In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

2.4 - Courtly Traditions
As you read and re-read the missive, you cannot help but smile in genuine pleasure. An anonymous note requesting attendance at a covert meeting - in a geisha house, no less. It is almost theatrical, and precisely the sort of thing you would expect from a Winter Court. Naturally, you will attend, but first there are some preparations to make.

There is something of a grey area surrounding the use of magic at court, particularly in the case of a Yogo's wards. One of the first things Yogo Hanzo did when you began settling in yesterday was to take a small knife and carve a series of delicate-looking symbols into the wooden sections of the walls marking your quarters. They are small things, easily missed, and according to the Shugenja effectively mute all sound passing from within the room to outside it. The measure might be taken as something of an insult by your hosts, but since the only way to discover it is to be deliberately eavesdropping Bayushi Kimoko decided that the level of risk was acceptable.

Of course, the fact that it only applies to the main common room assigned to you and can be disrupted by the simple act of opening a door reduces the usefulness somewhat.

Currently, both of your companions are seated in that common room carefully composing letters to send back across the pass while it is still reasonably clear. You take a seat to one side and wait to be acknowledged, as is proper - Kimoko would not appreciate being interrupted.

After a few minutes, your lord looks up at you. "A new development, Soshi-san?"

"Hai, Bayushi-sama." You reply. "A possible one, at least. I have been invited to a meeting at the House of the Mountain Swallow later tonight."

Kimoko nods slowly, reading the truth in what you have and have not said. "Visiting a true geisha house is an experience not to be missed. Enjoy yourself, Soshi-san, but make sure to take adequate precautions as well."

"Of course, Bayushi-sama." You look over at Hanzo. "I was wondering if you might have anything that could assist on that front, Yogo-san. I would not wish the rarified atmosphere to cloud my judgement."

Hanzo nods, business-like. "I can arrange something, though it will take a small while to prepare."

"Thank you, Yogo-san." You pause for a moment before continuing, unsure if your insights on this matter will be welcomed... but no, you would be failing in your duty if you did not raise your concerns. "Bayushi-sama... I cannot help but notice that this Winter Court is developing with more speed than I might have expected."

Kimoko smiles thinly at that one. "I should hope so. I am doing my best to surprise and unsettle the other delegates at every opportunity... and I am Scorpion. Doubtless half of them are convinced that I have some diabolical scheme in the works. They cannot allow themselves to be complacent and take their time, for who knows what the madwoman in a mask will do if allowed to act unopposed."

"That is... not quite how I would have phrased it, Bayushi-sama, but I take your meaning." You say, trying to quash your uncertainty. Everything you know says that a position of strength comes from studying your enemies in order to predict and guide their actions, but Kimoko appears content to simply kick their legs out from under them. Still, she is your lord, and her will is your command. You will simply have to adapt.


There are only so many preparations one can take based on limited information, and finding yourself with time left over before your meeting you determine to spend some of it practicing. You have signed up for a Kenjutsu tournament, after all, and if you do not want to shame your Clan you had best make sure your skills are sufficiently sharp.

The parade ground outside your quarters is still in active use by the Lion, but it is easy to find yourself a small corner that is unoccupied and begin training. Your katana flashes around you in glittering steel arcs, and you rapidly sink into the half-aware trance of repeated katas. It is almost a kind of meditation, being able to practice like this, and for a time you take comfort in the peaceful sound of the air whistling as it is cut by your blade.

That peace is shattered by a loud and cutting voice from directly behind you.

"How adorable. The Scorpion thinks he's a warrior."

Slowly, you lower your blade and turn to face the owner of the voice. It appears your practice routine has drawn some attention - a full patrol squad of a dozen Matsu bushi are standing in a loose group a short distance away, while the largest of their number regards you with a contemptuous sneer.

- [ ] Write in

GM's note - I have not forgotten the rest of the write in, but it is very late here and I've decided to try and work that into future updates rather tha delay this one any further.
Well, that's something.

...honestly, I'm not quite sure what to do.

I want to be sarcastic, but that's a bad impulse, so I'll stifle it.
Very wise. That results in us being challenged to a duel or getting backhanded to the other side of the yard.

I don't see them letting us leave unmolested without us losing Glory and having some nasty rumors swirling about us at the end of this. That being said, IIRC ignoring insults to oneself is also seen as honorable among Samurai, though the Matsu will likely see that as an opening to keep trying to pick a fight with us.

If these guys aren't petty and vindictive dickbags (which they most likely are), then the only way I see us getting out of this in a good way is either by not running from them and fighting (even if we lose), or challenging them to a display of martial skill with a broad variety of weapons (something we can maybe beat the Matsu at).
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[x] Bite back sarcastic wit, that's for later not now.

"Yes and you are Lion-sama?" give a polite enough bow.

Then roll lore heraldry on him to find out who this punk is and if we can screw with him on the all knowing front.
I seem to remember someone suggesting that if we're the challenged party we have the option to leverage our Crab Hands trait to cause hilarity to ensue.

Something else to keep in mind is that we want to preserve our reputation as the Reasonable, Good Cop to Kimoko's Rogue Cop On The Edge Who Plays By Her Own Rules Scorpion.

And as a third and final matter, screw this guy and the horse he rode in on. :p

So...I'm thinking gently maneuver this douchebag into calling us out (which shouldn't be that difficult, he's looking for trouble) and then we take him on in a duel with...anything that doesn't let him use his swording skills. Can we borrow a couple of tetsubo from the Hida? It ain't called the "Phoenix Hands" trait, after all.
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I seem to remember someone suggesting that if we're the challenged party we have the option to leverage our Crab Hands trait to cause hilarity to ensue.

Something else to keep in mind is that we want to preserve our reputation as the Reasonable, Good Cop to Kimoko's Rogue Cop On The Edge Who Plays By Her Own Rules Scorpion.

So...I'm thinking gently maneuver this douchebag into calling us out (which shouldn't be that difficult) and then we take him on in a duel with...anything that doesn't let him use his swording skills. Can we borrow a couple of tetsubao from the Hida? It ain't called the "Phoenix Hands" trait, after all.
If anything I'd go for Chain Weapons or Staves, since the Matsu would be less likely to have training in those if we end up fighting.

That said, i'd honestly prefer to only do this as a last resort since we're honestly not that great a fighter. Our Agility is at 3, meaning that we're not going to be missing frequently, but with Reflexes at 2 and Earth at 2 we're unlikely to last long against a Matsu Berserker.

I like the tack gman's going for though. Especially on that Lore: Heraldry roll.
That said, i'd honestly prefer to only do this as a last resort since we're honestly not that great a fighter. Our Agility is at 3, meaning that we're not going to be missing frequently, but with Reflexes at 2 and Earth at 2 we're unlikely to last long against a Matsu Berserker.

Yes but screw this guy! :mad:

More seriously....this is a Textbook Monkey Dance. That is to say, macho posturing bullshit. However, as Rokugan is a Proud Warrior Culture, and the Matsu whose court we are attending are one of (if not the) proudest most warriorest groups in Rokugan, we can't do the usual best thing to do in a monkey dance, back down and walk away.

Hmmm....the thing about a monkey dance is...this guy is picking a fight with us. A Scorpion. He isn't trying to show how 'ard he is by blustering at the Crab or Mantis, he's trying to build a rep off somebody from a Clan whose stereotype is they're sneaky buggers who fold like a card table in a stand up fight.

That says something about his place in the local pecking order. He may indeed be able to kick our ass, but I'd be willing to bet this dude's a long way from being one of the better fighters in the Matsu ranks.
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Yeah Kimiko is pretty great.

Hmm, what to do about the Matsu...

You know a great come back would be to quote Leadership back at them. Something about training the body as well as the mind
[jk] Smile blandly. "And the Lion thinks he's a wit."

No, no. That will not serve our purposes. That actually fails on *multiple* fronts. Let's see...

- We want to avoid looking weak in front of the Matsu.
- We want to avoid getting into a duel at all. Dueling a Matsu would put a significant dent in our ability to sell our current rep.
- We'd rather avoid stooping to petty Crane tricks, if we can help it.
- Appeal to authority would mark us as weak, and is to be avoided.

Now, for their purposes... they've heard of Bayushi Kimiko's stare-down with their Diamyo. By now, nearly every Matsu in the place has likely heard that tale. They're actually being polite, in their own warped way - they're trying to repeat the performance with us. It's one part emulating their hero, one part "Oh, look! Maybe *I* can get some of that!" The Scorpion are *eminently* hateable, especially if they bite back appropriately. So they don't mean us *malice* - not really. They just want a nice venomous verbal exchange to stir the blood. Unfortunately, giving them what they want would probably lead to a duel, would disrupt our schedule, and would do major harm to the image we're trying to produce with the non-Matsu.

Side thought: We should see if we can talk Bayushi Kimiko into practicing together in the yard at some point. She could subject us to some of the more psychotic training techniques with a crazy grin on her face while we bore up under it and did our best to keep up - possibly with us remaining largely silent and her heaping on the right kinds of verbal abuse/encouragement. It lets her polish her "this woman is crazy/awesome" image a bit more, and helps us sell the idea that we're submitting to her crazy whims (and willing to do the scary Bushi things without complaint). Also, she might find it enjoyable - depending on how much exactly is her, and how much the mask.

Still... how to end this for the image we want to give? We don't rise to the bait, but we also don't back down. We remain calm, professional, polite, humble about our martial skills, and willing to engage in them in appropriate venues.

[x] "I am what I am. I but seek to improve myself, as all good samurai should. If you wish to test yourself against me, I will be participating in the upcoming kenjutsu tournament. I suspect you could arrange to be my first opponent, and I would welcome your interest then. If that is not what you wish, then perhaps you could be clearer about your intentions?"

Basically, give him a way to walk off with a partial win (based on his own objectives), or hang around and try to pick a fight with someone who's essentially already agreed to fight him. We don't look weak in front of the Matsu, and we don't act in ways that anyone else would find crazy.

Not saying it's perfect, but I think it's decent. Of course, (@Maugan Ra) if we can get anything useful off of a heraldry roll on this guy (perceive Glory check? Something?) it might be worth making some changes. I also feel like it could do with a *bit* more in the way of subtle barbs, but that's a gut reaction, and rationally I suspect that it may be wrong.
I also feel like it could do with a *bit* more in the way of subtle barbs, but that's a gut reaction, and rationally I suspect that it may be wrong.
Nah. If this little chest thumping session had more of an audience, sure, sure, let's layer in as many subtle "I am calling you stupid but not really hee hee" digs as we can...but with the only spectators being a bunch of Matsu samurai, everything but the most blatant put downs is going to fly right over their heads, we'd just be showing out for ourselves, and what's the point in that?

Let's save our good Totally Not Insults for when they can actually score some points.
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I think I'd prefer to be a bit more curt, since we're not taking the opportunity to provoke (dangerous and we've got an appointment to keep) or show off (mostly wouldn't work, practically the only thing we could impress with is facility with any exotic weapon tossed our way).

[X] "The tournament is in two days, Matsu-san. If you are participating, I will gladly cross blades with you then. Until then." Then turn back to training and ignore further provocations.

Although, I would like to see if we can pick up anything about his status with that heraldry roll. If he's higher status, wouldn't picking on a newbie like us without provocation be dishonourable of him?

One thing that probably should have occurred to me earlier: What did we do with the letter?
If this is someone trying to get us in trouble, the letter will allow us to contest that we'd been set up, putting the ball back in the accusers court to try and prove that we forged it.
If we get kidnapped it could be used by Kimoko-Sama to prove there is foul play when she demands to investigate.
However, someone already snuck the letter into our room, if we just left it there they could just as easily steal it back.
So, where did we put the letter? If we're keeping it on our person that's fine if we escape the predicament, but no help if we don't, or it's pick-pocketed from us.
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[X] "The tournament is in two days, Matsu-san. If you are participating, I will gladly cross blades with you then. Until then." Then turn back to training and ignore further provocations.
[X] Jaertin

Brevity is the soul of wit and all that, says everything we need to say more succinctly, plus I think it leaves less of an opening to the Matsu, Sirroccos ends with an invitation to the Matsu to continue the exchange which I don't really want to do.
[X] Sirrocco

Because "turn your back on the Matsu and ignore him until he goes away" is most likely not going to end the exchange, it's going to make him escalate it. Which means we have to escalate too, or back down and eat the loss of face. Neither of which are good options.
[x] "Indeed, Matsu-chan. Perhaps I would be better served to beat my sword into a plowshare. Or perhaps I would be better served beating you as a parent might a troublesome child. Clearly your own did not do it nearly enough."
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Not saying it's perfect, but I think it's decent. Of course, (@Maugan Ra) if we can get anything useful off of a heraldry roll on this guy (perceive Glory check? Something?) it might be worth making some changes. I also feel like it could do with a *bit* more in the way of subtle barbs, but that's a gut reaction, and rationally I suspect that it may be wrong.

Lore: Heraldry/Intelligence 5k4 = 34

You have no idea who this samurai is - he does not wear a personal mon, and lacks any markings of rank or awards given for battlefield success. Indeed, he and all of his squad look fairly young. If you had to guess, you would say that these are graduates of their school in the two years immediately following the Day of Thunder. Thus, they have no real rank and no direct battlefield experience.

However, you do notice one thing that marks the leader of the group out from the rest - while his kimono bears the mon of the Matsu family (a katana in a clenched lion's paw), it also bears the symbol of the officially dissolved Akodo family (a stern lion's head). Technically, that's not illegal - the family was dissolved by the order of the Last Hantei, but there was never any command to purge it from the records - but it's a strange choice all the same.

Lore: Bushido/Awareness = 23

You cannot discern how honourable the samurai is or is not. Still, a graduate of a Lion dojo is probably going to be highly honourable, since their teacher's words are fresh in their mind and they have not been abroad in the world long enough to grow jaded and cynical.