In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

[x] Simply observe but attempt to put our fellow guests at ease. This is a time for fine dining and good company. Try and be good company. Use our wide base of knowledge to encourage lighthearted conversations and simply see where it takes us. We are trying to establish friendly relations, not probe their darkest secrets.
- [x] Be open to speaking with the Kaiu about Architecture but remain mindful of the other guests. We would not want to bore them with a subject they could not participate in.
[X] Simply observe but attempt to put our fellow guests at ease. This is a time for fine dining and good company. Try and be good company. Use our wide base of knowledge to encourage lighthearted conversations and simply see where it takes us. We are trying to establish friendly relations, not probe their darkest secrets.
- [x] Be open to speaking with the Kaiu about Architecture but remain mindful of the other guests. We would not want to bore them with a subject they could not participate in.
[X] Simply observe but attempt to put our fellow guests at ease. This is a time for fine dining and good company. Try and be good company. Use our wide base of knowledge to encourage lighthearted conversations and simply see where it takes us. We are trying to establish friendly relations, not probe their darkest secrets.
- [x] Be open to speaking with the Kaiu about Architecture but remain mindful of the other guests. We would not want to bore them with a subject they could not participate in.
@primemountain I live in England, its why I riff on the scots so much. And if you want to talk monopolies I would suggest that you see what the UK's market like.
Quick google search suggests 90% is owned by BT and Virgin.

Would not surprise me in the slightest. Still, BT seem fairly decent, once I forgive the delay in actually getting my internet set up. My actual package is unlimited data, a minimum speed of 35Mb (normal rate being 40), a new landline and unlimited free weekend calls. Total cost... £32.99 a month.

I don't know precisely how fast that is, but it's pretty decent. I think it's fibre-optic broadband or something (not an engineer myself, obviously). But for my American compatriots, I get unlimited internet for $47.50/month, plus weekend calls. You tell me how good that is.

Come to think of it, I'm an Englishman living in northern Scotland. Might explain the slow service. The locals never did get over that whole 'bloody conquest and centuries of brutal oppression' thing. I mean, there's a statue of William Wallace in the town square...
35Mb for 50$? The normal price for 50Mb is 9$ over here, and its the slowest. Like the absolute slowest.

What the hell kind of prices are there in Britain? That is insane!

Also what is this data cap? You only get those for mobile phones here, and even then the better half of the packages just cut your speed than cut the access after you go over the data limit.

Data Cap for a home connection? Heresy! There would be revolution over here for such things. Or more realistically actually no customers for such a provider.

Basically its like this, if you can not download a good (4GBish) DVD quality movie while watching a few trailers (5 to 1o min max) then you switch provider.

Also, Seed. Don't be a Leecher!
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Feel our pain.
Theres only one place in the UK with a decent connection and its the bloody Scilly Isles of all places because they started their own internet company.

No, but see, like, I mean... gah.

Look this just does not make sense to me. You are West Europe& the US, tech leaders and all that, that means you kind have to have the best right? Aside from specialists like the four Asian tigers in cyber, i can understand ridiculous prices for a greater buying power, but I can not understand such substandard products.

Also, what do you mean they started their own internet company? I can choose from three cable Internet Network Providers where I live, and there exist only one nation wide, the former state company, the rest are mostly local ish, and I understand the state legislation does not really interfere with the whole internet thing.
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Look this just does not make sense to me. You are West Europe& the US, tech leaders and all that, that means you kind have to have the best right?
Its why monopolies are bad for consumers. As long as BT and Virgin agree not to outdo each other too much they don't need to compete and can charge high prices for the bare minimum and they aren't incentivised to actually upgrade. It's almost impossible for other companies to start to compete because they either have to piggyback off of the existing cable network (owned by BT and Virgin) or pay to install their own.
Also, what do you mean they started their own internet company? I can choose from three Internet Network Providers, and there exist only one nation wide, the former state company, the rest are mostly local ish, and I understand the state legislation does not really interfere with the whole internet thing.
I forget the exact details and my google fu is weak. I will retract that statement as I don't appear to be able to defend it, unless someone can step up to the task.
In the US, it's partially a matter of concentration. We're pretty spread out in a lot of places, which means that the distances to run cable are further - making a higher barrier to entry. While we don't have the BT/Virgin thing going on over the entire coutnry, you'll generally only have 1-3 companies providing landline service to any given location. You can tell, because when Google Fiber shows up, suddenly the rates for really high-speed internet plummet from the other providers... in exactly the area that Google Fiber is, while remainign just as high as before in surrounding areas.

Also, by and large, the folks in the US can afford higher premiums, so we get charged higher premiums. No reason to offer an internet service that no one can afford.
Its why monopolies are bad for consumers. As long as BT and Virgin agree not to outdo each other too much they don't need to compete and can charge high prices for the bare minimum and they aren't incentivised to actually upgrade. It's almost impossible for other companies to start to compete because they either have to piggyback off of the existing cable network (owned by BT and Virgin) or pay to install their own.
I forget the exact details and my google fu is weak. I will retract that statement as I don't appear to be able to defend it, unless someone can step up to the task.

And I misread and thought that BT and Virgin are the biggest, like our two biggest here, but then again combined they hardly make up for probably no more than 50% of all the users.

In the US, it's partially a matter of concentration. We're pretty spread out in a lot of places, which means that the distances to run cable are further - making a higher barrier to entry. While we don't have the BT/Virgin thing going on over the entire coutnry, you'll generally only have 1-3 companies providing landline service to any given location. You can tell, because when Google Fiber shows up, suddenly the rates for really high-speed internet plummet from the other providers... in exactly the area that Google Fiber is, while remaining just as high as before in surrounding areas.

Also, by and large, the folks in the US can afford higher premiums, so we get charged higher premiums. No reason to offer an internet service that no one can afford.

Yeah, but that is the thing, if its about concentration it still does not excuse it, not really, when you can provide say, 500 or 5000 units with something like a grand total of 3 to 15 employees, so you only need to get access to a high speed uncapped cable and then resell it. That is how they did it here. (now they are all grown up and serious, well serious-ish at least at their offices.)

For 3 , having a income of somewhere around say 18 (adjusted consumer price by worldwide index for us)$ x 500, that would be 9000 dollars a month minimum for 500 units, shared in a three way split, after a 25% tax that leaves you with 2250 a month, if you don't offer the hardware for free and you can damn well offer the installation for free if you are the three IT musketeers, just drill a hole in the wall pull the cable through, cut it and sabot it, and plug it into a modem or whatever. This of course started in apartment buildings, so its close by and easy to cable people in, also we did not have to put the cables underground, I still find it stupid that we have to but EU things happened. But still, that 2250 a month is 12$ and something a hour. You may have to lay your own infrastructure, but your projected income is above the minimum wage in the US by at least 50%, so you can pull it off.

And that is the minimum price that we have here, adjusted for the US, after the companies got better at it.
My offer is quite a old one that I pay like 20ish $ for a 100Mb(this comes of course with the TV that i never voluntary use and the phone that i also almost never use, but the extra 10$ are worth it for when i have family over and they need something shiny and noisy, for eight or twelve days a year), but I am eyeing a new deal when any network comes over with the GB cable so I can get the 200 Mb/s at 20 $, and then pay a extra 4$ to get the gigabyte offer and have a download speed of 1000Mb/s and upload of 200Mb/s.

Now I am salivating over download speeds and feel that downloading a DVD quality movie in minutes is the stone age when i could have it in few seconds.
[X] Simply observe but attempt to put our fellow guests at ease. This is a time for fine dining and good company. Try and be good company. Use our wide base of knowledge to encourage lighthearted conversations and simply see where it takes us. We are trying to establish friendly relations, not probe their darkest secrets.
- [x] Be open to speaking with the Kaiu about Architecture but remain mindful of the other guests. We would not want to bore them with a subject they could not participate in.
[X] Simply observe but attempt to put our fellow guests at ease. This is a time for fine dining and good company. Try and be good company. Use our wide base of knowledge to encourage lighthearted conversations and simply see where it takes us. We are trying to establish friendly relations, not probe their darkest secrets.
- [x] Be open to speaking with the Kaiu about Architecture but remain mindful of the other guests. We would not want to bore them with a subject they could not participate in.
[X] Simply observe but attempt to put our fellow guests at ease. This is a time for fine dining and good company. Try and be good company. Use our wide base of knowledge to encourage lighthearted conversations and simply see where it takes us. We are trying to establish friendly relations, not probe their darkest secrets.
- [x] Be open to speaking with the Kaiu about Architecture but remain mindful of the other guests. We would not want to bore them with a subject they could not participate in.
[X] Simply observe but attempt to put our fellow guests at ease. This is a time for fine dining and good company. Try and be good company. Use our wide base of knowledge to encourage lighthearted conversations and simply see where it takes us. We are trying to establish friendly relations, not probe their darkest secrets.
- [x] Be open to speaking with the Kaiu about Architecture but remain mindful of the other guests. We would not want to bore them with a subject they could not participate in.
5.03 - Comparitive Cuisine
As everyone takes their seats, servants filter in from the various entrances to the rock garden, bringing with them all manner of foodstuffs and cutlery. A quick glance over the food presented indicates a lack of anything truly spectacular or unusual, the Lion apparently aiming to be the standard from which all others deviate. Still, it should be nutritious enough, and since common etiquette shields you from needing to make any comment about the taste you suppose you will make do.

Across from you, the Kaiu grunts in displeasure at the food. "Bah. Never thought I would miss Wall cuisine." He says in a low tone. "I spent a large portion of yesterday trying to find somewhere that served fried food, but apparently no-one here eats it."

You notice that despite his displeasure, the Crab is still taking a large portion of the offered food for himself. That fits with what you know of his Clan, for no Crab would ever chose to weaken himself by going hungry when something edible is available, and at least the comment has given you a chance for some degree of conversation.

"You would likely have better luck in Scorpion lands, Kaiu-san." You offer even as you take some of the food for yourself. The choice of honorific is a deliberate one, reinforcing a common basis for interaction - none of those present are courtiers present for negotiations, and as such there is little to be gained by standing on ceremony. "I know our southern provinces have picked up some of your techniques over the years, though we tend to mix vegetables and spices in as well."

"Hmm. A shame it has not reached further north." The Kaiu says, before realizing that he hasn't introduced himself. "We have yet to speak, I think, though I watched you in the Display of Steel. I am Kaiu Hiraki."

"Soshi Naoto." You say with a nod, though you suspect he already knows that - indeed, you remember him being present when you spoke with Yasuki Mia, though he didn't say anything. "I imagine you might have more luck looking for the supplies necessary to fry something and provide appropriate instructions, rather than looking for anyone who already does so on a regular basis."

Shiba Danjuro decides to add his own thoughts here. "I might also suggest taking advantage of the local wood types." He says in a calm voice, picking at the poultry dish with his chopsticks. "Especially for cooked foods. Chicken roasted over pine wood tastes distinctly different from that which has been roasted over plum."

"Hmm. Making use of available resources is always a sensible plan." The Kaiu says thoughtfully. "I wonder what blending local techniques with Wall cooking would result in..."

The conversation continues from there, with the three of you exchanging ideas and recipes about your differing cooking styles, with a few comments about the associated social conventions thrown in on the side. The Unicorn - Iuchi Moshan, as he is apparently called - makes a few suggestions of his own but remains much more reserved. Considering the rumours you have heard about the Unicorn's dietary habits, that is probably a good thing.

By the time that the dishes are cleared away and everything is sufficiently full, you have... not a friendship as such, but the beginnings of a relationship established with both the Crab and the Phoenix. In both cases, you now have a standing excuse to seek them out for a conversation, and you suspect they might in turn seek to talk with you for one thing or another.

Now comes the true highlight of the evening. As you watch, heimin servants move to the upper end of the river and begin pouring sake into a series of small dishes. These are then placed on wooden platforms and sent down the length of the river, allowing any samurai present to pick them up. Doing so requires that you drink it dry and then recite a poem of some kind, before either returning the dish to the water to signal further participation or keeping hold of it to bow out.

How many drinks (and poems) will you attempt?
[ ] One, the minimum required before you can back out respectfully.
[ ] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
[ ] Go until you are too drunk to safely continue.

Provide an example of a poem you might recite, or a topic you would base one on.
[ ] Write in
Hmm trying to keep pace with a Crab is probably a non starter so...

[x] Go until you are too drunk to continue

[x] Poems about the Moon try to work in an allusion for our Ikoma friend to pick up what we know.

[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.

We are trying to be sociable and approachable. Going too much or to dry is poor showing, after all.
[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
-[x] Bow out before you get too drunk regardless.

[x] Start with a few poems about food. Easy to fit in seasonal references and sensations, fits into the theme of conversation, and generally unobjectionable.
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I'd say try to keep pace, but stop if we get too drunk.

As for topics... not sure. I think it'd be nice to sneak in one or two poems that subtly mourn Mariko; just feels kinda fitting for our character. Probably after a number of others, though, so it's less noticable and if necessary could be excused due to the alcohol.
Anything that would be expected at such an event? Maybe start off with a few that follow along a traditional topic or two, then suddenly switch to one that's seemingly completely unrelated?
Should we imply about a third party setting this inevitable duel? A rumor about it would certainly be interesting if it started propagating and then either be confirmed or at least pt pause to inter clan bullshit.
How many drinks (and poems) will you attempt?
[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you, but do not be afraid end in the lead.
-[x]Pace yourself. Try and give a good showing, however be careful. You do not want to get fully drunk.

Provide an example of a poem you might recite, or a topic you would base one on.
[x] Write in - Poems about a young maiden bringing honour to her family, her reflections on who she is meant to be, about what it means to be a warrior in a macho culture, and then what kind of a girl is really worth fighting for.

My reasoning: These are all classics with a very strong basis to be adapted to Rokugan. The first song can be in reference to Rokugan noblewoman and in respect and appreciation to not only those who marry to their family, but in leading down the other songs in appreciation of samurai-ko. The second is a moving piece about a maiden's reflections of her true character, while the third breaks down the expectations of a warrior, while the fourth is a little more humourous but still heartwarming, thus in-line with getting drunker. Especially if we somehow manage to finagle a straw doll or if there's a young girl at the table to point to for the heartwarming ending.
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[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
-[x] Bow out before you get too drunk regardless.

[x] Start with a few poems about food. Easy to fit in seasonal references and sensations, fits into the theme of conversation, and generally unobjectionable.

Let's go with food.

One never goes wrong when is about food.