Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

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Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

Today was a sunny day, it was like most other days...
Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

Today was a sunny day, it was like most other days. You were walking through the shopping district, absent-mindedly moving around an old couple.

Suddenly, it wasn't a normal day any more.

Seeing everyone standing to your left explode into a red mist tends to do that.

Pick One Each

Select Difficulty (Different character played depending on who you pick, though the other choices may appear in the story)
[] The One Who Stands Above - You've already reached your peak, you won't gain new powers, only new ways to leverage your existing ones. (Easiest) Season Ten Character
[] Veteran - You've been in the game for a while and are pretty good at this, but you know you can go further. (Middling Difficulty) Season Five Character
[] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
[X] Fresh Meat - The flesh is weak, rend the flesh. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl

Select World Background - Magic
[X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[] Might Need To Change The Lightbulb - All things eventually die, even Light itself flickers. (Easier)
[] Could Be Worse - Light and Darkness are in constant conflict, but most people don't notice. (Medium)
[] Lingering Darkness - While the Light remains, the Dark is ever present. (Hard)
[] A Shadow Grows In The sky - The world is broken, but there still remains glimmers of hope. (Harder)
[] Mud, Blood & Tears - When magic was discovered the world blinked, then exploded into fire. (The Blood Flows)

Select Timeline - World (Difficulty depends on Magic Background)
[X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
[] Mid-way - You missed the first ride, but you caught the second. (Medium)
[] Late - Events are well and truly underway, you'd best play catch-up. (Hardest)

Useful Information
Magical Girls (Canon)
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Magical Girl Ignition Knight

The Tree Whisperer / Walking Firestorm/The Bestest Big Sister

Age: 13


Health: 3005 +200
Base Damage: 1,545 +140
Base Resilience: 845 +140
Magic Modifier: 12,886 +50

Affinity: Beginning | End | Story

Infinity Edge

Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinity: Infinity
Ability: Juggernaut | Crush | Spell Boost | Limitless | Levitate

Plasma Sphere
-Create a ball of Plasma.
Level 10
Base Damage: 6000 +1500
Magic Modifier: 400 +100
Affinity: Beginning
Ability: Detonate | Melt

Thermal Spear
-Shoot a spear of Fire or Ice.
Level 11
Base Damage: 1000 +500
Magic Modifier: 400 +200
Affinity: Beginning
Ability: Burn | Freeze | Double Cast

Juggernaut Wave
-An unstoppable wave of force that crushes everything in its path.
Level 10
Base Damage: 20,000 +2000
Magic Modifier: 2000 +200
Affinity: Story
Ability: Knockback | Collateral Damage | 2 Turn Cooldown

-Halt all movement from the target.
Level 15
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: End
Ability: Total Lockdown | Single Turn Effect


Ignition Aura
-The fires of creation. Create an Aura of Fire around you. Deal 29,285 damage to everything within 20 metres and reduces incoming damage by 15% while active. Effects everyone but Daiyu.

Alpha and Omega
-I am the end of all things. Cerys can create a bubble of space that annihilates existence. Everything within 20 metres takes 100% of MM as damage, doubling every turn inside the area. Buffs and Debuffs are applied at 50% strength and only last one turn. Attacking Spells MM must be higher than yours or it be negated, otherwise doing 25% less damage. Effects everyone but Daiyu.

Level 20
-Cerys can fly at 190mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lv 3)
-Cerys is able to track objects moving up to 270mph.

Plate Armour
Level 15
I am the Knight of Infinity--
Increase Base Resilience by 140 per level.

Armoured Soul
Level 15
--I reject my limits.
-Add 200 Health per level.
-Regain 5% Maximum Health each turn. Once per battle when receiving lethal damage, set Health to 5% of maximum instead.

Thermal Control
Level 23
-Control thermal energy, also allows you to sense temperature in a radius of 1000 metres.

Knights Aria
Level 10
-During combat, increase Ebony Knight's Health and Base Resilience by 10% per level.
-During combat, increase Eternal Knight's Base Damage by 2.5% per level.

Infinite Engine
-Increase Magic Modifier to 50 per level.
-If something dies nearby, increase Magic Modifier by the amount of xp it is worth, starting from 1.

Between Beginning and End
-Ignition Knight may synchronise with Eternal Knight at will.

-Spend four actions to nullify an opponent's action. (Does not work on spells.)

Magic Surge
-Sacrifice any number of actions per turn to add that many times your full magic modifier to your current defence or attack.

Hand to Hand
Competent. No modifier in combat.
You know how to throw a punch and take one.

Sword Skill
-You can do fancy if you need to.

Magic Control
Competent. +15 to all magic control rolls.
-You have alright control over your magic.

Level 14. Increase base weapon damage by 5% per Level.
-Strengthen your body with magic.

-Allows the creation and upgrading of spells.

Current EXP: 463​
Thermal Spear: Double Cast
Add Double Cast to Thermal Spear.

Ignition Aura: Burning Plate
Reduces incoming damage by 10% while using Ignition Aura.

Armoured Soul
Adds 50 Health per level.

Infinity Edge: Crush
-Competent Sword Skill
Add Crush to Infinity Edge.

Infinity Edge: Spell Boost
-Competent Sword Skill
-Experimentation 2/2
Add Spell Boost to Infinity Edge.

Flight: Sword Boost
Cerys forms a sword that she kicks off of.

High-Speed Combat
Cerys can track objects moving up to 90mph.

Alpha and Omega: Hungering Void
Buffs and Debuffs are applied at 50% strength and only last one turn. Attacking Spells Magic Modifier must be higher than yours or it will be negated, otherwise they do 25% less damage

Knights Aria
-Train with Daiyu
-Sync with Daiyu in combat, follow the rhythm of your heart, the flow of the fight.

Infinity Edge: Limitless
-Experimentation 1/1
Add Limitless to Infinity Edge.

Infinity Edge: Levitate
-Experimentation 1/1
Add Levitate to Infinity Edge.

Armoured Soul: Reinforce
-Armoured Soul Level 10
-Regeneration Level 10
Replaces Armoured Soul, Regeneration and Will to Survive, increases modifiers.

Between Beginning and End
-Can synchronise with Eternal Knight at will

Knights Aria: Una
-During combat, increase Eternal Knight's Base Damage by 2.5% per level.

Sword Skill: Skilled

Magic Surge
Sacrifice any number of actions per turn to add that many times your full magic modifier to your current defence or attack.

Juggernaut Wave: Control 1
-4/4 Training

Reality Crash
-If Total End Damage is below 50% of the target's maximum health, double Total End Damage. (Recursive)

Juggernaut Wave
Adds Juggernaut to Juggernaut Wave

Juggernaut Wave: Continental Collision
-Juggernaut Wave Level 20
-Practice with Juggernaut Wave 3/6
Add ??? to Juggernaut Wave

Ignition Aura: Incineration
Increase MM used from 10% to 20%.

Reinforcement: Iron
-Reinforcement Level 20
Increase Reinforcement bonus from 5% to 10%.

Die Screaming: You followed through on your promise that you would make the Demon of Due die screaming, on your first encounter.

Plot Stopper: You managed to derail a major plot point.

Shake The Earth: Trigger an earthquake as a side effect of your magic.

Never Goodbye: "Don't make a girl a promise, if you know you can't keep it."

Suck It Karen: Demolish her anti-you squad.

(Ignition Knight) Magical Girl Eternal Knight


Age: 9​

Health: 3000 +300
Base Damage: 550 +55
Base Resilience: 175 +35
Magic Modifier: 650 +65

Affinity: Infinity | End | Story

Eternal Eclipse
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Infinity
Ability: Indestructible | Double Hit | Cleave

Infinite Advance
Multiply a single stat of your target with the modifier roll, then add the Base Boost on top.
Level 1
Base Boost: 100
Magic Modifier: 4
Affinity: Infinity
Ability: Boost-All | Boost by Modifier | Single Turn Effect

reality in a very small area.
Level 9
Base Damage: 1350 +150
Magic Modifier: 360 +40
Affinity: End
Ability: Unstoppable | Rend

Level 2
-Una can fly at 10mph.

The End of Infinity

Wellspring of Power, Fuelled by Ruin (Lv 1)
-If an enemy is killed by you, heal 25% of your maximum Health. Shed excess Health after battle.

An Unending Path to Walk
Level 10
I will see this through till the End
-Add 300 Health per level.

Bulwark Against the End
Level 5
For I am the End
-Add 35 Resilience per level.

Knights Aria
Level 10
-When applying Infinite Advance to another Knight, multiply buff by 2.
-During combat, increase Ignition Knight and Ebony Knight's Magic Modifiers by 5% per level.

Hand to Hand
Unskilled. -50% modifier in combat.
You don't know how to throw a punch, but you know how to take one.

Sword Skill
-You know how to use your sword properly.

Magic Control
Unskilled. No modifier.
-You have a very basic control over your magic.

Level 1. Increase base weapon damage by 5% per Level.
-Strengthen your body with magic.

(Ignition Knight) Magical Girl Ebony Knight

Daiyu Feng
The Shield

Age: 14


Health: 2700 +350
Base Damage: 890 +300
Base Resilience: 3580 +300
Magic Modifier: 150 +25

Affinity: Protection | Love | Story

Ebon Heart
Level 12
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Protection
Ability: Primordia | Armour Pierce


Knights Shield
-I will protect you.
Level 12
Health: 150 +50
Resilience: 1500 +500
Affinity: Protection
Ability: Omni-caster (Lv 1) | Stack By Level


Level 15
-Daiyu can fly at 140mph.

High-Speed Combat (Lv 2)
-Daiyu is able to track objects moving up to 180mph.

Heart of Steel
I will continue to protect until there is nothing left of me.
-Negate 75% of all incoming physical damage and 65% of spell damage. If Final End Damage is less than 75% of this characters total health, block it completely. Gives immunity to Instant-Kill attacks and reduces the effectiveness of armour piercing abilities by 50%

Unbending Will
-Immune to negative mental effects; while fighting alongside an ally, pass on this immunity to them, become immune to Body Damage Modifiers and regain 20% of your Maximum Health per turn

Guardian's Aegis
Level 20
I am the Knight of Heart, I reject my limits.
-Increase health by 350 per level.
-Increase Base Resilience by 300 per level.

Knights Aria
Level 10
-During combat, increase all Base Damage and Magic Modifiers of Ignition Knight by 10% per level.
-During combat, increase Eternal Knight's Base Resilience by 2.5% per level.


Hand to Hand
Somewhat Skilled. +15% modifier in combat.
You know how to throw a punch and take one.

Sword Skill
Somewhat Skilled. +15% modifier in combat.
-You know how to use your sword properly.

Magic Control
Competent. +10 to all magic control rolls.
-You have a very basic control over your magic.

Level 6. Increase base weapon damage by 5% per Level.
-Strengthen your body with magic.

(Ignition Knight) Magical Girl Endless Soul

Sabina Petit
The Sword

Age: 14​


Health: 1500 +150
Base Damage: 1500 +100
Base Resilience: 600 +60
Magic Modifier: 225 +15

Affinity: Sword | Distance | Myth

Soul Edge
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Sword | Distance
Ability: Intercept | Double Hit | Juggernaut


-Fire a cutting wave of magic.
Level 17
Base Damage: 3600 +200
Magic Modifier: 425 +25
Affinity: Sword | Distance
Ability: Juggernaut | Triple Cast


Absolute Territory
Level 10
-Sabina can strike anything within her range, regardless of distance. Range is 100 Metres.
-When intercepting a ranged attack, half its incoming damage

Dance of Death
-Cast Sever with every swing of your blade.

Flash Step
-Once per turn, move to anywhere within range of Absolute Territory as a free action

Outer Edge
Level 10
-My blade is tempered-- Increase Base Resilience by 60 per level.

Inner Edge
Level 10
--In the forge of my soul. Increase Health by 150 per level.

The Manual

Spending XP

There are currently two ways to spend XP.

The first is by purchasing additional levels in any ability/spell Cerys already possess. The cost for this is [Current Level] * 10 with multiple levels being calculated sequentially.

The second is by purchasing new abilities/spells from the shop. The availability of various potential purchases depends upon in game events, previous purchases, and occasional the level of existing abilities/spells.


Base of 100. Each level of Armoured Soul increases health by 200.

Base Damage:
Each level of Infinity Edge increases Base Damage by 140. Reinforcement increases damage by 5% per level.

Base Resilience:
Each level of Plate Armour increases Base Resilience by 140.

Magic Modifier:
Base Magic Modifier is 10. Each level of Infinity Edge increases MM by +50.

Spell Name
-Spell Description
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A (Spell damage increases in chucks equal to the base stat per level)
Magic Modifier: N/A (Increases in chucks equal to the base stat per level)
Affinity: Related To Spell
Ability: Related To Spell

Juggernaut Wave Control
Every 5 levels you lose control over Juggernaut Wave, resulting in a 0/2 training cost.
Every 5 levels over the initial five doubles the increase, meaning that levelling up 10 times without training incurs a 0/6 training cost and so on.


Follows the formula: [Level] * 10 - 10

Ignition Aura
Follows the formula: 10% of Magic Modifier * Level of Thermal Control

Plate Armour

Increases by 140 per level from a base of 10.

Alpha and Omega
100% of MM as damage, doubling every turn.

Absolute Territory
+10 Metres per level.
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The Clocktower


Karen Samson
Leader of the Clocktower / The Pinnacle

Age: 93​

Health: 5485 (6,308)
Base Damage: 345 (431)
Base Resilience: 280
Magic Modifier: 3380 (4,225)

Affinity: Skill

Level 41
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Skill | Magic
Ability: Intercept | Vorpal | Spell Boost | Mana Steal | Critical Strike | Omni-caster (Lv 4) | Multi-Caster (Lv 1)


-Attack with magic.
Level 186
Base Damage: 1860 (2325)
Magic Modifier: 930 (1162)
Affinity: Magic
Ability: (Offensive) Protean (Lv 2)

-Protect yourself with magic.
Level 126
Base Damage: 1260 (1575)
Magic Modifier: 630 (787)
Affinity: Magic
Ability: Boost All | (Defensive) Protean (Lv 1)

Master of Spellcraft
-Due to learning a myriad of Spells, Karen is capable of always finding a good solution; switch Abilities around via Protean as a free action.
-Offensive Abilities:
Critical Strike
Mana Charge

-Defensive Abilities:
Damage Barrier
Spell Reflect
Status Block
Heal (20% of Maximum Health)

Champion of the Arcane
-Karen has reached the pinnacle of magical prowess. Magic Modifier will re-roll until it is over 90% of maximum.

Unrivalled Might
-Karen has spent her entire life honing her skill beyond mortal ken. Sacrifice an action to negate a Spell from being cast, or sacrifice two actions to negate an opponent's action

Juggernaut of Man
-During an Intercept conflict, reduce incoming damage by 60% and triple Vorpal Damage.

The Pinnacle
Through blood, sweat and tears, I have claimed my position as the pinnacle of humanity.
-Reduce incoming damage by 35%, increase Magic Modifier by 25%, increase Total Damage by 25% and Maximum Health by 15%.
-May negate death once per turn, reducing health to 1 instead.


(The Clocktower) Morgan Grey

Morgan Grey

Age: 16​

Health: 105
Base Damage: 30 +5
Base Resilience: 20
Magic Modifier: 25 +5

Affinity: ???

Your Fists
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Ability: N/A


-Fire a thin beam of magic.
Level 13
Base Damage: 65 +5
Magic Modifier: 130 +10
Affinity: N/A
Ability: Armour Pierce | Critical Strike | Execute

-Create a shield of magic to absorb damage.
Level 16
Base Damage: 400 +25
Magic Modifier: 160 +10
Affinity: N/A
Ability: Damage Barrier | Boost All


Overload [Reinforcement] (Active)
-Increase Base Damage by 300% for the next attack; receive 20% of that attack's Final End Damage yourself.

Hand to Hand
Can sacrifice four moves to negate an enemy attack.

Level 19. Increases base damage by 5% per Level.
-Strengthen your body with magic.


(Gaia) The Forsaken Knight

The Forsaken Knight

Health: 30,000
Base Damage: 4000
Base Resilience: 5000
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Battle | Glory

Heide Greatsword
Level 42
Attacks Per Turn: 9
Affinities: Battle
Ability: Juggernaut | Overwhelm | Smash | Maim

Undying Challenger
-Regenerate for 20% of opponents base health on kill. Only works on beings that can be classified as 'Elites'

Equal Before God
-Makes user completely immune to magic.

Inhuman Skill
-Spend two Actions to nullify an opponent's action.

Counter Force

(???) Magical Girl Endless Hail

??? ???

Health: ???
Base Damage: ????
Base Resilience: ??
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: ??? | ??? | Myth

Eye of the Storm
Level ?
Attacks Per Turn: ?
Affinities: ???
Ability: ? | ??? ??? | ??? ???

Burning Rain
Aim carefully and destroy your target from afar; can accurately fire over a distance of 1km per level.
Level 2
Base Damage: 1000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: ???
Ability: Ordnance | Detonate

??? ???

Taking Distance
Level ?


Gun Carrier
Level ?
-You are but an extension of your weapon; thus you are healthy and strong, so you may carry it into battle. Increase Maximum Health by ??? per level.

Gunner's Robe
Level ?
-It offers little protection, but will never slow you down; increase Base Resilience by ?? per Level

(DECEASED) Magical Girl Raijin

Yamazaki Mei | Yamazaki Jun

""Thunder and Lightning, we are Magical Girl Raijin!""​

Health: 300
Base Damage: 200
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: 75

Affinity: Battle | Storm | Myth

The Storm (Mei)
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Storm
Ability: Double Hit | Ricochet

The Storm (Jun)
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Storm
Ability: Knockback | Batter

Level 1
Base Damage: 300
Magic Modifier: 200
Affinity: Storm
Ability: Juggernaut

Divine Wrath
Level N/A
Base Damage: Target Health x 10
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Storm | Myth
Ability: Apocalypse | Unstoppable | Scale to Target | Channel | One Shot | (Synchronize Only)

Unreal Agility
-Magical Girl Raijin can perform feats of agility that stretch the laws of physics to their limit.

Masterful Dodge
-Sacrifice two actions to avoid an enemy attack.

-Magical Girl Raijin's attacks cannot be intercepted or negated. If they would be, cancel the attempt and increase APT by 1 for the duration of the battle.

Cataclysm Surge: Level 1
-Reduce incoming damage by Magical Girl Raijin's base damage. Controls Health.

As One
-Magical Girl Raijin is intuitively aware of the relative position and state of her own bodies, and cannot hurt herself with her own attacks. Her teamwork/synchronization bonuses may not be negated by any means.
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[X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
[X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
[x] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
[x] Mud, Blood & Tears - When magic was discovered the world blinked, then exploded into fire. (The Blood Flows)
[x] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
[X] Fresh Meat
[x] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[x] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)

[] Might Need To Change The Lightbulb - All things eventually die, even Light itself flickers. (Easier)
Beware that the light is fading
Beware as the dark returns
This world's unforgiving
Even brilliant lights will cease to burn

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[X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
[X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[X] Late - Shit's well and truly underway, you'd best play catch-up. (Hardest)

New character intorroduced late in the season? Why, that just means we have more senpais to pet us!
[X] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
[X] Could Be Worse - Light and Darkness are in constant conflict, but most people don't notice. (Medium)
[x] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
I should probably note that I have tons of free time for the next long while, so this should get updated pretty frequently.
Also, my first Quest. How long roughly should I wait inbetween updates to let people vote?
[x] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
[x] Lingering Darkness - While the Light remains, the Dark is ever present. (Hard)
[x] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)

Also, my first Quest. How long roughly should I wait inbetween updates to let people vote?
24 hours to get things started quickly while you still have lots of free time would be a safe bet.
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I should probably note that I have tons of free time for the next long while, so this should get updated pretty frequently.
Also, my first Quest. How long roughly should I wait inbetween updates to let people vote?

I would advise to give at least 24 hours for the first vote; it is also a good idea to give people some time to discuss their votes... so maybe generally at least 24 hours?

[X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
[X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)

Fresh Meat because playing as Nepgear is fun in CMGQ, so maybe this will be good as well. I assume that the rest is to adjust difficulty some more.

I am looking forward to your take on this, @Rukia . Hopefully with less... overly sexualised jokes around our protagonist. That would be nice.
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Sep 16, 2017 at 2:50 AM, finished with 3944 posts and 21 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Sep 19, 2017 at 3:45 AM, finished with 4564 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan United We Stand
    -[X] Turn away from the main camp and wait for the enforcers; use the time to try making another means of attack and defense
    --[X] Create a statue of ice for target practice, then use your magic cloud again; refresh the statue as often as necessary
    ---[X] Have your magic End the target, but let it not just turn into activating Alpha and Omega
    ---[X] Have it shield the target to End all damage done to it
    -[X] If you create new spells, bring them to the test once the enforcers arrived
    -[X] tell them to wait in the courtyard, far away from any place they could be ambushed from; you will lure the creatures there
    --[X] then check the buildings one by one; do not engage if you find an enemy, but draw them out of the buildings
    --[X] unless it becomes a bullrush after the first one, use the breaks in-between to make sure the enforcers are alright; if someone gets injured and no one has healing powers, try using your own magic to heal them... but only with permission
    [X] Idea 1: Start searching for the monster
    -[X] fly around searching for any source of magic in the area
    -[X] fly around looking for unexplainable shifts in temperature or shadows
    [X] Idea 2: Bait it out
    -[X] Use Thermal Control to create localized hot spots (human shaped?)
    -[X] Get some live bait of some sort (rats or mice?)
    [X] Idea 3
    -[X] Fire up Alpha and Omega and fly around the camp until you run out of building or the ghost gets you.
    [X]When you find it
    -[X] See if it is bound to one particular building. If it is demolish it with plasma spheres.
    -[X] Try Heat and Cold on the ghost.
    -[X] If that doesnt do anything noticeable use Alpha and Omega
    [x]plan step by step
    -[x]first slowly bring the temperature of the entire camp as low as you can manage. Hold it that way for a few minutes.
    --[x]if nothing changes from that then slowly bring the temperature back to normal.
    -[X]step 2: fly around searching for any source of magic in the area.
    --[x]keep up a light aura on flashbang level.
    --[X] fly around looking for unexplainable shifts in temperature or shadows
    -[X]step 3: Bait it out
    --[X] Use Thermal Control to create localized hot spots (human shaped?)
    --[X] Get some live bait of some sort (rats or mice?)
    -[X]step 4: If you still can't find anything declare the camp a lost cause.
    --[x]walk through the place with alpha and Omega might as well burn the place as well.
    [X] investigate the crematorium first, keeping Ignition Aura active in about a 5-foot radius
    -[X] If it's not there, sweep the camp from one end to the other one building at a time
    --[X] when you find the creature, activate Alpha and Omega, trying to keep collateral damage to a minimum

Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Sep 30, 2017 at 3:34 AM, finished with 5270 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan Fuck you and Thanks for the EXP
    -[X] Take some more distance in the sky, fifty metres or more
    -[X] Prepare thirty Thermal Spears to hover around you
    -[X] While waiting for the enforcers to finish, talk to Daiyu; she should stay nearby and leave this one to you; keep the enforcers informed of what you do and what happens
    --[X] Apologise, she might not get to do much here after all
    --[X] Have her cast her shield on you and activate Ignition Aura as your active defense
    -[X] Once the enforcers are done, lay down the bombardment with Juggernaut Wave. Start whereever you saw the most of those things near to each other, then sweep around the camp until there is nothing left; if there are no priority-targets, go for the edges first and work your way towards the center
    --[X] Daiyu is on intercepting duty; while Juggernaut Wave recovers, Halt as many ghosts that try attacking you up there as you can before shooting them down; only use a handful of spears each time, not all at once
    -[X] If all the ghosts come attacking, see if you can find a cluster to attack with Juggernaut Wave
    --[X] Otherwise, just take potshots with your Thermal Spears and Halt what comes at you; refresh as many spears as you can during the downtime
    -[X] If they scatter and flee, try shooting down as many as you can before they leave your reach; warn the enforcers as you do
    -[X] Once you are done leveling the place, give it another sweep with Juggernaut Wave just to make sure you got all of them
    --[X] When that is done, touch down slowly and check in person; be alert and keep Halt ready.
    [X] EXP Plan Total Annihilation
    -[X] Juggernaut Wave to lv3 (30 EXP)
    [X] Burn it all down
    [X] EXP Plan Total Annihilation

Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Dec 8, 2017 at 1:36 AM, finished with 6619 posts and 10 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Dec 10, 2017 at 9:31 AM, finished with 6649 posts and 15 votes.
[X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
[X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
I would advise to give at least 24 hours for the first vote; it is also a good idea to give people some time to discuss their votes... so maybe generally at least 24 hours?

[X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
[X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)

Fresh Meat because playing as Nepgear is fun in CMGQ, so maybe this will be good as well. I assume that the rest is to adjust difficulty some more.

I am looking forward to your take on this, @Rukia . Hopefully with less... overly sexualised jokes around our protagonist. That would be nice.
Fresh Meat is my personal preference for this Quest, but I've never seen another Author mention things like that in their Quest voting so I left it out.
Nepgear was fun, and one of my Favorite characters.
And yeah, I marathonned CMGQ from start to finish in one sitting, since then I've been hungering for more, but that seems pretty dead. So I wrote this.

The different votes will swing the world in completely different directions, for instance, I would view "[] Lingering Darkness - While the Light remains, the Dark is ever present. (Hard)" as CMGQ difficulty world.

I don't really like overly sexualised jokes either. But the character will have a Sexuality, and unless you guys decide to make her Asexual, which I'm fine with. Romance is something that you'll need to deal with, or avoid in equal measures. Though I will fully admit that I am Yuri trash, but I'll write Het if it comes out that way.
I don't really like overly sexualised jokes either. But the character will have a Sexuality, and unless you guys decide to make her Asexual, which I'm fine with. Romance is something that you'll need to deal with, or avoid in equal measures. Though I will fully admit that I am Yuri trash, but I'll write Het if it comes out that way.

Fine with me, no problem.
It is just that... some of those scenes in the other Quest seemed ill-fitting or outright tasteless to me and I almost dropped it because of them. I think you can guess which I mean... sorry, I am rambling. Either way, I trust that you will solve this properly.

Fresh Meat is my personal preference for this Quest, but I've never seen another Author mention things like that in their Quest voting so I left it out.

I can see why you would... and I am honestly hoping for exponential growth on this difficulty.
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jul 19, 2017 at 12:12 PM, finished with 15 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
    [X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
    [X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
    [x] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
    [x] Mud, Blood & Tears - When magic was discovered the world blinked, then exploded into fire. (The Blood Flows)
    [X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
    [x] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
    [X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
    [X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
    [X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
    [X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
    [X] Late - Shit's well and truly underway, you'd best play catch-up. (Hardest)
    [x] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
    [X] Could Be Worse - Light and Darkness are in constant conflict, but most people don't notice. (Medium)
    [X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
    [x] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
    [x] Lingering Darkness - While the Light remains, the Dark is ever present. (Hard)
    [X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)

Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jul 19, 2017 at 12:13 PM, finished with 15 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
    [X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
    [X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
    [x] Newbie - You've been at this for a little while and you are a little nervous, but you can only imagine how high you can go. (Pretty Hard) Mid Season One Character
    [x] Mud, Blood & Tears - When magic was discovered the world blinked, then exploded into fire. (The Blood Flows)
    [X] Late - Shit's well and truly underway, you'd best play catch-up. (Hardest)
    [X] Could Be Worse - Light and Darkness are in constant conflict, but most people don't notice. (Medium)
    [x] Lingering Darkness - While the Light remains, the Dark is ever present. (Hard)
Last edited:
[X] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
[X] The Light Shines - Light prevails in the world, even if the hungering Darkness waits. (Easiest)
[X] Early - You stand at the cusp of the beginning. (Easiest)
Fine with me, no problem.
It is just that... some of those scenes in the other Quest seemed ill-fitting or outright tasteless to me and I almost dropped it because of them. I think you can guess which I mean... sorry, I am rambling. Either way, I trust that you will solve this properly.


I can see why you would... and I am honestly hoping for exponential growth on this difficulty.
The worse your starting position, the faster and stronger you will grow.
If you can somehow survive as Fresh Meat and get into the upper tiers, you will become more than a power of your own, you could be the power.

Also, quick question-thingy, how asshole-ish is it to steal borrow some stuff from other Quests if you can get permission?
I don't know if I'll make the character Nepgear, or if GG, Red Rose, Sega or characters like that will even exist in this story, but I kinda want them to, even if in passing mention.
I guess I should shoot Crystalwatcher a request?
Also, quick question-thingy, how asshole-ish is it to steal borrow some stuff from other Quests if you can get permission?
I don't know if I'll make the character Nepgear, or if GG, Red Rose, Sega or characters like that will even exist in this story, but I kinda want them to, even if in passing mention.
I guess I should shoot Crystalwatcher a request?

Every good author steals from others. Aside from that, I doubt Crystalwatcher would mind terribly much, especially if you just take the concept and change the details. (If you do though, we will never get to see [Balance]...)
Alternatively, we can just ask what @crystalwatcher thinks about this.
[x] Fresh Meat - You are so fucked beyond reasoning that it's not even funny. But if you survive you could make something of the situation. (Prepare To Die) Some Random Girl
[x] Mud, Blood & Tears - When magic was discovered the world blinked, then exploded into fire. (The Blood Flows)
[x] Late - Shit's well and truly underway, you'd best play catch-up. (Hardest)