Thérèse: "I leave home for a few months and everything starts collapsing. Why do you two keep doing this?"
Brian: "To be fair, we never expected Robespierre to start arresting many officers."
Napoleon: "I expected this...and I tried to stop them.Except you stepped down."
Brian: "I stepped down to prove to the world I was no Caesar."
Napoleon: "And look where that got us? Half of Paris is on fire."
Thérèse: "Gentlemen please, Paris has been on fire for years and has been a hotbed for years, I'm just surprised that it took this long for it to start up again."
Brian: "So what's the backup plan, since the Republic has clearly fucked us over?."
Thérèse: "And whose fault is that?"
Napoleon: "Robespierre?"
Therese *Glares at him*
Napoleon: "Okay, there is a lot of blame to share, on all parties, but he was the driving factor when he attempted to start a series of murders with state authority."
Louis walks in: "Can I kill you both?"
Therese: "Louis, that is not how you should talk to people!"
Louis: "But both these idiots are the reason we're in this mess, if they had thought about it and if Brian had not decided to allow his morals to control him and stop Robespierre before he could kill himself, and if Napoleon didn't manipulate him into creating the chaotic situation that now plagues us, none of this would have happened."
Napoleon: "Actually this problem would have still happened, just with a greater reign of terror by Robe and his radicals…"
Brian: "And Who's fault is it for radicalizing them in the first place?!"
Napoleon: "The their own hand when the Convention killed Citizen Capet and his wife, disregarding his rights as a French citizen to do it. And don't give me the bullshit of him getting a trial, we all knew it was a farce anyway."
Brian: "And the one we gave Robespierre wasn't?"
Napoleon: "We had to worry about a tainted court and frightened witnesses at the time."
Thérèse: "Well great now we have a how are you going to fix it?"
Napoleon: "I have one idea."
Thérèse: "Oh No."
AN: I blame you Cyber for playing Tales of Vesperia.
Now we get a skit.