MagiQuest (Failed)

With the elements / aspects we currently have?
Yes, a basic memory/skill copy spell would be something like:

Copy (lvl 2, Mind, Manipulate/Creation)
This spell will target a memory/skill, then copy it into a newly created copy.
Duration: Instant
# of Targets: One Memory/Skill
Casting Range: Touch
Cost: 6 XP
1.8 Study, Study, Study
Well, It's been nearly 3 days, so it looks like the one plan who got the only vote is going to be it.
Plan Quest

Free Actions:
[X]Using Magic (40 Magic, 37 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon (6m), Swift Thought (3m), and Thought Excitation (3m) throughout the Weekend (12 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade (28 Magic, up to 3 IEU actions per Regular action)
-[X] Cast Uplink when your magic recovers.

[X]Memorise your magic notes.

[X] XP Distribution
-[X] Buy Always On, for 7 XP
-[X] Increase Always On to Daily Duration for 3 XP.

Saving (30)XP to spend on Dominance next turn.

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat.
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world.
-[X] Four action.

IEU Actions:

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
--[X] Nine times.

[X] While under the effects of Uplink, use your phone to surf the web.
-[X] Get online and catch up on your friends over social media (2 actions, choose 1)
--[X] See what the Boston gang's been up to since you moved
-[X]Do some research on quantum physics, specifically the affects of space and time. Your magic use is based on your knowledge, improve that. Memorise what you learn.

Preliminary plan. Criticism welcome. I plan on using always on to directly enchant Dominance of Matter and use it, by passing the need for mana cost. Once we do that, we'll also get the magic element and a bunch of new options will open. Then we can concentrate on buffing mana regen and capacity.
1.8 Study, Study, Study

Daryl was a man with a mission, the spell he had envisioned, it was like a siren's call, he was barely able to even contemplate doing anything but working toward completing this masterpiece, the greatest working of magic Daryl had yet attempted. (4 Regular actions, 9 IEU actions taken for Magic Study, +4 XP each, +52 XP total)

In fact, he was so focused on creating this one spell, that he used up every drop of magic on mind spells during the weekend, leaving him with only half a tank of Magic on Monday morning. (IEU casting delayed till Monday Afternoon, -3 IEU actions for 1.9)

Though Daryl did have a pair of his trains of thought catch up with his friends in Boston Sunday night through facebook and such. His third train of thought was busy downloading intro's to Quantum Theory and how it affects space and time. Even with his magically boosted intelligence, it was still confusing as hell. Maybe another path is needed. I mean, Gravity affects space and time, right? (Relations with Boston Friends boosted, Gained Layman's {Poor} understanding of Quantum Theory)

(Always On, bought and upgrade to Day long Duration, -10 XP, 30 XP banked)

Always on (Lvl 2, mind, creation, transmutation)
Creates a small, dedicated mind able to continually concentrate on holding one thought/ritual/etc. for the duration of the spell.
cost 7
Upgrade to daily duration: Cost 10

It's a new Week, 4 Regular Actions, Up to 37 IEU actions available, 82 XP available, $920 available.
Regular Actions
Free Actions:
[]Using Magic (40 Magic, 37 Regen per day)
-[] Cast Student's Boon (6m), Swift Thought (3m), and Thought Excitation (3m) throughout the Weekend (12 Magic used per day)
--[] Leave a spell out for the week
-[] Cast Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade (28 Magic, up to 3 IEU actions per Regular action)
-[] Cast other magic (Insufficient Magic, will require dropping a spell from your daily line up, or delaying casting of IEU for an action, meaning another -3 IEU actions this turn)

Magic Development: (82 XP Available)
[] Invent some new spells (They will need GM approval before you can buy them)
[] XP Distribution
-[] Put {X} XP into your Magic
-[] Put {X} XP into your Regen
-[] Write in any spells you'd like to buy with XP

[] Upgrading {Insert Spell Here}
-[] Reduce a spells cost with XP
-[] Improve a spell with XP
--[] Duration
--[] Casting Range
--[] Area of Effect/Number of Targets
--[] Other Stat improvement/Write in

Magic Work:
[] Magically work on the car. (40 Magic, 37 Regen per day)
-[] Interior {bad, needs better spells to deal with leather, buy a new leather interior $2000}
-[] Wheels (1 action, 10 Magic or multiple castings, improve to 'Bad', or spend $1000 to replace outright.)

[] Get broken parts to repair for resell (1 action, 10 Magic costs $200 now, get $500 after the next turn)

[] Buy a set of Advanced Mechanics Tools (1 action, $1500, will help with cover your magic use)

[] Call some friends up, or try to meet new people
-[] Dayton Mall (one action)
-[] Milden Park (one action)
-[] The Fun Center (one action, $20)
-[] Jade, Teen Club (one action, $20)
-[] Invite someone over to your place (one action)
-[] Write in activity (one action, $?)
--[] Which friends do you invite for this activity? (Write in, no more than 4)

[] Chat on the phone with a friend (one action, choose 1)
-[] Chandra
-[] Jace
-[] Freya
-[] Jason
-[] Aunt Dany
-[] One of your Boston Friends

[] Get online and catch up on your friends over social media (2 actions, choose 1)
-[] Choose a friend
-[] See what the Boston gang's been up to since you moved
-[] Other

[] Spend some time with family (One action, choose 1)
-[] Nicole (Mother)
-[] Danielle (Aunt Dany)

[] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
[] Some other Subject (Write in)

[] Write in
IEU Actions

Choose 37 IEU actions for the week:

[] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
[] Some other Subject (Write in)

[] While under the effects of Uplink (If cast), use your phone to surf the web (Requires casting Uplink)
-[] Get online and catch up on your friends over social media (2 actions, choose 1)
--[] Choose a friend
--[] See what the Boston gang's been up to since you moved
--[] Other

[] Chat on the phone through Uplink (If cast) with a friend (one action, choose 1)
-[] Chandra
-[] Jace
-[] Freya
-[] Jason
-[] Aunt Dany
-[] One of your Boston Friends

[] Write in (Must be a mental action)

Well, here we are. As you were warned, 1.9 will be the last voting update to Chapter 1. I'm going to start working on an Interlude or two, but Plot is going to start happening in 1.9 as we move into Chapter 2. You guys have 82 XP available, and will no doubt get another huge pile during 1.9. If you guys want to get Domination, now's the time to do it and start doing something interesting with your magic.
[X] Any plan that has us fix the damn car already.
You guys had plenty of chances to do so, and in fact, it was what I expected you guys to do when I started the quest, before moving on to the big magics. It was supposed to be like a tutorial to magic and how Daryl can effect the world with it, but people seemed to lose interest in it pretty early when it became clear that a few basic spells weren't going to perfectly fix everything, and then everyone became focused on getting XP for big spells, and trying to make 'Jack of all trades, Masters of all' type spells.
That's alot of XP.:eek:
So I'm thinking we should invest in upping the magic pool and regen.
Also think we should start being a little more social .

Free Actions:
[X]Using Magic (40 Magic, 37 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon (6m), Swift Thought (3m), and Thought Excitation (3m) throughout the Weekend (12 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade (28 Magic, up to 3 IEU actions per Regular action)
-[X] Uplink when recovered

Magic Development: (82 XP Available)

[X] XP Distribution
-[X] Put {15} XP into your Magic
-[X] Put {15} XP into your Regen
-[X] Write in any spells you'd like to buy with XP
--[X] Buy Dominance of Matter (Lvl 3, Matter/Mind, CreationX6/ManipulationX9/Transmutationx3/Destructionx1) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Pre-req: De-ox, Precision Sensory Perception
Cost: 45 XP

[X] Upgrading {Dominance of Matter}
-[X] Reduce a spells cost with XP
-[X] Improve a spell with XP
--[X] Duration {2 XP}
--[X] Casting Range {2 XP}
--[X] Area of Effect/Number of Targets {3 XP}

Magic Work:

[X] Get broken parts to repair for resell (1 action, 10 Magic costs $200 now, get $500 after the next turn)

[X] Spend some time with family (One action, choose 1)
-[X] Nicole (Mother)

[X] Get online and catch up on your friends over social media (2 actions, choose 1)

-[X] See what the Boston gang's been up to since you moved

Choose 37 IEU actions for the week:

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
--[X] Nine times

[X] Chat on the phone through Uplink (If cast) with a friend (one action, choose 1)

-[X] Chandra
-[X] Jace
-[X] Freya
-[X] Jason
-[X] Aunt Dany
-[X] One of your Boston Friends

[X] Some other Subject
-[X](Quantum Theory)
--[X] five times
[X]Study General Physics
--[X] four times
-[X] You've heard about ceremonial and ritual based magic before. Study some of the theory and history behind it for inspiration. Maybe you could start with a name you remember seeing once on wiki, Aleister Crowley.
--[X] Seven times
-[X] Study car mechanics
--[X] Six times
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Shit, sorry guys, I have been swamped with Uni recently.

Yeah, I fucked up on planning with our spells, I think, in getting too lured by the shininess of level 3 spells that could both do what we need and do more than one thing.

@Orisha91 you forgot to specify how much XP you are channeling into dominance of matter, and I'm not sure that we have the prereqs for that yet.

Conjure metal (lvl 1, matter, creation)
Creates a small metal object in a simple geometric shape.
cost 4

Mold (lvl 1, matter, transmutation)
Magically alters the shape of the target malleable object, as if it was putty in your hands.
cost 2

Minor Metallic Creation (Lvl 2, matter, creation, transmutation)
Creates any small metal object with a relatively simple shape.
cost 7
Prereqs: Conjure metal, mold
We need two level twos in the same vein as matter mastery, and I think De-ox would count, but I don't think we have a second.

I would also recommend throwing an IEU action or two at studying car mechanics, to increase our ability to pretend that we fixed the car normally.

We might also want to get something that can nonlethally disable people in combat.
This might serve:
daze (lvl 1, mind, destruction)
Destroys all of the target's thoughts, leaving them quite profoundly disabled until new thoughts form.

Sorry for nitpicking instead of planning, but I am short on time.

If all goes well, I should be able to do a proper one later today.

PS: what is this crowley business? 9 actions is a hell of a lot for something with uncertain rewards.

PPS: thank you for actually coming up with a plan.
Shit, sorry guys, I have been swamped with Uni recently.

Yeah, I fucked up on planning with our spells, I think, in getting too lured by the shininess of level 3 spells that could both do what we need and do more than one thing.

@Orisha91 you forgot to specify how much XP you are channeling into dominance of matter, and I'm not sure that we have the prereqs for that yet.

Conjure metal (lvl 1, matter, creation)
Creates a small metal object in a simple geometric shape.
cost 4

Mold (lvl 1, matter, transmutation)
Magically alters the shape of the target malleable object, as if it was putty in your hands.
cost 2

Minor Metallic Creation (Lvl 2, matter, creation, transmutation)
Creates any small metal object with a relatively simple shape.
cost 7
Prereqs: Conjure metal, mold
We need two level twos in the same vein as matter mastery, and I think De-ox would count, but I don't think we have a second.

I would also recommend throwing an IEU action or two at studying car mechanics, to increase our ability to pretend that we fixed the car normally.

We might also want to get something that can nonlethally disable people in combat.
This might serve:
daze (lvl 1, mind, destruction)
Destroys all of the target's thoughts, leaving them quite profoundly disabled until new thoughts form.

Sorry for nitpicking instead of planning, but I am short on time.

If all goes well, I should be able to do a proper one later today.

PS: what is this crowley business? 9 actions is a hell of a lot for something with uncertain rewards.

PPS: thank you for actually coming up with a plan.

Haven't been following the quest as closely as I should have , so I don't mind if you or anyone else gets to editing.

Aleister Crowley was responsible for giving the western world a deeper more sinister view into the world of Magic(k), the serious stuff at least on the American and British side of things. You can't really study ceremonial based magic, chaos magic, occultism, and the study of Yoga in the western world without hearing this guy's name. He had a bit of rep though(understatement) and some views would be reprehensible today...

Studying him give us some valuable insights and a wealth of material to work with on the GM or players side if we're willing to go a little darker.
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Haven't been following the quest as closely as I should have , so I don't mind if you or anyone else gets to editing.

Aleister Crowley was responsible for giving the western world a deeper more sinister view into the world of Magic(k), the serious stuff at least on the American and British side of things. You can't really study ceremonial based magic, chaos magic, occultism, and the study of Yoga in the western world without hearing this guy's name. He had a bit of rep though(understatement) and some views would be reprehensible today...

Studying him give us some valuable insights and a wealth of material to work with on the GM or players side if we're willing to go a little darker.
To my mind that sounds like a "have the QM throw spell ideas at us in character" sort of action, and unlikely to get much in the way of returns after the first couple of actions to it.
To my mind that sounds like a "have the QM throw spell ideas at us in character" sort of action, and unlikely to get much in the way of returns after the first couple of actions to it.
Not to mention that our magic seems to not really have much to do eith occult, faith and ritualism.

It is more try to bend the world to the effect we want and it acquiesces than summon forces of the occult to do your bidding.
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To my mind that sounds like a "have the QM throw spell ideas at us in character" sort of action, and unlikely to get much in the way of returns after the first couple of actions to it.

Wasn't thinking about the ideas for spells but more of the actual way Daryl goes about using his magic story-wise. I think the players would wan't to keep spell ideas on their terms as it is now. Lessened how actions were devoted to it though

Not to mention that our magic seems to not really have much to do eith occult, faith and ritualism.

It is more like try to bend the world to the effect we want and it acquiesces.

That was very similar to Crowley's definition of magic or magick.
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That was very similar to Crowley's definition of magic or magick.
Then it's so basic that it is practically useless.

I do not want to have Daryl to build up preconceptions about what magic should and shouldn't do based off the writings of people who just might make stuff up on the off chance that it is like Dresden magic who have wizards destroy electronics only because they think that should happen because magic and tech don't mix.
Then it's so basic that it is practically useless.

I do not want to have Daryl to build up preconceptions about what magic should and shouldn't do based off the writings of people who just might make stuff up on the off chance that it is like Dresden magic who have wizards destroy electronics only because they think that should happen because magic and tech don't mix.

Are you familiar with Crowley's work? It's not some stuff he pulled out of his butt. Most of what he practiced was built off of historical based magic practiced and debated and tested on for centuries or millennium. It doesn't do anything like stop us from using magic around electronics or give us some random limitations.

It's not like we can't control the direction of our Daryl handles perusing this stuff either. We could take some basic theories here and there since Daryl's operating on a total set of different rules.

EDIT: I'm not trying to push the character off on entire new track here. I just wanted use this for inspiration for the ritual category we have on page 1 and some quick knowledge Daryl could get under the knowledge tab.
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I still remain against anything that delays finishing the car.

If we get it done we can say we sold all the tools after we finished the car.
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@Gear shouldn't we be getting more than 4XP per action? IIRC Students Boon gives us a +2, Swift thought and Thought Excitation gives us a +1 each and use of perfect memory spells to remember spell-work gives us another +1 as we don't have to leaf through notes. So together with the base 1, we should have a total of 6 XP per action.

Also, about spell regen. Am I correct in thinking that every morning we start with 40 Magic and regen 37 Magic giving us a potential total of 77 Magic per day, right?

And for Dominance of Matter, we're getting this one, right?
Dominance of Matter (Lvl 2, Matter, CreationX6/ManipulationX6/Transmutationx6/Destructionx6) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Pre-req: De-ox, PSP
Cost: 61 XP + 2XP (Range) + 2XP (Duration)

Also, could you describe how rituals and enchantment work? Mainly the costs involved. I'm a bit confused on that.

Plan Quest

Free Actions:
[X]Using Magic (40 Magic, 37 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon (6m), Swift Thought (3m), and Thought Excitation (3m) throughout the Weekend (12 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade (28 Magic, up to 3 IEU actions per Regular action)
[X]Cast Photographic Inscription Procedure once your magic recovers. (4 Magic)
[X]Once your magic recovers, cast Always On. (10 Magic, gathers 16 magic per day getting to 80 magic at the end of the week.)

Magic Development: (82 XP Available)
[X] XP Distribution
-[X] Put {10} XP into your Magic
-[X] Put {11} XP into your Regen
-[X] Write in any spells you'd like to buy with XP
--[X] Buy Dominance of Matter, for 61 XP.

[X]Catch up with some friends.

-[X] Head to Chandra and Jace's place.(Same way we met them the first time) Catch up with them. (One Action)

[X] Isn't that girl from your class? Does she taking the same route as you?
-[X]Talk to Amy.

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world.
--[X] Two times.

IEU Actions:

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand your knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world.
--[X] 37 times.

Save up enough magic to enchant Dominance next turn, as well as stock up on XP to buy whatever "paranoia" spells we need. Like "Detect Magic".
@Gear does PSP work as a prereq for Dominance of Matter?

@Orisha91 you have one too few regular actions, and just doing just one part fixing will not be enough to buy the tools we need next turn.
A solution presents itself.

Also, about spell regen. Am I correct in thinking that every morning we start with 40 Magic and regen 37 Magic giving us a potential total of 77 Magic per day, right?
I don't think our magic refreshes each day on top of our regen, so what you are saying only applies if we wait slightly over a day for our magic to refill, then use our magic over the course of the day. If we use all the magic we have available, we can effectively use our regen in magic every day.

Save up enough magic to enchant Dominance next turn, as well as stock up on XP to buy whatever "paranoia" spells we need. Like "Detect Magic".
Enchanting dominance costs 300 magic, as it is a level 3 spell, possibly on top of some XP for the item's magic and regen. (That part was never made clear, but it might be that if we want an item with a continuous effect, we have to impart it with enough magic and regen to cast it continually.) Also, remember the repeated warnings about plot starting at the end of this turn. We should get at least some of those spells now.

And for Dominance of Matter, we're getting this one, right?
Dominance of Matter (Lvl 2, Matter, CreationX6/ManipulationX6/Transmutationx6/Destructionx6) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Pre-req: De-ox, PSP
Cost: 61 XP + 2XP (Range) + 2XP (Duration)
I'm not sure where you are getting this version, but Dominance is definitely not a level 2 spell.

Free Actions:
[X]Using Magic (40 Magic, 37 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon (6m), Swift Thought (3m), and Thought Excitation (3m) throughout the Weekend (12 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade (28 Magic, up to 3 IEU actions per Regular action)
-[X] Uplink when recovered

Magic Development: (82 XP Available)
[X] XP Distribution
-[X] Put {13} XP into your Regen
-[X] Write in any spells you'd like to buy with XP
--[X] Buy Dominance of Matter (Lvl 3, Mind/Matter, CreationX6/ManipulationX6/Transmutationx6/Destructionx6) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Cost: 63 XP

[X] Upgrading {Dominance of Matter}
-[X] Improve a spell with XP
--[X] Duration {3 XP}
--[X] Casting Range {1 XP}
--[X] Area of Effect/Number of Targets {2 XP}

Magic Work:
[X] Get broken parts to repair for resell (1 action, 10 Magic costs $200 now, get $500 after the next turn)
-[X] Do so twice.

[X] Isn't that girl from your class? Is she taking the same route as you?
-[X]Talk to Amy.

[X] Get online and catch up on your friends over social media (2 actions, choose 1)
-[X] See what the Boston gang's been up to since you moved

Choose 37 IEU actions for the week:

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
--[X] 28 times

[X] Chat on the phone through Uplink (If cast) with a friend (one action, choose 1)
-[X] Chandra
-[X] Jace
-[X] Freya
-[X] Jason
-[X] Aunt Dany
-[X] One of your Boston Friends

-[X] Study car mechanics
--[X] 3 times

For a moment I wondered why you were spending a normal action on internet social, then I realised that if we are catching up with pretty much everybody online, we should actually be seen to be catching up with people online.

Regarding the spells, Perspicacity should allow us to be much better at social without being a creep, and only needs to last for a scene anyway.

Daze gives us a good non-lethal self-defence spell that doubles as a way of forcing someone to forget what they saw. both are functions that we will need soon.

I switched to 3XP into Dominance's duration to make it daily, as that is way more significant than another area increase.
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Eh, works for me. Though I don't think we should do the money action, since it'll be more efficient once we crack Dominance.

[X]Plan Skewfiend
Eh, works for me. Though I don't think we should do the money action, since it'll be more efficient once we crack Dominance.

[X]Plan Skewfiend
We are Trying to not make it blindingly obvious that we routinely desecrate the laws of physics, and not actually having the tools to be able to do the things we do is a pretty big giveaway.

Similarly, not having paper trails for tools and shit we need could bite us in the ass in some pretty major ways.

Thus, unless we want to abandon all pretense of mundanity, it seems prudent to save up for some tools.

edit: misunderstood you. Well, we will never be able to sell parts at the rate we can fix them with DoM without arousing major suspicion anyway, so it is no biggie.

Edit2: What do people think about taking our mother into our confidence sometime? Not having to conceal our actions from her would make a lot of things easier.
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Edit2: What do people think about taking our mother into our confidence sometime? Not having to conceal our actions from her would make a lot of things easier.
I don't mind. It'll probably save us the trouble of it inevitably getting out when someone decides to kidnap her to get at us,
[X]Plan Skewfiend

I'd like to do it soon. From what we've seen so far she seems pretty level headed and understanding.
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