Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

From Uncertainty to Impatience

Comberth Harbor, Deck 4, Central Ring
Spinal Office 4-01, Admiral's Office

0600 BEGIN LOG 0134718
0737 - ENTRY - LCP Tan, SGT Kohl
0738 - CONVERSATION - Archived/SGT Miller - Local ID 0134718-001, Comment: HOTO
0749 - EXIT - CPL Sakai, SGT Miller
0809 - ENTRY - ADM Kanda
0812 - ENTRY - CDRE von Zeppelin
0813:0821 - CONVERSATION - Expunged/CDRE von Zeppelin - Reason: Personal
0831:0848 - CONVERSATION - Archived/ADM Kanda - Local ID 0134718-002, Comment: Patrol Auth
0855 - BROADCAST/ADM Kanda - Fleet Patrol Authorization
0911 - ENTRY - CAPT Ketmanee
0913 - EXIT - LCP Tan, SGT Kohl
0914:0955 - CONVERSATION - Expunged/ADM Kanda - Reason: Personal
0930 - ENTRY - CDRE Muryoutou
0934 - EXIT - CDRE Muryoutou
0957 - EXIT - CAPT Ketmanee, CDRE von Zeppelin
0958 - ENTRY - LCP Tan, SGT Kohl
1000 END LOG 0134718


23 May
4th Fleet HQ
Fleet Activities Comberth Harbor

Admiral Kanda Shiki stares at the frozen holographic map in front of him. In all his years as a serving naval officer, and as Commander 4th Fleet, he has never seen something as ridiculous as this. An invasion fleet, jumping in from multiple systems, entering the Egon system with a screening arrival. Almost as if it had deliberately broken itself up to avoid detection during transit.

Captain Mulia Ketmanee, the Siam-Astra scion, leans on one of the office tables as he types on his datapad. "That's a big fleet. No destroyers, though." His tanned fingers pause their typing for a moment to adjust the holographic projection. "Not that it matters, with what they're packing. If we take too long to respond, House Sumeragi will."

"Or House Fenghuang." Commodore Hildegarde von Zeppelin, Kanda's Eisenwalder adjutant, regards the map with detached interest as she paces around the room, her long white hair gently swishing behind her greatcoat. "Perhaps one of those snakes has finally made their move?"

The door chimes. Mulia reaches behind him with his free hand and hits a button, disabling the lock on the office door.

"Drop formalities, priority order. Top secret." Kanda pushes aside the datapad on his table as a voluptuous redhead enters his office, her silver and gold commodore's aiguillette glinting in the office's bright lighting. Commodore Muryoutou Himeno's light expression immediately vanishes upon hearing Kanda's words, the 4th fleet's ace turning to look at the holo-map as she walks into the room. "We just got this from the Egon system- so you can assume this data is already one day out of date. Arkbird, rewind."

The jump point begins filling with jump wakes again. First, light cruisers. (Of course they're light cruisers, no bloody merchant convoy would have the discipline to jump in such tight formation.) Then, heavy cruisers. (Definitely not a merchant convoy now.) Then battlecruisers and finally a battleship, all from different directions. Kanda and Mulia stare at the map, as if trying to will the fleet out of existence with their eyes. Hildegarde merely adjusts her hair and continues her pacing.

"Oh, you will certainly owe me a drink for this." Himeno slowly begins massaging her forehead with her right hand as she stares intently at holomap. "Admiral, your orders?"

"The Brutus, Sparta, Avalanche and Angelwing were getting ready to head out for patrol, so I'm temporarily reassigning them to your command. The Hyperion will take too long to get there, so take your crew with you to Anea and sortie with the Hyperion-A instead. Take this task force to Egon as soon as humanly possible and monitor what the hell that mystery fleet is doing. If you can head them off, do so by all means. Send back regular reports, daily intervals. From composition alone it looks like Princess Yui Akasha's 13th Fleet, but I need to know what I'm seeing."

"Aye sir," Himeno nods, typing rapidly into her datapad. "Anything else?"

"We'll bounce you mission updates as more information becomes available. You're free to commandeer any nearby patrols if necessary, but if our uninvited guests start shooting I want you to get as many ships out there intact as possible and raise the alarm."

"Understood. Is that all?" Himeno's fingers finally stop their typing as she lowers the datapad.

"Yes. Don't take any unnecessary risks and stay alive. We'll uncork the Sauterne when you get back," Kanda nods.

"Will do." And with that, the fiery woman is gone, her vermillion capelet swishing as the doors slam shut behind her.

"That's another ship out of dock. Aren't you afraid they'll find out?" The Siam-Astra scion lazily directs the question towards the Admiral, as he begins falsifying maintenance records for the battlecruiser. "According to our records, the actual Hyperion has been in dock for a month. If we sortie her now-"

"You told her to rush to Egon. Anybody with two brain cells to rub together will notice if they're paying attention." Commodore Hildegarde von Zeppelin interrupts Mulia, waving her hand at the holographic representation of the station's VI: a little white-haired girl in a white and black outfit, riding a colored cube. "Arkbird, strategic map. Imperial-Sumeragi border up to Comberth. Simulate the Hyperion's trip. Maximum speed. Do the same for the Hyperion-A."

"Yes, Commodore," the VI chirps. A holographic representation of Imperial, Sumeragi and Ho'ou territories slowly forms above a projection dish on the floor, systems fading into being as the map pans out from Comberth Harbor. A blue line extends out from Comberth towards Egon, stopping to rest at jump points as a chronometer begins counting up. A second red line, far faster, simply blitzes its way through Sumeragi territory, making only brief stops to recharge its drives.

"Estimate accurate to 5% error margin," the simulated voice chirps, the tiny girl avatar directing a pointer towards the chronometer.

"ETA 1st June. Two days faster, huh." Kanda mutters, staring at the hologram. "We'll naturally be setting off several red flags. Mulia, can you do anything about this?"

"Sure. But I don't know if they'll buy that we managed to crash-overhaul her jump drives." Mulia nods, typing into his personal datapad.

"If I were you, I'd get the Hyperion spaceworthy and send it to Anea to complete its maintenance cycle. Whoever's responsible for that fleet arriving in Egon would want to know how we got a battlecruiser over there so fast." The white-haired Eisenwalder chips in, staring intensely at the holographic representation of the Egon system and folding her hands over her chest. "There is the possibility that we're looking at AVALANCHE EXIT-"

"No. AVALANCHE EXIT is impossible. Not for another six months, at least. It's Princess Yui making a move."

"If you're right about who it is, we probably can't kick them out. So what will you do, o conquering hero?"

"There is definitely a good chance that TOTAL ECLIPSE may be imminent or has occurred. Even if it hasn't, the arrival of such a large fleet may provoke SHATTERED SKIES." The Admiral steeples his hands in front of his face as he leans forward into the table, the bright lighting of the office somewhat diminishing the dramatic effect of the action. "This, of course, depends on if Sumeragi detects the fleet movement. As of now, we have received no prior warning, nor have there been any rumors of such a large scale deployment. I'm hoping that Himeno can head this off before we end up with JUDGEMENT BY DAWN, although this assumes TOTAL ECLIPSE has not already begun."

"Ever the optimist." Zeppelin lowers her right arm and draws out her datapad. "So, what if it has begun? Will you pull the trigger, then? Assuming scenario FLORID SAKURA doesn't happen, we certainly would be able to eliminate her, the strategic situation afterwards notwithstanding."

"TOTAL ECLIPSE is unlikely to happen giv-" Kanda opens his mouth to speak, but gets cut off by Zeppelin. "And what if she's managed to convince the girl? It's not that hard."

"Unlikely. Akagi's at Jinko-sei. The odds of JUDGEMENT BY DAWN occurring from SHATTERED SKIES firing should TOTAL ECLIPSE have happened are close to 100%. Given that we've seen no Sumeragi fleet movements, I'll give it good odds that we're looking at an isolated incident."

"Fair point, but you'll need to wait for Commodore Muryoutou to return to be proven correct. None of this changes the fact that five capital ships just jumped into the Egon system."

"Alright. Then if we are in TOTAL ECLIPSE, what's our current status on implementing the op plan?" The admiral leans back on his chair and folds his arms. "Mulia?"

"Current active duty and auxiliary forces put us at approximately 140% strength, most of which can be relied on. Ramping up to full strength would take us several months and put us at 170%, with a maximum probable combined infiltration percentage of 15%. This number will decrease in practice, however. " The tanned Imperial replies, his fingers darting around a holographic keyboard. "Bringing up strategic map now. Arkbird. Simulate TOTAL ECLIPSE. Eden Star luminosity at 100%."

"Authorization confirmed." The VI intones, wiping the travel simulation from the map. Icons representing active navy patrols and the known positions of other fleets wink into existence, with a particularly large red blob representing Yui's fleet hovering maliciously over Egon. "Running prediction engine. Please hold."

The three watch in silence as icons begin emerging from Comberth and St. Hewlett, heading to their muster points. Two particularly large blue blobs spontaneously form from the active patrol squadrons, before pushing Yui's fleet off Egon. More fleets and task forces gather, engaging stray 13th Fleet elements and fighting off a series of attacks along the Sumeragi border. Eventually, the simulation freezes, leaving two massive warfleets staring each other down at the Sumeragi-Imperial border with Sumeragi elements still attempting to muster. "Four weeks." Kanda supports his chin with his fist, elbow braced against the armrest. "We could be in hell in two months."

"Or we could be dead. Should we activate LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER? You seem to be confident that we aren't looking at GUARDED OASIS." Hildegarde idly adjusts her greatcoat as she paces around the holographic projection. "Suppose it happens- Arkbird. Simulate GUARDED OASIS. Moderate severity. Skip to current time."

The icons reshuffle. The 13th Fleet penetrates a fair distance into Sumeragi territory, as a single cruiser task force desperately attempts to hold Comberth from a heavy cruiser force led by a Ho'ou battleship. Kanda watches with mild interest, his right brow raising a little as the map finishes rearranging itself.

"Do you see that, Kanda? If she wanted us dead, the only thing between us and your dear Taihou's claws is that sword of light that Ketmanee has built," Hildegarde hisses as she brings her right palm down on the Admiral's desk.

"Yes, but - Arkbird, end simulation - that's not possible." Kanda waves his left hand, as if chasing away an imaginary fly. "She's not insane enough to throw the entirety of her military strength at us. House Eisenwald exists and so do the other fleets."

"And how many of them are loyal to the throne? We've been preparing ever since the Empress died, Shiki. We cannot afford to be caught off guard." Zeppelin's hands grip the surface of the plasteel table as she leans in.

"I know that woman as well as I know you, Hildegarde." The Admiral draws himself up to his full height, easily matching the relatively tall Eisenwalder woman. "Sumeragi might be a problem for the throne, but Taihou won't be the one to force LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER. I understand your concern, but we cannot afford to waste our limited energy jumping at ghosts. "

"He's right, you know." Mulia rubs his chin. "Frankly, we can't afford to fight more than one Great House or navy fleet at once. Not with our current strength. We're almost guaranteed to defeat even the 13th Fleet, but anything beyond that is wishful thinking. Excalibur's powerful, but I don't think we want to put too much faith in a prototype."

"No doubt what we're looking at is highly irregular, but an actual mass invasion would have hit multiple systems at once. Yui has access to the capital's records, she would have hit the garrison ports first."

Hildegarde gives Kanda a skeptical look. "Or she's capturing Egon to use as a staging system for her attack."

"Why Egon? Capturing a system equidistant between Sumeragi and Fenghuang space just triggers them both to attack you. It'd make more sense to use a system in Takama-ga-Hara for that." Kanda shakes his head. "We're just jumping at ghosts right now. We'll wait for Himeno to report back first. This is final. Return to your duties. Dismissed."

"By your will." Zeppelin straightens her back, adjusting her greatcoat as she does so. "Before I depart, I will ask you again, sir. How will you respond to AVALANCE EXIT?"

"You are dismissed, Commmodore."


Kanda sits back into his chair, leaning as far back as it will allow, closing his eyes as his officers leave.

The Empire is in chaos. The death of the Empress has left the Empire wanting for strong leadership, strong leadership that her coddled child and her questionably loyal regency council cannot provide. The civil service plods along through sheer inertia, desperate to retain some sense of normalcy, either oblivious to - or deliberately ignoring - the increasingly unstable political situation.

Yet where some see danger, others see opportunity. The decentralization of power and the constant weakening of the once-mighty Imperial Navy has left the Empire teetering on the edge of chaos. Already the flames of rebellion smoulder, throwing smoke on the wall for those in the know to see. With those fleets loyal to the Throne stretched to their limits, relying on local forces and mercenaries to carry out even simple anti-piracy patrols, great power could be had...

...and all one had to do was light the spark and seize their own pretty kingdom for themselves, as the Empire collapses into infighting.

"Arkbird, expunge conversational log. Article 5701. Personal conversation."

"Of course, Admiral. Expunging."
25 May: A Man and his Newsfeed

Login: SAC/bluejay17
Password: **********

Welcome home Ajay

Loading your newsfeed for 28th May ...

-/- Collapse

Imperial Senate votes in favour of improving local militia training and equipment

Sector defence forces are to be allowed to purchase navy assets directly, Senate declares.

It added that warships of the Imperial Navy such as the Natsumi class destroyer escorts and Beluran-class light cruisers would be among those cleared for purchase.

According to Senator Alexis Talos, "combating the long standing increase in piracy across Imperial space is vital in ensuring a safe and prosperous future for the Empire."

Public watchdogs have protested the declaration, warning that further deregulation of weapon sales would make it easier for pirates to acquire military grade equipment.

This decision comes after the Senate had previously voted to amend the Outreach Charter on Mercenary Employment to create provisions for local governments, permitting them to empower private security companies under their employment to exceed limits on warships operated by paramilitary forces.

-/- Collapse

SA-Caledfwlch revenue jumps 40 percent amidst high demand for military refit

Amidst increasing intensity of pirate raids, SA-Caledfwlch reports increase in demand for refurbished system defence craft.

Though demand for system defence craft has risen steadily over these past few years, the recent spike in pirate activity has resulted in higher than expected demand for SA-Caledfwlch's services throughout the sector.

To cope with the increase demand for refurbished naval designs SA-Caledfwlch is constructing new docks and facilities in the Vaizen system, SA-Caledfwlch spokesperson Rena Ziess added.

Analysts are bullish on SA-Caledfwlch's future earnings, especially with the recent amendments to the Outreach Charter on Mercenary Employment and the loosening of class and tonnage restrictions on system defense forces.

-/- Expand

Hit holovid series Aces at War season 8 draws to a close with a confusing final episode

-/- Expand

New Vegas Cola recalled due higher than expected Rad count

-/- Expand

Auditing firm SAPG denies allegations of overvaluation of Yeron stocks

-/- Expand

Lower than expected yield in resource extracting operations around Sistema dampens growth expectations for region

-/- Expand

Rising insurance cost forces smaller trade groups to enact cost cutting measures

-/- Collapse

Imperial Navy looking into increase in pirate activities around Asaga region

Local militia overwhelmed by pirate attack, say freighter captains.

Striking without warning, the warships of the pirate fleet Harley's Marauders struck the world of Kystein and, despite the best efforts of the Kystein SDF, made away with trade goods valued at over 50 million crowns on the 25th of May.

This marks the third time this month that the Asaga region has been hit by such massive pirate attacks.

Despite increased Imperial Naval presence in the region, pirate activities have continued to rise with many trade convoys bypassing the sector for fear of piracy.

In a press statement, Kystein Senator Shima Sanchez lambasted the lackluster response from the Imperial Navy in the region, citing heavy civilian casualties from the pirate raids - joining fellow Senators from Kenzhing and Kunlon who were hit earlier this month by the same pirate fleet in protesting "a concerning lack of commitment to the continued safety of Imperial territories".

"This escalation in pirate attacks," concluded Senator Sanchez, who declined any questions from the press, "demonstrates plainly for all to see the necessity of empowering local defence forces."

-/- Expand

Silent Killer: 7 Reasons why SA-Eisenwald's latest destroyer will be the ultimate game changer in naval engagement

-/- Expand

Lady Akagi Sumeragi's new bikini line! Hot or Thot?

-/- Collapse

SA-Sumeragi posts higher than expected profit amidst economic uncertainty

Earnings driven by Hibiscus Energy, says analyst.

Amidst recent economic uncertainty, SA-Sumeragi posted higher than expected earnings thanks to their subsidiary Hibiscus Energy's Ultra Compact E-Battery, their first foray into the energy commodities market.

Some market analysts have gone so far as to say that the entrance of SA-Sumeragi into the energy commodities market has "turned the industry on its head. Hibiscus Energy offers a better product at a lower price point that their competition. This combination is simply unbeatable."

However, others are skeptical of SA-Sumeragi's ability to sustain growth into next year, citing a shrinking market for high power capacitors in the region and Hibiscus Energy's plan to open additional production lines throughout the sector.

SA-Sumeragi and Hibiscus Energy representatives were not available for comment at press time.



End of newsfeed

End Session Y/N?


Logging out. Goodbye.

Breakfast with Uncle Johnny
[X] Plan Reliable Big Sister
-[X] Encouraging. She's making good progress, keep at it!
-[X] Involved. You'll effectively be Ahri's surrogate parent, directly overseeing her education and life. You're giving up a good amount of independence, anchoring yourself to nurture Ahri.

Being completely honest, you don't really want to stay in the Palace. You've got your own house in a very nice suburb of the Capital, perfectly sized for the entertaining obligations of a flag officer, while being your personal space, your oasis of calm and peace in the universe (well, when Konnie isn't staying over after visiting you for drinks). You've worked hard to get to where you are - true, you've had help up the ladder from your father and uncle, but you still pulled your own weight. You don't want to give that up to play babysitter, to be tied down in Huangshan Palace.

But then, life isn't about what you want. Six little words echo in your mind: For the good of the Empire. Ultimately, you're just one of many Admirals in the Navy. The Empire is better served by you being at the Empress' side, teaching her, mentoring her, making her fit to rule, so that she may serve under Heaven Above, that there may be no doubt that she possesses the Mandate of Heaven. Taking emotion out of the question, this is the best option.

And then you return emotion to the question and your heart feels like it's going to break. You've never seen Ahri so sad, so lonely, so hurting. Last night you kissed away her tears and held her in your arms while she was in the midst of her nightmare. No, you think to yourself sadly, there's no way you could leave her alone. Not as she is now. You're going to stay by Ahri and take care of her and be a stabilising presence in her life.

Not just because it's the duty of Princess Yui to Empress Meigyoko. It's because you're her big sister, and big sisters take care of their little sisters.

Still. There's no way you can do this on your own. You'll have to pull in help from your extended family on-planet: your mother, your grandparents. And your uncle. And you'll just keep your father in the loop, so that he doesn't feel left out, out on the Salsu Frontier.

There's nothing at your house that you can't really live without: if nothing else, twelve years in the Navy have taught you how to pack and travel light, and anyway your father, as the late Empress' brother, was accorded apartments in the Imperial Palace: you've got your own rooms there, so you can always pop over if you need more things. Although, you muse to yourself, you'll probably end up moving into the Empress' apartments - Ahri will want you to be near her, and you want to be able to keep a close eye on her.

Still. If you have to cage yourself for the good of the Empire, and your Empress, at least it's a nice, luxurious cage. You console yourself with the thought that you're not hanging up your uniform for good - you're just transferring your commission to the reserves for now, this isn't permanent, you will still have your Navy career to return to. You have the rest of your life to serve - you can give Ahri two years of your time.

- 女王之天命 -

"Let me get this straight," says Uncle Johnny, very deliberately. "You want me to come to the palace at 0700 in civvies to have an informal breakfast meeting with the Empress in her private apartments, bypassing the First Star Lord, who really should be the person advising the Empress on naval matters. Then, you want me to cook you breakfast. You do realise where you're staying, right? The Imperial Palace? Super atas kitchens, super power chefs, people who've got more cooking power than me. And you want me to cook you breakfast. Me, Commander Fleet Operations. Third in command of the Navy. A five star Admiral. Your boss."

"Nobody makes your special peanut butter honey toast like you do, Uncle Johnny."

The phone is silent for several moments, and then he sighs and simply says, "Oh, alright. For you, ah girl." You imagine you hear a defeated tone in his voice, and cherish your brief moment of victory over your uncle.

"Just to be clear," you add, "this isn't an official summons from Her Majesty the Empress for Commander Fleet Operations. It's just an unofficial visit, between Yonatan Chew, calling upon Princess Yui of Akasha, in their mutual capacity as private citizens. If Her Majesty chose to drop in unannounced and insert herself into our meeting, well, that would hardly be your fault, or mine."

"Yes, and Princess Yui just so happens to be staying at the Imperial Palace where Her Majesty could drop in unannounced. You nobles and your fig leaves. How long do you think that excuse will last?"

"It doesn't have to last forever, just long enough."

"When all of this blows up in your face I reserve the right to tell you 'I told you so', understand? Actually better yet don't do things that blow up in your face, okay?"

"Okay, Uncle. So long as you're there."

"The things I do for you," he grumbles, but you can tell he doesn't really mean it. "Alright, I'll do it. See you tomorrow morning."

"Thanks, Uncle Johnny. I'll make the arrangements."

- 女王之天命 -

As you promised, you return to the Palace for tea with Ahri. She sits nervously on a sitting room couch, her tea and cakes unattended before her, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. You, meanwhile, review her homework and her notes, calmly sipping your tea.

Her nervousness is too obvious, you're going to have to add that to the never-ending list of things you need to fix with Ahri.

"Well," you say, and you smile encouragingly at her, "you're making good progress, compared to where you were before. I think you'll do quite well if you continue to work hard."

"I'm not a screwup?" she asks, half-disbelievingly, before correcting herself with a shaky laugh. "I mean, of course not. I'm the Empress, that's why!"

"Well. I wouldn't say you were a screwup," you say, ignoring the voice in your head that is going walau you damn jialat la, can be less blur can or not - shut up, Uncle Johnny. "You're untrained and you have gaps in your knowledge, but that's what I'm here for. If you give me your utmost effort, I'll give two years with me, so we can train you up, so that nobody will question your competence."

"Two years?" asks Ahri uncertainly, a hint of hope in her voice.

"I transferred my commission to the Reserves," you announce. "The paperwork will take a few weeks to work its way through the bureaucracy, but it's a done deal. I'll be a lot more involved, not just in your training, but in your everyday life, because, like I told you, I'm here for you. Unless you don't want me arou-"

You meant that as a joke, but Ahri's pathetically grateful expression stills you. She stands and comes to you and wraps her arms around you, and you hug her back.

- 女王之天命 -

"Walau eh nabei, I thought we were doing breakfast, not PT lor," says Uncle Johnny dryly, the next morning. You're standing with him in the small, efficient kitchen in the Empress' apartments, helping him prep his ingredients. "What la you this. You gonna 5BX after this, isit?"

"I did my 5BX already," you say, referring to the Navy's 5 Basic Exercises. "There's nothing wrong with being comfortable while cooking." You smile sweetly at him. "Rank hath its privileges."

"You nobles. Rules for you and not for me," snarks Uncle Johnny, waving his knife at you mock-seriously. "I'm still gonna point out the unfairness of this. I gotta come here wearing a suit, while you get to wear sweatpants and your dad's sweatshirt. So unfair la."

"Daddy's sweatshirt is comfy, and I didn't need to be picked up by IRG and driven here," you smile, as you pick up your own knife and start slicing. "But that new suit does look very dapper on you. You could surely find a wife with that suit," you tease.

Uncle Johnny just laughs, and turns away to check his list, but you can tell he's quite pleased. You continue working companiably, making light conversation. This is nice, you think. It's warm and comforting and happy and nostalgic. Cooking with Mummy and Uncle Johnny was one of the many highlights of your childhood; you hope by doing this you can give a little bit of that happiness to Ahri.

With prep done, you leave the cooking to Uncle Johnny and go to get changed. You yank the bedcovers off, rouse Ahri, and hop into the shower; minutes later you're out of the shower, towelling off, rousing Ahri again, quickly dressing in a cashmere sweater and slimfit designer jeans. You return to Ahri's bed for the third time and drag her half-awake self to the shower, tossing her in to clean herself.

You return to the kitchen, and Uncle Johnny looks up from his saucepan of scrambled eggs and nods approvingly at you. "Better, " he says. "See ah girl, you do know how to dress properly la, what la you this."

You stifle the instinctive urge to roll your eyes; you've seen him at home and at his house, cooking in t-shirt and shorts. Instead, you go and fetch the plates and cutlery, setting the kitchen table with three places. Uncle Johnny hums the Binging with Babushka theme as he pours half his scrambled eggs into another pan, quickly folding them in with slices of smoked salmon, scattering chives and shaved truffles into the other serving. You inhale the pleasant aromas and smile happily, looking forward to the most important meal of the day.

A set of thin, damp hands wrap themselves around your sides, and a body presses itself against your back and tails. "Good morning, onee-sama," coos Ahri. "That smells delicious."

"Thank you, Your Majesty is most kind," says Uncle Johnny, turning down the heat. He turns to face you and Ahri, and bows formally. "Good morning, Your Majesty. Yonatan Chew, at your service."

Ahri makes a surprised, strangled noise, and you look over her shoulder and- oh. Wait. What.

Why is Ahri hugging you from behind while naked?!
That's not good: with how thin she is, she'll give herself a chill.

"My apologies. Begging your Majesty's pardon, but I really must return to the task." He gestures to the saucepan. "I fear breakfast mighht be ruined without my utmost attention."

Ahri's face is so red, you could use her as an IR strobe. She steps out from behind you, and nods to Uncle Johnny. "You have my pardon," she says, and you note the tremulous note in her voice. "Please, carry on."

"Your Majesty is most kind, and your humble servant most grateful," murmurs Uncle Johnny, turning back to the stove. "If Your Majesty wishes, my jacket is available at your disposal."

"You have my thanks," says Ahri, seizing his suit jacket and covering herself as if it was a tactical shield. She backs out of the kitchen and then turns and flees back to her room. You raise an eyebrow at Uncle Johnny; he just sighs and shakes his head, and continues working on the scrambled eggs until he's satisfied, emptying the saucepans onto separate serving plates, depositing the now empty-pans in the sink. He looks slyly at you, immediately putting you on guard. You know that look. It's the look he uses when he's about to embarrass you with childhood memories. "I guess she doesn't need clothes because she is the Empress," he says.

Shit. That memory. You face him with your best butter-won't-melt-in-my-mouth expression. "I don't know what you're talking about," you reply blandly.

"Your fifth birthday. You walked out naked and declared to everybody that you didn't need clothes because you were the Empress and everyone should bow down to you. Remember?"

You give your uncle a flat look, which does nothing to quell his smug smirk. He winks cheekily at you. If you were a lesser being you would have dissolved by now, but you're an Imperial Princess, and so you desperately shore up your cool calm facade against the two-pronged attack of Uncle Johnny and your memories.

You most certainly do not make any distressed moans or embarrassed despairing whimpers.

Uncle Johnny starts frying bacon strips in a frying pan, dropping in slices of onions, mushrooms and tomatoes, adding a few dashes of salt and hot sauce. By the time Ahri returns to the kitchen, now dressed, he's plating the contents of the fry up, and wiping the frying pan with a piece of bread, placing it on his plate. "The oils are the good bit," he says; a little defensively, you think.

Ahri returns his jacket to you; you catch the faint scent of perfume on it. It's an unusual scent for Uncle Johnny: sophisticated, elegant, alluring, feminine. But his choice of perfume is a mystery for later: right now, breakfast needs your attention.

Ahri looks overwhelmed at the savory options on the table, but appears more receptive to the sweet options your godfather provides. She's a bit hesitant with his take on the traditional kaya and butter toast, but a lot more enthusiastic about his peanut butter honey toast. The mix of melted peanut butter and honey is as delicious and sticky as you remember, and you find yourself smiling happily with each bite you take. You make small talk throughout breakfast: you've mentioned Uncle Johnny to Ahri before, of course, but this is the first time she's actually really meeting him. She looks quite nonplussed at the thought that a commoner could end up being godfather to an Imperial Princess.

"I've known His Highness Prince Masatada for thirty years," explains your uncle, assembling an open topped sandwich with the breakfast items, dressing it with a spoonful of baked beans and a few dashes of salt. "We work hard, we play hard, we fight hard - that stuff makes a bond. We've been through a lot together."

That's underselling things a lot, you think. Daddy and Uncle Johnny are blooded admirals, with a chestful of medals and combat awards, starting with when they were newly-minted Ensigns in a boarding action on a hijacked freighter, and continuing throughout their careers as naval officers. They've seen combat up close and personal, which is more that can be said of many flag officers: there's a reason why Fleet Admiral Yonatan Chew is so popular amongst the rank and file.

Still, while you did want Ahri to socialise with Uncle Johnny, you also have a hidden agenda for breakfast: discussing the Naval Forces Realignment Act with Ahri and Uncle Johnny. When you raise the subject, Ahri looks askance at you; Uncle Johnny merely snorts and rolls his eyes at you.

"I don't understand," says Ahri, and so you stifle a sigh and continue with her education.

"The Naval Forces Realignment Act was the last piece of legislature that was waiting for the Empress' assent," you explain. "As a constitutional convention, the Empress does not withhold her assent, unless she has good cause, however, her Late Majesty ascended to Heaven Above before she could grant her assent. That's the first order of business the Regency Council will attend to."

Behind his mask of polite interest, you just know your uncle is thinking "why can't she just say "your mummy died" sia." You won't be fooled by his facade.

"But I'm the Empress! Shouldn't it be my assent they should seek?"

"You also haven't formally ascended to your throne," you remind Ahri. "The precedent is that the Regency Council will assume the executive and legislative powers of the Empress, until she reaches her majority and she is judged fit to rule." You're stretching the truth here slightly, they'd probably be fine with Ahri assuming her full powers to rule at 18 without any judging required, but you want to light a fire under her tails. "The Naval Forces Realignment Act is going to be one of the first topics of business. It might not directly involve you, but you need to know the precis."

"That, I assume, is why I'm here," says Uncle Johnny dryly. "Your Majesty, some forty percent of the Navy's hulls are in the Inactive Reserve. The Inactive Reserve Redistribution Act, passed three years ago, allows for for reactivating those hulls and releasing them to ducal forces. The Naval Forces Realignment Act expands the sale of those mothballed hulls, while also relaxing the class and tonnage restrictions on ducal forces. In a nutshell, Your Majesty, what this means is that ducal forces get to buy more ships and bigger ships, getting them at bargain prices because the source is the Inactive Reserve. Along with recent amendments to the Outreach Charter, it's part of a series of reforms aimed at improving the security situation in the Empire."

Ahri raises her hand, like the high school girl she is. "Inactive Reserve? Mothballs? I thought the Navy buys ships new?"

Uncle Johnny shakes his head. "Yes and no, Your Majesty. There's new construction that the Navy pays for every year, but that's mainly lighter ships, and it's just the bare minimum to keep institutional knowledge alive. When one is living in a centuries-long peace dividend, it doesn't seem necessary to have a large Navy - we're at peace, who do we need to fight? So the Senate chooses to fund social spending and decrease the Navy budget, two fifths of the Navy is put into mothballs, and we use ships until they're completely worn out, then we pull ships out from mothballs and reactivate them, because it's cheaper to reactivate ships in acceptable material condition than it is to buy new ships."

"And the more ships they buy from the Inactive Reserve, the less ships you'll have?"

"Precisely that, Your Majesty."

"Hmm. And what is your opinion on these reforms?"

Uncle Johnny gestures at you. "I'll invite Princess Yui to share her opinion, since she's the junior officer."

You acknowledge him with a nod, and turn to Ahri. "The stated rationale for the Act, and the reforms overall, is sound. It's a cheaper and faster way to improve the Empire's security situation. By increasing the strength of ducal forces, the Navy doesn't need to be strong everywhere; we can concentrate our strength and shift to nodal deployments in force, instead of penny packet detachments."

"Ducal forces?"

"Navy jargon, Your Majesty," explains Uncle Johnny. "The technical term is System Defense Force."

"I see?"

Ahri is adorable when she's confused. Your godfather can't help but be disarmed and feel indulgent toward her. (Plus, he's always liked teaching.)

"System Defense Forces are basically the system's little private navy. Household troops, you might say. The term ducal forces first came about because the first SDFs that were established were the Great Houses' forces, and then as more systems were settled and more ducal forces were established, the term stuck, even if the ruler of said system might be a Countess, or even a Baroness, as opposed to being a Duchess. That's related to why the Imperial Royal Guard isn't considered a component service of the Imperial Defense Forces: basically, Empress Hagoromo-no-Kaneo-no-Mikoto's personal guard expanded into Jinko-Sei's SDF, then a few centuries of politicking later the Imperial Capital SDF has basically become the Imperial Royal Guard. But I digress."

"Ahh," says Ahri, the light of understanding appearing in her eyes.

"To return to topic, this is why we have the junior officer share their opinions first, so that they're not pressured to follow the opinions of their superiors. I disagree completely with your royal cousin's opinion. I don't trust ducal forces to do their duty. I trust the Navy. I will bet you every crown I have that there are nobles selling off their allotment to the highest bidder." He shakes his head. "The reality is this: the only way to get a certain improvement in the security situation is to increase the Navy's strength."

You shake your head at him in turn. "Your bias is showing," you chide him. "The Navy doesn't have the funds to reactivate those ships anyway. This way, the ducal forces are paying for those ships: it saves the taxpayer money, stimulates the economy, strengthens security forces throughout the Empire, and we see an overall increase in active warships at no extra cost to the taxpayer's wallet or to the Navy's budget."

"You do realise that's a bug, not a feature." The Third Star Lord's voice is very dry. "You're giving more power to the nobles. If some two-bit noble gets too big for her skirts, you're going to have to put in more effort to sort her out. It's one thing to slap down a dozen corvettes, it's another thing to slap down a dozen cruisers. And quite frankly, in my experience ducal forces just don't have the same level of competence and professionalism that the Navy has. They're unreliable and I don't trust them."

"You're looking at this purely from the military perspective," you point out. "There's also the political considerations. The class and tonnage restrictions on ducal forces have been long-resented, and so long as we aren't in open war, selling the Senate on increasing the Navy's budget isn't going to happen. It's beneficial to reduce some of that resentment by turning unused hulls into political capital."

"Just because a war hasn't been declared doesn't mean there's no fighting," says Uncle Johnny seriously. "The fact that we've had blooded admirals, of whom von Toth is merely the latest to make a name for himself, says otherwise. And regardless of the political considerations, I will never agree to a course of action that encourages further military proliferation throughout the Empire. Plus, I can think of at least one area where building up the ducal forces will destabilise the situation further."


Uncle Johnny looks you dead in the eye. "Comberth."

"Comberth is the exception to the rule," you argue. "It's a buffer system sandwiched by Sumeragi and Hoou, it's not representative of the Empire."

"No? I've got a Navy fleet hanging there in the middle of two belligerent powers eyeing each other, itching for a fight, and the only reason they don't dare start anything is because they know if they start anything, the Navy will slap them down. Am I talking about Comberth? Or am I talking about Aurelia? Or Kalimantan? Or Senkaku? Or Iserlohn? Or-"

"Point taken," you say, making placating gestures at him. "I see your concerns, but I do believe the benefits outweigh the potential disadvantages."

Uncle Johnny looks like he wants to continue on, but then he exhales and shakes his head. "I can see where you're coming from, even if I whole-heartedly disagree. You're not feeling what I'm feeling because Kanda doesn't have your number. Even when I switch off my phone and bury it under my bed, I can still hear his voicemails demanding reinforcements, begging for more ships, threatening to resign if he doesn't get more support, paranoid that he's going to wake up to find Sumeragi and Hoou are burying the hatchet in each other. And he's not the only commander who's begging for support - he's just one of the lucky ones who has my private number." He eyes you suspiciously. "How did he get my personal number, anyway?"

You smile innocently at your uncle.

Ahri stares at the two of you in fascination. "Wow. I thought it was just, you give orders and the subordinates obey, because they're lower rank."

Uncle Johnny snorts. "Real life isn't quite like how the shows portray things, although there are more and more shows that do make a solid effort to get things right. The Navy can be surprisingly democratic at times, for all that it's an autocratic institution, Your Majesty. You need to strike a balance between considering the opinions of your subordinates and decisively deciding because you're in charge and the buck stops with you. A good leader is able to keep that balance. Your subordinates should always be able to share their opinions with you, with the understanding that once your decision has been made, it's time to execute. You can't afford to be bogged down relitigating past decisions."

Ahri nods thoughtfully at his words. You feel nostalgic, looking at her - you remember when it was you who was hanging off the Skipper's every word.

- 女王之天命 -

Ahri is in a thoughtful mood as the meal ends. She excuses herself from the table, places her dishes in the sink (you nod approvingly at her), and leaves to get started on her studying. You clear the table, as is your wont, and escort Uncle Johnny out.

"I'm gonna miss you, y'know," he says, standing at the door. You look at him askance.

"I'm still here."

"I meant at Admiralty House. But basically I think the Empress probably needs a trusted advisor to guide her more than I need another fleet commander. Better you than me. You obviously agree, otherwise you wouldn't have gone reservist."

"You needed Daddy out at Salsu," you shrug. "It had to be either him or me. It is what it is." You hug him, and plant a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for breakfast."

"We're family," he says simply. "I don't envy you, you've got your work cut out for you, trying to turn a teenaged girl into an empress." He shakes his head, as his mouth twists unhappily. "Now I see why you were being discrete. I guess professional help's off the table. I could see her ribs, Yui. Like, goddamn. She's way too thin."

You shrug helplessly, sadly. "It's why I reached out for advice."

"Oh, Yui." He pulls you into a hug, and you let your head rest on his shoulder, and for a brief moment it's like you're a little girl again. "You're doing the right thing, ok? Don't worry about the Navy, don't worry anything else, alright, you just do you, be the best tai ka jie, alright? Take care of that girl and raise her up well. You can do this."

"I don't know if I can," you whisper, giving voice to the doubts you've been suppressing.

"Oh,Yui," he says, and you feel his arms tighten around you. "You can do this. I believe in you; you believe in me. And you're not alone, you got your mom, my mum, your grandma, and you got me. Anything you need, you call me, okay? She's that hag's granddaughter, but she's your little sister and you're my niece, so that means she's also my niece as well. I will always have your back, just call me and I will come." He pauses, and then adds, "Well, factor in a thirty to sixty minute delay to clear the security checkpoints."

You chuckle weakly; Uncle Johnny pats you on the back and releases his hug. His smile is wry and comforting. "Nothing worth doing was ever easy. Besides, you're my niece. You're going to be fine, your cousin's going to be fine, you are not a trainwreck. I can imagine far, far worse caretakers than you."

"Thank you," you say, from the bottom of your heart, and you wrap your arms around your uncle and hug him back.

- 女王之天命 -
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Meetings, nothing more than Meetings
With breakfast taken care of, you sit down with Ahri and go over your plans for the next month. There's the mentoring you need to give her. Her education needs to get sorted out: you need to sit down with the tutors that Kitakami and Wattanasilp shortlisted for you. There's the question of where Ahri should focus her studies. And lastly, the matter of her wardrobe, because she really ought to be wearing a bit more than a short kimono for studying, even if it's a cute outfit. Ahri isn't very keen on that last point.

"It's a uniform, isn't it," says Ahri, shuddering. "Please no, onee-sama, I've had enough of uniforms."

"I threw away my school uniforms as well," you admit. "Even though Mummy told me to keep them, she said that she'd kept her old uniforms and they'd come in handy. I can't fathom why. But no, not school uniforms. Something different. Come, let's go to my room, I'll show you what I mean."

Ahri is a lot more receptive when she sees what you mean by "uniform," and enthusiastically joins you in changing outfits. When she's done, you're both dressed identically, in smart white button down blouses and black pencil skirts: a classic combination going back centuries, the approved dress code for workplaces throughout the Empire, even for students in the most prestigious universities of the capital.

You give Ahri a once over. Your clothes fit loosely on Ahri, and you make a note to arrange for properly tailored outfits to her - clothing cut to fit a curvaceous woman 169 centimeters tall won't fit a slender girl barely reaching 152. Ahri admires herself in the mirror, a bright smile on her face. You wrap your arms around her and bend down, resting your head on her head; she leans her body back into yours, nestling her head in your bust...

"I'm sorry to dampen your smile," you tell her, even as you smile indulgently, "but now we do need to get back to work. I find that a change of clothing can help to focus the subconscious mind. When you wear your normal clothes, there's a subconscious tendency to relax and take things easy-"

Ahri flinches guiltily.

"-but if you're dressed for work, then you can trick your subconscious mind into being in a working mindset. It's all about subconscious associations."

Ahri looks up at you dubiously, but acquiesces. She leads you to her office, and you get started on the first matter of business: going through the Empress' daily briefing boxes.

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The next few days pass by in a blur of purposeful activity. You meet with the shortlisted tutors, make your selections, and make it clear to them that while they are loyal imperial subjects who serve Her Majesty the Empress, when it comes to Ahri's education the buck stops with you. In loco parentis, as the ancient Romans said. You also privately make that point very clear to Ahri, who nods and promises her obedience to your instructions. And as far as you can see, over these last few days, she's making every effort to fulfill that promise.

You can't help but feel concerned about that. That's not normal: teenage rebellion doesn't suddenly just vanish. You confide as much to your mother when you meet her for lunch at her townhouse on Saturday, leaving Ahri to spend the afternoon having her new wardrobe tailored. Ahri was a little disappointed that you weren't going to be with her, but she put on a brave face and asked you to give her regards to Aunty Natasha. The memory of her forlorn expression, when she thought you weren't looking, twists your heart.

"I don't know, Sayang," says Princess Natasha, settling herself on the living room couch, folding her long legs under herself. "You were very obedient as a teenager, you didn't really give me any trouble at all."

"I started smoking," you protest, as you lay the tray on the coffee table. You pour the jug of sweet kicai ping into a pair of well-worn glasses, and you serve your mother before you take your usual place at the opposite side of the couch.

Your mother gives you a flat look. "You coughed out your lungs from the first cigarette, came to me and tearfully confessed your sins, begged for forgiveness and promised you wouldn't smoke again. Sayang, please. Most girls would be happy their mother is remembering the good things and overlooking the bad. You're so much better than you give yourself credit for."

You shyly blush and avert your eyes. You might be coming up on your thirties, but you don't think you'll ever stop feeling like Mummy's little girl.

"Anyway. Perhaps Her Majesty's behaving a little irregularly, but you shouldn't go looking for trouble, it'll find you without your own help. She's being obedient - make use of that. It's so much easier to invest in someone when they're listening to you." Mummy's lips twist a little. "I've been on the other side of that, I should know."

You're not sure your mother's holodrama-esque estrangement and later reconciliation with your grandmother is quite the same relationship paradigm, but you obediently nod and continue listening, because she's your mother and you love and adore her.

"Bear with me, Mummy, I just want to go over what I need to work on with Ahri," you say, ticking off the items on your fingers, a habit you picked up as Admiral Chew's Flag Lieutenant. "First, education - she's taking the throne in two years, so I'm concentrating on having her tutored in rulership rather than academics: Political Etiquette, Constitutional Law, Crisis Management, Governance. Second, social interaction. She's all alone in the Palace and she's not interacting with anybody beyond the net and social media. So I need to have her practice in a controlled environment. Third, physical health. She's not eating properly, she's frail and she's physically unfit, so it's a matter of getting her to eat better and exercise more. Fourth, mental health." You look at your mother helplessly. "I don't know what to do, and I can't just bring in a shrink to talk to her and maybe make things worse."

Your mother looks at you for a moment, then sets her drink down and pats her side. "Come here, Sayang."

"Mummy, I'm almost thirty."

"Come here."

You obediently scoot over and sit beside your mother, who twists both of your bodies around until you're lying against her, your head tucked under hers, her arms and tails wrapped gently around you. She kisses your head and just stays quiet, placing an elegant finger to your lips to quiet you. You lie against her in the silence, listening, just being with Mummy. Eventually, she speaks.

"I was terrified, you know," she says softly. "I mean, there I was, barely twenty, midway through university, it was supposed to be just fun, a holiday fling with a pretty boy and then I'd go back to my life and work to take over Mama's company. And then there I was, pregnant, thrust into a marriage with that same pretty boy, dipping my feet into the snakepit of the Imperial Family's politics. And then I saw you in the ultrasound and I was terrified. I'm not terribly clever, I hadn't been making the best of decisions, I was on the outs with Mama, I'd ended up marrying a prince who was out playing sailor, and now I have a baby inside me? A baby I have to take care of? I can't even take care of myself, how am I supposed to take care of a baby?!"

"And then I was born and you held me in your arms and things got better?" you ask.

Mummy calmly pinches both your cheeks. "Don't interrupt me, Sayang."

"Sorry Mummy."

"Things didn't magically get better," Mummy continues. "I've made my own share of mistakes raising you, as Mama did with me. But you turned out wonderfully. What I'm trying to say here is that you're overthinking things. You just need to make sure that everything you do, you do it out of love. That's how you raise children. They're remarkably resilient. I found you calmed down a lot once I became calmer, more relaxed, less stressed about whether I was being the perfect mother. It's perfectly normal to be afraid, but you can't let your fear control you. You need to be able to be chill."

"I'm a naval officer, Mummy," you say quietly, your hands stroking her tails. "I know how to command a warship, to lead spacers into combat. I don't know how to be a mom."

Mummy laughs and strokes your ears. "Sayang, I was a university dropout, I didn't know how to be a mom! You make it up as you go along. You learn from your mistakes. You need to relax more. Be chill, and it'll work out. You're worrying too much. That's how you are, you're a very responsible and diligent girl and I've always loved that about you. "

"Not because I was the cutest baby ever?"

Mummy theatrically mock-sighs and pinches your cheeks again. "I love Johnny so much, but it was a mistake exposing you to his nonsense. Here I am, trying to have a heavy heart to heart talk with my daughter, and she keeps deflecting with cheekiness. This deserves judgement."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes. You're modeling for me!" cackles Mummy.

"Oh no," you giggle. "Is this for work or for pleasure?"

"Pleasure, always. That way, I don't need to pay you."

"Mummy!" you exclaim, mock-indignantly. Mummy just laughs, the most wonderful sound in the world.

The former Tengku Natasha Sumire Perak-Kobuin has always loved photography; you suspect that if she wasn't meant to inherit your grandmother's fashion empire, she would have pursued a career as a fashion photographer. Playing dress up and modeling for Mummy has been something you've both done forever. You don't quite have Mummy's love of clothes, but you can recognise her exquisite taste. You might not really care as much about the latest fashions as does your mother, but you still feel the same little thrill you get every time you model a new dress for her. You're pretty enough, but when Mummy's in her photography mode, she has a way of making you feel even prettier than you already are.

You spend an enjoyable afternoon with her, modeling different dresses, new swimsuits, exercise wear - "Sayang you can't just be hiding your beauty behind those dreadful PT clothes, you need something chic and sexy," insists Mummy. You decide not to remind her that she's wearing one of Daddy's sweatshirts.

At the end of your visit, you part with hugs, kisses, and a few shopping bags of clothes - "You look so pretty in them Sayang, it'd be a waste, you should take these outfits back with you" - and Mummy's promise to help you. She'll speak to your grandmother about hosting a cocktail party, which you'll use to get Ahri more used to social interaction outside the palace, and expose her to alcohol in a controlled setting. You're looking forward to that event; you always enjoy spending time with your grandparents, Nenek's chef is excellent, and Atuk makes the most delicious cocktails.

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Returning to the palace, Ahri is happy to see you, and excitedly shows off her new working clothes. Her newly-tailored skirt-suit suits her, and makes her look more mature and professional, which is the image you want her to portray. You make sure to express your approval of her new look, and Ahri's joy runneth over.

Moving forward, you're going to have to make sure to wean Ahri off that dependency on you; as Empress, she needs to be her own woman. Although, a little voice whispers in your mind, life would be a lot easier if Ahridid what you told her to do...

You spend your Sunday pleasantly enough with Ahri; you allow her to sleep in and have brunch in bed, and then you spend the afternoon in the Empress' private swimming pool. The journey to improve Ahri's physical fitness begins with the first dynamic stretch; you'd originally wanted her to do 5BX and the Individual Physical Proficiency Test, but given Ahri's utter lack of physical fitness… yes, far better to spend the afternoon swimming, instead of putting her through the IPPT, which she'll certainly fail. Swimming is the best exercise because it doesn't feel like exercise, because it's relaxing and enjoyable. When you finally call it quits, Ahri is exhausted but happy, and is very interested in your swimsuit - it's a rather fetching black and red three-piece ensemble, one of the items you modeled for Mummy yesterday. You promise Ahri that you'll ask Mummy for one in Ahri's size. Mummy will be quite pleased at the thought that the Empress likes one of her swimsuits. Ahri did seem a little preoccupied with how easily it could fall off, though. Perhaps a maillot might work better for her instead?

A voice in your head grumbles about how Sunday was not very productive, but it's a weekend off, it doesn't need to be productive. You tell that voice to sod off and go fly a kite, you're a reservist now! You can spend the afternoon goofing off with your little sister if you want; you'll just work her extra hard during the work week.

- 女王之天命 -

When you wake up on Monday morning, you reflect on several things: as roommates go, Ahri is one of the easiest you've had to live with. You don't envision any issues arising in the next two years of cohabitation. You've unpacked your things and moved into the Empress' apartments, but your room's probably going to be serving as a glorified boudoir for now, with how needy and clingy Ahri is at night. And you strangely feel more refreshed today.

It takes you a moment before you realise that last night was the first night that Ahri's nightmares didn't wake you. You hope that means that she didn't experience any nightmares last night, and not that you've slept right through them.

You rouse Ahri, who seems less lethargic than usual today; you wash each other in the shower, have breakfast together, and go through the daily briefing boxes, as is becoming your custom. Once that's done, you send Ahri off for tutoring, change into a power suit, and head on to the Regency Council meeting. On your way to the meeting, you glance at the calendar. It's been eleven days since you left Daniel and Konnie behind in Egon. You weren't expecting them back yet. Indeed, you anticipated they might need two to four weeks in-system, but you ought to have received a preliminary report by now.

You consider the matter. It's not yet a time for concern, you decide. Not yet. No communication may well mean nothing to report. Konnie's a big girl, she can take care of herself - well, when she's running a fleet and not enjoying weekend liberty. At least your experiences as her roommate have prepared you for managing Ahri. It's so much easier to carry a sleepy Ahri to the shower than it is to drag Konnie's drunk derriere into the showers and sober her up so she can do her rounds. No, you're going to trust your people and give them space to operate.

Still. It's the 4th of June today. You'll give it another week, until the 15th; if you haven't gotten any news by then, 21 days since your departure, you'll have a chat with Major Nakahara and persuade the IRG to release a couple of ships to do a recce.

As you told Ahri, the Regency Council's first order of business is to give assent to the Naval Forces Realignment Act. This passes smoothly, almost pro forma: it's convention that the Empress doesn't withhold her assent, and the Regency Council follows that cue. But that's the only issue today where there's consensus.

By precedent and convention, during the period of her Regency, the Regency Council assumes the Empress's legislative power to make law and Her executive power to govern. Given the various child-Empresses throughout the history of the Golden Orchid Empire, this is mere practicality: you can't let the Imperial legislature grind to a halt for decades. Nor can the executive be paralysed and abandon the governing of the Empire.

However, Lord Stefan von Stauffenberg, the Imperial Chancellor, Imperial Regent, and President of the Regency Council, has a different idea on how things ought to proceed. "My Lords and Ladies," he says, "Her Majesty is sixteen years of age. She will be reaching Her majority in two scant years, and will ascend to Her throne at that time. I see no reason for this to be a period of great upheaval and uncertainty - stability should be our aim. To that regard, I would propose that this Council would voluntarily limit itself in the exercise of Her Majesty's powers on Her behalf."

The pushback is immediate, in the form of the Speaker of the Imperial Senate, Dagmar Marzbanzadeh, Baroness Entilibon. "Respectfully, I must disagree with the Lord Chancellor," she says. "As the Regency Council, we wield the Empress' powers in Her stead. It is necessary for this council to retain the full powers of Her Majesty - we can hardly govern in Her stead if this council's powers are restricted."

"Lady Speaker, the Lord Chancellor is not suggesting that this council's powers be restricted, rather that their exercise be restrained. It is a subtle, but significant distinction," interjects the Lord Chief Justice.

"Lord Chief Justice, my disagreement still holds. This council's power cannot be restricted nor restrained, lest it be unable to act in accordance to future developments. We cannot govern decisively if we tiptoe about, shying away from the exercise of power that has been rightfully devolved to this august council."

"Lady Speaker, there is much to be said for stability," offers Lady Akagi Sumeragi. "Consumer confidence always falls during a time of political uncertainty - any laws passed, any edicts proclaimed in this time, will not have the same surety of laws passed once the Empress has ascended. It is Her Majesty's divine right to review all laws and actions taken in Her name during the period of Her Regency, and Her Majesty Empress Meigyoku is, to speak frankly, a political unknown. This council has seen how unpredictably she may act, with her earlier intent to appoint an Imperial Vicereine."

The arguing continues from then on; you say little, preferring to observe the proceedings. You note that the Lord Protector of the Realm, Grand Marshal Richard D.B. Castleman, Earl of Hughsport, and the Commanding General of the Imperial Royal Guard, General Tarisa Manandal, Baroness Alkahest, likewise choose to remain silently observant. You catch their eyes, and an unspoken sentiment passes between the three of you: Civilians!

Having had enough of the debate, the Chancellor, as Regent and President of the Regency Council, puts the matter to a vote, as to whether the Regency Council should practice restraint in the exercise of its powers. The results are interesting. The Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice, Lady Akagi Sumeragi, and Lady Kaga Fenghuang vote Yea. The Speaker of the Imperial Senate, Lady Jeanne-Marie Claire de Peyrac-Beausoli, Lord Klaus Markus von Eisenwald, and Lady Taihou Hoou vote Nay. The Lord Protector and the Commanding General abstain from the vote.

The deadlock leaves you as the swing vote. You consider the options:

Your knee-jerk reaction is to vote Unrestrained, simply because Sumeragi is supporting the Restraint camp. On the other hand, the points the Chancellor and Lady Akagi brought up are valid - keeping to the status quo reduces political uncertainty, which is good for the economy and the Empire overall.

The Speaker of the Imperial Senate also has a valid point, in that the Empress's powers were rightfully assumed by the Regency Council - if the council couldn't be trusted to judiciously wield the Empress's powers, it would never have been allowed to assume them. Being free to actively use the machinery of the Civil Service and the Senate is a benefit, and Ahri will most likely listen to your advice on legislation and governance executed prior to her ascension; you can probably keep her from undoing all of the laws enacted in her Regency, perhaps?

There's also a third option available to you: you could follow the lead of the military leaders, and Abstain from the vote. This would let you send a message, although you can't be completely sure that the message you're sending will be perceived as per your intent. Abstaining also means that you're indirectly giving the vote to the Restraint option: it is a convention that when a deadlock occurs on the Regency Council, the Regent gains an extra vote to break the deadlock. This power is only for breaking the deadlock, he cannot use it to cause the deadlock. Some might consider this as a way for you to have your cake and eat it.

Decisions, decisions. How will you vote?

[ ] Restraint. The Regency Council will limit its exercise of the Empress's powers to maintain the status quo.
[ ] Unrestrained. The Regency Council will freely and actively exercise the Empress's powers.
[ ] Abstain. This will activate the Regent's tiebreaking vote, effectively supporting Restraint and sending a message.
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Morning has Broken
An infernal vibrating clatter sounds, and you reluctantly force your eyes open. You reach for your phone, silence the alarm, and glare at the display. Why the fuckspiders do you have to wake up so goddamn early again? Right, you promised Yui you'd cook breakfast for her. Up and at it, Johnny-boy.

You sigh and lower your phone, staring at the ceiling for a moment. There's a stirring beside you and you turn your head. Curled up next to you, wrapped around your other arm, lies your better half. In bed, wearing one of your old shirts, hair tousled by sleep, her face peaceful in slumber, Maggie looks a far cry from her usual self. A smile makes its way to your lips; you don't think you'll ever get tired of waking up beside her. You sigh again, and extract your arm from her grasp; Maggie makes a displeased sound as your warmth leaves your bed.

"Johnny?" she mumbles sleepily.

"Go back to sleep, Maggie," you say gently, planting a kiss to her temple. You sigh again as you disrobe and enter the shower, and step into the full blast of the spray. You stand there for a while, longer than your usual custom. Not as prompt as you were expected to shower, back when you were enlisted, but you haven't been enlisted for a long time now. Sometimes, like right now, on the cusp between sleep and wakefulness, a full spray of hot water in your face, you wonder why you still affect enlisted sensibilities. Finally, after a relative eternity, you step out of the shower, towel off, and return to your bedroom, where you notice two things: First, your suit, which you'd laid out last night, is missing its jacket. Second, your bed is empty.

You dress quickly, and take a moment to admire yourself in the mirror. You do look quite dapper in this suit. Given what it'd cost your wife, it should damn well make you look good.

You make your way to the kitchen, and come to a stop in the doorway, watching the scene unfold. Maggie stands at the counter, wearing naught but your suit jacket. Her usual swift and sure movements are slowed by her recent wakefulness, and she stifles a yawn as she assembles slices of ham and cheese on crackers, topped with a stuffed olive. She brings out another plate and slices pickled cucumbers into long cuts, arranging them on the plate and pouring salt into a tiny soy sauce dish. She steps back, gives the plate a critical glare, and fiddles with her plating.

Her bed hair is still an unkempt mess, barely tamed by the fingers she uses as a comb. There are bags under her eyes, she's still bleary-eyed, with no makeup at all, a far cry from the elegant facade that Captain Amagi Ri-Sumeragi presents to the world. And yet despite all that, a smile makes its way to your face. You don't think you've ever seen her look more alluring than she does right now. My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, you think.

You open your mouth to greet her, as she looks up and catches your eye. "Good morning, Johnny. Be a dear and go get me a mug."

"Yes, Maggie," you reply. You set aside your indignation at how she's lording over you in your own house; when your sleepy wife makes you a breakfast snack, the correct response is to be grateful and do for her what she wants. You grab her mug, fill it with the blessed coffee, and bring it to her: she takes it, drops in three sugars, just the way you like it, and pours milk into the mug, tilting it this way and that, presenting you with the finished product: a cappuchino, with an intricate cappuchino art decoration of flowers and hearts.

"Oh," you say dumbly. "I thought you wanted me to get you a coffee."

Maggie merely exhales and gives you a flat look; you take the hint and take a sip of the cappuchino, then another, then another. Damn, that's good. This cappuchino looks and tastes like it came out of a high end coffee shop, the kind that Maggie favors. You set the mug down and reach for the snack plate; Maggie reclaims her mug and takes a sip, with a pointed look at you.

You ignore the voice in your head that's making juvenile noises about indirect kisses, you're not a teenager anymore, and an indirect kiss is pretty smalltime, given that you're both living together. Instead, you remember where those lips have been, and what they've done, and how they felt, and you smile.

Maggie's mental defenses must be still downlined, because she smiles at you in return as she cradles her mug, holding it at chest height; your eyes scan the curve and swell of her cleavage against your jacket, while tracking the mug of life-sustaining coffee, locking on to her slim, beautiful fingers. You could spend an eternity just gazing at her fingers, but alas, you have places to be this morning. You take a seat at the kitchen island and help yourself to the plate, and internally marvel at Maggie's plating. You're a fair home cook yourself, and you'd like to think you can plate nicely, but Maggie's plating just blows yours out of the water: she manages to make zakuski look more elevated than Slavic snacks have a right to be. Maggie places her elbows on the table, and cups her chin in one dainty hand, watching you as you eat, a pleased look in her sleepy eyes. You don't say anything, you just smile, and offer her a piece of butterbrot. "You should have some."

"Thank you, but no," she demurrs. "I won't be able to go back to bed afterward. Finish this up, you shouldn't visit the Palace on an empty stomach." She takes another sip of her cappuchino and leans forward across the island, offering the mug to you; you accept her mug, sip, and offer the mug to her.

"Thanks, Maggie. You didn't have to do this."

Maggie takes the proffered mug, even as she sniffs scornfully, expressing some of her early morning crankiness. "Darling, please. Someone has to take care of you. You obviously can't do it for yourself."

"I took care of myself long before I met you," you counter, as you reach across the table to take her hand, intertwining your fingers with hers. Lord, but she has the most beautiful fingers in the world. You would never let her hand go, ever, not if you didn't have to.

"I beg to differ." She shakes her head smugly. "You're hopeless without me, Johnny."

"I think my mom might want to have words with you on who gets to be the most important woman in my life," you say. Maggie's smug look doesn't shift an inch, but the way her tails shift behind her… yes, definitely in a good mood, ass o'clock crankiness notwithstanding. On a whim you lean forward and bring her hand to your lips. Her face softens into a genuine, unguarded smile, one you feel yourself mirroring. I could never tire of looking at my wife, you think, as you both sit at the table and share that mug of coffee.

Alas, your moment of domestic bliss comes to its inevitable end. Your phone buzzes in your pocket, and you reluctantly release Maggie's hand to check the message: your IRG pickup is 15 minutes out. You sigh and stand up reluctantly. Maggie rises as well, coming to stand before you. She brushes off stray crumbs real and imagined from your shirt, and smiles at you. "I told you this was a good look on you. You're missing a certain something, though. Your outfit's incomplete." She places an elegant finger on your lips, even as she unbuttons your jacket. The silk garment slides down her shoulders; Maggie displays nary a care that she's displaying all her naked glory to you. She leans in, raising your arms, pressing herself against you as she helps you into your jacket, her scent filling your nostrils. Instinctively you draw your arms around your wife and bury your face in her hair; her hands find their way around your back, and she leans her head on your chest.

"Thank you, for everything," you say simply. Eloquence escapes you. "You didn't have to."

"Nonsense. My man should have the clothes he deserves."

That's not what you meant, and she knows it, but right now, winning the argument, winning anything, doesn't seem important. You tilt your head to meet hers, and kiss her. Nothing earth shattering, nothing passionate. Just tender, intimate warmth. Your lips part, Maggie sighs "oh Johnny," and she kisses you back.

Your phone buzzes insistently; Maggie presses a raised leg against your pocket in a futile attempt to stifle the noise. Your phone continues buzzing, and reluctantly you both break your kiss.

"Just go back to bed, Maggie," you tell her. "I'll take care of the dishes when I get home. We only need to be in the office at ten, so you can still go and nap some more. I'll find my own transport to Admiralty House." You plant a finger to her lips, inordinately happy that she's letting you shush her. "Fleet Admiral's orders."

"Yes Sir, very good Sir," she drawls, rolling her eyes. You sigh and release her; Maggie turns away from you, bends over, and picks up your old shirt from its heap on the floor. She shrugs into that well-worn shirt, the aged fabric flattering her curves: you have to admit that shirt looks a hell of a lot better on her than it ever did on you. She buttons the shirt at her navel, and gives you a look. "You have something on your mind, Darling. Say it."

"I distinctly remember your stated reason for getting rid of my shirts was that they weren't fit to be worn," you say dryly.

"They weren't fit to be worn in public," corrects Maggie smugly, her dainty finger tracing a line from collar to navel, pointedly drawing attention to that old shirt's missing buttons and how the fabric has been worn thin with age. "But then, this is hardly a public space, is it? Carry on, danna-sama. It wouldn't do to keep your escort waiting." She smirks at you and turns away, returning to the bedroom, an extra sway in her walk.

"Bye Maggie. See you at work."

"Bye Johnny," she calls, her royal blue eyes looking at you over her shoulder. "Please don't embarrass yourself in front of Her Majesty."

"You know me, Maggie."

"I know you, that's why I have to warn you."

You roll your eyes at Maggie, and turn away to head out. You pause in the doorway, sniff at your jacket, and frown. You can smell Maggie's perfume, and hidden under that scent, lingering in your senses, you can smell her scent. You choose not to be concerned. It's fine, you decide. If nobody has noticed your adjutant's scent on you, after all this time, they're not going to notice it today. Your careers aren't at risk.

You inhale deeply, reinforcing your memory of her scent, and settle in to wait for your IRG escort, your emotions and thoughts churning as the caffeine works its way through your system.

I want us to be happy.

I want to hold her hand till the end of days.

I love her so much.
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13FLT COMMLOG Excerpt, 01 Jun, Egon System

[0815: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] Tongod adjust vector CRP 022/174. Hold outside [FC2-PPV-880652].

[0816: COM/13F/CL TONGOD] Tongod complying.

[0822: COM/13F/CL TONGOD] Holding position.

[0835: COM/13F/CL BELURAN/A] Tongod Actual, this is Beluran Actual. My board is clear. Yours?

[0835: COM/13F/CL TONGOD/A] Beluran Actual, Tongod Actual, my board is also clear. As it's been for the last six days. I rather we went along to capture the pirate base.

[0836: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] Tongod Actual, Beluran Actual, this is Chao Phraya Actual. Clear this net and stop grumbling. The Rear Admiral ordered us to guard this system, and by the Divine Founder's will we will guard this system, and we will do so cheerfully and enthusiastically, in the finest traditions of the Imperial Navy.

[0836: COM/13F/CL TONGOD/A] Acknowledged. Tongod Actual out.

[0837: COM/13F/CL BELURAN/A] Acknowledged. Beluran Actual out.




[0941: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] Incoming jump signature. Not civilian. Looks like 2 destroyers and 2 cruisers.

[0942: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] No planned fleet movements on record. Those are 4th Fleet ships. All vessels assume defensive positions.

[0942: COM/13F/CL BELURAN] Acknowledged.

[0942: COM/13F/CA BENGAWAN SOLO] Acknowledged.

[0943: COM/13F/CL TONGOD] Acknowledged.






[0946: COM/13F/CL BELURAN] Beluran in position.

[0948: COM/13F/CL TONGOD] Tongod ready.

[0949: COM/13F/CA BENGAWAN SOLO] Standing by. What's our ROE?

[0950: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] Standard ROE applies. Do not fire unless fired upon. The Princess wouldn't be happy if we shot up other Navy ships.

[0950: COM-IF/04F/CL ANGELWING/A] Attention 13th Fleet vessels. This is Captain Cromwell of the cruiser Angelwing, 4th fleet. You have entered our area of operations with a significant force without informing Comberth Harbor in advance. What is your purpose here?

[0951: COM-IF/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] This is Captain Chimtaum of cruiser Chao Phraya, 13th Fleet. We are on a long distance navigation training and showing the flag cruise, making a temporary stop in this system for R&R.

[0951: COM-IF/04F/CL ANGELWING/A] Understood. We will remain on standby in system to act as local liaison and security. We've had pirate problems recently and the local security contractor has missed a check-in cycle.




[0957: COM/13F/CA BENGAWAN SOLO/A] Bengawan Solo Actual to Chao Phraya Actual. How sure are we that those encrypted comms aren't about to bite us in the ass?


[0959: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] Mind your language and decorum, Captain Loke.

[1000: COM/13F/CA BENGAWAN SOLO/A] Captain Chimtaum, I believe you have more pressing considerations than my decorum. What are you going to say to 4th Fleet?

[1002: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] That is none of your concern, Captain. Clear this channel.

[1003: COM/13F/CA BENGAWAN SOLO/A] I want this on the record, Captain Chimtaum: I advised you that your cover story idea was ill-advised and should not have been pursued. You choose to proceed. This is on you. Bengawan Solo Actual, out.

[1005: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] All units, weapons tight. Be ready for anything. ROE remains in effect.

[1013: COM-IF/04F/CL ANGELWING/A] 13th Fleet vessels please hold position and standby.




[1019: COM/13F/CL TONGOD/A] Oh shit, Cronus-class.

[1019: COM/13F/CL BELURAN/A] This could go bad very quickly.

[1020: COM/13F/CA BENGAWAN SOLO/A] Chao Phraya Actual, this is Bengawan Solo Actual. I bloody well told you so.

[1019: COM/13F/CL TONGOD/A] That battlecruiser's one of 4th Fleet's ace ships. Whatever's happening, it's above our paygrades.

[1019: COM/13F/CL BELURAN/A] Agreed, Tongod Actual. Chao Phraya Actual, this is Beluran Actual, suggest we disengage immediately and inform the Rear Admiral.

[1020: COM/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] Commander Dompok, Commander Sukam, control yourselves, we are operating under the orders of Her Highness Princess Yui and fear nothing, I will- wait one, incoming.

[1021: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Attention 13th Fleet vessels. This is Commodore Muryoutou of the 4th Fleet. You have conducted hostile actions against an authorised 4th Fleet security contractor, within 4th Fleet's Area of Operations. Stand down and power down your engines. Your violation has been logged and your vessels are now hereby detained until I speak to your commanding officer. Attempt to jump and your violation will immediately be reported to HighCom.

[1022: COM-IF/13F/CA CHAO PHRAYA/A] This is Captain Chimtaum of the 13th Fleet. Acknowledged, our ships will hold position until our commanding officer arrives.

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13FLT COMMLOG Excerpt, 04 Jun, Egon System







[2039: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Attention 13 Fleet vessels, this is Commodore Muryoutou, 4th Fleet. You have entered the AO of the 4th Fleet with a significant force and without notifying Comberth Harbor. You have also carried out hostile actions against an authorized PMC. Please provide me with an explanation.

[2041: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] 4th Fleet, this is Task Force Soyeon of 13th Fleet, Rear Admiral Vickers commanding. We were on a training cruise and saw an opportunity to assist the local PMC provider with a piracy suppression mission, which we have just concluded. How may I assist you further?

[2042: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Firstly, how did your training cruise mission creep into a pirate cleanup? Does the 13th Fleet depart for navigational training cruises with a full combat load?

[2043: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] We were doing a long range navigation training exercise, and since we were in the neighbourhood, I decided to audit the local PMC provider, as is allowed for under the Mercenaries Armaments Control Act. 13th Fleet's purpose is to conduct presence patrols, show the flag missions, and to serve as a mobile reserve for the Navy as a whole, so it's our fleet TTP to travel with half combat load at all times.

[2044: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Wait. Are you telling me that the 13th Fleet's Standard MO is to just randomly enter other fleets' AO without warning to audit their PMC auxiliaries? Because you jammed our PMC on arrival. If you wanted to conduct an audit of our PMC you should have escalated this to us first.

[2045: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] Respectfully, Commodore, I fail to see the problem with our fleet movements. This is not 4th Fleet's space, this is Her Majesty's space. We are all serving officers of the Imperial Navy, operating in Imperial space. We have never needed to file flight plans and seek approval before entering Imperial space. Your request is not standard practice.

[2047: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] [audible exhalation] Normally, nobody bats an eye when small cruiser groups move between House territory. You just deployed a warfleet without our knowledge. Do you understand how this will look on the news?

[2049: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] No harm, no foul, Commodore. It's just a training exercise for 13th Fleet, practicing for scaling up to a full fleetwide movement. Is there anything else I might help clarify for you?

[2050: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] No harm no foul? Do you understand how your fleet's behavior affects the Navy's image when the right arm doesn't know what the left is doing? Tch. Putting that aside, why did you jam our PMC provider on approach? That is also not standard practice for an audit.

[2051: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] It was for training purposes. I wanted my subordinates to put in some EW practice, since we were already approaching the depot.

[2051: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Please allow me to understand. You blinded friendly forces and disrupted local lines of communication, putting local shipping at risk of pirate attacks, just for EW training, without informing them beforehand and so making them think you were a potentially hostile force and risking a friendly fire incident. Is that an accurate summation?

[2053: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] Our jamming was a lot more localised than you're implying. That said, you're quite right, that was a valid issue that you raised. There may have been an error of judgement that was made. We will take note of this for further improvement.

[2052: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Alright then, who approved this sortie?

[2053: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] Commodore, I am a Rear Admiral, commanding a component task force of the 13th Fleet. I am well within my rights and authority to approve this sortie.

[2058: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Very well. I shall inform Fleet Command. My task force will remain in-system to act as local liaison until your fleet leaves.

[2058: COM/13F/BC KONGO/A] Of course, Commodore. Would you like to meet me over at the VSS base to go over the intel and results from the pirate base?

[2059: COM-IF/04F/BC HYPERION/A] Very well, Rear Admiral. I shall meet you there momentarily. Thales Actual, out.

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Carry me to my worries
06 June
Imperial Navy 4th Fleet HQ
Fleet Activities Comberth Harbor

"This makes no sense." Kanda sips his tea as he thumbs through Himeno's report. "They brought a battlefleet to audit our local security PMC, then jam them on arrival. It's like they were trying to provoke an incident."

"Then it is most fortunate that your hired killers didn't shoot at them, then." Hildegarde leans back into her chair, scrolling through her copy with her index finger. "They complied with Muryoutou's demands. I'm willing to bet that Princess Akasha has gone temporarily insane and this entire incident is indicative of absolutely nothing."

"A training cruise into a pirate cleanup, with enough ships to break a garrison port. No matter how you look at it, something's up." Kanda glares at his datapad as he slides his left index finger across the screen. "Here. 'Fleet commander evasive.' Factoring in that Vice Admiral Akasha isn't with the fleet… sounds like she's doing something. But we don't know what it is, exactly."

Hildegarde's finger stops moving. "Your point?"

"I'm going to have to go to Jinko-sei to get this cleared up. Prepare a recon destroyer." Kanda sets the pad down and leans forward into his desk, facing Hildegarde's chair.

Hildegarde spins her chair around to face Kanda, her expression stony. "Men who get away with taking too many risks start to believe they're invincible. I'll bet you do too. If she is planning something, you might meet an unfortunate accident en route."

"Then I expect you and Vice Admiral Anderson to enact the appropriate response to that contingency. I'll check in regularly. You'll know if anything happens to me. I'll brief him later." Kanda begins pouring himself more tea from the pot on his table. "I'll take a few people with me as insurance and keep a low profile."

"I see. Stardock reports the Beowulf as having completed her refit and test trials. I'll have her made ready." Hildegarde spins her chair away slightly as she speaks. "I still object to this reckless course of action, however."

"So, are we going to discuss the pirates?" Mulia interjects, preempting Kanda's response. "The 13th Fleet did most of the heavy lifting for us, but we still need to root out any holdouts that might remain. Not to mention find out how they got that cruiser."

"Firstly, objection noted. Secondly, I'll leave the pirates to you. I need to arrange the journey to Jinko-sei." Kanda finally leans back and begins sipping his tea again. "My recommendation is to dispatch a light cruiser group with auxiliaries to investigate and then proceed from there. Try to capture some and squeeze intel out of them if possible, and contact the 13th Fleet to see if we can get them to transfer their prisoners to us for interrogation. Is that all? If so, the two of you can return to your duties."

Hildegarde stands up, pushing her chair back slightly as she does so. Her long hair sways as she turns to face Kanda again. "One last thing before you go to Jinko-sei. AVALANCHE EXIT. We cannot delay this question any longer."

Kanda sighs, placing his teacup back on his desk. "The most probable scenario, then. If his cause is just and the rot has truly set in..." Kanda's right foot begins tapping the floor unconsciously as he exhales. "Then we will stand with him. Arkbird. Process context and update preliminary predictive model. Is this enough for you, Hildegarde? We'll update the planner models when I return."

"Yes sir." The VI chimes in, its holographic avatar appearing in a gentle shower of light.

"Enough for any contingencies." Hildegarde adjusts her uniform as she presses her thumb against the door scanner. "But if your stunt goes badly, know that the call will devolve to Anderson."

With that last parting shot, she is gone, leaving Kanda and Mulia poring over their datapads in the room's cold silence.
Mistress and Admiral (Amagi Route AU)
You are Captain Sir Yonatan Chew, and you are adjutant to Rear Admiral Lady Amagi Ri-Sumeragi, newly appointed Imperial Vicereine to Her Majesty Empress Meigyoku. As an adjutant to a flag officer your responsibilities are many, your worries legion, and your job boils down to "doing things for the Admiral".

Making her breakfast in bed is not one of your official obligations, but truth be told, it's one of your preferred services.

"Good morning, Maggie," you greet her cheerily. This indecorous behaviour would be scandalous in public: not only does she outrank you as a naval officer, but the fox in your bed is a noblewoman, a member of a cadet line of Great House Sumeragi: socially she—some three dozen steps removed from being Grand Duchess Sumeragi—outranks you, a mere knighted commoner, so much it's not even funny.

But right now you're in private, in the main bedroom of your shared house, and you've known her for over a decade now. Your relationship has gone through many stages, beyond mere superior and subordinate: mentor, senior, peers, friends, lovers. Now, you're about to embark on the final phase of your relationship.

"Good morning Johnny," yawns Maggie sleepily, covering her mouth with a dainty hand, light glinting off her engagement ring, a matching pair with the one you wear on your finger.

You realise you're smiling like an idiot, but you've long since stopped caring.

"Breakfast for my lady is served," you declare, settling the breakfast tray before her. She smiles and pats your place beside her; you acquiesce, getting back under the covers and sitting up so she can snuggle against you. Ostensibly this breakfast was just for her, but you end up feeding each other, and if you ran out of napkins and had to lick her fingers clean, well, that's just part of life, isn't it? Happy wife, happy life.

"You spoil me," Maggie says fondly. "Isn't this ass-kissing to your superior a little overdoing it?"

"I believe I'm not behaving any differently than any other person in my position."

"Perhaps you should make that ass-kissing literal. I know you, you degenerate old man: you just want to kiss my ass while burying your face in my tails."

"Not true," you retort calmly. "Let's be accurate: I want to worship the most beautiful derriere in the world while burying my face into the magnificence of my lady's glorious tails, before whom even Hagoromo-no-kaneo-no-mikoto's tails are but a pale imitation of."

"Johnny, that's sacrilegious and lese majesty," laughs Maggie. "Hello police, I want to report a cri-"

You seize the moment to interrupt her with a kiss. It lasts for a painfully brief moment, and more laughter escapes Maggie's lips.

Good, you think. You want her to laugh, to be happy.

"Now you're adding sexual assault to the charges."

"Being charged is a small price to pay to demonstrate my devotion to my wife."

Maggie snorts and punches you in the left arm. You grin and bear it; it's a small price to pay, and truth be told, you did deserve such a response. You'd punch you in the arm, you can hardly fault your fiance for acting as you would.

My fiance. Two small words, but oh, how meaningful they are to you.

You wrap your arms around her and for a moment, you can forget about all your worries. In this moment, you're just Maggie and Johnny, just two people who love each other.

Alas, the moment doesn't last. Maggie sighs regretfully, and twists around to look at you. "We need to talk about our future," she says, and it's a testament to how well you know her and how unguarded she is with you, that you can see the emotions flashing across her face: fear, concern, worry, hesitation. "I met with Her Majesty, and she's given me my first assignment. I thought this was just going to be just a lark, that she'd rescind her appointment of a Vicereine, that your niece would talk some sense into her." She shakes her head. "She's dead serious about a Vicereine, she's convinced that there's rot that needs to be cleaned out, and she wants me for the job. She won't take no for an answer. There are going to be a lot of eyes on me, and there's a lot of work to do."

"It would seem that it's a bigger mess than you expected," you say. "Something that would require a year or two of your time."

"It would," Maggie agrees. "I think I'm going to have to be spending more time away from the capital, running around putting out fires."

"Sounds to me like you might be too busy saving the Empire to plan a wedding," you remark. "To busy to get married, perhaps."

Maggie's expression turns to dismay as you reach down and slide your ring off your finger-


You are Amagi Ri-Sumeragi, and your husband is divorcing you before you've even gotten married.

You love Johnny dearly, scars and all, but let's be honest, his scars have been a real challenge in your relationship. His admiration of you has always been tinged by jealousy, by resentment at how his background disadvantages him, on how you had an easier, faster way up the ladder than he did, despite his skill and accomplishments. He's never let any of that bleed into your relationship before, but every man has his limit and it looks like Johnny has reached his.

You're hurt, you really are. Maybe it was unfair of you but you had thought that your love could overcome his baggage, that he would be okay with being the husband of an admiral. You feel tears threaten to spring to your eyes - you angrily blink them away, even as you can hear your mother lecturing you on composure, how a Sumeragi must never show weakness-

He places a gentle finger to your lips, and threads his ring through his dogtags, before fastening them around his neck again. He sighs deeply, tiredly, and gives you a sad, watery, determined smile.

"I think you need an adjutant you can trust implicitly more than you need a dependent husband," he says, and a choked sound that's half-laugh, half-sob escapes your throat. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed, but I get it. And I want to help you, and I can do that better as your adjutant. Sure, I want to stop sneaking around as much as you, but, well. Duty calls us both."

I love this man so much, you think, as you take his hands and kiss him. "I'll make it up to you," you promise. "I'm going to get you the stars you deserve."

"You don't need to get me anything, I never figured I'd make it past Captain-"

"I'm going to have all your babies, a whole squad's worth."

"Weren't you going to do that already, I know pregnant foxthots are one of your kinks-"

You sock him in the arm again, just as he rightfully deserves, and add, "When we get married, I'm taking your name."

Johnny has no snappy comebacks, just a look of shocked surprise. You treasure that expression: the only time he's looked as shocked was when you first quite clearly and directly intimated your interest towards him. You laugh happily. After all this time, you can still surprise him. Good.

Johnny sits there, blinking, holding your hands. Tears run down his face, and he shakes his head. "You don't need to do anything for me. I don't need stars, kids, I don't need you to take my name. All I need is you. That's all that matters to me."

"Oh, Johnny," you say. Your hands cup his face, fingers brushing away his tears, and you kiss him. "I don't need to do anything for you. I want to do these things for you, because I love you so much, you're the most wonderful man I know, and you deserve every good thing I can give you."

"That's my line," he says, even as his thumb comes up to gently brush away a tear leaking from your eye. "I love you so much too. You deserve everything I can ever give you."

"Stop stealing my lines," you mock complain, but your heart isn't in it. You pull him down to the bed with you, your lips find his, and you cling to each other like drowning sailors with a life preserver.

No more words are necessary.

"Look on the bright side, we can continue to have the thrill of sneaking around in this forbidden relationship, knowing that every time we're together we're committing a violation. If the JAG counts every time we've had sex as one count, that's at least two, three thousand charges, easy. Imagine how long it'll take for them to read out the charge sheet."

Goddamnit Johnny.

Calmly, with serenity in your heart, you serenely take a pillow and begin to serenely beat your husband to serene near-death.
Restraint, Coaching, and Repercussions
[X] Restraint. The Regency Council will limit its exercise of the Empress' powers to maintain the status quo.

You're more than a little tempted to just abstain from the vote. It would send a message of impartiality, a statement that you still consider yourself to be a military officer, first and foremost, and that you don't want to involve yourself in civilian politics. Perhaps people might interpret that as you forming a block with the Lord Protector and the Commanding General. Still, there are worse people to be associated with.

But those six little words keep ringing in your mind: For the good of the Empire. That's not served by you taking the easy way out and abdicating your responsibilities as a member of the Regency Council. That's not how Daddy raised you, that's not how Uncle Johnny trained you. Despite your knee-jerk reaction to Sumeragi supporting the Restraint option, it was the Lord Chancellor who proposed the motion. You know damn well that von Stauffenberg's priority is to keep the Empire intact and avoid drama. Even if you don't like Lady Akagi Sumeragi, her points are valid and legitimate, and you would have no problem with her argument if anyone else had made it. So, you sit straight, and say, simply, "Yea."

"The motion is carried," announces the Lord Chancellor. Irritation flashes across the Speaker's face for a moment, until she carefully schools her expression. Everyone is wearing their poker faces, but you sense a certain feeling of disappointment from Lady Taihou. Lord Klaus Markus and Lady Jeanne-Marie Claire seem unbothered. Lady Kaga seems satisfied, Lady Akagi… you observe her tails. For some reason, you don't get a feeling of triumph from her. She seems… relieved, somehow. Strange.

The Lord Protector is inscrutable. The Commanding General meets your eyes, and then gives you the tiniest of nods. You wonder if that means she approves.

The motion is carried, business for the day is concluded, and the next meeting of the Council is scheduled for three weeks from now, recognising that all the members of the council have their own responsibilities to attend to. You breathe an internal sigh of relief at that; you'll have a bit more uninterrupted time to take care of your business.

- 女王之天命 -

The next day, a pair of encrypted emails from Konnie and Daniel find their way to your inbox. From their preliminary reports, you build a picture of what happened in Egon after you left:

VSS's administrator, Ayako Tomioka, was stonewalling Daniel's audit, but after the VSS commander (one Lee Bashkan) turned up, she became a lot more cooperative. VSS was able to finally produce their hardcopy permits from 4th Fleet, and turned over their mission logs for Daniel's perusal: it turns out that Egon was truly facing a problem with pirates. Konnie split her task group, leaving behind a mixed cruiser squadron to keep an eye on the Egon system, and executed a joint piracy suppression op with VSS. The naval engagement was decisive: the pirate fleet was neutralised, and Marines were landed on the pirate base after its defenses were suppressed. Hostages were rescued, equipment was seized, and Daniel and the IRG intel team gathered a veritable treasure trove of intelligence from the pirate base. The Marines were even able to capture a docked pirate destroyer, overrunning the defenders before the crew could emergency cast off - to say nothing of the laid up crippled heavy cruiser that had been the pirate flagship. The Earl of Egon's government and VSS were very pleased to have those ships as salvage.

It's not all good news though. Konnie reports of an altercation between the guard force she'd left behind and a recce squadron sent by 4th Fleet to investigate, apparently having learned of you taking a heavy task force into Egon. You wince when you read that - your choice of a heavy task force has backfired in that regard. You remember something the Skipper told you: The most dangerous words in any language are "It seemed like a good idea at the time." On the other hand, having so many ships gave Konnie the numbers to pin the pirates and prevent their escape. So, on the balance, it wasn't entirely bad, you think. You've made your bed, so you'll lie in it.

Then you read the rest of her email and wince again.

4th Fleet's recce squadron was commanded by Commodore Himeno Muryoutou: you know of her, she's considered a clever and capable officer, a member of Shiki's core leadership group. The fact that she's there, along with battlecruiser Hyperion, is obviously a sign of how concerned Shiki was. A battlecruiser, two cruisers, and two destroyers: five ships, just about the right size for a recce mission that's expecting contact with overwhelming enemy force, the slimmest balance between being small enough to be expendable and being large enough to avoid instant destruction, able to survive long enough to escape and sound the alarm.

You regret causing your old friend so much concern, you'll really need to make it up to him.

Konnie's email doesn't go into much detail about her confrontation with Muryoutou. She merely reported that words were exchanged, that 4th Fleet was not happy about 13th Fleet sending Task Force Soyeon into their compound, that they considered Task Force Soyeon's actions as hostile and violations, and that Muryoutou threatened to report this incident to HighCom. Reading between the lines, you get the impression that Konnie threw herself on her sword to keep your name out of everything, taking responsibility for your decisions. You wince guiltily at how Konnie surely lost face for your sake. You need to ensure this incident doesn't negatively affect her career, and mentally write off your house's liquor cellar; you owe Konnie that much, at the very least.

Overall, you think you've gotten a good picture of the going-ons in the Egon system, from the military angle, at any rate. Neither email makes any mention of the political landscape in Egon, or of Rafidah Aziz-Sumeragi's machinations, but you expect that Daniel will brief you in full when he returns: some things are too sensitive to be transmitted via superluminal comms.

You check your calendar and do a mental count. Daniel and Konnie will arrive on Saturday, 9th June. Hopefully, they'll arrive during the day, because you'll be taking Ahri to Nenek's house that night for a small, intimate cocktail party. If they come at night, you'll just debrief on Sunday, and start preparing to get ahead of the shitstorm that's inevitably brewing. You know Shiki, he's a proud man, a paranoid man, a man who doesn't take kindly to disrespect, but he's also a good friend, and you can surely use that to get him to listen to you.

- 女王之天命 -

The rest of the week passes by busily. You have all your meals together with Ahri, eating together in the kitchen, instead of the dining room. It's a little beneath her station, but she doesn't mind, and it's a deliberate choice on your part: she needs intimacy and closeness in her private life, not reserved, distant formality. You take baby steps in teaching her how to cook; she knows how to work the oven toaster, so you start out with making toasted sandwiches and recreating Uncle Johnny's peanut butter honey toast. You prod her into making her bed instead of leaving it to the servants to clean. You go over her tutoring with her, quizzing her on the homework her tutors have given her, discussing politics and her studying. She's not stupid, you realise. She's naive and ignorant, but she does have a mind, and you work on encouraging her to expand her mental horizons. Every other day, you slowly work on her fitness, exercising with her, doing the 5BX, spending an hour in the pool, even getting her to start with slow jogging. You mix things up a little, alternating between your usual Navy PT clothes and the designer workout clothes Mummy made you take. Ahri finds your workout clothing very interesting; they're a little loose on her, but she's happy to be lightly exercising in the morning with you. You promise her you'll go shopping to get workout clothes that properly fit her, and her smile lights up the morning.

You call your grandmother midweek, to advise her of a change of plans: in hindsight, it would be better for the Empress to invite members of her close family to the palace for an intimate gathering. Your grandmother agrees, but makes you promise to come visit her in two weeks time instead, with or without Ahri; she wants to spend quality time with her granddaughter (and, yet again, try to sell you on trading your bridge for her boardroom).

Ahri is both nervous and excited at the prospect of hosting an intimate gathering, and tells you as much. You do your best to reassure her, promising that you're going to be by her side, that the only people present are family, and that the point of the engagement is much the same as her homework before you left for your fact-finding mission: it's to establish where her baseline is, so that you know what you need to work on. Nobody, you assure her, is going to blab about anything that happens, they're all here to help her, and you'll be right beside her if she stumbles. You spend your evenings going over etiquette and protocol, helping her prepare. Friday night, Ahri is unusually quiet, her previous excitement having subsided. She looks nervous as she sits on her bed while you brush her tails.

"What's wrong?" you ask. "You've been subdued this last day."

"I'm scared. I'm not ready. I don't want to disappoint you," says Ahri softly. "I've never done anything like this before. I don't want to embarrass you."

"Oh Ahri," you say, and you pull her into your lap and wrap your arms around her. You lean back and let both of you fall to the bed. Ahri twists around in your arms, she buries her face in your bust, and you nuzzle her ears. "I will always love you. That's not going to change. I'm not like our Royal Grandmother. I will always love you for who you are, not because you're not an embarrassment, not because you're useful to me. I love you because you're my little sister."

Ahri doesn't say anything, she just takes a deep, shuddering breath, and sniffles. You stroke her back and her tails and make comforting noises. "I was nervous the first time I hosted a party," you tell her gently. "But my mother was there beside me to help me out, and I'll be beside you to help you out. Uncle Johnny nearly quit OCS during etiquette and decorum training, but he managed to get through. Just think of it as a class, as a coaching session. Sure, you may make mistakes, but that's why we have training, so that we get our mistakes out of the way before we do it for real, okay?"


"Self-reflection is important, but don't overdo it," you tell her. "Yes, you're not ready to rule right now. I wasn't ready for command when I was commissioned. But I became ready, and you can become ready too."

"Thank you, onee-sama," sniffles Ahri, and she kisses you. You stroke her ears and hug her even harder.

- 女王之天命 -

You're ready in time, but it was a close thing; you and Ahri spent the afternoon raiding Auntie's closets for cocktail dresses; Ahri eventually settled on a black off-shoulder dress, while you chose a deep purple halter neck dress, accessorising with various pieces of jewelry from Auntie's collection. Both dresses are backless, which is the norm for Huxian fashions, albeit the back on your dress plunges far lower than Ahri's. You feel a little surreal, wearing a dead woman's clothes and jewelry: you would have preferred to wear your own things, but Ahri asked and you couldn't really say no to her.

Your guests arrive and you guide Ahri through the protocols and courtesies involved. Your guest list is small: your grandparents, Duchess Tengku Fauziah Kyoko Perak-Kobuin and Duke Michael Perak-Kobuin; your mother, Princess Natasha of Akasha; and your godfather-uncle-mentor, Fleet Admiral Sir Yonatan Chew.

And one unexpected guest.

Uncle Johnny makes his entrance, wearing a royal blue suit with a black shirt, waistcoat and tie; it's an excellent look on him, and he looks dapper as fuck, to borrow Konnie's phrasing. What gives you and Ahri pause is the woman on his arm. Her appearance is striking, with long dark hair, royal blue eyes, and an undeniably beautiful face, but that's not why you focus on her, it's because she isn't on the guest list. You give Uncle Johnny a look intended to convey a message of Interrogative, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over. He gives you a half shrug, and looks at her; she turns and looks up at him. An unspoken message passes between them. Uncle Johnny looks at you and gives you another apologetic half-shrug, and bows to you and Ahri, his companion following suit.

"Good evening, Your Majesty, Your Highness."

"Good evening, Sir Yonatan," replies Ahri. "Welcome. I do not believe I am acquainted with your companion?"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness. May I introduce to you my adjutant, Captain Lady Amagi Ri-Sumeragi."

Ah. That explains things. It's one of the Navy's unwritten cultural rules that the adjutant is expected to serve as their CO's companion to formal events, should their CO not have a partner. You've played armcandy for Uncle Johnny more than once before. Still, a Sumeragi, even one from a cadet line? You feel your eyebrows rise a few millimeters; Ahri, meanwhile, is staring slack-jawed at your uncle's adjutant. Work in progress, you remind yourself. Work in progress.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness," Ri-Sumeragi greets you both, bowing. Her dress is understatedly elegant, and not as daring as you would have expected of someone with her surname. For all that her name implies, she carries herself not like a spoiled noblewoman of a vengeful Great House, but as a naval officer on duty, with an air of sophistication and elegance.

"Lady Amagi," you reply. You're quite sure you've never met her before, but you feel a sense of deja vu, looking at her. It's strange, there's something familiar about her, but you can't fathom what it is.

As a steward leads Ahri and Ri-Sumeragi to the small ballroom that will serve as the venue for the night's festivities, you smile sweetly at your uncle and say, "I beg your Majesty's pardon, but I require a private word with Sir Yonatan."

"Of course, Your Highness," replies Ahri. You sigh internally. Uncle Johnny gestures for Ri-Sumeragi to precede him, and you discretely draw Ahri to the side. "Did I do something wrong?" she asks worriedly.

"You addressed me as Your Highness."

"Yes, you're a princess, isn't that the right way, onee-sama?"

"No, because you're the Empress, Your Majesty. Your Grace, Your Highness, Your Majesty - these are used to address someone of a higher station than the speaker. You're the Empress, you have the highest station in the entire Empire. You don't need to address anybody as Your Anything, just address them by title and rank. Use "Princess Yui" instead of "Your Highness," okay?"

"Got it, onee - I mean, Princess Yui," she says, nodding, and you suppress another sigh, give her a reassuring smile and quickly squeeze her hand. Ri-Sumeragi offers to escort the Empress inside, and you keep your pleasant facade up until Ahri and Ri-Sumeragi depart, and then turn on your uncle. "Explain this."

"I thought it was that kind of social event. My mistake," he says calmly.

"Did you have to bring a Sumeragi here?"

"Ri-Sumeragi is cadet branch, not the main house, and she's a key member of my staff," he corrects you. "Let's be real, we've all been adjutants, we've all had to play CO's armcandy. You know how it is, I don't see why you're getting so worked up about this."

You do, you think sourly. Being Uncle Johnny's armcandy wasn't as unpleasant as it could have been, but you still didn't care for it. You're not going to let him off so easy though.

"This was supposed to be a coaching session for Ahri."

"Yes, I realise that now. It did seem a little too quiet for a normal cocktail party at this level." He gives you a chiding look in reply to your raised eyebrow. "I have attended cocktail parties at the palace before, y'know. Look, it'll be fine. Ri-Sumeragi won't cause you any problems tonight. Just keep an open mind and let things play out. Remember when you first joined my staff?"

You remember. It was hard work and a tremendous culture shock and you cried yourself to sleep every night and wondered why you chose this life, but you also remember the CO going out of his way to make sure that the rest of his staff treated you fairly, and didn't write you off as a dilettante debutante slumming it in the Navy for a season. That willingness and determination to take people as they are and give them the chance to prove themselves without prejudice, that's one of the reasons Fleet Admiral Chew instills such loyalty in his people.

And, well. If he didn't trust her on some level, if he didn't think she could be discreet, he wouldn't have brought Ri-Sumeragi along, he could have flown solo tonight. You'll give her the benefit of the doubt. For the Skipper's sake.

- 女王之天命 -

The party is, thank the Divine Founder, not a trainwreck. The cocktails are splendid, the hors d'oeuvres are a smorgasbord of cultures and tastes, from canapes to spring rolls to crispy rendang. Lady Amagi turns out to be the biggest surprise of the evening: she's a charming, polite conversationalist, with a wickedly sharp sense of humour. She carries herself with an air of sophistication and elegance, without seeing the need to assert herself into every conversation. Nor does she loudly proclaim the superiority of her House, or make any passive-aggressive jabs against the Imperial Family. If anything, she behaves like the very picture of a modern naval officer: well-read, clever, proper, polite, politically inscrutable, no tail spreading displays. In short, nothing like Lady Akagi, something which weirds you and Ahri out; she can't stop looking at her.

Proper, you decide. If you had to describe her in one word, it would be proper. You can see why the CO likes her.

Watching her and Uncle Johnny, it's clear that they have professional ease in each other's company: they both work well together, the way a flag officer and adjutant should. Lady Amagi comports herself as if they were attending a Navy function, where his military rank trumps her social standing. She defers to Uncle Johnny's lead, even though in this civilian setting, her social standing as a noblewoman cadet member of House Sumeragi trumps Uncle Johnny's status as a knighted commoner. That's not something you'd ever have thought you'd see from someone bearing the name Sumeragi.

She's also a surprisingly good sport, and willingly lets herself be used alongside Uncle Johnny and Mummy a few times as an example of wrong etiquette for Ahri to spot and recognise. The coaching session carries on through the night, your guests taking turns to demonstrate correct and incorrect manners, until the end of the evening, when Ahri declares that she is relaxing the requirements of decorum, and sits informally with your family, chitchatting about everything under the sun. She reacquaints herself with your grandparents, and is enthralled by the holodrama-esque story of how they first met and their life as a young married couple of working professionals. Uncle Johnny's anecdotes of his early life with Daddy don't get as much traction with the civilians, even if you find then hilarious. Ri-Sumeragi's sly and subtle wit about the adjutant life is just as entertaining. You'd love to just sit in a corner and trade space stories, some other time, and isn't that the biggest surprise of the night?

All in all, you think, the evening was a success. Ahri learned things, engaged in social interaction, spent time with your family, and you found, potentially, the first Sumeragi you might actually be able to get along with.

As she departs, your grandmother pulls you aside for a private word. "I must commend you, Your Highness. It was an excellent party, full of teaching moments."

"You are too kind, Duchess."

"I'm not kind enough," she says, and wraps her arms around you and pulls you down for a hug; you bend down to accommodate your grandmother. "Well done, Sayang!( Love, Darling) Such a good girl you were, you were wonderful!" she says, stroking your back, avoiding your artfully styled hair, and she pinches your cheeks.

" Nenek( "Grandma") , I'm almost thirty," you protest feebly.

"I don't care," declares your grandmother, kissing your cheeks and cuddling you some more. "I'm so proud of you, you're such a good girl, being a good example to Her Majesty. Anything you need, you call Nenek, ok?"

"Yes Nenek," you reply obediently, enduring more cooing from your grandmother.

"Also when are you going to find a nice boy and get married, you're older than your mummy when she had you."

"Maybe later Nenek, not now."

"Don't wait too long, Sayang. I want to see my great grandchildren some day, alright?"

"Yes, Nenek."

"Such a good girl you are. Sayang, remember, when you marry you need to make sure your husband understands his place, okay? That's how Atuk( Grandpa) and I stay married so long, because he knows his place and accepts it. Make sure your husband understands his place okay?"

"Yes Nenek," you sigh.

"Remember Sayang, you're a descendant of a royal bloodline that was ancient before this Empire was a thought in Hagoromo's mind, you need to remember that. You are a princess, and your husband must understand that no matter his family or achievements he is nothing compared to you."

"... yes, Nenek."

"Actually, never mind, someone like Johnny also can, I've always liked that young man, I wish your mummy would have married him and gotten me more grandchildren, not like your father, doesn't know where his place is, runs off to the frontier leaving you and your mummy all alone, not like your Atuk, staying beside me where his place is."

"Yes, Nenek," you sigh again, and endure her some more. You love her, you really do, but she can get a little tiring sometimes, and she always brings up her pet soapboxes when she sees you.

Many hugs, kisses and stroked tails later, your grandmother finally releases you and takes her leave. You think that she might have even crossed a line into lese majesty in the last five minutes, but grandmothers will be grandmothers.

You watch as Nenek leaves with Atuk, and smile. For all her rhetoric about finding a man who knows his place beneath her, about how you have to make sure the man knows his place is to serve you, it's obvious to you that your grandparents are mutually besotted with each other, with the way they hold hands and smile like newlyweds. You'd like that for yourself, someday.

But not today. Today, tomorrow, and tomorrow after that, you have no room for romance in your life. Not anymore. You have an Empress to raise and mentor. So many people have raised and mentored you: it's your turn to pay it forward for Ahri, and one day, it'll be her turn to do for her children what you're doing for her.

- 女王之天命 -

You let Ahri sleep in that Sunday morning, not just because of her late night and as a reward for passing her coaching session, but also for your own sake: you were woken by her nightmares again. You're not happy about that, not one bit: you'd thought, you'd hoped, that things were getting better. All you could do was kiss her tears away and hold her until her nightmares subsided.

After brunch, you beg your leave of Ahri, giving her the excuse that you need to check up on a few things, and call Konnie and Daniel, and ask to meet at your house. To your utter lack of surprise, Konnie is already there —you figure she must have slept over in the guest room that's semi-permanently designated as her room. Daniel arrives shortly after you do, and you get down to a full debriefing in your office.

"I can't believe that VSS misfiled their paperwork so badly," you say, incredulously. "I thought their administrator was running a tight ship?"

"Some things fell through the cracks, ma'am," replies Daniel. "I didn't believe it myself, but, well." He plays back an ECHO log recording, and you listen in aghast at how slapdash VSS's office employees are.

"They were being idiots, not sneaky, " shrugs Konnie. "I don't see why you two are acting so surprised at filing mishaps, there was that audit a few months back that found a couple hundred million crowns worth of Navy spares in a forgotten warehouse. The Navy doesn't have a monopoly on bureaucratic incompetence. I'm more concerned about the pirates. They were well-equipped and well trained. Not your average mooks."

You listen with growing concern as your staff brief you on the full scale of the piracy suppression op, and on the altercation between your forces and 4th Fleet. Daniel and Konnie are of different minds as to 4th Fleet's posture.

"Something is not right with 4th Fleet, ma'am," notes Daniel. "Their posture was quite aggressive, with a level of hostility that frankly was unwarranted. Commodore Muryutou was not treating Task Force Soyeon like a friendly formation."

Konnie shrugs. "From their perspective, we took an invasion fleet into their AO, jammed an authorised PMC, and heavy-handedly went about doing an audit in their house. I'd be annoyed too."

"Annoyed enough to speak so demandingly to a superior officer, ma'am? Commodore Muryutou was acting like you were the junior officer, not her."

"She's Admiral Kanda's right hand. In 4th Fleet's AO, that counts for more than my stars," shrugs Konnie again. She turns to you. "As a whole, ma'am, while the outcome of that confrontation wasn't ideal, I think we can live with it. Her report to Comberth Harbor should portray this as a case of a flag officer who got a little too carried away by her stars and made a series of questionable judgement calls. Embarrassing for the flag officer in question, no doubt, but you and Her Majesty are insulated from the blowback."

"I was hoping to avoid any blowback," you muse. Daniel and Konnie share a look, and then Konnie pointedly looks at you, eyebrow raised. You spread your hands. "I chose to bring the heavy task force, I chose to accept the greater risk of discovery. I made a judgement call that our deception measures ought to mitigate that risk. That's on me."

"What I find curious, ma'am, is how 4th Fleet knew we were in-system," muses Daniel. "We used a dispersed departure from the capital, jammed the VSS depot on the way in, and had control of their comms while we were investigating. And yet, based on Captain Chintaum's report, battlecruiser Hyperion's recce squadron jumped in 1st June, ten days after we arrived in-system."

You frown. "Comberth's a ten-day journey from Egon, isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am, but assuming one day for any transmission to arrive at Comberth, one day to ready ships for sail, and a ten-day transit, they should have arrived two days later, on 3rd June. That's much too fast."

"It's theoretically doable if you redline your drives and push hard," opines Konnie. "We could do it, but we've had a fresh refit. It's not something you want to do with ships that aren't in pristine condition. Captain, what's the material condition of 4th Fleet?"

"My starting assumption is that their ships are in worse material condition than 13th Fleet, Admiral: they don't have the same level of support that 13th Fleet has - had, I mean," he amends, and you're reminded of the painful fact that at the month's end, 13th Fleet will be officially disbanded and split up. "I'd need to investigate further to get solid data."

You ponder the matter. "So the questions are how did 4th Fleet learn we were in-system, and how were they able to respond so quickly to us?"

"Yes, ma'am. It's particularly concerning given the sophisticated EW measures the pirates employed, namely the EW cruiser and the EW buoy."

"Wait, what?"

Daniel helpfully flips to the appropriate page of his full report, and you can feel a headache growing. "They had an electronic warfare light cruiser supporting their raids, and emplaced an electronic warfare buoy to suborn the system's long-range comms buoy?"

"That's correct, ma'am," reports Daniel. "The pirates named this ship Shaddup Nao, but investigation revealed it was originally the light cruiser Khazanah, of the Malusial System Defense Force - a ship which was officially sold for scrap two years ago by 1MDB, the Malusial system's sovereign wealth fund. The EW fitout on that ship matches milspec systems packages offered by SA-Caledfwlch."

"What," you say flatly. "A Siam-Astra subsidiary, involved with pirates? Even if the pirates were mercenaries gone rotten or hired guns, this sounds more sophisticated than usual."

"The pirates weren't keen on talking and we were running up against the clock, so HUMINT collection was limited," says Daniel apologetically. "We remanded them into VSS custody; my opposite numbers in VSS and the Egon SDF promised to share with me whatever intel they develop. The EW bouy was a surprise we weren't expecting: it was surprisingly subtle. It intercepted outgoing transmissions to 4th Fleet and tricked the comms buoy into thinking that the messages were sent, when in reality they didn't make it through."

"So Egon was calling for help and nobody knew," you muse. "Is that why Rafidah Aziz-Sumeragi was in Egon? The Earl of Egon thinks he's receiving a deaf ear, so he turns to Sumeragi and tries to bring his system under their aegis, hoping that as their vassal they'll have an obligation to protect him?"

"Not exactly, ma'am," says Daniel, a little awkwardly. He directs you to another section of the folder. "My summary is here, and the full details are inside, but the short of it is that Baroness Rafidah Aziz-Sumeragi was present as a senior executive of Siam-Astra Frontier Heavy Industries, which the Earl of Egon was courting as an investment partner."

"So, not a Sumeragi landgrab?"

"Not a Sumeragi landgrab, ma'am. The Earl apparently intends to remain politically independent, while expanding Egon's infrastructure, industry, and ducal forces." Daniel's expression is carefully neutral. Konnie gives you an "I-told-you-so" look. You sigh, and rub your temples. Fucking 9chan conspiracy theories.

"Alright," you say, marshaling your thoughts. "Mistakes were made, hypotheses were disproven, 4th Fleet's choler is up, but it wasn't a complete disaster, and any day where we can bring pirates to justice is a good day. Rear Admiral Vickers, thank you for your assistance and your discretion in this matter. Please stay afterwards, I'd like to have a private word with you once I conclude with Captain O'Farrell."

"Of course, Vice Admiral."

Konnie leaves (no doubt to enjoy the contents of your liquor cabinet), and closes the door behind her. Daniel relaxes slightly, and you exhale tiredly.

"Well. Mistakes were made. That could have gone better. But it could have gone much worse."

Daniel shrugs noncommittally. "We did discover legitimate avenues for further investigation, if Her Majesty will continue to extend Her mandate to us. I'll summarize; the full details are in the file.

"Firstly, ma'am, there's the matter of where the pirates got their ships from. There was the EW cruiser Khazanah, the heavy cruiser was formerly ex-Panglima of the Malusial ducal forces, two of the other destroyers were also from Malusial. Multiple ships from the same ducal force, all supposedly sold for scrap, all in pirate hands, is more than a coincidence. I believe that investigating the Malusial system, as the source of these ships, is of merit.

"Second, the matter of the refit. These ships were professionally refurbished in an actual shipyard by skilled workers, not a jury-rigged slapdash job like what we'd expect from regular pirates. The EW fitout, the installed milspec systems, these match up to upgrade packages offered by SA-Caledfwlch. That implies several things, none of them good, and we don't know whether the rot is limited to SA-Caledfwlch, or has spread further into its parent company of Siam-Astra Fenghuang."

Daniel pauses, hesitation obvious, and hands you the third sheet.

"Finally, ma'am, we could investigate the 4th Fleet."

"Excuse me?" you ask, eyebrows raised meaningfully. Daniel sets his shoulders and carries on.
"Ma'am, 4th Fleet's posture was unusually aggressive and hostile, their ships are in better material condition than reported, and even though we took a war fleet into Egon, they had no way at all of knowing that - and yet they show up faster than expected, two days faster. Something suspicious is going on in Comberth."

You ponder the options. "Daniel, what are the risks involved with following up these leads?"

"I believe all these leads are time-sensitive, ma'am. Choosing to pursue one lead risks the trail going cold on the others, especially if we want to be discreet and thorough. I've given thought to expanding the investigation team, I have a number of candidates to vet, but if I take the time to do my due diligence on them, I believe it's likely that all investigation trails will go cold."

"What about a compromise?" you suggest. "A shorter vetting period would allow you to expand the team and be able to pursue multiple leads, would it not?"

"That's a possibility, ma'am, but I'm concerned that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. There would still be the risk of all the trails going cold - admittedly, not as high as with the full vetting period - and I'm worried that I might not find any red flags a longer vetting period would discover. Ultimately, the decision of whether those risks are acceptable is your decision, ma'am."

You purse your lips and think. There's also the political angle to consider.

Investigating 1MDB and Malusial has the least political risk: Iskandar bin Zekhar-Curchille may be the Duke of Malusial, but there are Dukes and then there are Dukes; House Zekhar-Curchille is a minor noble house on its lonesome, unaligned with any of the Five Great Houses.

Investigating SA-Caledfwlch is, you judge, moderately risky. Not only is its parent company, Siam-Astra Intergalactic Holdings Limited, one of the largest megacorporations in the Empire, but you'd be sending your agents to poke their noses in Fenghuang territory. If your moves are discovered, the pushback will be loud and immediate.

4th Fleet presents the greatest political risk: you're quite sure that following this lead will burn your bridges with Shiki, and quite possibly the Navy as a whole, and might even blowback onto Uncle Johnny and Daddy.

You have choices to make, Princess. What are you going to do?

[ ] Investigate ONE lead now. High risk other leads may go cold.
-[ ] Investigate the Malusial system (pirate warship source)
-[ ] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
-[ ] Investigate 4th Fleet (suspicious posture)

[ ] Expand investigation team, thorough vetting. High risk all leads may go cold.

[ ] Investigate ONE lead & Expand investigation team, moderate vetting. Moderate risk all leads may go cold, risk of undetected red flags in candidates.
-[ ] Investigate the Malusial system (pirate warship source)
-[ ] Investigate SA-Caledfwlch (pirate refit supplier)
-[ ] Investigate 4th Fleet (suspicious posture)
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