Sorry it's so late, this update kind of kicked my ass for a while trying to do dialogue. Have an XP. I would also consider getting another lvl 2 spell, so that you can use them as a prereq of a lvl 3 spell for car repair.
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A Good Grilling
Daryl helps Chandra and Liliana get the meat out of the coolers and ready for the grills, idly chatting. "You guys cook much?"
Chandra replies from where she's preparing hamburgers. "Open flame cooking just come easy to me."
Liliana looks up from a tray full of chicken quarters. "I'm a decent cook."
"'Decent?' Lils, I'm a 'decent' cook, you're like some sort of domestic goddess right out of the 50's when you cook. The only kind of cooking I'm better than you is if fires involved." Chandra starts putting her hamburgers on a couple of grills. "Or have you forgotten that big blue ribbon you got at the fair for your triple layered marzipan super cake?"
Liliana finishes putting her chicken in her grills before sticking her tounge out at Chandra and turning to Daryl. "It wasn't that big a deal, I was competing in the teenage bracket anyway. Daryl, what kind of cooking are you good at?"
[] Write in
An hour of inconsequential chatting later, Daryl grabs a plate and heads over to talk to Freya and Jason about their martial arts, and to apologize to Freya for the awkwardness of their introduction. He makes his way over to their table. "Hey, I wanted to apologize for earlier."
Freya waves for you to sit as she finishes her bite of chicken. "It's no problem, it happens a lot."
"So, you two big in martial arts?"
Jason puts his burger down and takes his turn. "Pretty big, I placed third in the state competition last year, and the great Norse goddess here brought home a hideous trophy almost as big as she is."
Freya snorts at that, before nodding to Daryl. "I can see that you're not into martial arts, so what's your thing?"
Daryl shrugs before swallowing a mouthful of chips. "Back in Boston, I'd be the one that organized stuff like this. Now though? Mostly unpacking and working on my car."
Freya perks up at the mention of a car, while Jason sighs and goes to get another pair of plates. "Oh, what kind of car are you working on?"
The next few hours pass by in a blur of car talk, it seems that Freya is a bit of a car nut, she drives a
Chevelle Super Sport that she and her dad rebuilt together. Daryl picked up a lot of mechanic tips from Freya, who is frankly amazed that he took on a heavily wrecked car as his first rebuild.
Jason contributed as well, but he only knew about cars because Freya was so into it. Though he does offer some insights into metal work. His dad ran a metal shop, so Jason did a lot of mechanical projects for school and Freya. He also made the suggest that you could get some other parts and restore them for selling if you needed more cash for your car. It's what Freya did to pay for her half of the Chevelle. They give you their numbers, with Freya wanting to see your car before too long, and Jason offers to help with any welding or metal work that needs to be done.
All too soon, the picnic starts breaking up, and Daryl's mother is here to pick him up. A quick round of goodbyes and he's soon back home, ready for his last weekend before school starts Monday.
Weekend, pick 4 actions.
[] Magically work on the car.
--[] Frame (1 action, improve to 'Okay')
--[] Body (1 action, improve to 'Bad')
--[] Electrical (1 action, $100, improve to 'Bad')
--[] Interior (1 action, improve to 'Broken')
--[] Paint (1 action, improve to 'Broken')
--[] Wheels (1 action, improve to 'Broken')
[] Get broken parts to repair for resell (1 action, costs $200 now, get $400 after the next turn)
[] New town, new people
-[] Head up to Dayton Mall, see what's going on there (one action)
-[] Go to Milden Park (one action)
-[] The Fun Center (one action, $20)
-[] Go to Jade (one action, $20)
[] School time blues
-[] It's your last school year, and college is right around the corner, time to get prepared (one action, minor grade improvement for the first month of school, can be taken multiple times)
[] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
[] XP Distribution (9 XP Available before vote)
-[] Put X XP into your Magic
-[] Put X XP into your Regen
-[] Reduce a spells cost with XP
-[] Improve a spell with XP
-[] Write in any spells you'd like to buy with XP
-[] Invent some new spells (They will need GM approval before you can buy them)
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