La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

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[X] [Rob] Execution: This man has caused so much pain. So much death. So much heartbreak against both the laws of man and nature. He will die for his crimes.

[X] [Lackeys] Imprisonment: France may still need them close to home... but they will not serve as free men. They will be imprisoned where we may keep an eye on them.

[X] [Napoleon] No: There is enough chaos and mistrust in the state as is. You will bide your time to meet him about this... unhappy dispute. (We return to Thérèse and the Army of the Rhine, and we see how the rest of the world is holding up.)
If you apply your omake points to Robespierre (as you said you would), the trial flops. Thus, Brian just made a lot of very powerful enemies, he's fucked. Should one player, even if they're a prolific omake writer, have so much power? I don't know. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation.
So, you're saying that one man has so much power they're diverting the flow of democracy, threatening to enforce their view over the consensus of the masses? That they had great past contributions to the voting process and the community, but now their fellow internet citizens question their right to control so much?

Okay, the parallel isn't that good, but still :p
Like I said before, I don't like military coups. At the very least, at least Thermidor was a coup by men of the government against men of the government, what we are doing is extremely illegal in every sense of the word. Every sham or sick democracy became so because of the military being so overbearing, I'd like for the sword to bow to the law, not the other way around.
It... honestly just sounds like you want to fuck over everything that just happened, it doesn't even sound like a legitimate victory. Just a GW rocks fall everyone dies sorta thing.

"Oh I don't like what happened so I'm going to reverse everything the rest of the playbase tried to accomplish."

Like if the trial fails due to rolls it fails and I could give less of a shit but this kinda drastic metagaming leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
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It... honestly just sounds like you want to fuck over everything that just happened, it doesn't even sound like a legitimate victory. Just a GW rocks fall everyone dies sorta thing.

"Oh I don't like what happened so I'm going to reverse everything the rest of the playbase tried to accomplish."

Like if the trial fails due to rolls it fails and I could give less of a shit but this kinda drastic metagaming leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Hm, it does seem like that, but we have set a precedence for doing so, and I don't think anyone else was too against it. Still, I'm willing to withdraw the point throwing aspect of it as I can understand how people can find it annoying, though I did give 100 points to make sure the coup went well when we were still in the middle of it.

But, if people don't want me to throw in favor of Robespierre, then I'll be willing to withdraw if it is "The General Will"
If we thought Robespierre was alright, we wouldn't have removed him from power, I think the will of the players is clear in that respect.

I think everyone voting for Trial generally expects that it's going to end poorly for Robespierre and Co., but we're choosing to hand over their fate to whatever passes for a legal system. We all expect the perpetrators of The Terror to be punished in some way, this is our implicit objective, but we would like their fate to be ultimately determined by a trial and not us.

Perhaps it should only be possible to apply points to support the side of the will of the players, as understood by the QMs? Otherwise, well, that's pretty bad for the agency-feeling of this quest. It's not that it's annoying it's that it makes voting feel pointless.
If we thought Robespierre was alright, we wouldn't have removed him from power, I think the will of the players is clear in that respect.

I think everyone voting for Trial generally expects that it's going to end poorly for Robespierre and Co., but we're choosing to hand over their fate to whatever passes for a legal system. We all expect the perpetrators of The Terror to be punished in some way, this is our implicit objective, but we would like their fate to be ultimately determined by a trial and not us.

Perhaps it should only be possible to apply points to support the side of the will of the players, as understood by the QMs? Otherwise, well, that's pretty bad for the agency-feeling of this quest. It's not that it's annoying it's that it makes voting feel pointless.
Well, this is by roll of a dice, so almost the entirety of things are by chane, we could get a 50 and Robespierre a 100, or its the other way around. So I'm okay with leaving things by way of the dice, and no player interference in the way. Still though, we aren't sure on what us having a high roll or they have a high roll means. For all we know, us having a high roll turns the damn thing into a kangaroo court or makes it super fair, its up in the air really.
Still though, we aren't sure on what us having a high roll or they have a high roll means. For all we know, us having a high roll turns the damn thing into a kangaroo court or makes it super fair, its up in the air really.
Well that's where the skill and artistry of the writers comes in. To interpret the dice roll and create an outcome that aligns with it, that feels plausible and satisfying. So an 80 might mean we get a trial that results in Robespierre imprisoned and many conspirators suffering similar fates in proportion to the evidence of their crimes, with the trials generally regarded as fair and just. A low roll means maybe the trial gets bogged and the process starts to fail in some way, maybe some people get off scott free or escape. Or maybe the judges are ideological and have Robespierre and Co. killed in what is obviously a show trial that destroys our legitimacy. Or maybe they win the trial, etc. The writers choose, that's part of the art.
Well that's where the skill and artistry of the writers comes in. To interpret the dice roll and create an outcome that aligns with it, that feels plausible and satisfying. So an 80 might mean we get a trial that results in Robespierre imprisoned and many conspirators suffering similar fates in proportion to the evidence of their crimes, with the trials generally regarded as fair and just. A low roll means maybe the trial gets bogged and the process starts to fail in some way, maybe some people get off scott free or escape. Or maybe the judges are ideological and have Robespierre and Co. killed in what is obviously a show trial that destroys our legitimacy. Or maybe they win the trial, etc. The writers choose, that's part of the art.
Sometimes I think people really think we (Me, Cyber, Plaus) don't have very long and very topical discussions of how the narrative should go, and what is the best choice to make.

We work really hard on this to not just half ass this. i promise you that.
Sometimes I think people really think we (Me, Cyber, Plaus) don't have very long and very topical discussions of how the narrative should go, and what is the best choice to make.

We work really hard on this to not just half ass this. i promise you that.
Honestly, my biggest complaint is the military being so prominent and respected, especially the officers. I would've thought that Dumo whatever and Kellermann failing in Belgium would've sent them a trip to the Revolutionary Tribunal. Really, the military gained prominence during the time of the directory, more than 90 percent of the government distrusted the military at this time.

I would honestly be pretty happy seeing this whole thing blow up in our face as it seems like it was an ill thought of moment of puffed up self-righteousness by a politically ignorant military officer manipulated by one with more knowledge.
Ok, let's see what's on the menu today.


...oh? What's this?


Oh. Yes it is.


[X] [Rob] Trial: France has been in fear for much too long, the show trials have gone on for too long, what it needs is justice. So France shall receive it, Robespierre, once The Incorruptible and perhaps still is, shall be given trial, a free and fair trial. For the good of France and the Revolution.
[X] [Lackeys] Trial: Simply tossing them in prison or killing them shall be insufficient, they shall not die because of simple association as thousands already have, they shall be treated fairly as all Frenchmen should.
[X] [Napoleon] Talk: You shall speak to Napoleon with a clear mind and an open one. Perhaps he has manipulated you, perhaps he has not, you shall speak with him to understand his motivations and clear any misconceptions. (Continue with The Life of Brian.)

I am genuelly expecting for this to blow up in our faces, and either let Rob go free to be a danger on the back of France, or his lackeys to be a very noisy crowd.


The spirit of the revollution will live on. And that's what's inmportant here.

Isn't that right, mes amis?
[X] [Rob] Imprisonment: Criminals are to be imprisoned, and Robespierre is no different. He shall be imprisoned by the state, to live and see the growth of the republic, without his influence. Keep your enemies close, as it were.

[X] [Lackeys] Imprisonment: France may still need them close to home... but they will not serve as free men. They will be imprisoned where we may keep an eye on them.

[X] [Napoleon] Talk: You shall speak to Napoleon with a clear mind and an open one. Perhaps he has manipulated you, perhaps he has not, you shall speak with him to understand his motivations and clear any misconceptions. (Continue with The Life of Brian.)

On second hand, i don't really want this to blow up in our face beside exsisting problems, it's nice to be idealist and all but if we are to have any influence in decision making in France we need to look out for ourselves a little. Not to mention if he gets free, he gets free on basis of personal relationship and justice isn't always fair, especially in time's like these which will just cause people to lose faith in revolution more.
For the sake of France, we must ensure that Maximilien Robespierre and his supporters are not allowed to walk free, lest they will start to plot against us and Napoleon, leaving France vulnerable to attacks from the other European powers. It is safer for us to not allow a trial here, in order to ensure that France remains stable in a time where instability is undesirable. At the same time, we do not want to turn Robespierre into a martyr, so our best option is to imprison him.
See, this is exactly why I can't wait until Life of Brian ends.What happened to the nice animé Marshall quest this started of as? :whistle:

(but seriously, sorry for not engaging in this debate more... It's just that it reminds me of work a little too much right now)
Quartermaster's Dillema (AvidFicReader)
Quartermaster's Dillema

Denis Severin stared dumbfounded at Claude de Lisle.
"Merde! Are you serious? How much have you been drinking, man?"

"Shut up! I haven't drank at all today, you hyperactive man-child! And I'm entirely serious!"

"But what the hell are we supposed to do with all of them? And how in the Lord's name did we end up with a hundred tons of onions?!"

"Well, the standing agreement with the local merchants and villages is that the army buys their available fresh produce to supplement the rations delivered from the capital. But given the season and the levee en masse, the doubling of mouths in the army, combined with the loss of farmhands, led to, well, this." de Lisle shrugs and waves his arms helplessly.

"But a hundred tons? The soldats will mutiny before we're shot of them. Hell, the cooks might cry themselves to death, cutting all those onions! Lord have mercy, for the soldats shall not!"

"You're being dramatic, Severin! We can serve them soups, add them in stews, we can fry them; there are limitless preparations! Besides, aren't you the one always complaining how bland the standard rations are? Onions have strong flavor and scent! The soldats ought to be happy for something to spice up their meals!"

"Even so, de Lisle, soldats will always find something to complain about without something to keep them occupied, and with the gentle pace of the training, they will have more energy than usual to spare. And with so few sergeants to rein them in, they'll get up to some mischief, mark my words!"

"Nonsense, the taste of onion shall invigorate the men! Why, you could threaten the worst trainees with onions being withheld from their meals! That ought to motivate the louts!"

"Really, man, must I ask La Generale to confiscate your spirits again? We don't want a reprise of the screeching of the damned at night!"

"Relax Severin, you're worrying too much! We'll just have to get creative and cunning about it. In fact, I'll bet you anything the men will come to love the onions."

"You're on. Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all."


"All right, men, another lap around the field then rapid fire drills! *Crunch* Well, get to it, what are you looking at?"

"Eh, capitan, are- are you-?"

"Spit it out corporal, can't you see I'm enjoying my snack? A little something to tide me over 'til supper."

"-are you crying, sir?"

"... The rain must be spoiling your vision. Best get a move on before the rain turns the field into a mire!"

A confused private whispers to another, "But there's not a cloud in the sky!"

"No, private, it's definitely raining. What are you all looking at? Never seen a man eat an onion before? Real men eat them like fruits!"

"Has the capitan lost his mind?"

"Rumor has it he smokes black powder instead of tobacco, and drinks the blood of Prussians instead of alcohol. Since we haven't seen battle in a while, the capitan must be... on edge."
Many rumors and gossip spread among the soldats as the company left the field.

Severin mutters to himself, "This was not the best idea I've ever had. Bedamned onions."


Barging into the artilleryman's tent, Severin announces himself with a booming inquiry.

"de Lisle, tell me we've seen the last of these bedeviled onions! It's been months! I want to eat something else!"

"Actually, Severin, I won the bet. I've had requests from the regiment commanders for more onions. Something about "keeping up morale" and "they'll mutiny if we run out."

"What? I suppose the Lord only knows how things will turn out. So we'll be having onion everything for the foreseeable future, then."

"Not just that, but you lost the bet!"

"Merde! Save me from lush artillerymen!"

"So I thought long and hard about what would bother you the most, and I noticed that you refused to wear a hat, even through winter, just wrapped your head with a scarf like a Moslem. So! Your forfeit is you have to wear this lovely hat! I made sure it's within regulation for officers too, so you haven't any excuse not to wear it."

"de Lisle, how can you be so cruel as to make me wear such a monstrosity? I only barely managed to tolerate that bedamned hat by the end, and it died a noble death at Mayence! I took it as a sign from the Lord that myself and hats simply are not meant to be! Beside, I still mourn for that damnable thing's premature demise. To force me to wear that gaudy eyesore would be beyond the pale!"

"Come now, you petulant man-child, it's been nearly a year since your last hat 'died' at Mayence! It'll keep the weather off you and allow the men to spot you more easily!"

"Allow Prussian jaegers to shoot me, more like, and I'm still in mourning! It's in bad taste, I say!"

"Well, if that won't convince you, this latest episode with the onions did inspire me to write a song..."

"Is it a catchy marching song?"

"I thought you might like it. It goes like this-"

"Wait, no! Don't sing!"

A/N: A small "welcome back" omake from me. And also because I wanted this song several years early.
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[] [Rob] Imprisonment: Criminals are to be imprisoned, and Robespierre is no different. He shall be imprisoned by the state, to live and see the growth of the republic, without his influence. Keep your enemies close, as it were.

[] [Lackeys] Imprisonment: France may still need them close to home... but they will not serve as free men. They will be imprisoned where we may keep an eye on them.

[X] [Napoleon] Talk: You shall speak to Napoleon with a clear mind and an open one. Perhaps he has manipulated you, perhaps he has not, you shall speak with him to understand his motivations and clear any misconceptions. (Continue with The Life of Brian.)

[X] [Rob] Trial: France has been in fear for much too long, the show trials have gone on for too long, what it needs is justice. So France shall receive it, Robespierre, once The Incorruptible and perhaps still is, shall be given trial, a free and fair trial. For the good of France and the Revolution.
[X] [Lackeys] Trial: Simply tossing them in prison or killing them shall be insufficient, they shall not die because of simple association as thousands already have, they shall be treated fairly as all Frenchmen should.

As long as omake bonuses aren't used forRob I'm okay with this vote. I'm fine with them being used to make the trial more fair or something though.
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Honestly this will be quite interesting, in real life, the revolutionaries made sure their enemies didn't have the opportunity to talk since they feared their oratory abilities would win people over. It happened with the Girondins and Danton if I remember it clearly.

Robespierre is known to be a very capable speaker, so this would be one hell of an event.
On one side, there's Robespierre, a trained lawyer with about a decade of experience under his belt while also managing to triumph over a diverse set of enemies ranging from royalists, to moderate republicans to much too radical republicans and anarchists under a cutthroat political arena where failure meant death and accusations of conspiracy were everyday occurances.

On the other, you have er... A officer with a mixed understanding of revolutionary politics, to be generous, whom just pulled a Sulla which we all know did wonders for their respective republics.

Honestly, I think Brian bit much more than he can chew.
Adhoc vote count started by ArvisPresley on Sep 23, 2020 at 1:20 PM, finished with 161 posts and 39 votes.