[X] Plan: Peer Review
-[X] Train: The expectations haven't changed
--[X] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
-[X] Make friends during your lessons...and during training! DC 30
-[X] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
-[X] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
-[X] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
-[X] Ask Frigga if she could help you understand/control your new power (magic)

[x] Cold (Ice Magic)
Vote Tally.
Adhoc vote count started by JaceAoT on Nov 18, 2019 at 6:43 AM, finished with 260 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Light and frizzly, almost twinkly in a way (Enchantment)
    [X] Alive! (Animation)
    [X] Plan: Loki's Future
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    --[x] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
    -[x] Attempt to cozy up to the trainer so that he can give you more advanced lessons. DC 45
    -[x] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
    -[x] Pull another prank! You've got the taste for it now!
    --[x] On Thor. DC 25
    -[x] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
    -[x] Ask Frigga if she could help you understand/control your new power (magic)
    [X] Like Nothing Was There, And Yet... (Illusions)
    [X] Dark and withery, not cold, but almost lifeless (Shadows)
    [x] Cold (Ice Magic)
    [X] Plan: Peer Review
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    --[x] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
    -[X] Make friends during your lessons...and during training! DC 30
    -[x] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
    -[X] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
    -[x] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
    -[x] Ask Frigga if she could help you understand/control your new power (magic)
    [X] Like Clay, Moldable And Yet...(Transmutation)
    [X] Proud Loki
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    -- [X] Hand to Hand, DC 60
    -[X] Make friends during your lessons...and during training! DC 30
    -[x] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
    -[X] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
    -[x] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
    -[X] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
    -- [X] Thor
    [X] Plan Mommas Boy
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    --[x] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
    -[X] Convince Your Mother that you didn't NEED lessons from the instruction, but from her instead. DC 55
    -[X] Ask Mother for more financial responsibility. Maybe you could run a small business? DC 65
    -[X] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
    -[X] You learn best from only the best. As such you were homeschooled by your Mother. Try to learn from her (contingent on Convince Your Mother... action in Diplomacy) DC 10
    -[X] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
    --[X] Mother
@KnowledgeKing A few questions about the alternative options

[] Wibbly Wobbly And Overall Unstable (Prophecy)

Does this mean something like, we can see what a few of the dice rolls are going to be before we vote? Or is it more that, we will see possible ramifications of various actions, and how the DCs are expected to decrease/increase in the future and why?

[] Sharp, Like a Steel Blade (Mind Magic)

Could we copy people's skills/knowledge by reading their mind?
Could this allow for enhancing Loki's mind as opposed to affecting others? Such as a mind vault for organizing thoughts or having "slow time" from being able to think faster, or having a perfect memory which could allow for easier time learning new things?

I think if we wanted to hyper focus on magitech, doing this could be useful for acquiring sheer knowledge of how the world works, which sounds like it could be a good fit for forging.

That's possible depending on how you choose to spec Prophecy.

Mind Magic, you can, if you choose to, read minds to make learning skills easier. No slow time thing though.
So enchantment in the lead for now. Ice and Animation tied for second, behind by only one vote each.
Adhoc vote count started by Black King on Nov 18, 2019 at 9:09 AM, finished with 263 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Light and frizzly, almost twinkly in a way (Enchantment)
    [X] Alive! (Animation)
    [x] Cold (Ice Magic)
    [X] Plan: Loki's Future
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    --[x] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
    -[x] Attempt to cozy up to the trainer so that he can give you more advanced lessons. DC 45
    -[x] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
    -[x] Pull another prank! You've got the taste for it now!
    --[x] On Thor. DC 25
    -[x] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
    -[x] Ask Frigga if she could help you understand/control your new power (magic)
    [X] Like Nothing Was There, And Yet... (Illusions)
    [X] Dark and withery, not cold, but almost lifeless (Shadows)
    [X] Plan: Peer Review
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    --[x] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
    -[X] Make friends during your lessons...and during training! DC 30
    -[x] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
    -[X] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
    -[x] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
    -[x] Ask Frigga if she could help you understand/control your new power (magic)
    [X] Like Clay, Moldable And Yet...(Transmutation)
    [X] Proud Loki
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    -- [X] Hand to Hand, DC 60
    -[X] Make friends during your lessons...and during training! DC 30
    -[x] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
    -[X] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
    -[x] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
    -[X] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
    -- [X] Thor
    [X] Plan Mommas Boy
    -[x] Train: The expectations haven't changed
    --[x] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
    -[X] Convince Your Mother that you didn't NEED lessons from the instruction, but from her instead. DC 55
    -[X] Ask Mother for more financial responsibility. Maybe you could run a small business? DC 65
    -[X] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
    -[X] You learn best from only the best. As such you were homeschooled by your Mother. Try to learn from her (contingent on Convince Your Mother... action in Diplomacy) DC 10
    -[X] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
    --[X] Mother

Winning plan:

-[z] Train: The expectations haven't changed

--[z] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial

-[z] Attempt to cozy up to the trainer so that he can give you more advanced lessons. DC 45

-[z] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70

-[z] Pull another prank! You've got the taste for it now!

--[z] On Thor. DC 25

-[z] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40

-[z] Ask Frigga if she could help you understand/control your new power (magic)
Ah damn of all of the actions to fail it had to be Odin's.
On the brightside it's nowhere near as bad as the last failure and the high DC made it unlikely to pass anyway so don't think it would affect our relationship with Odin in a negative way. At the least he would probably appreciate that were are taking our studies seriously.
I hope the intrigue option unlocks something because pranks by themselves aren't useful. Maybe a Loki practices pranks option that increases the intrigue stat.
Turn Four Results
-[z] Train: The expectations haven't changed
--[z] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial
Intrigue Roll: 91+7=98
A great success!

Martial Roll: 75+5=80
An outstanding success!

It wasn't too difficult to convince Mother to help train Loki. A few hints there that he couldn't learn from the current trainer. A hint there that he was maybe too small or too weak to learn the standard Asgardian style. And finally, some whining about Thor specifically blocking him from training due to his big brother complex and...Loki was in.

And once he was in, Loki made the most of it. Watching vigilantly as his mother, the queen, showed him her forms, her technique, on how to wield a sword, as well as an introduction into daggers. Loki, being the bright child that he is, is able to copy the forms to an almost perfect level and replicate everything in an instant. Frigga can't help but to smile at her son's progress, a smile that is different than the warm, loving smile she gives him as a mother. This smile was one from Frigga, the trainer. She was proud of Loki as a fighter, and not just as a son.

Intrigue +1
Sword 4/5
Daggers 1/5
Martial +.5

-[z] Attempt to cozy up to the trainer so that he can give you more advanced lessons. DC 45
Roll: 70+6=76
A good success!

Attacking his problem from all angles, Loki opts to get his trainer in on the action as well. It takes months of hard work, but various questions and increased interest and the...vast improvement in ability that Loki shows (unbeknownst to the trainer, it is from Frigga's training) all add up to the trainer taking Loki's talks, his woes, his probes of private lessons, more advanced instruction, pretty well.

Loki could tell, all he had to do was push one more time, and those advanced lessons were his.

Asking for Advanced Lessons from the Trainer is now a possible action.

-[z] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
Roll: 53+8=61
A bare failure.

Unfortunately, Father was not so easy to figure out. Loki thought he was proud of Loki's increased interest in running things and in his increased responsibilities but...Father still refused him. It wasn't stern or anything of that nature it was just...no. He was still busy, too busy to spend time teaching Loki, but maybe another time. Yes...another time...

-[z] Pull another prank! You've got the taste for it now!
--[z] On Thor. DC 25
Roll: 61+7=68
A great success!

It was time...time for Loki to finally complete his masterpiece of a prank on Thor. Megathor had...calmed down a lot since being caught by Mother last year. No longer did he cut innocent girl's hair, claiming to scalp them for his collection, and...no longer did he even have a collection. No, now Megathor cut the hair of those he defeated in battle. Loki's not sure if Mother knew of the continued defiance of Thor or...Megathor but he didn't care, not at the moment. Loki himself could and would take care of Megathor, one way or another.

This time, the prank is less about getting Thor in trouble, but about making Thor scared and paranoid. To have him experience what his victims experienced and give him a true lesson in empathy and compassion.

And so it happens. When Thor is sleeping, Loki pounces. Quietly and with finesse, Loki sneaks into his room and carefully cuts his beautiful golden locks. With a sinister smile. Loki leaves, locks in hand, leaving his brother to wake up at dawn, feeling something wrong, and to mourn his carefully tended locks. He could hear his brother swear his revenge against whatever dastardly being has done this to him, but Loki wasn't quite so worried. He hadn't been caught. Yet.

If Loki (successfully) pranks Thor again, he completes a prank trilogy/set and gets a trait. And might increase his intrigue.
If Loki (successfully) pranks someone else, he still might get a (different) trait and might still increase his intrigue.

-[z] Try to become the absolute top of your class DC 40
Roll: 60+7.5=67.5
A success!

Once focused, Loki could do anything. He knew that, the instructor knew that, his mother knew that. Only those poor souls in his class did. Not. Know.

And because of this crucial lack of knowledge, Loki soars past them all, with diligence and intellect, and claims his spot as the number one student in his class, as well as other classes. An honor student would be putting it lightly. No, Loki is now top dog. And his instructor takes notice, Loki is proud to admit. Like his trainer, Loki is sure that with a push, he could get advanced lessons with his current performance. Unlike the trainer, Loki has impressed the instructor far more than any other student, and might be able to secure her as an instructor, as a mentor in the future.

Loki can ask for Advanced Schooling/Lessons as an action
Loki can ask the Instructor to become his Learning Mentor as an action

-[z] Ask Frigga if she could help you understand/control your new power (magic)

Loki has discovered magic. He was...is over the moon with feelings of joy and happiness, and cannot wait to test his abilities of enchantment. However he realizes that there are greater, more experienced minds than him in the kingdom...and one of them was his mother, the greatest sorceress in the nine realms.

And so, Loki approached her tentatively, and she saw through him, instantly asking if something was wrong.

"Wrong? No. I..." Loki gulps as he tries to word this carefully. "Mother I have...discovered something deep inside of me. Something that may be powerful, but...difficult to control." Loki starts, sounding nothing like the 8 year old that he is. Frigga looks on worried at her youngest son, and Loki can only tilt his head in confusion. What was she thinking exactly? Loki racked his brain but couldn't figure anything out. So he just got on with it. "Mother, I've discovered my magic."

With that, Frigga's eyes open wide and Loki can almost swear he hears her mutter something akin to "thank the gods', but he's not sure. She recovers quickly however and envelops her baby boy in a loving hug.

"Oh Loki. Of course I will help you." 'That's what she's here for' are the unspoken words. And Loki accepts them, like he accepts her hug. And her help.

Ask Mother to help with Loki's Magic is now a possible action.
So first of all there wasn't even 24 hours between the action list and now.

Now we're never going to go spear, and we're with boring sword skill again.
Trainer action didn't grant any diplo bonus, and has only given us an action we're probably not going to take... great, wish we had friends instead.
... Thor... my dude you have a problem.
Surprised we didn't get any learning boost for literally becoming the best student in the class.
Disappointed we took an entire year to ask a singular question, and then all we got out of it was the ability to take an action.
Turn Five
Fifth Turn (Year Five:

Choose One Action from each category:

[] Train: The expectations haven't changed
- [] Swords, DC 80
- [] Daggers, DC 35
- [] Hand to Hand, DC 60
- [] Ranged Weaponry (Projectiles), DC 45
- [] With your mother, DC 20 Diplomacy, DC 55 Martial
- [] With the All-Father, DC 60 intrigue, DC 40 Martial
- [] With the Trainer specifically, DC 20 Martial

[] Fight: Some say the best way to learn is to do.
- [] With Thor, DC 40
- [] Get a rematch with Megathor! You weren't ready last time! Seriously! DC ???
- [] Challenge Sif, DC 25

[] Study: So you could be a great tactician instead? A general even.
- [] War, DC 25
- [] Tactics, DC 20
- [] Strategy, DC 20
- [] Biology, DC 40

[] Exercise, increase your strength, speed, and stamina, DC 35

[] Convince Your Mother that you didn't NEED lessons from the instruction, but from her instead. DC 55
[] Make friends during your lessons...and during training! DC 30
[] Spend time after class with the instructor and get her to really like you. DC 35
[] Secure the Trainer as a...private Martial Instructor DC 40
[] Try to get closer to Father. He always seems to like Thor more, and it's not fair. DC 50
[] Heimdall was always watching you...maybe try to be friends with the old guardian? DC 70
[] Hang out with Thor! He seems annoyed by you, but maybe you could change that? DC 50

[] Request Lessons from the Instructor on finance and how to run the kingdom. Surely he'd listen! DC 50
[] Observe monetary transactions from the commonfolk (can only be taken with the Intrigue action: Sneak off into Asgard) DC 30
[] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70
[] Observe how the kingdom was ran in secret (can only be taken with the Intrigue action: Eavesdrop on the Allfather's important meetings.) DC 30
[] Ask Mother for more financial responsibility. Maybe you could run a small business? DC 65

[] Pull another prank! You've got the taste for it now!
- [] On Thor. DC 50
- [] On some of your classmates. DC 15
- [] On the King himself. The ultimate challenge. DC 60
- [] On the townspeople. DC 30
[] Try to hide from the instructors whenever they came looking for you. You didn't need nor want to go to class! DC 45
[] Eavesdrop on the Allfather's important meetings. Maybe you could learn something...intriguing. DC 70
[] Sneak off into Asgard, amongst the commonfolk. See what it was like to not be a Prince for once. DC 50
[] Go one further and sneak out of Asgard and into Midgard, home of the mortals! DC 90
[] There was something bothering you...something about you, Mother, and Father... DC 95

[] Visit the Library, you've heard so much about all of the different books! So much opportunity, so little time...
- [] Continue Learning more about Magic and how it works. DC 40
- [] Learn something new. DC 20
[] Try to practice and learn more about your magic. DC 50
[] Learn more about your magic with Mother. DC 25
[] As the top of your class...see if you can go higher. To advanced studies and classes above you in age and level. DC 70
[] You learn best from only the best. As such you were homeschooled by your Mother. Try to learn from her (contingent on Convince Your Mother... action in Diplomacy) DC 10
[] Self-Learn - Try to teach yourself. You didn't need an instructor! DC 50

[] Self Help: Devote your personal time to one of the actions below
- [] Self-Learn, DC 50
- [] Training yourself, DC 50

[] Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world!
- [] Mother
- [] Father
- [] Thor
- [] Heimdall

[] Try to further master your magic you discovered. DC 45

[] Try to discover your secondary magic...if you had one. DC ???

[] Ask a question (write-in which character)

[] Ask the Trainer for private/advanced lessons

[] Ask the Instructor to be your tutor

[] Try to Enchant something (write-in)

Remember: The 2 Hour moratorium.
@KnowledgeKing Would it make sense for us to learn about forging IC by asking Frigga about other magical disciplines? Imagine that it seems it would make sense since forging is in a way permanent enchantments put into items.
[] Growing Loki's Potential

-[] Train: The expectations haven't changed
--[] With the Trainer specifically, DC 20 Martial

-[] Secure the Trainer as a...private Martial Instructor DC 40

Extra martial action so we can train H2H, etc.

-[] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70

Stewardship tutor.

-[] Pull another prank! You've got the taste for it now!
--[] On Thor. DC 50

Let's get the intrigue buff we've been working towards!

-[] Learn more about your magic with Mother. DC 25

-[] Ask the Instructor to be your tutor

@KnowledgeKing If the instructor becomes our tutor, we get an extra Learning action, correct?

I think once we get the extra learning action, we could really go hard on studying our magic/learning about forging.
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So may I ask why has sword been the only weapon we could've tried to learn so far? We're a martial society I really would've expected to see a few other options at this point. (Yes I know we have Dagger now, too but we've only got that because we got it from mother)
[] Mentors and Magic
-[] Train: The expectations haven't changed
-- [] With your mother, DC 20 Diplomacy, DC 55 Martial

-[] Secure the Trainer as a...private Martial Instructor DC 40

-[] Ask Father if he could help you personally with further tutelage on how to run a kingdom. DC 70

-[] Pull another prank! You've got the taste for it now!
-- [] On Thor. DC 50

-[] Learn more about your magic with Mother. DC 25


-[] Ask the Instructor to be your tutor

Trying to gain a stewardship and martial mentor this turn while improving our magic.
Last edited:
@KnowledgeKing Would it make sense for us to learn about forging IC by asking Frigga about other magical disciplines? Imagine that it seems it would make sense since forging is in a way permanent enchantments put into items.

You can try but she knows nothing of Forging. You know about it by default because Nidavellir exists.

So may I ask why has sword been the only weapon we could've tried to learn so far? We're a martial society I really would've expected to see a few other options at this point. (Yes I know we have Dagger now, too but we've only got that because we got it from mother)

Sword's default/easy mode. After that, you can start to get more weapons. It's like a training school of sorts. Pass level 1, then we can get to level 2 and 2.1, 2.3, etc.

Loki technically hasn't passed level 1 yet in actual official training (not with his mother).
@KnowledgeKing If the instructor becomes our tutor, we get an extra Learning action, correct?

You can try but she knows nothing of Forging. You know about it by default because Nidavellir exists.

Sword's default/easy mode. After that, you can start to get more weapons. It's like a training school of sorts. Pass level 1, then we can get to level 2 and 2.1, 2.3, etc.

Loki technically hasn't passed level 1 yet in actual official training (not with his mother).

Will we unlock their character sheets and get their names?
Are they completely OC or will they be known characters?
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Sword's default/easy mode. After that, you can start to get more weapons. It's like a training school of sorts. Pass level 1, then we can get to level 2 and 2.1, 2.3, etc.

Loki technically hasn't passed level 1 yet in actual official training (not with his mother).

Spears are easy-mode actually... its why you train peasants in polearms, because its a more effective weapon and easy to learn. Swords are less useful because reach is key, and requires a ton of technique to be properly effective with it.

Also you knew that the vocal majority specifically wanted to be very directed with skill choices, so unlocking new weapon skills means nothing, because we're probably not going to take them.

Edit: So what diplomacy actions even grant diplo stat? Because we've yet to gain any.
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