For the record I really like what you've written so far and to be honest I like all of the build plans put forward I just find some of them more evocative than others in terms of the stunts I can imagine for them. On a different note, do people think it would be a better idea to grab some of the charms offered by different builds once we've settled on something or should we focus in on whatever build we decide on. personally I feel that the non-lethal poison charm should be a priority even if we don't go with the Magical Girl build
[X] Magical Girl Slendy-Chan
Edit: switching back to Magical Girl because it now has one other vote though still support Trace On.
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And Voting is Closed.

Winning option was:

[X] Plan Traced On
-[X] SWLIHN - Omnidimensional Apprehension Scan
-[X] Elloge - Means to Meaning
-[X] SWLIHN - Procrustean Chasity Coherence
-[X] SWLIHN - Utility-Engine Cabochon
-[X] SWLIHN - Crystal-Fire Barrier Defence
No. of Votes: 7
Plan: ◈Traced On


Followed by a tie between:

No. of Votes: 6

Ian Von Doom


[X] Plan Trace On
No. of Votes: 6
Plan: ◈Trace On

Psuedo Nym

Favored Yozi Vote

Favored Yozi voting starts now. No write ins allowed. These are your options. Please don't just bandwagon. Actually think about how it would or wouldn't fit the story and Taylor as she is and as she wants to be. Do NOT vote based on build optimization ideas. She is not a Chosen of Chungira. I'm giving folks another chance actually show they can build vote responsibly. If I feel that's not being done, then I'll assign her two Favored Yozis, and we'll move on.

    • Malfeas: Because It's Good to be the Queen. And more seriously, because she's tired of being defined by others. And she's tired of letting other people hurt her. There's a strength to be found in endurance.
  • Adorjan: Freedom is All. Also: Superspeed and mobility is friggin' fun. And Taylor is still defined by the people she loves. She is a compassionate soul.

  • Isidoros: <We could be Glorious!> More specifically, he's been explicitly compared to Vicky, of whom Taylor has an overwhelmingly positive first impression. And again, see the serious portion of Malfeas' reasons. And honestly, she's tired of never being able to figure out how to get what she wants out of life. Plus, she totally gets the appeal of defiance.

  • Metagaos: She's an introvert at heart. The idea of being able to be a super-wallflower when she wanted to, but able to understand social situations well enough to step into the foreground without humiliating herself when she chose, is one she'd enjoy. And honestly, she's tired of never being able to figure out how to get what she wants out of life.

  • Kimbery: On certain levels she understands what Kimbery has to offer more than she does the others, if only because she can already relate to the impression she's been given of her. She might be wary of the caustic toxicity that Uncertainty describes her as having, but no more so than the wrathfulness he attributes to Malfeas, the gluttony he attributes to Metagaos, or the scouring nature of Adorjan. On the other hand, it's both a benefit and a drawback that Kimbery sounded like the Yozi which would require the least change on her part. Change is scary, yes. But a part of her also wants to change (as evidenced by her desire to be literally anyone else in 1.10).

This is a priority vote. Number the Yozis from most fitting to least fitting, 1 being most fitting and 5 being least. an example of how to format is [1]Adorjan or [3] Kimbery.

[ ]Malfeas

[ ]Adorjan

[ ]Isidoros

[ ]Kimbery

[ ]Metagaos
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Adorjan because she has started to like the movement and the freedom that comes with it.
Isidoros because she wants to be someone else and someone like him is very appealing.
Malfeas authority is nice, hate less so. This crippeled and broken titan is something to pity, not emulate.
Kimberys bitterness is something to avoid, even if it seems like an easy way, Taylor is better than that.
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Literally only care about Kimbery because she's got the sort of soul of some nuts exalted biologist and well, that what, subconcious desire, seems to resonate well through Kimbery. Oh, and Adorjan because it basically symbolises Taylor breaking her chains, being free etc. No offence if I don't write an essay justifying the rest of this vote, don't count it if you must.
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self worth and freedom are probably the most appealing IC.
- Rage against the system that has failed her. Even though by her interactions with Armsmaster she was willing to give a prominent member of that system a second chance.

- She enjoys running. Her entire life has been cut away by circumstances beyond her control. Wanting the freedom to pursue her own dreams resonates with Adorjan.

- Like Adorjan is in tune with Taylor chasing her own desires. Taylor however is not an anarchist who rejects the values of the law nor have I seen anything to indicate she likes being challenged or competing with others.

- Her father ended up in the hospital. Where Adorjan moves away from that attachment, Kimbery best resonates with the part of her that cares about her dad.

- Lets solve our problems by hiding from and then suddenly ambushing them. It is the heroic way.

Edit: No misspellings here. Nope.
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Weaver was defined by loss and Taylor has never been one to let blind hatred control her
Taylor created a persona so that she could escape who she was Taylor was never a person to sit on her laurels even when she was still she was constantly planning her next attack and had a tendency to leave her foes guessing
Taylor literally had her ability to give up voluntarily removed from her mind rather than admit defeat, but she was always approaching problems from new angles rather than barreling through them
Taylor knows what it means to be loved and then betrayed she breaks and she builds she gathers close what she cares for and scatters what she disdains
Taylor waits and watches she is underestimated constantly she gradually grinds and harries fer foes, but those are only some of Metagaos's themes and the others are too inimical to her nature

Note: I was unsure how to categorize adorjan/kimbery 1/2 and isidoros/metagaos 3/4 in comparison to one another and could be convinced by a suitable argument
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Taylor does want control, but at this point she's tired of enduring everything and waiting for things to get better. Canon Skitter would definitely fit more as a Malfeas favored Infernal, but I see different things for Taylor in this.
While it's not as high rated as others, it's still important since Taylor wants to just...stop caring about people like Emma and Sophia and all of those painful relationships. But she's prolly not fully prepared to let go of Annette and definitely doesn't want to rid herself of her bonds with Danny.
She wants to take control of her life and is tired of all of the things and people trying to beat her down. And Taylor has a rebellious streak a mile wide once you give her the chance to show it.
Taylor wants to change. While she may identify more with Kimbery, she wants to move away from all the pain that has been the last couple of years and look to the future.
Being able to understand the latest social trends and how people work would be really appealing to Taylor. And she isn't one for the spotlight all the time, so this fits best for her.

Granted, my votes and reasoning may not be accurate since I still have very little understanding towards the Exalted system, but eh.
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I think there is enough hope of a fresh start here, from actually sort of winning a fight, managing several important conversations etc. That Taylor could really begin to hope about a new her - and Malfeas and Isodoros are solidly in the direction she longs for, Large and certain figures, not the sort to be pushed or hurt trivially, and something that can never fade away again, Malfeas ahead of Isodoros simply because Taylor always considers groups more than herself, and that suits the idea of 'right to rule'.

Adorjan because as stated previously, real movement and peace are so rare to Taylor as to seem imaginary.
In the end The idea of admiring someone who can do whatever they want and not be gainsayed strikes me as better than admiring someone(thing) because they can teach us something we want to do...

Metagaos seems kinda cool, bu just doesn't click with me as something I'd get excited about reading...





I see Taylor as wanting to find her own path, and not be defined or hindered by others. She has endured and will endure more in her quest to be who SHE wants to be, not what others want. There is an appeal in freedom, but you can't run from everything - you'll never stay long enough to become someone you can be proud of. She has a lot of bitterness about her past, and is not adverse to drawing on it, but it is time to move on. Hiding can be good, but if you are always hiding you are a prisoner of yourself.





I actually think Isidoros fits her worst, she isn't Vicky, they couldn't be more different. The only part that fits is the defiance.

Adorjan fits of course, and I do think that Metagaos fits fairly well too, for the reasons mentioned above. (And thematically, I like Metagaos since "secretly dangerous and terrifying wallflower" is kind of Taylor in canon.)
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I actually think Isidoros fits her worst, she isn't Vicky, they couldn't be more different. The only part that fits is the defiance.

I did specificy "and what she wants to become." If it were just by what she is, I'd assign Adorjan and Kimbery or Metagaos and Kimbery and we'd move on. But it's also about what she chooses to become. As much as, if not more than, what she already is.

Heck Isidoros isn't just Vicky for that matter. It's also BRIAN BLESSED! Or THE TECHNO QUEEN! (if you're familiar with that, I'd probably call her a Szoreny/Isi favored Defiler.)
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