La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

Parlez-vous français?

  • Oui, je parle très bien français!

    Votes: 162 14.3%
  • Un peu.

    Votes: 188 16.6%
  • What? Francis? Nope.

    Votes: 330 29.1%
  • What? Oh, don't be silly, my dear!

    Votes: 161 14.2%
  • ¿El español es lo suficientemente bueno?

    Votes: 86 7.6%
  • Ich verstehe dich irgendwie.

    Votes: 64 5.6%
  • Я очень хорошо говорю по-русски.

    Votes: 64 5.6%
  • 我听不懂。

    Votes: 35 3.1%
  • 何を言っているのですか?

    Votes: 28 2.5%
  • nuqneH pa'!

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • فرانسه بلدنستم

    Votes: 7 0.6%

  • Total voters
Nah I'm sure we'll be fine. I mean, just how much work could an Empress/general/inspector-general/soon-to-be-mother possibly be. :)
Looks at some of the... other things.

Well... After you give birth, you will lose a ton of actions.

I mean, I'm not saying you will die... But depending on how hard the birth is... well. Actions will be lost.
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Well, I guess it is up to you guys as to how busy you want us to be, more time in the office less time on the front.

Also, do we know how the Church situation went? Are we still Excommunicated?
1795 Q4 Rumor Mill: I don't want to set the World on Fire.
1795 Q4 Rumor Mill: I don't want to set the World on Fire.

Disaster Roll: 72

The Revolutionary republicans who were loyal to Robespierre have went underground or have fled to other nations, fleeing the backlash from many of them being arrested, imprisoned or executed for Treason.

Many more, who were only scared of being executed themselves, and seeing the mercy Napoleon and his empress have given them…

Have pledged allegiance to the new Master of France. One whom, in all likelihood, is the only one who can save it.

Reward: France is behind Napoleon, yet the seeds of Rebellion and Revolution are planted.

Heroes need to choose what side they will stand on, when it finally happens.

But for now. One France, One Republic… One Goal.


Napoleon: 48+20=68 Fate interdiction Reroll: 53+20=73

In a brilliant campaign, Napoleon has struck back on the Northern and Rhine Front.

He is fighting back hard, greeting his many enemies with fire and steel… With many of his enemies retreating back to their territories.

Reward: Napoleon has arrived.

The Austrians and the Prussians are in for an ass-kicking that they will not see coming.
Brian: 63

For one Brian Auclair, he can only witness and help his Emperor meet the enemies in the Defense of France.

And that is all he can do.

Reward: Brian does his best… and seems to be doing okay.
Army of France: 89

The Army of France has saved Jordan's position on the Rhine River, and is poised to Attack Hanover and the Prussian Heartlands.

Reward: Napoleon is going on the Offensive…

(and in the background, you can hear the Panic at Austrian Headquarters.)
Army of Italy:37

The Army of Italy is Trapped in Genoa, their only hope being… General Davout and II Corps.

Reward: See the Army of Naples Results.
The Army of the Rhine: 51

Jourdan and his army have been rescued by the Emperor…

They are still maintaining their position at the Rhine River, to Recover and to Prepare a Second, Joint offensive south, towards Switzerland.

Reward: The Army of the Rhine has been saved, but will need a few months to recover and attempt an offensive.
Army of the East: 99+22=121

Jean Lannes is having the time of his life. The Organization brought to him by the Corps systems allows him to itemize several objectives at once, keep the roads clear, and to keep his commanders in constant lines of communications.

General Dumas, being the aggressive general he is, was happy that his new commander was not letting… personal problems with his skin color affect his ability to command, and both men have struck up a friendship… a friendship that was cemented at the battle of Bruges.

An Austrian attack sought to ambush them, but thanks to the Organization of the Army of the East, and the veteran troops forged in fighting at odds considered impossible, were victorious, routing the Joint Austrian and Prussian Force.

A Great Victory.

And soon, The Batavian Republic would be Free.

Reward: Lannes is now friends with General Dumas.

And they have partially achieved their objective in attacking the Batavian Republic, and are in the process of liberating it.

Austrian forces are in retreat.
Army of Naples: 98+65=163

The Army of Naples, II Corps, has arrived on the Flank of the Austrian Army of Italy.

And they battled for saving the Army of Italy, along with securing the gains made in the last war against Austria.

It was a heroic victory outside of Genoa. The Army of Italy was saved… General Massena, wounded, but alive, proclaimed Davout "The Hannibal of the French!"

And, A few key members of the Army… are sent into the Fray.
Davout: 41

General Davout chose to lead from the rear, and made his other commanders do the more… dirty work, while he organized the breaking of the siege lines, and attacking their artillery.

Reward: Davout didn't do anything special... but he led well.

Severin: 27
Severin Survival Roll: 74

Severin leads a full-frontal charge at the Enemy infantry lines, expecting his morale and his steel infantry to kick some ass.

And while he was shot in the face, and got nearly exploded by a cannonball, he is still whole, and the medics say he will make a full recovery in six months.

Reward: Severin has been wounded, and will need 6 months to recover. He has been proclaimed a hero by the Army of Italy and is resting in Genoa until he can return to France.

Berthier: 17

Berthier Survival Roll: 97+69=166

General Berthier was a… Staff officer, he was not a field commander.

But his charge and leading the artillery have made many men feel… happy that he was just a staff officer.

He was shot from his horse, had a few fingers broken, and sent to the Rear for treatment.

Reward: A Taste of Glory… and a reminder of where his true skills lie.

Not on the battlefield, but in the Staff work.
Murat: 97+66=163

The same could not be said, however, to the Knight of the Army. He was dashing, charismatic to his men, and achieved with only 5,000 cavalrymen, which many kings required in the tens of thousands.

He led a daring attack into the Enemy lines, leading the Dragoons and Lancers alike with only his sword and hat, bullets whizzing past him and his men like they were immortal heroes of Old.

And crashed into the Enemy lines at all directions, capturing enemy officers, cannons and forcing the entire army into impossible situations.

By the End of the Day, He was Proclaimed. "The First Knight of France!"

Reward: Murat now has 25 Cavalry skills.

Gains Trait: The First Knight of France: This man is the Greatest Cavalryman in France, one of the finest in the World. (+10 to all cavalry rolls, Unknown Effect)

Murats Ego knows no bounds now.

Severin is now… begrudgingly respecting the Dandy man… much to his horror.
Louis: 100+33=133

The Former Prince, now Ensign of the French Army, disobeyed orders again.

This time, however, he led the Vanguard…

And these men who followed him, including a few young boys who were adopted or brought by their father's to war.

And he took the rifles and decimated an entire division attacking the hill they were on.

When they were out of ammunition, the Boy then fixed his bayonet and charged down the hill with all the courage of the ancient past.

Cowards did not lead armies. Men did.

But For Louis Charles Capet, he was neither. He was a Frenchman, a Prince, A King to some… A Boy, an Orphan, and a son.

He was a boy wishing to die. To see that he died being a hero, for his country.

Instead, he lived. To see his glory… to see his friends, and most of all, to be seen not as Royalty.

He was seen as a Hero. Someone with bravery, to fight and die to save his fellow man.

Reward: Louis is no longer suicidal.

He has embraced his new life as a soldier… and wishes to disassociate his identity from his previous life… to become a New Man.

He wishes to be adopted by you.
Army of Spain: 24

Continued problems within the Communications and supply lines have made the Army lose any momentum they may have had in Northern Spain, with Desertion becoming a very big issue.

Reward: Spain is turning into a hellhole. The momentum of the early invasion, with the disease, bandits, and just a lack of supplies have made the entire campaign slow to a slog.

They are asking for reinforcements, but at seeing something very interesting.

The Army is completely gone, their warehouses stocked, but the people are not taking up arms against them but fighting Each other.

And the Rumors that The entire peninsula has been abandoned by the Spanish Forces, making the entire region exploded into Civil War.
Prussia: 42

The Prussian Army is in a holding pattern.

They cannot expose their positions without opening up their flanks to Napoleon or Jourdan.

But they can just not attack, or risk Prussian Soil being destroyed.

Reward: Prussia is in an impossible situation that they cant fight their way out.

They have few options.
Austria: 30

The Austrians have Battled the French once before, but they are lacking in many things that would make them formidable. They are in low Morale, with their equipment being second rate and lacking Cannons, they are timid in both Morale and Fighting Spirit.

Archduke Charles has criticized his Emperor, telling him that the Austrian Army cannot handle more defeats or there would be a general revolt against him.

The Cash loans were needed to heal the economy. And while they wanted Revenge against the French, they wanted a battle they could win first.

Reward: The Austrians Really don't want to be in this war at all but are fighting for that sweet British Silver.

The Situation with Austria is falling apart. But they soldier on because if they fail... The emperor may lose his crown to a relative.
GB: 43

They only hoped that their Plans in the Second Coalition would bear fruit.

Reward: The Plans begin.
The Royal Navy (Hunting the French Fleet): 31

The Royal Navy has failed to Find the Rest of the French Fleet in the Atlantic.

Reward: They find nothing to sate their bloodlust.

In fact, they fear that the French Navy has reorganized.

*OOC: Serre… How is the Position Admiral sounding?"
The Royal Navy (The Caribbean): 95+74=169

The Royal Navy has sunk every Haitian Ship in The Region, and taken many American merchant vessels wholesale… Conscripting the officers and seamen alike into the Royal Navy, under pain of execution.

A few ships refused the offer.

They were murdered, with all hands.

Reward: The Royal Navy controls the Caribbean without exception. They are strangling international trade and are invading Territory all over the Caribbean.

There are even reports of Crews being sold to Ottoman Pirates and Slaveers... into Slavery.
The Royal Navy (Vs America):58
American Navy Survival Roll: 85

Thanks to the Daring of the Newly Christened USS Constitution leading its Flotilla out of Danger of the Norfolk Squadron in the Canadian Providence. "Old Ironsides' ' Dueled a 60 Gun British Man of War taking a full-on broadside and having many of the cannonballs bounce off her hull.

Men said she was made of Iron.

Then a Golden BB struck the Magazine… and blew the man of war up.

Reward: Old Ironsides vs the British Navy FIGHT!!

The USS Constitution Wins… Flawless Victory.

The US Navy has survived and is now leading a mission to rescue Captured American Ireland of all places.

They are going to ask… politely. And if not… John Paul Jones is a pirate as the Brits say. And the Navy he created is better than him.
Russia: 69

They have reached the Austrian Border, as the Minor reforms made by the Tsar have stabilized his regime. For Now.

Reward: Russia is Coming!!
Haiti: 92

Hati, knowing the Dangers of being an Island Nation against the Might of the British Navy, prepare to turn their home into a deathtrap for the Redcoats of The English.

Prepared Earthen Hillforts, Forts with cannons and the prepared.

They would not be slaves again.

Reward: Hati is now a Death Trap for anyone fighting a conventional war.

Welcome to the Sugar fields motherfuckers.

United States of America: 73

The United States of America has sent two strong messages to the British Nation, that have killed hundreds of their sailors, and conscripted thousands more.

If they did not cease their hostile actions against the United States, and their vessels, there would be a complete embargo on British goods and an ending of Relations with the British.

Claims to Canada would not be recognized.

"The British Empire has ceased to be a nation that can be trusted to act in good faith, seeing as they believe themselves the greatest power in the world. They are not. We the people of the United States refuse to be bullied by this Tyranny. If we must go to war to defend our Right to exist when they believe we are still subjects of the British crown… So be it."
-Thomas Jefferson, to a Joint Session to Congress.

Reward: Britain might awaken The Beast in America.

They are afraid they are stretched thin.

The USA Is Preparing for a Total War against the British in North America, and plans to invade Canada with Native Indian Allies who had their treaties broken by the British Empire.
Spain: 5

Spain has been Abandoned by the House of Bourbon and its Court, leaving the Nation in Total Chaos as regional Governments fight for control of the Spanish Government.

Regional peoples, now free from the Spanish Crown, fight for their independence.

Reward: Where in the World is the house of Bourbon?! Also Spanish Civil War 0 FIGHT!
New Spain: 96+99+22= 217 + +

The Monarchs arrived in New Spain with an army, a Navy, and a mission.

To tame New Spain, and their colonial possessions, and build a new home there worthy of their Royal Status. Europe is undeniable and unstable, with the British trying to destroy the World's Navy's so that they may be the sole naval power in the world that matters.

King Charles, now King of New Spain, set about a complete restructuring of the entire Colony, making it into something that would be worthy of his Crown.

Rebels are put to death brutally, Infrastructure, long rotting, was overhauled with Gold, and investments from the Old Elite, now New Elite of the Structure, corruption was rooted out with fire and sword, and old racial laws that restricted the lower classes were put to an end, for the simple fact that there was a need for new blood, and new Dukes and counts.

His Empire was too big to be restricted to the Old Families. He would need new ones.

And news from Chile and Venezuela with news of new farming technologies and silver and gold reserves… would provide everything it would need to build a New Order.

Reward: The House of Bourbon has abandoned Spain, Taken up Residence in Mexico… Then they purged the Hell out of the Old order, replaced it with their own…

Then start a massive reform program to make the empire survive.

But with the new farming techniques and technologies they have brought over and invented, plus a Chilean Gold Rush?

They might have a chance.

AN: And that's the timeline becoming absolutely worthless.

Prepare for some True Alternate history.

Also no casulty figures unfortunately... Otherwise I would be working on this for another two hours.
Spain: 5
Spain has been Abandoned by the House of Bourbon and its Court, leaving the Nation in Total Chaos as regional Governments fight for control of the Spanish Government.

Regional peoples, now free from the Spanish Crown, fight for their independence.

Reward: Where in the World is the house of Bourbon?! Also Spanish Civil War 0 FIGHT!
Well I think we can just pull out of Spain and just support one of the rebel groups instead. We need not another Peninsula War.
Disaster Roll: 72
The Revolutionary republicans who were loyal to Robespierre have went underground or have fled to other nations, fleeing the backlash from many of them being arrested, imprisoned or executed for Treason.

Many more, who were only scared of being executed themselves, and seeing the mercy Napoleon and his empress have given them…

Have pledged allegiance to the new Master of France. One whom, in all likelihood, is the only one who can save it.

Reward: France is behind Napoleon, yet the seeds of Rebellion and Revolution are planted.

Heroes need to choose what side they will stand on, when it finally happens.

But for now. One France, One Republic… One Goal.

Just to be clear, Higher is better for the Disaster Roll in this Quest, right?

At any rate...this is somewhat annoying, but not unexpected. I suppose we'll face a Shadow War against Robby and his Supporters sooner or later. Good thing we're pretty good at Subterfuge.

Napoleon: 48+20=68 Fate interdiction Reroll: 53+20=73

In a brilliant campaign, Napoleon has struck back on the Northern and Rhine Front.

He is fighting back hard, greeting his many enemies with fire and steel… With many of his enemies retreating back to their territories.

Reward: Napoleon has arrived.

The Austrians and the Prussians are in for an ass-kicking that they will not see coming.
Brian: 63
For one Brian Auclair, he can only witness and help his Emperor meet the enemies in the Defense of France.

And that is all he can do.

Reward: Brian does his best… and seems to be doing okay.
Army of France: 89
The Army of France has saved Jordan's position on the Rhine River, and is poised to Attack Hanover and the Prussian Heartlands.

Reward: Napoleon is going on the Offensive…

(and in the background, you can hear the Panic at Austrian Headquarters.)
Aw hell yeah, our Hubby and our Brother are kicking ass and taking names! Prepare for Humiliation, Austria and Prussia!

Army of Italy:37
The Army of Italy is Trapped in Genoa, their only hope being… General Davout and II Corps.

Reward: See the Army of Naples Results.
The Army of the Rhine: 51
Jourdan and his army have been rescued by the Emperor…

They are still maintaining their position at the Rhine River, to Recover and to Prepare a Second, Joint offensive south, towards Switzerland.

Reward: The Army of the Rhine has been saved, but will need a few months to recover and attempt an offensive.
Hm...not good. Still, we-

Army of the East: 99+22=121

Jean Lannes is having the time of his life. The Organization brought to him by the Corps systems allows him to itemize several objectives at once, keep the roads clear, and to keep his commanders in constant lines of communications.

General Dumas, being the aggressive general he is, was happy that his new commander was not letting… personal problems with his skin color affect his ability to command, and both men have struck up a friendship… a friendship that was cemented at the battle of Bruges.

An Austrian attack sought to ambush them, but thanks to the Organization of the Army of the East, and the veteran troops forged in fighting at odds considered impossible, were victorious, routing the Joint Austrian and Prussian Force.

A Great Victory.

And soon, The Batavian Republic would be Free.

Reward: Lannes is now friends with General Dumas.

And they have partially achieved their objective in attacking the Batavian Republic, and are in the process of liberating it.

Austrian forces are in retreat.
Army of Naples: 98+65=163

The Army of Naples, II Corps, has arrived on the Flank of the Austrian Army of Italy.

And they battled for saving the Army of Italy, along with securing the gains made in the last war against Austria.

It was a heroic victory outside of Genoa. The Army of Italy was saved… General Massena, wounded, but alive, proclaimed Davout "The Hannibal of the French!"

And, A few key members of the Army… are sent into the Fray.

Lannes and Davout, you ABSOLUTE MADLADS!!!

The two best OTL-Marshals are showing why they are awesome!

Severin: 27 Severin Survival Roll: 74
Severin leads a full-frontal charge at the Enemy infantry lines, expecting his morale and his steel infantry to kick some ass.

And while he was shot in the face, and got nearly exploded by a cannonball, he is still whole, and the medics say he will make a full recovery in six months.

Reward: Severin has been wounded, and will need 6 months to recover. He has been proclaimed a hero by the Army of Italy and is resting in Genoa until he can return to France.

Berthier: 17

Berthier Survival Roll: 97+69=166

General Berthier was a… Staff officer, he was not a field commander.

But his charge and leading the artillery have made many men feel… happy that he was just a staff officer.

He was shot from his horse, had a few fingers broken, and sent to the Rear for treatment.

Reward: A Taste of Glory… and a reminder of where his true skills lie.

Not on the battlefield, but in the Staff work.
You did good and I'm glad you survived. Have a speedy and healthy Recovery, you two!

Murat: 97+66=163
The same could not be said, however, to the Knight of the Army. He was dashing, charismatic to his men, and achieved with only 5,000 cavalrymen, which many kings required in the tens of thousands.

He led a daring attack into the Enemy lines, leading the Dragoons and Lancers alike with only his sword and hat, bullets whizzing past him and his men like they were immortal heroes of Old.

And crashed into the Enemy lines at all directions, capturing enemy officers, cannons and forcing the entire army into impossible situations.

By the End of the Day, He was Proclaimed. "The First Knight of France!"

Reward: Murat now has 25 Cavalry skills.

Gains Trait: The First Knight of France: This man is the Greatest Cavalryman in France, one of the finest in the World. (+10 to all cavalry rolls, Unknown Effect)

Murats Ego knows no bounds now.

Severin is now… begrudgingly respecting the Dandy man… much to his horror.

Murat: "Haha Horses go BRRRRR!!"

Louis: 100+33=133
The Former Prince, now Ensign of the French Army, disobeyed orders again.

This time, however, he led the Vanguard…

And these men who followed him, including a few young boys who were adopted or brought by their father's to war.

And he took the rifles and decimated an entire division attacking the hill they were on.

When they were out of ammunition, the Boy then fixed his bayonet and charged down the hill with all the courage of the ancient past.

Cowards did not lead armies. Men did.

But For Louis Charles Capet, he was neither. He was a Frenchman, a Prince, A King to some… A Boy, an Orphan, and a son.

He was a boy wishing to die. To see that he died being a hero, for his country.

Instead, he lived. To see his glory… to see his friends, and most of all, to be seen not as Royalty.

He was seen as a Hero. Someone with bravery, to fight and die to save his fellow man.

Reward: Louis is no longer suicidal.

He has embraced his new life as a soldier… and wishes to disassociate his identity from his previous life… to become a New Man.

He wishes to be adopted by you.
...I wish to hug this boy and never let him go. He is our precious Kid and he makes me SO proud!

As far as I'm concerned, you are already adopted, Louis! Now we just need to fill out the Papers to make it official!

Army of Spain: 24
Continued problems within the Communications and supply lines have made the Army lose any momentum they may have had in Northern Spain, with Desertion becoming a very big issue.

Reward: Spain is turning into a hellhole. The momentum of the early invasion, with the disease, bandits, and just a lack of supplies have made the entire campaign slow to a slog.

They are asking for reinforcements, but at seeing something very interesting.

The Army is completely gone, their warehouses stocked, but the people are not taking up arms against them but fighting Each other.

And the Rumors that The entire peninsula has been abandoned by the Spanish Forces, making the entire region exploded into Civil War.
Oh boy...I hope we can still salvage this.

Prussia: 42
The Prussian Army is in a holding pattern.

They cannot expose their positions without opening up their flanks to Napoleon or Jourdan.

But they can just not attack, or risk Prussian Soil being destroyed.

Reward: Prussia is in an impossible situation that they cant fight their way out.

They have few options.
Austria: 30
The Austrians have Battled the French once before, but they are lacking in many things that would make them formidable. They are in low Morale, with their equipment being second rate and lacking Cannons, they are timid in both Morale and Fighting Spirit.

Archduke Charles has criticized his Emperor, telling him that the Austrian Army cannot handle more defeats or there would be a general revolt against him.

The Cash loans were needed to heal the economy. And while they wanted Revenge against the French, they wanted a battle they could win first.

Reward: The Austrians Really don't want to be in this war at all but are fighting for that sweet British Silver.

The Situation with Austria is falling apart. But they soldier on because if they fail... The emperor may lose his crown to a relative.
Wow, it's ALMOST like going to War again so soon after such hard defeats last time around was a really dumb Idea!

Who'd have thought?

GB: 43
They only hoped that their Plans in the Second Coalition would bear fruit.

Reward: The Plans begin.
...Oh, this bodes POORLY.

The Royal Navy (Hunting the French Fleet): 31
The Royal Navy has failed to Find the Rest of the French Fleet in the Atlantic.

Reward: They find nothing to sate their bloodlust.

In fact, they fear that the French Navy has reorganized.

*OOC: Serre… How is the Position Admiral sounding?"
Well,, is our Fleet now safe and returns back to Port with the Civil War over?

All in all, that is pretty good for us-

The Royal Navy (The Caribbean): 95+74=169

The Royal Navy has sunk every Haitian Ship in The Region, and taken many American merchant vessels wholesale… Conscripting the officers and seamen alike into the Royal Navy, under pain of execution.

A few ships refused the offer.

They were murdered, with all hands.

Reward: The Royal Navy controls the Caribbean without exception. They are strangling international trade and are invading Territory all over the Caribbean.

There are even reports of Crews being sold to Ottoman Pirates and Slaveers... into Slavery.

Grrrr...just you wait, ONE DAY...!

The Royal Navy (Vs America):58
American Navy Survival Roll: 85
Thanks to the Daring of the Newly Christened USS Constitution leading its Flotilla out of Danger of the Norfolk Squadron in the Canadian Providence. "Old Ironsides' ' Dueled a 60 Gun British Man of War taking a full-on broadside and having many of the cannonballs bounce off her hull.

Men said she was made of Iron.

Then a Golden BB struck the Magazine… and blew the man of war up.

Reward: Old Ironsides vs the British Navy FIGHT!!

The USS Constitution Wins… Flawless Victory.

The US Navy has survived and is now leading a mission to rescue Captured American Ireland of all places.

They are going to ask… politely. And if not… John Paul Jones is a pirate as the Brits say. And the Navy he created is better than him.
...Huh. That day MIGHT come sooner then expected. Good Job, USA!

Russia: 69
They have reached the Austrian Border, as the Minor reforms made by the Tsar have stabilized his regime. For Now.

Reward: Russia is Coming!!
1. NICE.

2. Well, they only contributed about 30.000 men to the War and did not send Suvorov but Benningsen, so it could be worse. We still shouldn't underestimate them, but still.

Haiti: 92
Hati, knowing the Dangers of being an Island Nation against the Might of the British Navy, prepare to turn their home into a deathtrap for the Redcoats of The English.

Prepared Earthen Hillforts, Forts with cannons and the prepared.

They would not be slaves again.

Reward: Hati is now a Death Trap for anyone fighting a conventional war.

Welcome to the Sugar fields motherfuckers.
Haiti keeps rolling like friggin' Gods. I wish you all the luck in the World, you Madlads. Make those dastardly Brits pay with Yellow Fever and Bullets alike!

United States of America: 73

The United States of America has sent two strong messages to the British Nation, that have killed hundreds of their sailors, and conscripted thousands more.

If they did not cease their hostile actions against the United States, and their vessels, there would be a complete embargo on British goods and an ending of Relations with the British.

Claims to Canada would not be recognized.

"The British Empire has ceased to be a nation that can be trusted to act in good faith, seeing as they believe themselves the greatest power in the world. They are not. We the people of the United States refuse to be bullied by this Tyranny. If we must go to war to defend our Right to exist when they believe we are still subjects of the British crown… So be it."
-Thomas Jefferson, to a Joint Session to Congress.

Reward: Britain might awaken The Beast in America.

They are afraid they are stretched thin.

The USA Is Preparing for a Total War against the British in North America, and plans to invade Canada with Native Indian Allies who had their treaties broken by the British Empire.
Good luck, my Dudes. You're up against a Superpower, but with your Rolls lately, you JUST might pull it off.

Spain: 5
Spain has been Abandoned by the House of Bourbon and its Court, leaving the Nation in Total Chaos as regional Governments fight for control of the Spanish Government.

Regional peoples, now free from the Spanish Crown, fight for their independence.

Reward: Where in the World is the house of Bourbon?! Also Spanish Civil War 0 FIGHT!
New Spain: 96+99+22= 217 + +

The Monarchs arrived in New Spain with an army, a Navy, and a mission.

To tame New Spain, and their colonial possessions, and build a new home there worthy of their Royal Status. Europe is undeniable and unstable, with the British trying to destroy the World's Navy's so that they may be the sole naval power in the world that matters.

King Charles, now King of New Spain, set about a complete restructuring of the entire Colony, making it into something that would be worthy of his Crown.

Rebels are put to death brutally, Infrastructure, long rotting, was overhauled with Gold, and investments from the Old Elite, now New Elite of the Structure, corruption was rooted out with fire and sword, and old racial laws that restricted the lower classes were put to an end, for the simple fact that there was a need for new blood, and new Dukes and counts.

His Empire was too big to be restricted to the Old Families. He would need new ones.

And news from Chile and Venezuela with news of new farming technologies and silver and gold reserves… would provide everything it would need to build a New Order.

Reward: The House of Bourbon has abandoned Spain, Taken up Residence in Mexico… Then they purged the Hell out of the Old order, replaced it with their own…

Then start a massive reform program to make the empire survive.

But with the new farming techniques and technologies they have brought over and invented, plus a Chilean Gold Rush?

They might have a chance.
Well, well...let's see how this goes.

I kinda hope that Simon Bolivar (around 12 years old at the time of this Rumor Mill) still grows up with Revolutionary Ideas in his head and still makes his trip to Europe. I'd like to meet and maybe Tutor him. Who knows? He could be a great Ally if that happens and we play our Cards right.
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My, my, some very spicy rolls, including the former army of the Orient T-posing their way through Western Europe.

Holy cow. Well, we more or less wanted him to get out of his depression and adopt the kid. What he did was reckless and audacious... But between Thérèse, Napoleon and the army of the Orient, he's only emulated the role models he had, so we can't be too angry with him.

There are even reports of Crews being sold to Ottoman Pirates and Slaveers... into Slavery.
Yo, Royal Navy! Want to be declared hostis humanis generis?

Reward: Britain might awaken The Beast in America
America's speedrun is progressing well.

Welcome to the Sugar fields motherfuckers

Also, something Spanish isn't on fire in this quest. SoD broken.
Wasn't the new Spain rolls the joke roll you did for finding El darodo @Magoose? Also good for Louis but when we filled out the paperwork for his official adoption, he I said so grounded.
Well the British are having an interesting time. Not everything going to their plan.

Prussia is starting to realize that they can't really do anything and with the French armies on the move....Yeah if they lose another battle they might just ask for peace.

Austria is.... not in a good place. Losing battles again and men. Even revolt is being considered but the Emperor is still trying to win.....good luck with that.

Russia says they are coming but will they actually show up or even put much effort?

Spain is....interesting right now. If we want to take Spain we would need to send more men and/or get local support.

Our armies are doing great. Especially the armies with our system in place. Louis no longer wants to die which is very good and yes adoption is happening Louis.
The Spanish Monarchs have abandoned their responsibilities to their people and the nation has now plunged into Civil War, Pull our men back and let Spain tears itself apart. We will need them in our eastern fronts
Just to be clear, Higher is better for the Disaster Roll, right?

Yes it is.
Aw hell yeah, our Hubby and our Brother are kicking ass and taking names! Prepare for Humiliation, Austria and Prussia!
Well, hopefully he does not get wounded like our comrades.
Lannes and Davout, you ABSOLUTE MADLADS!!!

The two best OTL-Marshals are showing why they are awesome!
They are awesome. They just need some you know... independence from our Emperor to really shine as commanders.
You did good and I'm glad you survived. Have a speedy and healthy Recovery, you two!
Those two are braver than they ought to be.

Berthier by choice, Severin out of Necessity.

Murat: "Haha Horses go BRRRRR!!"
Murat is the first Knight of France.

He deserves to have an Ego now.
...I wish to hug this boy and never let him go. He is our precious Kid and he makes me SO proud!

You are adopted, Louis! Now we just need to fill out the Papers to make it official!
That boy deserves a happy ending. Perhaps in the end, when the wars are over, and he belives that his time to fight is over, he can become a teacher.
Oh boy...I hope we can still salvage this.
We can... possibly.

I think a more experience commander might be needed.
Wow, it's ALMOST like going to War again so soon after such hard defeats last time around was a really dumb Idea!

Who'd have thought?
Well Clearly the British did, because they invested shit loads of money in that.
Well,, is our Fleet now safe and returns back tomport with the Civil War over?
They still need to get home.

But they are safer.
Haiti keeps rolling like friggin' Gods. I wish you all the luck in the World, you Madlads. Make those dastardly Brits pay with Yellow Fever and Bullets alike!
The Brits will pay for every inch of Soil with Blood.
Good luck, my Dudes. You're up against a Superpower, but with your Rolls lately, you JUST might pull it off.
America might not need to fight. They might just pull a Switzerland. Neutrality, but fucking shit up whenever they get involved so they are left alone.

Or they just decide to manifest their destiny in the North, freeing their brethren from the vile tyrants of England.
Well, well...let's see how this goes.

I kinda hope that Simon Bolivar (around 12 years old at the time of this Rumor Mill) still grows up with Revolutionary Ideas in his head and still makes his trip to Europe. I'd like to meet and maybe Tutor him. Who knows? He could be a great Ally if that happens and we play our Cards right.
Perhaps he will... perhaps he won't We are in uncharted Territory now.
Yo, Royal Navy! Want to be declared hostis humanis generis?
If anyone is delcaring that, its the British, against us, because they still have the propaganda edge against us, and sway over much of Europe thanks to Robespierre escaping to spread trouble, and Napoleon kicking the Table in the Old order.
America's speedrun is progressing well.
INB4 War of 1796.
My, my, some very spicy rolls, including the former army of the Orient T-posing their way through Western Europe.
They T Pose Hard.
Wasn't the new Spain rolls the joke roll you did for finding El darodo @Magoose? Also good for Louis but when we filled out the paperwork for his official adoption, he I said so grounded.
Well... Cyber repurposed it because he thought it was hilarious for the SPanish to do something competent for this quest, by abandoning spain because even they don't want that shit hole they call a kingdom.
Well the British are having an interesting time. Not everything going to their plan.
But some of their plans are coming together.
Prussia is starting to realize that they can't really do anything and with the French armies on the move....Yeah if they lose another battle they might just ask for peace.
But Prussia is not out of it just yet.
Austria is.... not in a good place. Losing battles again and men. Even revolt is being considered but the Emperor is still trying to win.....good luck with that.
I mean, the Emperor has really no good options in his hands. He's... In a tough spot.
Russia says they are coming but will they actually show up or even put much effort?
That depends who shoots first. The Austrians or the French.
Spain is....interesting right now. If we want to take Spain we would need to send more men and/or get local support.
Welcome to a place that is so fucking bad that we need entire armies to hold it...

Welcome to Vietnam boys.
Our armies are doing great. Especially the armies with our system in place. Louis no longer wants to die which is very good and yes adoption is happening Louis.
The Spanish Monarchs have abandoned their responsibilities to their people and the nation has now plunged into Civil War, Pull our men back and let Spain tears itself apart.
Well lets try and do the Humane thing...

And by that I mean set up a safe zone in Northern Spain and let the nation burn.
America you beautiful sons of a b. They might be our way to get the British out of our backs. Haiti are fucking gods and I hope those madlads survive enough time for us to come and relieve them. Everything else is going mere or less as expected.

EDIT: Btw, what is Spain thinking of the British now that they moved to Mexico and the British are claiming the Caribbean? I don't think they are happy about it.
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EDIT: Btw, what is Spain thinking of the British now that they moved to Mexico and the British are claiming the Caribbean? I don't think they are happy about it.
Lets just say that the British do not think the Spanish are going to be a problem.

That may change drastically, in the next turn.
The Royal Navy might soon become a impenetrable force.

Historically, many British ships and men were dedicated to cutting off New Spain to Occupied Spain, and invading places like Beunos Aires and Havana (Patria y Vida). Now they only need to focus on France and the US.

It seems a bit strange to me that the the US is being so successful militarily on the Sea, conceding many boats in times of war are just conscripted Merchant ships, and the British have rolled very well on conscripting American Crews, that should be a real negative.

It's also very bad that the Spanish fleet is intact and in Mexico, as France only stood a chance against the Royal Navy when the Spanish ships were added in.

The Spanish situation is extremely interesting. With the Battle Royale going on in the peninsula, I wouldn't be surprised if there's mass emigration on an enormous scale from Spain to their colonies, which look like a very attractive place right now. In fact the Spanish Government would be all for it.

Huh, you know what Britain could do? They could facilitate the migration with their ships, while charging outrageous prices. So they can simultaneously drain mainland Spain of wealth (they still have tons of gold sitting around) so that we can't use it, while perhaps gaining an ally in the New Spanish. An ally which could offer a second flank against the Americans.

The Caribbean Roll is actually shockingly important. It means that the British maintain a stranglehold on the world trade flow. The Spanish Navy is busy in the Americas, the Portuguese are a non entity right now, 40 years after a nation shattering earthquake, and the dutch are a battleground. They are unopposed from Plymouth to Hong Kong.

That trade wealth is necessary to maintain these coalitions, as while the British Isles are very rich, they aren't rich enough to bribe all of Europe multiple times.

In Spain, that's too chaotic for me to even begin to speculate on the internal situation at the moment.

(The Reason I come up with all these benefits the British can leverage, is because the rest of the coalition is floundering, and unless they get multiple crits in a row, we'll keep steamrolling the mainland European Armies)
The Royal Navy might soon become a impenetrable force.
I think they already are. The Problem being, the British are really trying to make sure they are the only navy in Europe.

And that is a bad thing for us.
Historically, many British ships and men were dedicated to cutting off New Spain to Occupied Spain, and invading places like Beunos Aires and Havana (Patria y Vida). Now they only need to focus on France and the US.
Well at the moment, they are literally trying to bolster numbers by kidnapping people and pirateing ships.

THere are many things that could go wrong that make people in Europe.
It seems a bit strange to me that the the US is being so successful militarily on the Sea, conceding many boats in times of war are just conscripted Merchant ships, and the British have rolled very well on conscripting American Crews, that should be a real negative.
Actually, the Eight ships that comprise of the American Navy were... nearly wiped out, but thanks to Ole Ironsides taking a broadside and destroying a Man of War, they escaped, got repairs, and are now on a desperate rescue mission to rescue American Sailors in Ireland right now, along with taking back many ships that were stolen from them by the Brits.

And then they need to do what God intended and destroy pirates in Tripoli with the US Marines.

And the American Navy is not just merchant ships now, there are a few hastily built (but not shoddily made) frigates, with more coming along the way, just because America is in a crisis of national survival...

With the British thinking, the US belongs to them or at very least needs to be their Banana Republic in North America.
It's also very bad that the Spanish fleet is intact and in Mexico, as France only stood a chance against the Royal Navy when the Spanish ships were added in.
At the moment, yes.

If the Spanish decide that they want their islands back?

Then we got a show down in the Carribian, with the Spanish very much bloodlust due to... Well, everything going to shit for them, and them needing a win.
It's also very bad that the Spanish fleet is intact and in Mexico, as France only stood a chance against the Royal Navy when the Spanish ships were added in.
Well, we might be able to get another Fleet.

And we might have a chance to get more ships from the rest of Europe and America if the British RN gets... a bloody nose.
The Spanish situation is extremely interesting. With the Battle Royale going on in the peninsula, I wouldn't be surprised if there's mass emigration on an enormous scale from Spain to their colonies, which look like a very attractive place right now. In fact the Spanish Government would be all for it.
In fact, there is a massive refugee crisis going on in Spain right now, with everyone, not power-mad fleeing behind the French lines, To the New World, or into several neutral zones set up by some Spanish Army declaring neutrality among the fighting to keep their people safe.
Huh, you know what Britain could do? They could facilitate the migration with their ships, while charging outrageous prices. So they can simultaneously drain mainland Spain of wealth (they still have tons of gold sitting around) so that we can't use it, while perhaps gaining an ally in the New Spanish. An ally which could offer a second flank against the Americans.
The problem is, while the Spanish are worried about the Yanks...

They are more angry and afraid of the Brits. Hell they might need the Yanks to help to fight the Brits for their islands back.
The Caribbean Roll is actually shockingly important. It means that the British maintain a stranglehold on the world trade flow. The Spanish Navy is busy in the Americas, the Portuguese are a non entity right now, 40 years after a nation shattering earthquake, and the dutch are a battleground. They are unopposed from Plymouth to Hong Kong.
This is of course right now.

Five years is a long time in this quest.

And things could change rapidly in 5 years.

Haiti is still there and a thorn in the Side of the British as an outpost for the French, and if any ships can be used by them to harrass the RN... Well lets just say that Any disruption and the Sugar interests right now will go to hell.
That trade wealth is necessary to maintain these coalitions, as while the British Isles are very rich, they aren't rich enough to bribe all of Europe multiple times.

In Spain, that's too chaotic for me to even begin to speculate on the internal situation at the moment.
THe Thing is, the Brits are also in a point where they are doing everything they can to stop the French from gaining any ally in europe.

Something that might not be able to happen, considering, that they're quite literally, selling Spanish and American Christians into Slavery.

That might make some of them enemies among the moralists.
(The Reason I come up with all these benefits the British can leverage, is because the rest of the coalition is floundering, and unless they get multiple crits in a row, we'll keep steamrolling the mainland European Armies)
The Brits are our enemies.

They are the Main enemy... and if we want to secure France's Domience in world affairs... We need to deal with the Brits.
...Something I'd like to know, @Magoose: How are our Arch-Enemies, the Brits, faring in India? If memory serves right, they should soon square off against Tipu Sultan of Mysore for the last time.
THat will actually be very important, as Cyber did the British India Company Roll earlier.

And oh boy he wanted it to be... Well He wanted to show it later. But...

Here's a sneak peak of what is going on in India.
Let me guess: Napoleon can still get bent over a cannon as far as he's concerned?

He will basically give a "If you hurt her, I will murder you" speech to him.
This is of course right now.

Five years is a long time in this quest.

And things could change rapidly in 5 years.

Haiti is still there and a thorn in the Side of the British as an outpost for the French, and if any ships can be used by them to harrass the RN... Well lets just say that Any disruption and the Sugar interests right now will go to hell.
We'll bide our time.

We'll build a true Navy.

We'll build Alliances.

And one day, when the time is right, we'll cross the Channel and party like it's 1066!

THat will actually be very important, as Cyber did the British India Company Roll earlier.

And oh boy he wanted it to be... Well He wanted to show it later. But...
Here's a sneak peak of what is going on in India.
...Evil grin intensifies