In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

I think the plan was to save up for Intelligence 5? Not completely sure, though.

This might be an opportunity; if he can get confirmation that those people are the Crane, it's possible that we might be able to cooperate and coordinate our efforts for greater efficiency. In addition, this would no doubt earn us some more points with the Crane. And might get us a closer look at how they operate, which might be handy for our Clan in the future.
Of course, that also depends on whether such cooperation between spy-groups is a thing(tm).

This might also be an opportunity, albeit in a somewhat roundabout way.
Miyako just had her participation in the Wager effectively destroyed, even though she was a favorite for outright winning it. The reason were sudden and unexpected gusts of winds, and we had an encounter with a spirit of air not too long ago. We could tell her about it (not the details, of course), and voice the possibility that this spirit, or a similar one, might have been playing a trick on her, along with the suggestion that she seek out some local priest/shugenja in order to learn how to turn the spirit's attention away.

Done correctly, this might earn us her personal gratitude, and thus an in with the Mantis delegation, which could be handy.
They could be the wrong kind of Crane, the one that wanted the war and now is trying to see what has gone wrong.

On the second, I would like to see what the Mantis lost in the wager... so we have an idea on how much they were hopping for this win
I think the plan was to save up for Intelligence 5? Not completely sure, though.

This might be an opportunity; if he can get confirmation that those people are the Crane, it's possible that we might be able to cooperate and coordinate our efforts for greater efficiency. In addition, this would no doubt earn us some more points with the Crane. And might get us a closer look at how they operate, which might be handy for our Clan in the future.
Of course, that also depends on whether such cooperation between spy-groups is a thing(tm).

This might also be an opportunity, albeit in a somewhat roundabout way.
Miyako just had her participation in the Wager effectively destroyed, even though she was a favorite for outright winning it. The reason were sudden and unexpected gusts of winds, and we had an encounter with a spirit of air not too long ago. We could tell her about it (not the details, of course), and voice the possibility that this spirit, or a similar one, might have been playing a trick on her, along with the suggestion that she seek out some local priest/shugenja in order to learn how to turn the spirit's attention away.

Done correctly, this might earn us her personal gratitude, and thus an in with the Mantis delegation, which could be handy.

What do we need for Int 5?

20 XP, right? If so we're actually halfway there!

[X] Bank the XP.
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I think the plan was to save up for Intelligence 5? Not completely sure, though.
I think the last time we checked it was between Int 5 and Void 3. I think Void 3 works, espetially now we are the only Bushi left in the Scorpion delegation. Void is for duels as well.

This might also be an opportunity, albeit in a somewhat roundabout way.
Miyako just had her participation in the Wager effectively destroyed, even though she was a favorite for outright winning it. The reason were sudden and unexpected gusts of winds, and we had an encounter with a spirit of air not too long ago. We could tell her about it (not the details, of course), and voice the possibility that this spirit, or a similar one, might have been playing a trick on her, along with the suggestion that she seek out some local priest/shugenja in order to learn how to turn the spirit's attention away.

Done correctly, this might earn us her personal gratitude, and thus an in with the Mantis delegation, which could be handy.
Or you know, she might think we sought out and convinced a spirit to curse her, and are now either gloating, or blackmaling her into paying us to get the spirit to back of, or her Arrows will miss forever more. If talk goes badly, I mean.
I think the last time we checked it was between Int 5 and Void 3. I think Void 3 works, espetially now we are the only Bushi left in the Scorpion delegation. Void is for duels as well.

Or you know, she might think we sought out and convinced a spirit to curse her, and are now either gloating, or blackmaling her into paying us to get the spirit to back of, or her Arrows will miss forever more. If talk goes badly, I mean.

I dunno, if I remember Int 5 is actually really epic.
Or you know, she might think we sought out and convinced a spirit to curse her, and are now either gloating, or blackmaling her into paying us to get the spirit to back of, or her Arrows will miss forever more. If talk goes badly, I mean.
It depends on the exact phrasing, obviously, though it's not completely without risks, yeah. But overall I think this is more an opportunity to exploit, rather than a risk to avoid.
I just checked the scheduele and guess what is coming up? 7th to 9th Days of the Rat: Festival of the Moon's Wrath. Three bloody days of Silence. Shit. Hey guys, wanna bet whatever they are planing, the big thing coming up? It's goona happen then?

Is there anything we need to burn XP for, to better do our new role in life? Or are we good, skill wise?

@Kelenas : That wasn't so much a serious criticsm as it was a hilarious mental image.

"Oh Wasp-san, it is so unfortunate you had trouble with the Wind after I met a spirit of Wind in the wild. Oh woes is us, that Wind spirits pick on us. So sad. "
Is there anything we need to burn XP for, to better do our new role in life? Or are we good, skill wise?
Given our new position, it probably couldn't hurt to have more Courtier and Sincerity, and later in the month there'll be a Go tournament in front of the entire court. However, for said Tournament, an increased level of Intelligence would also be extremely valuable. So, it's a bit of a toss-up.
@Kelenas : That wasn't so much a serious criticsm as it was a hilarious mental image.

"Oh Wasp-san, it is so unfortunate you had trouble with the Wind after I met a spirit of Wind in the wild. Oh woes is us, that Wind spirits pick on us. So sad. "
Fair enough; that *is* an amusing mental image. :p
[X] Bank the XP
Because lore checks are useful things to have. Also for characterization purposes - it makes int back into the personal focus that it should be. Also because Commerce is going to start being a thing again reasonably soon, and Hachiman's tournament is coming up in a few weeks.

Seems pretty clear to me (or at least pretty likely) that the Crane who is tearing his way through the underworld and the Crane who has just revealed that he's all about doing mildly shady stuff in order to find and violently eliminate threats to his clan are the same Crane. We should arrange to share information with him, once we have information to share. Obviously, we won't tell him about our sources, but cautious coordination can still be helpful.

So, yeah - both the Kakita and the Tsuruchi failed their "you had one job" check.

I'd also like to know what was bet - both for greater understanding of the delegations in question, to understand what the Phoenix have gained, and to understand what the Tsuruchi has lost.

This is likely a good time to get a bit of an interaction in with the phoenix, talking about their unexpected windfall - not trying to leech any advantage, but just because the subject might be nice for a relationship ding (and hey - there might be some mutually beneficial opportunities in there too). It's *also* a good time for interaction with the Mantis (if we can arrange it). They've just taken a notable hit off of what they were expected to bring home. Right now, they're hungry for a win, and may be less inclined to make enemies. Of course, the Crab are already there, so there's less benefit to be had.

Speaking of which, we really want to get an in back into the Crab delegation. If we let the Mantis get too far into them unopposed, they're likely to route rather more of their goods through Mantis ports and rather less through Beiden pass than we'd prefer.
So, yeah - both the Kakita and the Tsuruchi failed their "you had one job" check.
Let's hope none of our allies fall victim to that apparent curse, next...

This is likely a good time to get a bit of an interaction in with the phoenix, talking about their unexpected windfall - not trying to leech any advantage, but just because the subject might be nice for a relationship ding (and hey - there might be some mutually beneficial opportunities in there too). It's *also* a good time for interaction with the Mantis (if we can arrange it). They've just taken a notable hit off of what they were expected to bring home. Right now, they're hungry for a win, and may be less inclined to make enemies. Of course, the Crab are already there, so there's less benefit to be had.
I expect there'll be at least some preliminary details that will need to be hashed out in regards to the Bayushi Courtier slot they just gained, at least.

And yeah, we'll want an in with the Mantis ASAP, if possible. What do you think of the idea I had in that regard, even if it's a somewhat indirect one?

Speaking of which, we really want to get an in back into the Crab delegation. If we let the Mantis get too far into them unopposed, they're likely to route rather more of their goods through Mantis ports and rather less through Beiden pass than we'd prefer.
I think the issue in this regard was that we inadvertedly insulted Lion food and the Crab took offense because it was kinda the stereotypical warrior-food, or something?
Any ideas in that regard as to how we might be able to make up for that? Not entirely certain how such apologies are supposed to work or be phrased in Rokugan.
Let's hope none of our allies fall victim to that apparent curse, next...

I expect there'll be at least some preliminary details that will need to be hashed out in regards to the Bayushi Courtier slot they just gained, at least.

And yeah, we'll want an in with the Mantis ASAP, if possible. What do you think of the idea I had in that regard, even if it's a somewhat indirect one?

I think the issue in this regard was that we inadvertedly insulted Lion food and the Crab took offense because it was kinda the stereotypical warrior-food, or something?
Any ideas in that regard as to how we might be able to make up for that? Not entirely certain how such apologies are supposed to work or be phrased in Rokugan.

It's also that we looked like an ingratiating jackass.

I mean, we *were* trying to be ingratiating, but you don't want to look as if you're being a kiss-up (and failing to actually kiss, let alone upwards).
Seems pretty clear to me (or at least pretty likely) that the Crane who is tearing his way through the underworld and the Crane who has just revealed that he's all about doing mildly shady stuff in order to find and violently eliminate threats to his clan are the same Crane. We should arrange to share information with him, once we have information to share. Obviously, we won't tell him about our sources, but cautious coordination can still be helpful.
Yeah. About that. I'm not familiar with the timelines, is it possible that Chen is a Harrier?
Would be a kind of amusing twist to have the honourable Scorpion and dishonourable Crane. Or terrifying.
It is entirely possible that Chen is a Harrier. But I do not think it likely, Harriers are rather rare all told. More likely he's a Daidoji Scout who happens to be able to pass as an Iron Warrior.