MagiQuest (Failed)

These were mostly examples. I'll make more effective ones once you give you're final say on the Self-Biokinesis spell.

Connect(Level 1, Mind/Manipulation)
Creates a link between two minds, whether organic or inorganic.
1 magic

Download(Level 1, Mind/Manipulation)
Allows a transfer of a single memory from one mind to another.
2 Magic

Uplink(Level 2, Mind/ManipulationX2/Transmutation)
Create a connection between a non-sentient mind and the user such as a computer or mobile phone (or ant/bacteria?), that allows the user to freely access it's data and manipulate the device with their mind.
Pre-reqs: Download, Connect,
6 Magic

Familiar Link (Level 2, Mind/Transmutation/ManipulationX2)
Creates connection between a Non-sapient likely animal mind and the caster's (or another human). For the duration of the spell, the caster can command and control the animal as well as borrow their senses if needed.
Pre-reqs: Request, Download
6 Magic
Made the suggested tweaks on the spells. I assume we can buy them next turn?
If you get the votes, you can buy them this turn.
Got it. I'll wait for your reply before making any new Body Manip spells.

Basically a spell that decreases the energy required for a reaction, like an enzyme or a catalyst. Lowers the bond strength so that they need less energy to break and causes the reactants to concentrate near each other, so that the reaction happens faster. A use of it would be to make an acid melt stuff faster or oxidisation to happen faster.
Unless Daryl is going to get into some hardcore chemistry or some such, this seems way too specific for the quest.
Duplicate (Metal) (Lvl 3, matter, mind, creation, transmutation x2 manipulation x2)
Creates a perfect duplicate of any metal object that you can either directly perceive down to a molecular level, or that you have a photographic memory of thus perceiving.
cost 13
Prereqs: Precision Sensory Perception, Minor Creation
Add another Manipulation for the molecular control, and it'll be fine.
We could also go the whole hog and get a duplication spell good enough to copy an entire engine, and by extension pretty much all of the car but the upholstery. Gear has said that something like that would cost ~30-40 XP.
Well, the carbon fiber body would be left out, as would the paint, rubber, etc. You'd be left with half an engine (The metal bits), a frame, and wheel hubs. I think you'd need to go back a couple of decades to find metal bodies.

@Gear, if we were to go through the mimicry route in a major way, would we basically need one set of creation and manipulation aspect for each type of material?
Duplicate (metal, plastic, rubber, paint) (Lvl 3, matter, mind, creation x4, transmutation x2, manipulation x8)
Creates a perfect duplicate of the metal, plastic and rubber elements of any object that you can either directly perceive down to a molecular level, or that you have a photographic memory of thus perceiving.
cost 31
Prereqs: Precision Sensory Perception, Minor Creation (metal)
(2 transmutation aspects act on the mind, allowing precise enough control to recreate the objects. Each material type takes 1 creation to bring into being, and 2 manipulation aspects to mold them into shape.)
No, about 6 creations will let you handle any number of non-magical materials in nearly any amount, with half that number of transmutations to handle precise variants and compositions, with 6 Manipulations to shape it at the molecular level, and a Destruction for getting rid of the air and matter in the space the copied item will then occupy.

That will let you copy anything, up to whole cars when upgraded. Or boats when upgraded further. Maybe even buildings, depending on how far I let range go up.
I guess that one problem with the duplication method is that it doesn't really feel like we're actually fixing the car if we go down that route.
Because you're not. you're copying another car, all the way down to the serial numbers. Which doesn't matter that much for your personal use, but if you want to make money selling repaired cars, you really don't want to be passing of copied cars as repaired cars. People spend that much money, somebodies going to check out the serial numbers eventually.

Maybe we should come up with a spell along similar lines that uses photographic memories of superdetailed perceptions to restore objects of the affected material types to their whole state.

Kind of like a universal mending spell, except limited by material, and needs a blueprint.
Could also work, but would probably cost as much as the copy spell. Maybe a bit more.

Simulate (Lvl 2, Mind, ManipulationX2)
Uses the resources of the human mind to compile all of the data available on a subject whether gathered through spells, senses or the internet and simulate them into a whole picture. This can be used to say, compile the fixed form of a car by using scans of the car, blueprints and scans of a fixed car to create a completed mental model.
Aprox XP: 3-5
needs a transmutation since it involves analyzing a lot of information.
Mend(Lvl 2, Matter, Manipulation/Transmutation)
Manipulates an object and restores it to the mental image held in the user's mind. This can be used to say, manipulate the car at the molecular state and restore it according to a mental model.
Approx XP: 4-6
Yeah, massively cheap. This spell would be more on the scale of the perfect Copy spell. More expensive actually, since it's not just copying, but adjusting on the fly to account for existing details of an item.

We have a spell that fixes metal, but do we have any that fixes plastic/rubber? Or leather or fabric for that matter? I seem to remember it being easier to make specific spells than general ones. If we don't we might want to get that, cause it would be easier to make a fix engine spell once we have a spell to fix each component part. Refer to the sandwich example in the spell guide...
It is, and you guys already have several spells in the 'repair' theme already.

Also, I really need to redo that section, as the Magic system has kind of drifted away from that example being true. Now it's more a single aspect is stacked, the more complexity it can handle by an order of magnitude.
Simulate (Lvl 2, Mind, ManipulationX2/Transmutation)
Uses the resources of the human mind to compile all of the data available on a subject whether gathered through spells, senses or the internet and simulate them into a whole picture. This can be used to say, compile the fixed form of a car by using scans of the car, blueprints and scans of a fixed car to create a completed mental model.
5 XP

Dominance of Matter (Lvl 3, Matter/Mind, CreationX6/ManipulationX9/Transmutationx3/Destructionx1) - The caster can sense, create and alter matter freely down to the molecular level.
Pre-req: De-ox, Precision Sensory Perception
Cost: 45 XP + 2XP (Range) + 2XP (Duration)

I took the aspects for the above spell from these GM quotes:
about 6 creations will let you handle any number of non-magical materials in nearly any amount, with half that number of transmutations to handle precise variants and compositions, with 6 Manipulations to shape it at the molecular level, and a Destruction for getting rid of the air and matter in the space the copied item will then occupy.
A manipulation aspect is needed if you want to change on the macro level. Transmutation just changes matter, not re-shape it. And it would need a mind element added on for precision shaping. Without that mind element, it would be as if you shaped it with your fingers, IE: Not good enough to actually work.
Precision Sensory Perception
(Lvl 2, Matter/Manipulationx3, Prereqs: Sensory Acuity, Commit)
Gives information on all matter in it's area of effect. Shape, position, and composition, down to the molecular scale.
Cost: 4 XP (Will need area of effect improvements)
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Simulate (Lvl 2, Mind, ManipulationX2/Transmutation)
Uses the resources of the human mind to compile all of the data available on a subject whether gathered through spells, senses or the internet and simulate them into a whole picture. This can be used to say, compile the fixed form of a car by using scans of the car, blueprints and scans of a fixed car to create a completed mental model.
5 XP

Dominance of Matter (Lvl 3, Matter/Mind, CreationX6/ManipulationX6/Transmutationx3/Destructionx1) - The caster can alter and create matter freely as down to the molecular level.
Cost: 42 XP + 2XP (Range) + 2XP (Duration)

Especially when stacked with Precision Sensory Perception it should work, right?
I took the aspects for the above spell from these GM quotes:
By 'range' do you mean number of targets/area of effect?

One thing we could do if we did go down the duplication rout is to make a mind spell that lets us partially combine or alter our photographic memories of scanned objects, allowing us to take the identifying features of the old engines/objects an put them on the new engine/object.
Area of effect. Also just changed it. If Gear approves it and we're willing to fork out, we'll have the ultimate repair spell.

Added 3 manip aspects to fold PSP into it.
That makes sense. Trying to alter things on the molecular level if you can't see the molecular level and don't have a blueprint is unwise. You might end up having to throw in some extra mental transmutations/creations to give us the required processing power to bring about macroscopic change from molecular-level restructuring.
Why not throw some energy in as well? We may want to make something with added heat or electricity.

If we are to make ultimate spell, there is no point in halfassing it.
That makes sense. Trying to alter things on the molecular level if you can't see the molecular level and don't have a blueprint is unwise. You might end up having to throw in some extra mental transmutations/creations to give us the required processing power to bring about macroscopic change from molecular-level restructuring.
Maybe. Also, I was thinking on changing this turn's plan. I think it'll be more efficient to buy mental boost spells rather then repair spells this turn and boosting magic as much as we can.

Because with a high level repair spell, the work will be much faster then using the current spells one part at a time. I suggest buying the tech spells and sensory/memory spells this turn and grinding XP. We gain like 10 XP each session with full enhancement? Next turn we'll get even more.

I suggest bunker down with XP gains for two turns, then on the third turn show up at school with a spanking new car.


[X] Plan Quest (Mugged from Skewfiend)
Free Actions:
[X]Using Magic (24 Magic, 24 Regen per day)
-[X] Cast Student's Boon and Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade throughout the Week (20 Magic used per day)
-[X] Cast Swift Thought throughout the Week (3 Magic per day)

[X] Attempt harmless uses of your mind spells like Request and I'm just sayin' on our mother as a test.

[X] XP Distribution
-[X] 12XP into regen, bringing it up to 36
-[X] 2XP into magic, bringing it up to 26
-[X] Buy the following spells, for 19 XP
Read Only Memory Lock (Lvl 1, Mind/Transmuation)
Makes a single memory into a permanent photographic memory, which can not be changed or worn down by natural mental process, only by magic.
Cost: 2 XP

Read/Write Unlocking (Lvl 1, Mind/Transmuation)
Converts a single magically photographic memory back into a normal memory
Cost: 2 XP

Photographic Inscription Procedure (Lvl. 1, Mind/Transmutation)
Writes an ongoing experience into a single photographic memory, preserving a perfect record of the action.
Cost: 2 XP (Will need duration improvements)

Precision Sensory Perception (Lvl 2, Matter/Manipulationx3, Prereqs: Sensory Acuity, Commit)
Gives information on all matter in it's area of effect. Shape, position, and composition, down to the molecular scale.
Cost: 4 XP (Will need area of effect improvements)

Connect (Level 1, Mind/Manipulation)
Creates a link between two minds, whether organic or inorganic.
1 magic

Download (Level 1, Mind/Manipulation)
Allows a transfer of a memory from one mind to another.
2 Magic

Uplink (Level 2, Mind/ManipulationX2/Transmutation)
Create a connection between a non-sentient mind and the user such as a computer or mobile phone (or ant/bacteria?), that allows the user to freely access it's data and manipulate the device with their mind.
Pre-reqs: Download, Connect,
6 Magic
-[X] Spend 2XP upgrading the duration (length of recorded experience) of Photographic Inscription Procedure.
-[X] Spend 3XP upgrading the duration of Uplink.
-[X] Spend 2XP upgrading the target area of Precision Sensory Perception.
-[X] Spend 3XP upgrading the duration of Precision Sensory Perception.

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
-[X] four times

Choose 4 IEU actions for the weekend:

[X] You put on your cape and wizard hat
-[X] You expand you knowledge of the arcane that lies beneath the mortal world (one action, can be taken X times, gives X XP)
--[X] Four times

The basic idea is that with the spells bought this turn, we can improve our XP gain as well as use the internet. Next turn, we can model the information of the car as well as research the make and model. Then we spend the XP earned on this turn to buy a powerful repair spell. The turn after that we repair the car in one go and turn up with a swanky new ride the next day.

We can maintain our friendships thanks to our social perk and any drops to our social status will be counteracted by the swanky new car. Plus after that, we'll be free to work on social spells to properly 'grind' and max our rep.

I'm also trying out our mind-manip spells on dear ol' mum to see how they work. I'm also leaning towards asking her to let us drop the compulsory studying action we do every week by leveraging our increased grades and the use of Request if the earlier trials work, though I figured I ask you guys about that first. We can also say that if our grades drop we're willing to retake the action, especially since per @Gear as long as we have at least two of our mind-augs active, our score won't go down.
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[X] Attempt harmless uses of your mind spells like Request and I'm just sayin' on her.
"She" is the cat's mother! :p

Srsly, though, I am guessing that by 'her' you mean our mother?

Connect (Level 1, Mind/Manipulation)
Creates a link between two minds, whether organic or inorganic.
1 magic

Download (Level 1, Mind/Manipulation)
Allows a transfer of a memory from one mind to another.
2 Magic

Uplink (Level 2, Mind/ManipulationX2/Transmutation)
Create a connection between a non-sentient mind and the user such as a computer or mobile phone (or ant/bacteria?), that allows the user to freely access it's data and manipulate the device with their mind.
Pre-reqs: Download, Connect,
6 Magic
It seems that these will only help us fix the car if schematics for our model of car are available over the internet, which seems implausible, without doing some sort of corporate espionage.

You might also want a spell to actually digest the knowledge you gain from other minds/sources in an efficient way. Something like:

Digest Knowledge (lvl 2, mind, manipulation, transmutation)
Transfers knowledge gained from an external source* into your knowledge base and understanding.
cost 4

*Other minds, assimilated webpages and books, etc.

I am really not seeing how the data uplink spells help with either the car or our XP gain (until we know some magi), su unless you can convince me that they serve either of those goals, or are valuable enough to be a goal in their own right, I am not sold on your changes.
I am really not seeing how the data uplink spells help with either the car or our XP gain (until we know some magi), su unless you can convince me that they serve either of those goals, or are valuable enough to be a goal in their own right, I am not sold on your changes.
It would give you other options for IEU actions, such as doing internet activities over through your phone's wifi. This includes internet social as well.
It seems that these will only help us fix the car if schematics for our model of car are available over the internet, which seems implausible, without doing some sort of corporate espionage.
Even if the schematics aren't available online, information about similar cars will be and I also bought Precision Sensory Perception which will let us scan our own car and if we need, other fixed cars of the same make and model. We can then buy Simulate or an equivalent ability to pool the data if needed.

Digest Knowledge (lvl 2, mind, manipulation, transmutation)
Transfers knowledge gained from an external source* into your knowledge base and understanding.
cost 4
Uplink does that already. Downloading information is part of the description and any inefficiencies will be sorted by the combination of our other intellect spell. It also gives us more IEU actions which we can use to do net stuff including download.

It does everything Digest Knowledge does, save draw knowledge from a physical book and I think you need a matter aspect for that. We could actually probably do that with PSP actually if we add a accompanied mind spell.

Arrange Words (lvl 1, mind, manipulation)
Analyses the scan memory of a book from Precision Sensory Perception and arranges it such that the written words can be made out.
cost 1

I am really not seeing how the data uplink spells help with either the car or our XP gain (until we know some magi), us unless you can convince me that they serve either of those goals, or are valuable enough to be a goal in their own right, I am not sold on your changes.
While it doesn't help directly with XP gain it greatly increases the ease of research, which *may* help us gain more Elements (like Time and Space someone mentioned) since that seems to be based upon our knowledge of he world.
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Even if the schematics aren't available online, information about similar cars will be and I also bought Precision Sensory Perception which will let us scan our own car and if we need, other fixed cars of the same make and model. We can then buy Simulate or an equivalent ability to pool the data if needed.
But the data uplink spells seem to add little to that that perception doesn't.

While it doesn't help directly with XP gain it greatly increases the ease of research, which *may* help us gain more Elements (like Time and Space someone mentioned) since that seems to be based upon our knowledge of he world.
That sounds like these spells are a lot better suited to serving our long-term goals than our short-term goals, and should maybe be purchased once we finish the car.

Uplink does that already. Downloading information is part of the description and any inefficiencies will be sorted by the combination of our other intellect spell. It also gives us more IEU actions which we can use to do net stuff including download.
It really doesn't do that already, or if it does, it does not come through in the description. 'freely accessing [another mind's] data' is not the same as understanding it, or knowing it. I have reservations about attempting to jam a large amount of information directly into our heads without 'thinking' about it in sufficient depth or otherwise processing it.

That sounds like the sort of thing that doesn't lead to actual understanding, and can cause quite severe mental damage.

Unless @Gear confirms that this is not an issue, I will be hesitant about trying to import knowledge directly without taking it slow and 'manually' thinking through it, or some sort of digestion spell.

Even if there were no such dangers, digest knowledge would likely supercharge the rate at which we could process information from external sources.
Even if there were no such dangers, digest knowledge would likely supercharge the rate at which we could process information from external sources.
I think Student's Boon (commit any new information to their long-term memory) already does that, as does the Lvl 1 spell Commit. However, if Gear says otherwise feel free to add Digest Knowledge or the equivalent to the list of bought spells. Remove some XP from the amount added to the Magic pool.

Also, what do you think about this:
I'm also leaning towards asking her to let us drop the compulsory studying action we do every week by leveraging our increased grades and the use of Request if the earlier trials work,
If we convince our mom to let us drop the promise, we get one more action to play with which means around 10 extra XP if we use magic or any other task.

Anyway, it's late here and I have class tomorrow. I'll check the thread in the morning and edit my own vote accordingly.
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It looks like discussion has petered out, and there are two votes, on two plans. You guys know what needs to be done.
Hey, @Gear how is this spell?

Knowledge Theft (Lvl 2, Mind, ManipulationX3/Transmutation)
Allows the user to draw specified skills and knowledge from another mind (both electronic and organic) and assimilate it directly into their own knowledge base.
Pre-reqs: I'm telling ya, Commit
Cost: 6 XP

The basic idea of using it is that is draws experiences and information according to a criteria (i.e boxing techniques or a word file) and then copies it into our own minds letting us use it as if it were ours.

If, say for reflexes we'll need a matter/energy aspect, then that's fine. That's not the main goal.
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Let's make an attempt to sway voters to my side. My plan gives us a way to use the internet. With our mind! Our second mind even. This let's us leverage our Social Network Specialist perk at any time and any place.

We can also use this to access and directly download into our heads information from the internet. Like the information of car schematics, and quantum physics. With a combination of our mind spells, we can easily commit and understand the data as needed. We're a genius, remember?

I also have Precision Sensory Perception, which I notice Skewfiend doesn't. This spell let's us analyse and comprehend matter at the molecular level. Using this we can scan our own car, scan completed makes of our car and and use these scans along with the info gained from the internet and make up how to fix our car. We can do this part next turn, and then use a complete repair spell to fix it in one shot the turn after.

I earn more XP, while also planning for how to fix our car and accounting for the nearly non-existent chance that our social rep drops. Plus, next turn we can visit our mechanic friends with "looking at the completed car model" as an excuse. With that, we'll do all our social stuff as well as get the opportunity to scan the completed car model with PSP. It's win-win!

It also tests our mind spells on our mum, harmlessly allowing us to know their affects without actually hurting anyone.

If that's not enough? Well, I'd like to mention some totally unrelated things about myself. As per my avatar, I like blood. I have sharp teeth from which I can drink blood. I am small, fast and dangerous. I can smell you from a world away. I like killing slowly. :anger::p:DThis last part's a joke.​
[X] Quest

The ability to surreptitiously and near-constantly have a presence on the internet is certainly tempting. Sorry, Skew.
And Plan Quest takes the lead by one vote.
Hey, @Gear how is this spell?

Knowledge Theft (Lvl 2, Mind, ManipulationX3/Transmutation)
Allows the user to draw specified skills and knowledge from another mind (both electronic and organic) and assimilate it directly into their own knowledge base.
Pre-reqs: I'm telling ya, Commit
Cost: 6 XP

The basic idea of using it is that is draws experiences and information according to a criteria (i.e boxing techniques or a word file) and then copies it into our own minds letting us use it as if it were ours.

If, say for reflexes we'll need a matter/energy aspect, then that's fine. That's not the main goal.
Looks good. Spell Approved.
Interlude: Invisible Amy
Invisible Amy
Amy sighed. She wondered what was bothering Daryl. It didn't seem like anybody else noticed and his friends seemed un-bothered by it.

But she noticed. She watched. She'd watched him from the day he had come in. Friendly with everyone and as smart as she was. He'd understand how she felt. Invisible Amy. No one really called her that. No one noticed her enough for that rather.

It was a nickname she'd come up with herself. She imagined this would be what all the bullies in stories would call her. Not that she had any real bullies. She kept her head down, and no one really noticed her.

Not even Daryl. A rather cynical part of her mind pointed out. What makes you think he's so different? Maybe he's like everyone, ignoring you like that.

That's not his fault, she argued back. It was hers. No one could see her when she didn't want them to, so it wasn't his fault at all. She was just to shy to go up to him.

Maybe he's like those jocks, in your children's books. A jerk.

He's not! He's nice to everyone! And he had been so off lately.

Maybe he's doing something illegal?

No! He's not like that.

How do you know? Have you ever talked to him? Have you ever been *noticed* by him?

It doesn't matter, she decided. Her heart told her he wasn't, so she wouldn't listen to the evil on her shoulder. No, instead she thought back to his activities over the past weeks.

He had grown increasingly off. Sure, he talked to everyone the same and she doubted anyone else noticed anything different. But some times when no one else was looking, she'd notice him react all of a sudden. As if he had something else on his mind other than what ever he was thinking.

He was also hurrying out of classes, as if he had something else he wanted to do. She dearly wished to know what that was.

She'd heard some his friends talking. He was working on a car. Was that what had him so occupied? She wondered what type it was. She was never very interested in these things, but when she'd heard that she'd looked up some stuff.

Was Daryl really going to fix a broken car? Why didn't he buy a complete new one? Wouldn't it be faster and cheaper? Maybe he liked mechanics? She could understand having a hobby. She had one too.

She loved to draw. That always calmed her down. It helped her drink. Not that she'd ever drew Daryl of course. That would be rude. And creepy. Unless he asked her of course. then she'd love to.

And now she was even more curious about what he was doing. How far had he done in fixing it? Maybe she'd go see it. Maybe she'd go talk to him too. It might happen someday.

She looked up from her drawing. A sketch of a girl alone on the moon, looking at the Earth above. She saw Daryl leave as he'd always done. She knew generally where he lived, from stuff she'd overheard and from the way he went.

She could go there maybe, though it wasn't on her usual route to school. In fact it was in the long way. But if she could only catch a glimpse...

Someday it could happen. Why not today? She took a breath, bunched up her fist and decided. She felt like a taking a walk today. The long way home. Her mom always did say she needed more exercise.

And if she could catch a glimpse of Daryl working, then all the better.

@Gear what do I get for this?​