- The next one after that is Bowman's Wager. At this point, we'd make a pretty decent showing of ourselves, if we chose to enter. We *might* win it. Winning it might be worthwhile for the things that we would win. Merely doing well, however, is probably counterproductive. It's fame we don't need. Basically, we should go big or go home, and of the two, I think we should go home.
I do not think this had changed.
[x] Bowman's Wager: Seek out another to compete on behalf of your Clan:
-[x] From among the Lion: Matsu Ginwei, the man who saved our life. This is a chance for Glory, let him have it. We risk nothing and have a lot to gain. Do remember the Lion Damiyo was being covered by our boss. We need to establish lines of comunication.
[x] Bowman's Prize: A slot in the Shosuro Acting school.
[x] Primary Action: Focus on the Lion. Try your hand with Kitsu Ami, we been helpful before.
-[x] Try to establish common ground after the damage done to our delegation and based on our help so far. Be ready to help an investigation, if the opportunity comes up. Even if it may not be the investigation we would idealy want to help with. If she is so focused chasing after the assasins, her people may not have the time for lesser concerns. (If the damiyo has given up the idea that we were behind the assasination she may allow as to help find the assasins.)
[x] Secondary Action: make sure that Shosuro-san knows everything you've managed to figure out so far about the face-stealers. It is critically important that this information makes it back to the clan, and if they are attacked again, any bit of it might help. Put together a letter to be sent back to your superiors, laying out what you know of the Nothing. Ask Shosuro-san to code it under a letter about recent events - which they'll *also* need to know about. If you can find reliable means to send it now, do so.
[x] Secondary action: Compose and deliver an apology letter to the Kaiu.
[x] Secondary Action: Get a report on what Yogo has been doing with the Dragon and the Unicorn.
[x] Yogo action: keep working on the Dragon and/or Unicorn (his choice). If he can find anything that any of them might need, that would be great, though it's not necessarily expected. If he thinks it is possible, he should attempt to develop a ward that would detect the faceless ones, since a jade strike apparently did not work. If such a ward can be developed, we will find some pretext to use it on our new accomodations. And perhaps more.
[x] Shosuro action: Take the time to rebuild his organization, if need be. If that's doing fine, then work on trying to find out more about the face-stealers or where the thing wearing our face got to.
@Maugan Ra: I may be wrong, but we are clear on the subject of assasinating our boss as far as the Matsu are officialy concerned, right?
@Sirrocco: I think a far better use of our time is not partaking in the wager. If nothing else, we hide a useful skill. Also, it is unsemlly that the head of the delegation competes, espetially if we lose it will reflect poorly on the Scorpion as a whole. You want to look weak before the Lion? I'd rather not.
While there is something to be said for facing the chalange head on, the Matsu would appreaciate that, doing so and losing? Not so much. Telling Yogo about our stuff makes me uncomfortable. We are not that close with him, and the last time he was troubled we were unable to reach him. I think we should be somewhat wary of him. Has he discharged his curse? Do we know that? What if he fell in bloody love here in court?
I think we need to focus on the Lion as primary for now. Just until things settle down a bit.
We do need to touch base with Daidoji, but we might be taking on too much stuff to do in just two days. We can reach out to him in the following couple of days and honestly say we were trying to settle things down with everyone else, trusting his aliance to weather the storm.
EDIT: On the subject of the acting school: The Mantis Courtiers are expert of intimidation. I do not think an trained actor would help them. I think what the Scorpion in that school could learn from the student sent there will benefit the Scorpion a lot more then what the Mantis can do with a trained actor.
EDIT2: We have no clue what Yogo has been doing with the Dragon and the Unicorn. We need to have a talk with him on the subject. Now that we are his boss, we need to know.