La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

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the Egyptian expedition brought napoleon fame and glory and allowed for him to get more clout in france allowing him to become first consul of the republic however conquering Egypt is an impossible task and even if we crush the mamluks in battle nelson and his superior in every way British fleet (Britannia Rules The Waves!) would win the battle of the Nile and would leave us extremely isolated and eventually crushed therefore I suggest sticking with what works and crush the austrians and their southern german puppets once and for all perhaps making the confederation of the rhine and destroying the old tyranical regime of the hre
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Hahahahahahahahahaha no.

[] The Rhine. We still need to train these men into a capable army and give those Austrians a taste of what's coming. There's still unfinished business, as it were.

This, please

[ ] Calibrations (more artillery)
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Hahahahahaha god fucking damnit, Nappy.

Yeah, we're not gonna go to Egypt, that's asking for shit to go sideways, inevitably.

I'm unsure between cavalry and artillery...
Artillery is the god of war, praise the lord and let it's wrath crush our enemies.
Egypt was a fucking fiasco, and if I can dig up a book on it that I have, literally the best we can hope for is imitating future husbando and running the fuck away first chance we get and pretending we never went there.

Anyone who thinks it is remotely a smart idea has been at the Flavor-Aid.

So Rhine invasion it is.
If were going to invade Egypt, then at least make sure Nappy B is the one doing it then! We're completely screwed if we go ahead with it, we don't even have the destiny reroll bullshit he has!
i personaly think that we should use our omake bonuses and every bit of political clout and our army to nip the invasion of Egypt in the bud we need to reveal this to the public and rally them against this treason that will only lead to the weakening of france. And if and only IF we are unsuccessful we will then threaten with some military action to defend the republic from this insanity
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Me too; I changed after realizing that gamers all use anime girl avatars. It's a sacrifice we must all make, unfortunately.

Gonna get to plan making in a minute but I'll point out that you could probably edit in small dice earrings if you want them for the avie.

Edit: Yes, we are avoiding Egypt for obvious reasons, it just comes down to a question of troop choices.
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i personaly think that we should use our omake bonuses and every bit of political clout and our army to nip the invasion of Egypt in the bud we need to reveal this to the public and rally them against this treason that will only lead to the weakening of france. And if and only IF we are unsuccessful we will then threaten with some military action to defend the republic from this insanity
Heck, just do a presentation to them consisting up a map, showing just how long a distance it is, and how unlikely it is we'd ever make it to India.

If were going to invade Egypt, then at least make sure Nappy B is the one doing it then! We're completely screwed if we go ahead with it, we don't even have the destiny reroll bullshit he has!
Uh, he did it in OTL. He did a runner when he raelized it'd gone to shit.
i personaly think that we should use our omake bonuses and every bit of political clout and our army to nip the invasion of Egypt in the bud we need to reveal this to the public and rally them against this treason that will only lead to the weakening of france.
Yeah, let's go and attempt to rally the public against the goverment again, in less than a month after Napoleon and Brian did exactly the same, it will surely do wonders to the nation's stability.

The invasion of Egypt is indeed a terrible idea, but we not only lack the political pull to do something like that, we also be showing the world how weak the French Goverment actually is, i'd rather take my chances at Egypt than being force to endure such a political shitstorm.
Well. Definitely in favour of staying in Europe too. Egypt is... yeah, it won't end well. As for what to train... artillery kind of seems the obvious choice?
Heck, just do a presentation to them consisting up a map, showing just how long a distance it is, and how unlikely it is we'd ever make it to India.

Therese: This shit? *slaps a finger into a map, drags it all the way, following realistic routes, and delays, until Egypt* It's very goddamned far, chief. Not possible.

Everyone else: Uh-

Therese: *Pissed Arpenteuse mode: ON* Non. Ce n'est pas possible.
God dammit! We do not have resources for this! Can we write a letter to Nappy? Convince him to at least put it off till we've managed to kick these fucking Austrians first?

If this ends with France getting overrun by monarchists, I'll throw a fit and it'll be all SzechuanSauce's fault.
Yeah, let's go and attempt to rally the public against the goverment again, in less than a month after Napoleon and Brian did exactly the same, it will surely do wonders to the nation's stability.

The invasion of Egypt is indeed a terrible idea, but we not only lack the political pull to do something like that, we also be showing the world how weak the French Goverment actually is, i'd rather take my chances at Egypt than being force to endure such a political shitstorm.
at the very least we need to gather some likeminded generals and send a strongly worded private letter to the leaders detailing how stupid this is and that the army will not send troops against a neutral nuisance at worst
and instead, say to focus our efforts on the rhine front would be a better use of our troops and resources and promise results.
As for what to train... artillery kind of seems the obvious choice?
It does, but considering how the enemy fortifications have been described, there's an argument to be made for focusing on infantry too. And since a fair amount of our success has come from using terrain to our full advantage, cavalry scouts would be useful too.

Myself, I'm leaning towards artillery too, but it's not a complete no-brainer.
God dammit! We do not have resources for this! Can we write a letter to Nappy? Convince him to at least put it off till we've managed to kick these fucking Austrians first?

If this ends with France getting overrun by monarchists, I'll throw a fit and it'll be all SzechuanSauce's fault.

nope nappy really wanted to invade Egypt for some reason...

from wikipedia
In early 1798, Bonaparte proposed a military expedition to seize Egypt. In a letter to the Directory, he suggested this would protect French trade interests, attack British commerce, and undermine Britain's access to India and the East Indies, since Egypt was well-placed on the trade routes to these places. Bonaparte wished to establish a French presence in the Middle East, with the ultimate dream of linking with France's ally Tipu Sultan, ruler of Mysore in India. As France was not ready for a head-on attack on Great Britain itself, the Directory decided to intervene indirectly and create a "double port" connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, prefiguring the Suez Canal.
God dammit! We do not have resources for this! Can we write a letter to Nappy? Convince him to at least put it off till we've managed to kick these fucking Austrians first?

If this ends with France getting overrun by monarchists, I'll throw a fit and it'll be all SzechuanSauce's fault.
You don't know if this was Nappy's tampering or whatnot, Thérèse doesn't have enough intrigue to figure that out yet, and it's still a choice anyways.

Also, don't throw the blame onto another user, please. We're all in this quest together, eh?
Well, I think it's safe to say that we'll be of more use to the republic kicking the monarchies up and down the European theatre. Nappy should be mostly fine so long as he doesn't go beyond Egypt before we can sort things out and get down there.
We're in no way cut out for a naval operation so the Rhine it is, and of course more artillery is always better especially against fortifications.
I mean, someone is going to Egypt regardless. It's either we go or pray to the dicegods that Jourdan's group will role high consistently.

And really Jourdan? Just infantry? At such low morale too. Fucking hell. We really need to shape them into gear ASAP. You can see that the option means which to concentrate in training, not recruiting. So we won't get more of the big metal booms.