MagiQuest (Failed)

[X] Quest
Noticed I forgot to vote...

Edit: We might also want to download some teach-yourself (e)books. And physics/chemistry/etc textbooks. Maybe some science journals? I'm weary of downloading faulty information into our brain, so, you know peer reviewed stuff and actually published stuff would be good.
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Let's make an attempt to sway voters to my side. My plan gives us a way to use the internet. With our mind! Our second mind even. This let's us leverage our Social Network Specialist perk at any time and any place.

We can also use this to access and directly download into our heads information from the internet. Like the information of car schematics, and quantum physics. With a combination of our mind spells, we can easily commit and understand the data as needed. We're a genius, remember?

I also have Precision Sensory Perception, which I notice Skewfiend doesn't. This spell let's us analyse and comprehend matter at the molecular level. Using this we can scan our own car, scan completed makes of our car and and use these scans along with the info gained from the internet and make up how to fix our car. We can do this part next turn, and then use a complete repair spell to fix it in one shot the turn after.

I earn more XP, while also planning for how to fix our car and accounting for the nearly non-existent chance that our social rep drops. Plus, next turn we can visit our mechanic friends with "looking at the completed car model" as an excuse. With that, we'll do all our social stuff as well as get the opportunity to scan the completed car model with PSP. It's win-win!

It also tests our mind spells on our mum, harmlessly allowing us to know their affects without actually hurting anyone.

If that's not enough? Well, I'd like to mention some totally unrelated things about myself. As per my avatar, I like blood. I have sharp teeth from which I can drink blood. I am small, fast and dangerous. I can smell you from a world away. I like killing slowly. :anger::p:DThis last part's a joke.
I think it is only fair that I pitch my vote as well. This vote lays the groundwork for actually fixing the car. The internet spells are definitely worthwhile getting, but don't really help with our immediate goals. If they provide XP, that has never been stated, to my knowledge, and their benefits to speeding up the work on the car do not seem sufficiently pronounced to outweigh the delay they impose on actually getting the fixing spells.

I did not get precision sensory perception this turn, as we won't really be in a position to exploit it until we have the spells that use it anyway, and it will be purchased along with the next spells in the series.

I would sugget that we start work on the information/internet spells once we are equipped to restore the car.

Edit: Your plan gives more XP, but it also has us neglecting social for the third week running, and not doing any work on the car. It is likely to start worrying our mother.

@Gear you never gave your verdict on this:
Dominance of Matter (Lvl 3, Matter/Mind, CreationX6/ManipulationX9/Transmutationx3/Destructionx1) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Pre-req: De-ox, Precision Sensory Perception
Cost: 45 XP + 2XP (Range) + 2XP (Duration)
I took the aspects for the above spell from these GM quotes:
if it is not kosher, would a similar spell along the lines of just remaking work?
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@Gear you never gave your verdict on this:
Quest said:
Dominance of Matter (Lvl 3, Matter/Mind, CreationX6/ManipulationX9/Transmutationx3/Destructionx1) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Pre-req: De-ox, Precision Sensory Perception
Cost: 45 XP + 2XP (Range) + 2XP (Duration)
I took the aspects for the above spell from these GM quotes:
if it is not kosher, would a similar spell along the lines of just remaking work?
Make it 6 of all aspects and you'll be able to do basically anything matter related within the spells area of effect, if limited by your intelligence and creativity.
So who wants to fix our car by developing a spell to be able to completely bind any matter to our will?

There is no such thing as overkill!
So who wants to fix our car by developing a spell to be able to completely bind any matter to our will?

There is no such thing as overkill!
You'll need more than just that spell of course. While it has complete control of matter inside an area, it's still following the directions of your mind. So you'll need a pretty hefty intelligence booster spell going, and know exactly what you want to make, and how to make it, to get precision work from it.
So, Scan. Alternatively, we could get "Intuition" spell, which would allow us to correctly assume how we need to control matter to get shit done with only little knowledge needed to extrapolate from.

Both are very useful outside of car as well.
Make it 6 of all aspects and you'll be able to do basically anything matter related within the spells area of effect, if limited by your intelligence and creativity.
So basically these?
Dominance of Matter (Lvl 2, Matter, CreationX6/ManipulationX6/Transmutationx6/Destructionx6) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Pre-req: ???
Cost: 61 XP + 2XP (Range) + 2XP (Duration)

Holy shit. That costs a lot, though it'll probably be worth it. Especially with enchantment later.

You'll need more than just that spell of course. While it has complete control of matter inside an area, it's still following the directions of your mind. So you'll need a pretty hefty intelligence booster spell going, and know exactly what you want to make, and how to make it, to get precision work from it.
For the latter part, PSP and gathering info before hand should work?

For the intelligence boost, which of these work?

Mind Boost (Lvl 2, ManipulationX2/TransmutationX2)
Greatly increases the target's intelligence and speed of thought, allowing the target to handle greater amount of information in a lower amount of time.
Pre-reqs: Thought Excitation, Swift Thought
Cost: 5 XP + 3 Duration

Basically combine the pre-req spells into one and boosted their affect. Would it work in combination with the other aug spells to handle the intelligence part of Dominance? Either way, what kind of a bonus would it give us during magic actions?

Understanding (Lvl 2, Mind, ManipulationX3/Transmutation)
Allows the user to understand and comprehend any incoming information whether from spells or senses, as well as assimilate it into their knowledge base.
Pre-reqs: I'm telling ya, Commit
Cost: 6 XP

Basically knowledge theft, except with a different description.

For the intelligence boost, which of these work?
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Invisible Amy
Amy sighed. She wondered what was bothering Daryl. It didn't seem like anybody else noticed and his friends seemed un-bothered by it.

But she noticed. She watched. She'd watched him from the day he had come in. Friendly with everyone and as smart as she was. He'd understand how she felt. Invisible Amy. No one really called her that. No one noticed her enough for that rather.

It was a nickname she'd come up with herself. She imagined this would be what all the bullies in stories would call her. Not that she had any real bullies. She kept her head down, and no one really noticed her.

Not even Daryl. A rather cynical part of her mind pointed out. What makes you think he's so different? Maybe he's like everyone, ignoring you like that.

That's not his fault, she argued back. It was hers. No one could see her when she didn't want them to, so it wasn't his fault at all. She was just to shy to go up to him.

Maybe he's like those jocks, in your children's books. A jerk.

He's not! He's nice to everyone! And he had been so off lately.

Maybe he's doing something illegal?

No! He's not like that.

How do you know? Have you ever talked to him? Have you ever been *noticed* by him?

It doesn't matter, she decided. Her heart told her he wasn't, so she wouldn't listen to the evil on her shoulder. No, instead she thought back to his activities over the past weeks.

He had grown increasingly off. Sure, he talked to everyone the same and she doubted anyone else noticed anything different. But some times when no one else was looking, she'd notice him react all of a sudden. As if he had something else on his mind other than what ever he was thinking.

He was also hurrying out of classes, as if he had something else he wanted to do. She dearly wished to know what that was.

She'd heard some his friends talking. He was working on a car. Was that what had him so occupied? She wondered what type it was. She was never very interested in these things, but when she'd heard that she'd looked up some stuff.

Was Daryl really going to fix a broken car? Why didn't he buy a complete new one? Wouldn't it be faster and cheaper? Maybe he liked mechanics? She could understand having a hobby. She had one too.

She loved to draw. That always calmed her down. It helped her drink. Not that she'd ever drew Daryl of course. That would be rude. And creepy. Unless he asked her of course. then she'd love to.

And now she was even more curious about what he was doing. How far had he done in fixing it? Maybe she'd go see it. Maybe she'd go talk to him too. It might happen someday.

She looked up from her drawing. A sketch of a girl alone on the moon, looking at the Earth above. She saw Daryl leave as he'd always done. She knew generally where he lived, from stuff she'd overheard and from the way he went.

She could go there maybe, though it wasn't on her usual route to school. In fact it was in the long way. But if she could only catch a glimpse...

Someday it could happen. Why not today? She took a breath, bunched up her fist and decided. She felt like a taking a walk today. The long way home. Her mom always did say she needed more exercise.

And if she could catch a glimpse of Daryl working, then all the better.

@Gear what do I get for this?​

So, who who thinks that Amy is still alive?

She could merely be a latent magician using an unnoticeability effect in the style of Discworld's Susan, but some of the signs seem to be pointing towards her being an unknowing ghost.

Passing always unseen, unless she reveals herself is a classic ghostly trait.

Being, as far as anyone can tell, continuously absent from a school in which she is enrolled with no apparent ill-effects, as seems to be the case here, seems unlikely in the extreme.

Again, this could be accomplished by some sort of magical dickery, (maybe suffering the teachers to see her), but it is certainly consistent with the unwitting ghost hypothesis, if she continues to carry out the routines of her last days, which were spent at school.

Maybe I am overthinking this, probably because of the parallells with a certain Dragon Doctors story arc, but it is an interesting thing to think about.
1.6 Nose to the Grindstone
Always good to see such debate and planning. Sadly, one vote short of ten though. Also, I'm getting rid of prereqs for the spells. You guys don't seem to remember they exist half the time anyway. Anyway, I added the ROM Memory Lock spell to your buy list, seeing as you needed something to make the photographic memories to use PIP on.
Vote tally: said:
[X] Plan Skewfiend
[X]Using Magic (24 Magic, 24 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon and Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade throughout the Week (20 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Swift Thought throughout the Week (3 Magic per day)
[X] XP Distribution
-[X] 12XP into regen, bringing it up to 36
-[X] 2XP into magic, bringing it up to 26
-[X] Buy the following spells, for 20 XP
-[X] Spend 1XP upgrading the duration (length of recorded experience) of Photographic Inscription Procedure.
-[X] Spend 2XP upgrading the target area/number of mold
-[X] Spend 1Xp upgrading the target area/number of Destroy.
[X] Magically work on the car. (24 Magic, 24 Regen per day)
-[X] Wheels (1 action, 10 Magic, improve to 'Bad', or spend $1000 to replace outright.)
-[X] Do not cast Student's boon or thought excitation during the day(s) you work on the car.
[X] Call some friends up, or try to meet new people
-[X] The Fun Center (one action, $20)
--[X] Which friends? (Jace, Chandra and Lils)
[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
-[X] twice
[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
--[X] Four times
No. of votes: 3
Skewfiend, SuperSonicSound, Darktommorow999
[X] Plan Quest (Mugged from Skewfiend)
[X]Using Magic (24 Magic, 24 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon and Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade throughout the Week (20 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Swift Thought throughout the Week (3 Magic per day)
[X] Attempt harmless uses of your mind spells like Request and I'm just sayin' on our mother as a test.
[X] XP Distribution
-[X] 12XP into regen, bringing it up to 36
-[X] 2XP into magic, bringing it up to 26
-[X] Buy the following spells, for 19 XP
-[X] Spend 2XP upgrading the duration (length of recorded experience) of Photographic Inscription Procedure.
-[X] Spend 3XP upgrading the duration of Uplink.
-[X] Spend 2XP upgrading the target area of Precision Sensory Perception.
-[X] Spend 3XP upgrading the duration of Precision Sensory Perception.
[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
-[X] four times
[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
--[X] Four times
No. of votes: 6
Quest, Wolfy, Vlad, Diomedon, Eri, Orisha91
1.6 Nose to the Grindstone

Yet more magic study, and another major expansion of his capabilities, Daryl felt that he had improved greatly over the last week, but it was rather boring. Not something he'd ever thought he'd say about studying magic, but Daryl's barely done anything beside school, eat, sleep, and magic study over the last week. Twice even, in slo-mo.

Also, Mom was looking a little curious about all the time he'd been spending stuck with his notebooks lately.

(37 XP spent, +24 XP gained, 29 XP Available, Magic is now 26, Regen is now 36, ROM Memory Lock has been bought, Photographic Inscription Procedure is bought and upgraded to last a few hours, and Uplink and Precision Sensory Perception have been bought and upgraded to last all day, with PSP's area of effect upgraded to about 6 feet.)

4th Week of School, 3 Regular Actions, 10 IEU actions, $900 available.
Regular Actions
Free Actions:
[]Using Magic (26 Magic, 36 Regen per day)
-[] Cast Student's Boon, Swift Thought, Thought Excitation, and Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade throughout the Week (26 Magic used per day)
-[] Cast other magic

Magic Development: (29 XP Available)
[] Invent some new spells (They will need GM approval before you can buy them)
[] XP Distribution
-[] Put {X} XP into your Magic
-[] Put {X} XP into your Regen
-[] Write in any spells you'd like to buy with XP

[] Upgrading {Insert Spell Here}
-[] Reduce a spells cost with XP
-[] Improve a spell with XP
--[] Duration
--[] Casting Range
--[] Area of Effect/Number of Targets
--[] Other Stat improvement/Write in

Magic Work:
[] Magically work on the car. (26 Magic, 36 Regen per day)
-[] Interior {bad, needs better spells to deal with leather, buy a new leather interior $2000}
-[] Wheels (1 action, 10 Magic, improve to 'Bad', or spend $1000 to replace outright.)

[] Get broken parts to repair for resell (1 action, 10 Magic costs $200 now, get $500 after the next turn)

[] Call some friends up, or try to meet new people
-[] Dayton Mall (one action)
-[] Milden Park (one action)
-[] The Fun Center (one action, $20)
-[] Jade, Teen Club (one action, $20)
-[] Write in activity (one action, $?)

--[] Which friends do you invite for this activity? (Write in, no more than 4)

[] Chat on the phone with a friend (one action, choose 1)
-[] Chandra
-[] Jace
-[] Freya
-[] Jason

[] Get online and catch up on your friends over social media (2 actions, choose 1)
-[] Choose a friend
-[] See what the Boston gang's been up to since you moved
-[] Other

[] Spend some time with family (One action, choose 1)
-[] Nicole (Mother)
-[] Danielle (Aunt Dany)

[] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)

[X] You really don't need it anymore, but a promise is a promise, and 3 weeks of school isn't enough to change that. Studying for school. (Reserved, does not count against your 3 regular actions)

[] Write in
IEU Actions

Choose 4 IEU actions for the weekend:

[] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)

[] While under the effects of Uplink, use your phone to surf the web (Requires casting Uplink)
-[] Get online and catch up on your friends over social media (2 actions, choose 1)
--[] Choose a friend
--[] See what the Boston gang's been up to since you moved
--[] Other

[] Write in (Must be a mental action)

Not something he'd ever thought he'd say about studying magic, but Daryl's barely done anything beside school, eat, sleep, and magic study over the last week. Twice even, in slo-mo.

Also, Mom was looking a little curious about all the time he'd been spending stuck with his notebooks lately.
This is precisely what I was warning you about, @Quest.

We can ill afford to spend all our time studying again, for a while.

Also, we might be well-served by adding another train of thought to IEU.

PSP's area of effect upgraded to about 6 feet.)
Is that cubic feet?
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This is precisely what I was warning you about, @Quest.

We can ill afford to spend all our time studying again, for a while.

Also, we might be well-served by adding another train of thought to IEU.
It was kind of boring to write. Also, since you guys went straight to your room for magic study, barely leaving it, you missed Amy entirely.
Perhaps I should put it as 'Everything within 6 feet of the spells target.
It was kind of boring to write. Also, since you guys went straight to your room for magic study, barely leaving it, you missed Amy entirely.

Perhaps I should put it as 'Everything within 6 feet of the spells target.
Ah, radius. Excellent!
Well, SV's classic mistake is to treat the MC as a video game character (like a sim), instead of a human being. Why aren't you happy? I've had you watch TV for a full 47.5 minutes! According to the math, that should be more than enough free time for the day, back to work, before you go to sleep to get the standard 8 hours (and no sleeping in!).
Anyway, I added the ROM Memory Lock spell to your buy list, seeing as you needed something to make the photographic memories to use PIP on.
Wouldn't Photographic Inscription Procedure work for that?
Also, since you guys went straight to your room for magic study, barely leaving it, you missed Amy entirely.
I'm not worried! It's more omake fodder! Plus, if you remember my omake takes place during a school day, while this is/was the weekend. Also, @Gear you haven't commented on the matter manipulation spells I proposed!
So, who who thinks that Amy is still alive?
I was thinking of given her some magic or similar using my Fate point, but I'm unsure if that'll work.
This is precisely what I was warning you about, @Quest.

We can ill afford to spend all our time studying again, for a while.
Well, SV's classic mistake is to treat the MC as a video game character (like a sim), instead of a human being. Why aren't you happy? I've had you watch TV for a full 47.5 minutes! According to the math, that should be more than enough free time for the day, back to work, before you go to sleep to get the standard 8 hours (and no sleeping in!).
Guys, guys! That was the weekend action! Just two days. The next week, which is this turn I am including a social action.

Plus? All the time we've spent studying? We can use it. Now that we have photographic memory, we can study magic in that time slot. Just have the note-books open or something. Though I dedicated an action to convincing our mom to drop it, anyway.

Here's a preliminary plan:

[X] Plan Quest Mk1
Free Actions:
[X]Using Magic (26 Magic, 36 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon and Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade throughout the Week (20 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Swift Thought and Thought Excitation throughout the Week (6 Magic per day)
-[X] Cast Uplink when your magic recovers.

[X] Attempt a harmless use of I'm just sayin' on our mother as a test. (Have we done this already @Gear? How did it go?)
[X]During the time you spend studying, photographically learn and memorise all of your text-books and note-books (or as well as you can) so that you can keep your new promise.
[X]Memorise your magic notes as well.
[X]Download epic theme music to play, because you totally deserve it.

[X] XP Distribution
-[]To be decided.

[X] Hang out with Freya and Jason. They should know where to find a complete car like yours, as well as where to check for mechanical plans. Make an outing of it.
-[X]When checking out the cars take a photographic copy of them with PSP and Photographic Inscription Procedure.

[X] Spend some time with family (One action, choose 1)
-[X] Nicole (Mother)
--[X] Ask her mother if you can drop the promise of compulsory studying every week. Tell her that you'll continue to study in your own time. Bring up your consistently improving grades, the fact that you have gotten into the habit of studying by yourself, and that you need the freedom to plan around your friends social calender. Promise her you'll definitely study by yourself each week and keep up your grades. If your grades fall, then you'll resume the schedule and won't bother her about it again.

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat.
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world.
-[X]One action.

IEU Actions:

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
--[X] Nine times.

[X] While under the effects of Uplink, use your phone to surf the web.
-[X] Find and download into your mind, all the relevant information you can find on car manufacture and the model of your car in particular.

I also realised how much MP regen we're just wasting of sorts. So I thought of buying Skew's Always On. We'll just put the excess magic into the ritual, and slowly gain a hundred. This is particularly important because the new spells are fairly costly, so it's best to enchant them.

I'll wait until @Gear looks over the new spells before deciding what to buy.
Also, we might be well-served by adding another train of thought to IEU.
Also, while I think we should I think there was something preventing us from buying more? I'm sure Gear mentioned something.
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Also, while I think we should I think there was something preventing us from buying more? I'm sure Gear mentioned something.
We weren't smart enough to handle it at the time. We need to upgrade swift thoughts or some other int enhancing spells before we do it. At least that's how I remember it.
Also, while I think we should I think there was something preventing us from buying more? I'm sure Gear mentioned something.
He mentioned diminishing returns if we did not have photographic memories to work off.

Either way, we should be able to do another now.
I would use to actions to check up old crew. And i don't understand the point of trying to mindfuck our mother?
I would use to actions to check up old crew. And i don't understand the point of trying to mindfuck our mother?
Um..mind fuck?We're just trying out a spell that let's us read surface thoughts and a spell that let's makes her amenable to one request. We'll just try the first while randomly talking to her and the other for something harmless like getting us some water or something, to check how the spell actually works since we've never-ever used them and may need to some day.

Plus, yeah I've been wanting to do that too. I might add an IEU action.
Um..mind fuck?We're just trying out a spell that let's us read surface thoughts and a spell that let's makes her amenable to one request. We'll just try the first while randomly talking to her and the other for something harmless like getting us some water or something, to check how the spell actually works since we've never-ever used them and may need to some day.

Plus, yeah I've been wanting to do that too. I might add an IEU action.

That's straight up putting the mind whammy on her. I don't see how you can call it anything else.
That's straight up putting the mind whammy on her. I don't see how you can call it anything else.
It's more influencing her, but yeah. It's just that consider "mindfuck" to be stronger, like destroying her mind, or making her our slave and sorts. This one is hardly that serious.

Either way, I'm not too attached. I only put it because some people mentioned it at some point and it's a free action. If people are squeamish about it, I'll remove it.