Though, I bet Rias is even more loaded considering her Brother is a siscon.
There. I fixed it for you.
Though, I bet Rias is even more loaded considering her Brother is a siscon.
So...Technopathy? Because that's how it reads to me.Armsmaster gets the power to literally not sleep, sense and control any electronic device within a 5 meter radius around him mentally. Increased mental processing power and can now trigger bullet time for about 30 minutes before he has a cool down time of 1 day.
But isn't the core of his power 'Miniaturization' of any technology he creates? Wouldn't it make more sense and be more thematic if he now no longer needs to maintain his tech and can tap into more of his Shards database?
Would definitely like to see a snippet of this story. Though to make things more interesting, it would be good for the MC to have a funny sense of humor, or just make jokes that no one gets like making comparisons between velocity and flash.SI with Power Manipulation joins the Protectorate/Wards with one condition, he does not want to patrol. SI described his power as able to unlock the limiters in other capes power other capes power and only bieng able to do so once a day.
First person he releases restrictions is Velocity. Turn him into The Flash using all five charges, now Velocity has actual super speed.
The PRT do a lot of tests to make sure no problems occur and once approved he "unlocks" others "limiters"
Vista can now bend space so much she can literally open two Portals to anywhere within her line of sight. Like a Portal gun.She can also now teleport line of sight, and take others with her in a green flash.
Assault can absorb other energies other than kinetic energy, like heat and radiation and release them as different energies. He also now has a much much higher energy storage limit.
Battery has her charging time reduced to a fraction of a second and the effects last longer. (As battery's shard is not receiving any energy since Eden is dead it tries to conserve energy so the SI uses PM to change her power so it absorbs heat from Venus's atmosphere and uses it to fuel its energy needs. This brings the shard back fully online from its hibernation state and all functions are restored including the instinct on how to use the power that normal triggers have. The SI does this for every Vial cape he "unlocks")
Armsmaster's tech does not degrade like tinker tech, instead, it degrades like a normal piece of tech, he also gets the power to literally not sleep, sense and control any electronic device within a 5 meter radius around him mentally. Increased mental processing power and can now trigger bullet time for about 30 minutes before he has a cool down time of 1 day.
Dauntless has the power of his charges increased multiple fold.
ClockBlocker is given the power to control exactly how long he wants his time stop to effect his target from 1 second to 10 minutes. He also gets Time rays that can stop a target at long distance but only for a few seconds he can also use the time ray to reverse the time of an object or person but can only rewind 10 minutes.
KidWin is given (I am Ironman) Speciality.
Aegis is given increased durability like Brute 8 level, and now does not feel pain fighting but will be aware of the damage.
Gallant now knows exactly what colours his his emotion blasts are (SI changes his power to absorb heat from venus's Atmosphere giving a supply of power to the hibernating shard bringing it online.) SI also add Light Green as willpower to the Emotion power and gives Gallant flight so long as he has the will to do so.
Triumph, same with battery and Gallant, brings his shard online, increasing his power and unlocking tge how to use power instincts.
Miss Militia, can now copy any Tinkertech "Gun" she has seen.
Shadow stalker? She gets her mental illness cured and can now empathise with others.
It felt fine. You can get a real sense of 'Oh Shit!' from Piggot regarding what just landed on her lap.
It felt fine. You can get a real sense of 'Oh Shit!' from Piggot regarding what just landed on her lap.
Armsmasters skepticism is expected. I can't wait to see his reaction once he starts losing his restrictions thanks to Greg/Void.
But imagine how bullshit Dauntless could become or Vista once you shatter their limiters.
EAU DE FATE GRANDE!! The newest scent-sation!! long till he gets the Archer!EMIYA Class Card like in 'Writer With Bad Grammars' story? Or the other one where he has a full-set including Berserker!Hercules, Archer!Atalanta and Saber!Mordred?About a year before cannon, Issei is brought invited to Chaldea.... with the promise of being able to become an actual superhero.
Honestly, I'd read this purely just for the fact that Herakles won't be in his weakest class and instead is gonna kick all of the ass, especially if Gilgamesh somehow gets summoned and like you said, they have their Nasuverse-selves memories
Balance breaker as his superhero costume and as a way to hide his identity. Also there's no way a healthy modern boy wouldn't have dreamed of bieng a Superhero sometime in his life.
Fair point on both of theseBalance breaker as his superhero costume and as a way to hide his identity. Also there's no way a healthy modern boy wouldn't have dreamed of bieng a Superhero sometime in his life.
Its not really dea. just that my MUse is not coperating. I have a sketch of how I want the time line to go but... the chapter is fighting me every step of the way.Uh is Devil X Destruction story dead? Because I really liked the old story so I was hoping the rewrite would be even better
no.... that was something i just made when I was in a Bad place