*rates informative.*Yeah, we're going to be in 1.3 for a few updates for the social, XP spending is a free action. Though you can't use Efficiency until 1.4
I think healing magic requires both the mind ad the matter elements, meaning that we need level 3 spells for it. It is a fair investment, but one that is probably worth making at some point.[X]Small talk with Chandra and Liliana.
-[X] Ask about Nessa
Also just a thought, maybe we want to start thinking about healing magic. We have a friend whose missing an eye.
Might not be a good idea to do anything about it now but when we eventually comes out that Daryl can use magic fixing that problem might be a nice 'gift'
Are these possible?
Second wind (level 1, matter, transmutation)
Eliminates physical fatigue in one person.
(Perhaps by 'resetting' to an earlier state?)
Mirror (level 1, energy, manipulation)
Reflect visible light as if in a mirror.
Good show, +4 XP for both.
Mind, Matter, and Energy, since living flesh deals with all three.I think healing magic requires both the mind ad the matter elements, meaning that we need level 3 spells for it. It is a fair investment, but one that is probably worth making at some point.
Also, a while back I asked about some spells and I don't think you saw them @Gear
Are these possible?
Second wind (level 1, matter, transmutation)
Eliminates physical fatigue in one person.
(Perhaps by 'resetting' to an earlier state?)
Affects living flesh, needs to be a lvl 3 spell.
Mirror (level 1, energy, manipulation)
Reflect visible light as if in a mirror.
Looks good
There are better ways to murder things.
Such as simply transmitting them into cheese.
People, like pretty much everything, but more so, are easy to break and hard to fix.To be honest, with Gear's flavor of magic, it should be much, much easier to simply murder people a number of ways, than heal them, or even defend from other magical attacks.
Personal Physical Reinforcement(level 2, Matter and Mind, Creation and Manipulation)
Allows you to access a greater amount of your body's latent muscular strength. Higher Levels allow for a greater percentage of strength potential accessed.
We use Matter because we are affecting the body. The Creation aspect comes in when we create additional bone mass to increase density along with thicker and more flexible tendons and ligaments. This allows us to use a greater amount of the human bodies' natural strength potential without tearing our body apart from the inside.
The Mind element comes in when we Manipulate our brain into allowing us to use more of our strength potential. We subconsciously limit ourselves because if we were to unleash all our strength, our bones would shatter from the muscular contraction, and our ligaments would tear out of our joints. But now that we have a stronger skeletal system, we can manipulate ourselves into using as much of our potential as we can without hurting ourselves.
And idea for a spell.
What do you think? Would it be more appropriate to switch out the Manipulation with transmutation?
Hmm, I wonder what a spell that alters the basic laws of the universe look like (since most spells seem to do this casually).
Specifically, something like altering the energy output of a particular chemical reaction, or is that beyond our reach?
What would a level 1, Energy element, Creation Aspect spell look like in terms of energy created and magic cost?
Can we transmute one periodic element to another, and would that be just a level 1 matter transmutation spell?
Edit: Votes for the Vote Throne
[x] Small talk with Chandra and Liliana
-[x] Ask about Jace's parents not letting him come with
You know I don't see any reason why making gold or platinum or even gemstones shouldn't be pretty trivial for magic. If we want to get some money that is.
Enhanced durability would let you use your strength longer, but would require another spell to reduce the bodies natural limits of strength usage. A spell to make you stronger, just makes you stronger.@Gear, do we get a better return by making a spell that makes us more durable and allows us to use more of our potential strength, or with a spell that simply makes us stronger?
Energy/Creation would do what it says on the tin, create energy. It would need upgrading of course, as base spells are generally pretty damn weak. And yes, you can transmute dirt into gold, but it will transmute based on mass, so a pound of dirt will give you a pound of gold. And unless you're using a high level spell, it will be a very dirty pound of gold, as it will only transmute the most common element of that pound of dirt, leaving all the other elements untouched.What would a level 1, Energy element, Creation Aspect spell look like in terms of energy created and magic cost?
Can we transmute one periodic element to another, and would that be just a level 1 matter transmutation spell?
It would require upgrading the spells, but yes, you can just make pure elements at will. But then you run into:You know I don't see any reason why making gold or platinum or even gemstones shouldn't be pretty trivial for magic. If we want to get some money that is.
This.The problem with that is how to explain where you got all this gold/platinum/diamonds/whatever. The car fixing is actually a pretty good way of covering our talents. Buying wrecks, fixing them up and selling them can be very profitable for us, particularly since we don't need to waste money on things like new parts. We would only need to fix up about 4 a year (and only that many because our profit margin shouldn't be as high as it will be) and as long as no one looks too closely it should serve as a good cover for where we got our money. If we buy wrecks (of nice cars) in the 2-8k price range, and sell them for 20-50k, that's 48-192k per year. More than enough for day-to-day living, and that's not even factoring in how we might be able to reduce our cost of living via magic.
They want Liliana to have a quality education, and an open mind.Liliana has gay parents who sent her to a Catholic school? They sound like interesting people.
2 XP in what spell? And what are you upgrading?[X] go introduce yourself to dack.
-[X] if it can be done at this time, put 2XP into magic.
2XP into Daryl's magic, if that was unclear.2 XP in what spell? And what are you upgrading?
I'm assuming you mean either decreasing Efficiency's cost, or increasing Daryl's Magic.
Welp, we have one vote. Anyone else want to contribute? I really don't want to write an update with just one vote to go on.[X] go introduce yourself to dack.
-[X] if it can be done at this time, put 2XP into magic.
Welp, we have one vote. Anyone else want to contribute? I really don't want to write an update with just one vote to go on.