Worm SI idea..
SI with Power Manipulation joins the Protectorate/Wards with one condition, he does not want to patrol. SI described his power as able to unlock the limiters in other capes power other capes power and only bieng able to do so once a day.

First person he releases restrictions is Velocity. Turn him into The Flash using all five charges, now Velocity has actual super speed.

The PRT do a lot of tests to make sure no problems occur and once approved he "unlocks" others "limiters"

Vista can now bend space so much she can literally open two Portals to anywhere within her line of sight. Like a Portal gun.She can also now teleport line of sight, and take others with her in a green flash.

Assault can absorb other energies other than kinetic energy, like heat and radiation and release them as different energies. He also now has a much much higher energy storage limit.

Battery has her charging time reduced to a fraction of a second and the effects last longer. (As battery's shard is not receiving any energy since Eden is dead it tries to conserve energy so the SI uses PM to change her power so it absorbs heat from Venus's atmosphere and uses it to fuel its energy needs. This brings the shard back fully online from its hibernation state and all functions are restored including the instinct on how to use the power that normal triggers have. The SI does this for every Vial cape he "unlocks")

Armsmaster's tech does not degrade like tinker tech, instead, it degrades like a normal piece of tech, he also gets the power to literally not sleep, sense and control any electronic device within a 5 meter radius around him mentally. Increased mental processing power and can now trigger bullet time for about 30 minutes before he has a cool down time of 1 day.

Dauntless has the power of his charges increased multiple fold.

ClockBlocker is given the power to control exactly how long he wants his time stop to effect his target from 1 second to 10 minutes. He also gets Time rays that can stop a target at long distance but only for a few seconds he can also use the time ray to reverse the time of an object or person but can only rewind 10 minutes.

KidWin is given (I am Ironman) Speciality.

Aegis is given increased durability like Brute 8 level, and now does not feel pain fighting but will be aware of the damage.

Gallant now knows exactly what colours his his emotion blasts are (SI changes his power to absorb heat from venus's Atmosphere giving a supply of power to the hibernating shard bringing it online.) SI also add Light Green as willpower to the Emotion power and gives Gallant flight so long as he has the will to do so.

Triumph, same with battery and Gallant, brings his shard online, increasing his power and unlocking tge how to use power instincts.

Miss Militia, can now copy any Tinkertech "Gun" she has seen.

Shadow stalker? She gets her mental illness cured and can now empathise with others.
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Great idea for a story. But you know that everyone is going to want him (or kill him to deny his abilities to their enemies)? Cauldron is going to at least come to you to jailbreak their Shards in the near future.
Armsmaster gets the power to literally not sleep, sense and control any electronic device within a 5 meter radius around him mentally. Increased mental processing power and can now trigger bullet time for about 30 minutes before he has a cool down time of 1 day.
So...Technopathy? Because that's how it reads to me.

But isn't the core of his power 'Miniaturization' of any technology he creates? Wouldn't it make more sense and be more thematic if he now no longer needs to maintain his tech and can tap into more of his Shards database?

Just curious for your thought process regarding Armsmasters upgrade(s).
SI with Power Manipulation joins the Protectorate/Wards with one condition, he does not want to patrol. SI described his power as able to unlock the limiters in other capes power other capes power and only bieng able to do so once a day.

First person he releases restrictions is Velocity. Turn him into The Flash using all five charges, now Velocity has actual super speed.

The PRT do a lot of tests to make sure no problems occur and once approved he "unlocks" others "limiters"

Vista can now bend space so much she can literally open two Portals to anywhere within her line of sight. Like a Portal gun.She can also now teleport line of sight, and take others with her in a green flash.

Assault can absorb other energies other than kinetic energy, like heat and radiation and release them as different energies. He also now has a much much higher energy storage limit.

Battery has her charging time reduced to a fraction of a second and the effects last longer. (As battery's shard is not receiving any energy since Eden is dead it tries to conserve energy so the SI uses PM to change her power so it absorbs heat from Venus's atmosphere and uses it to fuel its energy needs. This brings the shard back fully online from its hibernation state and all functions are restored including the instinct on how to use the power that normal triggers have. The SI does this for every Vial cape he "unlocks")

Armsmaster's tech does not degrade like tinker tech, instead, it degrades like a normal piece of tech, he also gets the power to literally not sleep, sense and control any electronic device within a 5 meter radius around him mentally. Increased mental processing power and can now trigger bullet time for about 30 minutes before he has a cool down time of 1 day.

Dauntless has the power of his charges increased multiple fold.

ClockBlocker is given the power to control exactly how long he wants his time stop to effect his target from 1 second to 10 minutes. He also gets Time rays that can stop a target at long distance but only for a few seconds he can also use the time ray to reverse the time of an object or person but can only rewind 10 minutes.

KidWin is given (I am Ironman) Speciality.

Aegis is given increased durability like Brute 8 level, and now does not feel pain fighting but will be aware of the damage.

Gallant now knows exactly what colours his his emotion blasts are (SI changes his power to absorb heat from venus's Atmosphere giving a supply of power to the hibernating shard bringing it online.) SI also add Light Green as willpower to the Emotion power and gives Gallant flight so long as he has the will to do so.

Triumph, same with battery and Gallant, brings his shard online, increasing his power and unlocking tge how to use power instincts.

Miss Militia, can now copy any Tinkertech "Gun" she has seen.

Shadow stalker? She gets her mental illness cured and can now empathise with others.
Would definitely like to see a snippet of this story. Though to make things more interesting, it would be good for the MC to have a funny sense of humor, or just make jokes that no one gets like making comparisons between velocity and flash.
A jailbreaker Cape is going to be a complete game changer, even with that one day limitation, so it would be interesting to see the drastic changes it brings.
PM Worm SI into Greg
Piggot looked at the nightmare in her office.

The boy was both a nightmare as well as a possible golden goose, the edge that they needed to finally kick out the gangs for good and make sure no Villains could set their roots in Brockton Again.

It all depended on how this went.

When the boy refused to speak about his power to the power testers and told them he would only tell the Director she thought he was making a tantrum.

But now that she heard what his power was, it was understandable. Reasonable even.

According to him, he had the power to release the limiters of capes.

He could Second Trigger capes without the trauma.

He was also fairly detailed about his power giving more precedence that he wasn't playing a prank.

Apparently, Parahuman's powers came in tiers which he described as ranks of nobility.

Starting at the lowest.






High Priest - Which was the odd one in the naming scheme.

and finally Queen.

Not King.

The higher the ranking the more powerful the power was when unchained.

Apparently, some powers were chained so much because of how powerful they were and thus were weakened severely. Though this implies there was something else in control of powers. Which she didn't like at all. hopefully, there was a different explanation for that. Though considering her luck that was not likely.

He could identify the Rank of a power by sight though he had to be close, to tell.

All this information though. She would take it with a grain of salt until his power was proven.

Armsmaster and Velocity were called into the office. One could volunteer to test wether he was telling the truth the other would be on guard should he act funny.

"So, Void, we will be testing your power here and now. I do hope you are not joking because this is taking up valuable time and wasting protectorate resources if you are." The boy merely nodded and looked at the two capes.

"Armsmaster has a Marquess Ranked power but Velocity has a Duke ranked power."

"Marquess? Duke?" Velocity questioned.

"This is Void. He has requested to join the wards under the condition that he is not put on patrol. If his claims about being able to release the limiters about powers are true I would have done it either way. His power categorizes other power into ranks of Nobility with two extra ranks."

"You are talking about the five ranks of Nobility?" Armsmasted questioned.

"Correct." The Director Confirmed.

Armsmaster frowned taking the information in. "Then why is my rank lower than Velocity?" he didn't understand, after all Velocity was the weakest member of the Protectorate. He couldn't even affect anything with his super speed.

This time Void answered. "Velocities power is indeed Duke ranked though his power has so many restrictions it would take weeks or even months to remove them all, though most of his restrictions seem to be in how fast he can move. Can you imagine? If velocity was fully tangible and moved through the city at Mach 3? The Devastation from the sonic boom and the shockwave would be ridiculous."

"Velocity's Maximum recorded speed is 573.12 miles per hour, not Mach 3 which is 2031.81 Miles per hour."

"Well, I'm pretty sure releasing a few of his limiters will allow him to reach that speed."

"That still does not answer why Velocity's rank is higher than mine."

"Duh, that's because of how many limiters are there on his power. If I somehow manage to actually remove all his limiters from what I can see the dude can reach Relativistic speeds maybe even go beyond."

"That's impossible."

"Eh, I guess, from how many days it would take to reach that level, technically it is impossible, but who knows? Maybe he might just reach it."

"So, how do we do this?" Velocity asked approaching Void.

"I just need your hand." With that Void grabbed Velocities hand and after a few minutes he let go. "There, how do feel? I removed your first limiter. The biggest one you had."

"Woah." Velocity seemed to be in awe.

"Velocity?" I questioned

"Yes mam? Sorry, just taking in what I can do now. I heard a sound like a lock being opened and chains falling down before information about what I can do now hit me."


"I think I can now choose what my speed affects and what it doesn't and how much I affect it."

"Well, first M/S screening, then Powertesting." I turned to Void, "So, you are aware that you have to tell your parents about this?"

"My parents are dead."

Well shit. "Your Guardians?"

"They don't really care what I do so long as I don't cause trouble. Though dragging them from work to a PRT meeting would definitely be something they would count as bringing trouble."

Jesus christ and the kid is so nonchalant about this.

What the hell has he gone through?
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I feel like this came out really poorly.
It felt fine. You can get a real sense of 'Oh Shit!' from Piggot regarding what just landed on her lap.

Armsmasters skepticism is expected. I can't wait to see his reaction once he starts losing his restrictions thanks to Greg/Void.

But imagine how bullshit Dauntless could become or Vista once you shatter their limiters.
It felt fine. You can get a real sense of 'Oh Shit!' from Piggot regarding what just landed on her lap.

Armsmasters skepticism is expected. I can't wait to see his reaction once he starts losing his restrictions thanks to Greg/Void.

But imagine how bullshit Dauntless could become or Vista once you shatter their limiters.

While he says he is Releasing limiters, he is just using PM to edit the powers of other capes. He added the once a day lmit because he doesn't want to be pressured to keep "removing limiters" 24/7. The sound of a lock getting unlocked and chains falling that velocity heard is a power Greg created for himself to make someone hear any sound in their head in order to sell the "limiter releasing" bullshit a bit more.
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SI with FATE Tinker power and perhaps a bit of help from ROB (one time) who handles the UN to help him build Chaldea in the DXD world. Starts several years before canon. Recruits, Leonardo Jean, Herakles, and Seigfried before Chaos Brigade can get them. Uses his tinker power to Create something like a class card except this gives Leanado, Siegfried, Herakles, and Jeane the memories of their Heroic Spirit counterparts and the Noble Phantasms. Permenantly. The Memory assimilation takes time as they are shown the memories of their heroic spirit counterparts, this takes a few days.

When they wake up from receiving the memories they are changed a lot. Leonardo is excited, but Heracles is silent and contemplative, not excited for a fight like before, Siegfried is determined to live up to his ancestor as he has felt Siegfried's feelings as he watched the memories. Jeanne had her faith in god Renewed even further.

Because their memories include all iterations, not just when they were alive but also when they were summoned. Such as Herakles' memories in Fate stay night Heavens feel, Seigfried and Jeanne in Apocrypha, and Grand Order.

This is a new beginning for the HERO faction.

Each of them was inspired in a way, each with different goals, but a common path.

A path of a hero.

Eventually, Arthur and Morgan would be recruited as well and go through a similar process. Arthur however would see his old blade in disgust as he considers how the church has mangled it.

About a year before cannon, Issei is brought invited to Chaldea.... with the promise of being able to become an actual superhero.
About a year before cannon, Issei is brought invited to Chaldea.... with the promise of being able to become an actual superhero.
So...how long till he gets the Archer!EMIYA Class Card like in 'Writer With Bad Grammars' story? Or the other one where he has a full-set including Berserker!Hercules, Archer!Atalanta and Saber!Mordred?

Because that would be really cool.
Nier Automata Fate Crossover IDea
THe world is being destroyed by the white chlorination syndrome. Scientists are trying to find a cure or a way to prevent the WCS. Even Mage researchers are trying to do so each with their own fields, though some of them sealed themselves away in their workshop hoping to outlast the WCS. It won't work. Eventually, A Mage (Ritsuka/Rin/Shirou/Hakuno/SI) wins the Mooncell Holy Grail War. He/She uses his wish to create a artificial reality with a Kingdom of his own in the mooncell and bring thousands of the remaining survivors to his Kingdom in the Mooncell, both magus and normal, and thus many thousands of humans are saved. This Kingdom will grow for the next few thousand years Some people will wish to live outside and will leave the kingdom and perhaps found their own Places. (Ritsuka/Rin/Shirou/Hakuno/SI) occasionally looks to the earths status and eventually recognizes Yohra.... And will contact them through the mooncell. Although COmmander white is suspicious at first they can trace the signal all the way to the moon. (Ritsuka/Rin/Shirou/Hakuno/SI) uses his authority as Ruler of the moon to summon some servants and send them to support Yohra Missions to turn the tide of war.
Danmachi SI 1

"This will do for now, do NOT go beyond the first few floors. Hell doesn't go beyond the second floor. I cannot guarantee that this blade and armor will hold up any more than that. You don't seem to want to wait for me to actually finish a good blade so this will do for now. I'll have a better blade and armour forged for you in a few days."

Bell, scratched the back of his head seemingly embarrassed. "Sorry, Jaune-san."

I waved him off, I could kind of understand where he was coming from, I remember how excited I was to enter the dungeon the first time I got my Falna from Hestia and completed my first piece of equipment.

"Go on, and be careful."

"I will, bye Jaune-san! I'm off to the dungeon." I waved back and entered my workshop and started up my forge. I don't have any magical materials considering I'm still a Level one, after all, I Joined Hestia only 6 Months before Bell. While I did manage to collect a lot of good materials from the dungeon and good Iron. The only reason I managed to get as far as I did was because of the skill I got when I received the Falna. Pretty sure this was not the cheat that ROB told me I would get, though considering he did say he was not going to make it too easy I guess I'll have to level up to unlock more skills.

Level 1

Name: Q*** *** ***** ******

Strength: B 863

Endurance: B 801

Dexterity: D 601

Agility: C 728

Magic: S 999

Skills :

Structural Analysis:

Intuitively understand the structure, material, history, and properties of an item. Requires mind to use.

I've come a long way from what I've used to be. It's been 6 months since I've joined the Hestia Familia and Canon is already around the corner. Though considering I am here I wonder how much of canon still remains anyway? I'll have step up my game if I don't want to be left behind in the dust. There's no time to waste. I had to make a proper blade and a set of amour. Switching on my electric Arc furnace that Hestia got Hephaestus to build for me. I put in an Iron Ingot and began to wait as the Arc furnace began to melt it down.

Soon the bar of iron turned red hot, and then yellow. With tongs, I reached into the furnace and grabbed the glowing iron bar and set it on my anvil before switching off the furnace. I felt the heat from the furnace but it was just nearly burning but I endured it. It was how I got my Endurance stat so high after all. The heat is nothing compared to when I first started smithing. I had to wear gloves then. Maybe in Level 2 or three. I might be able to touch the red hot iron with my bare hands. Though I have to Max out my endurance stat If I ever want to try that out. I look forward to that if that is the case. Would definitely make it easier to work.

I lifted my hammer and began hammering away at the glowing iron block.

I also had to remove the impurities.

This was going to take a while.

I wonder…

What if I made Bell a Katana?

Technically the method used to make Katana's were there because of how low the quality of iron which was technically my situation.

Unless you were a crozzo or you were a high smith Adventures would not buy from you. And even if they did they wouldn't pay good prices for it.

But now Bell is here… Things were about to change.

Bell is an Agility Fighter.

If I made him a Katana?

I wonder…how fast he would be able to take down monsters in the dungeon.

Wait… If I tell him the tales of Sasaki Kojirou, Okita Souji and Miyamoto Musashi could he eventually replicate those feats? It might be possible.

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