Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

this is the only option I think we should really really take not only cause I think this would logically take place, it a good aveune for it since they saved our fricking lives, does not stop us from doing the other options, worshiping them would provide us good faith stuff they are still around so they can prevent it from getting out of whack, can provivde advice gueidnace, can hopefully by worshiping them liking us more, the people need faith yestraday too we need to get something our right now for them. We should really take it
Actually, I think worshipping the Machine-Gods is by far the worst option. Their obviously Necrons in origin, and it's very possible they're in fact C'tans. For now they're playing nice, but we have absolutely no idea if they'll stay that way.

[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Survey Erichtheo
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] TekMausoleums (0/10 --> 5/10)
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
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[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Survey Erichtheo
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] TekMausoleums (0/10 --> 5/10)
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
Could someone explain the logic behind putting 5 in shipyard instead of Autorecycler to get more EXP points and nuclear material in the next turn for Plan Brave New Worlds? That's basically leaving EXP and nuclear material gain on the table since the shipyard will not be done until the beginning of turn 3.
Quantum Calculators: A proposed project by the Academy, they wanted to work on improving the cost efficiency of pocket quantum computing technology such that they could make it a daily part of peoples lives: better home computers, better synthetic intelligence assistants, more advanced sims, and smarter Bond-Drones. 0/5, Develop Q-Blok Processors, increasing ACD and CUL Points. Costs 1 Network.
Folk Religion Revival: There were also a variety of older religions that had seen a resurgence in membership since the God Machines were awoken, and unlike the God-Machines, they didn't necessarily tie their loyalty to ultimately capricious demiurges. 0/5, Re-establishes various folk religions in Tekketi Civilization.
I do want these two, but for now this plan looks good.
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup
The worst part about us in the future is going to be the logistics. We can convert our tech on the fly, meaning that we can almost always have the force comp we need, scavenge our damaged stuff for parts faster and more efficiently, and just generally be absolutely impossible for conventional imperial tactics to deal with.
okay skeltial guardians kind of comfirm its ctan since these are likely necrons which isn't good cause trusting a cthan is like trusting chaos only I am not sure whats worse cause either way you end up a slave.
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup
Blackstone and Inertialess Drives. These are the 2 key technologies we need to acquire from the C'tan/Necrons. Everything else we salvage or develop as possible.
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup

Disagree with some of the choices, but overall aligns with what I support.
[x] Plan Healing, bots, and growth
- [x] Fleet Action
-- [x] Erichtheo
--- [x] TKK Endeavour
- [x] Exp Actions
-- [x] Deep Space Monitors X2 (2/2, -1 NT)
-- [x] NukeTek x3 (3/3, -1 NK)
-- [x] Orbital Shipyard x3 (3/10)
- [x] Cul Actions
-- [x] Promoted Therapy x5 (5/5)
-- [x] Hobby Bots x1 (1/3)
- [x] Fth Actions
-- [x] Rite of Anima x10 (10/10)
- [x] Acd Actions
-- [x] Quantum Calculators x5 (5/5, -1 NT)
-- [x] BlokBots x5 (5/5)
-- [x] MagTek Binding x1 (1/5)

Monitors to sooth fears and get started with early warning options. NukeTek for cheaper exp point growth. Orbital shipyard for the remainder because a naval strategy is a build strategy, so any turn we aren't moving towards more ships is dangerous.

Getting started on healing ASAP, before we lose survivors we could have saved. Remainder moving on the low cost, low exp boost option. Maybe it'll open up drone based warfare down the line? Wargames was a close second here, but I think that can wait a turn since we can't make more ships yet.

Get some exp points and the narrative suggest bond drones are really helpful from a healing/companionship perspective. Also, might synergize with hobby bots.

More science and culture for sure. Bots for exp and to synergize with anima rites and eventual hobby bots. Last point towards binding since it sounds like several explorations will need it.

Edit: known value outcomes
EXP: 8 + ? (NukeTek) + ? (Rite of the Anima) + ? (Golem BlokBots)
NK: 2 - 1 (NukeTek) = 1
CUL: 6 + ? (Quantum Calculators)
FTH: 10
ACD: 11+ ? (Quantum Calculators)
LM: 1
Network: 3 - 1 (Monitors) - 1 (Quantum Calculators) = 1

+ Bond Drone boost
+ Golem BlokBots

[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup

This is close enough to my preference.
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Actually, I think worshipping the Machine-Gods is by far the worst option. Their obviously Necrons in origin, and it's very possible they're in fact C'tans. For now they're playing nice, but we have absolutely no idea if they'll stay that way.
okay skeltial guardians kind of comfirm its ctan since these are likely necrons which isn't good cause trusting a cthan is like trusting chaos only I am not sure whats worse cause either way you end up a slave.
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup
I think it impormant to remember to that the god machine ws one of the first very options of this quest. It would be bad gming if any options associated meant doom for us
oh no they are def c'tan related but I am extremely leery of using information outside the quest in order to decide our actions since that lies the route of starting to ignore in quest material in in lieu of outside quest material. I think we should form our opinions on the god machines from what we have seen within the quest. The god machines are radically different than those in the lore since if they were lore ones they have taken control of all us, tried to eat our souls, formed a empire yada yada, instead they have done none of that. The vast majority the vast majority of them just went back into there vaults to keep on sleeping or whatever. Only 3 stayed on the surface on of those they don't really interact with us much other than helping us out in there own mysterious ways. Heck one of them litteraly treat us as with maternal affection I really doubt a mother gonna kill what they considered there kids, eat our souls ect
Of the three, MOTHER was the easiest to communicate with, having a strange maternal affection for your species, frequently taking young, driven Tekketi as favorites. Sphere 001 and YALDABOATH would prove far more enigmatic, the former descending below the waves and only communicating rarely to express specific requests, such as technological samples, raw materials, or biological specimens of note. YALDABOATH meanwhile would create a lonely workshop, high in the mountains, where the God Machine toils to create forbidden and hidden works.
Start with three God-Machines active in your empire. You do not control them or command them and they don't always act in ways that have any tangible purpose or goal, but they seem to have a great deal of affection for your species: handy, considering the sheer, raw power and control they exerted.

In conclusion in quest we have seen that they could have easily deigned to take control of us straight away, start eating our souls, formed a cult all around them, ect. They have done known of that instead they saved out entire species from extinction, then most of them went back into the vault to chill, those that stayed above didn't take control of us and went off to do our own things. That they are repeatedlyg shown by inquest material and word of god comments(qm) that they have a great affection for our species, and show great benevolence for us. Of all the groups to worship, interact with, be allies with in 40k or heck in regular fantasy worlds they are pretty darn great imo.
I think it impormant to remember to that the god machine ws one of the first very options of this quest. It would be bad gming if any options associated meant doom for us
oh no they are def c'tan related but I am extremely leery of using information outside the quest in order to decide our actions since that lies the route of starting to ignore in quest material in in lieu of outside quest material. I think we should form our opinions on the god machines from what we have seen within the quest. The god machines are radically different than those in the lore since if they were lore ones they have taken control of all us, tried to eat our souls, formed a empire yada yada, instead they have done none of that. The vast majority the vast majority of them just went back into there vaults to keep on sleeping or whatever. Only 3 stayed on the surface on of those they don't really interact with us much other than helping us out in there own mysterious ways. Heck one of them litteraly treat us as with maternal affection I really doubt a mother gonna kill what they considered there kids, eat our souls ect

In conclusion in quest we have seen that they could have easily deigned to take control of us straight away, start eating our souls, formed a cult all around them, ect. They have done known of that instead they saved out entire species from extinction, then most of them went back into the vault to chill, those that stayed above didn't take control of us and went off to do our own things. That they are repeatedlyg shown by inquest material and word of god comments(qm) that they have a great affection for our species, and show great benevolence for us. Of all the groups to worship, interact with, be allies with in 40k or heck in regular fantasy worlds they are pretty darn great imo.
I agree that they don't have a behavior typical of C'tans, but I prefer to be very careful. They could also be unique kinds of Necron machines that our people call gods because they don't know better, and you are malfunctioning. We just don't know, and that uncertainty is very dangerous.
I agree that they don't have a behavior typical of C'tans, but I prefer to be very careful. They could also be unique kinds of Necron machines that our people call gods because they don't know better, and you are malfunctioning. We just don't know, and that uncertainty is very dangerous.
No the qm said on discord these are ctan and they show no signs of malfunctioning too.
tbc the later part of the statment is my own opionon on it as we have seen inquest no signs of it. The first part of it is the qm statment the later part of the setnece is my own beleif
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I am saying lets not start worshipping them before finding out whats here cause the void dragon or deciver might be here and those two seem to be the most subtle (at least I can say the flayed one is not here and those two could be some of the ones that went back to sleep)
If the void dragon or deceiver were here the quest would be over cause they would have taken control of our civilization and start taking our ferrets souls. These ctan are obviously vastly different from the ctan of lore and again we should be use in quest material to decide our decsiion on them not outisde quest material