Incandescent Weapon
-Add 50% of your Magic Modifier to all regular attacks
Primordial Sun: Abilities Removed
Incandescent Weapon
-Add 50% of your Magic Modifier to all regular attacks
Incandescent Armour
-Add 50% of your Magic Modifier to Damage Reduction
Primordial Sun: New Ability
Veil of the Solar Goddess All opposition crumbles on my chosen path, for I guide your way.
-Add 100% of your Magic Modifier to basic attacks and 200% as additional resilience; immune to mind-altering effects. Smite is counted as Judgement in regards to this Ability.
[X] Go join the other girls
"That sounds nice."
"Yeah, it does."
A faint sensation has you turn and... oh, the sky is orange and the sun is peaking over the horizon by now. "...dawn already? I could have sworn..."
Spring mumbles something and shrugs, then she offers you another smile before pushing Ana a bit in your direction. "Anyway, why don't you introduce each other before we get going?"
Heh, now comes the fun part. You both smile at your friend, who fidgets a little sheepishly -aw, she's actually cute.
How weird for Eva to think that...
"Um... hello. I'm World Eater. But that sounds weird if you shorten it, so just... uh... call me Ana?"
You did not stop smiling and your twin hums in thought before you both cross your arms and pout at her. "Huh? Is... did I do something?"
You can stretch it a little further; teasing is fun. Maybe if you do it like this... hey, help me here, Eva!
"How mean, Ana." You almost giggle at her confused look, but keep your face straight while your sister continues: "Yes, it's rude to not recognise your friends."
Ludger yips from the side to agree with you and the moment recognition flashes on Ana's face, you both storm forward to hug her tight, giggling. "Heh, your face is so funny!"
"Ugh... what? Eva? Rico? Wh- how? And..."
"But it's nice to see you again. I'm happy you made it."
She stops babbling once Eva says that and just hugs you back like a good friend should. You are still all yucky, but it will be gone once you detransform. And you can take a bath after that. An actual bath.
"Hehe... so you two are the friends Ana keeps talking about?"
Spring is still giggling when you let go and beam up at the older girl. "Yes~"
At least... you want to join Eva's sing-song voice, but... but... you feel so woozy all of a sudden.
You wobble a little and shake your head, grimacing at empty air as the power within you starts flowing faster, stronger, more. As if your magic wants to break out of a cage that is your skin. Everything starts tingling.
"What's up with you, Sun?"
You faintly notice that some more people are looking your way now, but the weird feeling does not let up. It is nothing like Eva, where everything peeled off.
"Urgh, just..."
It feels more like... is your skin cracking?
Thank goodness for Eva; she answers while you try to get a grip: "Just a moment, Spring. I'm not sure what this is, but she will be fine."
Your chest tightens and for a moment, you think you can no longer breathe. Air comes only barely as warmth works its way through your very being. It crawls further and then....
You can still see perfectly and Eva glows almost as bright as she reflects your shine, but everyone else yelps and smacks their hands in front of their eyes. Everything is bright and colourful and... it feels as if it is day already, not just dawn.
"My eyes!" "Ow..." "What the hell..." "How'd she do that?" "Owie..."
Oh... oops?
It gets weaker really quickly, but everyone stays on the ground or whereever else they are, some whimpering and others muttering. Even Spring is kneeling with her hands in place over her face, shivering.
"Owwww... is it over?"
The older girl reluctantly takes her hands off once you tell her that it is. She blinks rapidly before looking far away from you and sighing. "Urgh... Revitalise..."
(Revitalise: Base Heal suppressed, dice suppressed = 0
Spring's Dream: No change in Health
Temporary Blindness removed)
She puts her hands on her closed eyelids for a moment longer and lets the light work, then she looks around again. "Better. Hold still, Ana."
Your friend just whimpers on the ground, hands still over her face and looking miserable. Oh, you did not want to do that... Eva quickly looks around, but everyone else seems to be fine... mostly. Some are still shaking their heads and other things like that, but no one looks hurt.
Ana sighs in relief once Spring healed her, too... and then both of them look at you. "What was that about?"
You both shrug, but Eva looks up after some kind of tug on her; you do not really pay attention to that while answering Spring: "I don't know... it just happened. Moon had the same thing happen earlier... just with less light."
"A lot less light. I think the moon just flashed a bit brighter."
Eva's comment has you look up, but you can not see anything out of the ordinary. The moon is almost invisible by now, anyway.
What you can feel, though... you feel so energetic, as if there is nothing you can not do. Your skin did not crack like you thought, even if it looked like it. Light runs over your whole body and gives you a golden tint all over, too.
I look pretty!
You do!
The other Magical Girls turn back from the moon to you and Spring looks around with an impressed look. "Hm... curious. You really live up to your name, Sun. It's as bright as day around you."
Huh... she is right, everything your light actually reaches nearby looks as if it was day. Neat.
Then it actually becomes day... no, even more, it is so bright again. The other girls yelp and cover their eyes, but you... you just look around to where this light might come from... before realising it comes from up above.
The sun is shining a lot brighter than she should be... aaand it's gone. Everthing goes back to normal after a few seconds... only there are still a lot of girls looking at you, some of them squinting after opening their eyes again. Chitin Dancer is still frowning, but she shakes her head while Eva watches her and claps her hands. "Alright, girls. Let's get cracking."
A few still glance your way, but everyone goes back to work. A hand finds its way on your shoulder and you look back at Spring. "That aside... I think we've left the others waiting for long enough. Let's go."
You both nod and start following the older girl into the big building... but only after she had you give your backpacks to Chitin Dancer. Something about not having to carry your things around all the time like that.
Everything is neatly polished and clean and it looks so new. Ana quietly huddles after Spring with you... and she is throwing glances, too. Spring starts glowing for a moment and her magic retracts, leaving you with a blond girl in just a shirt and panties... uh...
"Oh... prfft-"
Spring giggles and you can see her try to hide her blush; it does not work and you can still see it. "I... kind of had no time to get dressed after they woke me up."
You shrug and dissolve your transformation, too. At least all the blood is gone now. Eva and Ana do the same -your friend only wears a nightgown- before taking a turn and standing in front of a wide glass door with some weird script written on the plate next to it.
First comes some kind of changing room with lots of lockers. You put your clothes into one of the empty ones and then follow Spring into a much warmer room, where... oh. There are other people already.
The room is big, with a large tub in the center and mirrors, stools, buckets and sponges along the walls.
"About time! What took you so long?"
The black-haired girl in the tub waves your way while calling out... she looks weird. A bit. Or... maybe different is a better word? You both wave back, but Eva keeps her eyes on the other three girls; two blondes and one brunette are sitting on the stools and clean themselves.
Huh... why are they doing that?
"I tell you in a moment. Now girls, before you do something you might regret..."
Spring gently takes your shoulders and leads you over to where the others are washing up, then has you sit. "This is a Japanese-style bath. You have to get clean first, then you can go soak in the tub."
You echo the sound out loud, too... hey, it makes Ana giggle! That is a good thing.
Spring helps you prepare your sponges before taking the stool to Eva's left; Ana is to your right and that other girl continues lounging in the tub behind you. Huh...
Once you are done, you thoroughly wash Ludger, too. He can not just make the blood go away, so he gets the normal cleaning... it takes a while and he continues to struggle weakly against you holding him while giving you this heartbroken look. Aww...
"Don't worry, boy. It's for your own good..."
That does make the older girls laugh again, but it sadly does not stop the corgi from making you feel bad. Once you let him go, he runs and hides behind another stool on the other side of the room.
Done with your dog, you clean up the bloodstains on your hands and get into the tub with everyone else. It is... nice. And there is so much room here! It could fit twice as many girls without any trouble!
The older girls are talking with each other about something, so you leave them alone and join Ana at the other side of the tub. With one of you to each of her sides, she can not run away for now. You both beam at her to make her feel a little better... but she does not see it, still looking down and rubbing over her inflated belly slowly.
What do we do?
Um... talking? Maybe?
You think about giving her a hug, but that would be weird with all of you being naked at the moment. Eva leaves you to start talking, so you think about what to say for a moment and... Ana speaks before you can even open your mouth.
"So it's really you two... I... I... I'm happy, but... when did that happen? Why are you Magical Girls, too?"
She has her eyes averted now and you are not sure what she means for a moment. Then you remember that she has no idea what actually happened. Eva gently takes her hand and smiles again. "We transformed before you... but we got a bit more lucky with where it happened."
You nod in agreement. "Yeah. Then we got unlucky and people found out when big sis wanted to bring us elsewhere."
"...ah, did big sis' friend find you?"
The question has Ana perk up and she finally stops moping. Good job, Eva!
"Oh, yes she did! And she was really nice... and scary. Really scary, but nice."
That sounds... weird. Maybe whoever it was is like Judge or Igni, nice once you look behind how they look like?
"Really? Tell me, tell me!"
Eva's mental giggle is ignored while you continue looking at Ana to make her tell you things. You have been curious about what kind of person Bianca would send to help, too. Now you can find out even when she did not tell you back then!
Ana lowers her head to think, sinking a little further into the water as she does. You do the same thing a moment later just to get more of the nice warmth all around you. Your hair is in a neat bun thanks to Spring, so you do not have to be afraid of making it wet on accident.
"She... she talked to me a lot, helped me understand what's going on and stuff. And she helped me with my magic, too... magic..."
Her hands return to her belly and that is bad. You do not know why exactly, but Eva stops you from saying anything about your friend getting chubby. It must be serious if you are not allowed to tease.
Your twin leans forward a little until she can see Ana in the eyes again. "What does your magic do?"
You hold back and think about listening in on the other girls, but then you notice that those five are all looking your way at the moment. Spring looks so worried again.
"I eat. I'm always hungry and I eat. Plants, stuff, animals... people... everything."
She rubs her belly again while you quickly fight down Eva's panic. You... half-remember that one dream you had back then, where she ate a rabbit.
"A-And it never stops..."
Ana hiccups and hugs herself; Eva pushes you to hug her, too... and then she starts rubbing her back. "There there..."
Only that this makes her burst into tears and almost crush you with how hard she hugs back. You let her and just stroke her hair for now... that is probably the best you can do.
Eva slowly leaves her be, seeing that you are there and can do the comforting by yourself. Maybe there is something to talk to everyone else about, so she slowly crawls over to sit with the older girls.
Spring offers you a thankful smile and a nod. "Thank you... both of you. Ana isn't the harshest case we have, but she comes close. Having good friends with her should help a lot."
Not that you can hear her... except you can because of Eva. Heh.
Your sister smiles back. "We... uh... haven't been friends for that long, though. But we're trying our best."
"And that's all we hope for", is what the other blonde says. The one that actually looks a lot like Spring, but is leaner. Maybe a bit too thin? Anyway, she offers a smile of her own before motioning for the others. "Besides, you haven't seen us untransformed before, did you? I'm Autumn."
You try to match her current face to the one she has when transformed... huh, the tiny frown and raised eyebrow fit with that pretty well. When she next points at the third blonde -her features are a lot sharper than Autumn's or Spring's-, you already beam. "That's Summer, right?"
"Oh? You're right, but how could you tell?"
The question makes you turn to Summer in full and tilt your head a little. It is pretty obvious to you... "You look the meanest."
...maybe you should not have said that? At least everyone else is snorting and Summer just blushes, but that was rude. "...I'm sorry..."
There is a weak slap on your shoulder from the black-haired girl. "Nah, you're not wrong. Do you need anyone to tell you which of us is Winter and who's Strength?"
That... is pretty obvious, too. The brunette was the only one who did not laugh over what you just said. So you shake your head.
... focus. That's Eva, not you. You are still holding Ana and stroke her back and pet her hair. She calmed down a lot by now, but she has not let go. So you let her have the warmth and stay put.
"Good. Spring told us about what happened earlier... any idea what made Sun shine like that?"
Eva shakes her head again in response to Autumn's question and... you really should stop staring at Strength like that.
I know!
"Something the matter, Moon?"
And Strength noticed her looking, too. Eva gets embarassed and blushes a bit, squirming in her seat before shaking her head. "No... um... I just..."
"It's the ethnicity again, Strength", Winter notes with a sigh. Then she turns to Eva with an understanding look. "You're from Europe?"
Once she nods, the older girl motions for the smaller one. "Strength is Japanese, from basically the other end of the world. Her looks are pretty normal there."
You take a look of your own from where you are. Japan... there is a whole country with people who look like that? This is so weird to imagine...
Strength just rolls her eyes before looking down and shrugging. "Whatever... sorry we have to cut this short, but I'm going to shrivel up if I stay in here much longer."
She moves to get up and stretch before stopping with her hands already in the air and a look in Eva's direction. "Though... I would like to talk to both you and your sis later. Please come see me once you're done moving in, okay?"
Should we?
It would be rude not to...
Eva nods slowly and Strength gives her a thumbs up before lifting herself out of the water with her arms. She quickly gets up and wanders over the warm stone floor... then she stops and squats down to pet Ludger as she passes him. "Heh. You're probably the only boy that gets to be in the same bath as all of us. You're lucky you're cute."
Autumn snorts again and Summer smirks a little... for some reason. Ludger just yips and is happy about being pet.
You slowly let go of Ana once her own arms fall and give her a nice smile. It turns out as a big smile anyway, Eva is better at being gentle...
But your friend at least smiles back. "T-Thank you."
Her voice is hoarse, so you just nod and let her sit down properly again. You feel comfy and happy with the warm water and the nice company... but you probably should get out soon, too.
Not much later, all of you are busy tending to your hair after getting out of the tub. There were really fluffy robes for you to wear, all of them in a cute white.
And now Eva is sitting at the side and giggles while drying Ludger off properly. Okay... one point for short hair, as usual. You like yours more, though.
Strength was already done when you came back to the locker room, so it is only you, Ana and the Seasons. Everyone but your twin has long hair... and you are done at about the same time as them, with Ludger getting dry only a little bit before any of you. He shakes himself a few times and yips happily.
Your own clothes are still clean though, so you slip back into those for now. That is not what you should do after bathing, but it is an exception so it is okay.
Now that you are cleaned up, what do you do? Choose one:
(Meeting Strength is already accounted for and needs not be taken)
[] Ana has to scour the city and that's a great opportunity for a tour; have her show you around
[] Chitin Dancer wanted to see you about something, so go find her
[] Summer seems interested in the both of you for some reason, maybe you should talk to her?
[] Write-in
[] EXP Plan
-[] Write-in what to buy
-[] Save it
+20xp Almost Blinded Spring and Ana With a Side Effect of Your Magic (Only Rico)
+5xp Everyone is Clean Again
EXP gained: 5 + 25 = 30 Total EXP: 53
(Unlocked Level 1 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Spring's Dream)
(Unlocked Level 1 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Summer's Dream)
(Unlocked Level 1 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Autumn's Dream)
(Unlocked Level 1 Character Sheet: Magical Girl World Eater)
Alright then, one hundred pages!
This asks for a little Special, would you not agree?
I have been thinking about what to do... and decided that we will do a Q&A. Not a normal one though, but something special.
Each player will be allowed to ask a single question which I will answer. You will even receive answers on questions that would normally be spoilers.
Think about your question carefully; I will parse them at some point before the next Update is done. The last question asked is the one that counts and I will not answer any questions during that time.
Once everything is parsed, I will write up the answers in one big post and put it up... at some point, I have to check when I want to do that.
Oh, I think I should mention... you want to be careful with what you ask. After all:
-I am willing to give you data your characters could in no way have, yes. However, mechanical data -such as what is written in character sheets- will not be given out.
-There is a limit to how far I am willing to go with spoilers. If you get greedy and ask for too much, you will get an evasive response that tells you basically nothing.
(For example: "What kind of business does Character X have their hands in?" -> "A lot of businesses")
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jan 8, 2018 at 11:28 PM, finished with 2477 posts and 5 votes.
[X] Ana has to scour the city and that's a great opportunity for a tour; have her show you around
Ana yawns after you get out of the bath. You also see her shiver a little from the cool morning air that is still all around.
"Ugh... sorry about that, but there's a lot of stuff to do today. Do you think you can stay awake?"
Spring does not look entirely happy with what she has to say. Winter is already wandering off after giving you all a curt nod while Summer and Autumn hang back a bit. Ana just nods and turns to look back at Spring. "Can I help with something?"
"Yes, actually", Autumn interrupts with a glance at all of you. "The three of us have to check the city and mark where repairs have to get done... don't ask me what Winter is up to, probably something with the machines."
She shakes her head and gets back to you after a moment while you wonder why the Seasons have to do something that sounds so boring. "You're the only one with a proper life sense, so we need you to check the whole city for any enemies hiding out. If you find anyone, you can give us a call and... yes, Sun?"
Rico happily waves her arm a few more times and beams at the older girls. "Not necessary, we go with her and everything will be fine! Ana can show us the city!"
Autumn gives you a measuring look before shrugging... she does not seem to mind. "Sounds good to me. You don't mind them, Ana?"
Summer smirks behind her back for some reason, though.
Your friend only shakes her head in wonder and keeps looking at your sister. You smile, too. It is good to help someone you like.
Then Ana shivers again and looks down. "Uh... I want to get dressed first."
Spring smiles again and motions down the corridor. "Not a problem. Just bring the twins to the dorms proper; Chi should have marked whichever room they got by now... so you two can get settled in while Ana gets ready."
Ludger almost jumps around you in eagerness while you say your goodbyes to the Seasons and follow your friend. Even he is looking forward to exploring.
And Ana looks a lot less sad than before.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Some quick sorting stuff out of your backpacks later, you are back out and transformed. The room they gave you is big, twice the size of your old bedroom back at home. There is even enough space for two single beds!
You move through the city carefully, oftentimes switching from the actual streets to wandering meadows; Ana keeps quiet most of the time, only speaking up to tell you about the buildings you pass. She concentrates on... something.
Your friend has no idea about some places, though. The one building where you saw Strength fight all those people for example; Ana said that is where the electricity comes from, but she does not know how or why. There are a lot more buildings than people, too; you see maybe a handful of girls on your way through -but everybody waves and smiles when they see you.
"Why are there so many houses and so few people?"
"And what are you concentrating on? How does your life sense work... and what does it do?"
Both of you are curious, if about different things. You get your own question answered first, too: "Um... I'm not sure why we have so many houses. Spring said they have them for when more people come... and so that it feels more like a city."
"And I'm... uh... I can feel other living things around me? I just know they're there even when I can't see them."
Huuuuhhh... how does that work? Magic is weird.
But it makes sense now. If Ana can feel everything around herself within some distance, soldiers that try to hide can't hide from her. So she goes all around town and makes sure there is no one hi- stop!
Rico's warning makes you stop in time to avoid running into your friend; Ana just came to a halt and has her head turned to the right. Looking that way... huh, you are in that place with all the domed buildings again. And the one she is looking at is... the one where all the carnage was.
"There's someone inside that place... only one."
Ana looks at you, a little lost for what to do. You just smile encouragingly at her and nod, with Rico speaking for the both of you: "Then we go and take a look."
Sneaking inside is... weird, though. You are both shining brightly, so anyone in the somewhat darker building will see you long before you see them. It is probably not going to work anyway, so you decide not to bother. Ana stays behind you just in case; you can not sneak, but she can.
The second set of doors is still broken down as you hover over it -you can see Ana looking worried- but the overwhelming smell of copper and iron is gone... okay, mostly. All the bits you saw earlier are gone, too... there is just some black sludge on the ground that stinks a bit. You put down your scepter and pick up Ludger; he just got cleaned up, no getting dirty again unless he has to.
With the light you bring inside and everything else being in dark colours, you can easily see the pale figure sitting on the ground towards the center. The only colours she has about her are her greenish hair and the few leaves growing from her body.
Once Ana sees the other Magical Girl, she relaxes and starts dashing through the puddles without a care for her clothes. Both of you follow her a bit slower... and the sound of your friend's feet on the ground makes her flinch and turn around.
"Ana? What are you doing here?"
Her voice is quiet... but it still echoes a little in this large room. You can see how puffy her eyes are, she has been crying just like when you saw her before...
Ana comes to stand right before her and... you are pretty sure that she is smiling some more. "You're safe... I'm glad."
"I guess so..."
She turns back around to look at... are those bones in the sludge? You are not sure, they are way too big for anything you know. And it is just two or three, nothing else. "I'm glad you're safe, too. Who are your friends?"
"Oh, right."
Quick introductions are done, but she does not even look at you. Her shoulders are slumped and all. It is a little mean that she keeps looking elsewhere, but... you do remember what Summer told you. Whatever that was, it was probably her friend.
And Ludger is wiggling in your arms a little. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring him here.
"I... I'm sorry, but I don't feel like talking. Could you please leave me alone?"
Ana looks at you a little helplessly, so Rico nods at her and you both wave at Flower's back. "That's okay. See you later."
And you do leave; it is probably better to let her be if she wants you to.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
"Hey, Ana..."
"Is your belly getting smaller?"
"Huh? Oh..."
Sorry? ...
You try not to grimace at your twin while Ana rubs her belly again. She is right, though... you are pretty sure that her belly is less swollen than it was when you went into the bath together. Your thought is interrupted by a gurgling sound and your friend sighing. "Ugh..."
Pushing the question about her being hungry already aside, your hands quickly find their way to her shoulder and squeeze gently; it makes Ana smile for a moment. Then she gets herself back together and shrugs at Rico in response. "I... I guess. Autumn and I... actually tested it. I can eat a lot of food and still weigh the same a day later."
That is... you are really not sure how that works. Is it even healthy?
Not even Rico has a response for that.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
"Is that... a boy?"
Ana and Rico both turn towards where you are looking once you asked that... and there really is. At least you think it is a boy, seeing that the person driving the lawnmower wears no pretty or cute girl clothes and looks more boyish. Like the older boys at home and... oh, now Rico is sad because she misses her friends.
There there, Rico...
You're mean.
"I think so, but I don't know his name."
Ana has her brows scrunched in thought and seems to think. When the lawnmower passes by close to the three of you, all of you wave and the boy waves back; then he goes back to cutting the grass neat and tidy... and it smells like freshly cut grass now! You love that smell so much...
"Where do they get boys from out here... uh... actually, where are we?"
Ana just shrugs again and gives your sister a helpless look. "I... I think some of the older girls brought their... boy friends... along? That's what Spring told me."
Boy Friends... oh. Boyfriends! Hah, you understand it better than she does!
Resolving to explain what this is about to your friend later, you both nod in understanding and Rico reminds her: "And where are we?"
Ana keeps quiet and continues walking again after a few seconds; you catch up to her a moment later though. She stays silent a little longer before blushing and offering a response: "Kibo?"
"But that's the same name as the group, how does that work?"
You notice another person walking closer, though your friend does not see her... buh, she looks weird. All black and white and delicate, like a dolly. And... there is black stuff slowly seeping out of her eyes. Crystals clink to the ground from the hem of her dress, too.
"I don't know, but this is how they call the city."
"It still makes no sense! You can't call two different things by the same name!"
"Actually", the new girl interrupts both Ana and Rico with a... pretty high voice. "The city and the group are not really separate."
A really high voice, almost squeaky. It does not fit her creepy appearance at all.
"Hm? Oh, Sky. Hey."
Ana smiles once she sees who it is while Rico frowns at the new argument. You agree that it still makes no sense; a group and a city are two different things, they can not be the same... can they?
Maybe we go at it the wrong way?
...what do you mean?
Look, Rico... I think... she means that the word can mean both things. You have people that want the same thing and the city they live in and...uh...
Ohhhh! That makes sense!
You cut yourself off once your twin pokes you with awe and nods eagerly as you both look at the newcomer, who curtsies in your direction. "Good morning."
"...ah! E... uh... Moon, Sun, this is Black Sky. I met her on the way here."
Ana quickly does introductions and you take a closer look at this girl. She is taller than you and looks... sick. Her hair is all grey and black, her skin basically chalk white... but her smile is as vibrant as creepy with her having no visible eyes.
"Hehe, I guess you two are Ana's friends? She told me about you, I'm thankful you did so much for her."
""It was nothing"", you both answer her without pause before you turn to the taller girl. "Um... can I call you Sky?"
She absently nods at you, but is more busy watching Ludger sniff the crystals she loses. At least he does not try to eat them... he just sniffs and then goes away to look at other crystals. You watch him for a moment as well, but then get back to asking your question: "Say, do you know where we are?"
This gets Sky to turn back to you, too. "Ah, was that what you were talking about before?"
The three of you nod as one this time, looking up at this unsettling face. She is creepy... but Ana likes her, so you will definitely not look away. Everyone here is different in a way, you just have to accept them.
We're different, too. Life-linked and together like this.
That's true. But... our magic did something good for us, didn't it? ...point.
"Let's see... someone told me that we are in Vol... Vol... ah, Volgograd."
Sky is looking in-between you and Ana, her brow creased in thought and her thin hands fiddling with each other. "Russia, I think."
She nods a few times before offering you a smile. "I'm sorry, but that's all I know. The library should have maps, though. You can go take a look later."
Hm... you do not like how she said that. Why just you three? "Aren't you coming, too?"
Sky shrugs before wiping some black stuff off her cheek. "I... can't really do that."
She motions with the dirty hand and then cleans it on her dress. "I would leave ichor all over the pages... and they don't have anything in Braille."
"Braille? What's that?"
Maybe a language from far away?
Ana flinches for some reason... ugh, you did just ask something rude again, did you not?
Sky does not seem to mind, though. She might have seen your friend's reaction, too; at least that is what you guess from the weak smile she offers her. "It's really fine, Ana."
Then she turns to you and... pushes a finger into her eyesocket. The wet sound it makes is ugh and you can see more black slush run down her arm. When she pulls it back out, everything goes back to normal really quick while she wipes off the stuff again. "I was born blind and... I still am blind outside of my transformation. What I have like this is the closest to working eyes I can ever have. Braille is... basically a type of writing that you read by feeling it with your hand. It's the only kind of writing I can read... but now that I can see, the other girls are teaching me, so I'm catching up."
"So... your magic did something good for you?"
For some reason, her face falls over your question. Ana looks like she wants to say something, but she does not when Sky nods slowly. "Yes. Yes it did."
"You two really shouldn't say things like that..."
"Huh?" "Hm?"
You both turn to Ana, who has her eyes on the ground again and -is she trembling? "Looking at you, you're some of the lucky girls that didn't get weird stuff for their magic."
You quickly give Sky a sign to stop talking. Her brows scrunch for a moment, but she does seem to trust you that much. The two of you give each other another look over realising that this could be a problem later. Your friend thinks that you got not-weird magic in a world where almost everyone does get some of that.
"You say that we got nothing weird-" "-but we totally did."
Your words flow from one to another easily; you did not do that often before, but it feels like a natural thing. Ana finally looks up while you intertwine your hands and show them to her. ""We're together forever. Our magic linked our lives and our minds are joined.""
Rico giggles over the baffled looks both girls give you. Then you both draw each other a step closer, light playing over your body and being bounced back. "I think that counts as weird-" "-but we like it-" "-so it's a good thing for us."
And then your tummies growl in synch, making you both blush a little. It takes a moment, but Sky's lips curl upwards and she starts giggling. It only gets worse when Ana's tummy agrees with another gurgling sound and your friend sighs again. "I... guess its time for breakfast?"
That sounds like a great idea.
You pretend not to see the contemplative looks you get from your friend as you walk.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
"You missed breakfast", is what Sky tells you while you enter the cafeteria; there is no one else here at the moment, so you have the whole room to yourself. "That's why no one's here."
Is it that late already? You had no idea... going around with Ana was... not really fun, but nice. Your friend is already at the head of the room and taps around on some kind of screen. Once you get closer, you can see that it has lots of words in big squares... which Ana can just move up and out of the screen by dragging her fingertip over it.
What's that? How does it work?
Watch her!
You both eagerly observe how your friend goes through lots of words. You can tell that some of them are names of food, but not much else. After a while, she sighs and presses a big button on the screen's side that has all the words change into pictures of food.
Rico squeals in delight and you have trouble stopping her from pressing all the buttons. No, bad Rico! We can eat all of it, but not all at once!
Naw! I want Ana's superbelly!
You giggle at that, even though you know it is rude to say things like that. The other girls watch you for a moment before Ana turns back to the screen and taps on some kind of bread a few times, followed by salad and meat and juice.
Then she presses a green button on the screen before getting a pinging noise.
"This looks neat! How does it work?"
Sky giggles and shrugs while pushing a few crystals aside with her foot. "No idea, but we can have a lot of different food. It's your turn now, I already ate earlier."
So you get yourself sandwiches and scrambled eggs... and hot chocolate, just because. Oh, and a big piece of meat for Ludger of course... for whatever reason they have raw meat in that menu. Everything comes out of the wall on big plates just a few minutes later.
Sky gets herself some coffee -urgh, it even smells bitter- and just sits with you as you eat.
... Eva?
Why is Ana... eating so much? Uh... maybe her magic again?
You spend half the time watching your friend. Anastasia already finished her first plate when you just got started, chewing and swallowing at a speed you do not think you could reach no matter how much you hurry. Then she got seconds... and thirds. By the time she is done, you barely just finished yourselves.
Good thing she was so focussed on eating... I'm sure she didn't see us watching.
You do not answer your sister outside of a mental hum. Not that you need to.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
"This is it."
Once Sky stops you, you look up at the three-storey building in admiration; it gleams like polished metal in the sun... okay, it is polished metal, but that is why it looks so impressive!
""...It's pretty!""
"You're right, it is."
The older girl motions for a bench nearby, though. "I doubt Strength needs to see me, so I'll be waiting out here with your little friend. Go ahead."
Seeing that you can not just take Ludger into an office, you are glad that at least Ana stays with you... you are still a bit scared of Strength. She was nice the last time you saw her, but- Rico pokes the thought away and drags both you and your friend along inside.
There is a large, open room with a bright green carpet coming first. Lots of chairs... ugh, that reminds you of the waiting room for the clinic back home. Actually, maybe it is a waiting room?
Ana knocks at the door on the other side quietly; you take her ignoring the stairs as a sign that the upper floors are not important right now.
"Yes? Come on in!"
Once the door is pushed open, your friend holds it and lets you go inside first. Strength sits at a massive wooden desk, watching you enter while pushing some papers aside. You see her squint for a moment... Rico is lighting up the whole room. "Ah, its you two. Sun and Moon, was it?"
You nod and quietly follow her motion to the chairs in front of her desk. Ana takes the third one without a word, too. Strength looks between you and sighs before pushing a bowl your way. "You girls really know how to bring a rainy mood... cheer up a little."
In that bowl is candy. Brightly wrapped and... is that okay? You see Ana take one -her fingers twitch back for a moment-, so you do the same and take one each. The sweets do help you relax in the Japanese girl's presence.
"...still can't believe that actually works... anyway. Found anything, Ana?"
Your friend shakes her head and swallows before answering: "Nothing... but Flower went back to her garden... Strength, how bad is it?"
She waves off the question, but you can see her grimace a tiny bit. "I'll tell you later, together with everyone else. But for now... I want to know what happened last night. Tell me everything you saw and did."
So... you do. You tell her in as much detail -and as coherent as possible, without switching who talks all the time- what you did and why. Ana does not look happy when she hears how you got hurt a few times.
Strength only listens. She does not say anything, though there are a few notes made on a somewhat full sheet. Once you are done, she nods at you. "Okay then, thanks. What about you, Ana?"
The somewhat okay mood is gone in an instant; your friend looks down at her lap and stays quiet. But Strength does not press her and in the end, Ana does start talking.
"I... when I heard the guns, I just ran out to help. I... uh... I tried to find out what's going on, but the first time I saw people was at the training place. And they had Arc..."
The training place? Huh, you were there just a bit ago, it was one of the places you did not get to during the fighting.. Now it makes sense that your friend got so gloomy over there and stopped talking to you entirely for a bit.
"She had no golems anymore and they tried to take her away, but I stopped them... I tried to."
Strength is taking notes, but her brow is furrowed and she slows down with each too-long pause between words. She gives Ana a long look before tapping her finger on the table, the knocking sound enough to get your friend's attention. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."
Ana thinks about it for a moment and deflates in her seat. "I'm sorry..."
Rico takes her hand and squeezes carefully to show she is there. Ana is not alone right now. Strength, for some reason, smiles. "It's okay. You had to hurt people to protect your friends... feeling bad about it just shows that you're a good person."
"...I don't feel like one..."
Your twin is probably the only one who heard that whisper. Strength does not seem like she heard it, anyway. The Japanese girl gives you all a round of curious looks before turning to Rico and you fully. "That aside... sorry for the harsh welcome, you showed up at exactly the wrong time. I'm Transcendent Strength."
She offers her hand and you both shake it, one after the other. "We're Primordial Sun-""-and Moon. Nice to meet you."
Strength smiles back and leans back in her comfy-looking chair. "Likewise. Welcome to Kibo and all that stuff... just so we're clear, you are planning to stay, right?"
Huh... you have to think about that for a moment, but there is no answer besides yes. Knight told you to go here because just staying in New York would have been no good, so here you are. Where else could you go?
So you both nod your heads and get a nod in return. "Good. Here, take these."
With that, she puts some weird stones on the table. They are grey and feel a little gooey when you take them, but Strength does not seem to mind your confused looks. "You have to detransform and put them in your ears, then those little things let you talk to and understand anyone, no matter what language they speak. They stay active even if you transform again.
You both quickly undo your transformations and put them into your ears, where they seem to melt over the skin and leave nothing left. Strength's eyes are on you and she shakes her head for some reason.
Once you pay attention to her again, she gives you both pointed looks. "Yeah, no denying that you two are Vescovis. You look exactly the... same."
She pauses for a moment, but then finishes with an unreadable expression and closes her eyes for a moment. Her weird look goes away quickly, though. "... Not that I mind, I get along with your sister... speaking of, do you want me to tell you when she's calling, so you can talk to her?"
It takes a moment for her question to register. When it does, you look up at Strength with wide eyes and so much happy surging through you that you might burst. The older girl chuckles. "I take that as a yes."
""Thank you! You're the best!""
The only thing that stops you from jumping over the desk to hug Strength is Rico stopping you from standing up. She is no less happy than you are and even Ana smiles a bit.
You can talk to big sister sometime soon! This is great!
"Hehe, I know I am. Anyway, can you calm down again? There is some more stuff to talk about."
You quickly straighten up again and wait eagerly for whatever comes next. It does not matter what it is, nothing will get the mood down anymore. "Schooling is mandatory here. We had no classes today because of what happened, but you two will join Ana and everyone else starting tomorrow."
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Rico is still sulking a bit when you say goodbye to Strength and make to leave. For some reason, Ana has trouble not giggling over that.
The older girl looks about as mirthful, too. "Ah, one more thing. You probably want to talk to Chi...tin Dancer sometime soon. She needs your measurements if you don't want to run around in those old clothes all the time... and she's still not happy about all those spiders you blinded with your lightshow, Sun."
At least Rico is a bit sheepish over that.
Now that you are done with that, what do you do with the rest of your day? Choose two:
[] Spend more time with Ana, she is better off not being alone right now
[] When checking the city, Ana went around the accessible part of the sewers and would not say why. Time to explore!
[] Talk to Black Sky some more, she seems interesting
[] Go visit Chitin Dancer; you ought to apologise for hurting her spideys
[] Strength seemed to be bothered by something; that and she seemed to be doing a lot of paperwork; you think it is time for a break
[] Actually, the training field sound like a good idea; go train a bit
-[] Train what?
[] EXP Plan
-[] Write-in what to buy
-[] Save it
+2xp The Aftermath
+5xp Met Black Sky
EXP gained: 7 + 7 = 14 Total EXP: 67
(Unlocked Level 0 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Black Sky)
(Unlocked Level 1 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Transcendent Strength)
(Shop Item Unlocked)
And with that, I am now going to compile the questions asked for the Q&A. No more may be asked.
We know Rico and Eva became magical girls while being attacked and that Anna became one seemingly at random. What situation was Abyssal Knight in when she became a magical girl?
She actually recovered pretty well, seeing that Eva healed her up. Mother dearest is currently staying at Bianca's place and feels generally awful about her girls being on the run.
Mind, she is not at the "drinks to be able to cope with what happened" stage, but one rarely sees her smile these days. Bianca tries, though.
Note that I am answering the following two not directly. I am not giving away how you can achieve something. What I will do is give some general statements in that regard.
I am not sure this will happen at all. The way everything progressed, I am not sure I can include Heart of Light without shoehorning her in somewhere.
We will see how that goes.
Chances are good that this will happen at some point. Bianca is not easily deterred... and she is willing to move heaven and earth to get the twins back.
So my question is can we have a more comprehensive run down of what happened in WWIII? If that's to broad a question then just how was the US destroyed during WWIII?
From my conversations with Naron while I was putting together that one omake, it was basically "everyone and their mother ganged up on us while our allies were busy with their own problems, and then the omnicidal morons showed up".
I'm given to understand that Nightmare Child was effectively the reason Europe survived in a somewhat intact-ish state, because she could effectively hold the entire border on her lonesome. Most places... Didn't have a Nightmare Child analogue.
I would like to note that Nightmare Child was one of the few major reasons that Europe still stands. She was the firepower-related reason, though.
Even the great US can not do much when basically half of Asia comes knocking on their door, spearheaded by Russia. Especially when their allies are busy getting their own problems figured out.
People started to lynch their own Magical Girls out of contempt at some point and the trend came up the earliest in America... mainly because it was so easy, seeing how everyone and their mother (sometimes literally) has a gun.
As an aside, I am deliberately not giving out numbers or an exact retelling of how it went down; if I did, someone would just poke holes into it and cause more work for me. am I supposed to answer that? The logical response is "do not bring your corgi to the battlefield". Aside from that... I have something planned, which I do not want to talk about just yet. Soon.
It was chance, yes. Although a certain person had her fingers in that. Just wait for her, she will show up soon.
Anyway, the Seasons awakened... well. Spring and Autumn are actually sisters and awakened at around the same time, with Summer following in Australia and Winter in Germany. They all were integrated into their respective militaries.
When they heard of the respective others however, Summer and Winter jumped ship. Pretty dumb of sending Summer with the troops to Russia, was it not? Winter just... up and left, with no one being the wiser until she was long gone due to invisibility.
Is there anybody/anything which acts as, or can act as, a "natural weakness" to sun/moon? as in you could not find a worst opponent? that even if you got attacked by nightmare child herself it would be better then fighting them?
They have no natural weakness outside of the mechanical aspects that were already mentioned in this Thread. At least none I noticed.
Besides, there are two things worse or at least as bad for them as fighting Nightmare Child. Namely, Transcendent Strength and Unwavering Azure.
It was not just one event. The Guardian is an amalgamation of several other Abilities that she worked pretty hard for.
Anyway, if you want the event in general... it is called War. There were a lot of troops involved and it saw her being basically untouchable due to her Abilities while she fought things that should have been outside of her weightclass. Thus, The Guardian.
That was it. Thank you for your participation. If you have follow-up questions, feel free to ask. Just do not expect me to give away information as freely as here.
And just to put this discussion about Absolute Connection to rest... ugh.
It will not kill their individuality or ego. However, it will remove the few lines remaining that separate Eva from Rico, linking them as close as if they were one. The twins will still be there, though more of their interactions will be by thinking as one and less mentioning of who does what, as they no longer bother considering which part is who. @veekie got it pretty accurately.
Note that I am explicitely saying "more of their interactions", not "all of them".
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jan 16, 2018 at 12:52 AM, finished with 2601 posts and 6 votes.
[X] Go visit Chitin Dancer; you ought to apologise for hurting her spideys
[X] Spend more time with Ana, she is better off not being alone right now
[X] Go visit Chitin Dancer; you ought to apologise for hurting her spideys
[X] Exp-Plan
- [X] Save it
[X] Spend more time with Ana, she is better off not being alone right now
[X] Go visit Chitin Dancer; you ought to apologise for hurting her spideys
Ludger already awaits you once you leave the building... but no Sky. Weird.
Then you notice that he holds a piece of paper that he actually gives to you after bouncing to your side; it is a bit wet with dog saliva, but you ignore that and quickly read the scrawly words.
In the meantime, Eva tells Ana what you see: "Sky says she forgot about something and had to go."
There is a rather big splotch of black stuff on the bench where she sat earlier, partly hardened into crystals. Some are already scraping off and turn to dust as you watch. Neither of you knows what to do next and your friend starts to fidget after a bit. She looks confused while you watch the crystals with interest. "What do we do now? I... uh..."
Oh. She does not know what to do, either? That is fine then, you can think of something together. First off... actually, now that you think about it, Sky mentioned that library, right? "How about we go look at the maps? I'm curious!"
"Um... okay?"
It does not take more and off you go.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
"Here it is!"
You point your finger at the coloured paper in front of you, pressing down at the right city at last. Finding it was hard with so many possible places for it to be in Russia. Eva and Ana lean in a bit from their chairs on the other side of the table to see it, so you lift off your finger to show them.
Your friend keeps looking at the map before scrunching her brow in thought and looking over to its edge. Then she pulls out a map of the world and starts measuring something. Both of you watch her in silence, wondering what it might be she wants with Europe.
"Hm... huh, that's... a lot of kilometres from home."
...oh. Right. Now you wonder how everyone is doing. They are probably alright... but you can not even write a letter, or anything else.
Eva shrugs off her bad mood first and pokes you with Focus a few times until you both turn back to cheering up Ana. She had to do something terrible, so you better give her some way to not think about it. Hm... actually... "Ana?"
Her eyes focus on you the moment you speak and start to shine a little once you ask your question: "How did you get here anyway? I mean, this is pretty far... can you fly? That's how we got around so fast before Autumn brought us here."
"You can fly? Just like that! Oh you're lucky, I have to transform to fly and it feels weird... but I didn't fly that much because I was so slow at first. Night helped me get better at it... aww, now I'm sad you didn't meet her, she only stayed for a week..."
She does not stop babbling for a bit and you poke each other with Success and mentally pat your shoulders. Then however, a stray thought from Eva has you start doing some quick math in your head. Wait a second...
"How long have you been here?"
Your friend scratches her head for a moment and leans aside with a frown. "About a month, why?"
Oh. That timing is... weird. You ponder about that and let Eva answers this one: "We kind of reached New York about a month ago, too. How weird... oh, is Night big sister's friend?"
You still wonder if you could have met Ana a lot earlier if you decided against staying with Yggdrasil for so long. But... you could not have known about this, could you? Either way, Ana looks happy enough talking, so it is fine. Your twin listens with interest.
"Yes, she is. I... I was really scared of her first. It's... if she is there, you just feel so small and helpless and all that. I mean... I guess it makes sense? But... she was really nice to me and Sky. We learned a lot from her. She even made us some zombies to train with."
Wait. Zombies? And the girl is called Night?
"You... uh... big sis is friends with Nightmare Child?"
It is hard to believe even after Ana nods yes, despite everything. Everyone knows how strong and scary Nightmare Child is; you really did not think that Bianca would know her when she mentioned the girl back then. It makes you feel... a bit weird. How did they meet and why?
Ana probably can not answer that, though. You both sigh in unison and shrug at each other before Eva pulls over the world map and looks around. She is looking for New York, so you quickly help her by diving for one of the maps of North America.
There, that corner looks like this one on Eva's map and you had to have come from the right, so... heh, there it is! "Found it! We were here!"
You let Ana check and her eyes go a little wider at the sight, then dart over the paper. "Wait, over there? But... but that's the other way, how did Autumn get here so fast?"
Hehe, now it is your turn to explain stuff.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Once you were done telling Ana what happened on your end, she actually pushed both of you to get ready to leave. After looking at a nearby watch, that is. The sun still stands high when you leave the library. "Come on, we've got to go!"
""But where?""
"To Chi! It takes a while and dinner is soon!"
Her tummy grumbles in response to that, which makes you giggle a little. If your friend thinks that you need that much time, you will just go along with her and see what happens. Ludger darts after you like the fluffy ball of happiness he is, yipping over the imagined hunt.
You become decidedly more unhappy once the first spiders show up, though. Ana leads you to a big, round building close to the dormitories... it could be a tower, but you are not sure if you can call it that with just four storeys.
Anyway, there are spiders. Webs are spun over the walls and tiny crawlies are everywhere, with a few bigger, black ones sitting around in-between. Ana slowed down a lot to not step on one on accident, but there are none on the ground. Just on the walls and the ceiling!
It takes a lot out of you to not try running again, but you manage and suppress the shaking while you are at it. Eva pokes you with calmness and weaves it around- bad way to think of it right now, abort!
All the rooms here have no doors, at least on the first two floors. The spiral-staircase leads further up the building's central axis and once you reach the third floor, you find a few closed doors. So maybe there are no spiders living in those... all the others are actually full of webs.
But Ana walks on, further up and to the last floor; all of you are panting a little bit from going so fast, but it does not really matter. There is a room marked with a silver nameplate, telling everyone that this is where Chitin Dancer lives. And the door swings open but a moment after you could read the plate, moved on threads from the inside.
You can hear something sirring inside, but not see it yet.
"Good afternoon, you three."
And there is her voice. Just like you remember her sounding from a few hours ago, friendly yet detached. No one greets you at the door, so you enter after a moment. "You too, Ana. Might as well check up on you."
Your friend jerks and quickly follows the both of you instead of going elsewhere like she said she wanted to. Curious, what does the older girl want from her?
Inside, you see an.... actually normal room, a bit wider than the one you got. A handful of spiders sit around on the couch, but you can not see any others. Chitin Dancer is sitting at some weird thing that you do not know the name of; more threads from a few spiders on the table are slowly pulled out and spun around a not-round wheel that turns constantly, with her watching over it.
It does not stop her from turning around to offer you a friendly wave, though. "Again, good afternoon. Seamstress Chitin Dancer at your service, just call me Chi. I'm responsible for all the clothes people wear around here, so you will see me again in the future."
You nod your understanding while Ana stays a little to the side; after a short pause, Chi smiles and gently clips the threads connecting her spiders to the wheel before scooping up the crawlies; they quickly crawl into her dress and out of sight. She pulls on a few thick strings that pull the door close again, making it click quietly. "Alright. First things first, I need your measurements to do proper clothes. You don't mind taking off your shirts and skirts, do you?"
Why would you? There are only girls here. Two headshakes and the older girl nods. "Good, that speeds things up. Please take them off, I will take care of Ana first."
Your friend is already taking off her own clothes and then... then spiders quickly crawl all over her, weaving threads here and there and clipping them once they are done. Then they bring those strands to Chi, who spans them into some weird clamp and takes notes before looking at some kind of folder. This gets repeated a few times before the older girl hums and the spiders retreat.
"Hm... you grew a centimetre or two, but not much else. Okay, you're done."
Ana nods and gets dressed again. It did not even take five minutes for her... maybe you can get through that, but... really? Spiders? Why?!
"Now to you."
Eva takes a deep breath next to you and then... then you feel something crawl up your leg. And more. And more.
Urgh... you close your eyes and hope it will be over soon.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
It is not over soon. They measure basically every part of you for some reason... and then they do it again. Chi says it is for accuracy, but you are pretty sure she is just mean on purpose.
Oh, right...
While another group slowly crawls over your skin and gives you goosebumps, you slowly unclench your teeth and wet your lips before speaking up. Your eyes are still closed. "Um... Chi?"
There is a moment of humming and you can see her finish up some measuring through Eva's eyes. Then she turns your way while your sister continues to murmur encouragement to you. "Yes?"
"Um... I wanted to say sorry for hurting your spiders..."
Now might not be the best time to bring that up. Chi does not seem to mind though, seeing that she just waves it off and notes numbers down with the slight scratching noise of pen on paper. "It's fine... and with that, we're probably even. You're holding up pretty well, Sun, we're almost done. But anyway, Ana was way worse at first. She actually ate some of them before I told her not to."
And you can see Ana blush from where she is sitting with a glass of juice, mumbling something you can not understand from where you are.
...Great, now you want juice, too...
But Chi stays true to what she said and the last spiders soon leave your body. You shudder and, once you get the okay, quickly put your clothes back on. Eva does the same. "Thanks for your patience, girls. Any wishes for your first set of clothes?"
You turn to look at your twin. There is an idea...
""We want something cute!""
There is a momentary silence while both Ana and Chi stare at you... then the older girl brings up a hand and starts giggling behind it. "Pfft, hehe... okay, he, will do. Just, hehe, give me a few days and-"
She stops when a gong sounds out over the city, apparently returned to her more serious behaviour. "Oh. Sounds like it's time for dinner. You should go get some food. See you around."
You return her wave and are almost out of the door before something makes Eva pause... oh, that is right. "Um, why aren't you going to eat?"
Chi just smiles weakly and shrugs. "I don't really need to... and I have what I need here with me."
You leave after that, but you are pretty sure that there is more to it. Something... is not right here.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Dinner was... different.
For one, the cafeteria was no longer empty and you actually had to wait for a bit before you could get your food. On top of that... everyone kept looking your way now. Curious gazes everywhere and a lot of older girls coming by to talk to you and say hello. And to coo over Ludger, of course.
You took turns talking while the other ate, with Ana sitting at the side and quietly watching you.
That aside, you could not really meet anyone new so far; there were just so many people and thinking got difficult because you were awake for so long...
Once finished, full and happy, the two of you yawn in synch and draw a few daww's from those around you. You just want to lie down and sleep; your eyelids feel so heavy, too. While you still blink and try to keep yourselves awake, Ana lets out a yawn of her own... uh, her mouth is not supposed to open that far, is it?
Your friend does not notice... and if Sky did, she ignored it. Sky joined you at some point after you started eating, but you did not get to talk to her over everyone else. The older girl is listening to all of you, her eyes milky and unfocussed. That looks so sad, not being able to see properly. "From the sound of it, you three should turn in early."
You just nod your agreement. Staying up later than you have to is no good. ""'Kay...""
With a mumbled goodbyes to Ana, you start to make your way through the big room. A lot of people wish you a good night until you trudge out the door; your feet carry you back up the staircase and to your room. Huh, someone added signs with your names to the door over the day.
Ludger comes in with you and... oh. You have no basket for him to sleep in. That is not good. But letting him stay with you is a no because you will be full of his fur again. Hum... ah! You have an idea!
The two of you quickly dart to the second bed and pull off the blanket, then drape it on the floor and put the corgi inside. Now he has a fluffy little nest. Ludger yips in agreement before taking the silent order to go to sleep and shuffling around a bit to lie comfortably.
With that done, you get changed and move the second pillow to the first bed. There, all done. Good night~
You gape in horror as the fist-sized hole in the young woman's chest closes, the glistening crimson edges flowing like liquid until all that is left is a single red spot upon her breast, which soon fades as well, leaving not a blemish on the white fabric of her gown.
"I shall fear no evil..."
The matching hole through Charlie's chest though, that one isn't going away.
"or thou art with me..."
I-it wasn't supposed to be like this! You were just gonna loot the town for some supplies and move on! There weren't supposed to be Magical Girls this far west!
"thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."
The girl, done with her prayer, opens her sole visible eye and looks at you with all the warmth and humanity of a marble statue. "God is infinite in his Mercy. Leave now, never return to this place, and you may yet live a long life."
For a moment, you stand there, anger at Charlie's death fighting the urge to bolt like a scared rabbit, but then you look down. Down at the body of your friend since high-school, dead because of this crazy bitch. Like that the balance is tipped, and with a snarl you rip your gun out of its holster and empty the magazine at the Magical Girl, half blind with rage and grief.
As the gun clicks empty and you stare uncomprehendingly at the empty space where the girl was, something sharp presses against the small of your back. "God is infinite in his Mercy," states the voice of the magical girl from directly behind you. "I, however, am somewhat less forgiving."
The pain makes it a bit hard to make out what happens next, as it's very distracting, but you think the thing that lands on your face before everything goes dark is a leg.
You did not really get to ponder the fragments of this dream you had after waking up. Ana and Sky got you not much later and brought you into a nice classroom, bigger than what you have back home. With Spring as the teacher!
Or... one of the teachers? It looks like the older girls teach the younger ones things; you get textbooks for Italian, though. But everyone helps you with English, math, even biology and physics and so many other nice things.
You work together with Ana most of the time... and she is good. Even the both of you together have trouble doing things as good as she does. Looking around, you notice that Sky is the only one transformed and she sits at the side, focussed on writing on a sheet. Black goo from her eyes drips onto the table at times.
Time flies like that until a bell rings and everyone stops for a moment. Before anything else happens, a voice cuts through the silence: "Before you go."
No one talks, but everyone turns to Spring. The Season is standing at the blackboard in the front and lost her everpresent smile; now she frowns a bit. "We will have a general assembly at five in the town hall. The bell will remind you of it and I hope that all of you will be there. We will be talking about what happened yesterday... that is all. Have a good day."
The quiet holds for a few seconds longer, then the other girls start cleaning up their desks. Sky levitates her crystals around and into a trashcan while Ana still orders her notes and puts them into a folder.
Spring is still there, too. She just sat down at the teacher's desk.
What do you do until the assembly? Choose two:
[] Spring wanted to help you with your magic; remind her of that and get started!
[] Rope Ana into showing you the sewers; nobody said they are off-limits, so it must be fine to explore
[] Pay Chi another visit; she is probably busy making clothes, but staying all alone is not good
[] Bug Summer to teach you magic
[] Play with Strength
[] Training sounds like a good idea
-[] Train what?
[] EXP-Plan
-[] Write-in what to buy
-[] Save it
+4xp Catching Up With a Friend
+3xp Meet the Seamstress
+5xp Unbalanced Reflection
EXP gained: 12 + 12 = 24 Total EXP: 91
(Unlocked Level 2 Character Sheet: Magical Girl World Eater)
(Unlocked Level 1 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Chitin Dancer)
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jan 18, 2018 at 3:43 PM, finished with 2648 posts and 5 votes.
[X] Spring wanted to help you with your magic; remind her of that and get started!
[X] Training sounds like a good idea
-[X] Train dodging: Moon and Sun play flying laser tag with their spells - Sun takes care to only shoot when she is notably below Moon, so stray shots go into the sky and not anywhere else. Test it carefully to make sure Moon isn't hurt by it, too.
[X] Training sounds like a good idea
-[X] Train dodging: Moon and Sun play flying laser tag with their spells - Sun takes care to only shoot when she is notably below Moon, so stray shots go into the sky and not anywhere else. Test it carefully to make sure Moon isn't hurt by it, too.
Say, does anyone want to write a small omake on Ana, Eva and Rico showing off their weapons, a what-if if we purchase Eva's Judgement, at current stats?
Ana shows the "training grounds", and demonstrates her happy trumpet (5150 damage max, Collateral Damage). Eva and Rico eagerly transform and synchro-attack the target (12000+ damage, Detonate).
Ana points out the similar destructive result, wonders why Eva's unharmed. After learning of healing, testing ensues. Both Eva, and Radiance-using Rico are unharmed from happy trumpet. Then Eva jokingly clonks both Ana and Rico on the head, and the latter is suddenly bruised.
Healing ensues, "ask sempai later" ensues, possibly Autumn Dream oh-so-gently testing with her own scythe reveals more information.
Of course all of this is redundant if Kibo has another "know thy character sheet" magical girl. But oh well...
Right. I believe I promised omakes? Well, let it be known that I do deliver. Eventually.
Libra's Lament: Trying out the Training Grounds
Three young girls and a cute dog enter a fenced area with a row of larger-than-human stone blocks to the far side from the exit, along the larger (and thicker) solid stone wall.
"This is one of our training grounds," one of the girls, somewhat hesitant, tells her companions. "It's made to test the more destructive abilities us magical girls have."
One of her companions - twin girls with brown hair - frowned a little and asked:
"There's only ten of those blocks. Isn't it a little too small, Ana?"
"There's a few good reasons for it, Rico," replied the first girl to her long-haired companion. She pauses minutely, then starts to recite from memory: "The training ground, the wall at the far end, and the blocks themselves were created by Arc - Magical Girl Grand Architect - so they restore themselves. This training ground is a target range, so it's not meant to have many girls train at once, to prevent accidents. And that wall serves to catch anything that can destroy a block. Oh, and thanks for healing her, Eva," The shorter-haired twin beams and nods.
Want to check it out? Might as well!
The twins exchange a look, communicating without words, before turning back to Ana: "Do you think we can take a few minutes and show each other what we can do?"
Ana mulls over the question for a few seconds before nodding. "Only for a few minutes though. When no warmth is left, pain settles in. I am Magical Girl World Eater!"
Brown light washes over the ground as Ana transforms, followed shortly after by the twinned flash of sunlight and moonlight.
""I am the radiance of the future, I am the custodian of all. IamMagicalGirlPrimordialSun / Moon""
As the lightshow subsides, three magical girls stand on the grounds and look at each other. The white-haired girl, Ana, turns to stone blocks as the twins call the dog to them.
"As I said, we can use those stone blocks for target practice. In fact, they're something of a test for the girls here - they're really hard to dent, and if you can't do so, you aren't supposed to leave without someone who can. It's for safety. Here, let me show you."
Ana pulls out something akin a trumpret horn and aims it at one of the stone blocks, launching a bubble at the block with a brief whistle.
(Happy Trumpet: 750 Base Damage, +495 Dice, Ray not engaged = 1245 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience = 1000 Damage Reduction
245 Final End Damage
Practice Block 1: 10000-235 = 9755 Health)
Ana waves the twins to follow her and moves to inspect the damage up close. The girls inspect the dent on the surface of the block. "Sun, Moon, would you like to try your hand?"
You go first! Rico? I have more things to test than you anyway. Okay.
""Yes,"" the synchronized answer is given. After a few moments of wordless interaction, the blue-haired girl steps forward, before beginning to hover. She holds her scepter firmly with both hands, and spins herself rapidly in the air to land a strike directly into the dent.
(Moonlight Scepter: 170 Base Damage, +30 Dice, +42 Discipline, +34 Spinning Momentum, +68 Two-Handed Grip = 344 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience, -12 Dented = 988 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!)
I thought hitting hard things was supposed to jar you. Yeah. It didn't. Weird.
The end result is thouroughly underwhelming, with no visible damage from the strike. Slightly dejected, Primordial Moon backs away from the block, her twin patting her hand and the dog poking her in the leg. Ana follows her and speaks:
"Okay, let's step away a bit. As you've seen, the blocks are hard, and so someone who can actually dent them is someone who can probably protect themselves. Now, Ana, Rico, do you mind me showing off?"
"Umm, let me try my spell on it first," comes the reply of the magenta-colored girl. Primordial Sun exchanges nods with World Eater and everyone takes a few steps away, before Sun aims her arm in the direction of the dented block: "Scorching Sunlight!"
(Scorching Sunlight = 10240 Base Damage, +141 Dice, Spell Boost not engaged = 10421 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience, -12 Dented = 988 Damage Reduction
9433 Final End Damage
Practice Block 1: 9755-9433 = 322 Health
Armor Removal Triggers! Resilience lowered by 650!
Burn Triggers! 100 Damage per turn!)
A ray of destructive light burns the entire block to slag, very nearly piercing it outright. The girls stare at the result for several seconds in slight awe. Then Primordial Moon tosses her scepter at it.
(Practice Block 1: 100 Burn Damage
Practice Block 1: 322-100 = 222 Health
Moonlight Scepter: 170 Damage, Dice Negated, Discipline Negated, -85 Casual Toss = 85 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience, -650 Armor Removal, -488 Crumbling = 138 Extra Damage
223 Final End Damage
Practice Block 1: 222-223 = -1 Health)
And watches the block crumble from a casual strike. A few more seconds pass before World Eater finds her words.
"That... that was impressive. Anyway, here's what I can actually do when I'm not holding back."
Ana raises her trumpet and moves its aim along the line of the blocks. With a longer and shriller whistle than before, a deluge of bubbles rushes at the remaining blocks.
(Happy Trumpet: 750 Base Damage, +278 Dice, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger = 4778 Total damage
Practice Block 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: 1000 Base Resilience = 1000 Damage Reduction
The bubbles strike at the blocks unrelentingly, catching three with the starting surge and catching all of them as Ana moves her aim. Unlike the first block, the blocks don't merely dent, but slightly crumble in the onslaught. Ana stops the attack and pausing for several seconds to let the noise die down.
"It would take me perhaps half a minute, or three passes, to destroy all the blocks." Ana admits, then takes a deep breath. "So, that was my Happy Trumpet, Sun's spell and Moon's scepter. Want to try anything else?"
"Yes," Primordial Sun answers, "Do you mind if Eva and I try and hit the same block together with our scepters?" The white-haired girl nods with a slight smile. Seeing the confirmation, the twins brandish their scepters. A bark makes them pause, before Ana grabs the corgi with a widening smile and walks a little further away from the blocks. The twins nod in gratitude, before rushing to strike the middle-most of the remaining blocks.
(Sunlight Scepter: 63 Base Damage, +2131 Dice, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess = 5110 Total Damage 7665 Radiance
Moonlight Scepter: 170 Damage, +5 Dice, +42 Discipline = 217 Total Damage
7882 Unified Damage, x2 Complete Connection = 15764 Total Damage
Practice Block 6: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
14952 Final End Damage
Practice Block 6: 6222-14952 = -8730 Health
Primordial Moon gets caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: 650 Base Resilience, +26 Dice = 676 Damage Reduction
6989 Final End Damage
Veil of the Lunar Goddess, girl
Practice Block 5, 7 get caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Practice Block 5, 7: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 5, 7: 6222-6853 = -631 Health
Sunlight Scepter: Modifier Saved, 2131)
As in the recent battle against the attackers, the moment Rico and Eva's scepters smash into the block, Rico's scepter flashes with a pulse of light. As before, this light gently washes over Eva. This, however, isn't all it does. As the pulse washes over the two adjacent blocks, they crackle and crumble on themselves, weakened structure unable to cope with the stresses of rapid heat expansion. The block in the middle, meanwhile, not so much as crumbles than evaporates with nary a trace remaining in the flash of combined light and heat. Eva and Rico hover over the place where the block once was, stupefied.
"That happened," the silence is broken by Ana's voice, "Two questions though. Why did the block you hit evaporate like that? Did you intend to destroy those two?.. Oh, and a third question. How is Moon unharmed?"
Connection empowers attacks? Possible, but why am I?.. Not sure, actually, hands... Oh, maybe.
Another unspoken exchange later, the twins turn to their friend. "We believe our connection helps us when we strike in concert," Rico begins, "and no, I didn't actually expect the neighboring blocks to be affected at all.""Not sure why I'm unharmed, but I do remember that pulse happening before," and Eva finishes answering the questions.
Ana sighs. "Please be careful with that... Might as well test it a bit since there's still those other blocks standing."
"Speaking of, who's going to repair this training ground once we're done," Rico wonders, to which Ana has a ready answer:
"Arc's taken care of that, actually. She can set things up so that whatever she makes can automatically restore itself, to an extent. So in fifteen minutes or so, the training ground is going to be back to normal," Ana explains, before pausing and examining the first and the sixth blocks - or what's remaining of them. "Actually, make it half an hour."
Let's try to empower the pulse!
The twins nod, before flying left to one of the three-block groupings still standing. This time, Rico strikes the middle block while Eva tries her scepter on the right one. Ana notices the eerie synchronicity of the strikes.
(Moonlight Scepter: 170 Damage, +22 Dice, +42 Discipline = 234 Total Damage
Practice Block 4: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!
Sunlight Scepter: 63 Base Damage, +2131 Dice, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess = 5110 Total Damage 7665 Radiance
Practice Block 3: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 3: 6222-6853 = -631 Health
Primordial Moon gets caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: 650 Base Resilience, +14 Dice = 664 Damage Reduction
7001 Final End Damage
Veil of the Lunar Goddess, girl
Practice Block 2, 4 get caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Practice Block 2, 4: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 2, 4: 6222-6853 = -631 Health)
Aww, didn't work. There's a delay. Compensate?
This time, the results of the direct strike are a lot less pronounced, all three blocks crumbling with roughly the same result as the two blocks to the sides after the previous strike. The twins seem slightly dejected, before moving on to the final triad of blocks, once again striking the middle one and the rightmost one. This time, however, Ana notices the girls attempt to stagger their attacks, Eva delaying hers slightly.
(Sunlight Scepter: 63 Base Damage, +2131 Dice, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess = 5110 Total Damage 7665 Radiance
Practice Block 9: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 3: 6222-6853 = -631 Health
Primordial Moon gets caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: 650 Base Resilience, +14 Dice = 664 Damage Reduction
7001 Final End Damage
Veil of the Lunar Goddess, girl
Practice Block 8, 10 get caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Practice Block 8, 10: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
Aww, not again. It's harder, distance is variable. No blocks left, too.
Unfortunately, by the time Eva is making her strike, the block is already crumbling from the pulse washing over it. The end result is therefore the same as in the previous attempts. WIth no more blocks remaining intact, Primordial Sun and Primordial Moon fly over to their friend, and land. All the girls detransform, and turn to leave the training grounds.
Ana sets the adorable dog back on the ground, and slightly pokes the pouting Eva: "I take it you wanted to do something that didn't work?"
"Something like that. We now know for certain our synchronized attacks actually improve the damage rather impressively... But we wanted to try and see if it's possible for my attack to improve the damage of the pulse," Eva sighs.
Ana nods and finishes the thought. "Yeah, I think the pulse is slightly delayed, and you need to catch the cue right."
"We're going to work on it some more," Rico makes a conclusion, and the girls started to walk towards the exit. "Say, Ana, what are the rules on spars here?"
"Only after testing, and only with Spring's supervision, usually. She can heal and make everyone hard to hurt." The twins nodded.
The End
Hello there, and as usual for me, here's the AN for my omake.
Right, I wanted to make an omake of Eva grabbing Judgement early on and the results of that. Sadly, I haven't yet finished writing up the plot of that part, so it's not here. Yet.
But you can go and enjoy a little bit of showing off for our girls. At the very least, it also makes a nice platform for a few other omakes.
I have shared this omake with the QM in order to get a consultation. Here's the abridged version of the revelations (and my reactions).
1) Magical Girl Grand Architect is capable of making self-restoring training blocks, in principle. No guarantee it's actually like that. Ditto for the training grounds themselves and the normal rules for Kibo.
2) There are several facts about several magical girls of Kibo revealed - if not in this omake, then in the follow-ups. These will help with plotting the follow-up omake. Some might be picked up from those omakes, when I get to them. Some will stay unsaid unless we get their character sheets unlocked and high enough.
3) Due to the direction our votes took, the omakes are almost certainly non-canon.
4) I've been told that Ana doesn't sound like a ten-year old. My bad. I can't help it. Though admittedly, as an orphan that scoffed at playing around when there was rebuilding to be done, she's likely to try and sound more mature than her age implies. I think.
Finally, I think the twins deserve a few nice dreams.
[X] Spring wanted to help you with your magic; remind her of that and get started!
[X] Bug Summer to teach you magic
Ludger spent a ton of EXP and entered the "Celestial Guardian" upgrade path.
You already know what you want to do today. While Rico packs up, you dart over to Spring at the front; going by how her head turns, she already saw you.
"You promised to teach me magic!"
"Heh, I did. Thanks for reminding me. Give me a moment." Yes!
You bounce a little bit while you wait for the older girl to make a few notes in her books; Spring soon pushes everything into a little bag and slings it over her shoulder. Rico is done by that point and told Ana to come, too. That is good.
Actually, Spring does healing stuff... that would be boring for your sister, would it not? Huh, who could.... oh, right.
"Um... and can we find Summer to teach Ri-Sun things, too?"
Your question makes Spring shrug, then she pulls something that looks a bit like a cellphone out of her pocket. Only that it is just one big screen without any buttons... weird. "I don't mind, just let me message her."
Spring taps around on the screen and different things pop up before she turns it off and nods at you. "Alright, let's get going. You know the way to the training grounds?"
You nod eagerly before darting off to collect your sister, your friend... and Sky. She said she was curious and wanted to tag along. Great, the more the merrier!
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
You meet Summer on the way, her lips tugged upwards even while she frowns at you. "About time, Spring."
That sounds rude, but Spring just ignores the quip and waves in return. "Good to know you have time to spare, I don't think I can teach anyone but Moon. The others are... kind of not likely to have a knack for healing magic."
The taller girl shrugs and exchanges a lazy high five with Spring; she walks past her in the same motion to grin at the four of you. "Okay then. I know that we tested you two before", is what she says with a nod to Ana and Sky. Then her eyes wander to you. "So I guess we should start with that and get your Affinities. Once we have those, we can guess what you're capable of more accurately."
Oh, it is just the Affinities? Heh. You both shake your head and Rico throws a mean grin back at Summer while you answer: "Nope, we don't. We already know our Affinities; I have Love, Moon, and Balance, my sister has Determination, Sun, and Balance. What are yours?"
"...Balance? What the hell is that?"
Right... you kind of forgot about that. Neither of you can give Summer more than a shrug, though. Rico takes over the talking while you giggle over Ana's and Spring's dumbfounded looks. "When we started, big sis said we are either Story or Tale... but those are weak and Knight said that Balance is a strong growth Affinity."
Summer just shakes her head and rolls her eyes before turning around. "Alright then, whatever. If that was taken care of already... then nothing's stopping us from getting to it. I have Rule, Light, and Legend."
"Life, Hope, and Legend for me", Spring adds after a moment and you all continue along the way. Heh, those Affinities sound right for them. However... you give Ana a curious look now. She did not say anything so far.
"Horror, Delusion, and Fable are mine."
That was Sky, her words making your friend sigh before mumbling her own Affinities: "Horror, Food, and Fable."
Ouch. From everything you heard so far, those fit her pretty well... though she probably does not want to hear that right now. You leave it be and just squeeze Ana's hand; It takes a moment for her to squeeze back, but Rico can see how glad Sky is about what you do.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Uh... that is a lot more people than you expected. Autumn and Winter were already at the training grounds when you showed up, together with half a dozen other girls you do not know. The place itself is just a large, free space at Kibo's edge; a layer of concrete on the ground is the only separation the city has from nature. You can see that this concrete is already broken up by plants, though.
"With snow melting and life blossoming, I am Magical Girl Spring's Dream!"
With her transformation done, Spring wanders into the center of the field and curtsies in your direction; Summer takes a position next to you and motions for the other Season: "Alright, we will start this off simple: transform and show us your stuff; we could make you shoot at targets, but Spring is just better at gauging your power. Don't worry, she won't get hurt."
(Revitalise: 32,000 Base Damage Healed, +5627148774933dice 29754 Avatar of Nature = 61,754 Total Damage Healed
Spring's Dream Health: 46,200 + 61,754 = 46,200 max + 61,754 Overheal = 107,954)
You can see the light radiate from Spring, who gives you a friendly nod. This is... you are not exactly happy about this, but you understand why they would do it that way. So you comply and speak the words in sync.
"I am the radiance of the future-" "I am the custodian of all-" ""I am Magical Girl Primordial Sun / Moon""
"When no warmth is left, pain settles in. I am Magical Girl World Eater!"
Ana follows you but a moment later, shining just like you for a moment. Sky was already transformed and stands next to you, too. Weird, Summer said they already did this?
"Oh, so you're ready now?"
Both of them nod at Autumn, but no one tells you what this is about. You have to remember to ask them about it later.
Sky offers you a smile while motioning you forward. "Seeing that the two of you asked first, you should get first dibs."
That makes sense. After agreeing with her and thinking for a moment, you decide for Rico to go after you; she can hit harder than you. But you only have your scepter... hm, maybe...
Instead of running right at Spring, you pull back your arm and aim; then you throw your weapon and levitate it to go faster.
(Moonlight Scepter: +170 Base Damage, +42 Discipline, -42 Threw her Weapon, +85 Levitated, +34 Stationary Target, +13 dice = 302 Total Damage
Spring's Dream: +13,200 Base Resilience... we all know how this ends
No damage)
But your scepter just pings off with a dull thud; you return it to your hand while everyone is watching you. This is... a little embarassing. "Uh... I am done?"
...why is there a tumbleweed rolling by? Where did that even... ugh, whatever.
"Huh... I guess that makes sense? Spring is a noob on the offensive, too-"
"-but you should see if you can get your own strength up a bit; if you ever get separated, you're helpless."
Summer grins your way and offers a thumbs up, to which you lower your head in understanding. You already knew it was not exactly good, but now you have a second opinion on that. Maybe you should put some thought into getting a stronger offensive?
"My turn!"
Rico bounces a few times before rising into the air and rushing towards Spring; she quickly gains speed and starts to shine more bright than before. The light surges through her scepter the moment it impacts the older girl's chest.
(Sunlight Scepter: +63 Base Damage, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess, +12 Ramming Speed, +12 Stationary Target, +500 Rebalanced Existence, +1383 dice = 4,886 Total Damage 7,304 Radiance
Spring's Dream: We all know how this will go.
No Damage)
The surge of energy pushes Spring back a few steps, but she does not even have a single scratch; Rico pouts and comes back to your side, not caring for the scorched earth left at Spring's feet. Before she can get to use her Spell, Winter is by your side with her brows scrunched. "Attack together."
"Attack her together."
The others look a little confused as well, but Summer and Spring both nod to say it is okay, so you do as she said. This time, both of you rush at Spring together.
(Moonlight Scepter: +170 Base Damage, +42 Discipline, +34 Ramming Speed, +34 Stationary Target, +45 dice = 325 Total Damage
Sunlight Scepter: +63 Base Damage, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess, +12 Ramming Speed, +12 Stationary Target, +500 Rebalanced Existence, +2298 dice = 5,801 Total Damage
6,126 Unified Damage, x2 Complete Connection = 12,252 Total Damage
Spring's Dream: +13,200 Base Resilience, -100 Standing Still, +500 Legendary Existence Out of Balance, enough dice = Nope
No damage)
(Moon gets hit by Detonate.
Sunlight Scepter: +63 Base Damage, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess, +12 Ramming Speed, +2298 dice = 5,289 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: +650 Base Resilience, +41 dice = 691 Total Damage Reduction
4,598 Total End Damage.
Veil of the Lunar Goddess: Damage negated)
The shockwave from Rico's attack washes over you again without doing anything, but Spring is not hurt at all, either. At least you managed to push her back a few more steps than Rico alone?
However, Spring herself is giving you measuring looks. "Hm... I felt that a lot more than just Sun alone. There might be something to this."
Huh. That is interesting; you are pretty sure you did nothing different; from how Autumn's and Winter's eyes are narrowed at you, that might not be the case. Even the other girls further back are chattering and waving in your direction at times.
Autumn gives you both a nod once you are back where you were before. "You two move in perfect sync with each other; two attacks going in at once can be far more difficult to take than just one, so that might be how it works for you. Now, I heard you have a Spell, Sun?"
The question has Rico smirk; for some reason, Summer becomes more attentive at the mention while your sister turns back to Spring and raises her weapon. "Yup! Just you watch!"
Again, light gathers in your twin. "Scorching Sunlight!"
And then it breaks out in a powerful beam that races towards Spring.
(Scorching Sunlight: +10240 Base Damage, +2084 Stationary Target, +138 dice = 12,462 Total Damage 18,693 Radiance
Spring's Dream: +13200 Base Resilience, -100 Standing Still, +373139382757 7876 Avatar of Nature = 20,976 Total Damage Reduction
No Damage, but I actually had to write it out
Spring's armour is damaged)
Spring squeaks in surprise when the light washes over her; magical light flickers all around the stream but ultimately holds... and then you see how it actually tore through her dress. Spring tries her best to hold the rags together and you feel a bit of sheepishness from Rico. "Sorry!"
To be fair to your twin though, you forgot about her Spell doing that, too.
Hm, maybe... "Soothing Moonlight!"
(Soothing Moonlight: No effect on Spring's Dream
Armour restored)
Your own light rushes out to envelop Spring and quickly knits her dress back together. You beam over at her blushing form. "There, all better."
The other Seasons are openly laughing at the side now while Spring takes deep breaths and shakes her head. A few other girls are laughing too and some are... whistling? Why? And why is Spring blushing even more now?
You shrug at each other and, once the others are done having fun for whatever reason, tell them that you are done now. Teenagers are weird.
Next up is Ana, who grips her trumpet carefully before eyeing Spring and then looking back to you, then around... huh. Whatever she was looking for, she seems to have found it. "Okay... here I go!"
And with that, she blows into the weapon; it goes off like a loud horn, which has Ludger yelp and hide behind you. At the same time, a stream of bubbles rushes towards Spring... before exploding with a loud boom.
The explosions just keep coming for more than five seconds; debris is sent flying and half of the whole field around Spring gets devastated; once it ceases, you can see the girl herself stand there without a single scratch. Her hands are folded in front of her and she still has that smile on her face.
Ana grimaces at the ruptured ground, but then shakes her head. You can tell she is not happy with this, though it will probably get better with more training. Still, that much damage is a really impressive thing.
"Ugh... here goes. Prepare the Feast!"
The last word just left her mouth when Ana starts contorting; her skin boils and turns black, with polka dots showing up. Then her form explodes outward and forms into a big worm.
Its face is colourful despite being mostly white... and a big, blue tongue licks over its sharp teeth as eyes as big as you wander around. You shudder a little while the... Ana slowly coils around herself in the air; then she snaps forward and rushes at Spring again.
(Sharpened Teeth: +7500 Base Damage, +1500 Stationary Target, +1500 Ramming Speed, +4482 dice = 14,982 Total Damage
Spring's Dream: +13200 Base Resilience, -3300 Armour Pierce, -100 Standing Still, +29413432488 6864 Avatar of Nature = 16,664 Total Damage Reduction
No Damage)
She crashes right into Spring and you can see those teeth close down on her; each one is as big as your arm, but they just... stop right before piercing Spring's skin. Ana stays like this for a moment before she lets go and corkscrews into the air, only to come down next to you.
You both clap at the sight; she looks big and scary now, but that move was very graceful. Colourful eyes are turned to you for a moment, then the taut skin deflates and peels off; a moment later, the whole thing turns to dust and Ana falls right out of the thick of it.
So that is what she meant with transforming.
"That's an unusual one", is what Autumn notes after the dust settles. You turn to her, but her eyes are on your friend. "You mentioned it before, but there should be a lot of situations it will be useful in. Any other Spells?"
She only shakes her head to that and mutters quietly. Sky sighs and takes up the spot she had before. "Ana's Spells are... not pretty. She doesn't like using them when she does not have to, so please don't force her. My turn?"
Ana nods and all of you leave her be; if she does not want to, that is fine. Though you are really curious about this.
"I'm afraid I can't do much to you, Spring."
You watch in fascination how Sky's crystals start moving into the air and then cascade towards the untouched Magical Girl.
(Shards of a Happy Dream: +450 Base Damage, +90 Stationary Target, +225 Waves of Shards, +279 dice = 1,044 Total Damage
Spring's Dream: This is getting old
No Damage)
They rush around Spring like an angry swarm of bees, but can not scratch her either. It looks pretty terrifying like that, even though some of the crystals break and turn to dust as you watch. Sky sighs and shakes her head. "I figured as much. My offensive power is not great."
Then she wanders forward until she stands right in front of Spring, who watches her with interest. You are curious what will happen now, too... but why is Ana frowning?
"Here goes nothing. Let the Sky Fall!"
And suddenly, a storm of ichor and crystals pulses outward from where Sky stands, the shockwave rupturing the ground even more than it already was.
(Let the Sky Fall: +1000 Base Damage, +200 Stationary Target, +6 dice = 1,206 Total Damage
Spring's Dream: Well...
No Damage)
Black stuff is everywhere around the two now, even all over Spring... but Spring is completely fine, as you see when she wipes the ichor off her face and shakes herself for a moment... that must feel yucky. At least it will all harden and peel off in a few minutes?
Anyway, Sky curtsies and turns around. Ana is still frowning and once Sky is next to her, she asks her something quietly: "What about your other Spell?"
You can only hear it because you are right next to them; Sky seems to ponder for a moment, but then she shakes her head and answers a bit louder: "No; I don't want to injure someone with something that strong."
You hear Autumn snort and so do the others; her eyes are on Sky -oh, she heard that? "Seriously? I bet my scythe that nothing you can throw at Spring will actually hurt her. Go wild, Sky, that's what this is about."
"She's right", Spring adds. Then you see her smile grow a little more playful. "I bet even whatever you have can't scratch me."
There is a moment of silence before Ana's friend answers. The friendliness is suddenly gone from her voice. "Oh?"
Before she turns back around, you can see a vein throb on Sky's forehead. Uh... that probably sounded more condescending than Spring meant?
When you walk aside to get a better look, the vein is calm again and Sky wears a bright, toothy smile. Then more black ichor starts to leak out of her eyes and mouth; everyone stiffens and starts to stare as it quickly overflows and climbs down Sky's dress, with more coming out from below and running down her legs.
Where it drops to the ground, it crystallises.
"Well then. If you ask so nicely... I guess I will show you this beautiful light. Please enjoy every last moment of this, Spring."
As she speaks, the large crystals rise into the air and begin to glimmer. This... this looks pretty bad. Everyone is quiet while Sky takes a deep breath. "Here we go. Dream ofWar!"
With a deafening roar, beams spring forth from the crystals and rush towards Spring.
Spring's Dream: +13200 Base Resilience, -6600 holyshitwhatthefuck, -100 Standing Still, +500 Legendary Existence, +38881142454 7776 Avatar of Nature = 14,776 Total Damage Reduction
623,024 Total End Damage
Avatar of Nature (90%): 62,302 Total End Damage
62,302 Final End Damage
Spring's Dream Health: 107,954 - 62,302 = 45,652)
It is a dozen pushing her back at first, but then the crystals split up into hundreds of smaller clusters.
Then into thousands
Then into tens of thousands.
Each one throws a beam towards Spring, never ceasing for even a single moment as you watch in slack-jawed awe. You can hardly see anything behind the curtain of light crashing against Spring, or hear anything over the sizzling of magic rushing against magic.
Something within you feels small and weak at the sight. Spring is blasted hundreds of metres away with a scream, far out into the open field... and the beams that follow after her tear a deep gouge into the ground. When the shine dies down and most of the crystals crumble to dust, Sky tumbles for a moment before shaking her head and standing steady.
Everyone else just stares. You, Ana, your spectators, Ludger, even the Seasons. Where Spring once stood is just a crater now, extending far beyond the city's edge and into the open field. The ground it goes through is black and dead, only a light flickers at the end... ah, there is Spring.
You can not see her well from that far away... but she seems to just sit there for now.
"...What the fuck was that?"
No one answers Summer's question. But you can hear heavy footsteps from behind; Strength rounds the last corner a moment later and comes running towards where you all are. You do not think you have seen her that fast before.
Once she sees that everyone is fine, Strength slows down and looks at the crater in her city. "The heck is going on here? Did you make it a free for all and didn't tell me to come?"
By that point, Spring lands on the ground nearby; her clothes are torn again, her hair is in disarray and the somewhat ethereal shine she had before is gone. Most of all however, a small trickle of blood rolls down her right arm; the crimson is a stark contrast to her pale skin and bright dress.
"That is the light Night has given me. I hope you will not insult it again in the future."
Sky curtsies again before retreating to your side. You can see her stagger a little, but the expression on her face is... pretty smug. Totally different from how it usually is. Spring still stares at her back while Strength just shakes her head and wanders off again. Maybe she thought it was another attack?
You... you are not sure how to feel about what just happened. This was probably the most impressive thing you have seen so far, but it was also the scariest. Overall, however...
"I think it was pretty."
Sky's black eyes turn to you in what might be surprise and the girl offers you a smile in response. "I'm glad to hear that. It's usually just me who appreciates such sights."
"The sight aside... was that a synchronised spell?"
Autumn is standing with you as well while the other Seasons are talking among each other. You wonder what a synchronised spell is supposed to be, but they will probably tell you in a moment. Sky nods yes to the question. "It was. Night can naturally synchronise with others... and while she was helping Ana make a new spell, it just happened."
"...okay, how? I get the helping out, but not how you synchronised with Night on accident at that time."
Ana fidgets, but says nothing to stop Sky; huh.
"Oh... uh, that was badly worded. We noticed that Ana has little means of defending herself at short ranges, so we helped her make a second spell. Part of that was demonstrating ours once in a while, so she could get some ideas. Once she had something and was practicing... they ended up synchronising by chance. Mine was actually intentional, though."
"Hm... fascinating. I had no idea Night can do that."
Autumn shrugs slowly before turning to you... and you notice that some more people showed up while Sky explained. They stay to the side and talk to the spectators you already had, though.
" make it short", Autumn tells you with a knowing look, "Synchronisation is what happens when two or more spells merge and form a new spell. Most Magical Girls can't do it, but there are a few who can. Those spells are usually pretty damn powerful, too."
... Rico has curiousity written all over her face, that was how Autumn knew. You know it was the same with you. But okay, that is fine.
"Anyway, I think we should get to the next-" "Woof."
The bark stops Summer from talking and you look down, too; Ludger is carelessly tapping towards Spring and yips at her. Uh...
Spring already healed herself back up is what you notice... and she smiles down at the corgi with renewed mirth. "You want to show off too, boy?"
"Hehe, alright then."
She gives you a look and shrugs lightly while walking until she stands next to the crater Sky made, turning back towards Ludger. "Here we are; give it your-"
The corgi already pushed himself off and darts at her with speed you never saw before, teeth bared.
(Leviathan Bite: +400 Base Damage, +100 Stationary Target, +87 dice, +348 Layer of Sunlight = 835 Total Damage
Spring's Dream: Uh... no
No damage)
Light flares around your dog for a moment when he crashes into Spring, but his teeth can not go through her at all; in the end, he just hangs from her arm and wiggles a little. Wherever those sparks flying from his teeth come from...
It is Spring herself who seems the most surprised; Rico pulses confusion just like you do, but that was mostly over the weird light. What was that about and why did it feel so familiar?
"Would you mind if we took a minute or two, girls?"
You trust her not to hurt Ludger, so you quickly nod an okay; if Spring thinks this is important, then she is probably right. The others seem to have mixed feelings on this.
"It didn't look impressive to me so far, sis. Any reason you're doing this?"
Spring gives Autumn a shrug while letting Ludger to the ground carefully. "Call it a hunch, sis. Blossom."
All her flowers start to glow in a pretty light as she throws out her left hand to the side.
(Blossom: +1 dice (regulated) = 1)
And from the ground grows a tree within seconds.
It is three metres tall and big and it moves. You watch with wide eyes how the summon slowly walks away from Spring before turning back around. What... what does she need that for?
"So... do you think you can take one of these, boy?"
To your horror, Ludger barks an affirmative and charges. "Ludger!"
He does not listen and the tree-summon raises its arm to attack-
Mighty Bark: +1500 Base Damage, no dice = 1,500 Total Damage
Leviathan Bite: +400 Base Damage, +1085 Overwhelm, +12 dice, +48 Layer of Sunlight =1545 Total Damage
45 difference, Leviathan Bite wins
Leviathan Bite: +45 Intercept Damage, +97 dice, +388 Layer of Sunlight = 530 Total Damage
Incarnation of Life: +800 Base Resilience, -400 holyshitwhatthefuck, -600 Juggernaut, no dice = 200 Extra Damage
730 Total End Damage
Incarnation of Life Health: 4,000 - 730 = 3,270)
(Leviathan Bite: +400 Base Damage, +27 dice, + 108 Layer of Sunlight = 535 Total Damage
Incarnation of Life: +800 Base Resilience, -400 holyshitwhatthefuck, -200 Out of Balance, -600 Juggernaut, no dice = 400 Extra Damage
935 Total End Damage
Incarnation of Life Health: 3,270 - 935 = 2,335)
But instead of getting hit and hurt like you feared, he tackles the arm back and crashes into the tree with enough force to push him back and off-balance; wooden splinters rain everywhere while Ludger lands on his opponent and rips a large piece right out of its shoulder. Then he jumps off and flicks a few metres back.
"Woof. Grr."
The tree gets back to a proper position while everyone just watches in silence. Even you do not know what to say anymore. This... this...
(Incarnation of Light Health: 2,335 + 200 = 2,535)
(Mighty Bark: +1500 Base Damage, no dice, x3 Crush = 4,500 Total damage
Ludger: +300 Base Resilience, +17 dice = 317 Total Damage Reduction
4,183 Total End Damage
To Stand Amongst Man (50%): 2,092 Total End Damage To Stand Amongst Man (50%): 1,046 Total End Damage To Stand Amongst Man (50%): 523 Total End Damage
523 Final End Damage
Ludger Health: 2,000 - 523 = 1,477)
The next hit comes with a wide swing, but Ludger jumps so fast it glances his side; just that is still enough to make him yelp as he is thrown backwards. Blood runs down from the gash in his fur, but he shakes himself and gets back up. The tree's wounds closed a little-
(Leviathan Bite: +400 Base Damage, +7 dice, +28 Layer of Sunlight = 435 Total Damage
Incarnation of Life: +800 Base Resilience, -200 Overextended, -600 Juggernaut, no dice = 0 Total Damage Reduction
435 Total End Damage
Incarnation of Life Health: 2,535 - 435 = 2,100)
(Leviathan Bite: +400 Base Damage, +87 dice, +348 Layer of Sunlight = 835 Total Damage
Incarnation of Life: +800 Base Resilience, -600 Juggernaut, no dice = 200 Total Damage Reduction
635 Total End Damage
Incarnation of Life Health: 2,100 - 635 = 1,465)
-but Ludger just rips them open again; more light flashes from each of his paws with every attack and burns the tree a little more. It has trouble standing by now while your corgi... starts shining.
(Layer of Moonlight: Ludger's Health restored to Maximum)
(Incarnation of Light Health: 1,465 + 200 = 1,665)
You watch in awe as his injury closes within a second; the corgi is still focussed on his opponent, who has trouble actually moving due to the deep gouges in its body. It swings at Ludger nonetheless, but he is prepared and throws all his weight into another tackle.
Mighty Bark: +1500 Base Damage, -750 Hard to Move, no dice = 750 Total Damage
Leviathan Bite: +400 Base Damage, +1085 Overwhelm, +98 dice, +392 Layer of Sunlight = 1,975 Total Damage
1,225 difference, Leviathan Bite wins.
Leviathan Bite: +1225 Intercept Damage, +68 dice, +272 Layer of Sunlight = 1,565 Total Damage
Incarnation of Life: +800 Base Damage, -400 Accepted its Fate, -600 Juggernaut = 200 Extra Damage
1,765 Final End Damage
Incarnation of Life Health: 1,665 - 1,765 = -100)
It does not even try to move with the hit when Ludger crushes right through its arm this time, taking the brunt of it and falling backwards with a low hum.
You wait for a moment, but it does not get back up. Then it starts disintegrating into light while Ludger hops down from the large body and sits, panting.
You can feel Rico's mirth before she starts giggling, then laughing. Your dog yips and trots back all the same, not caring for what he just did. You giggle over the goofy sight, too. The three metres tall tree person lost against a fourty centimetres high corgi.
Sky joins your giggling after a bit and so do some of the other spectators. Some, like Winter and Summer, applaud the dog while you pick him up and kiss his nose.
"I've been saying it for years!", Rico calls out while cradling Ludger in her arms. "Best dog ever!"
There is a cheer following that; it seems that everyone agrees.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Once everyone calmed down again and Ludger went off to get lots of petting and cooing, you sat together with Spring and Autumn while Rico went with Summer, Ana and Sky. There was some discussion and you found out your sister uses the same kind of light Summer can use with her spell.
In the end... you got a few helpful pointers and actually made something new. Rico did the same thanks to everyone.
But the afternoon ended with a loud chime and everyone looked up; there were many aww's, not least from you, but that assembly is apparently important.
You like the town hall, too; it is one of the larger buildings in the city center, where you landed with Autumn just yesterday. A lot of chairs are put in front of the stage; neatly arranged in lines of twenty, with ten chairs on each side of the middle walkway.
Again, no one but Sky and Flower is transformed as far as you can see. Everyone sits where they want except for the first row; it is only the Seasons, Ana, Chi, Ludger and you. Yes, Ludger got his own chair after what happened earlier; everyone knows about it by now.
Anyway, they told you that the first row is usually meant for special occasions, with only the Seasons and Strength sitting there normally; in this case, you are allowed to sit there because you were helping out during the attack. Same for Ana and Chi.
Strength is pacing on the stage, finishing her reiteration of what happened yesterday night; she even has a map projected onto the wall, with little coloured dots moving. The only new things you learned were that Ana really was around the trainind grounds for a while before following the people trying to abduct that other girl out of the city. When Summer checked the place, she found only debris and corpses.
"This should be about everything", Strength notes after having the dots all move back to the dorms. "Now to the bad part... most of you probably noticed by now, but we did not get out of it completely unscathed."
It is quiet now and you can guess where this is going. Ana has her head lowered and Spring, who sits right next to you, is trembling a little.
"We got the damage to the city repaired already, but that will do little for the six girls that died yesterday. I talked to the others and we decided to hold their funeral on Thursday. Chi and Autumn are in charge of preparing the bodies."
She continues by naming the six girls, but you do not know any of them; it... you are supposed to feel bad that this happened, right? But you can tell you only feel bad for the sniffling girls behind you, not those that died. You are not really that sad they are gone, either... you never met them.
"... yes, Might?"
"What about the prisoners you took?"
Whoever Might is, her voice sounds empty and cold. You turn your head to find her, but she sits further back and you can not see her at all.
Strength sighs audibly before tapping a few things into the glowing panel by her side; her pleated skirt swishes around her calfs as it has been doing the whole time. "That's our next conundrum. The Seasons and I interrogated them; we found out that they were sent by the Chinese Block, their main objective was the kidnapping of Grand Architect... and guess what, their inhuman power is because of a Magical Girl."
There is some shifting and quiet chatting while you concentrate on what is said; if there is a Magical Girl involved, this might get troublesome. But Strength looks conflicted up there and you can feel your own uneasiness. The Chinese know where Kibo is, right?
"And that's the tricky part", the leader shuts everyone up while having a list of bullet points appear on the screen. "She empowered those people to the point where most of us are no match for them. She can also order them from afar and they can't do anything about it... but the Chinese do not know that yet. From what those soldiers told us on her order, in her words, she was waiting for a good time to break out. Now she asked us to save her."
There are more points on that list, but most of it is just a more detailed description of how this girl controls people from a distance. Strength switches it for a map of... maybe China? Anyway, a mark formed like a white flame sits right there, probably showing this girl's position. "And believe me, we will."
The silence turned grim by now, as grim as Strength looks down at you. It is a little intimidating... will you have to hurt people again?
But then the older girl closes her eyes and turns around again. "The problem is who to send. I have to stay here in case they send another raiding force. Spring and Summer have to stay for the same reason..."
The momentary pause is so silent it hurts your ears a little. Everyone seems to understand what this means; Strength does not want to risk anyone living here, but with her not going...
"I will go!"
That was Ana. She is already standing and frowns like back at home, before you made her your friend. "I'll go and help her."
"I guess I'm joining, too."
You turn to Sky with wide eyes, but she ignores you and waves off Ana's protests. "No. You are my friend; either we live through this together, or we die together. I refuse to let you go alone."
Uh... Eva? Yes, Rico?
Um... should we?
That is a good question. You want to help Ana out, but is this really what you should do? Maybe you should find some other way to help?
[] Volunteer Grandeur of Warfare (Operation: Jailbreak)
I know I should hate her for what her people did to my friends. But she is a victim, like all of us are. It's not her fault.
Magical Girl White Glory is held prisoner in China; her powers are cultivated and used by the local government to empower their SpecOps to superhuman levels. For as long as they have her, Kibo will not be safe.
The girl herself is unhappy and wishes to be saved as well.
Launch Date: June 22st Known Allies: World Eater, Black Sky, White Glory Contractors Confirmed Enemies: Chinese Military, White Glory Contractors Possible Combatants: ???
[] Stay silent
That aside, you still have some time to spend after the assembly. Choose two:
[] Find and meet Grand Architect; you will find out why she sounds so important
[] Explore the sewers, maybe you can find something interesting in there
[] Winter and Autumn were curious about Ludger's abilities; you can go and play with them, too.
[] Your friends are already preparing for their mission. Joining them for a bit might be a good idea.
[] Strength does not look happy at all; she might get into a better mood if you distract her for a while?
[] Training sounds good
-[] Train what? (One subvote per training action)
[] EXP-Plan
-[] Write-in what to buy
-[] Save it
+3xp Destroyed Spring's Dress (Only Rico)
+3xp Restored Spring's Dress (Only Eva)
+4xp Not a Scratch on Senpai
+5xp Your Dog is Amazing
+3xp Root of the Problem
EXP gained: 15 + 15 = 30 Total EXP: 121
(Unlocked Level 1 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Black Sky)
(Unlocked Level 2 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Spring's Dream)
(Unlocked Level 2 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Summer's Dream)
(Updated Ludger's Character Sheet)
(Unlocked Level 2 Character Sheet: Magical Girl White Glory)
(New Shop Items Unlocked: Sun, Moon)
Primordial Sun: New Spell
Supernova The world ends brightly, all around you
Level 1
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinity: Sun
Ability: Detonate | Dazzle
Primordial Moon: New Spell
Become Whole Again A gentle touch is all it takes
Level 1
Base Damage: 50
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Love
Ability: Heal | Instant Recovery
Well... Spring never stopped viewing Sky as an ally, so her aura continued to give her additional ApT. The rest, as they say, is history.
For Supernova, the main thing you need to know is that it is centered around Sun.
Okay... seeing that it was apparently not as clear as I thought it was, have a few words on the topic of Spell Synchronisation.
As the name suggests, this practice regards the creation of a new Spell from casting two or more other Spells together. Any such Spell becomes available to any party involved in its creation and gets the (Synchronize)-Ability to indicate its origin.
[Note: Not every Spell created this way becomes a regular Spell for the creators to use; it is a case-by-case basis and, as far as I see, arbitrary]
Rules for synchronising are as follows:
-at least one of the people involved needs an Ability that enables the synchronisation of Spells
--A special case of this is one of the Spells in question having the Synchronize-Ability (without parenthesis), which indicates the same thing
-The Spells in question need to either
--A) Share an Affinity, or
--B) Have a comparable theme
When a synchronisation is successful, the Spells merge into a new Spell which is then cast in their stead. Take note of the fact that Synchronised Spells are usually particularly strong.
To explain the matter on Sky's Dream of War:
Magical Girl Nightmare Child possesses the following Ability:
Bulwarks Guarding Sleep
-Nightmare Child may synchronise her Spells with her allies
Now, while she showed her melee-focussed Spell End of the Line to Anastasia during practice, Ana was in the process of casting her own Rapid Digestion. Both of those Spells have the Horror-Affinity and thus synchronised into a Spell you do not know about.
After that, due to Sky being interested and also lacking a good solution for ranged combat, they attempted to synchronise Night's Demon of War with Sky's Let the Sky Fall.
Again, both of those Spells shared the Horror-Affinity. One of them being limitless and focussed on her crystals, the other a beam of barely rivalled destruction.
Out of this formed
Dream of War Rekindle the green light that brings the end of armies
Level 1
Base Damage: 2,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror | Fable
Ability: Proxy-Caster | Ray | (Synchronize)
Which is exactly what they wanted. They could have continued synchronising, but having a dozen Spells at hand was not really on their minds at the time.
Now, I know that this is not indicative of both characteristics described above. Neither of these was created with a theme-match.
To give a few examples what would be matching themes:
-Spells that are cast by swinging your weapon
-Beam attacks
For a more direct example: If there was a way for Eva and Spring to synchronise, they could combine Revitalise and Become Whole Again, seeing that both are healing Spells that are cast by laying your hands on the target.
Additionally... @Crystalwatcher, please correct me if this is incorrect or something is missing.
[X] Your friends are already preparing for their mission. Joining them for a bit might be a good idea.
[X] Training sounds good
-[X] Try synchronizing your Spells
""And we go, too.""
Eyes switch from Ana and Sky to you; especially your friend starts to look decidedly unhappy with what is happening. "W-Wait! You can't just do this, I mean..."
Her mouth opens and closes a few times, but no more words come out; you give her curious glances before shrugging and dismissing her complaints. Spring seems to think the same thing, seeing how she pats Ana's shoulder a few times. There is nothing that will stop you, so she might as well not try.
"...I really don't like it, but we have to make do with what we have."
Strength frowns while regarding the first row. Eva ducks a little under her narrow-eyed look... but then Strength sighs and forces a smile that does not reach her eyes. "I'm grateful that you four are willing to do this. We will do our best to make sure things work out."
Huh... what is this about? Maybe she thinks we're too young?
Huh... that makes sense.
"Anyway, I will work out the details until tomorrow evening, we will go over everything then. For now, there is one more thing to talk about before I can go and have a snack."
You join the giggling this time while the older girl paces around and back to the screen. The mood drops again the moment she continues speaking, though. "We made dozens of prisoners during the attack. Feeding them is no problem, holding them is a bit more difficult... and I honestly don't want to do that for any long amount of time, anyway."
Oh. Uh... but what is she going to do to the prisoners? You wonder about that while she changes the map of China to a map of the city, with one area near the center marked in a red circle. This is probably where the prison is... you hope they will not hurt anyone, that would be bad.
"At the moment, we're holding all of those soldiers here, in the cooldown cells. Thing is, we'd have to actually build a proper prison to hold them long-term. I don't want that and I doubt any of you do. However, White Glory mentioned that she can retract the power boost she gave those people. Once she's free, she will return them back to regular humans and we will send them back home."
Winter's hand is in the air almost as soon as the last word is spoken. Strength nods at her and the brunette asks her question while you and your twin sigh in relief. "Is it wise to let prisoners of war go free just like that?"
A beat, then Summer and Autumn cup their faces in their hands and Strength closes her eyes for a few moments. When she speaks, she sounds a little annoyed. "You're right, letting prisoners of war go just like that is a bad idea. Point is, Winter... that's no war. We've got the superior firepower and infrastructure, so we've got nothing to prove... aside from the fact that we don't want to fight anymore. So instead of being jerks about it, we're sending those guys right back home."
Winter listens intently, her eyes never leaving Strength over the explanation. You try to wrap your head around what she says, too. It makes sense to you; your mother explained the concept to you in the past, something about being the better person. That... you like that. That is good.
Strength looks around for a few seconds, regarding the quiet room calmly and... is she waiting for someone to ask questions, or to disagree? You think about speaking up and asking something, but nothing comes to mind. Eva has no ideas, either.
"Nothing else? Alright then, that's it. Have a nice day."
She taps a few buttons and the screen grows dark; the Seasons are the first to get up, but they do not go for the doors... they wander up the stairs and onto the stage. Shuffling and rustling fills the room as everyone gets up and turns to the door.
Ana is still grumbling while getting up, but you do not pay her any mind; she will get over it soon enough. Now for- "Sun, Moon?"
You both turn back to the stage; Strength is standing at the edge and waves you over while sitting down right there. You cast a look back to your friend...s, Sky is there as well. "Ah, wait for a moment, okay?"
Both nod and you hurry over to Strength, who offers you a quick nod and lowers her voice. With the Seasons and your friends talking among each other, you are fairly sure they can not really hear her. "First of all, thanks for this; I'm pretty sure I couldn't stop Ana from doing this no matter how much I want to, but... it helps to know there will be four of you."
And then she ruffles your hair. WHY?!
Eva's mental giggles are a little bit annoying right now... ugh. You just nod and hope it will end soon, which it does. Strength becomes a bit more serious again. "Anyway, I'm going to tell your sister to make some time tomorrow. Just drop by in the afternoon if you want to talk to her."
The news make all your other problems become insignificant in an instant and you beam up at Strength again. Ruffling your hair is okay, you can forgive her. "Really?!"
"Yup, totally. Now get going, the others are waiting for you."
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Once you all left the town hall and went back into the warm air, your sister gets to ask: "So... uh... what are you two doing now?"
Your friends turn to her first, but then look at each other and Sky shrugs. "I'm following you, Ana. Your call unless you want me to decide."
"Ugh... it's so weird to tell an older girl what to do. Um... give me a moment?"
You giggle over the situation and give her some time, which you yourself spend poking each other with different feelings. Huh... thinking of that, maybe you could put others into this connection? Would that work?
And... would anyone even want that?
"Hm... how about we go practice working together? We have to get along to help that girl, right?"
He, you already thought of that and once Ana nods, you take one of their hands each. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
"Wh- Eva, wait!"
Sky giggles as you pull her and just runs with you... her hand is only a little bit bigger than yours... and so smooth... and a bit cold. Ana's is really warm in comparison.
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
Working out who does what is... interesting; things were a lot easier with just you and Eva. But now you have your friends, too. Ana can take a lot of damage when she is in her big worm-form -"Caterpillar!"- and has some strong Spells normally. But... she can not cast those while transformed.
Sky... does not really tell you much about how she fights. Just that what she showed earlier is all she has in terms of offensive power.
You did not have much to add to what you showed before, either. Just you being able to boost a few of your attacks or weaken things that would hit you. Now the four of you sit on a bench next to the violated training grounds and wonder what to do. How do you start training together? Uh...
After a while, Sky offers an idea: "How about we try to move as a group first? I saw the Seasons do that, so it might be important."
And so you do; first you just wander around in a small huddle, then you try some kind of triangle with one of you in the center, then a few others. It feels... a little weird. You do not need anything like that with Eva.
Which brings you back to that question you had earlier. Seeing that you are sitting around once again, it is probably alright to just ask. "Ana? Sky?"
Both of them turn to you... they think you have an idea for how to train. Turning your head to the side awkwardly, you look at the ground and observe your friends through Eva. "I was wondering... say, if you could have... or even be a part of the connection Eva and I have... would you want to?"
You do not even know if you want that; you love Eva and Eva loves you. Would it be weird to have someone who is not as close in here?
I think it would be great. The more the merrier, Rico.
So at least your twin likes the idea. Your friends are still eyeing you awkwardly, the looks making you blush a little.
"...that's... pretty sudden. I'm not entirely sure what to say... uh, what exactly does your connection let you do? You never told us."
Sky is right. Weird, you were sure you mentioned that. Apparently, you did not.
Eva takes over while you quietly blush a little more at the embarassment. "It is... hard to explain. And it was really weird at first. Rico hit her head and I got the pain, too. Then we-" "Hey!"
You interrupt your twin and poke her side. "You hit your head!" "...I didn't?" "You did!"
A quick check and... you honestly have no idea which of you actually hit her head back then. Ugh, now you can not even be right...
"You both get hurt when one is injured? That sounds pretty harsh..."
Oh, that might send the wrong message; you quickly shake your head to tell Sky no. "That was just the first few days. We worked out how to stop it really quickly. It's just... it is a weird feeling at first. We know what the other feels and sometimes even thoughts come through. Or... that's how it used to be."
Eva nods by your side while the other two listen with open curiousity. "Ah, yes. We figured out how to feel each other and... it grew stronger over time. Now I can see what Rico sees all the time and we can talk to each other in our minds."
It is hard to find the right words to explain it where it feels so natural to you now. "I... I don't think I want to be separated again, no matter what."
You make a few more attempts to put your feelings into words, but not much more comes of it. Sky and Ana seem both contemplative... but the older girl is the first who answers you while wiping off more ichor on her dress. "I... I'm sorry, but I don't think I would like being a part of that. My life got weird enough when I got my own magic and... to be honest, yours sounds creepy to me." do not get the last part, seeing how great it feels to be connected like this. However, everything before that makes sense. Although Eva has to stop you from arguing that your magic is great... she is right, now is not the time.
"I don't know..."
Ana is not looking at either of you, her gaze carefully kept on the hands in her lap... which are clenched? "It sounds nice to be close to someone else like that. If I could have that, too... I think I'd like that."
Oh. You offer a wide smile to Ana, who tentatively smiles back and then frowns at you. "So if you find out that it's possible, you will tell me. Got it?"
Even Sky joins your giggling this time. It makes you feel at ease that your friends accept you so willingly; both of you relax some more over that and enjoy the silence that follows. Sky speaks up again after a bit, mirth still on her face: "Anyway... I was thinking, you said that you can talk to each other via telepathy?"
Telepathy? Maybe that is how people usually call what you and Eva are doing. It sounds right at least, maybe you heard it before. After your twin nods, Sky continues: "I see... then I think... in case we have to split up in the field, we should make it so that we stay in groups of two, with one of you in each group. That way we can stay in contact at all times... is what I think?"
That is... huh. You ponder her suggestion for a moment, but can not find anything bad about it; aside from having to separate from each other, that is. "I think that would work", is what you allow in the end. You are not sure how well, though. Being without Eva...
Your twin pokes you with warmth and you shake off the thought. You will never be without each other.
"...we didn't really get much training done, I guess?"
Eyes wander back to Ana, who looks out at the violated field with an unhappy frown. "And I don't even know what to do to work better together..."
All of you exchange glances before looking down as well. She is right in a way. However... "How about we ask the others what to do?"
Your friends ponder Eva's question for a bit, but Ana's grumbling stomach has them put the thought aside. You grin at them. "It's time for dinner, anyway. Let's ask some of the other girls while we eat."
. . .
Line Break Recognised . . .
It was easy to talk to the others; Ludger alone already baited them to come talk to you. Heh, still best dog.
That aside, you got a few helpful hints and pointers once you started asking around. Such as showing your special Abilities to your team and to talk about what you were good at, so that you could make a good strategy.
But... aside from Ana's Spells, the only one who still has anything you do not know about is Sky.
Which is why you are now standing opposite to her on the field, with six wooden targets scattered around you. Sky is still leaking ichor and crystals and Ana does not seem entirely happy with the situation... and neither are you. "You want me to... to attack you?"
Her smile is as friendly as always, but you don't get it. Why does she want you to attack her? "I could explain to you, but this is far easier to show. Just cast your Spell and you will see. I promise I will not get hurt." trust her. If she says it will be okay, you will trust her.
"Okay. Scorching Sunlight!"
She just stands there as the light zooms in...
(Scorching Sunlight: 10240 Base Damage, +2084 Stationary Target, +189 dice = 12,513 Total Damage
Ichorate Prism: 9,385 Damage Redirected
3,128 Total Damage
Black Sky: +450 Base Resilience, -100 Standing Still, +236 dice = 686 Total Damage Reduction
2,442 Total End Damage Arcane Transmutation: 2,442 Damage healed
But aside from burning away a lot of her dress, the light just... sinks into her. Sky is completely unharmed, shines silvery for a moment... and then your light comes back out of the remains.
(Ichorate Prism, six targets
9385 / 6 = 1564 Damage per target
Ichorate Prism: 1564 Scorching Sunlight, +391 Stationary Target, +258 dice = 2213 Total Damage per piece
Target 1-6: +250 Base Resilience, no dice = 250 Total Damage Reduction
1,963 Final End Damage
Target 1-6 Health = 500 - 1,963 = -1,463)
Light dances over the crystals in her remaining dress and then shoots back out; six smaller beams drive small trenches into the ground behind the targets they shatter with ease. Small pieces of smoldering wood fly around while you gape at your newest friend, who curtsies again.
(???: Armour restored)
You only faintly notice all the black sludge in the places where her dress is torn; it quickly crystallises and reforms the garment as if it was never damaged.
"As you can see, I am really good against anything spell-related. My whole capabilities seem to be more defensively oriented anyway, the only strong attack I have is Dream of War."
"That was awesome, Sky!"
You continue cheering for your friend while Ana and Eva giggle at the side; Sky blushes a little bit under your continued praise. Your twin continues thinking about it, though; the mention of Sky's synchronised Spell gave her an idea that you had earlier already. You forgot about it over what else happened, though.
Maybe you can do that, too? Summer said only a few girls can naturally synchronise with others, but maybe you are one of them. Two of them.
Anyway, your sister quickly runs to get another few targets set up and Ana helps her; you are done complimenting Sky at the time they finish putting them up, too.
"And now we're going to try synchronising!"
Both of your friends give you this weird look you give people that said something stupid. Eva blushes a little while you push next to her and point at one of the targets at random. "Let's go!"
First you make an attempt with your new Spells... but even over several tries, nothing happens even when you manage to cast them perfectly together. Supernova just charred the ground and washed over your sister, Become Whole Again just made you feel a little warmer.
Mixing either of those with your original Spells does nothing, either. Your friends sit at the side by now, sometimes trying to help you with comments or by putting up new targets. You can read in their eyes that they do not believe anything will come of it... but they let you be. It does not really matter anyway, just staying here and casting things with Eva is fun enough.
Besides, you have a good feeling about the next one. Aiming at the second last target still standing, you nod at your twin. This time, you will both cast light.
"Scorching Sunlight!" "Soothing Moonlight!"
You stand side by side, pure light washing out of each of your scepters. But where they should be racing next to each other, the colours melt into each other before becoming a darker light.
(Baleful Eclipse: +200 Base Damage, +50 Stationary Target, no dice = 250 Total Damage
Target: +250 Base Resilience, -187 Juggernaut, no dice = 63 Total Damage Reduction
187 Final End Damage
Target Health: 500 - 187 = 313)
The light washes over your target, but does nothing to the surroundings aside from whirling up some dust. You instinctively know what it is named and how it works.
""Baleful Eclipse...""
You mutter the name quietly, but then smile at each other and share a high-five. ""Yay!""
Then your friends are upon you and ask questions, wondering and awed and genuinely happy for you.
This... this is nice. You answer as best as you can while overflowing with pride over what you just did. You made something new out of what you have. Something special. Sun and Moon combined...
But it is late by now... and after some more chatting and discussing about your Spells, you return the remaining targets to the shack you took them from. Then you walk back to the dorm as the sun starts kissing the horizon. Wishing your friends a good night, you quickly go to your own room and go to sleep; it was interesting today.
"This is one of our training grounds," one of the girls, somewhat hesitant, tells her companions. "It's made to test the more destructive abilities us magical girls have."
One of her companions - twin girls with brown hair - frowned a little and asked:
"There's only ten of those blocks. Isn't it a little too small, Ana?"
"There's a few good reasons for it, Rico," replied the first girl to her long-haired companion. She pauses minutely, then starts to recite from memory: "The training ground, the wall at the far end, and the blocks themselves were created by Arc - Magical Girl Grand Architect - so they restore themselves. This training ground is a target range, so it's not meant to have many girls train at once, to prevent accidents. And that wall serves to catch anything that can destroy a block. Oh, and thanks for healing her, Eva," The shorter-haired twin beams and nods.
Want to check it out? Might as well!
The twins exchange a look, communicating without words, before turning back to Ana: "Do you think we can take a few minutes and show each other what we can do?"
Ana mulls over the question for a few seconds before nodding. "Only for a few minutes though. "When no warmth is left, pain settles in. I am Magical Girl World Eater!"
Brown light washes over the ground as Ana transforms, followed shortly after by the twinned flash of sunlight and moonlight.
"I am the radiance of the future-" "I am the custodian of all-" ""I am Magical Girl Primordial Sun / Moon""
As the lightshow subsides, three magical girls stand on the grounds and look at each other. The white-haired girl, Ana, turns to stone blocks as the twins call the dog to them.
"As I said, we can use those stone blocks for target practice. In fact, they're something of a test for the girls here - they're really hard to dent, and if you can't do so, you aren't supposed to leave without someone who can. It's for safety. Here, let me show you."
Ana pulls out something akin a trumpret horn and aims it at one of the stone blocks, launching a bubble at the block with a brief whistle.
(Happy Trumpet: 750 Base Damage, +495 Dice, Ray not engaged = 1245 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience = 1000 Damage Reduction
245 Final End Damage
Practice Block 1: 10000-235 = 9755 Health)
Ana waves the twins to follow her and moves to inspect the damage up close. The girls inspect the dent on the surface of the block. "Sun, Moon, would you like to try your hand?"
You go first! Rico? I have more things to test than you anyway. Okay.
""Yes,"" the synchronized answer is given. After a few moments of wordless interaction, the blue-haired girl steps forward, before beginning to hover. She holds her scepter firmly with both hands, and spins herself rapidly in the air to land a strike directly into the dent.
(Moonlight Scepter: 170 Base Damage, +30 Dice, +42 Discipline, +34 Spinning Momentum, +68 Two-Handed Grip = 344 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience, -12 Dented = 988 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!)
I thought hitting hard things was supposed to jar you. Yeah. It didn't. Weird.
The end result is thouroughly underwhelming, with no visible damage from the strike. Slightly dejected, Primordial Moon backs away from the block, her twin patting her hand and the dog poking her in the leg. Ana follows her and speaks:
"Okay, let's step away a bit. As you've seen, the blocks are hard, and so someone who can actually dent them is someone who can probably protect themselves. Now, Ana, Rico, do you mind me showing off?"
"Umm, let me try my spell on it first," comes the reply of the magenta-colored girl. Primordial Sun exchanges nods with World Eater and everyone takes a few steps away, before Sun aims her arm in the direction of the dented block: "Scorching Sunlight!"
(Scorching Sunlight = 10240 Base Damage, +141 Dice = 10421 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience, -12 Dented = 988 Damage Reduction
9433 Final End Damage
Practice Block 1: 9755-9433 = 322 Health
Armor Removal Triggers! Resilience lowered by 650!
Burn Triggers! 100 Damage per turn!)
A ray of destructive light burns the entire block to slag, very nearly piercing it outright. The girls stare at the result for several seconds in slight awe. Then Primordial Moon tosses her scepter at it.
(Practice Block 1: 100 Burn Damage
Practice Block 1: 322-100 = 222 Health
Moonlight Scepter: 170 Damage, Dice Negated, Discipline Negated, -85 Casual Toss = 85 Total Damage
Practice Block 1: 1000 Base Resilience, -650 Armor Removal, -488 Crumbling = 138 Extra Damage
223 Final End Damage
Practice Block 1: 222-223 = -1 Health)
And watches the block crumble from a casual strike. A few more seconds pass before World Eater finds her words.
"That... that was impressive. Anyway, here's what I can actually do when I'm not holding back."
Ana raises her trumpet and moves its aim along the line of the blocks. With a longer and shriller whistle than before, a deluge of bubbles rushes at the remaining blocks.
(Happy Trumpet: 750 Base Damage, +278 Dice, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger, +750 Ray Trigger = 4778 Total damage
Practice Block 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: 1000 Base Resilience = 1000 Damage Reduction
The bubbles strike at the blocks unrelentingly, catching three with the starting surge and catching all of them as Ana moves her aim. Unlike the first block, the blocks don't merely dent, but slightly crumble in the onslaught. Ana stops the attack and pausing for several seconds to let the noise die down.
"It would take me perhaps half a minute, or three passes, to destroy all the blocks." Ana admits, then takes a deep breath. "So, that was my Happy Trumpet, Sun's spell and Moon's scepter. Want to try anything else?"
"Yes," Primordial Sun answers, "Do you mind if Eva and I try and hit the same block together with our scepters?" The white-haired girl nods with a slight smile. Seeing the confirmation, the twins brandish their scepters. A bark makes them pause, before Ana grabs the corgi with a widening smile and walks a little further away from the blocks. The twins nod in gratitude, before rushing to strike the middle-most of the remaining blocks.
(Sunlight Scepter: 63 Base Damage, +2131 Dice, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess = 5110 Total Damage 7665 Radiance
Moonlight Scepter: 170 Damage, +5 Dice, +42 Discipline = 217 Total Damage
7882 Unified Damage, x2 Complete Connection = 15764 Total Damage
Practice Block 6: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
14952 Final End Damage
Practice Block 6: 6222-14952 = -8730 Health
Primordial Moon gets caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: 650 Base Resilience, +26 Dice = 676 Damage Reduction
6989 Final End Damage
Veil of the Lunar Goddess, girl
Practice Block 5, 7 get caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Practice Block 5, 7: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 5, 7: 6222-6853 = -631 Health
Sunlight Scepter: Modifier Saved, 2131)
As in the recent battle against the attackers, the moment Rico and Eva's scepters smash into the block, Rico's scepter flashes with a pulse of light. As before, this light gently washes over Eva. This, however, isn't all it does. As the pulse washes over the two adjacent blocks, they crackle and crumble on themselves, weakened structure unable to cope with the stresses of rapid heat expansion. The block in the middle, meanwhile, not so much as crumbles than evaporates with nary a trace remaining in the flash of combined light and heat. Eva and Rico hover over the place where the block once was, stupefied.
"That happened," the silence is broken by Ana's voice, "Two questions though. Why did the block you hit evaporate like that? Did you intend to destroy those two?.. Oh, and a third question. How is Moon unharmed?"
Connection empowers attacks? Possible, but why am I?.. Not sure, actually, hands... Oh, maybe.
Another unspoken exchange later, the twins turn to their friend. "We believe our connection helps us when we strike in concert," Rico begins, "and no, I didn't actually expect the neighboring blocks to be affected at all.""Not sure why I'm unharmed, but I do remember that pulse happening before," and Eva finishes answering the questions.
Ana sighs. "Please be careful with that... Might as well test it a bit since there's still those other blocks standing."
"Speaking of, who's going to repair this training ground once we're done," Rico wonders, to which Ana has a ready answer:
"Arc's taken care of that, actually. She can set things up so that whatever she makes can automatically restore itself, to an extent. So in fifteen minutes or so, the training ground is going to be back to normal," Ana explains, before pausing and examining the first and the sixth blocks - or what's remaining of them. "Actually, make it half an hour."
Let's try to empower the pulse!
The twins nod, before flying left to one of the three-block groupings still standing. This time, Rico strikes the middle block while Eva tries her scepter on the right one. Ana notices the eerie synchronicity of the strikes.
(Moonlight Scepter: 170 Damage, +22 Dice, +42 Discipline = 234 Total Damage
Practice Block 4: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!
Sunlight Scepter: 63 Base Damage, +2131 Dice, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess = 5110 Total Damage 7665 Radiance
Practice Block 3: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 3: 6222-6853 = -631 Health
Primordial Moon gets caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: 650 Base Resilience, +14 Dice = 664 Damage Reduction
7001 Final End Damage
Veil of the Lunar Goddess, girl
Practice Block 2, 4 get caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Practice Block 2, 4: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 2, 4: 6222-6853 = -631 Health)
Aww, didn't work. There's a delay. Compensate?
This time, the results of the direct strike are a lot less pronounced, all three blocks crumbling with roughly the same result as the two blocks to the sides after the previous strike. The twins seem slightly dejected, before moving on to the final triad of blocks, once again striking the middle one and the rightmost one. This time, however, Ana notices the girls attempt to stagger their attacks, Eva delaying hers slightly.
(Sunlight Scepter: 63 Base Damage, +2131 Dice, +15 Discipline, +2901 Veil of the Solar Goddess = 5110 Total Damage 7665 Radiance
Practice Block 9: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
6853 Final End Damage
Practice Block 3: 6222-6853 = -631 Health
Primordial Moon gets caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: 650 Base Resilience, +14 Dice = 664 Damage Reduction
7001 Final End Damage
Veil of the Lunar Goddess, girl
Practice Block 8, 10 get caught in Detonate: 7665 Total Damage
Practice Block 8, 10: 1000 Base Resilience, -188 Damaged = 812 Damage Reduction
Aww, not again. It's harder, distance is variable. No blocks left, too.
Unfortunately, by the time Eva is making her strike, the block is already crumbling from the pulse washing over it. The end result is therefore the same as in the previous attempts. WIth no more blocks remaining intact, Primordial Sun and Primordial Moon fly over to their friend, and land. All the girls detransform, and turn to leave the training grounds.
Ana sets the adorable dog back on the ground, and slightly pokes the pouting Eva: "I take it you wanted to do something that didn't work?"
"Something like that. We now know for certain our synchronized attacks actually improve the damage rather impressively... But we wanted to try and see if it's possible for my attack to improve the damage of the pulse," Eva sighs.
Ana nods and finishes the thought. "Yeah, I think the pulse is slightly delayed, and you need to catch the cue right."
"We're going to work on it some more," Rico makes a conclusion, and the girls started to walk towards the exit. "Say, Ana, what are the rules on spars here?"
"Only after testing, and only with Spring's supervision, usually. She can heal and make everyone hard to hurt." The twins nodded.
Heh, what a nice dream. Your eyes flutter open with a bright shimmer and you snuggle closer to Eva for a moment. She mumbles something before her mind kicks into gear and makes her eyes open as well; both of you enjoy the warmth under the blanket a moment longer before getting up.
While your sister opens the curtains and brings out your clothes, you yourself make the bed before taking a quick look at the clock. Huh, a little earlier than yesterday. The others should still be asleep.
When you look out into the corridor to check, you find two things. The first one is that yes, no one else seems to be up just yet. The second one is a pretty big bundle lying right in front of the door, with a note on it.
Dear Sun and Moon
With you two in mind, I had a lot of inspiration over the day; this first set will not really work for you until the end of summer, but it just felt right to make. Hold on a few more days and I will have a pair of dresses ready for you as well.
You have some trouble understanding a few of the words, seeing that they are in English, but you get the gist of it. Your first clothes are done!
After quickly completing everything else and petting Ludger good morning, you unwrap whatever Chi made for you... and find a new set of shirts and skirts, looking a lot like what you already have.
But with them come a blue and a pink coat with lots of white fluff and hats to match. They look comfy and fluffy and... are those winter clothes?
Not that it matters, you just have to try them on. Working through the buttons and other things takes you a bit, but Chi really delivered; Eva never looked cuter and neither did you. The normal shirts are a lot more smooth than your own, too. And they fit perfectly... all in all, everything about those clothes is better than what you had before.
When Sky and Ana knock and you call them in, you pose cheerfully for them.
Your friends look you over and Ana tells you what you already know: "You look cute!"
Both of you giggle over that and even Sky laughs a bit. "She's right... but those do not look like you should wear them during summer. Come on, take them off and let's get breakfast."
After breakfast and classes, you have some time to spend. Choose two:
(Talking to Bianca is already set, you need not vote for it)
[] Do more training with Sky and Ana; there ought to be something you can do together
[] Find and meet Grand Architect; you will find out why she sounds so important
[] Play with Strength
[] Have Ana show you around the sewers; you are still curious about those
[] Go see Chi and thank her for the cute coats
[] You never really talked much to Winter; bug her until she plays with you
[] Training sounds good
-[] Train what?
[] EXP-Plan
-[] Write-in what to buy
-[] Save it
+3xp This is How it Works
+10xp Synchronised Your First Spell
+10xp Unbalanced Reflection
+3xp You Were Destined for These Clothes
EXP gained: 26 + 26 = 52 Total EXP: 173
(Unlocked Level 3 Character Sheet: Magical Girl World Eater)
(Unlocked Level 2 Character Sheet: Magical Girl Black Sky)
New Spell
Baleful Eclipse Blue and orange light join together to form black; the eclipse brings all opposition low
Level 1
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Sun | Moon | Balance
-Juggernaut: Ignore 75% of the target's Base Resilience and other bonuses, excluding the modifier roll
-Judgement: Nullify the enemy's modifier roll during attack and defense
-Non-Lethal: This Spell inflicts no Body Damage; if you beat someone to 0 Health with it, they are knocked out
-Synchronize Only: The twins can only cast this Spell together
Well... someone mentioned there would be no Non-Lethal Spell ever?
It is in the new Spells-tab on the joint sheet.
Though it is nighttime, the training grounds are filled with bright light of the midday sun, as well as the gentle radiance of the moon. It is pierced by weird beams of dark, almost not-light, launched at the stone blocks set up as the targets.
(Baleful Eclipse: +200 Base Damage, +50 Stationary Target, no dice = 250 Total Damage
Practice Block: 1000 Base Resilience, -750 Juggernaut, no dice = 250 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!)
Though nothing comes of it, the sources of the radiance and the not-light, two magical girls, keep launching it at the blocks. Without exchanging words or even glances, they move closer and further to each other, aiming at one block and at two adjacent ones in turn. Sometimes, their dance ends with a burst of the dark not-light, and at times, nothing at all happens. And at all times, their lips don't stop moving, whispering one phrase over and over again. Then, suddenly, both of them turn to launch the not-light at two different targets.
Did it really work?
They pause momentarily, before rising into air in sharp angles taking them to the opposite sides of the line of stone blocks. Moving in synchronicity, they aim at the stone blocks at the opposite sides of the line, before chanting their spell in full voice for once: ""Baleful Eclipse!""
(Baleful Eclipse: +200 Base Damage, +50 Stationary Target, -150 Partial Eclipse, no dice = 100 Total Damage
Practice Block: 1000 Base Resilience, -750 Juggernaut, no dice = 250 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!
Baleful Eclipse: +200 Base Damage, +50 Stationary Target, -150 Partial Eclipse, no dice = 100 Total Damage
Practice Block: 1000 Base Resilience, -750 Juggernaut, no dice = 250 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!)
We did it! Wediditwediditwedidit!
Just as before, the attack isn't doing anything. And yet, the radiant girls launch themselves at each other to embrace, laughing at the success well earned. They land on the ground, before walking towards the exit. Previously unnoticed, a small dog laying on a patch of grass rises and runs to them. They stop to pet it gently, before pausing once again.
Are we really doing this, Rico. Yes, we need to know.
Frowning, the moonlight-girl speaks to the dog: "Ludger, can you please help us..."
"Woof!" was the reply of a tail-wagging corgi.
"Ludger, it is important. Now, I know you'll never do it of your own will, but please, just this once, bite me and Rico," the girl continued, and the corgi whined and shook his head, prompting the two girls to speak in unison: "Ludger, please? Don't worry, we'll heal!"
Hesitantly, unwillingly, the corgi nods once, then snaps his teeth at the hands the twins extended to him:
(Leviathan Bite: 400 Base Damage, -300 Biting The Hand That Feeds Him, +300 Loyalty Beyond Reproach, +55 Dice, +220 Layer of Sunlight = 675 Total Damage
Primordial Sun: 105 Base Resilience, +1964 Dice, +5802 Veil of the Solar Goddess, -4456 Juggernaut = 3415 Damage Reduction
Attack Ineffective!
Leviathan Bite: 400 Base Damage, -300 Biting The Hand That Feeds Him, +300 Loyalty Beyond Reproach, +14 Dice, +56 Layer of Sunlight =470 Total Damage
Primordial Moon: 14526 No-Sell Threshold
Veil of the Lunar Goddess, girl)
Despite knowing how his bite was capable of crushing a giant living tree, everyone involved is surprised to see that the teeth slide off the hands without doing the slightest harm. Though the girls know that their Faithful Guardian did his best, what they felt never transitioned past what they'd call playful nips.
Rico? Eva? We do need to try...
The girls placate the despondent Ludger with hugs, before standing and stepping two steps away from him. The twins order Ludger to sit, and brandish their scepters at each other. For the last time on that night, a now-familiar chant passes their lips.
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"Oh, why are you here, girls?" Spring's Dream asked with a gentle smile, looking at the young Vescovi twins in front of her.
"Well, we were wondering, can we play tag?" The bolder one, Rico she remembered, answered. Spring looked at her, a little confused.
"Not the normal tag - Magical Girl tag!" The gentler one, Eva, responded to the unasked question. Seeing interest in Spring's face, she proceeded: "What we want is to transform, fly in the sky and try to tag each other with our spells." Oh, that was it, Spring thought. Then she frowned minutely.
"Isn't Sun's spell really destructive?" Spring's Dream asked, blushing minutely. "If I recall correctly, it really makes a-a mess of our clothes! I cannot allow that so easily!"
Rico shifted uncomfortably and started explaining: "Well, we've actually done some training. We managed to make our spells synchronize, and we had a different one as a result. It's only slightly damaging, so there'll be no harm. Promise!"
Spring's frown deepened at the implication that the girls had probably done some live testing...
"I'm not happy you decided to do some unsupervised testing, girls. However, this time and only this time, I'm letting it slide, because no harm no foul," Spring's Dream interrupted Rico sternly, pausing to see if her rebuke worked. From the uncomfortable fidgeting, it probably did. Spring nodded to herself, internally, before smiling gently once again: "However, I wouldn't mind you playing aerial tag, so long as you obey the rules I set out. Are we clear?"
The twins nodded frantically, causing Spring's Dream's smile to widen. "And yes, this does mean you can play tag. So long as it's supervised, because this kind of active game with magic counts as a spar. I'm coming with you."
This declaration was met with surprise, swiftly transformed into gleeful eagerness that Spring found positively infectious.
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"Now that we're all transformed and I applied my spell, we're ready to fly. But first, the rules you will abide by. First, touching someone by hand or by spell counts, and I'll be keeping count, so no cheating. Second, don't worry about tagging me by accident, but try to avoid it if at all possible, because I'll be in the air with you. Third, be very careful with casting spells if they can miss into the ground. Finally - the moment I tell you to stop, you stop immediately and come to me. Are we clear?"
"Good. Now, the bout starts on my mark, so let's go into the air," Spring suits her words to actions, ascending in the air while pacing herself to let the twins keep up. Hmmm, might suggest them train their speed, I know how fun it can be, Spring's Dream smiled to herself. Rising above the skyline, she begins the countdown: "Three, two, one, Mark!"
The twins dart away from each other the moment Spring starts counting, Sun diving low while Moon rises high, both launching their spells at each other. The bout, however, moves rather swiftly to below the skyline, forcing Spring to follow. Ten minutes later she declares a break to Sun, watching Moon arrive at the roof without being actually told.
"Okay, I can see that this is not working out all that well. You cannot exactly hide from each other, but Moon's moonlight is far more effective since she can launch a number of beams all at once, compared to Sun's dark beam," Spring's Dream summarizes what she'd seen from their bout, "Overall, I think the idea of going below the skyline to try tagging each other by hand was good, but you seemed far too adept at finding and evading each other."
The girls look at Spring's Dream with slight dismay and resignation - at least until they hear her suggestion: "So how about this - I'll be joining this tag, myself versus the two of you. I don't have spells to tag with at a distance, but I'm really really fast. So here's how it will go - I won't go so fast you cannot even track me, I can only tag you by touching your back by hand, and I will retreat briefly every time I tag one of you."
The twins nod enthusiastically, their spirits raised once again. This is going to be fun, Spring's Dream thought to herself as started the countdown.
. . .
. . .
In the end, Spring's Dream's superior speed, agility and experience had proven to be the decisive factors of the aerial tag battle against the Primordial Sun and Moon - even with their spells, their connection, and their numbers, even with all the handicaps she gave them, they had only managed to tag her thrice.
The first time she bad underestimated Moon's reflexes, who managed to dodge her first attempt at tagging and launch a blind spell her way she was simply too close to evade all the beams. The second time, she was caught by Sun's spell ambushing her while she was searching the Moon. And the last time, their teamwork allowed Primordial Moon to hem her into the path of Sun's spell.
As she called the end of the match and descended to the ground since it was already dinnertime, Spring's Dream allowed herself to laugh lightly, her voices and those of the twins joining together in exhilaration. This was indeed fun.
However, as they were landing, the girls paused, before Eva spoke softly: "There's something else we need to tell you after dinner. The reason why I didn't use this spell on Rico, despite also knowing how to."
. . .
. . .
For the last time on that night, a now-familiar chant passes their lips. ""Baleful Eclipse!""
(Baleful Eclipse: +200 Base Damage, -150 Partial Eclipse, no dice = 50 Total Damage
Primordial Sun: 105 Base Resilience, Dice Negated, Veil of the Solar Goddess Negated, -78 Juggernaut = 22 Damage Reduction
28 Total End Damage
Primordial Sun: 1100 - 28 = 1072 Health
Baleful Eclipse: +200 Base Damage, -150 Partial Eclipse, no dice = 50 Total Damage 75 Radiance
And though Primordial Moon was unharmed by the exchange of two beams of almost not-light, the same could not be said for Primordial Sun.
Omake End
AN: Well, another of explicitly non-canon omakes. Why? Well, I went against a certain bit of trivia QM has confirmed for me:
There is no eclipse without sun and moon. There is no Baleful Eclipse without synchronized spellcasting. As is, the "Partial Eclipse" modifier I used is in the unrealistic example when the spell actually works, but only if the girls are on the same battlefield and close by - as in, "their light reaches each other directly" close.
Then again, it's better than letting girls play around with Spring while using a nudifier beam (ahem) Armor Removal spell as a method of laser tag.
Also, this omake gives me a decent opening for subjecting Rico and Eva to a round of defense-testing. I'll get around to writing up that omake someday I promise.