La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

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  • What? Oh, don't be silly, my dear!

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-[X]The Officers And the Gentlewoman: Your Officers are a group of men that you do not know as well as you wish. But now, with time on your side, you will learn of them DC: 25

Rolled: 8
We have command issues.
Well, we do have the height and reach compared to some people.
So Nelson or some other RN officer is going to own us in a boarding engagement?

The Campaign has survived the turn. Onwards and upwards!
I would rather think Brian was more of a Titus Labienus rather than a Mark Antony, but I get that she was trying to be poetic.
Most people do not know about Labienus. Plus Brian kinda is the Antony. Only he wasn't left behind in Paris to keep Nappys will, and policies... yet.
We have command issues
More like we have issues that are far reaching and need to be gotten done.
So Nelson or some other RN officer is going to own us in a boarding engagement?

The Campaign has survived the turn. Onwards and upwards
I mean as well as well trained sailor can.

mad for this turn, it could be worse.
If the RN gets into firing Range of us, we are boned anyway. Britannia Rules The Waves and that won't change anytime soon
Well I mean it's the Royal Navy.

they'll fuck you up six ways from Sunday.
If the RN gets into firing Range of us, we are boned anyway. Britannia Rules The Waves and that won't change anytime soon.
if the (full) RN does and we are on the sea, definitely. If if it's just a (outnumbered) RN flotilla, we have a chance (depending on numbers and admirals, of course). If the RN tries to attack us on land and we can use heated shots and prepared fortifications, I believe they are the boned ones (which Adm Nelson well knows, so he won't try).
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That was a great turn actually; not perfect, on account of that one failed roll, but every other low roll was for something with an even lower difficulty, which I will gladly take over failing half of our actions due to poor roll distribution. Nothing so annoying as failing a DC90 task with an 11 while succeeding in a DC10 task with a nat100.

And the writing itself continues to engage; I dearly look forward to the next update!
1793 Q3 Rumor Mill
1793 Q3 Rumor Mill:

There will be peace in Europe, and it will be at the Barrel of a Gun.

Napoleon:17 Fate's Interdiction Reroll: 68+20=88

Napoleon Bonaparte looked to his chief of staff, his friend... and now, his brother-in-law, with a look of pure horror.

The Plan his Chief of Staff had just told him was nothing short of insane.

"You want me to do what!?"

After all, baiting an army of fifty thousand men, was near impossible.

But Napoleon had a knack for doing the impossible.

For he had done it before.

One hundred thousand? That was impossible.

But he had never trusted his life, to Brian Auclair before.

He would be surprised, at how he might do so again.

Reward: Continued in, the Life of Brian

Brian: 98+(Exploding Dice)100+9=207

For almost all men with eyes, the fields and farmlands of Verona were nothing more than great lands of bounty, of plenty, where men worked the fields, and harvested their bounty. Flatlands that made fighting easy, and the great forts and city walls of the city to fire canon down upon them.

For Brian Auclair, with the banks of the Adige River in front of him, and a hundred thousand Austrian soldiers in front of him... it was a place of serenity, and calm.

For the Austrian Army, was about to spring his masterpiece.

And all it took for him to succeed... was a single map, some surveying tools.

And the perfect bait.

Continued in: The Life of Brian.

Disaster Roll: 60

The War is coming to an end. With the French State surviving the baptism by fire of the first coalition against them to restore the Bourbon Monarchy, and destroy the illegitimate French Republic.

But they failed. The French Army is victorious in all fields of conflict.

This has given the French Directory some much-needed breathing room to restore order and civil government. One coup because of a government's attempt to maintain peace was enough to make many in elected and unelected power realize just how precarious their situation was.

The Army, or at least some of the Generals in it, would come running towards Paris to remove them if they continued many of the practices of the previous emergency government.

But right now, they could at least attempt to build a better government that won't immediately fall into chaos.

Republicans: 53
Monarchists: 56

With the victories of France assured, now comes the hard part. Building a government that will not immediately collapse into civil wars or coups by the republicans and the Monarchists.

With more radical voices having been dealt with during the Coup of the Army that established the Directory, cooler heads have prevailed and are trying to work together.

They would try and establish another French Republic.

Reward: Due to the compromises made by more moderate factions within the government, and the Stability that peace will hopefully bring, there will be another attempt to establish A French Republic.

Unfortunately, they have many problems that they need to deal with... Like paying the Veterans who have saved France from destruction, and getting the loyalty of the generals who have saved it, and finding a way for the economy to flourish after nearly five years of war.
Army of the North: 75

The Army of the North, in addition to completing its objectives during the War, have founded a Republic in the former Austrian Netherlands.

This Batavian Republic is more a client state than a truly independent republic, seeing as they owe much to the French Army protecting it. However, due to the Establishment of this republic and its own ability to govern itself with France's interests mostly at heart, The Army is returning to France.

Many of its Brigades have been fighting for years, and with the war coming to an end, they see it as their chance to return home. Having done their duty to their homeland.

Reward: With the Peace with Prussia, the Army of the North's Area of Operations have turned into peaceful states, and they are returning to France.

Many divisions in the Army are being demobilized and the soldiers allowed to return home to France.

Army of Italy: 66

The Army of Italy has won a great victory near Verona.

A Victory that would end a war.

Reward: Continued in The Life of Brian.

Prussia: 13

Prussia has signed a peace with the French Republic, with the following stipulations:

1. They would recognize the French Republic and all successor governments as the Legitimate governments of France.

2. The Prussian Military would retreat to its sovereign territories in Germany, and would not contest the French Occupation of the Netherlands, or the establishment of a new republic by the French occupying forces.

3. The Prussian State would be paid 1 million franks in Silver.

4. All Prussian Prisoners of war would be allowed to return, unmolested to their homes.

There were many other, minor stipulations, mostly involving trade stipulations, and opening the Prussian Markets to French Merchants.

Reward: The Prussian Kingdom and the French State are at peace.
Austria: 3

The Old World order was coming to an end in Europe.

And Austria's attempt to turn the tide back would be met with failure.

They could not stop Napoleon Bonaparte.... or his Intrepid Second in Command, Brian Auclair.

There would be a peace conference in France... and there would be no victory for the Austrians.

Continued in: The Life of Brian.
GB: 1

William Pitt realized two things when he authorized the diplomatic party that would occur when he sent them to Paris.

That to wage war was foolish...

And that France, at this very moment, had survived.

Reward: Great Britain is sending an envoy to make peace with France, seeing that they cannot win with their coalition collapsing.

They will bide their time and prepare.
Russia: 25

The Russian Army is threatening a Mutiny and a Revolution.

Tsar Paul of Russia has failed to earn the Loyalty of his officer's corps and refusing to take a side in the wars of Revolution that have swept Europe. The More liberal-leaning of his generals wish to adopt a more constitutional system, like in Britain and wish to replace him with his more liberal-minded son, Alexander.

But more Conservatives wish to make Russia into a more powerful state and fear that Paul's... weaknesses will be the downfall of Russia.

And caught in the middle, is the Tsar himself, trying desperately to prevent a civil war.

Reward: Troubles are brewing in Russia.
Haiti: 83

The Haitian Assembly has convened to address many of the problems between the now freed slaves, free men of color, and the Big Whites.

The Compromises that were made would mostly benefit the freed slaves, as they comprised many of the army forces and defense forces of Haiti. Many would-be paid for their services over the years, a stipend of ten Franks per month, increasing to twenty for every year of service and would agree to far more humane and safer working conditions in the sugar plantations.

Their grievances even went to Paris, and the Directory, still fearful of losing their colony in the Caribian, and the gateway to Louisiana, relented and gave the Assembly authorization for the redistribution and payment of wages that the now Freed slaves were owed.

The Big Whites lost hundreds of thousands in Franks, and their seething anger was known throughout Haiti, as they thought their lessors were abusing their newfound freedom and citizenship within the French State.

But the majority of the population, now wealthier and happy that justice for their enslavement was finally served, focused on one goal that they shared with the Big Whites.

Conquest, of the Island of Hispaniola.

And hopefully... Beyond.

Reward: Haiti's domestic situation, while the Elites are angry that Paris once again sided with the Freed slaves, has stabilized. And while all grievances have not been addressed, and there is a deep-seated loathing amongst the lower and upper classes on the future of Haiti and the continued African involvement in that future... there will not be massacres on either side...

Nor Slavery reestablished by the Islands inhabitants without a fight.
America: 8

The United States...Once the icon of Liberty and Unity in the New World has become Divided over the Legality and Morality of Slavery, the Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton of New York, attempted a compromise after compromise to the Democratic-Republicans of the South Led by Henry Lee.

With the South stonewalling sensible and reasonable Compromise to remove and limit the spread and trade of Slavery...all matters of Compromise had been exhausted the Semblance of Peace that had been cultivated had collapsed.

As the American People Prepared for War over the Question of the African American and Slave System. The Union Marches to War for the Second Time in its existence. This time, against itself.

Hopefully, it is short and painless.

But after Vice President Adam's Murder at the hands of radical supporters of slavery, who stormed the capital, and with Slave revolts springing up within Georgia for their liberty, inspired by Haiti and the American War for independence, supported by Alexander Hamilton... peace, is no longer an option.

Washington himself has yet to choose a side, having been taking a recess to his quarters, at Mt. Vernon. Leaving the Government for a month to rest before the next session of congress.

The United States... is in Peril.

It may not survive the year.

"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader."

― Samuel Adams

Reward: America now fights for its very soul.

General Washington is in Mt. Vernon, preparing for something.

Both sides seem to be doing nothing and are waiting for his response, but are gathering men and Material, for War.

May God Save Them.

AN: Brian... WTF... WTF!

Also, it seems America is continuing to speed run its history.

Or rather... collapse.
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Like, wtf everyone but France and Haiti?! Also, Radetzky/Garibaldi!Brian?? The dice has some serious French bias :V
No, it just seems to have a serious Brian Bias today.

Apparently, they want him to be the Antony to Nappys Caeser.

Here's hoping we aren't the octavian.
...WELP. Seems like everyone except us is loosing hard right now.
For now.

Because France is kinda teetering on the edge of collapse again... politically that is.

So really nothing has changed.
Well, this will certainly make life interesting. Looks like maybe we can pay more attention to our charges, assuming there is a change of plans following Britain's withdrawal. Also, perfect timing considering we were getting possibly depressed, we'll have more time to take care of ourselves I think. We'll still have work I assume, but presumably much less.
I kinda want to help America somehow, but we do not have the means right now. A pity really.
Let's focus on personal and local stability first, let's talk to Louis and calm down our staff, we are still at war with Italy so it's good we changed the objective from Egypt to Sicily.
The US seems to want to get this over with as soon as possible.

Hope that the strategy works out for them.

Anyways, the dice loved Brian this time around, he is probably going to become a figure really important in the history books in this world.

France is wooping ass left and right, and now it has breathing room to sort it's politics until it becomes stable once more.

I'm worried about how this will affect our campaign, however...
if America goes to a civil war, i would think that GB will want to try and take some land back, France could maybe also see if they could get some land from a falling US, then there is the Natives would might see it as there time to get there land back
if America goes to a civil war, i would think that GB will want to try and take some land back, France could maybe also see if they could get some land from a falling US, then there is the Natives would might see it as there time to get there land back
That is logistically Unfeesible for the GB, they just came out of a war and are entering a possible economic downturn. Fighting America is not a good idea and Pitt knows it.