I believe I need to clarify here - while turning the offer of assistance around and getting them to name something they want first would be a useful strategy, it's not really a valid option right now. Doji Mariko is a student of the Doji Courtier School, and is making use of her Rank 1 Technique here.
She beat you on the roll, which isn't that surprising - her family and school both give +1 Awareness and she's got three ranks in Courtier. So she's rolling 7k4 against your 5k3, while also benefitting from an Emphasis which allows her to reroll 1's and a free Raise.
So essentially, if you need something you have to tell her. I'm allowing the option of just flatly denying her altogether, since absolute railroading sits poorly with me, but that will count as a Breach of Etiquette.
This is one of the tricker things about dealing with a Court game - the other courtiers have goals and abilities of their own, and can use them to control your actions to a certain degree.
But we... don't really need anything. Not like that.
Huh. Direct reading would suggest that it's a yes/no question... which would be *odd* - and also unuseful. We will assume that it is not that thing. We should also assume that it won't tell her our complete List Of Needs - that would be *ridiculously* overpowered. Also, we'd like to avoid debates over precise definitions of "need" Rather, my guess is that it basically says "if there is at least one favor that you would find helpful, you have to tell me at least one of them." Further, from the "make it useful, not bizarre", it has to be a favor that the Crane could plausibly grant, or cause to be granted.
...and yep. We're in conversation with a courtier. We're playing for a tie. Still, she played an information-gathering power on us, and we're not willing to pay the cost of the perfect conversational dodge, so she gets information. Let's see what that information might be.
Let's look at real goals, and known subgoals.
- Walk out of this Winter Court with the Matsu on *generally* good terms with the Scorpion.
- Assist the Scorpion Trade Delegation in their work
-- Get an introduction to the Matsu Magistrates
- Generally improve the position of the Scorpion Clan
-- Acquire useful information on basically everyone
-- Acquire favors and friendly contacts
-- Generally impress people
-- Acquire a good position somewhere from whence to assist the Clan and/or marry into a useful position
-- Assist other Scorpion to do the same
-- Improve our reputation and position with respect to the Emperor and Imperial Bureaucracy
So, the lose case here is to ask for something that doesn't actually serve our goals well, and that opens us up for exploitation later.
The *win* case is to ask them for something that we would find useful - while in that same statement *giving* them something that they would find useful. I'm thinking information exchange. We hand them a block of useful information on someone, and then say that if they happen to find anything *else* about that person, we'd appreciate if they would tell us. Otomo-sama in particular springs immediately to mind, a someone we happen to have a fair bit of information on right now, that others might dearly wish to know more of, but it's dangerous. At a basic level, as far as our real objectives go, he's more important than she is. We don't want to do something that would upset him in the process of currying favor with her. We'd need it to be information that he'd be happy with them knowing, and we might wish the information we ask of them to be information he wouldn't mind them seeking.
I'm going to try to compose one, but I wanted to toss this out there for people to chew on and respond to while I do - might take a bit.