
-Everything made by I, Dio! me
--except the parts I stole acquired from Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest

Special Mentions

Among all the people who contributed to this Quest in one way or another, some simply stood out.

@justinkal for asking too many dumb questions being critical and careful, as well as a wellspring of more intricate knowledge for other players. And for pointing out typos as well as providing corrections for bad wording.

@Faraway-R for writing one too many essays having too much free time providing useful analysis and spearheading new ideas.

@Mellithae for chasing dreams offering new viewpoints and reasoned arguments toward other players' ideas.

@LightLan for I tried coming up with an insult but blanked, sorry constant participation, especially in the discussions surrounding vote-cycles.

@LostDeviljho for spoiling stuff making op-chars I couldn't use providing feedback, ideas, and criticism where needed, as well as clearing up misconceptions wherever I had them.

And, of course, @Crystalwatcher for taking so long I finished before mainline got much further creating the idea that inspired Libra's Lament, as well as the system it mangles runs on.
Magical Girl Encyclopedia #1
Agents of the Celestials
"We just call them friends"

(Note that these two are the only sheets from after the Epilogue)

(Luna & Sol) Magical Girl World Eater

Anastasia Caro

Health: 9,500
Base Damage: 750
Base Resilience: 1250
Magic Modifier: 650

Affinity: Horror | Food | Myth

Happy Trumpet
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Food | Horror
Ability: Collateral Damage | Ray

Prepare the Feast
Level 50
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror | Food
Ability: Boost Self | Shapeshift | Stat Explosion | Priority-1

Rapid Digestion

Spit a load of acid on nearby enemies; this Spell's name need not be said when casting
Level 20
Base Damage: 100% Target's Maximum Health
Magic Modifier: 200% Target's Base Resilience
Affinity: Horror | Food
Ability: Scale to Target | Catastrophic Damage | Total Armour Destruction

Absolute Decomposition
Destroy your target with green sludge until there is nothing left
Level 15
Base Damage: 45,000
Magic Modifier: 7,500
Affinity: Horror | Myth
Ability: Sudden Death | Murder | Disintegrate | (Synchronize)

Lunar Shroud
-Upon death, World Eater immediately resurrects at a specified location.

She Hungers
-250% EXP from consumed enemies

-No skill-based malus from using unfamiliar weapons; any familiar weapon used deals an additional 25% of its Base Damage

Life Sense
Level 15
-Can sense living beings within 1,500m of yourself; capable of distinguishing different beings, exactly determining their size, distance, and movements; can not sense anything smaller than a mouse
-Remains active even when untransformed and during Caterpillar Mode

Grand Devourer
-Incoming Damage below 75% of World Eater's Maximum Health heals her.

-You can heal yourself beyond your limits; shed excess Health after battle, or expend it in a 1:1-ratio for additional damage on your next attack

Inhuman Will
-Remain in control of your urges at all times; you feast, but decide on your meals by yourself. Immune to mental effects.

Powerful Skin
Level 25
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

The Great Caterpillar


Health: 95,000
Base Damage: 7,500
Base Resilience: 12,500
Magic Modifier: 6,500

Affinity: Food | Horror | Legendary | Gluttony

Sharpened Teeth
Level 50
Attacks Per Turn: 11
Affinities: Food | Horror | Gluttony
Ability: Consume | Juggernaut | Overwhelm | Sunder | Catastrophic Damage

She Hungers
-250% EXP from consumed enemies

Large Enemy
-The Great Caterpillar takes 50% less damage from smaller enemies.

The Devourer
-The Great Caterpillar's Base Stats are 10x World Eater's Base Stats
-The levels of The Great Caterpillar's weapon and Abilities equal the level of Prepare the Feast
Level 50
-The Great Caterpillar can take to the air and fly up to 490mph

High-Speed Combat (lv6)
-The Great Caterpillar is able to track objects moving at up to 540mph

Grand Devourer
-Incoming Damage below 75% The Great Caterpillar's Maximum Health heals it

-You can heal yourself beyond your limits; shed excess Health after battle, or expend it in a 1:1-ratio for additional damage on your next attack

Regenerative Skin
Level 50
-Regenerate 100% of Maximum Health each turn

(Sol & Luna) Magical Girl Brave Heart

Julia Alaia de Gallo
a.k.a.: The Champion of Europe

Health: 3,750
Base Damage: 900
Base Resilience: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 400

Affinity: Change | Justice | Tale

Blade of Judgement
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Change | Justice
Ability: Return | Prime Evil Slayer | Magical Girl Slayer

Avatar of Retribution
Level 45
Base Damage: 5,400
Magic Modifier: 5,400
Affinity: Change | Justice | Tale
Ability: Slash Hell | Smite | Affinity Kill

Heavenly Lance

Level 20
Base Damage: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 40
Affinity: Justice | Tale
Ability: Anti-Air | Juggernaut | Hit by Modifier

Solar Shroud
-Upon death, Brave Heart immediately resurrects at a specified location.

Absorbing Aegis
-Sum up all damage negated by Heroes Never Die; add 100% of this sum to your Base Damage and 75% of it to Base Resilience; this holds on until the end of battle
-If Total End Damage dealt to you is above 60% max. Health, reduce it by 90%

Inhuman Skill
-Sacrifice two moves to negate an enemy's action

Heroes Never Die
-The first non-negligible damage directed at Brave Heart each turn is nullified

The Mighty Have Fallen
-Double Total Damage dealt against Magical Girls of higher growth

Justice Knows No Bounds
Fool me once...
-Whenever someone attempts to use Bind or one of its derivatives on you, auto-negate the attempt and gain a free attack for 10x damage against them. For the turn the Bind was attempted, your Spell-limit is removed.

Tide of Change
Level 25
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

The Four Seasons
Interdimensional Tourists

Magical Girl Summer's Dream

Talia Brooks
a.k.a. Brilliant Shine / Sun-sized Smugness


Health: 25,000
Base Damage: 11,500
Base Resilience: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 9,200

Affinity: Rule | Light | Legend

Sun Empress Scepter
Level 23
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Fire | Rule
Ability: Mana Steal | Spell Boost | Kingdom | Omni-Caster (lvl 4)

Fallen Ember
Before the regent's light, all opposition crumbles
Level 23
Base Damage: 34,500
Magic Modifier: 34,500
Affinity: Light | Legend
Ability: Melt | Apocalypse | Double Cast

Rule of Summer
In a hail of blinding light, bring forth the end of any that dares to oppose you
Level 49
Base Damage: 245,000
Magic Modifier: 49,000
Affinity: Rule | Light | Legend
Ability: Rain of Light | Supremacy | Perpetual Caster

Level 1
-Summer's Dream can stand and walk on thin air

Avatar of Regency
You want to challenge my rulership? Come and try.
-Add a regular Magic Modifier roll to every Spell; every time Spell Boost activates, add the bonus three times instead of one
-When attacked, automatically inflict a non-negatable, stackable DoT-effect that deals your Magic Modifier in damage and ignores Resilience, but no other damage reduction and holds for two turns

-If you go below 20% of your Maximum Health, add 50% of your Maximum Health to the amount healed by All Life Prospers until the end of battle

A Sister's Love
-When on the field together with you, Autumn's Dream can cast two Spells per turn, Winter's Dream doubles her Base Damage and Spring's Dream doubles her Base Resilience.

All Life Prospers
Level 20
-Every ally within 2km regains 1,000 HP at the beginning of each turn; includes Summer's Dream

The Peasants May Crawl
Level 5
-When under attack, reduce the attacker's Total End Damage by 5 times the difference between your and your attacker's Existence Bonus

Radiant Aura
Level 25
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Damage

Magical Girl Winter's Dream

Birgit Auer
a.k.a. Silent Stalker


Health: 26,400
Base Damage: 11,250
Base Resilience: 5,500
Magic Modifier: 2,500

Affinity: Silence | Cold | Legend

Reaper's Crest
Level 25
Attacks Per Turn: 12
Affinities: Cold | Silence | Legend
Ability: Freeze | Execute

Obscuring Night
Become unseen as the cold grasp of winter; holds until you deal damage
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Silence | Cold | Legend
Ability: Invisible | Boost Self

End in Ice
From your breath springs forth a plume of freezing air that seeps through skin, flesh and bone alike
Level 40
Base Damage: 40,000
Magic Modifier: 4,000
Affinity: Cold | Silence | Legend
Ability: Freeze | Apocalypse

Red on White
-Dissolve a Freeze effect on your target to double the damage you deal to them with your next attack.

Avatar of Fading
I don't hate you; it's just how it is.
-When killing an enemy not classifiable as mook, reset half your maximum ApT.

Snowflakes Gather
-Negate maluses from being outnumbered.

A Sister's Worry
-When on the field together with you, Spring's Dream treats Unstoppable as Juggernaut, Summer's Dream gets a free attack per turn against a target that survives her attack and Autumn's Dream adds her Magic Modifier to each normal attack.

Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate an opponent's move

High-Speed Combat (lv3)
-Winter's Dream is able to track objects moving at up to 270mph

All Life Sleeps
Level 25
-Every enemy within 7.5km loses 6 moves per turn, but does not go lower than 1

Frozen Coffin
Level 22
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Magical Girl Autumn's Dream

Karina Volkov
a.k.a. Harvest Specter / Spell Bitch

Health: 32,500
Base Damage: 9,600
Base Resilience: 10,000
Magic Modifier: 7,800

Affinity: Decay | Echo | Legend

Forever Fall
Level 24
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Decay | Legend
Ability: Unstoppable | Slaughter | Disintegrate

Rigor Mortis
Level 25
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Death | Echo | Legend
Ability: Total Lockdown

Untouched by Nature
Protect others from harm by increasing their resilience.
Level 14
Base Damage: 8,400
Magic Modifier: 7,000
Affinity: Echo | Legend
Ability: Boost All | Status Recovery

Level 15
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Echo | Legend
Ability: Dimension Hop

Bring forth the spirit of decay around you and incite the anger of any and all in its reach.
Level 17
Base Damage: 1,700
Magic Modifier: 1,700
Affinity: Echo | Death
Ability: Curse | Fear | Collateral Damage | Hatred

Avatar of Decay
It is inevitable; even gods die one day.
-The first regular attack each turn counts as having Auto Kill; any damage dealt out to enemies can not be healed for as long as they are in range of All Life Succumbs.

A Sister's Prayer
-When on the field together with you, Winter's Dream has two additional ApT, Spring's Dream takes 50% less Total End Damage and Summer's Dream can reroll her modifier die.

Adroit Dodge
-Sacrifice three actions to dodge an enemy's attack

All Life Succumbs
Level 19
-Every enemy within 9.5km of Autumn's Dream receives -950 on their Total Damage for any and all attacks.

Level 22
-Can take to the sky and move at up to 210mph

High-Speed Combat (lvl 3)
-Able to track objects moving at up to 270mph

Shoring up for Winter
Level 25
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Magical Girl Spring's Dream

Milena Volkov
a.k.a. The Kind Heart of Russia / True Good


Health: 46,200
Base Damage: 5,600
Base Resilience: 13,200
Magic Modifier: 4,800

Affinity: Life | Hope | Legend

Primordial Root
Level 16
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Life | Legend
Ability: Indestructible | Judgement | Bind

Level 40
Base Damage: 32,000
Magic Modifier: 32,000
Affinity: Life | Hope | Legend
Ability: Full Heal | Overheal

Bring forth grand creatures to protect and nurture, or destroy. They vanish upon the end of battle.
Level 33
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 49,500
Affinity: Life | Hope | Legend
Ability: One-Shot | Grand Summoning | Legion

The Flowers are in Bloom
Choose one when casting Blossom:
-summon an Incarnation of Life for every point of its modifier roll
-summon a Flora Guardian for every 10 points of its modifier roll
-summon an Apocalypse Wyrm for every 100 points of its modifier roll

Avatar of Nature
With all my might, I will protect those lifes entrusted to me.
-Roll Magic Modifier dice three times and take the highest result, then double it
-Reduce Total End Damage by 90%

A Sister's Blessing
-When on the field together with you, Summer's Dream has boosted priority, Autumn's Dream counts as having Consume on her weapon and Winter's Dream takes 2,000 less Total Damage.

All Life Wakes
Level 18
-Every ally within 2.7km of Spring's Dream gains 4 additional attacks per turn.

Level 30
-Spring's Dream can take to the air and fly up to 290mph

High-Speed Combat (lv4)
-Spring's Dream is able to track objects moving at up to 360mph

Grow Strong for Summer
Level 33
-Maximum Health and Base Resilience are increased.

(Magical Girl Spring's Dream) Incarnation of Life


Health: 4,000
Base Damage: 1,500
Base Resilience: 800
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Life

Mighty Bark
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Life
Ability: Crush

Life Prospers
-Incarnation of Life regenerates 200 HP per turn

(Magical Girl Spring's Dream) Flora Guardian


Health: 35,000
Base Damage: 5,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000

Affinity: Life

Aura of Life
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Life
Ability: Indestructible | Punch-Through

Life Surge
An aura of green light that brings back power thought lost, centered around the guardian in a circle with a 25m radius.
Level 10
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life
Ability: Mass Healing

Large Enemy
-Take 50% less damage from smaller opponents

Echo of Life
-When casting Life Surge with another Flora Guardian in its range, the other one auto-casts Life Surge

Loyalty in Death
-Upon death, heal all allies within 50m for 50% of their maximum Health

Unbroken Aegis
-Auto-intercept up to five attacks of any kind per turn

(Magical Girl Spring's Dream) Apocalypse Wyrm


Health: 150,000
Base Damage: 35,000
Base Resilience: 15,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000

Affinity: Life | Wind

Crushing Maw
Level 50
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Life | Wind
Ability: Collateral Damage | Juggernaut | Overwhelm | Superslayer

Call forth winds that bring the end of all opposition
Level 40
Base Damage: 75,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life | Wind
Ability: Apocalypse | Anti-Air | Erase | Perpetual Caster

Huge Enemy
-Take 75% less damage from smaller opponents

Level 15
-Can fly at up to 140mph

High-Speed Combat (lv2)
-Can track objects moving at up to 180mph

Colossus of Life
-Immune to Auto Kill; Scale to Target can never deal more than 50% current Health in damage

Gentle Soul
-Friendlies are immune to damage from or side effects of Stormbringer

Ruler of the Heavens
-While being in a storm, count as having Effortless Dodge (spend one action to dodge an enemy attack)

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Magical Girl Encyclopedia #2
Aì Theocracy
Ming is not really a goddess, but close enough
Magical Girl Forsaken God

Ming Lin
a.k.a. Benevolence Supreme


Health: 250,000 (125,000) (83,334) (62,500) (50,000)
Base Damage: 45,000 (22,500) (15,000) (11,250) (9,000)
Base Resilience: 20,000 (10,000) (6,667) (5,000) (4,000)
Magic Modifier: 3,000 (1,500) (1,000) (750) (600)

Affinity: Faith | Life | Legend

God's Glare
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Faith
Ability: Unstoppable | Undodgeable

Hollow Echo
A stream of crimson blood drowns everything in its path
Level 15
Base Damage: 150,000 (75,000) (50,000) (37,500) (30,000)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith | Legend
Ability: Smite | Murder | Echo

Radiant Restoration
Level 10
Base Heal: 100,000 (50,000) (33,334) (25,000) (20,000)
Magic Modifier: 50,000 (25,000) (16,667) (12,500) (10,000)
Affinity: Life
Ability: Full Heal

Bring out another instance of yourself, equally as true as you are. Can not be cast when there are already five instances active.
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 500 [7,500]
Affinity: Faith | Life | Legend
Abilities: Total Charge | Channel | Clone Self

Return to another you and have diverging memories merge together
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith | Life | Legend
Abilities: Kamikaze | Target Self | Assimilate

Sea of Blood
A ritual Spell that all five instances need to cast together; wash away your opposition and nourish the ground with the water of life.
Level 20
Base Damage: 200,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life | Legend
Ability: Non-Lethal | Target:Army | Instant Manufacture | (Synchronize Only)

Prosper Life
-Increase resistance to disease and aging of anyone under your care; any and all chosen plants grow faster, more healthily and more resilient to pests

Divine Favour
-With your blessing, allies may synchronise Spells at will.

Sacrosanct (Active)
-Lose 40% Maximum Health per turn and become unable to cast Soothing Touch; Apply Negative Space to any opponent within 100m upon activation. While this Ability is active, become immune to all non-damage effects and status effects in general.

Unity of Five
Even when my will is separated in many, we will forever stay true to each other
-Five instances of Forsaken God can be active at the same time. Each instance possesses all Abilities and Spells of Forsaken God; only in killing all of them can the person that is Forsaken God be killed.
-Divide all Stats by the number of instances active at the current time; Sea of Blood and Separation are exempt.

A Goddess In Her Own Right
-Immune to Overwhelming Presence; if there are less than five instances active and you enter combat, you may auto-cast Separation as if it had Auto Max Charge until the maximum number is reached.

Wrathful Curse
-Upon death, seal one Ability of each opponent in combat with any instance of you until the end of battle. This Ability has Supremacy in regards to opposing Abilities that would negate it, except against higher growth.

Level 21
-Can take to the air and move at up to 200mph

High-Speed Combat (lv3)
-Capable to track objects moving at up to 270mph

Celestial Surge
Level 10
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience
-Capable of sensing all humans within 1km of yourself.

(Forsaken God) Magical Girl Fairy Knight



Health: 15,000
Base Damage: 1,200
Base Resilience: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 600

Affinity: Battle | Change | Fable

Unlimited Armory
Level 8
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Change
Ability: Limitless | Protean (lvl 2)

Blade Dance
Call forth your swords in a hail of destructive steel
Level 20
Base Damage: 2,500
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Battle | Fable
Ability: Limitless | Slash Hell | Rain of Blows | Echo

Countless Arms
-Fairy Knight may equip weapons from a subspace pocket, switching Protean-slots as a free action; Abilities of the same line may be stacked for increased effects
Armor Pierce
Thick Armor
Multi-Caster (level increases when used on additional slots)
Ghost Touch
Double Hit
Multi Slash

Second Origin (Active)
-If your Health is below 10%, reset it to full, cure all Status Effects, remove Body Damage Modifiers and other negative effects, and increase all Stats to 500% for the next two turns. Can only be used once per battle.

Supreme Will
-This Ability can activate 2 times per battle; if you were to die, instead reset health to full and gain an Unblockable attack against the attacker that would have killed you.

Meaningless Fodder
-While outnumbered more than 2 to 1, all opposing damage increases become damage decreases.

Master Skill
-Sacrifice 3 actions to negate an opponent's action.

Adaptive Armour
Level 20
-Increase Maximum Health and Base Resilience
-Take 90% less damage from each Affinity that attacked you during the previous turn, separately.

(Forsaken God) Magical Girl Stygian Sovereign


Health: 4,329
Base Damage: 3,000
Base Resilience: 1,625
Magic Modifier: 500

Affinity: Death | End | Myth

Gravekeeper's Claw
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Death | Myth
Ability: Kingdom | Mana Steal | Karma

Malevolent Stream
Infest your surroundings with a miasma of death and disease, centered around you
Level 15
Base Damage: 2,250
Magic Modifier: 750
Affinity: End | Myth
Ability: Collateral Damage | Poison | Disintegrate | Murder | Sudden Death

Curse of the Fallen
-Instead of adding the modifier roll to your regular attacks, summon a Restless Specter for each point of it

No Rest For the Wicked
-Instantly revive upon death for as long as Restless Specters or Stygian Beasts are on the field.

Reaper's Visit
-You have Initiative on the first turn of combat outside of surprise attacks.

Corpse Sense
Level 10
-Stygian Sovereign can sense cadavers of anything that died within the last seven days over 1.0km.

Level 13
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 120mph

High-Speed Combat (lvl 2)
-Capable of tracking targets moving at up to 180mph

Burial Dress
Level 13
-Increase Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Stygian Sovereign) Restless Specter


Health: 500
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Death

Ethereal Body
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Death
Ability: Auto-Grapple

Cursed Existence
-Restless Specter disintegrates once the battle ends

-Immune to physical damage, takes 50% less damage from magical sources.

-Any number of Restless Specters may Grapple the same opponent; multiply damage dealt by their number.
-10,000 Restless Specters may combine into a Stygian Beast

Targeted Horror
-Restless Specter is created from an attack; it has Priority over the target of this attack, but goes last otherwise. Damage negation from this one target is ignored by Restless Specter.

(Stygian Sovereign) Stygian Beast


Health: 50,000
Base Damage: 5,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Death | Epic

Level 50
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Death
Ability: Capitalize | Juggernaut | Superslayer

Elite Guard
-Stygian Beast may teleport to Stygian Sovereign's position whenever she calls it.

-Immune to physical damage, takes 50% less damage from magical sources.

Hard to Kill
-Immune to Auto Kill effects; if Total End Damage is higher than 99% of your Maximum Health, reduce it by 99%

Flight (Boosted)
Level 20
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 190mph; Stygian Beast may instantly gain and lose momentum in any direction.

High-Speed Combat (lvl 3)
-Capable of tracking targets moving at up to 270mph

(Forsaken God) Magical Girl Roaring Heaven

a.k.a. Holy Warrior / Madame RNG

Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 1,000
Base Resilience: 500
Magic Modifier: 400

Affinity: Holy | Echo | Fable

Heaven's Feel
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Holy | Fable
Ability: Judgement | Echo

Celestial Light
Level 12
Base Damage: 3,600
Magic Modifier: 2,400
Affinity: Holy
Ability: Heal | Echo

Heaven-Piercing Arrow
Level 25
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Holy | Fable
Ability: Rain of Light | Unerring | Echo

Chosen of Fate
-The first two failed activations of Echo in any one sequence are counted as successful activations.

Mighty Recursion
-Multiply defensive and offensive results by the number of their successful Echo-activations.

The Golden Gate's Shadow
-Your defensive strings can activate Echo.

Eye of God
-Spend one action per turn to discover a section of a target's Character Sheet.

Judgement Day
-All opponents on the field take their own Magic Modifier in damage each turn.

Embrace of Divinity
Level 20
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience
-Up to three times per battle, if you were to die, instead survive with 1 Health.

(Stygian Sovereign) Magical Girl Nightmare Guard



Health: 1,400
Base Damage: 400
Base Resilience: 350
Magic Modifier: 150

Affinity: Limitless | Dream | Fable

Hope (Sword)
Level 8
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Dream
Ability: Double Hit

Dreams (Shield)
Level 6
Attacks per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Dream
Ability: Indestructible | Auto Counter

Dream Come True
The land of your dreams is vast; call one of its inhabitants to your side and empower them, so that they may be of aid to you.
Level 12
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 120,000
Affinity: Limitless
Ability: Channel | Summoning

Realm of Dreams
Invite those around you into your world.
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Limitless | Dream | Fable
Ability: Limitless | World Sphere

Defensive Bulwark
Level 8
-After intercepting an attack with Dreams, multiply damage reduction by the level of this Ability

Greater Defense
-Armour Pierce and its derivates count as one tier lower when used against you

Brave Dreamer
-While within the Realm of Dreams, all stats are increased to 1000% of their regular values

Dream-like Skill
-Sacrifice two actions to negate an enemy's action. While within the Realm of Dreams, only one actions needs to be sacrificed.

Inhuman Agility
-Nightmare Guard can perform feats of agility that beggar belief

Additional Layers
Level 7
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Stygian Sovereign) Magical Girl Chitin Star


Health: 1,200
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 160
Magic Modifier: 125

Affinity: Decay | Horror | Story

The Swarm
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Decay
Ability: Unerring | Ray | Drain

Five Hundred Voices
Release modulated screeching in countless pitches
Level 10
Base Damage: 800
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Decay | Horror
Ability: Omnipresent | Detonate | Terror

A Swarm Without Numbers
-Multiply ApT with the amount of enemies on the field

Army of Critters
-The Swarm is immune to weapon-breaking effects

No Longer Human
-Reduce Total End Damage by 50% and ignore body damage modifiers

Eyes in The Sky
Level 4
-Keep an area of 20m around herself under observation at all times; can not be surprised from within that area

Hardened Exoskeleton
Level 4
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience
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"The Platinum Throne" by LostDeviljho
So since Naron doesn't seem to be sharing them himself, and I think they're cool, here's the America faction none of you ever met. :V

First, her "public" sheet that would be posted in the thread:
(The Platinum Throne) Magical Girl Platinum Throne

Samantha MacArthur


Health: 4,200
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 1,400
Magic Modifier: 2,000

Affinity: Light | Rule | Myth

Heaven Peircer
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Light
Ability: Indestructible | Armor Peirce | Critical Strike

Meteor Rush
Level 9
Base Damage: 4,600
Magic Modifier: 900
Affinity: Rule
Ability: Juggernaut | Hypersonic 1 | Collateral Damage

The Mantle of Leadership: Level 7
-Controls Health and Resilience. Grants immunity to Body Modifiers and Status Effects.

Inhuman Skill
-Sacrifice two moves to negate an opponent's move.

High-Speed Combat (lv1)
-Platinum Throne is able to track objects moving at up to 90mph.

Divine Might

-Physical damage dealt is increased by 99%, and physical damage taken is reduced by 99%.

The Pillars Support the Throne

-If Magic Modifier roll is less than 30% of the maximum possible, roll again. If Modifier roll is 50% or higher, double damage and treat attack as having Unreal Strength. This ability is Recursive.

A fairly solid Myth but ultimately not all that impressive compared to some.

Then we have her full-power sheet:
(The Platinum Throne) Magical Girl Platinum Throne

Samantha MacArthur


Health: 21,000
Base Damage: 16,000
Base Resilience: 7,000
Magic Modifier: 8,000

Affinity: Light | Rule | Legend

Heaven Peircer

"Full power" form at top, "sealed" form below.
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Light | Rule | Legend
Ability: Indestructible | Armor Peirce | Catastrophic Damage | Kingdom | Smite | Ray

Meteor Rush
Level 18
Base Damage: 18,000
Magic Modifier: 4
Affinity: Light | Rule | Legend
Ability: Juggernaut | Hypersonic 2 | Apocalypse | Supremacy

The Mantle of Leadership: Level 14
-Controls Health and Resilience. Grants immunity to Body Modifiers and Status Effects.

Inhuman Skill
-Sacrifice two moves to negate an opponent's move.

High-Speed Combat (lv2)
-Platinum Throne is able to track objects moving at up to 180mph.

Divine Might

-Physical damage dealt is increased by 99%, and physical damage taken is reduced by 99%.

The Pillars Support the Throne
-Magical Girl Platinum Throne may divide her power and grant it to others, weakening herself in exchange for empowering another. Through practice, she has developed a lesser application of this ability that allows her to share her own powers and abilities with another with no power loss, but only while physical contact is maintained.

Flight: Level 16
-Magical Girl Platinum Throne may fly at up to 150 MPH.

Manaforce Overdrive
-If Magic Modifier roll is equal to or less than 50% of the maximum possible, reroll. If Modifier roll is 70% or higher, multiply attack's damage by 5 and treat as having Godlike Strength. This ability is Recursive.

-If Magic Modifier is higher than 50% of its maximum, grant the attack Armor Pierce, or upgrade to the next level. If Magic Modifier is greater than 75% of maximum, roll again and combine with previous roll(s). This ability is Recursive.

Edict of the Throne
-Magical Girl Platinum Throne's Total End Damage dealt may not be reduced by any means, nor may her Base Damage or Magic Modifier be interfered with.

Using The Pillars in its full capacity basically halves her levels and bumps her down a growth affinity, in exchange for allowing her to empower MG-level minions. The lesser capacity is what she uses to make her horse able to fly and stuff when she needs to.
Also her lance gains Ray because it can now shoot lasers ala Nepgear's Purifier Beam, but I didn't think that merited an explicit personal ability.

Meteor Rush is basically charging really fast at (and more often than not, through) the target. Full power mode it's basically her Noble Phantasm from the game, in reduced mode it's basically a lance charge from Monster Hunter, if you're familiar with that franchise.

(The Platinum Throne) Sir Terrence Walsh

Terrence Henry Walsh


Health: 2000
Base Damage: 1100
Base Resilience: 1000
Magic Modifier: 1000

Affinity: Wind | Music | Myth

Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Wind | Music
Ability: Unerring | Undodgeable

Level 10
Base Damage: 1500
Magic Modifier: 1000
Affinity: Wind | Music | Myth
Ability: Rain of Light | Murder

Music in my Blood: Level 10
-Controls Health and Resilience

Harmonious Blessing
-Spells actualized via the Harpsichordion benefit from its abilities.

Listen to the Wind: Level 12
-Terrence can maintain an accurate echo-map of the entire area within 6 miles

Things that aren't on the sheet:
  • Harpsichordion works by agitating the air around a target to form blades of sound that cut them. It's undodgeable because you can't really dodge the atmosphere.
    • Harpsichordion doesn't actually have a range limit, other than than knowing where the target is.
  • Terrence is actually legally blind and very reliant on Listen to the Wind, which is why he spends most of his time with his eyes closed. Being legally blind rather than totally blind, he technically can see, but it's basically just a big color soup without any distinct shapes within.
    • Listen to the Wind actually springs from an ability he had before being empowered that let him function off of hearing rather than sight. The magic just made it way better. Up close it's accurate enough to distinguish facial expressions, which is something he had to do without for most of his life.
His "thing" is basically being an uber sniper.

(The Platinum Throne) Sir Anthony

Anthony Dumont


Health: 5,000
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 1,250
Magic Modifier: 2,000

Affinity: Sword | Skill | Myth

Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3 +2 every 5th level
Affinities: Sword
Ability: Modifier Save

Lakewater Overload
-Sword beam!
Level 10
Base Damage: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 15 +1 every level
Affinity: Myth
Ability: Boost by Modifier

Knight's Prowess: Level 10
-Controls Health and Resilience.

High-Speed Combat (lv1)
-Anthony is able to track objects moving at up to 90mph.

Transcendent Skill
-Expend two attacks to negate an enemy attack or spell.

Saint of Blades
-Double stats in melee combat, and halve action cost for Skill variants in melee.

Blessing of the Fey

-Temporarily double any one base stat at will.

Zero Overload
-May combine Lakewater Overload with a basic attack, removing ranged capability but treating it as if it had the Brutal Cartridge ability in exchange.

Pillar of The Throne
-Serving in fealty to his ruler, Sir Anthony was granted a piece of her power to rise beyond mortal ken. It may be revoked at any time and return to Magical Girl Platinum Throne.

  • Zero Overload renders out similarly to Double Hit in the math, but instead of two identical offensive strings, it's the attack's string and the spell's string.
  • Blessing of the Fey can't target affect his spell's stats, but Saint of Blades can. He's not fun to fight in melee.

(The Platinum Throne) Sir Gavin

Gavin Poole


Health: 6000
Base Damage: 2000
Base Resilience: 2000
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Invincible | Sun| Myth

Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 4 (+1 every level)
Affinities: Invincible
Ability: Laser

Solar Firmament
-Walking on the Sun is actually highly inadvisable. Case in point.
Level 10
Base Damage: 20,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Sun
Ability: Omnipresent | Collateral Damage | Melt

Resolution of the Unconquered: Level 10
-Controls Health and Resilience. Reduce End Damage by 1% per level.

Blessing of the Sun
-During daylight hours, Sir Gavin is indestructible and cannot be damaged by any means.

Pillar of The Throne
-Serving in fealty to his ruler, Sir Gavin was granted a piece of her power to rise beyond mortal ken. It may be revoked at any time and return to Magical Girl Platinum Throne.

  • Sunshard has laser because he pours magic into it, it glows, and then it hurts more when he hits people. It also basically guzzles his magic as fuel, so that's why he has no MM.
  • He's very reliant on his Sundowner memes to be effective, because while it makes him a godlike tank during the day, that's really all he does.
    • Made it a super ability to properly get across how much of a "no, actually, fuck you" defense it is. The only things that should be able to cut through it are Sudden Death and Platinum Throne withdrawing her empowerment.
  • He never, ever uses Solar Firmament, because his job it to protect people, not incinerate them accidentally. That spell is not friendly to the environment or anyone in said environment.

(The Platinum Throne) Dame Martha

Martha MacArthur
Magical Girl Apocalypse Sovereign


Health: 3000
Base Damage: 3000
Base Resilience: 1000
Magic Modifier: 2000

Affinity: Conquest | Ruin | Myth

Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3 (+1 every 5th level)
Affinities: Conquest | Ruin
Ability: Batter | Crush

Mode: RED
Level 5
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Conquest | Ruin
Ability: Boost Self | Stack by Level | Double Cast

Shadow of Defeat
Level 10
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinity: Ruin | Myth
Ability: Channel | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | Boost By Modifier | One Shot

Hellcraft Plate: Level 10
-Controls Health and Resilience.

The Enigma Factor

-Enemies cannot discern or retain information about Dame Martha so long as her armor remains intact.

Blessing of Malevolence
-Every time Martha makes a Magic Modifier roll, apply a Murder debuff to all enemies using the result as the damage dealt.

The Walls Come Crumbling Down

-Every time an attack lands, reduce target's Base Resilience by 10%. Environmental objects may be destroyed trivially.

Pillar of The Throne
-Serving in fealty to her ruler, Dame Martha was granted a piece of her power to rise beyond mortal ken. It may be revoked at any time and return to Magical Girl Platinum Throne.

  • Samantha's little sister and the second person she empowered.
  • Martha would be a Magical Girl in her own right if it weren't for Sam's powers filling that "slot".
  • You may think Shadow of Defeat is a tad underwhelming for a One Shot spell, but I direct you to Mode: RED and the fact that it stacks on itself. Including the stacks of Double Cast.

(The Platinum Throne) Sir Samuel

Samuel MacArthur


Health: 3,750
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 1,000

Affinity: Light | Rule | Myth

Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3 (+1 every 5th level)
Affinities: Light | Rule
Ability: Mode Shift | Juggernaut (Heavy Blade) | Judgement (Golden Blade)

Sword of Morning
Level 1
Base Damage: Target Health x Level
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Light | Myth
Ability: Scale to Target | Collateral Damage

Heavencraft Plate: Level 10
-Controls Health and Resilience.

Blessing of Victory
-Opposing abilities with a conditional trigger will read whatever result is most beneficial to Samuel.

Pillar of The Throne
-Serving in fealty to his ruler, Sir Samuel was granted a piece of her power to rise beyond mortal ken. It may be revoked at any time and return to Magical Girl Platinum Throne.

-In the event that Magical Girl Platinum Throne were to die without retracting the power granted to Sir Samuel, he would retain the powers granted to him permanently.

  • Sam's brother, the first person she empowered with Pillars.
  • Sword of Morning is locked behind activation of Regent, if you wondered.