over the rest of the staff while they attempt to break through the jamming.

"I heard the alarm and came here as quick as possible. What's the situation so far?" you ask, trying to keep calm amidst all the excitement.

"Multiple contacts on long ranged sensors, a screening element of light cruisers and several capital ships, five probable battleships. They're claiming to be Imperial Navy on a freedom of navigation exercise," the CIC supervisor replies in the typical slow drawl of hers as if nothing was wrong.

You tilt your head in confusion and question her, "But why are we preparing to repel boarders?"

"All of the larger contacts are on full burn towards us." She snorts derisively. "The last time something like this happened back when we were in Eisenwald space, it was some kind of 'arms inspection'." She air quotes at the mention of arms inspection.

"Long story short, it was a ruse. We saw through it, killed them all and spaced the bodies. So rather than wasting time with playing nice, we are going to skip the ruse part and just kill them all." You can hear the veritable blood lust coursing through her voice and a quick glance shows her tail is, quite concerningly, flicking side to side, with a bit of force behind each swing.

Just as you decide to ask about what they are going to do if the inspection turns out to be legitimate, the comms operator calls both you and Jane over, as he plays the incoming transmission coming from one of the contacts.

"Veritas Security Services Depot Foxtrot Charlie Two Papa Papa Victor Eight Eight Zero Six Five Two. This is HIMS Kongou, Imperial Navy, flagship of Task Force Soyeon. This is a inspection under the auspices of the Mercenaries Armaments Control Act by the authority of Rear Admiral Constance Vickers. You are ordered to power down all defense systems and receive our boarding teams. We are authorised to open fire if you refuse to comply. Reply back on Channel 16 to signal your compliance. This message will be repeated three, say again, three times. Failure to respond after the third repetition will be deemed as non-compliance and will be responded to accordingly. I say again. Veritas Security Services Depot Foxtrot Charlie..."

You look at Jane and state the obvious. "I think we should give them a response."

She nods, "Yeah, it will give us more time to dig in-"

You shake your head at that response. "This is probably a legitimate inspection by the Imperial Navy. Not to mention that we are severely outgunned by multiple cap-"

"You know those could be decoys right?"

Turning to the sensor operator, you ask, "Are those decoys?"

"They aren't decoys, ma'am," the man on the console replies. "The contacts are radiating a lot of drive emissions, so either they used capital ship engines to build those decoys or they are capital ships. The second is more likely."

You turn back to Tsai and she shrugs. "We die either way if they aren't an arms inspection? Lee left you in charge, so I guess you can choose how we die?"

You sigh and reach for the phone attachment on the communications console. The comms operator gives you a thumbs up to signal that you can speak whenever.

"HIMS Kongou." You glance at the helpful post-it note stuck on the console. If anything you took some pleasure of forcing other parties to use the full designation of the depot on comms. Though, at some point perhaps it would be easier to get it renamed. You dare not bring it up with management, lest they stick the depot with another stupid overly pretentious name. "This is VSS Depot Foxtrot Charlie Two Papa Papa Victor Eight Eight Zero Six Five Two. We are currently unable to accept boarders until we have cleared the depot of armed explosives. Over."

You did not expect a immediate reply, but it came in loud, angry and overbearing. "What bullshit are you trying to feed us? Is this some attempt to delay the Imperial Navy while you destroy all the evidence? Need I remind you I have a baker's dozen warships watching you like a hawk? Would you like to complay, or shall I have my task force use your rock for gunnery practice? Over."

"They are pointing fire control radars at us Ma'am, they have at least one battleship radar on their side," shouts one of the operators.

You sigh at the thought of having to deal with another overly aggressive hotshot when you already have a entire asteroid filled with them. "Jane, how long would it take for the team to take down all the mines?"

She takes a moment to ponder before she speaks into her suit radio and waits for a reply. After a minute or so, you can feel the room start to quiver and rumble through your boots.

That probably was not a bad feeling, nor was it your nerves making themselves known

"We just took all of the explosives down," you hear your CIC supervisor report.

If not for the fact that your helmet was in the way, you would have been rubbing your forehead in frustration. Instead, you settle for just sighing very audibly. You reach for the comms set once more to send a reply.

"HIMS Kongou, we will comply. Over."

Replacing the comms set, you start to make your way to the main hangar. You hope that the maintenance crews were good enough to clean off the scorch marks and remove the shrapnel before the inspection team arrives.

About an hour or so later, the depot staff have managed to take down the heavy weapon emplacements and cleared up all the shrapnel from the corridors. The scorch marks, however,are there to stay. At the moment, you have decided to take over the depot wardroom to host the inspectors, given that it's probably the least questionable looking part of the place.

There was much grumbling and glaring as you politely ask the staff to leave the cupboard stocked with assorted expensive beverages and the comfortable lounge chairs. However, they quickly evacuate the room when they heard the swishing tail and growls of the tiny fox girl following you. You sit down and set aside a huge stack of fodders and several tablet displays. While the new admin staff is still working hard digging through the archive strongroom for the required hard copy documentation, you have very little confidence that they will be able to find the papers required before it was time. You sigh at the thought of having to come up with something to placate the inspectors.

Jane pats you on the back in some misguided attempt to console you. "At the very least the depot looks like it belongs to proper mercenaries?"

You stare at her with a flat look. At this point, there are no words to express your displeasure at your current situation. Her ears press flat against her head and she somehow manages to look even smaller than she really is, from your silent, vitriol-filled stare.

Walking over to the cupboards, a quick inspection revealed that the containers containing the good tea leaves are missing and you will have to make do with the bottles of pre-brewed tea. The disgusting, overly sugared, factory mass-produced for the lowest bidder kind of tea. Grabbing three bottles, you take a seat at the table right next to Jane. While the rest of the Imperial Navy investigation team combs through the depot, their leader will be interviewing you.

You really wanted that nice hot cup of tea before your day got worse. Again. As you open your bottle and take a sip, you feel the deck underneath you start to shake and tremble, the telltale signs of sombodies in powered armor approaching the room. The shaking stops and the door opens, revealing a pair of troopers decked in full powered armor carrying heavy weapons. You would have ignored their attempts at intimidation, were it not for the fact that you would recognise those colours anywhere.

After all, there is nobody in the Golden Orchid Empire who would not recognise the black and blue warplate of the Imperial Royal Guard.

The man walking behind the two slabs of metal and guns is unremarkable. Regulation navy space suit, with Captain's insignia on his shoulders. He walks in, his back straight, full of confidence. Both you and Jane stand up and walk over to introduce yourself.

The Captain notices Jane and looks at her quizzically; she returns the gesture. It appears that both parties were somewhat acquainted with each other. You interrupt their moment by clearing your throat and introducing yourself.

"Good day, Captain. My name is Ayako Tomioka. I am the administrator of this depot and in the absence of our commander, the person in charge of this outfit."

This breaks both Jane and the Captain's weird staring match and he replies to you, looking you right in the eyes, his voice strong and his pronunciation clear. "Captain Daniel O'Farrell, Imperial Navy."

He gestures towards the table. "We've got a lot of ground to cover, so why not we get started?" He looks at Jane. "I'm sorry, but I would like to speak to your administrator. Alone."

Jane nods in response and grabs her bottle of tea before leaving the room.

Both you and Captain O'Farrell take a seat. He speaks first. "So. Do you know what is the purpose of this inspection?"

You shake your head. Honestly you did not know what's the point of all of this. You were careful with your paperwork and permits and there shouldn't be any problems. "I am not sure myself."

He takes out his own tablet and scrolls down through it. "There are some discrepancies in your expenditure of munitions for a PMC unit of this size. Furthermore, your unit has put in a lot of requests for high end military equipment. We want to make sure that it hasn't end up on the black market.

"There are two things I need from you. Firstly, I need access to your mission logs-"

"I'm afraid I can't comply with your request," you say, summoning all your confidence and bureaucratic intransigence. "Our mission logs are privileged information, and I cannot release them to you without the express authorisation of Crossbone Vanguard commander, Lee Bashkan."

Captain O'Farrell gives you a mild look. "I was under the impression that you worked for Veritas Security Solutions."

You wince upon hearing that name. "Crossbone Vanguard is the Egon system force's callsign."

An awkward silence settles between you two. Captain O'Farrell is the first to break out of it. "So, call him."

"We can't. He hasn't checked in for more than a day and we have been trying to get a hold of him since before your task force arrived in system."

He raises his eyebrow. "Are you sure he's still in the system? Because it sounds like he ran away."

You roll your eyes at the accusation. Lee Bashkan is many things, but he isn't a coward. Nor has anyone in your company done anything illegal. "We haven't heard from him in two days and given that he checks in every twelve hours, this is highly unusual. We were planning on investigating but something troublesome and annoying came up and we had to deal with that first."

You don't know if the captain noticed the implication that his inspection was troublesome and annoying, but if he did, he wasn't showing it, as he tapped on his tablet and continued on.

"Moving on, I need to check on your permits. Hard and soft copies."

You hand him a tablet and he goes through the summary data. He has a full team going through your computer systems and equipment anyway. You take a quick look at his face in some attempt to divine what he was thinking. He reveals nothing.

"Well, your soft copy permissions are in order, but you know those can be easily forged. We would like to take a look at the hard copies."

At this point, given that Xian has been radio silent the past hour, you figure that he hasn't found the paper permits yet. So you decide to bite the bullet and tell the truth. "We…" You try to think of words that did not make anyone sound incompetent. "Misfiled the permits."

Captain O'Farrell gives you a flat look. "You misfiled the permits." He pauses to process what you just said. "You misfiled the paperwork for enough military equipment to wage a small sector wide war." He rubs his forehead. "Either your administration staff is grossly incompetent or you must think that I and by extension, the Navy, would be stupid enough to accept such a excuse."

He stands up. "If you excuse me, I must make a report to my superior. Have a good day, Miss Tomioka."

He walks right out of the room and the two suits of powered armor follow him.

Right after that, a bunch of VSS staff floods right back into the room, taking over the rest of the empty couches. It seems that they were quite literally camping outside the doors and waiting for the chance to be reunited with their comfy couches. You sigh at their lack of professionalism.

Several hours later, you get word from one of the Imperial Marines walking around the depot that the captain was looking for you in the shuttle bay, and so you make your way to there to have a word with him.

It seems that he has finished touring the rest of the depot. You notice the Imperial Marines have started to clear out from the corridors and the VSS staff were cleaning up, putting back the things taken out during the inspection.

You meet up with the captain in the shuttle bay. He stands there waiting. When you approach him, he speaks. "The commander of our task force is willing to give you two days to cough up the paperwork, both the mission logs and the hard copy permits. If you do not turn up with the required items, we will confiscate all your weapons and equipment. Once you have everything in order, you may contact Kongou on Channel 14 and we will send people over to finish the inspection."

He turns around and walks towards his shuttle without saying anything else. How rude. You get the feeling that he does not like you or has something against you.

Not that you have time to care about such things. You need to organise a search party for your boss and get Xian to unfuck the paperwork.

Hopefully, the next two days will be better.
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Returning to the Empress
[X] Plan Dig Deeper
-[X] Trust but verify. VSS has 2 days to produce the paperwork, failing which their arms will be seized.
-[X] Continue the investigation and stay in Egon.
-[X] Stay behind force. Konnie's task group will stay and monitor Egon for a few weeks.

28th May
Huangshan Palace

It's a little hard to believe that it's only been two weeks since you were sworn in as a member of the Regency Council and averted a potential political crisis. It feels a lot longer than just two weeks.

Your return journey had no issues, and your deception movements allowed your scratch task group to slip back into the Capital System without drawing undue attention. You arrived at Huangshan Palace in time to attend the Regency Council meeting in the mid-afternoon. As it's the first official meeting of the Regency Council, it's relatively short, intended to serve more as an introductory session, so that all the council members can gain each other's measure: the more serious, more substantial meeting will be taking place next week. You're not looking forward to that, because you're sure today's cordiality and lack of posturing won't be the case next week.

You make your way to Empress' apartments; the palace stewards escort you in and announce your entry. Ahri is overjoyed to see you, a statement she punctuates by squealing and tackling you in a hug as soon as you step through the doors. It's a good thing she's shorter and smaller than you, and you've been trained in the basics of CQC; you drop your Navy-issue duffle bag, extend your arms, and brace yourself to catch Ahri: you're able to absorb the impact and remain standing, avoiding a pratfall and the inevitable loss of face and decline in the estimation of the palace stewards. The two Guardsmen at the door simply stare ahead with practiced nonchalance, as the stewards beat a quiet retreat and shut the doors behind them.

"I'm glad to see you too," you gasp, petting Ahri's head, "but I do need to breathe, Ahri." Mentally, you sigh and add this emotional outburst to the ever-increasing list of things you'll need to talk to Ahri about. She still hasn't fully internalised that she's the Empress now, and acting like an ordinary teenager is indecorous…

Ahri mumbles a muffled noise of protest, but finally loosens her grip. "I'm so happy to see you, Onee-sama!" she gushes. "Welcome back! Did you bring me any souvenirs?"

"I have brought you the greatest gift of all," you proclaim. "Information!"

Ahri's face is an open book to you: her adoration for you is warring with her disappointment at how lame she thinks your gift is. Oh well, your cousin's a work in progress. Huangshan Palace wasn't built on this mountain range in one day…

"Also," you say, "I was thinking, maybe I could have dinner with you and then stay over tonight? We could have a sleepover and fluff our tails and have some girltalk, it's been far too long-"

"YES!" squeals Ahri, jumping in the air. "I mean, I'd like that, onee-sama," she hastily corrects herself.

"Alright," you say, smiling at her. "But there's something you need to do for me first."


"I want you to review with me the homework I gave you two weeks ago."

Ahri visibly deflates; you chuckle softly and pat her head. She retaliates by resuming her death grip and burying her face in your bust.

- 女王之天命 -

Reviewing the results of Ahri's Political Etiquette homework, you find that Ahri is worse than you'd hoped, but better than you'd expected. If you had to rate her on a scale of one to ten, she'd barely rate two. In all fairness to Ahri, it's still an improvement from two weeks ago, when you'd have rated her as one. You give her a pointed look, and she fidgets under your gaze.

"Well, onee-sama? How did I do?"

You look at her nervous hopeful expression, the way she fidgets cutely, and your resolve crumbles.

"We can talk about it tomorrow, at teatime," you decide. "I need to report to Admiralty House in the morning, but I'll be free after lunch and I can come visit you again. If you want."

"I'd love that, onee-sama," says Ahri, doing her best not to squeal in happiness.

- 女王之天命 -

To your surprise, Ahri hasn't moved into the Empress's rooms; she's still staying in her rooms - well, the Crown Princess's rooms. It's been weeks since the late Empress's funeral, but she's refusing to move from where she is.

"I like where I am," she told you. That sent up warning flags in your mind: add that to the list of things you need to talk to her about.

You didn't intend to turn the sleepover into a teaching moment, but an offhand comment from Ahri - "onee-sama, why didn't you just take your whole fleet with you?" - spurs you into action. You seize Ahri's bed to use as a map table, and grab sundry items - pens, markers, lipstick tubes, cosmetics, hair brushes - and start arranging them on the bed.

"I wasn't quite expecting this," she says glumly. "I thought we'd be having fun."

You frown, allowing your face to mirror the confusion you feel. "But this is fun." You can understand why Uncle Johnny would use Legos on his own map table, but you don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he's rubbed off on you. He can get unbearably smug, sometimes.

Ahri gives you a blank look, and sighs. "I was expecting a different kind of fun," she says, her hand fiddling with the hem of the sheer babydoll she wears. Aesthetically, you approve: the babydoll's design is tastefully daring, both elegant and tillitating, concealing and revealing all at once. But what it reveals is concerning to you. The babydoll hangs loosely off Ahri's frame; you'd thought she was slender, but looking at her now, she looks painfully thin. And it's quite obvious from how it hangs loosely off her slender bust that the babydoll she's wearing is sized for an older, more developed woman: her mother, the late Empress.

You can't help but worry some more about her. She's wearing the late Empress' negligee. She's refused to move into the Empress' chambers, she's still using the same rooms she had as Crown Princess. She's obviously not eating well, and she isn't getting enough exercise, and she's painfully lonely.

But calling her out right now won't do either of you any good, and if she suspects what's in your mind she might close up to you, so you've got no choice but to carry on and give her a crash course in naval tactics and distract her until you can call your mother and Uncle Johnny and get advice.

"Moving your fleet in a large formation is good if you want to make an impression," you say. "If you're making a state visit somewhere, if you're conducting presence patrols, for missions like that, where the point is to be seen and noticed, yes, moving the entire fleet would be the way to go. Here, follow me." You take Ahri's hand and lead her to the door, and point at the fleet. "From here, we can see the entire fleet - it's large, it's easily seen, it's easily tracked. Now, just stay here, and watch what happens." You jog back to the bed, move a few articles apart from the large collection, and jog back to Ahri's side. "What do you see now?"

"I don't get it?" asks Ahri confusedly, and you smile reassuringly. "That's the idea. Come."

You lead her back to her bed and point at the warship stand-ins. "See that? From afar, it still looks like my fleet is whole. It's only once you move closer that you realise that there are ships missing. A squadron here, a squadron there… twenty five ships is an invasion fleet, what more a force five times that number. But six squadrons of warships, departing on individual training cruises? That's a lot more discreet, and that's what the situation called for this time." Ahri looks at you dubiously, and you give her a serious look. "Imagine what would have happened if my task force had departed in force, or taken my whole fleet to Egon."

"You'd have shown everyone that you're the bestest onee-sama and all those bitches gotta get outta your way!"

"Language, Your Majesty," you say flatly, chiding her. "I'd have been blatantly obvious. That would defeat the entire point of the idea of a discreet fact finding mission. And I'm sure you can imagine how Lady Akagi Sumeragi might have words to say about that." You draw yourself to your full height, spreading your tails behind you in all their glory, raising your hand to your mouth as you perform an arrogant noblewoman's laugh. "Ohohohoho! What a mighty force, Princess Yui! Pray tell, are you intending to bring some uninhabited system to heel? Truly, the boorishness and waste of the Imperial House knows no bounds! Is this truly the extent of stewardship displayed by the Prince of Akasha and his spawn?"

Your choice of sleepwear - a worn Navy t-shirt and sweatpants - ruins the effect somewhat, but judging by Ahri's horrified expression, your impersonation of the Sumeragi heir is spot on. You feel quite pleased at that reaction.

- 女王之天命 -

There's at least one clear benefit to channeling Lady Akagi (an act that makes you cringe internally and want to down a few drinks): Ahri is so unnerved by your impersonation that she can't summon the mental capacity to argue with you as you continue your crash course. You give her the broad strokes, how Daniel and your staff prepared the movement plans months in advance, because you try to anticipate every reasonable eventuality, how your timeline had fudge time built in to mitigate possible delays, how you used your CL squadrons as a screen and distraction, how you left Konnie and Daniel behind to investigate further. Under your instruction, Ahri has been a docile and obedient listener.

Your fingers are probably a more significant and immediate contributing factor to her current state of docility.

"So you left them behind?" asks Ahri. She's seated cross legged on her bed in front of you, her tails swishing this way and that, twitching pleasurably as your fingers massage her back. For a teenaged girl, she's got some really stiff shoulders; her murmurs of pleasure are interposed with hisses of pain as you work on her knotted muscles.

"I did," you answer. "Some people think leadership is micromanaging things, personally keeping an eye on what your people are doing. I disagree. Leadership is equipping and enabling the officers under your command to take action, making sure they understand your intent, and then stepping back and letting them go out and get things done."

"I guess, for that to work, you have to trust them," says Ahri thoughtfully. "Is that why you let Konnie plan her task force disposition?" You nod in acknowledgement, even though she can't see you.

"Exactly. Trust is how the Navy functions," you say. "I trust Konnie and Daniel to execute my intent and accomplish their objectives. They trust me to enable them and let them operate. It's a two way street. It's something I learned from watching Uncle Johnny - the higher up the chain you go, the less directly involved you are. If you don't trust the people under you, you can't get anything done. You have to delegate, you have to spread things out for other people to do, because you literally can't do everything. Of course, it also helps to know the people you're trusting. Konnie and I were squadronmates, Daniel's the best adjutant I've ever had. That's another thing I learned from Uncle Johnny: it's easier to trust people to get things done if you know they can get things done. Now, lie on your front."

Ahri eagerly shifts forward, as you run your fingers through her tails. Ahri squirms and her tails wag happily in excitement; you smile indulgently, pick up a grooming brush, and begin to fluff up her tails: one down, more to go. She sighs blissfully, and you can't help but smile. For a moment, you can pretend that this is an earlier, happier time, onee-sama and her little sister having a sleepover, staying up late talking, telling each other stories, brushing each other's tails, and cuddling each other to sleep.

When you finish grooming her tails, Ahri demands you let her groom your tails; you allow it, with the condition that she goes to sleep immediately. Ahri balks at your demand, claiming it's too early to go to bed, but caves the second you stand up. You sweeten the pot by agreeing to sleep with her tonight, conveniently pretending that you hadn't suggested a sleepover some hours before.

Truly, this deviousness is surely Uncle Johnny's influence. You don't recall being this manipulative before you became his protege.

Still, for all of Ahri's protestations about how she's not a little girl who needs to sleep early, she yawns sleepily once you get under the covers with her. "Good night, onee-sama," she says, kissing your cheek.

"Good night, Ahri," you say. You kiss her forehead and pat her head, and snuggle in to sleep, wrapping your arms around your cousin.

- 女王之天命 -

It's the middle of the night when you wake up. Your eyes snap open in the darkness, as you groggily try to figure out what woke y-


It's just one word, but it's filled with such despair and sorrow that you feel your heart seize up. Ahri's back is turned away from you, but you can hear her sobbing for her mother, begging her to come back, begging her father to wake up, begging for her parents to just come back don't leave her she'll be a good girl-

You touch her shoulder, and she turns and buries her face in your bust, trashing in the throes of her nightmare. All you can do is hold her and kiss her tears away and try to be a comforting warmth.

Ahri eventually subsides. Her nightmare fades. Her breathing slows and her body relaxes. She goes back to sleep, eventually.

You bury your face in her hair and inhale her scent, and pretend that you aren't blinking your own tears away. You need to be strong for her.

It's a long while before sleep claims you.

- 女王之天命 -

In the morning, the only sign that anything's different at all is that Ahri is clingier than usual. She whines childishly when you try to rouse her and tries to drag both of you back to bed. As a serving naval officer, you too can appreciate the simple luxury of spending the day in bed, but duty calls, so reluctantly you abuse your superior height and strength to drag both you and Ahri out of bed, into the shower. Ahri's sleepy cuddling ends with a startled shout as she's drenched in cold water. Her indignant incoherent sputtering subsides once you strip her with businesslike efficiency and start scrubbing her down, and by the time you're done rinsing her, the water's warmed up and she's awake enough that she offers to help wash you in turn. Truth be told, when all's said and done, it would have been a lot faster for you to clean yourself, but you can sacrifice some time for Ahri's happiness; she's a lot gentler, more languid in her movements, and she keeps blushing and giggling happily as she washes you.

At the breakfast table she manages to eat a piece of toast and jam for breakfast, though she spends more time staring in horror at your plate than she does eating.

"You eat that much?" she gasps. You look down at your plate in confusion. Eggs sunny side up, bacon, steak, sausages, toast, baked beans, hash browns, fried tomatoes, orange juice, black coffee with a dash of salt in it - it's a perfectly ordinary navy breakfast. You tell her as much.

For some reason, she seems unnerved by the amount of food on your plate, and by how you demolish your breakfast faster than she eats her slice of toast. You manage to coax her to have a bit of your eggs and bacon. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step; your journey to get Ahri to eat better begins with a single bite of bacon.

Once breakfast is done, you check up on her homework reading for the day, give her a goodbye kiss, and head out to take care of your business.

Your morning is full and busy, but the upside is that you manage to keep wasted time to a minimum: the Navy's unofficial motto may be "Hurry up and wait", but Vice Admirals get to wait less - especially Vice Admirals who're Imperial Princesses and the protege of Commander Fleet Operations. You sort out the running of your fleet, prepare to handover, and take care of all the paperwork that needs your signoff. In between all of that, you manage to message your mother and Uncle Johnny, asking for advice on dealing with Ahri. You're discreet, of course, keeping Ahri's name out of it, crouching the request in generalities and half truths. Mummy's reply is fairly non-committal, just a note that she'll think on it and come back to you later. Uncle Johnny's reply is slightly more helpful.

She civ isit

You roll your eyes at his typing, and reply back. Yes. Was it that obvious?

eh if she wouldnt ssk for ky help la
like you see the thongs on the holo snd you just like
dont do it ok
ike y dont just ssk them if they okaymsll thhe goddamn time its super snnyoing like walau dun hav berrernthings to do isit
just be ere for them sndndont tskl too much
gib ice cresm its tood, lostsa icecresm
That's it for now, I'll provide you with more advice later.
Remember, be there for them, be supportive, provide hugs and handholding if necessary, I will think about it and come back to you in a while with regard to the eating and sleeping issues - I assume that you want to keep this on the downlow and don't want to involve any medical professionals in this matter, for now. It would be remiss of me not to point out to you that with a condition like this, professional medical help will be an inevitable requirement, sooner or later, for treatment of both physiological and psychiatric symptoms.

His typing improved quite dramatically there, towards the end. He probably gave his phone to his adjutant and dictated; you'd know, he's done it with you before, plenty of times.

You'll be meeting Ahri in a few hours. You really should take this time to decide on your reaction to her progress, and your involvement in her life.

What is your approach in giving Ahri feedback?

[ ] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
[ ] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
[ ] Harsh. This isn't good enough. She has to buck up and unfuck herself.
[ ] Siscon. Everything Ahri does is correct. Even the mistakes.

Moving forward, how involved are you going to be in Ahri's life and education?

[ ] Hands off. Her tutors will take care of her education, and Ahri will take care of her life. You'll keep your independence to operate as you see fit.
[ ] Present. You can play a role in her education and life, to a reasonable extent. You're giving up a certain degree of independence, but you're not completely chained to Ahri.
[ ] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
[ ] Helicopter. You will never leave the palace. Ever.
How Politics SSR works in this quest
Also I figure I should really make this clear moving forward: this quest doesn't work on statlines, and Politics SSR doesn't mean that we get to steamroller people with our political maneuvering because there are other people with Politics SSR out there.

Plitics SSR is an abstraction of Yui's level of political acumen and knowledge, which, given that this is a freeform narrative quest, is manifested by me talking about things and why they are good or bad ideas, as well as the narrative making note of things: for instance, if we were playing Salt Admiral, he would have completely missed all the things Yui sounds Ahri on, because he has Politics A and only knows Navy politics. (Some people play softball, some people play hardball, Johnny plays Encikball. :V The problem is Encikball only really works on people who're afraid of Chiefs and Warrant Officers. Nobles don't fall into that category. :V)
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Protagonist Agendas and how they shape the Story
So I wanted to talk a little about the PCs and their agendas; I tried to be subtle and allude towards that in the chargen, but I think I've been too subtle, and there are people who've missed how the story changes with the different protagonist, because each protagonist has differing priorities and agendas, and differring perspectives on being appointed Imperial Viceroy/Vicereine, and I think some readers may have been expecting other things than what we got.

And well, I've spent way too long talking about this to myself in the car while stuck in traffic, so I figured I'd pull the curtain back a little bit on my thought process.

[ ] Count Alastor von Toth: Military (Fleet Combat). A minor noble who has become a rising star within the Imperial Navy, you are ambitious and hungry.

As Alastor, taking on the role of Imperial Viceroy would be a more combat focused (ish) story; you'd be taking your fleet and smacking down rebels and malcontents, while maneuvering to build your powerbase in order to ride out the inevitable (so you think) balkanisation of the Empire, while making oppurtunistic power plays as they came. The obvious way to softcoup Empress Meigyoku would be to take advantage of her crush on you and play the dashing war hero and waifu the Empress. Yui would, in this route, be cockblocking your waifu attempts (unless y'all decided to YOLO and go for both Empress Meigyoku and Princess Yui at the same time :V); Yonatan would be your salty former CO trying to unfuck the Navy, who you might be able to get as an ally for your machinations.

[ ] Yonatan Chew: Military (Logistics/Staff/Support). A commoner who enlisted and subsequently earned a commission as an officer, you are dutiful and diligent.

As Yonatan, your route would be Maximum Salt and more focused on bureaucratic maneuverings. Your agenda would basically be balancing your attempts to unfuck the navy, managing your overwhelming amounts of salt (THE EMPIRE IS DISEASED! ROTTEN TO THE CORE! BURN IT DOWN!), your loyalty and duty to the Imperial throne, and attempting to resist the seductive advances of your Sumeragi foxwife. Yui and Alastor would be neutral NPCs in this route, because Salt Admiral Quest: The Saltening is the Hard Mode story of one man fighting against the universe, sustained only by his salt.(Thankfully, Yui Route Yonatan is a much mellower person, if still salt. :V) Ahri is explicitly off the table for waifuing in this route because Yonatan is too ossan and salt to be husbando material for her :V. The only coup option is to hardcoup, but whether that's on your behalf (with salt and fire), or you ended up played by people, or counterplayed them, well.

[ ] Princess Yui: Imperial Court (Politics). An Imperial Princess of the blood, you are supportive and cunning;

As Yui... well, we're playing that route right now. :p ;) Yui's personal agenda is being a good advisor/big sister/surrogate parent (the exact specifics of which she rolls with will depend on the results of this current vote), with an eye to preparing Ahri to take up the crown and rule for real. So the emphasis will be more on political maneuvering and training Ahri (I.e. Empress Meigyoku Raising Project :V). Not to say that there is no scope for combat actions, but that's not what the emphasis of this route is. Yui's objective, as of the current update, is to unfuck the hot mess that is Ahri's utter lack of preparation, and make her a fit Empress. Which is not to say that there's no room for factfinding expeditions that have a chance of shots fired, like the Egon fact-finding mission, but, well, the more involved Yui is in Ahri's life, the less time and scope she has for independent operations. (Which, admittedly, is why she recruited Daniel to be her proxy.) Yonatan, as we've seen already, is basically an allied NPC towards Yui; Alastor's off in the Despa Sector, on the Outer Rim, so he won't be relevant to the story, for now.

Speaking of the current update, I will give this small reassurance: you're not permanently choosing how Yui will act towards Ahri. You're choosing an approach to take for the near term (so, the next 5 years of IRL time then, because the only person slower than me is @Avalanche :p.
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 9, 2019 at 6:37 AM, finished with 42 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 9, 2019 at 8:47 AM, finished with 43 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 9, 2019 at 8:48 AM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon

Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jul 10, 2019 at 12:39 AM, finished with 20 posts and 15 votes.

  • [x] Plan Seagram
    -[x] Measured. She's made some improvements, but she still has a long way to go.
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
    -[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
    -[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Compliment Sandwiches
    -[X] Measured
    -[X] Present
    [X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.
    [X] Plan Ahri's Breakfast
    -[X] Eggs
    -[X] Sausages
    -[X] Bacon
Last edited:
Not The Day You Expected
Your name is Ayako Tomioka, and you are still trying to unfuck your bad day.

About eight hours later, despite the fire lit underneath the entire depot, the staff have yet to find a copy of the permits. Neither has the team sent to search for Lee gotten in contact with the depot command center with any significant news. Jane assures you that they will be fine.

So here you are, along with Xian and Jane, searching Lee's personal office. You would have tasked some other random staff in the admin department to do it, but Jane and Xian insisted that Lee would be less upset if his command staff turned over his office as opposed to having less trusted personnel go through his things.

Not to mention that Xian would have an easier time spotting and disarming the traps that Lee is rumored to have rigged his office with and that having lesser people moving around Lee's office means lesser people to set off the traps.

Silently, you thank the Empress that Lee wasn't insane or paranoid enough to set up lethal defensive measures. A loud bang echoes through the corridor as a bright flash and the intruder alarms ring out. Jane curses and radios the command center to cancel the alarm. This was the third trap that he has triggered so far. On the other hand, you are very optimistic that Lee has probably ran out of places to rig traps in, given the giant pile of flash bangs and tear gas grenades piled up in the middle of the room.

While Xian is still working on making sure that the office isn't going to be a deathtrap, Jane and yourself have been a bit busy, eating a leisurely working lunch which Xian has been complaining about while he has been working on the office. It's not all fun and games though, You've been watching the security cam footage for the archive room, in an effort to track down the physical copies of the permits. Once again, you thank the Empress that the Comberth staff responsible for issuing the permits were so anally paranoid and had tamper proof verification seals tagged on to them, at the very least it made the papers visually distinct on the camera footage.

You take a glance at Jane, who so far has been a bit of a bother with her tablet, playing some weird mobile game whilst eating lunch. Supposedly, she was in contact with the ground team, monitoring their current status. You don't see the point of such an action, given that a full section of powered armored marines would have the situation under control. At the very least, when it comes to combat operations, you are pretty satisfied that the staff are rather competent and are rather cautious about things. Curiously over the course of two hours, apparently she had been giving them what appeared to be etiquette lessons and what appeared to be instructions on what to buy as a gift when visiting a person's house.

You wish that the company had the budget to install a surveillance and tracking AI for the monitoring systems so that you didn't have to suffer such tedium. Or at the very least, for Jane to provide you with another pair of eyes. Sighing at that thought, you take off your glasses and rub your eyes.

She glances at you and tilts her head to the side. As if reading your mind, she replies to your rather non-verbal wish for assistance. "What? I need to keep watch over those knuckleheads, else that purple haired bitch tries to kill them again over some weird offense. And I would rather not explain to the boss why we had to man handle his wife in front of their daughter." She pauses dramatically. "Again." She scarfs down another rice ball as she continues to tap on her tablet and make flashy lights go off on the screen. "Even though she totally deserved it."

You pause the video footage and stare at Jane. That was something new. "I wasn't aware that Lee was married with children."

Jane looks at you and taps on her chin, trying to remember something. "Oh yea, you joined us a year ago, a few months after they decided to live on the planet." Jane grimaces. "You should be thankful you didn't have to deal with Mrs. Lee. On the other hand, You missed out on seeing his daughter. Cute girl, very sweet."

"Well, what are their names?"

Jane shrugs. "They never really gave us their names. Lee just shrugs and says it's up to them to tell us. The bitch just straight up told us that she doesn't have to give their names to their lessers."

Wow, how rude. It's probably safe to assume that Mrs. Lee is probably some kind of noble. Though you wonder how did the boss attract and hold the affections of what appears to be a really spoiled noble lady. After all, you can probably assume that he's a commoner, given how his speech and mannerisms are rather plebeian, more so with how the man is usually extremely vulgar and uncaring about his appearance. This is before considering how much of a penny pincher he is, often being very anal about spending money even on essential items like life support. Really, the completely opposite of a stereotypical noble. The kind of person that someone like the current Mrs. Lee would think of as beneath her.

You try to press Jane on what details she can actually provide on your boss. After several minutes of shrugging and I don't knows from Jane, you both realise that none of you actually knows anything about the person who has theoretical control over your lives and wallets. You start to feel more doubts about this naval arms inspection, given the fact that despite being in the middle of some backwater system in the middle of nowhere, the company you worked warranted the response of a battle group, as opposed to the usual cruiser patrol for an investigation.

Looking at the apprehensive look on her face, you realise that Jane has the same doubts as well. Just then, Xian walks out of the Lee's private office, cursing up a storm. He looks at Jane's tablet and the empty plate of rice balls and rolls his eyes. "The office is clear enough for you to do actual work. I'm going to go get some food and rest. Have fun." Your assistant walks out grumbling about worthless fox girls that do no work and eat all the food. Jane pretends to not hear your assistant's grumbling and puts down the tablet. "Well, the permits aren't going to find themselves. Let's get this over and done with."

As much as a slob Lee is usually, his belongings in the drawer of his desk are rather neatly arranged. You noticed that the guns, ammo and the explosives were some of the most accessible items in his office. Curiously, the only drawer in his desk that wasn't trapped, whose handle was rather worn, contained a sheathed dagger and a photo frame.

The dagger has a very worn handle, with the grooves of the handle faintly stained brown closer to the blade, while the sheath itself was extremely ornate and bright yellow, featuring engravings of foxes and orchids surrounding the crest of the Imperial Royal Guards. Looking at it, it's pretty obvious that the dagger is some kind of ceremonial weapon. A quick glance to the weapons rack in his office reveals a curved longsword on display, the scabbard being matte black and vastly bigger than what a sword of that size would require.

You pick up the photo and examine it. Sure enough, it's a picture of Lee and his wife. Judging from the elaborate outfits they're wearing, it seems to be their wedding photo. Curiously enough, the woman is holding a rather swollen belly.

You hear a click behind you and a quick flicker of a lighter igniting, followed by a big exhale; you turn around just in time to have a thick cloud of smoke hit you in the face.

"You know, you shitheads should have realised that I wouldn't keep the permits that we need to show at a moment's notice inside drawers that have flash bangs and tear gas grenades taped to them," a very nasally congested voice says, punctuating his statement with a pointed sniff. Lee Bashkan sits on his chair leaning forward, a cigarette between his lips, looking at both you and Jane. "I'm not feeling so good right now, so give me a sitrep and do it properly, before you give me more excuses to make you scrub down every single fucking surface of this asteroid with your personal toothbrushes."

This wasn't the first time you've had to explain yourself to command, and you weren't the slightest bit intimidated by his demeanor, not helped by the fact that the boss looked like he should probably be resting in the sick bay.

You keep the report short and curt, bringing him up to speed on the details. The battle group parked outside of the depot. The seemingly hostile rear admiral leading the task force spearheading this naval arms inspection. The Imperial Royal Guards being part of the inspection team.

The missing permits and the ultimatum. How you had no authorisation to give them what they wanted.

He squints at you and Jane, examining your faces in seemingly great detail, before he raises an eyebrow. A sneeze interrupts his reply; he wipes his nose, looks you in the eye, and drawls, "You know, as much as we have a client confidentiality policy, I don't think obstructing the people with battleships parked outside is a good idea.

"On one hand I applaud your loyalty, but I would rather you not be responsible for losing our licence to operate, yes?"

He looks pointedly at Jane, "or you know. Dying in a blaze of glory for no reason, yes?"

Jane wilts from the sheer vitriol directed at her from your boss' levelled gaze. She shakes her head a bit to build back some of her confidence and fights back.

"That's not important. Is there any reason why the Imperial Royal Guards need a battleship task force for a mere arms inspection?"

Just for a second, you see the boss clench his teeth tight. Seeing his apprehension at such a question, you support Jane. "Is there something we need to be aware of where we are getting our weapons and what are we using them for?"

Lee rolls his eyes. "If you are implying that I am under investigation for arming or planning some kind of insurrection against the throne, I am not. Because if Guard Command thought that some random upstart mercenaries decided they wanted to play empress maker? It's not going to be an arms inspection. It's going to be an accidental munitions cook off with no survivors."

He waves his arms around. "As far as I know, quite a lot of our current stock comes from Comberth Harbor stockpile clearance. They are throwing out soon to expired stock and outdated equipment to make space for new munitions and new equipment." He pauses to cough, a very wet hacking sound rather than the usual dry cough. "One of the reasons why they are so anal about the paperwork. Given the fact that it's their arses on the line if we start off loading all of this bang bang to the black market or if we go pirate."

Jane's tail starts to swish around in that obviously agitated fox girl way. "This still doesn't explain how you obtained all of those permits and why the navy even sent such a big task force in the first place."

Sensing trouble, you keep your mouth shut and let Jane draw the heat from the boss. The fact that he has literally inhaled an entire cigarette in the span of a second is a ill omen, the fag turning into white ash almost instantly with a sudden flash of fire. Surprisingly, Lee does not explode like you expect him to. Instead he calmly scoots over using the wheels on his chair to his desk and snubs the cigarette butt onto an ashtray. He glances at you and waves you away from the table.

Placing his elbows on the desk once you vacate the desk, he clasps his hands close to his face. "What," he pronounces each word slowly, "are you trying to imply?"

"You are obviously hiding something that is going to get us all killed," Jane replies, leaning forward as if about to pounce, flight or fight reflex in effect.

Lee rolls his eyes and sighs. "Look, all of us have our own secrets. But I can assure you that I am not wanted for whatever the hell you can think of right now by the Golden Orchid Empire, nor am I marked for death by Guard Command. I am asking you to trust me and not to randomly pry into my past because we had some random fox bitch come flying in spreading her tails in some kind of show of dominance."

He bares his teeth. "Unless, of course, you would like me to inform your mother of your current whereabouts, Miss Tsai?"

With the mention of her mother, Jane promptly ceases any display of hostility.

"Look. We can clear this up in a few hours and we can laugh about it, okay? The very worst that can happen is that we have to explain to Xavier about why we need another extra allotment of equipment from HQ. "

That would have been somewhat reassuring were it not for the fact that Lee looks to be on the verge of fainting. Regardless, he still manages to keep that businesslike air around as he gives his instructions.

"Ayako, go grab Xian and get him to task a powered armor platoon to search for the permits. The verification tags should be giving off a faint electromagnetic signature, so suit's sensors should be able to pick them up. After that, get all the bloody documentation that you think that navy dickbag wants and then just give it to him. Arrange a meeting with him in… say 12 hours?"

You nod.

"Jane. Grab the CIC team and run through all the intel and that model of that pirate base we found. Recall the Baronche, Carrion Feeder, Deathstrike and the Lacerator. Get them rearmed as soon as possible and have them briefed on that operation we planned."

"You mean the one I said was suicide because they had cruiser grade guns guarding the place?"

"Well yes. Now that the navy is here, I want to ask if they are willing to conduct joint operations."

Jane grins sadistically at that thought. She leaves the room before Lee can say anything else.

You look back at the boss. "I'm going to the sick bay, get something for this flu. I'll get someone to muster the marines before I take a nap."

He walks out of the room, before anything else could be said. Still you have to wonder what kind of knowledge would one have in order to shrug off a battleship task force investigating them as not an issue.

There's also the fact that he refers to the Imperial Royal Guards as Guard Command, as opposed to the more commonly used IRG. You brace yourself to deal with another round of Xian's complaining as you make your way to the mess hall.


In the time it takes to make arrangements for the audit to continue, the Imperial task force in system goes down in size by a single capital ship and several escorts. It seems that the commander of the task force has left the system for some other reason, given that it was the biggest warship of the five battlewagons in system.

Oddly though, the person in charge is still Rear Admiral Constance Vickers. When you bring it up to Lee, he shrugs and says, "It's not any of our business and four battlecruisers would still kill us all dead anyway." He speculates that Vickers might not have been the person in charge until that ship left, though for what reason he does not know.

At the very least, this time you had the paperwork prepared and the authorisation to give them whatever else they asked for. The best part of all was that you had Lee to do all the talking for you. So all you needed to do was to just sit down and take notes.

Sure enough, the door opens and in steps Captain O'Farrell. Behind him, flanked by a pair of heavily armed Guardsmen in power armor, is a fox of average height. Unlike everyone else in the room, who's wearing some form of vacuum-sealed skinsuit, she's wearing the black on blue dress uniform of a Major in the Imperial Royal Guards, a curved longsword secured to the white belt at her waist. You feel a momentary flash of jealousy as you take in the façade she presents - the expertly tailored uniform that flatters her curves, the red noble stripe on her pencil skirt, her long silky black hair, her soft, well-groomed tails – she's everything you're not, the sort of girl destined for greater things, who never had to struggle the way you did to climb the ladder.

Lee stands up and motions for the rest of the party to sit down.

Just for a moment, as soon as Captain O'Farrell moved out of the way, the Guardswoman's amber eyes narrow as she locks eyes with your boss. In response, Lee merely tilts his head to the side slightly, a wide grin growing across his face. You catch a slight twitch on the lips of the Guardswoman as she makes her way to the side of the table, taking her seat opposite you, between Lee and Captain O'Farrell. She takes up a tablet and nonchalantly starts to read from it.

The two armored behemoths, however, stand right behind the Captain. Silent and unmoving, as they were the previous day.

As the chairman of the meeting, and the host, Lee begins. "Good day to you all. I have to apologise for not being available the previous time you were here. So let's just all get down to business, so I think you can all probably enjoy a side of shore leave instead of being stuck with us, yes?"

He pointed to the pile of papers, the electronic tags making them even more obvious. "The permits all signed and tagged by Fleet Activities Comberth." Both of the investigators take the papers and begin to scan through them. The Guardswoman reaches into one of her pockets to pull out a seal reader and plugs it into one of the tags. The paper flashes and glows slightly as the papers display another layer of information. She nods to the Captain on the other end of the table.

O'Farrell then clears his throat. "So summarize it for me. Why would you need military ordnance against a bunch of yokels with ramshackle civilian ships?"

Lee looks at you, then looks at the Guardswoman. You shrug your shoulders, while the Guardswoman just blinks. You can swear that was a pattern to how she blinked. Lee just sighs and replies, "Well, unless you want to accuse me of forging sensor data next. The last year's worth of readouts show that we have been dealing with at least four destroyer sized vessels. At the very least, they have military grade radars and countermeasures, not to mention that the drive outputs are putting out vastly more energy than anything we can see from crash converted civilian freighters."

He pulls out a specific file. "This is after they tried to orbitally bombard Egon with a heavy cruiser. Which we drove off using civilian grade weaponry." He throws it at the Captain and the report lands with a thud right in front of him. Both men lock eyes and stare at each other, wordlessly trying to kill each other using their eyes, it seems.

"Let us assume that you can tell the difference between a cruiser and a big freighter and that the cruiser actually existed. You want us to believe that you somehow managed to drive away a naval heavy cruiser, using low yield explosives, steel core rods and low yield energy weapons?"

Lee rolls his eyes. "If you actually read the report. The Earl feigned surrender and we made a Eisenwald schnitzel delivery. The IED went off inside the cruiser. We took advantage of the confusion that caused and used a pair of pre-prepared freighters to ram the cruiser. While they managed to jump out, they will never be able to fix it without a proper shipyard. The last we know, they stripped it of anything useful and used the weapons to up gun their hideout."

"Why aren't the pirates dead, given your expenditure of munitions?"

"They are pirates, they don't stand and fight. The moment I jump in a destroyer and have them fire off everything, they jump out almost immediately."

"Why didn't you pursue the pirates?"

Lee scoffs at the question. "Do you enjoy sticking your dick into random holes in the middle of nowhere? Because the first time we tried, we jumped into a pre-prepared mine field."

Lee and O'Farrell spend the next two hours gunning for each other verbally while reviewing your data. Thankfully, it hasn't gotten to the point whereby either side was going to literally gun for each other. The captain excuses himself and leaves the room to confer with his superior, one of the troopers following him.

A few minutes later, he comes back in and sits down. "We can conclude the audit here, there's nothing else we need to check or ask."

Lee claps his hands together, the sound drawing the attention of the entire room; one of the troopers raises his weapon slightly, before lowering it. "So with that out of the way. Why not we discuss business?" He activates the projectors to display a space station. "We know where these pirates are and for a negotiable fee and a bit of gunnery practice on your end, we can seize the station for you, intact."

The captain raises his eyebrows. "What do you mean, gunnery practice?"

Lee points out several structures on the station. "Anyway, like I was saying before, they had a hideout that they bolted a bunch of cruiser guns to and we know exactly where it is. It's just that none of our ships can handle that kind of firepower."

He gestures wildly with both hands. "But given that you brought several battlecruisers here, I'm thinking that you can shoot out their guns, then I can have a troopship deliver a company of my guys to seize the station."

"And how do we know that this station belongs to these…." Captain O'Farrel takes a slow pause here. "Pirates?"

"The Egon PDF managed to milk the prisoners we brought back. Combined with a bit of analysis work based off their raid targets and sightings. On a hunch we sent in a few sensor drones and captured a glimpse of the station. So over a period of a few months or so we jumped in a few times to get a better picture of the thing, coupled with the fact that we have caught several known pirate vessels docked in that station a few times."

"How can I trust that this isn't some kind of plot for you to knock off some person or another for your gain?"

Lee rolls his eyes. If it was possible, they would have rolled a full 360 degrees. "Look, at the end of the day, I sort of would rather not have to deal with pirates armed with military grade anything. And I'll bet neither does the Imperial Navy want to let a bunch of pirates do anything but choke to death. So I'll be willing to just sell you all the information I have on hand, including the coordinates for that base. I say sell and not give because it wasn't free to obtain in the first place and I'm trying to run a business here. On the condition that you take my words seriously and actually treat this pirate problem as an actual problem. And if you still want our help in boarding the station, because the 13th Fleet's marines don't exactly look like they are particularly blooded, you can come back and we can discuss further business."

The captain cooly fires back. "Like I said: how can I trust that your information is worth the money you are asking for?"

You see the boss bite his lips. "For someone talking a lot about trust. I don't see why I should trust you to do anything right. Clearly the Imperial Royal Guards have so little trust in whoever the fuck is in charge of you. Given that Foxhound has decided to stick their noses into whatever mess this is."

A soft cough interrupts whatever else Lee has to say. Captain O'Farrell, Lee and yourself glance over at the Guardswomen, sipping daintily at the bottle of tea placed in front of her. She looks up and meets all of your gazes in turn. "We would be derelict in our duties to the Empire if we were not ever vigilant, watching everyone and everything. None are above suspicion." Soft spoken as it was, you could tell there was weight behind those words. "Such as how certain words, interpreted in certain ways, can be deemed as betrayal." She shoots a look at Lee and you see that he's pale as a sheet, his confidence shaken. "Of which you should know the price." She smiles toothily, her fangs visible against her lips. "Of course, I am only joking, much as our mercenary commander is."

Lee just laughs nervously. "Yes, I was only joking."

The Guardswoman turns towards the Captain. "Captain, I believe that you should bring Mr. Bashkan's proposal back to the Rear Admiral. As much as he is a commoner mercenary, I think that given how his company has been nothing but accommodating to us, we should extend VSS some trust in these matters. Though, if you still have concerns, I am willing to personally verify Mr. Bashkan's information, while you discuss matters with Rear Admiral Vickers."

Captain O'Farrell nods and stands up. "I'll leave that to you then, Major." He walks out, escorted by one of the troopers.

Lee turns to you. "Ayako, I need you to check up on Jane. Could you go to CIC and see how she's doing?"

You feel that something is not right with this situation, but seeing as Lee was the one waving you out, you comply and leave the room room, leaving Lee with the Guardswoman and her remaining trooper.


Eventually, the meeting concludes with a deal in the company's favor. While you can tell that Lee is extremely unhappy about only getting enough money to cover the estimated costs for this operation, he isn't entirely upset given that the company gets full salvage rights for whatever hardware you manage to take, so as long as the imperial investigation team gets to examine it to their heart's content.

About an hour later, Lee calls you to his office. As you open the door, you are greeted by a huge cloud of thick smoke, the ventilation systems failing to keep up with Lee's substance abuse. You gag at the smell of whatever it is that your boss smokes. The pile of less lethal ordnance still in the middle of the room. And the previously empty ashtray on his desk is filled with cigarette butts.

You resist the urge to put your helmet on; politeness dictates that you talk to him face to face. "Boss, you called for me?"

Lee stubs another cigarette into the already filled tray and sighs. "Yea. I did. Remember how that you are second in charge? In the next six months or so, you will be learning to do what I'm doing, just in case, you know, if I get promoted to customer or something."

That's rather strange coming from Lee, since he owns part of the company anyway. From what you can tell he has never been dissatisfied with the job, not to mention that he gets along with the staff most of the time. Given how he has literally been smoking away the past hour, this has to be something relatively recent.

"Might I ask why, sir?"

He sighs. "Well, as I said previously in the last performance review, you might not be as experienced as the rest of the command staff, but at the very least you seem to be less overtly aggressive. This is in fact a very good thing given how the rest of them are bloodthirsty and trigger happy."

You shake your head. "No not that, I would like to know the reason why you think you would be leaving the company soon. Given that you plan on giving me more responsibility and work, it would be nice to know why."

He sighs. "Yea, I suppose that's only fair, no? So first of all, some disclaimers. I can only tell you vague things. Most of it will be true. But do not try and dig into things, lest you draw the wrong kind of attention. Swear this to me."

You nod and reply to him. "I swear to you that what you say will stay in this room."

Lee takes off his gloves and places them on the table.

He pulls the dagger out of his drawer and draws it from the sheath and slits his right palm with but a touch of the blade. Flipping the dagger, he catches it by the blade and holds the handle out to you. Wait. Is he expecting you to swear a blood oath? This was the kind of thing you'd expect from some corny vid series about the nobility. You decide to humor him at least.

You mimic his actions and shake his bloodied hand with yours. As soon as the handshake is complete, he sprays down both your hands with disinfectant and puts his gloves back on.

"Yea, I know what you are thinking. Weird right? But this was how it was for me back in the Guards. Quite a lot of ritual and tradition in the way we do things."

"So if you probably haven't figured things out by now, I used to be a Guardsman. Our friend the pretty Guardswoman basically passed me a message from my mom. With the current situation as it is, she would be more comfortable if she had people she could trust on hand."

You tilt your head to the side in confusion. "What does your mother have anything to do with the current situation?"

"Eh, I come from a Guards family. My ancestors have been in what is now known as the Imperial Royal Guard since before there was an empire. Empress Hagoromo's retainers basically. So, mom is somewhere up there in hierarchy, I never really asked, but odds are she's above Kazusa, the one that I was talking to."

Your jaw drops in disbelief. You think he is lying, though given the past day or so, you are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. More so since he somehow managed to obtain all those permits without much obstruction. "Why would you be out here running a mercenary outfit if you really are some important noble officer?"

He snorts. "Office politics."

You echo his words in disbelief. "Office Politics?"

He takes it as a sign to continue. "Yea, Office politics. Look as much as the Guards like to portray themselves as selfless Guardians of the Throne, at the end of the day, they are only people. I can seriously say as a whole, they are fanatical. When you mix fanaticism and politicking, you get assassination and ritual suicide."

You try to speak but he interrupts. "The Guards as a whole agree that we exist to protect the legacy of Empress Hagoromo. But we sort of disagree what that legacy is."

"That doesn't really answer my question."

He pulls out his wedding photo. "Yea let me finish. You can obviously figure out that yes, I shotgunned my wife. But can you guess her family affiliation?"

"She's a noblewoman?"

He smiles sadly. "If only. If she was just some random noblewoman, none of this would have happened. She's the heiress of a Sumeragi cadet branch. Now you probably want to know who is involved but for the safety of my family, there will be no names mentioned. Hell, if you want to sell me out, please do so to House Sumeragi. At the very least, they have no plans to kill me."

He laughs. "Because, I quote my wife, 'the wolves of Hagoromo make great pets when properly house broken, my family is not one to squander such a precious gift.' She means I'd make a very good trophy husband."

He grimaces. "On the other hand, parts of the Guard would just kill us all. My wife for being related to a Sumeragi, my daughter for the same and myself for bedding the enemy." He pauses. "Though at this point those same parts of the Guard are probably more unhappy over the fact that I killed five of them as my resignation."

Did he just casually admit to murdering five officers of the IRG? "Wait, wouldn't they have hunted you down for doing such a thing?"

He shrugs. "Office politics. Like I said, leadership disagrees on how best should we protect the legacy of the empress. Sometimes part of the Guard thinks that other parts of the Guard needs to cut themselves shaving. Fatally. It just so happened that someone way higher up on the food chain decided that those five needed to go, that I was in the perfect position to do something about it and they had the ability to make a better offer than what I was going to get in that room."

He takes out a fag and put its between his lips. "As for why I could trust those other people. Let's just say that they had the Mandate of Heaven on their side. Basically, they had a list of targets for me to dispose of. They slipped me a pistol and some other stuff. Told me where the targets were and how security was compromised in certain very specific ways, so I can get to them."

At this point, you just had more questions than answers every time Lee makes a statement. "So what happened that required the assassination of five members of the Imperial Royal Guards?"

He snorts. "Basically, my team fucked up an ops really bad, got killed and then to top it off, it just so happened that only myself and said Sumeragi were the only survivors, yes? Kind of suspicious, don't you think? Especially since you know." He makes a hole with his fingers on one hand and inserts and pulls out a finger on the other hand through the hole. "And yes, they caught me in the act, so there was literally no way I can deny that I wasn't having sex with her."

You can't believe what you're hearing.

"So, as much as there was an investigation clearing us both of any wrongdoing. A bunch of the more senior officers were either convinced that the Sumeragi that I was fucking planned everything or saw an opportunity to advance their standing by shaming my family, so to speak. So one of them decided to drag me into an office, blah blah blah. Make me a pariah. Crap assignments in eisenwald for any other members of my family still in the service."

He fingers the dagger. "She gave an ultimatum. Two ways I can avoid such a terrible mess, she said. Gut myself like a fish or finger my then uhh…. baby mother as the person responsible for everything that went wrong, they disappear her and everything is hush hush."

He mimes having a pistol on a free hand. "I drew the pistol that I was given and shot that bitch. I then proceeded to fulfill my part of the deal."

"Well. As much as my patron had the reach to cover up quite a fair bit of things. I still killed five noble officers. So I was given instructions to disappear." He scoffs. "My patron was very surprised that I actually manage to survive and contact her." He shrugs. "At that point, I was thinking she would have asked me to space myself or something. She anticipated that and told me that she would have disappointed her prime ancestor if she asked me to kill myself after all that I've done, given how her prime ancestor help forged the empire out of love. So she said I was free to go."

You shake your head at how unbelievable all of this. Taking your actions as disbelief, Lee continues, "Fucking unbelievable, isn't it? You can choose what to believe. Just don't dig deeper."

"This doesn't explain why you are out here, working for a mercenary company." You would one would expect that such an action would be rewarded handsomely.

He scratches his head, a uncharacteristically sheepish look on his face. "We are kinda bad with money. Lost quite a lot of it on stocks. So both of us have to find work. She works at home as some kind of freelance consultant slash designer for some engineering firm. And well, I do mercenary work, mostly because there isn't really much else I'm good for."

You still had one question on your mind. "And the permits and weapons? How did you obtain them so fast."

He shrugs. "No idea. I applied for the permits through the proper channels, they got approved a week later, then somebody called me and asked if I was looking for legally obtained cheap military hardware. I figured that this was too good to be true, did my own checks, had Rafiz check her side for me as a favor and turns out, yes. This is totally legal. Just extremely skeevy in the… insider trading sort of way."

"So when will you be leaving?"

"When you can kill me in honourable one on one combat with swords," Lee says, with a serious look on his face. You know that he's probably joking but at this point you don't really want to know any more. Seeing the sour look on your face, he laughs.

"Well to be more serious, I don't know myself. The message passed onto me was worded as a favor that I can refuse. But it's kind of bad to refuse a favor to your own mother, yes?" You nod to agree. "But I have my family to think of and I need to consult my wife as tradition dictates." He sighs. "But I'm also kind of worried about why my mom wants a wet works guy on hand, especially since the ascension of the previous empress."

You tilt your head. Seeing your confusion, Lee sighs and explains further. "Nobody expected someone as powerful and well liked as the previous empress to choke on her food and die. Add on the fact that the consort was a fucking coward and took the easy way out, means there's some wet behind the ears princess sitting on the orchid throne with no one to teach her the ways and means without ulterior motives."

He once against fingers the dagger he has on the table. "So besides the rest of the empire wanting a piece of the pie. The Guards will probably start killing one another over who they think should be the empress… Again. Oh and I suppose, a few of them will take the opportunity to fuck up Sumeragi space, I guess?"

He puts the dagger back into the drawer. "Anyway. That's not really any of your problem is it? We've got to show up that anal little fuck in the navy in a few days time. So if you don't have any more questions, let's get back to work." He taps his desk. "Oh and do me a favor, if you see Jane, tell her that if she's done with operations preparation, that I'll be waiting for her in my office for her. I am honestly sick and tired of the bitch war that she has with my wife. And would like to ask her what the fuck."

Once again, you look at the picture. It is no question that Lee's wife is extremely pretty, in possession of soft features and well groomed fur and hair, but then you look at Lee's face and back to the picture. While he has seemed to have put on a bit of weight, he wasn't exactly a looker back then either. He basically looked like one of those stereotypical gang enforcers in a cheap gangster flick. Now he looks like a fat stereotypical enforcer. "Forgive me for satisfying my curiosity, but the two of you don't really seem to have much in common, what drew the both of you together?"

He laughs at the question. "What you meant to say is, that I look like shit and that she's too good for me,yes?"

You nod at his statement, unsure of how to reply to his statement. He smiles. "Yea, I get that a lot. Most people are kind of surprised that I'm married to her. The less I say about the in-laws' opinions of me, the better. If you want to know how I managed to get my foot in the door so to speak, the details are classified, but rescuing someone from terrorists and the like is a really good suit remover."

He shrugs. "We got stuck in one of those life pods for a few days, so there wasn't really much to do but talk if we wanted to entertain ourselves. So we did and turned out we had a lot in common. But mostly neither of us really liked being nobles."

You wait for him to elaborate. "I didn't like Guard politics and she didn't like having to put up airs and having to watch everything she said and did as part of her extended family. We decided that we didn't want any of that for our daughter, so we decided to just find somewhere else to live, rather than deal with our families."

He shrugs. "Though odds are, with how things are, we probably might have to move back in with either of our families for protection, but that's something for her to decide." He takes out his tablet. "If there's nothing else, I have my own things to prepare for the upcoming raid. Once again, you are not to speak to anyone else about anything I told you here. Dismissed." He waves you off and you take it as your cue to leave.

You've got a lot to do, and even more to think about.
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House Akasha's place in Imperial Succession
Following tradition, when Prince Masatada was born, this effectively resulted in the formation of a new House, since the succession law for the Imperial Family is enatic-cognatic (female first, male second) primogeniture (oldest first). Until the Prince chooses a name for his House, his royal title (Prince of Akasha) will become the default name for his house (House of Akasha).* The current members of this line are Prince Masatada, Prince of Akasha and Princess Yui of Akasha. Yui's mother, Princess Natasha, doesn't count, because she married into House Akasha.

At present, Masatada and Yui are still considered part of the inner circle of the Imperial family, which affords them the the right to style themselves Prince/Princess. In the future, if the Akasha line doesn't inherit the throne, their descendants lose that right, and will have to adopt aristocratic titles following the Letters Patent as decreed by the Empress. In the worst case, they'll be a Marquess/Marquis, the lowest rung of nobility. But because Ahri loves Yui so much, Yui's descendants are near-guaranteed to hold the title of Duchess/Duke.**

Additional info: Inner circle refers to the close cousins of the imperial members, the immediate family. It ranges from the Empress's uncle/aunt to first cousins (or in some case, first cousins once removed). Yui is Ahri's first cousin, and thus, giving Yui the position as Imperial Vicereine while she also sits on the Regency Council would have been a political landmine. Conflict of interest and super ultra favoring, ho! In contrast to the Inner Circle is the Outer Circle, which consists of other cadet branches of the Imperial family and the Five Great Houses.

Basically, if Yui and Ahri buy it, they're gonna start looking at other cadet branches of the Imperial family to see who's got the oldest girl who can inherit. if they're really shit out of luck, they'll have to settle for a boy to inherit. :V Note that Sumeragi and Hoou also practice enatic-cognatic primogeniture. Fenghuang originally practiced enatic-cognatic but has since shifted to absolute primogeniture, their stance being "absolute oldest inherits unless they're incompetent, then we bypass them and keep looking."*** Eisenwald elects their Grand Duke/Grand Duchess from a college of electors.**** Peyrac-Beausoli follows absolute primogeniture because it's easier and less fuss for them.

* Given that Masatada is now like 50 years old and has spent the last 30 years calling himself Masatada Akasha in his naval persona, I think it's safe to say he's chosen :V.
** This would require her to have descendants in the future, a somewhat questionable proposition given the barren wasteland that is her love life. :V
*** Speculation is that this has led to Fenghuang being a lot more chill and less uptight than Sumeragi, and contributing significantly to the chiongster "work hard, play harder" mentality that Lord Inuyasha espouses, following in his father, and his father's father's footsteps.
**** Battle Royale mode optional, according to the in-universe memes. :V
Imperial Law of Sucession
Imperial Law of Succession

The reigning Empress has absolute power to name any royal female as heir apparent, and upon being announced publicly, the "position of such heir is secure and indisputable".

On the Appointment of the Heir

Section 1 – The Empress has the sole power and prerogative to designate any descendant of the royal family as heir to the throne, depending on Her judgement and trust placed on the ability of the said person to succeed Her.

Section 2 – Once the Empress has designated the heir to the throne and has had such designation proclaimed to members of the royal family, officials and the public at large, the position of such heir is secure and indisputable. When the necessary time comes, the said heir shall immediately ascend the throne to succeed the late Empress in accordance with the latter's wish.

Section 3 – The Empress has the sole power and prerogative to remove the heir to the throne from her position. Anyone who has been removed from the position of heir to the throne shall be considered as broken from [excluded from] any claim to succession and her name shall be removed from the line of succession. Her children and her entire lineage of direct descendants shall also be excluded from the line of succession. The Empress has the sole power and prerogative to exclude any member of the royalty from the line of succession.

On the Order of the Line of Succession

Section 4 – In an event whereby the Empress has ascended to Heaven without designating an heir, the Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Imperial Senate, is to invite the first in the line of succession, as stated in Section 5, to be Empress.

Section 5 – The line of succession shall be drawn from the direct descendant(s) of the Empress. If the lineage is extinct, the line shall be drawn from the closest kin first. To expel any doubt, the order in the line of succession is as follows:

  1. The first-born daughter of the Empress and Her consort.
  2. If the first-born daughter of the Empress and Her consort is deceased, the first-born daughter of the said princess and her royal consort.
  3. Younger daughters, in order, of the said princess and her royal consort when the first-born daughter is deceased.
  4. The second-born daughter of the Empress and Her consort when the first-born daughter is deceased and has no female children.
  5. If the second-born daughter of the Empress and Her consort is deceased, the first-born daughter of the said princess and her royal consort.
  6. Younger daughters, in order, of the said princess and her royal consort when the first-born daughter is deceased, and so forth.
If there is no female descendant of the Empress and Her princesses, the order of the line of succession is as follows:

  1. The first-born daughter of the first-born son of the Empress and Her consort.
  2. Younger daughters, in order, of the said prince and his royal consort when the first-born daughter is deceased.
  3. The first-born daughter of the second-born son of the Empress and Her consort, when the first-born son is deceased and has no female children.
  4. Younger daughters, in order, of the said prince and his royal consort when the first-born daughter is deceased, and so on.
  5. The first-born son of the Empress and Her consort;
  6. The first-born son of the said prince and his royal consort;
  7. Younger sons, in order, of the said prince and his royal consort;
  8. The second-born son of the Empress and Her consort when the first-born son is deceased and has no male children;
  9. The first-born son of the second-born son of the Empress and Her consort if the second-born son is deceased;
  10. Younger sons, in order, of the second-born son, and so forth.

On Those Who must be Excluded from the Line of Succession

Section 6 – Whoever is to ascend to the throne should be one from the masses fully respect and can be contentedly taken as their protector. Therefore, any member of the royalty whom the multitude holds as loathsome, such person should forswear the path to succession in order to remove the worry from the Empress and the People from the Realm.

Section 7 – Descendants of the royal family with any of the following characters shall be excluded from the line of succession:

  • Insanity;
  • Convicted of a serious crime under the law;
  • Unable to serve under the Heaven Above;
  • Being removed from the position of heir to the throne regardless of during which reign such removal took place;
  • Being proclaimed to be excluded from the line of succession.
On an Unfortunate Event to the Royal Family

Section 8 – Wherein both the main and closest kin lines are extinct, the Five Great Houses and Her Majesty's Privy Council shall convene immediately to seek out and invite an heir to the Throne. The President of Her Majesty's Privy Council shall act as Regent pro tempore to ensure the continuity of Her Majesty's Government.

In an event where a descendant of the Royal Family is not found, an Imperial Conference shall be convened with the Five Great Houses, Her Majesty's Privy Council, Chiefs of Staff of Her Majesty's Defense Forces and selected members from the Imperial Senate.

Section 9 – The Imperial Conference shall elect a House from one of the Five Great Houses to become the Imperial Family. The means of selection shall be drafted by the Imperial Senate and the Imperial Judiciary. The eldest daughter of the elected House shall be crowned under the Mandate of Heaven and Ascend to the Throne.
Couples Bonding
Not bad, you think, admiring yourself in the mirror. For a man pushing 60, who's commanding a desk, you're in fairly good shape. You can wear your plate carrier and not see belly fat pooling out from under the armor plate, even when you're relaxing and not sucking your gut in. Gennermen, very good, I like. At least you won't look out of place at the course this weekend. Having the right gear is key to looking cool, but you can't look cool if you're out of shape either.

Your phone rings and you glance at the screen. You roll your eyes at the caller ID, pause from where you're adjusting your kit and pick up the call. "Hello."

"Hey Johnny, it's me," announces His Imperial Highness the Prince of Akasha.

"Hey bro. Sup?"

On one hand, it's terribly indecorous for you, a mere commoner, to be talking so familiarly to an Imperial prince. On the other hand, you've known each other for decades, you were young officers together, you were his mentor, you were best man at his wedding, and in many ways, you're the big brother Prince Masatada never had.

"I'm in town and it's a long weekend this week, wanna hang?"

"I think the sentence you're looking for is, 'Hello Yonatan, would you like to have dinner with my lovely wife and daughter and I, my most cherished loved ones whom I haven't seen in months,' or maybe 'hey Hyung do you wanna spend time with your other family on a weekend away,'" you say dryly, reaching for your earplugs and slipping them in. "This also I gotta teach you some more isit? Walau. Seriously. What la you this. Some prince you are."

"My mother-in-law's spending the month with my wife, doing some more mentoring," says Masatada bleakly, and you snort. "I heard that Johnny, don't laugh at me."

"Look, it's been thirty years already, surely you've made some inroads into getting your mother-in-law to like you. You can't be scared of her for the rest of your life, you're a grown-ass man, a Navy Admiral, an Imperial Prince. Besides, Tengku Fauziah isn't that bad."

"You only say that because she likes you more than me."

"What can I say, it must be my natural boyish charm." You grin cheekily, as Masa exhales tiredly.

"Look, anyhow, thing is I really don't wanna spend the weekend around her, can I come hang at your pad? We can do stuff, hang, I dunno maybe visit your mom?"

"I think it says something when every time you suggest activities for us to do, eventually it always ends up with visiting my mom."

"Aunty Naomi is the only source of maternal love I have ever experienced in my life."

You roll your eyes and give yourself a critical once-over. "Well, this weekend's not really a good time for me. I'm going outstation for a course."

" Attending a course. On the weekend. It's not one of those weird hobbies you and Sasha share, is it?"

"Nah. It's a tactical carbine course, with some handgun training tossed in, it's being run by those guys on the insta, you know, the ones I linked you: Phuc Long is organising, Mojo and Thumb are instructing. Gotta get them autographs, and be able to protect myself, y'know."

"...Johnny, you're a Fleet Admiral. You don't need to protect yourself. If you need protection, the Navy can get that for you. Hell, I can get you private security - and before you say anything, no I don't care how you feel about money, I'm perfectly fine with getting you the best security my money can buy."

"Masa, I wouldn't be a responsible citizen if I didn't know how to take care of myself. Besides, after what we've been through, I thought you'd understand."

"Bullshit, you're being a mall ninja, we're not JOs doing boarding party anymore," Masa retorts, and you roll your eyes. "Also like have you thought this through at all? You're going to a course with dudes with guns. You're going to be surrounded by dudes with guns. Like damnit Johnny, are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I think you're going to have to unpack that for me," you say mildly, adjusting your straps and tugging the plate carrier into a more comfortable position on your chest, and patting down your pouches. There's a reason minimalist JPC-style plate carriers have endured for centuries; millions of users, yourself included, consider the somewhat reduced protection a worthwhile tradeoff for lighter weight, ease of wear, reduced fatigue, and greater comfort.

"You're going to a class with dozens of dudes around you, all of whom have guns! This is the easiest way for someone to "accidentally" assassinate you! All someone needs to do is just trip in just the right way for plausible deniability - or even get some idiot who doesn't know gun safety and just put him next to you, and BANG! No more Third Star Lord!"

"Eh, I don't think that'll be a problem. Sumeragi's got a vested interest in keeping me alive: if I die, their investment goes down the drain. They can't turn me into an asset if I'm dead."

"I don't even… It's bad enough you're shacking up with that Sumeragi honeypot, now you're deliberately putting yourself in danger. Hyung, surely you can't be this stupid," says Masa disgustedly.

"She's Ri-Sumeragi," you stress. "Cadet branch, y'know, not the main house."

"That doesn't make it any better at all!"

"I think you're overreacting," you say calmly. "Nothing's going to happen. Sumeragi needs me alive so they won't assassinate me, and they'll cockblock anybody trying to assassinate me. I'm going low profile, I'm not making a big deal of attending, and anyway Mojo and Thumb are servicemen, it'll look real bad for their careers if a Fleet Admiral dies at a course they're running."

"Johnny, I need you here for a minute," calls an imperious voice from her bedroom, and you sigh internally. You've been doing that a lot when she calls your name; maybe you need to rethink the life choices that have led you to this point.

"Coming, Maggie!" you call back.

"My ears," says Masa flatly, and you roll your eyes.

"Yeah anyway I can't make it, I'm heading to that course. Sorry bro. Maybe next week? You've still got time before you ship out to Salsu, right?"

"Yeah, I guess we can do next week. Or I could drop in at your office," says your brother, with no small amount of resignation in his voice. "You'll have to make it up to me for abandoning me in my hour of need."

"Goodbye, Masa," you say, chuckling. "Well I gotta go, I gotta go layan my girl. Reconfirm with me later ya."

"Wait what? Your girl? Nani the fuck? Yoyo goddamnit are you falling for the Sumeragi honeypot?! Yoyo! Yoyo you fuck get back on the phone! Damnit Yoyo stop doing stupid things-"

"Bye Mustard, I love you too," you laugh, and you disconnect the call. You slip your phone into your pocket and head to Maggie's room. When you first bought your house, you'd initially decorated this room as a simple if large guest room. When Maggie moved in, she turned it into a gigantic walk in closet. You still can't believe the amount of clothes she has. A woman should not need a hundred different bikinis, and that's not even getting into her uniforms, dresses, lingerie, and Lord knows what else that inhabits her budoir.

"In here, Johnny," she says, poking her head out your bedroom door, crooking a finger at you in a "come-hither" gesture, one that comes off as more demanding than sensual. You make your way unhurriedly to your room: this is your house, your castle, you are lord and master of this abode, you won't surrender all your dignity and pride to an inhumanly beautiful fox with many gloriously fluffy tails-

"I borrowed your shirt. I was wondering how well it suited me, I'd like a second opinion, Darling. I was thinking of wearing it to follow you to your course."

- an inhumanly beautiful fox who's wearing your newest combat shirt, and only your newest combat shirt. She arches her back, posing before the mirror, and looks at you over her shoulder, her dark blue eyes locking onto your own brown eyes, like a laser designator painting a target.

It's not like it's the first time you've seen her naked. But your mouth goes dry and you feel an instant flash of desire. You try to school your expression, but you're pretty sure she can read you, and she knows exactly what she's doing and the effect she has on you. That combat shirt she's wearing is brand new; you've only worn it once. On you, the stretchy fabric of the torso section is clingy. On Maggie, it moulds itself to her body, skin-tight against the outline of her nipples, her breasts straining against the fabric like an obscenely tight tent. She pulls the hem down, and you watch as the fabric stretches down toward her crotch.

"I think you'd pull all the focus from the trainers to you," you say, mentally commending yourself for managing to keep your voice level. Maggie turns a pleased expression your way.

"I was thinking that it would be a good thing to come along with you on your course," she continues. "Couples who do activities together, who share common interests, have healthier relationships. I was thinking I'd try step a little into your sphere of interest. I didn't have the right clothes, so I thought I'd borrow one of your shirts. And, well, I've heard that going commando is de rigueur for this sort of thing." She smiles innocently at you, accidentally-on-purpose letting the hem of the combat shirt slip through her grasp, riding up. You keep your eyes locked onto hers and mentally start calculating the throw weight of destroyer Fubuki's railguns per one hour of sustained firing, factoring in reload and cooldown times.

"I thought knives were more your speed," you say, and then you realise what you said and mentally kick yourself. You're supposed to be pretending that you're the harmless admiral who thinks with his dick who's been seduced by the Sumeragi honeypot. Some smooth operator you are, Fleet Admiral Chew.

If Maggie's realised the significance of that remark, she doesn't let on; she just raises one beautiful eyebrow at you. "Darling. I am rated Expert for both pistol and rifle marksmanship," she points out seriously. "You do realise who you're talking to, yes? A Sumeragi simply does not place herself in a situation where she may not excel. Your gun, please."

You give her a raised eyebrow and a sceptical look of your own, and move to your side of the bed, to your gun safe in the nightstand. You punch in the combination and remove your pistol from the safe. You eject the full magazine, clear the chamber, and insert an empty magazine into your gun, then flip it around to hold it by the barrel and extend it to Maggie, grip first. She takes it from your hand, ejects the empty magazine and inspects it, clears the chamber and verifies it's empty. She sets the empty mag on your bed and kneels beside it, ignoring how your combat shirt rides further up her frame. Her movements are smooth and precise; she carefully, deliberately disassembles your pistol. When she is done, there is now a collection of parts neatly laid out on your bed. As she works, your eyes are fixed on her, on her slender beautiful hands. She looks at the parts, nods satisfiedly to herself, picks up the frame, and is about to reassemble your pistol, when she looks up to you.

"Darling," she says, mock-chidingly, "you're looking at the wrong thing. There are better things for you to focus on." Her finger rests outside the trigger guard, pointing down. Your eyes track down, following the direction she points, before you wrench them back to look at her. Her smile is coy and amused, and you feel cornered. There's only one thing you can do.

"Your hands are beautiful," you say sincerely. "I think they're your best feature."

Maggie doesn't blush. "A Sumeragi is above such plebian displays of emotion," she'd once loftily told you. But her smile takes on a softer tinge, and her tails shift behind her, the way they do when she's happy.

You're pretty sure you're smiling like an idiot, but well. Some battles are worth losing.

So long as you win the war.
Officer Ranks and Insignia of the Imperial Defense Forces

The officer ranks and insignia of the Imperial Defense Forces, comprising the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, and Imperial Marine Corps. The IA and IMC wear their rank on shoulder boards; IN rank is worn on both shoulder boards and uniform jacket sleeves.

The "six-star" ranks of Grand Marshal, Lord High Admiral, and Lord Commandant are reserved for the flag officer who holds the position of Lord Protector of the Realm, a position that combines the present day functions of Minister of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Lord Protector of the Realm is often chosen from an incumbent service head: either the Chief of the General Staff (IA), First Star Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff (IN), or Chief of the Marine Staff (IMC), who will relinquish their post to become Lord Protector. Occasionally a flag officer who is not a service head may be chosen to become Lord Protector of the Realm. It is a convention that the position rotates between the services, so that no one service may have an opportunity for domination at the expense of its peers.

As the Imperial Royal Guard is not considered part of the Imperial Defense Forces, the professional head of the IRG, the Commanding General, is not eligible to serve as Lord Protector of the Realm.

With many thanks to @Slayers148 who created this art.
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