That formula iterates painfully slowly. Which means that, if it took Louise three days to reach a hundred odd points, she'd reach Square+ in about a month. Which is a hilariously derpy rate of progression.
You're still assuming linear progression through skill levels. This is also not going to be the case.
Also, really entertaining story, can't wait for Louise to hit the high levels and curb stomp people. :D

Something that I have been noticing is that for all that actually being able to use her magic has helped Louise, many of her interpersonal problems are not being solved, and are being worsened due to her magic.

As to whether or not it is Tabitha:

Louise has just given her many reasons to follow her. I've already covered her mother, similarities in behavior to her uncle/king have been mentioned by others. Add in that Tabitha likely actually saw the book turn to dust/sand, and that Louise isn't one to skip theory class... There is plenty of reason for her to follow Louise around for a day.

On the other hand... Tabitha has some wind magic right, or as an experienced mercenary/adventurer/chevalier should have noticed the pattern of spells, and realized she should back off before Louise casts Amplify Sound. Or recognize the spell, and as it is a simple spell most mages should realized what spell she cast.

There are human limits to elemental affinities.

Oh boy... While I do enjoy a good curbstomp now and then, I think that Louise isn't going to enjoy her ability to pass those elemental affinities. Spirit Magic is Elvin magic, and I haven't ever seen a FoZ fic mention spirit magic so early.


A theme of this story seems to be that Louise is gaining power, but that power is doing just as much damage to her life as not having it. The Gamer from what I have seen is inhumanly strong and powerful after they start up. Emphasis on inhumanly. I am comparing Louise's trouble as a deconstruction of the hero becoming super strong very quickly.

This reminds me of a fanfic I once read where there is a reveal that one of the characters is a genetically modified super soldier. The readers find this out later, and the joys of the character's life includes blood-lust, an ability to dissociate, high aggression, and little regard for personal safety.

I mention this because this story seems to be driving to a similar message that while it would be nice to be the super strong warrior for a day, it is a lot different to live as that person.
A Gamer is literally 'Zero' they don't have any drawbacks in learning 'anything'

Unless two skills contradict each other and even then.....

A theme of this story seems to be that Louise is gaining power, but that power is doing just as much damage to her life as not having it. The Gamer from what I have seen is inhumanly strong and powerful after they start up. Emphasis on inhumanly. I am comparing Louise's trouble as a deconstruction of the hero becoming super strong very quickly.

This reminds me of a fanfic I once read where there is a reveal that one of the characters is a genetically modified super soldier. The readers find this out later, and the joys of the character's life includes blood-lust, an ability to dissociate, high aggression, and little regard for personal safety.

I mention this because this story seems to be driving to a similar message that while it would be nice to be the super strong warrior for a day, it is a lot different to live as that person.

Yeah, no I get that. But what exactly does that have to do with my post at all? I was talking about the whole elemental affinity bullshit and how it just wasn't feasible and why it's better that she focuses on a select group of spells rather then cramming every possible spell into her brain. And with the way the elemental affinity crap is set up, she'll have to waste her time trying to find every spell available to level her affinities and then once she gets her affinities up to where she wants them to be, she'll completely forget about almost every spell she found in her quest to level her affinities. And worse, practically all of those skills would be at level 1. She just needs to learn a spell and forget in order to level her affinities and considering that she's trying to raise almost all of her affinities, if not all? It's gonna take a long time. Far better as Nattuo and I said to gain her affinities by practicing her spells and gaining affinities/affinty levels from how high the skill level has become.
Something that I have been noticing is that for all that actually being able to use her magic has helped Louise, many of her interpersonal problems are not being solved, and are being worsened due to her magic.
I know. :D I like how the story focuses more on the effects of having the Gamer powers, rather than what new hax Louise got. However, it does make you look forward to her next skill level up and what will happen from it.

I mean, if Louise gets to Line Class in say two weeks, the little punks at her school won't let it go and will complain even more, along with some actual suspicious looks those higher up due to her rapid improvement.

Speaking of leveling up, shouldn't she have leveled up by now and discovered the menu? Leveling up in the first five levels is suppose to be very easy.

Edit: Just read the rest of your post, you already addressed this point.
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Yeah, no I get that. But what exactly does that have to do with my post at all? I was talking about the whole elemental affinity bullshit and how it just wasn't feasible and why it's better that she focuses on a select group of spells rather then cramming every possible spell into her brain. And with the way the elemental affinity crap is set up, she'll have to waste her time trying to find every spell available to level her affinities and then once she gets her affinities up to where she wants them to be, she'll completely forget about almost every spell she found in her quest to level her affinities. And worse, practically all of those skills would be at level 1. She just needs to learn a spell and forget in order to level her affinities and considering that she's trying to raise almost all of her affinities, if not all? It's gonna take a long time. Far better as Nattuo and I said to gain her affinities by practicing her spells and gaining affinities/affinty levels from how high the skill level has become.
She probably does gain affinity from training elemental spells she just haven't trained one of them enough yet and I personally would guess there is a cap on how much affinity she can gain from simply learning spells.
Yeah, no I get that. But what exactly does that have to do with my post at all? I was talking about the whole elemental affinity bullshit and how it just wasn't feasible and why it's better that she focuses on a select group of spells rather then cramming every possible spell into her brain. And with the way the elemental affinity crap is set up, she'll have to waste her time trying to find every spell available to level her affinities and then once she gets her affinities up to where she wants them to be, she'll completely forget about almost every spell she found in her quest to level her affinities. And worse, practically all of those skills would be at level 1. She just needs to learn a spell and forget in order to level her affinities and considering that she's trying to raise almost all of her affinities, if not all? It's gonna take a long time. Far better as Nattuo and I said to gain her affinities by practicing her spells and gaining affinities/affinty levels from how high the skill level has become.

Ah, I am terrible at explaining :oops:

I think that her growing so quickly, with being rewarded so much for finding spells is meant to bump her up into the super powerful categories quickly. As minuseven has already posted, there are human caps for elemental affinities. I don't think as a gamer Louise counts for those human affinities. In my head I am comparing it to growth rates. Most humans get maybe one or two points from learning a spell, while a spirit would gain those spell points more quickly due to it being in their specialty like a racial bonus.

I am thinking that this rate of growth is to both instigate problems, and foreshadow that the Gamer doesn't quite make Louise fully human any more, at least by ability.
*Shrugs* It is possible that the theme will involve alienation from her peers, but in all honesty if that is the theme that minusseven is driving for Louise is a poor choice of character to write about with that since she begins alienated from her peers to a great extent, and her family is absurdly unlikely to abandon her out of fear. The Gamer power is also easier to mistake for 'normal' magic than the Void's power.

In all honesty, it seems like you're reaching for a theme you favor with little evidence from the story to back it up. Sure, Louise will grow more powerful, but there are many themes to explore with that, and given the setting it is more likely her power will win her some kind of companionship she previously lacked. If I were to start guessing as to themes which would be explored by the story I'd go more for something like 'Power Corrupts' as opposed to 'Power Alienates', but it is really too soon to tell.
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I think that her growing so quickly, with being rewarded so much for finding spells is meant to bump her up into the super powerful categories quickly. As minuseven has already posted, there are human caps for elemental affinities. I don't think as a gamer Louise counts for those human affinities. In my head I am comparing it to growth rates. Most humans get maybe one or two points from learning a spell, while a spirit would gain those spell points more quickly due to it being in their specialty like a racial bonus.

Yeah, but what's the point? Halkegenia doesn't have any mages above Square rank in canon and I highly doubt they do here. And we have no mention of Acquired Ability Users-especially among the peasants as they want to break the mages of their powers as nobles, which was the reason many joined Reconquista in canon I believe. Also, there's no sign of the Abyss and I highly doubt there's an Abyss Auction seeing as there's no computers and the like to order from home like in the canon Gamer. Why go above and beyond then? Unless the OP is gonna make this a multi-cross or something, there's no real point to make her a heavy hitter so fast.

I am thinking that this rate of growth is to both instigate problems, and foreshadow that the Gamer doesn't quite make Louise fully human any more, at least by ability.

No, she's still human in origin and in nature. It's her growth rate that's no longer normal. And we already knew that as soon as she got the Gamer Ability. And if this whole story is gonna be all about driving Zero to snap then there's no point in the Gamer ability at all. Just simply make the kids be more and more cruel to her until she snaps and blows one of them up and goes on a rampage. Boom, oneshot. There you go.
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Halkegenia doesn't have any mages above triangle rank in canon and I highly doubt they do here.
I'm pretty sure a mage above triangle rank gave birth to Louise.

EDIT: Both easily available sources (in addition to comments in this thread) confirmed that Karin the Heavy Wind is a Square.
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You know, thinking about the affinities and how much does it take to level them... how about this: Dot is 100 points because it is one. But a line is formed by two dots so it would be 100 + 2x100= 300. Then comes triangle, which is three lines so 300 + 300x3 =1200. Then comes square which is four triangles so 1200 + 4x1200= 6000. That makes more sense in terms of difficulty than 100, 300, 600, 1000.
It strikes me that if Louise gets significant XP for killing enemies as opposed to soley from quests, her reasons for participating in the war become faaaaaar sketchier than they are in canon.
It strikes me that if Louise gets significant XP for killing enemies as opposed to soley from quests, her reasons for participating in the war become faaaaaar sketchier than they are in canon.
Louise vs 70000 army.

Guiche: Guys...I'm scared.

Kirche: What is it now?

Guiche: *Points at Louise* We just got told an army is coming here, and she won't stop smiling!!
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I'm pretty sure a mage above triangle rank gave birth to Louise.

EDIT: Both easily available sources (in addition to comments in this thread) confirmed that Karin the Heavy Wind is a Square.

Ok, I'll edit it to change that. But my major point still stands. Why the need to git gud so fast?
*Shrugs* It is possible that the theme will involve alienation from her peers, but in all honesty if that is the theme that minusseven is driving for Louise is a poor choice of character to write about with that since she begins alienated from her peers to a great extent, and her family is absurdly unlikely to abandon her out of fear. The Gamer power is also easier to mistake for 'normal' magic than the Void's power.

I must personally disagree, that is what makes Louise a great character for such a theme. To me it appears that she threw herself into magic thinking: "If I can do this..." that she would be accepted by her family, her peers if only she didn't mess up her magic. Louise has kinda missed that those that become great at anything tend to attract sycophants or enemies.

her power will win her some kind of companionship she previously lacked.

So far her sudden upheaval in power has only pushed away her peers further. For people to suddenly turn around tends to signify that they are afraid of you, or want to use you. Kirche is one of the most honest in that she did congratulate Louise in her progress, before continue to pester/somewhat bully Louise but did so to Louise's face versus behind her back. I see nothing but continued alienation from this as success does not, nor ever has guaranteed friends or equals.

As to her family not pushing her away, that is kinda the sinker. Louise's family doesn't push her away now, not on purpose anyway. Her mother is terrible with children, Cattaleya is so sickly that the entire family is in coddle mode, Eleanore is an older sister that enjoys lording over her. The lack of communication and pride on all sides is what drives Louise to isolation, not an uncaring family. Louise already has a caring ( if horribly incompetent at showing it) family. She just needs to see it/ them to show it.

It strikes me that if Louise gets significant XP for killing enemies as opposed to soley from quests, her reasons for participating in the war become faaaaaar sketchier than they are in canon.

I have been comparing her obsession to quests to an addiction...
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Oh my god Khepri you can't just ask why people want to become their idols. It's a very personal question, you have to complete their loyalty quest and everything.

Funny. So she just wants to beat her mother's score/record? How disappointing. She really really needs to raise that WIS stat. She's already got Tabitha on her and if Ozzy ever bothers to look into her "magic" more deeply, he'll find out what's up too.
More like raise that CHA stat, knowing won't do her any good if she can't express it in the form of honorable (social) combat. Everyone knows that talking to your loved ones calmly never fixes the problem! You have to punch your feelings into them verbally or physically :cool:.
Boy, is she gonna be disappointed when she finds out her new power doesn't come with a Charisma skill, no matter how much she repeats said action.