if you want discussion you could always go full rihaku here. Make sufficiently good arguments capable of overriding a majority vote if things are close enough.(edit:just realized that if you weren't interested in discarding votes without arguments you'd be less interested in weighting arguments. My apologies.)
Honestly? I just want to foster intelligent discussion. I want people to get into the spirit of things, rather than just trying to preemptively munchkin it up. At least wait until Taylor discovers her own natural munckinism before that happens, folks.

Also: at this point I'm about to throw in the towel on this vote. I can only assume that after reiterating my point 3+ times, that people either don't care or can't be bothered to read. Or they're ignoring my requests to spite me.
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Taylor in the story has a lot of rage. The system has crushed her and she doesn't want it to do it again.

Her need for freedom

Wanting to be someone different a hero

Love of family

I just don't think of this taylor as hungry so this is last choice for me.





Taylor is primarily Envious and Bitter right now. she also has shades of frustration at things not being Her way.
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really? Do I have to explain again why I like them?
No. You have to pay attention to the terms of the vote. You clearly didn't.

And I quote myself:

I'm asking you to put what you want to see on the backburner in favor of what fits the story of the quest. If you can't demonstrate ability to do that, this vote's getting cancelled, and we'll move on. Maybe try open voting again at a later date. I don't know.
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please stop tormenting QM-chan, they are suffering enough as is
*Twei drowns ToW in a sea of hugs
At this point, I'll probably keep either the current winner or one of the runners up. Maybe both. Or I'll just roll them randomly from the list of valid Yozis. Don't know. Don't need pity. Just also don't need aggravation right now.
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At this point, I'll probably keep either the current winner or one of the runners up. Maybe both. Don't know. Don't need pity. Just also don't need the aggravation.
Is it necessary to decide right now, or can we try again later? Maybe it would work if people just gave their reasoning and you decide which ones make the most sense instead of counting votes.
"Freedom. Real freedom. I think that's what I've wanted for... forever. But real freedom isn't just not being in a cage, it's more than that. It's being able to live without the fear that someone is going to hurt you. And this should go without saying, but that isn't just the physical stuff. Sophia could bear me up, but Emma was the one who really hurt me. Well, that's over, so maybe, I can finally be the person that I want to be. A hero. Someone who helps other people, who does what's right."

<You don't want to get revenge on those that did this to you?>

"No, I want to be better than them. There are more than enough awful people in the world. I want to be one of the good one. I will be one of the good ones."

<Stubborn as ever.>






I was honestly looking forward to Szoreny since he seemed pretty Taylor, but we'll make do.

And, @Thief of Words , I'm sorry about all the people who didn't explain their votes. Is this more along the lines of what you were looking for, or would you like me to elaborate further?
"Freedom. Real freedom. I think that's what I've wanted for... forever. But real freedom isn't just not being in a cage, it's more than that. It's being able to live without the fear that someone is going to hurt you. And this should go without saying, but that isn't just the physical stuff. Sophia could bear me up, but Emma was the one who really hurt me. Well, that's over, so maybe, I can finally be the person that I want to be. A hero. Someone who helps other people, who does what's right."

<You don't want to get revenge on those that did this to you?>

"No, I want to be better than them. There are more than enough awful people in the world. I want to be one of the good one. I will be one of the good ones."

<Stubborn as ever.>






I was honestly looking forward to Szoreny since he seemed pretty Taylor, but we'll make do.

And, @Thief of Words , I'm sorry about all the people who didn't explain their votes. Is this more along the lines of what you were looking for, or would you like me to elaborate further?

That wasn't what I had in mind...but it's perfect for all that. +.5xp for the micro-omake.
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Thoguht about it. Realized we can't have nice things. Not content with Malfeas selection explanations. NOT ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION. I'll announce the favored later. Need to think on it.

Going to start working on Interlude 1b: PHO. It may take me longer than the usual day or two for updates, because of the formatting involved. After that, votes for 2.1, then Arc 2: Emergence begins!
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Second Favored Yozi: Malfeas.

First Runner up: Isidoros.

:: boggles ::

I just don't get how people could associate the Taylor who at every opportunity has thought of others first, in seeking out her father, thanking the person who saved him, berating the person who nearly killed him, would somehow turn around and put two of the most selfish and self-centered Yozis as being favored. That runs utterly contrary to how she's been portrayed.
Screw it I'll keep the votes as is.

...Well that makes things awkward. I just finished editing in my reasoning and everything...
Taylor does want control, but at this point she's tired of enduring everything and waiting for things to get better. Canon Skitter would definitely fit more as a Malfeas favored Infernal, but I see different things for Taylor in this.
While it's not as high rated as others, it's still important since Taylor wants to just...stop caring about people like Emma and Sophia and all of those painful relationships. But she's prolly not fully prepared to let go of Annette and definitely doesn't want to rid herself of her bonds with Danny.
She wants to take control of her life and is tired of all of the things and people trying to beat her down. And Taylor has a rebellious streak a mile wide once you give her the chance to show it.
Taylor wants to change. While she may identify more with Kimbery, she wants to move away from all the pain that has been the last couple of years and look to the future.
Being able to understand the latest social trends and how people work would be really appealing to Taylor. And she isn't one for the spotlight all the time, so this fits best for her.

Granted, my votes and reasoning may not be accurate since I still have very little understanding towards the Exalted system, but eh.
And honestly, I didn't do it because I didn't realize we had to in the first place. That, and I still don't really have that much of an understanding of all of the stuff going on with Infernals and Exaltations and stuff, so whatever I say will be either stupid or ignorant and completely unrelated to the situation.

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See? That's it. You're not even trying. Or doing it to spite. Vote is closed. No one wins. I'll let you know our Favored Yozis later on. I'm gonna go try to destress.
Sorry For doing that as well, was trying to vote from my phone but having a hard time getting the regular options typed out due to lack of copy pasta ability :/ sorry for not reading the instructions all the way.

:: boggles ::

I just don't get how people could associate the Taylor who at every opportunity has thought of others first, in seeking out her father, thanking the person who saved him, berating the person who nearly killed him, would somehow turn around and put two of the most selfish and self-centered Yozis as being favored. That runs utterly contrary to how she's been portrayed.
They may be self centered and selfish, but Malfeas is also one who suffered and took great pain and was imprisoned. Just like taylor.
Isidoros is also the one who will do what he wants, ignoring insults and attacks- what she could want to be.

No yozi would entirely be a perfect match. Each is after all an insane mutilated primordial. If there was a match, I'd be very worried for taylor.

Had a hard time choosing between these two, but decided I liked Isidoros' Determinator thematics more than I liked Kimbery's powers.

Isidoros is who she WANTS to be(determined, makes own path). Kimbery is who she IS(obsessive, clings to what remains to her).


Decidedly ambivalent on Adorjan stuff. We got most of the interesting stuff in her charm tree only 1-2 charms away, but while Taylor could do with knowing how to Let It Go, she ALSO has enormous trouble actually deciding to do so.
The same element which makes her a good fit for Kimbery makes her a poor fit for voluntarily choosing Adorjan.

Adorjan is who she USED to be, a step back to childhood.


On one hand, Malfeas is very SV in how he deals with grudges and threats.
On the other hand, Malfeas is very SV in how he deals with grudges and threats.


I do like the thematics, but being all Om Nom Nom isn't doing this any favors.

:: boggles ::

I just don't get how people could associate the Taylor who at every opportunity has thought of others first, in seeking out her father, thanking the person who saved him, berating the person who nearly killed him, would somehow turn around and put two of the most selfish and self-centered Yozis as being favored. That runs utterly contrary to how she's been portrayed.

What Taylor knows about Kimbery
<Kimbery is the Sea that Marched Against the Flame, mother of all waters. She loving, and she is bitter. She loves and loathes in equal extreme. She shapes others to reflect her values. She erodes and dissolves those who stand against her. She is naive, yet eternally bitter from betrayal. She is loving and toxic and corrosive all at once.

Adorjan is what she likes. Running. Rising above her adversaries. Rendering them utterly irrelevant. Which just leaves the dichotomy between who she most identifies with now and what she wants to become to determine slot 2. Malfeas or Isidoros make sense if you look at her attempts at getting Amy and Vicky's phone numbers as attempts at honestly connecting with people. Her being tired of embarrassing herself when she tries to do things like that is just the icing on the cake. Isidoros is probably better for that than Malfeas, I don't see how Taylor would look to authority and wrath for help connecting with people.

So I would have gone for Adorjan, than Isidoros or Kimbery, then whichever of those didn't get slot 2, than Malfeas, than Metagaos, who gets last place because again, Taylor has been trying to make honest connections with people.
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Like I said. I'm just at the "this is a wash, we're moving on." Stage. Apparently most people couldn't or wouldn't understand the intent of the vote. I'm not letting the quest grind to a halt while I try to explain to them anymore.
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I really think Metagos and Kimbery fit taylor's current mindset best she's been constantly taunted with what she's lost and what she could have and has grown a bit bitter and envious from it.
Votes are thrown out. Sorry for wasting everyone's time with this, today.
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:: boggles ::

I just don't get how people could associate the Taylor who at every opportunity has thought of others first, in seeking out her father, thanking the person who saved him, berating the person who nearly killed him, would somehow turn around and put two of the most selfish and self-centered Yozis as being favored. That runs utterly contrary to how she's been portrayed.
I had voted Malfeas not because of how she acted so far but because of how she was before the locker. Canon did have her enduring the bullying and that during the beginning she was having issues with anger and wanting to sick her bugs on the trio.
Isidoros - Be more like people you admire. Carve your own path. Fuck the haters. You will make a new road, it will be shiny, chrome and glorious.

Kimbery - You have lost so much, that you should cling close to what you do possess, never lose what little remains. Those who turn against you are poison, and thus poison is their fate.

Adorjan - Remember back when you were a child. The freedom, the lack of burdens and ignorance of suffering. You can have that once again. Just let go of everything. You cannot lose anything if you have nothing to lose.

Malfeas - (Note: Some reservations because Malfeas triggers all the "bully" buttons that Cecelyne does) Everyone tramples upon you, casually, unknowingly, vindictively. No more. You will assert the confidence, rage and authority that is your right, FORCE them to obey or be broken. What they do will only scar the surface, what you do will sear them to the core.

Metagaos - I think this fits very well, but I can't get past the cannibalism charms, and have trouble seeing Taylor do so either.