Letter to Therese: From Napoleon
General Auclair,
I write this message out of conflicted gratitude, not only that I long to meet you again, but hope that, in the future, so that we may discuss matters of professional interest, on how to wage war against the enemies of France.
General Kellerman speaks highly of you, in any conversation about you, an astute scholar, a magnificent surveyor, and a skilled commander, brilliant, but inexperienced, and the rigors of command are something that you will master in time.
The news from Aimes filled me with many conflicting feelings, both for your safety and for the safety of France. I was relieved by you not only surviving the battle, but your army rushing into the defense and saving the day, again.
The nickname the men call you, the Fire Fighter is well earned and it is clear that any promotion that may soon be granted to you will be well earned.
But I must discuss a personal matter in this letter. The matter of where your interests lie after the war. This war will end, sooner than later I hope. I personally hope that we can discuss matters of mutual benefits if we were to meet again in person.
However, if it involves any sort of financial assistance, know that I will be happy to absorb part of the cost with my salary to help you achieve whatever endeavor that you may find yourself partaking in.
Respectfully, and courteously.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
AN: TBH, I really wasn't trying when writing this, mostly because I'm writing Chapter 1 of a True La Chanson Novel.
Hopefully with fewer philosophy discussions and politics, and more character development and drama.